• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Behind the Alien: Gemini

Good evening, explorers and omni-planetary travellers. I welcome you back to our exciting galactic tour, as we arrive at the next planet on our list of places to see and explore.

Today, we'll be heading to the gem infused home-world of Flash Sentry's crystal copying alien. Gemini.

Rock collectors are sure to get charge out of this exploration, haha. But seriously, do not pick up any of the rocks you find here. At least not without wearing rubber gloves or something. You'll understand when we get there.

Let's dive in.

The scene opens up on a planet that looks like a completely barren rock. Its covered in storm clouds and looks like the most depressing place in the universe to live.

Geodora. Though not much to look at on the surface, this planet is brimming with beauty. Though to see it, one must look past its less than admirable surface and search deeper.

The camera zooms in on the planet and travels through the crust of the planet, arriving within it to reveal the inside was full of crystals. Every inch of it had gems of all different shapes and colours growing out of it. These crystals had made tunnels running through them, turning the entire planet into a giant maze of gems.

A marvellous natural accomplishment, the entire planet is actually a giant geode. Little is known about the creation of this planet, but many scholars believe it was once part of a volcanic planet that suffered a tremendous eruption that tore it apart and sent Geodora into space.

There, the hot lava cooled down and formed an air bubble within. And over millions of years, minerals floating through space were slowly absorbed into the air bubble and slowly formed the geode within before the planet fell into gravitational alignment within a solar system and created the planet we know today.

The scene changed to an area of the planet's interior, where a large chamber could be seen full of crystals. And it is here that we find the subject of today's exploration.

Name: Duplibuncle
Alien Type: Intelligent Mammal
Intelligence: 3/20
Abilities: Creating up to six duplicates, Creating force-fields from the gems on its body
Form: White humanoid rabbit, standing at around four feet in height. Three foot long ears that bend down halfway, with a two foot long white horse-like tail. Crystals on its forehead, chest, shoulders, back of the wrist, knees and tail tip, each glowing red, blue, yellow, green, orange, pink and indigo.

The duplibuncle. Geodora's only intelligent inhabitant. An interesting creature, whose bodies store a strange spectrum energy of unknown origin. Said energy is stored and expelled from them using the gem-like protrusions covering their body.

Several young duplibuncles can be seen running around the crystal chamber, playing some form of tag. The one that was it, was chasing another and couldn't quite catch them, only for the blue light to fly off their body and shoot past the one they were chasing.

This blue light hit the ground and took shape, forming an exact copy of the duplibuncle. Only the gems on this one were only blue and it quickly leapt forward, attempting to tag the one in front of it.

But before it could touch it, the duplibuncle's gems glowed and unleashed a shield of light that was every colour of the rainbow. The blue duplibuncle crashed into this shield and fell back, exploding back into the blue light that returned to original.

Duplibuncles have the ability to expel this spectrum energy in two distinct ways. Either using it to form an exact copy of themselves, or to generate a shield. However, the shield's strength depends on how much of spectrum energy the duplibuncle holds. Their energies are divided into seven distinct colour and when a replicant is created, it inherits only one of those coloured energies whilst the others remain within the original.

Every time a new replicant is created, the original's shield strength is weakened. At full power, the original's shields are strong enough to survive over twenty eight kilotons of explosive force. This combination of powers is what have allowed the duplibuncle to not only survive, but thrive.

The scene changes to show several duplibuncle trekking through a crystal cave.

They soon approached an unexplored section and as they did, one of them unleashed the green light that took form and nodded as it headed down the tunnel. They looked around, not seeing anything that might put the real it in danger. But as he was thinking that, part of the wall began to shift and a large gem suddenly fell towards it.

The replicant looked up and its eyes went wide as it was suddenly crushed beneath the gem. When it was, its body exploded back into the light and flew back down the tunnel.

Should a duplibuncle replicant's physically destroyed, the spectrum energy will return to the original. However, a replicant must be cautious when too far away from the original.

If the spectrum energy is outside the duplibuncle or its clone for more than five minutes, that energy will disappear and the duplibuncle will be heavily incapacitated. The energy is so directly tied into the duplibuncle's life force, that losing it permanently would be like having one's soul lose a piece.

