• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 1, Episode 10: Bemusement Ride

In a jewelry store in the middle of Canterlot, alarms rang as a trio of crooks rushed out of the building carrying bags full of valuables.

The three quickly saw a police officer on patrol in front of them and dashed to the left into a walkway with trees lining it on either side, the officer giving chase but not being able to match their speed. The three men laughed as they pulled ahead, only for something to suddenly grab them from behind and make them cry out as thy were lifted into the air.

They looked around and found the branches of the trees were the ones doing this, as they had somehow come to life and reached out to grab them with their branches.

"Naughty, naughty, naughty." They looked forward and gasped seeing an alien plant slowly walking towards them, the alien reaching out to them as his vine arm extended and grabbed their bags before they could get a better hold of them. "You known these aren't yours." The policeman arrived and Bushwhacker threw him the bags, the man smiling at him as he turned to leave.

Later that day, at CHS, Flash Sentry was sitting in his science class with his phone out watching footage of Bushwhacker's amazing crime bust on his phone.

"Okay!" The teacher told the class, "how do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and B?" She looked around and saw a hand rise, "Trixie?"

"It's a product of sine of the angle and gravity divided by the mass.?"

"Nope," the teacher replied before noticing a student looking down at his desk. "Flash?" The teen's head shot up, quickly hiding his phone under a book. "You still with us?" Flash nodded. "Then maybe you'd like to answer this?" Flash looked up at the board and saw the equation, thanking god he had Twilight as a tutor.

"Err...mass cancels out, so it's just gravity times sine."

"Correct." Flash looked over at Trixie and the girl looked back to smirk, the friends turning back to the teacher as she put up another equation.

A man had been driving across a bridge over the river when his tyre suddenly gave out, causing him to swerve and crash through the divider.

He screamed as his car began to tip over the edge, the water looking to be his next destination. But before he could fall, something grew out of the bridge's side and the tip of his car landed on it. That something was a platform of crystal, which saved him from his watery fate.

The next thing he knew, something big appeared behind him and pushed down on his car's rear. This brought him back up onto the bridge, allowing him to drive backwards out of danger. When he looked out, he saw Diamondhead smiling at him as he moved over to repair the bridge.

Flash was in gym class, playing dodgeball with the rest of his friends.

A rubber projectile shot towards him and he dived out of the way. He then dodged a second, caught a third and used it to deflect a forth before firing it towards Sandalwood and hitting him in the chest. His team cheered as one of Flash's teammates returned to the field due to him catching a ball, the pair and the rest of their active teammates continuing to whoop some butt.

A little girl was sitting in a tall branch of the tree, having climbed up to try and bring her cat down.

But now that she had her car, she realised she couldn't get down without looking downwards and that caused her to freeze up in fear. But before she could scream for help, she felt something wrap around her waist and lift her off the branch.

Looking down, she couldn't see anything but she could feel something smooth and scaly. She was about to scream, but quickly found herself being lifted down towards the ground. And once her feet were on it, the thing around her waist uncoiled itself.

She turned towards the tree and saw a lizardy head appear for a brief moment before giving her a wave and disappearing, with just its grinning mouth and three coloured eyes remaining for a few seconds only to vanish as well.

Flash was in baking club, he and Pinkie working on a delicious looking cake.

Flash had just finished mixing the batter and slid the bowl over to Pinkie, who grabbed it without even looking before pouring it into the baking tray. There was still some left over, so she slid the bowl back towards Flash who started spooning it into cupcake tins.

An hour or so later, the pair were enjoying two of the cupcakes whilst pouring icing on the rest.

At a construction sight, a man had had an accident. Part of the area he was working on had collapsed and he was trapped under a metal beam.

He wasn't hurt, but none of his coworkers could lift the heavy beam off of him and more of the building was beginning to come apart. If they didn't get him out of there soon, he would be a dead man.

Luckily, help came in the form of a green pool of living slime that flew into the construction site much to their surprise. "Get ready to pull him up." Goop wrapped both arms around the beam on either side of the man, the workers watching as the metal was slowly eaten away until the beam was split into three parts.

They quickly pulled their trapped friend out from under the smaller beam that pinned him, right as the building collapsed and crushed Goop beneath a half ton of metal and concrete.

But before anyone could mourn the fallen alien, drops of green slime slithered out from the gaps of the mound and reform the humanoid. They all cheered as Goop waved before flying away.

Trixie had just arrived at school and as she stepped into the building, all she could hear anyone talk about was Flash.

Technically, they were talking about all the different aliens and how they had been on fire the last week with saving the day. But since she knew who those aliens were, she couldn't help but feel a little worried. And that worry intensified when she spotted Flash at his locker looking rather tired.

"You okay?" She asked, stepping up to him as he closed his locker. "You look like you didn't get enough sleep last night."

"I'm fine," Flash assured her. "Just had to finish my english homework. And my math, science, history..." Trixie frowned, knowing Flash was up late doing all the homework he couldn't do earlier because he was out saving people. "It's fine. I got it all done."

"What was the last subject you did?" She asked, Flash replying history. "Can Trixie take a look at it for a moment."

"I'm not letting you copy off of me."

"Just hand it over!" Flash rolled his eyes and pulled it out, handing it to Trixie who quickly started flipping through it. "Huh, interesting. I thought we were supposed to be writing our reports on the Cold War, not the Bold War." Flash's eyes went wide and he quickly snatched it away from her, moaning at the sight of the B in place of all those Cs in the report. And that wasn't his only spelling mistake. "Clearly, someone is overdoing it. All this hero work is making you mess up in other parts of life."

"I'm fine," he assured her. "So I made a little mistake. I'll just say my spellchecker glitched and I didn't realise it."

