• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 1, Episode 1: To the Power of Ten

Author's Note:

Hey everyone. So here's a story I've been working on in my spare time, with a lot of help from SuperSonicHeroes. I'm a big fan of Ben 10 and I realised I had to do a story exploring what would happen if Flash had the Omnitrix. So here it is. Hope you enjoy it.

Space, the endless void. A place of unimaginable mystery. And as far as we know, only one planet holds any form of intelligent life. Or so many believe.

In the rings of Saturn, explosions were going off everywhere. The cause of those explosions were two strangely designed ships, one being far larger than the other. The larger ship unleashed a powerful laser at the smaller one, knocking it away. As it regained control, the smaller ship unleashed twin green lasers that hit the opposing vessel and carved a good chunk out of it.

Inside the larger ship, a humanoid robot was standing at a control console as a bunch of alien symbols appeared on screen. "Hull damage, twenty percent." The robot turned towards the centre of the bridge, "but systems still operational."

In the centre of the room was a large metal chair, which was seating a tall alien figure. Said figure's body was green in colour with red veins running along its body, wearing black and red armor, Its head was bold and it had a pair of bright red eyes and long tentacles hanging from its chin and cheeks like a beard.

The alien growled at the robot, "I have come too far to be denied." He watched a screen showing the ship flying away from Saturn and towards another planet in the solar system. Earth. "The Omnitrix shall be mine. And there is not a being in the galaxy that dare stand in my way."

Flash Sentry was many things. He was a great guitar player, famously handsome dude and a guy who occasionally gave a snarky comment when the urge overwhelmed him. But if there was one thing about Flash that everyone knew, it was the fact he always wanted to help.

"Here kitty kitty," the teen told the cat he was trying to save from a tree.

Down below, a young girl was standing in front of that tree across the road from the school that had just gotten out. She looked worried for her pet cat, who had run up the tree after someone's dog had barked at it. Now Flash was attempting to save it, though he would soon learn that wasn't as easy as he hoped.

"Nice kitty," he reached out to grab it. But as soon as he did, the creature hissed and tried to claw at him. "WOW!" He yelled, pulling himself back only to lose his balance "Wow, wow, WOW!" He fell towards the ground and likely would have broken a few bones on impact, if he didn't suddenly start glowing and hovered inches off the pavement.

"You okay?" He heard a familiar voice, making him look around and see Twilight Sparkle staring at him. She smiled as she slowly dropped him to the ground, Flash sitting up.

"Yeah, thanks for the save."

"Dude," Rainbow Dash announced as she, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity Sunset, Fluttershy and Trixie all stepped up to him. "Maybe you should leave the heroic work to the actual super heroes."

Flash frowned at her and stood up, "I don't need fancy magic powers to help people."

"Yeah," Rainbow nodded before pointing at the tree. "But it helps." Flash followed her finger and saw Fluttershy, sitting on one of Rarity's gem constructs as if floated up to the height of the cat.

"It's okay," she told the feline. "I won't hurt you." The cat seemed to believe this and easily leapt into the girls arms, Fluttershy stroking her as Rarity brought her back down. "Good girl."

Flash frowned at this and crossed his arms, "show off."

"Hey," Sunset put a hand on his shoulder, "it's okay. Not everyone can do cool stuff like that. I mean, I can only read minds. Not exactly a flashy super power."

"Yeah," Flash frowned, "but just because you have it doesn't mean you have to always be showing it off."

"So you're saying they shouldn't have helped the cat out of the tree?" Trixie asked, Flash trying to come up with an answer that didn't make him sound like a jerk.

"Well...no...but there are other ways to do it."

"But using our magic was the best way," Rainbow told him. "Face it, nothing beats having awesome magical powers. As long as we have them, nothing's impossible for us."

"Except being humble," Trixie mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?" Rainbow asked, Trixie looking away.

"Tell you what, Flash." She grabbed him by the arm, "you wanna be a hero you can help me. Trixie needs a ride home."

"Oh yeah," Sunset smiled. "You and your dad just moved into that newly built residential district, right?" Trixie nodded back at her.

"That's right. My dad and I are the first ones to live there. But...my bike still hasn't been unpacked, so Trixie needs someone to take her home so she doesn't take forever." She turned to Flash and he sighed, then gave a nod. "Yay!" She smiled before the pair walked off to his car.