The green energy returned to the duplibuncle, who sighed as the memories of his clone flew through his mind.

A duplibuncle's lifespan is a little over a hundred years. But duplibuncles that lose a spectrum energy colour have never lived that long, fifteen or so years being shaved off their life expectancy with every loss. Because of this, many replicants chose to stay in close proximity to their originator. This power protects the duplibuncle's life and allows for greater teamwork when facing dangers. And Geodora, despite its inner beauty, has its fair share of dangers.

Another group of duplibuncle were marching through the crystal tunnels, each of them on the lookout for something that might be dangerous.

As they passed a group of crystals, one of the gems on the wall suddenly began to spark with blue lightning.

The sound caught a duplibuncle's ears and it looked around, only to see the crystal looked perfectly normal. It shrugged and turned back to the others, only for the crystal to spark again. And this time, that sparking didn't stop and a bolt of lightning shot off the gemstone.

The duplibuncles all spun around and saw the lightning, which shot towards them and began to take form. And from out of it, a large cat-like creature appeared and let out a roar as it prepared to cut the rabbits apart with its sharp claws.

Name: Voltiger
Alien Type: Predatory Mammal
Intelligence: 0/20
Abilities: Convert body from physical form to electrical energy
Form: Tiger-like alien standing at around three meters in length from nose to tail. Electric blue fur with white lightning bolt shaped stripes covering it.

The duplibuncles barely managed to put up a shield, the beast bouncing off of it and leaping back. It growled at the duplibuncle before its body exploded into electrical energy, which shot into a nearby crystal.

Voltigers are one of Geodora's strongest predatory species. This unusual creature takes the form of a strangely coloured Earth tiger, but possess the ability to transmute its body into an electrical form. In this form, voltigers are able to reach speeds of over two hundred miles an hour. But they cannot remain in this form for very long, or else the electrical charge they output will cause the voltiger's body to lose mass and nutrition. There is one exception, however.

Certain gems that make up Geodora's interior are in a state of persistent photo-conductivity. Because of this, they are capable of conducting and even storing high voltage for an extraordinarily long time.

This allows the voltigers to store themselves within these special gems of Geodora, which prevents them from losing body weight. Here they lay in wait, keeping a watchful eye out for their prey to arrive. And once there, they strike.

The duplibuncle quickly ran from the voltiger, which shot back out of the crystal and chased after them. The beast tried to tackle them in electric form, but it is unable to breach their shields. Eventually, it is forced to return to physical form and this allowed the much faster duplibuncle to hop away.

The voltiger tried to give pursuit, but it didn't have the stamina to last very long. It eventually came to a stop, panting as it tried to regain its breath.

The duplibuncle got away and the voltiger was forced to make its way through the crystal tunnels and head back to its den, which is a small dead-end tunnel off shoot. There, another voltiger was laying around with a strangely large stomach. It was pregnant.

A female, voltiger will only have one cub every six or seven years. And during that time, they must remain still and keep their energy up. Going hungry for even a day, can risk it losing the cub.

Seeing its mate resting, the voltiger remembered it hadn't eaten if three days. If it didn't get any food soon, it would lose their offspring.

As such, the beast headed back out into the caves. And despite not having eaten anything in five days, it soldiered on. And eventually, it managed to pick up a scent.

Sniffing the ground, it followed this scent through the tunnels until it came across what it had been tracking. A lone duplibuncle, likely having got separated from the rest of its group, is trying to find its way back home. But it had only found a hunter, who had yet to be noticed by its unfortunate prey.

The beast laid in wait, as the duplibuncle stood there trying to decide which way it needed to go. And once it turned its back to the voltiger, the electrical beast shot into action and ran around the corner. Using the last of its strength to transform into its electrical state, it pounced and the duplibuncle spun around.

It tried to put up a shield, but it wasn't fast enough.

The lightning bolt slammed into its chest and zapped the poor creature with a few hundred thousand volts, rendering it dead before it had the chance to even realize what was happening.

The bolt of lightning flew back out the duplibuncle and reformed the voltiger, which sniffed the fried rabbit and took a few bites of it. It would need all the energy it could manage in order to keep itself from collapsing. It focused on the less nourishing parts of the alien, the arms and ears. They didn't have much meat on them, but it would be enough to keep it going.