"And what if your other homework has a few mistakes. You know how hard Mr Doodle comes down on people who make mistakes in their homework."

"I'm fine," Flash assured her before turning to leave.

Trixie watched him and sighed, "he needs a break." She had to think of a way to get him to take a day off. Even if he didn't mess up the rest of his homework, Trixie knew that all work and no play would lead to nothing but disaster. And luckily, she knew just the person to help her.

"Flash needs to have fun?" Pinkie asked, as Trixie joined the Rainbooms at lunch that day. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Is Flash really in need of a break?" Rainbow asked. "What exactly could he be doing outside of school? He's not in his band anymore." The Rainbooms frowned at her, knowing that was a sore subject to bring up. "Did he get a job or something?"

"I don't remember seein' him at the mall or anyplace a teen could get a job," Applejack pointed out. "What exactly's the lad doin' these days?"

"That's...not my secret to tell," Trixie explained. "But come on. The guy needs a serious break. Look at everything he's been through. The stuff at Flurry's birthday, that Negatine guy, us being trapped underground with dinosaurs, that tech eating robot and other stuff I can't even begin to describe." The Rainbooms frowned, then looked over and saw Flash walking in with a tray of food and they saw he did appear a little exhausted.

"Maybe you're right," Sunset nodded. "Maybe he does need a break."

"Maybe we all do," Twilight explained. "Most of us were around during those same events."

"Exactly," Trixie nodded. "You all need a day off from being magical girls. So why don't we do something fun this Saturday. Something that doesn't involve dangerous monsters, aliens and magically enchanted objects."

"We're all up for that," Rarity told her. "But it might not be so easy to get a day away from all the insane things that have started following us. It's almost like the magic is drawn to us. Like it's trying to get in the way of our lives."

"Well let it find another day to mess with you," Trixie stated. "This Saturday is all about us and Flash having fun. You girls with me?" They all nodded, as Fluttershy spoke up.

"But how are you gonna get Flash to have fun? If he's so into what he's been doing, he might not let himself take time off."

"Don't worry," the blue skinned girl smirked. "Trixie has an idea. All we'll need is for Twilight to borrow something from her brother." Twilight wasn't sure she liked where this was going.

On Saturday morning, Flash and Trixie were driving out of town on the way to an amusement park.

This park wasn't as big or as glamorous as Equestria Land, but it still had a lot of fun rides, great games and the tastiest most unhealthy fast food money could buy. It was a great place to spend the day.

"Thanks for driving me," Trixie told Flash. "I'm sure you're eager to be out looking for people to save in alien form." Flash smirked at her, appearing to think she had forgotten about their little disagreement the other day.

"No problem. Who knows, we might find somebody on the way that needs alien help." But they didn't, much to Trixie joy. Their trip to the park was uneventful, with the only exciting thing being the pair singing to a song they both enjoyed when it came on the radio.

Eventually, they arrived at the amusement park and Flash pulled into the lot where he spotted a bunch of very familiar vehicles. "Is that Fluttershy's car?" He asked when he saw the pink and white compact. "And is that Rainbow's bike...and Applejack's truck?"

"Huh," Trixie pulled out her phone, "the Rainbooms must have come here as well. What are the chances?" Flash shot her a look as he pulled into an empty slot, wondering what she was up to. But before he could ask, her phone's call got through. "The butter is in the pan. Turn on the heat!"

"What?" In a blur of motion, his car was suddenly locked into place. "Huh?" He got out of his car and looked down at the wheel, being shocked to see a certain item wrapped around it. "You booted my car!"

"Sorry Flash," Trixie got out. "But this is for your own good." The rest of the Rainbooms appeared and stepped up to him. "The girls an I all agree that you need to have a day off from...you're very busy life." Flash frowned at this.

"Come on Flash!" Pinkie cried out, "this'll be fun!"

"It's not like we're giving you much of a choice," Rainbow laughed as Flash let out a groan.

Trixie stepped up next to him and spoke quietly, "do yourself a favour Flash. Even cops have days off. If you don't have some fun, you're gonna hit burnout."

"But what if someone needs me?"

"I doubt the world is gonna end just because you decided to spend one whole day as a human. Come on. If you're not doing it for yourself, do it for me." She gave Flash puppy dog eyes and Flash groaned.

"Fine," he growled before pointing at her, "but you're paying for my ticket."

"Trixie expected that," she smirked before they all began to head towards the entrance. Luckily, they were one of the first people there so there wasn't much of a line to get in. When they stepped through the gates, they found the place was a mixture of old and new rides. There were many rollercoasters, but there were also a bunch of booths filled with games and even a carousel.

"Wow," Flash whistled. "Okay, this could be fun." The girls smiled at this and knowing they would likely all want to experience different things, and wanting to give Flash and Trixie some alone time, the Rainbooms rushed off and split up. "So...what do you wanna do first?"

"Not sure," Trixie frowned. "What's the most exciting ride in the park?"

"None of these rides are exciting." The pair stopped walking and turned towards the voice, where they spotted a man in his late twenties wearing a jumpsuit with the park's logo on it. He was currently crouching down next to an electronic map and billboard, working one the machinery that powered it. "Sorry to tell you this, you wasted your money if you came looking for something fun to do. Every ride here is super boring."

"Really?" Flash asked, looking over at one of the rollercoasters. "That one looks fun."

The man glanced at it and rolled his eyes. "Please, that one lost its spark years ago. Rides today aren't epic enough to get the blood pumping. That one could easily have three more loops, a sudden drop and be twice as fast."

"Doesn't sound very safe," Trixie frowned.