"You sure you don't want me to give you a lift?" Rainbow laughed, "I could probably get you there faster than Flash could." The teen threw her a dirty look as they got into his car and drove off, Rainbow continuing to laugh as her friends rolled their eyes.

Flash was in a rather dower mood as the pair drove towards Trixie's new house, Trixie noticing this and sighing. "You shouldn't listen to what Rainbow said. That girl's all hot air."

"Maybe," Flash sighed, "but she's right. With their powers, those girls can do anything they want. And whenever someone needs help, it's always them they go too." He huffed as he sat back in his seat, "wish I had powers like that?"

"Really?" Trixie asked, "not a good idea. You've had a front row seat to what happens when someone who's not worthy gets their hands on Equestrian Magic. It might seem like an awesome idea, but before you know what you've gotten yourself into you're suddenly transforming into a power hungry lunatic that ends up getting zapped into oblivion by Sunset and her friends."

Flash hated to admit it, but he knew she was right. Equestrian Magic was just too unpredictable. And even if he got a super lame power like turning things different colours, he would probably end up going insane trying to make himself stronger. "Power corrupts," he whispered. "And absolute power corrupts absolutely."

"Exactly," Trixie nodded. "So just forget about getting your own super powers. Trixie's sure you'll find a way to help people by yourself." Flash smirked at this and nodded, as the car turned onto the highway that led to Trixie's new house. Alas, when they did they found the traffic moving rather slowly.

"Great," he moaned seeing how long it was gonna take to get to Trixie's place. He might have liked helping people, but he absolutely hated sitting in traffic.

Back in space, the ships continued to trade blasts as they drew closer and closer to Earth.

As the smaller ship got into the edge of the planet's atmosphere, the larger one sent an extra powerful blast that struck the very back of it. The ship's rear exploded, causing it to become dead in the water.

"Their population systems have been neutralised," the robot told the alien as he smirked.

"Prepare to board. I want to Omnitrix now!" The robots nodded and prepared to do just that. But before they could, the smaller ship sent a blast at them with all the remaining power it had left. That blast struck the area of the bridge, causing a massive explosion that filled the room and made the alien scream in agony.

This also caused the robot to hit the button for the 'super awesome destroy everything and make them feel really bad' cannon, which launched a massive blast that struck the back of the ship and destroyed everything but the very front.

As the remains of the ship fell into the atmosphere, something shot out of it. A strange looking missile that flew towards the earth and as it did, the missile sent out some kind of pulse that flew over the entire side of the planet. That pulse then narrowed down on something in America and the missile suddenly changed course to head towards it. As it got closer, the missile broke apart and launched a metal sphere that continued towards the planet.

Flash and Trixie had been stuck in the traffic for almost an hour, Trixie choosing to listen to her headphones as they sat in the long cue.

But eventually, they reached the exit Trixie had told him to look for and finally pulled off the highway. A few minutes after this, they arrived at the newly built area of housing that Trixie now called home. "This it?" He asked, seeing the street sign. Trixie didn't respond and Flash rolled his eyes before pulling her headphones out, making her cry out and glare at him. "Is this it?" Trixie looked at the sign.

"Yup. This is the new home of the Great and Powerful Trixie." Flash looked at all the new houses that had been built, whistling at how good they looked.

"What'cha dad do to afford a place like this?"

"He's done a lot of sold out magic shows," Trixie smirked. "But they'll be nothing compared to the shows Trixie will perform when her career gets started."

"Right," Flash said slowly as they arrived at her address. "Whelp, here we are."

"Thank you," Trixie smiled. "You're my hero." Flash knew she was just trying to placate him, but it actually did sound nice to be called that. "I'll see you tomorrow." Flash waved as she got out of the car and headed for her house, Flash driving away. As he did, he looked out his wing-mirror and noticed something.

It was a light in the dimming sky, one that was neither the sun, moon or stars. It appeared to be some kind of shooting star, which was growing large by the moment. "Huh," his gaze kept shifting from it and the road. And every time he looked back at his mirror, the meteor was getting bigger.

It wasn't until it was within a hundred feet of him that he realised something. The reason it was getting bigger, was because it was getting closer.

"WOW!" Flash cried as he hit the breaks on the car, which skidded to a stop in the middle of the road. A moment later, the fireball in the sky shot above the car and crashed into the road ahead. The impact caused a massive earthquake which even caused a few street lamp to fall over.

Flash sat in his car, panting heavily as he started at the crater that had just been made. He was sure that if this street wasn't brand new and yet to be filled with families, it would already be full people trying to figure out what the heck just happened.