It then picked up the rest of the carcass and headed back to its den, where its mate instantly started chowing down on the rest of the duplibuncle.

Like Earth big cats, voltigers will eat every piece of the animal. Including the bones. In fact, eating these bones are essential for both their digestive and dental health.

In order to avoid voltigers, duplibuncles must almost always be on alert.

Back at the duplibuncle home chamber, the older members of the warren were standing at the entrance of every exit. Many holes were needed, for if there weren't any voltigers would simply stalk out the entrance and force them to starve to death.

One of the guards heard something approaching, its ears twitching at an approaching sound. He stood tall and created shield, which filled the entire tunnel and made it impossible to get past into the chamber.

It waited, as the footsteps got closer and closer. And eventually, the source of the sound turned a corner and was revealed to be a bunch of duplibuncle running towards it with bags thrown over their shoulders.

The guard kept the shield up until they were right in front of it, then looked around and saw no sign of a voltiger or anything else that might be a danger to the warren. It finally nodded and lowered the shield, allowing the others to enter and they all patted him on the shoulder and took something out of the bag to hand to him.

He took it and smiled seeing it was some kind red fruit, which it bit into whilst the returning duplibuncle handed the rest of the fruit out to those in the warren.

The scene then returns to the surface of the planet, where a small cave can be seen that appeared to lead down into the crystal caverns.

From out of this cave, an orange duplibuncle replicant poked its head out to look around. Once it was sure nothing was dangerous, it made a gesture and rushed out the cave. The original and some other duplibuncle soon followed, the lot running as fast as they could through the rock filled environment.

Despite Geodora's mostly rock-like habitat. Several areas of the planet are capable of growing vegetation. Usually, plants and fruit can be found growing within the caves of mountains and in a few underground areas. Because of this, the duplibuncle must make frequent trips up to the surface in order to gather food.

Now many of you may wonder, why don't the duplibuncles just live on the surface? It might not be much to look at, but it has food and no voltigers. Well unfortunately, the surface holds an even more dangerous threat for the replicating aliens. The most dangerous predator on Geodora.

The duplibuncle are heading towards a cave that houses the fruit they're after. But as they ran across the storming surface, something is watching them from atop a large rock pillar. Something that quickly leapt into the air and flew after them, a high pitched buzzing sound filling the air as it did.

The Stab-Stinger.

Name: Stab-Stinger
Alien Type: Predatory Insect
Intelligence: 0/20
Abilities: Flight, Energy generation and energy projectile launching
Form: Yellow and black hornet-like alien of around seven or eight feet in height. Body split into three sections. One yellow head, with two large compound eyes and a pair of short black antenna. One large round yellow and black body, with four legs sticking out the front and four clear insect wings sticking out the back. One large thorax longer than the head and body combined, yellow in colour with black lines and a long glowing white stinger. Top two arms have long white lance-like weapons that glow like the stringer, with its bottom legs being thicker with yellow and black armoring that each end in a white point that glows.

The duplibuncle continue to run as fast as they can, only for their high pitched ears to catch the buzzing sound and look around to see the creature in question chasing after them. The wasp alien quickly approached, its glowing lances and stingers glowing in the storm clouded shade.

Stab-Stingers are Geodora's most vicious creature. Capable of flying over a hundred miles an hour, this alien insect can generate an energy that is similar in nature to the spectrum energy the duplibuncle can produce. However, this energy works on an entirely different wavelength to the duplibuncle's. Because of this...

As it got closer, the Stab-Stinger's abdomen sting glowed bright and it thrust it forwards. Doing so caused a needle of light to shoot out and fly towards the duplibuncles.

One of them skidded to a stop and and it did, it created a barrier using all seven of its energies. However, the energy needles simply passed through it and stabbed the poor rabbit alien in the chest.

The creature gasped as it began to fall to the ground, one of its friends stopping to run back and save it. But as it put up a shield, the stab-stinger flew down and landed on top of it. It then used the lance on its arm to stab the shield, the impact allowing it to pierce the shield like it was a balloon.

The duplibuncle gasped as the wasp attacked, the foolish rabbit soon joining its friend in the everafter.