The man shrugged as he used his spanner to tighten something before closing the machine's door. Doing so made it switch on, showing a map of the park but also showing different adverts for soft drinks and other interesting items that sponsored the park.

The man began to put his tools away as Trixie pulled Flash away from him, the pair disappearing into the crowd before he could start complaining again. He did try to do just that, but found the teens were gone and groaned before turning to head to his next assignment.

"That guy needs to learn to enjoy the little things," Trixie told Flash.

"Yeah. Not everything has to be big and epic." He spotted a bunch of kids on a kiddie swing ride, the lot of them enjoying it without it needing to do anything extreme. "Whatever, let's forget about him and start having fun."

"Now you're getting into the spirit!" Trixie smirked before the pair ran off to find the first thing they could enjoy. That first thing was a rollercoaster, the pair managing to get one the front car and both cried out as it shot forwards with great speed.

Flash was so used to moving at superspeed, that the feel of the wind against his skin was barely anything. Even so, he still enjoyed the ride as it flew around the track.

After the rollercoaster, the two of them headed over to the waltz and found Pinkie and Twilight. The four shared a booth and enjoyed the constant spinning motion and multitude of colours that spiralled above them as they did. Afterwards, they headed over to another rollercoaster and spotted Fluttershy and a very bored Rainbow enjoying the carousel, then spotted Applejack, Sunset and Rarity playing games in the booths.

It was one rollercoaster, then a house of mirrors, another rollercoaster, a river rapids ride, twenty minutes in the drying chamber. Every now and then, the group would split up to do something separately but met up many times when they found a ride they all liked. Throughout the entire event, Flash didn't once look at the Omnitrix or worry about who might need him as an alien. He enjoyed himself the way teenagers are supposed to and it was amazing.

Meanwhile, the maintenance man Flash and Trixie had spoken to before was busy working on one of the rides that was currently down for maintenance.

It was a simple rollercoaster, one meant for kids who wanted a less intense ride. In others words, it was rather boring and the man absolutely hated it. "I can't believe the park wasted their money making this hunk of junk. I bet I could have come up with something way better at half the cost." Ever since he was a child, this man had always loved amusement parks. It was his dream to one day own his own and decide exactly what kind of rides would get to be built to entertain the masses. Working as someone who only got to fix the boring rides that should never have been built was not his idea of a dream job.

He was currently tightening and replacing some old bolts, the man using his spanner to loosen a bolt that he then took off by hand. As he put the spanner down and found a replacement bolt, something began to fly around above him. A small cloud of Equestrian Magic.

The cloud seemed drawn to him, as he found the bolt and started screwing it on. It floated behind his back for a second before drifting downwards towards his ever handy tool.

As soon as it touched the spanner, the metal tool sucked it in before it began to glow and suddenly transformed. In a flash, the metal turned bright red with a skull on the side of it.

Right after transforming, he picked it up and let out a sigh as he reached to tighten the bolt. "If only I had the chance to improve this ride. I bet I could make it a million times better. Double the speed, put on a bunch of loop-the-loops and make it zigzag several times." As he said that, he pressed the spanner onto the bolt and something happened.

A light flew out of the spanner and into the ride, causing it to start glowing. As it did, the rollercoaster started to change. It gained a paint job similar to the spanners and several more loop-the-loops appeared on a flat stretch of the track. Another straight section also morphed so that cart would constantly change direction a bunch of times. Finally, the cart itself transformed to gain a hot-rod paint job with a devil painted on the front.

He stared up at the coaster and couldn't believe his eyes. It was just how he imagined it. But...how?

He looked down at his spanner and realised it had changed, the mechanic's mind putting the pieces together. "Oh," he smirked, "this is perfect. When they saw how much better I've made the park, they're gonna promote me for sure." He ran off, but not before switching the closed sign to open.

Surprisingly, no one else had noticed the suddenly transformation of the coaster. So when they saw the ride was open and ready to be ridden, they rushed over to get in line.

As this was going on, Flash and Trixie had just grabbed something to eat at a food truck.

Trixie had gotten a hot-dog smothered in onions, ketchup and mustard, whilst Flash had gotten a double decker burger with cheese in the middle, onions and ketchup on one side and relish and gherkins on the other. It was delicious. "Um!" He moaned after the first bite, he and Trixie enjoying their lunches whilst looking around at all the games. They had gotten their fill of rides for the moment and decided to try out some of the booths, but couldn't decide which one to play at first.

"Maybe we should try going for an old classic," Trixie suggested as she finished off her hot-dog and spotted one of the booths with just what she was looking for. "Over there!" She rushed over to a booth as Flash shoved the rest of his burger into his mouth and followed, the pair seeing it was a simple game that involved throwing a ball and knocking over some bottles.

"You kids interested?" The booth runner asked, Trixie nodding as he handed her three balls.

She smirked as she picked up the first one and aimed, letting the ball loose to go soaring towards the bottles. Alas, she missed and the ball sailed over them. She then tried with the second, getting closer but still missing. "Ahh!" She grabbed the last one and threw it as hard as she could, the ball shooting across the booth towards the bottles. But it also missed, making Trixie scream out in frustration as Flash chuckled. "Alright, smart guy." She pushed him in front of the booth, "you try."

Flash smirked as he handed over a ticket and got three balls. He held the first one in his hand for a few moments, getting used to its weight and the feel of it. He then focused on the bottles and determined their distance. After a few seconds, he prepared his shot. But just as Flash was about to throw it, something happened.


Flash dropped the ball in surprise, he and Trixie looking over to see a nearby rollercoaster falling apart. One of the loops had come off the track after the cart flew through it, the metal breaking and causing it to fall down through the wooden structure below.