Slowly, Flash got out of the car and made his way over to the crater. He knew he should probably call the police of something, but his curiosity was getting the better of him. He reached the crater and looked inside, finally seeing what had almost crashed into him. "A...satellite?" He asked, seeing the round object that had buried itself into the ground.

Before he could think of anything else, the sides of the crater suddenly crumbled and he found himself falling. "WOW!" He slid down the side and landed right in front of the satellite, which seemed to sense his presence and suddenly curled open. "Huh?" He pushed himself back up and looked inside the pod. And what he was greeted with surprised him. "A watch?"

It was an odd looking watch, mainly black with a white stripe running along the band. The watch itself had a round dial on the top and several different buttons surrounding it. And the dial itself didn't have a clock or anything, but instead it had a green glass plate with two black triangles that pointed towards one another and made the glass show the shape of an hourglass.


"Flash!" He looked back at the edge of the crater and heard footsteps, Trixie's voice sounding frantic. "Flash, are you okay?"

"I'm down here," Flash told her as he turned back to the pod. "And you won't believe what I just-" He stopped when he saw something new happen. The watch's green dial had suddenly lit up and as it did, the watch started floating. "Wha?" Was all he could say as he slowly stepped backwards, the floating watch completely leaving the sphere. "What is happening?" Was all he could ask before the watch suddenly shot towards him. "WOW!" He cried, swinging his arm around out of instinct. As he did, he felt it hit the watch and then felt the watch change.

The leather of the strap suddenly turned to a strange slim that morphed around Flash's wrist, moving under his sleeve and completely wrapping around it. Once it completely enveloped his wrist, the strap turned back to its formerly solid form and was now locked on Flash's wrist.

"HEY!" He cried, seeing the watch now locked into place. He tried to pull it off, but the watch wouldn't budge. He couldn't even get his finger under the watch, it almost being like the inside of the device had fused itself to his very skin. "What the heck is this thing?"

"Flash!" He looked around and saw Trixie standing on the edge of the crater, "are you okay?" Flash instantly scrambled up the side of the crater, Trixie grabbing and pulling him up as he looked terrified. "What the heck is that thing?" She asked, staring at the pod whilst Flash was looking at the watch grafted to his arm.

"It was carrying whatever the heck this thing is?" He pointed to the watch, Trixie looking surprised by this as Flash tried to pry it off. "It...it's stuck!" Trixie reached over and tried to pull if off as well, yanking at it several times. But it would not budge and the pair had to stop for fear of Flash's arm getting dislocated.

"What is this thing?" Trixie took a closer look at it, noticing all the buttons on it. "Maybe one of these is what makes it come off." Flash stared at the buttons and wonder if she was right, his eyes shifting to the round green one right below the dial. Taking a deep breath, he reached down and pressed the button.

As soon as he did, the dial suddenly popped up. "WOW!" Trixie leapt back as Flash watched the face, with the two triangles moving towards one another and eventually merging into a kite shape in the middle of the watch. And inside that shape, a strange silhouette appeared. "What the?" He looked closer at the shape and noticed it was humanoid, though it had multiple spikes and what appeared to be a tail.

"What happened?" Trixie asked, as Flash's hand reached for the watch. As if his body was on autopilot, his fingers pushed the dial back down. And as soon as he did, the watch suddenly exploded with a bright green light. "Gyah!" Trixie was forced to look away for a moment, as the light completely filled the street.

When it died down, she looked back at Flash and her eyes went wide when she saw Flash wasn't there.

Standing in his place was a seven foot dark blue lizard like creature, covered in black armour that had lightning patterns around it. Its chest, hands, knees, feet and head were wearing the armour, with the chest armour having a pair of black lightning bolt spikes coming out the back. Its gauntleted hands had a trio of yellow lightning bolt claws sticking out of it that were positioned in a triangle manor so all the points almost met in the middle. Its face was covered in a black metal mask with triangular eye holes that its blue eyes poked out of, whilst a long lightning bolt horn was sticking out of its head. Finally, the round dial that had been on the watch was now located in the centre of its chest armor.

Trixie could only stand there and stare at the creature, as it swayed around. "Wow," it spoke in a deep voice, "I feel weird." It reached it hand up to clutch its head and when it did, it actually saw what its hand looked like. "WOW!" It pulled its arm away from it in shock, then seemed to realise it was his hand and took a closer look. "What the heck?" It asked, then looked at its other hand.