The normally impenetrable shield might as well not be there, as the stab-stinger's energy cancels in out instantly. Because of this, a duplibuncle's only hope when coming across one of these creatures is to try and outrun or outsmart it.

The remaining duplibuncle ran as fast as they could, but more stab-stingers were soon following them close behind.

They entered an area with several more stone pillars, the rabbits rushing into it hoping to outmanoeuvre them in there. But the stab-stingers were just as agile and managed to fly around the pillars without much difficulty.

One of these wasps began to draw closer to a duplibuncle, but the rabbit quickly saw a pillar that looked pretty weathered. And as the stab-stinger got closer, the duplibuncle put a barrier around it before leaping up as hard as it could.

The alien rabbit shot through the air, the sphere of rainbow light remaining around it as the giant wasp tried to stab it. But before it could reach the duplibuncle, the sphere slammed into the rock pillar and broke through it. This caused the rock's top to start falling and as the duplibuncle reached the other side, the stab-stinger found itself getting hit by the giant stone and being crushed beneath it.

The duplibuncle landed and sighed, then kept running. It met up with the rest of its cohorts, which had managed to escape the other stab-stingers as they approached the small mountain that held the fruit full caves.

Inside the caves, the duplibuncle began gathering whatever they could. The fruit their warren needed, along with bits of tree and bark they could use to make and repair sacks. Once their bags were choked full, they headed back out cave and started leaping down the sides of the cliff.

Getting back was a lot harder than getting to the cave, as now they would need to avoid their predators whilst making sure everything they had collected didn't get damaged.

Another stab-stinger swarm attacked, but the duplibuncles managed to escape them without losing any more members. When they got back to the cave, they headed down with the stab-stingers too big and too flight dependant to head down into the crystal tunnels.

They still had to be careful, since there was a chance a voltiger might attack them. And sure enough, one of the giant beasts did appear from around a corner and pounced at them.

The lead duplibuncle created a shield and the voltiger bounced off it, whilst the other two sent out a replicant that charged at the beast. Using their strong legs, the copies bounced around the tunnel until they were able to slam a foot into the voltiger and knocked it down.

This allowed the duplibuncle to run forward and leap over the creature before putting up some shield on the other side. They used this to get away, the replicants staying back to keep the voltiger from following. But eventually, they chose to pop and return to the originals.

The voltiger tried to give chase, but the duplibuncles were faster.

Every trip to the surface comes with its own set of risks. That is why, only the best duplibuncles of the warren are selected to go.

Back in the crystal chamber, the duplibuncles were watching as two of them were fighting against each other. One was a young upstart, wanting to prove he was the best so he could see what was outside their crystal home. The other was a veteran, who had survived numerous trips to the surface world.

The veteran had seen many of its comrades become food. It would not allow another unprepared fool go on a suicide mission.

The pair charged and the youngster threw the first kick, but the veteran countered before dealing a punch to the stomach. This knocked the youngster back and as he hit the ground, all but his blue energy flew out of his gems and formed relicants that leapt at the veteran.

The older duplibuncle unleashed his own energies, though only the green, red and orange ones. These formed the replicants and they quickly leapt at the others, taking them on two on one. And to all those watching's surprise, the older duplibuncle was able to defeat all six of them whilst the original rushed at the youngster.

Before he could properly recover from the last hit, the veteran dealt a kick right to his chest before getting behind him and dealing a punch to his back.

This caused the younger duplibuncle to fall to the ground and the veteran pinned him down, his replicants returning to him as the youngster tried to fight back. But it was no good. He had lost and would not be making trips to the surface. At least not yet.

Geodora. A harsh and dangerous world to call home. But fortunately, we were just visiting. Join us next time, as we explore the home-world of another of Flash's new aliens. Prepare yourselves for one of the most beautiful sights in all the known universe, as we take a trip to see a rainbow dwarf star. Onwards, to our next big adventure.

Author's Note:

Gemini is one of my favourite OC Aliens. When I thought about making a duplicator alien for Flash, I thought coming up with a name would be impossible.

Luckily, I happened to be watching a certain tokusatsu series that used something called a Gemini to mimic others. This made me have a brainwave and looked up crystal creatures, which led to me choosing to use a carbuncle as the base and the rest fell into place.

Hope you enjoyed this one.

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