And what was worse. The cart was still racing along the track and would soon make a second circuit, meaning it was end up flying off the end of the track and go flying through the air.

Trixie turned to Flash and saw he had already started running towards the coaster, the girl sighing as she ran after him. "Can't the universe give the guy a break for one day?"

Flash activated the watch and cycled through it until he found the alien he wanted, the teen slapping it down as he rushed between two booths out of sight. A bright flash of green flew out of that area and as Trixie got closer, she saw Vapaw leap out from behind it.

The people around this area saw the alien and screamed in surprise, as he grabbed onto a lamppost up above the booths and started at the coaster. He quickly swung back and forth before letting go, the smoke lion flying towards the coaster and swinging atop two more lamps before reaching it.

As soon as he landed on the wooden structure, he started climbing up it towards the quickly approaching rollercoaster. As he did, the Rainbooms rushed onto the scene and saw what was happening. "What's going on?" Twilight asked, as someone who had been watching turned to her.

"That coaster was going way too fast!" He cried, "like a hundred miles an hour!" Sure enough, the cart was going incredible fast. Monsterably fast, which meant stopping it wasn't going to be easy.

"We gotta do something!" Rainbow cried, looking ready to run to it.

"How?" Fluttershy asked, "we can't stop something like that."

"But maybe he can," Rarity pointed at Vapaw, who had just reached the top of the coaster. He ran forwards as the cart flew towards him, the alien knowing something very concerning.

"This is gonna hurt!" He braced himself and dug his back paws into the tracks before thrusting his claws out, the cart slamming into him with enough force that almost broke his bone. "RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared in pain, as he was pushed backwards with his paws ripping through the wood of the tracks. This was slowing the cart down, but not enough to stop them before they reached the end of the tracks.

The people's screams deafened him and he hoped something would happen to save them. And as it happened, something did.

A blue blur shot up along the tracks, moving fast enough to go through all the loop-the-loops and zig-zags before reaching the cart. Within seconds, Applejack was deposited on the back of the last cart whilst the blue blur grabbed the people on said cart and whisked them away. "Need a hand?" She asked before summoning her magical super strength.

She forced her feet into the tracks and pulled back, causing the cart to also slow down. But it still wasn't enough to stop it before it reached the end of the tracks.

However, it did slow it down enough for Rainbow to act. The girl quickly zipped back and forth between the coaster and the platform, grabbing someone from out of the carts and running them to safety. As the coaster reached the end of the track, only two people were left in the coaster and Rainbow was running back to them.

Vapaw saw she wasn't gonna make it, so pulled himself up. "Time to go!" He ripped the bar holding the two off and pulled them up onto his shoulders, Applejack seeing this and letting go whilst Vapaw leapt into the air.

Down on the ground, everyone gasped when the coaster flew off the tracks and came crashing down into the rest of the ride. It smashed through the wood and send debris flying in every direction, the people screaming and running for cover. Luckily, Rarity made a bunch of shields above them whilst Twilight caught the bigger pieces and Pinkie blasted several more.

Vapaw had leapt over to another part of the ride, hanging from the wooden supports with to last two riders over his shoulders. "You two okay?" He asked, the pair nodding though they looked like the wind had been knocked out of them.

A burst of wind made him look up and see Rainbow standing on the track above them. "Need a hand?" She reached out and Vapaw hoisted one of them up, Rainbow pulling them up onto the track before they repeated the process. But as they did, a loud of snapping caught their ear and their looked down.

To their shock, the wooden supports beneath them were beginning to break apart. And those weren't the only ones. All over the coaster, the wooden sections were breaking apart due to the damage done by the loop and coaster crashing through them.

"MOVE!" Vapaw told the girl above, Rainbow grabbing the two and speeding them off. Vapaw turned to leap to safety, but then noticed Applejack was still over on the other side. Her section of the track was more damaged than any other, so she was in serious danger. "Hang on!" Vapaw leapt over to that side of the coaster, grabbing onto one of the supports below her. But when he did, it broke and he fell. "WOW!" He managed to grab another one and stop himself just short of being impaled by jaggard wood.

He quickly pulled himself up the coaster, several parts breaking under him as he did. He eventually managed to reach the top as the supports at the bottom broke and the track began to sway back and forth. "Wow!" Applejack cried, barely managing to keep her balance. Vapaw pulled himself up and grabbed her, "hey!"

"Hang on!" As the coaster swayed towards the crowd, he ran towards the edge and kicked off with all his strength. This propelled him into the air and pushed the coaster back towards the rest of the ride, as the wood finally broke and the whole thing fell in on itself.

Vapaw managed to grab onto a lamppost before swinging down and landing atop one of Rarity's crystal. "Careful!" She told him, the sudden weight almost making her lose her grip. Vapaw placed Applejack on another crystal before leaping into the air, unleashing a cloud of smoke that blinded everyone around as he did. When the smoke finally faded, the alien was gone.

"You okay?" Twilight asked as Rarity lowered Applejack to the ground.

"A'm fine. Glad he managed to get me out of there. A'h might have been swiss cheese if he hadn't." The rest of the crowd were beginning to complain, unable to believe the part would build such an unsafe ride.

In that moment, park security arrived and began trying to move everyone away from the destruction. As the park goers condemned them for this, one of the security guards mentioned they had never seen this ride before. Whatever it was, it hadn't been sanctioned by the park's health and safety board.

Hearing this, Sunset had a gut feeling about something. "Twilight," she nudged her friend, "can you get me a piece of the wreckage. Doesn't have to be big." Twilight nodded and used her magic to grab a small shard of wood before pulling it over, the girl grabbing and handing it over to Sunset.

The girl had a feeling she knew what had caused this mess. And sure enough, as she touched the shard her geode began to glow.

"I knew it," she whispered as Trixie happened to arrive on the scene. "Equestrian Magic." The girls all frowned and looked over the destroyed coaster. "Someone must have used it to upgrade this ride passed the point of being safe."

"So we gotta find 'em and stop 'em before they do anything else ta da park," Applejack realised. The girls all nodded and turned to leave, but noticed Trixie was there.

"Hey, where's Flash?" Pinkie asked, wondering where the blue haired rocker was. "He missed all the fun."

"I wouldn't call what just happened fun," Fluttershy frowned.

"He...went to the bathroom," Trixie nodded. "I'll find him. You girls...go look for whatever caused this."

"Got it. And if you see anyone acting suspicious, call us." Trixie nodded as they ran off, the magician beginning her search for the alien hero.

She tried calling him but it kept saying the phone was out of service, letting her know he was likely still in alien form. She tried to think of where he would be and realised he would hide somewhere close but deserted. She then remembered an area that had a bunch of large dumpsters, which she quickly rushed too.

"Flash?" She asked when she arrived and saw several large metal containers, "are you there? Flash? I'm on my own." She suddenly heard a banging coming from one of them, the girl rushing over to it and banging on the sides. Three more taps confirmed someone was inside. "You still alien in there?" Before Flash could answer, a beeping sound could be heard before a green light flew out the gaps in the bin.

Seconds later, the top flew off and Flash stood up covered in trash. "I have got to figure out how to turn this thing off when I need too." He climbed out the bin and luckily, his clothes hadn't been stained. "What I miss?"

"Sunset's figured out the coaster was transformed using Equestrian Magic," Trixie explained. "They're gonna try and find it before anyone else gets hurt."

"Great. Hopefully they'll find them soon."

"Yeah," Trixie sighed, "but I guess our relaxing day of fun has come to an end." Flash could see from the look on Trixie's face she was annoyed, the alien hero frowning.

"Trixie, are you mad at them for going after the Equestrian Magic? They can't just ignore it, especially if it puts people in danger."

"I'm not mad at them," Trixie assured him. "I'm mad that this is happening. I just wanted you guys to have one day without needing to save the world, but the universe couldn't give us that, could it?"

"Trixie," Flash leaned against the dumpster, "this is who we are. The girls didn't choose this life, but they're willing to do what needs to be done. And you're right, we do all deserve one day where we can just relax and forget everything that's going on. But we don't always get to choose when that day is." As he said that, a bunch of screams filled the air above the normal levels. "And it's clear that day is not today." He ran off, Trixie following suit.

They ran towards the area they heard the screams and found it was coming from a carousel. But this carousel wasn't like the others.

Instead of being a bunch of horses going in a circle, dangerous looking robot steeds were galloping around the track whilst blowing fire from their noses. Those riding them had their legs strapped to the metal, preventing them from jumping off. And things got even more insane when the horses leapt off the carousel and began charging through the crowd.

"Look out!" Flash pushed Trixie to the side as a red horse ran passed and almost set them on fire, Flash looking down and seeing the watch was still in the red.

"You can't do anything," Trixie told him. "You're just a human." Flash frowned, then heard a clattering and looked over to see a nearby tool box that had been knocked over.

Amongst the tools scattered around the floor, a pair of strong looking pair of scissors that appeared were meant for cutting metal. Flash had another idea for them.

"What are you doing?" Trixie asked as Flash grabbed the scissors and rushed towards the nearest horse, narrowly dodging its firebreath as he ran to its side and leapt onto its back behind the trapped rider.

"Help!" She cried, Flash quickly using the scissors to cut through the leather holding her leg. He then did the same with the other and once she was free, the girl leapt from the steed and was caught by more of the crowd.

"Come on!" Flash grabbed the reins and pulled, actually managing to maneuver the horse around. Those watching were amazed, as he rode the horse towards another. And as he pulled up alongside, he reached over and cut through one of the leg straps.

Getting his horse to slow down for a second was tough, but he managed it and then sped back up once the other horse was ahead and moved to cut the straps on the other leg. When the leg was free, the guy jumped off and landed in a bush. Flash then tried to get his horse to go after another one, but by this point the mechanical steed had had enough of its ride and came to a complete stop.

"WOW!" Flash screamed as he was thrown over the horse's head and landed on the ground, moaning at the impact. He then opened his eyes and saw the horse rise up to stomp on him. "Ahhhh!" He flinched, but a crystal shield appeared and blocked the hooves.

"Flash!" He looked around to see the Rainbooms running towards him, Twilight quickly grabbing the horse in her magic and tearing it apart.

Seeing a bunch more people still strapped to the horses, he grabbed the scissors and threw them at Rainbow. "Catch!" The prismatic haired girl caught the scissors and rushed off, zipping around the place and cutting the trapped riders free. Whenever a horse was made riderless, Twilight grabbed them and pulled them apart or Pinkie blew them up with candy.

Eventually, the last horse was torn apart and everyone sighed in relief. But before they could relax, more screams filled the air. "What now?" Sunset asked before they ran off. Over the next half hour, they found themselves dealing with one nightmare after another.

Bumper cars with saws and weapons on the side, a ferris wheel that went over a hundred miles an hour, a rotor ride that had an extendable arm that twisted and turned so much several people were thrown out and had to be caught by them.

The Rainbooms were exhausted after that last one, with many of the rides being shut down. But still there were some rides being kept activate and people were still going on them. "Can we not catch a break?" Applejack asked, the others moaning the same thing.

They were all taking this moment of piece to rest and catch their breath, Trixie quickly rushing off to get them some refreshments, but they knew this wouldn't last. "Any idea where the one causing this is?" Flash asked, the girls shaking their heads.

"Whoever's doing this has to be able to move about the park and get to the rides without anybody thinking they're out of place," Sunset told them. "That means it has to be one of the people working here."

"Or a kid who thinks the rides are really boring," Rainbow told her. This statement made something in Flash's head ping.

"The rides are boring," he repeated with the girls turning to him. "Where have I heard that before?" He slowly put the pieces together, the teen remembering a moment from earlier. "There was this guy. A maintenance guy. He was complaining about how the rides weren't epic enough."

"You think he's the one doing this?" Twilight asked, Flash shrugging as Trixie arrived with drinks.

"It's possible. Like Sunset said, it needs to be someone who can travel around the park without being stopped."

"So we've gotta find a maintenance man?" Rarity asked, "where could he be?" They all thought about it, trying to think where he would strike next.

"Well..." Fluttershy spoke up, "think about all the rides he's transformed already. They were all really old rides that have probably fallen out of fashion. If he wants to make all the rides less boring, wouldn't he go after the most boring ones first?" Everyone let this thought dwell in their minds, the lot of them realising she was absolutely right.

"What's the oldest ride in the park that hasn't been hit?" Sunset asked, Pinkie reaching into her hair and pulling out a map of the park. They all looked it over and Rarity pointed it out.

"There. It's a smaller than normal rollercoaster. He'll probably want to make it bigger and more exhilarating." They nodded and the Rainbooms rushed off, Sunset turning to Flash and Trixie.

"You guys stay here. We'll call you if we managed to stop this guy." And before either of them could argue back, she left and Trixie turned to Flash.

"You're not gonna stay here, are you?"

"What do you think?" He asked before running off towards the coaster they had seen. Trixie let out a sigh and followed, the pair making their way through the park.

The Rainbooms quickly arrived at the rollercoaster, which was a large metal one that didn't have cars. Instead, it had a bunch of seats one was strapped into before they rotated ninety degrees backwards so that you were practically flying.

The track was pretty standard, having several loops and a corkscrew section. It was still fun, but wouldn't be seen as such by the one doing this. "See anyone?" Twilight asked, the girls all looked around.

It was then that Pinkie spotted a man walking towards the ride in the park's uniform. And when she saw a rather interesting coloured spanner in his hands, she gasped. "Over there!" She rushed after him and the others followed suit, but the man quickly passed an area that wasn't open to the general public. "I got this." Pinkie pulled some sprinkles out and threw them, the lot exploding harmlessly but causing a large cloud of differently coloured smoke.

The girls used this distraction to rush passed the workers that would have stopped them and ran into the area the maintenance man disappeared behind, the seven looking around. "Hey!" Rainbow then cried, pointing at a nearby support beam that the man stood next to. He had his spanner out and was about to touch a nut. "Drop the spanner!"

"Why?" He asked, "I work here and I'm doing some maintenance on this ride."

"No," Sunset frowned, "you're changing it the same way you changed the other rides and made them unsafe." The man's eyes went wide as he discovered her was found out, then frowned.

"They're not unsafe. They're awesome."

"That rollercoaster collapsed!" Twilight cried.

"Only because that alien thing showed up and ripped it apart. Couldn't handle how extreme it was." The girls quickly realised this man must have already been affected by the magic in the spanner.

"Just put da'h spanner down and walk away," Applejack told him.

"Not gonna happen." He placed the spanner around the bolt and they both glowed, "I'm not gonna stop until every ride in this park is awesome!" With that, the ride was entirely enveloped by the light and began to transform.

The girls gasped as the track for the ride grew larger and large, many more loops appearing along it whilst the spirals were longer. One of the sections grew so tall it was a miracle it didn't topple the entire ride over. And the area where the riders sat had double the number of chairs it had, though that didn't matter since the ride had already been in use when it was transformed.

Those riding the coaster had been in for quite the shock when they suddenly found themselves on an entirely different ride, whilst their seats rocket forwards at twice the normal speed. Their screams quickly turned to horror, not enjoyment as they spun around a loop so fast many felt themselves get horrible whiplash, whilst the corkscrew area made many of them feel incredibly sick.

"What have you done?" Sunset cried, the man laughing his head off as he moved away.

"Made it awesome!" He ran off and the girls chased after him, knowing they would need to stop him before they could try and save the people.

In the control box for the ride, the controller was completely lost about what had just happened.

"Command!" He cried into his radio, "come in. We have a serious situation with the ride. It's...I don't know what happened it's just gone nuts. The speed is way beyond its safety limits and it's only one level one speed."

"Shut it down!" His boss cried, "before someone gets hurt!" He nodded and tried to turn it off, only for the control console to suddenly start sparking.

"Wow!" He leapt back as the whole thing exploded, with not a piece of the machine surviving. This should have stopped the ride where it was, but to his shock the coaster continued to fly around the track. And now he realised the problem. "The controls have completely fried and the ride won't stop. I don't think we can stop it!"

Flash and Trixie arrived at the coaster and saw it had already been transformed.

The people on the ride continued to scream as they were forced to constantly endure the horrors that occurred whenever they flew through a loop or spun in a spiral. "We've gotta do something!" Flash cried, as Trixie took out her phone and used its zoom function to get a better look.

"Flash, we've gotta problem." He looked at the phone and saw it was focused on an area of the track. This section of the track had a small crack in the metal, Flash wondering how that had happened until the ride shot passed and made the crack grow even larger.

"It's moving too fast. The metal can't handle the vibrations caused by that much speed."

"What are you gonna do?" Flash knew exactly what he would do, the teen running behind one of the booths. He looked around and made sure nobody was watching, then activated the Omnitrix.

A few moments later, a green flash appeared from behind one of the booths. The people watching the horrifying scene barely noticed, but they did notice when a giant armored insect shot out from behind the booth and flew up towards the ride. "It's those alien things!" One man cried, "what's it doing?"

Trixie rushed forward, "it's gonna find a way to save those people."

Firefly flew up towards the area Trixie had shown him and kept an eye on the ones riding it, seeing there was absolutely no way to get them out of there. Instead, he would focus on the track. And as he reached the area, he saw the crack had already spread to half the pole.

"Alright," he raised his right arm as the armour covering it opened up, "time to do some repairs." A small but powerful flame appeared on the tip of his hand that almost burned blue, the alien holding it onto the metal as sparks began to fly.

"Is that thing...welding the ride together?" One woman asked as park security arrived and looked up at Firefly, seeing him working on the ride.

"What is that thing doing?" Trixie heard this and hoped they wouldn't try to get in Flash's way, so rushed over to them.

"Excuse me," she told them. They turned to her with raised eyebrows. "That alien's trying to fix the ride. I saw a crack in that area from all the vibrating the ride is causing. If he doesn't fix it, it'll break apart."

The guard seemed curious about this girl's statement and took out a pair of binoculars, using them to try and get a better look at what Firefly was doing. Though the bright light of the welding made it hard, he saw that Trixie appeared to be correct.

Firefly then stopped his welding and pulled away, allowing the man to see a freshly repaired track pole that was still glowing bright hot. And as he did, the ride was quickly zooming towards that area. "If the ride goes over that now, the hot metal will bend and twist the track so much it'll cause major incident."

Trixie gasped and looked back at Firefly, who appeared to also realise this. As such, he spat a bunch of silk from his mouth and struck the super hot metal. He did this several times until the whole section was encased, the silk quickly solidifying and Firefly pulling away second before the ride shot passed. His good work allowed the pole to withstand the vibrations, keeping the riders safe. But the job wasn't done yet.

"I can see some more cracks forming!" Another guard cried, looking through his own binoculars and seeing another section of the pole begin to break. "And another. And...there's way too many of them!"

Firefly flew towards the closest one and quickly got to work, but knew he couldn't keep this up. If this ride wasn't stopped, the whole thing would be shaken apart. "Hurry up girls!"

The maintenance man ran as fast as he could through the metal supports of the ride, the Rainbooms right behind him.

Rainbow couldn't use her superspeed here, since the multiple horizontal supports made moving fast dangerous. The man had some major agility, shown as he practically skipped through, over and around the supports.

"He's getting away!" Rainbow cried, the less athletic members of the group all falling behind.

Twilight panted as she tried to use her magic on the spanner, but every time she tried the spanner's own magic thought against it and she couldn't get a grip. "There has to be some way to stop him." As she said that, the ride shot overhead and the whole place rattled.

"You hear that?" The man asked with a laugh, the lot of them hearing the constant screams. "That's the sound of people having the ride of their lives."

"They're terrified!" Sunset told him, "these rides you're making aren't safe!"

"That's probably what they said to the inventor of the rollercoaster!" He told them whilst jumping over and X-shaped support. "Just you watch. You'll all be riding on it by the end of the day and love every minute of it." The girls continued to race after him, all the while hoping the rollercoaster would survive until they could catch him.

Firefly had just finished welding another section of the ride and moved over to the next. The insect was getting tired, since producing such a small and powerful flame took a lot of energy.

As he reached the crack, which he saw was almost completely broken through, he prepared his flame. But before he could use it, the ride shot towards him and he was forced to pull away. And as it flew passed the crack, the vibrations completely broke it off. "NO!"

The people saw this and gasped as they saw the metal pole bend, having lost the support that had been a few feet away from that section. All of its weight fell on the other end, which couldn't take it due to another crack that was between it and the next support.

Before Firefly could save it, the metal snapped and fell to the ground. Luckily, nobody or any of the track was under it. But now the place ride had become a literal death trap.

Firefly saw the ride had already made it a third of the way around the track, the alien insect shooting towards it. "I've gotta stop this thing!" He cried, "or slow it down for the girls to stop that psycho." He got ahead of the ride and started coating the track with silk, hoping it would be enough to gum up the works and stop it. He got as much on as he could before the ride reached him, Firefly flying up out of the way as it shot over the sticky piece of track.

And to his amazement, it did slow down. The silk stuck to the metal and began to be sucked into the gears, making it slowly lose speed.

Everyone cheered at this, but then the ride cleared the silked up area and continued forwards. The silk had slowed it, but not stopped it. "Augh!" Firefly growled as he shot forward, sending out bursts of flames behind him that sped him up and allowed him to get ahead of the ride.

As the coaster flew through a loop, which looked like it wouldn't survive another go around anyway, he created as many silk strings as he could in his mouth and fired them. They all struck the coaster's front and wrapped around the sides, as Firefly quickly tied the other ends around his waist.

Seconds before the string went tight, he flew in the other direction and fired his flamethrowers at max power. This tightened the strings, which managed to remain attached to both Firefly and the coaster despite the incredible force suddenly placed upon them.

The coaster once again slowed down, as Firefly flew forwards with all his might. But the coaster was stronger and he was pulled backwards, however now the coaster was only going about ten miles an hour. "Ahhhh!" He cried, giving it his all to try and increase the power of his flames. But this was as strong as he could make them.

Everyone down below knew Firefly had just given the riders a heck of a lot more time, but it was still a losing battle. "Come on girls," Trixie whispered.

The maintenance man was getting closer to the edge of the rollercoaster. If he escaped into the crowd, the girls might never find him.

"We have to stop him now!" Sunset cried, as Pinkie threw a few sprinkles at him. They exploded, but he seemed to enjoy this and whooped as he leapt through the coloured smoke. "Hey!" Pinkie frowned whilst Rarity tried to make a shield to block his escape. But he managed to sidestep most of them as he got closer and closer to the end of the coaster's area.

"Let's try this!" Rarity created a wall of shields that filled the exit, stopping him in his track.

It was at this moment Twilight noticed some rope on the ground, curiosity of how it got there quickly fading. She grabbed it in her magic and threw it at the man, the rope shooting through the air until it reached him.

"Huh?" He looked down to see his wrist being tied up by one end of the rope before crying out as it was pulled back and tied to one of the support. "What the heck?" He tried to untie himself, but Twilight's knot was way to good. "What are you people?"

"Give us the spanner!" Sunset told him, but the man shot a glare at them and started swinging the spanner around threateningly. "Fine. We gave you a chance, but now we do things the hard way." The girls all touched their geodes and were enveloped by light, the man gasping as he watched them all grow larger ears, longer hair and wings in three of them's case.

The girls all floated up and grabbed each other's hands, the light flowing through them and combining into a brilliant rainbow. That rainbow exploded off of them and shot towards the man, who cried out as he and his spanner were enveloped by the light.

Back with Firefly, he continued to pull as hard as he could. But they stere still getting closer and closer to the end of the track.

And whilst the string was strong, it wasn't unbreakable. After so long of have a ton of pressure placed onto it, the threats began to snap. "No!" Firefly cried when he felt his, looking back but being unable to get a good aim to fire more. Enough threads finally gave out that the remainder couldn't take the pressure and they all snapped. "WOW!" Firefly shot forward in surprise, as the ride shot forward and increased speed.

Everyone gasped at this and many covered their eyes, not wanting to see what happened next. But before the ride reached the end of the track, a light from below the rollercoaster shot out and spread to it.

Firefly and Trixie both smirked as the light completely consumed the ride and unleashed a brilliant flash, which blinded them all, and spread the light across the entire park. And when the light faded, the rollercoaster had been returned to normal along with every other ride that had been upgraded by Equestrian Magic.

The riders also found the broken piece of track had been repaired, allowing them to fly passed that section without much problem. The ride was now back at its rightful speed and as it pulled into the station, the controller quickly used the newly repaired controls to bring it to a stop. Firefly flew down and checked on them all, "everyone okay?"

The riders were finally released from their chairs and when they stepped out of them, they all fell over from how dizzy and nauseous they were. "They'll live." Firefly turned to see some security guards approaching. "But they would have been in a far worst state if you hadn't come along to fix the rides."

"Happy to be of service," Firefly smirked before flying off to find someplace to hide.

Back below the ride, the Rainbooms returned to normal as the maintenance man was released.

His spanner lay on the ground, having been dropped during the ride's restoration. The metal had returned to normal and the skull had vanished. It was a normal spanner again, just as it should have been. "NO!" The man cried, picking it up and trying to use it. "Come on. You were so cool before." But the rollercoaster remained as it was. "You girls have ruined everything!"

"We saved people," Twilight told him. "It's alright to want to make something fun, but there has to be limits. You put a lot of people in danger because of what you did. You'll be lucky if the park isn't sued. What's the point of making fun rides, if they're so unsafe the park gets shut down before anyone can enjoy them?"

The man said nothing and kept staring at the spanner, the girls knowing there was no point in them trying to explain. So they left, leaving him to wallow in pity.

The entire park was forced to close after this, with the owners wanting the entire place investigated to figure out what had happened.

The Rainbooms found themselves wondering where Flash and Trixie were, as they were forced out of the park with many over park goers. Luckily, they spotted the pair sitting on Flash's car bonnet smiling as they arrived. "Hey there heroes," Flash smirked. "Nice work in there. You managed to find the guy?"

"Yup," Pinkie smiled, "and his days of ride design are officially over."

"Good thing too," Rarity nodded. "When we left, we heard what happened with the ride. If that alien hadn't shown up, all those people might have been killed."

"Yeah," Trixie sighed, "good thing we came." The girls noticed how she said that and knew something was up.

"You okay?" Sunset asked, Trixie getting up.

"I'm fine. I just wish our day of fun didn't have to be ruined by crazy magic and alien stuff. Just have one day where we can all be normal kids again."

"I hear that," Rainbow nodded. "But hey, it's not like every day's filled with this kinda stuff. And even if it were, we're not fighting against magic and aliens twenty-four seven. We just gotta enjoy the time we have that's not super crazy." The others all agreed, having all accepted that this was their life. They just had to roll with it.

"Come on!" Flash told them. "Just because our day at the amusement park is over doesn't mean we have to stop having fun. Maybe we can all go see a movie or something." The girls smiled and liked that idea, Rainbow quickly unbooting his car so that they could all head back to the city.

On the way, Flash tuned into the radio and got a news station. It spoke about the lack of alien activity in the city that day, likely due to the lack of serious incidents. Flash smirked at this, glad that Trixie had made him come. If he hadn't, he would have spent the day looking around for non-existent threats whilst the people on that ride would likely be dead. It just went to show Flash couldn't always predict where his alien powers were needed. He shouldn't be looking for trouble, but be ready when it showed itself.

Meanwhile, Trixie thought back to the whole day. Whilst she was glad she was able to get Flash to enjoy himself, seeing him and the Rainbooms save the day made her feel a great amount of inadequacy. If only she had the power to help people the way they did. If only.

Author's Note:

Trixie showing her softer side in trying to help Flash and the others. Too bad it didn't go the way she wanted. Hope you wall enjoyed this chapter.

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