It then looked its whole body over. "What...just happened?" It looked ready to have a panic attack and turned to Trixie, "what am I?"

Trixie finally snapped out of her stupor and looked terrified, "AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" She turned to run away, the creature surprised by this.

"Trixie!" It ran after her, "WAIT!" It reached out to try and grab her and as it did, something unexpected happened. The lightning-shaped claws sparked as electricity began to flow between them, the electricity suddenly shooting off the claws and flying at Trixie. It was a miracle it didn't hit her, instead striking the ground just passed her and making the girl scream in terror. "Trixie!" It leapt into the air, clearing a good distance before landing right in front of Trixie. The girl looked ready to faint at any moment. "Trixie, it's me. Flash!"

Trixie heard this and stopped shaking for a moment, instead looking closer at the creature. "Flash?" The creature nodded, "what...happened to you?"

"I don't know," Flash looked his new body over. "It...it had to be that watch. Maybe it had Equestrian Magic in it or something."

"So it turned you into a lizard monster that shoots lightning?" Trixie asked, Flash looking at the claws of his hands. He focused and as he did, lightning began to spark between them. He tried the other claw and got the same result, then brought the two hands together and the lightning shot off to meet between them to form a sphere of lightning.

"Okay," he thrust the sphere upwards and it got a good hundred feet into the air before exploding, "that's awesome."

"Just be careful," Trixie told him. "One stray bolt and you could set every house in the street on fire, including Trixie's."

"Got it," Flash nodded as he looked around at the damage done by the pod. "There's no way no one else saw that thing. Someone's gonna be coming soon to check that pod out."

"And Trixie doesn't think they're gonna take too kindly to you looking like that." Flash nodded and turned to his car, planning to drive off. But then he realised his new form wouldn't exactly fit. "Great. I can't drive my car but if I leave it, the police are gonna know I was here."

"Trixie's got this," the girl rushed to the car and got behind the driver's seat. She started up the engine and started driving, planning to do a three point turn. Alas, the car jutted undignifiedly.

"You do know how to drive, right?"

"Trixie has a learners permit. But she's never driven stick." This became evident when she continued to horribly lurch the car back and forth, her three point turn devolving into a twelve point one before she was able to drive away. Flash groaned at this, then looked himself over. He needed to get out of there, but how?

It was then he remembered how high he had jumped before and after taking a deep breath, he started running as fast as he could. Despite the large claws on the front of his feet, he found running in this form quite easy. And when he leapt up, he sailed a good thirty feet into the air and cleared three times that distance. Trixie saw this and was amazed, as Flash landed on the ground and jumped again with the same results.

Flash was thankful this area of the town wasn't so packed, so nobody was out on the streets and able to see him. Trixie followed behind him and the pair fled the scene, wondering how long it would be until the authorities arrived.

Back up in space, the larger ship continued to hover above the planet whilst taking in pieces of the destroyed ship.

Inside the ship, the robot from before was in some kind of medical bay. In the centre of the room was a large glass tube, filled with a strange liquid and many wires. "What do you mean it's not there?" The voice of the alien from before snarled, as the wires pulled up the remains of the alien. The creatures body was almost completely destroyed, its arms and legs gone whilst his body had several holes in it and a mask was covering its face. "This battle almost cost me my life-" He wheezed and whined from his injuries, "and you say the Omnitrix is no long on board the transport?"

The robot nodded, "sensor indicate a probe was jettisoned from the ship just before boarding. It landed on the planet below."

The alien hissed and turned towards a shadow behind him, "go!" He hissed to the figure, "bring it to me!" The figure didn't say anything being turning to leave, giving out several whirling and mechanical noises as it did so. When it was gone, the creature activated the viewing screen. "Earth," she spat the name out. "Once again I find myself at this pitiful planet. But this time, your precious Max Tennyson isn't alive to stop me."

Back with Flash and Trixie, they had finally fled to another area of the city. They were currently in a newly constructed park, which didn't have anyone there to run into them and discover Flash shocking surprise.

"Come on!" Trixie groaned, pulling at the symbol on Flash's chest armor. Since escaping the area, they had determined that the symbol that shared the watch's insignia must be what changed him. As such, they hoped pulling it off would get Flash to turn back. But no matter how hard Trixie pulled, the device wouldn't come off.

"It's no good," Flash told her. "This thing's stuck tighter than my mom's meatloaf on the pan." Trixie let the device go and Flash sighed, sitting down on a bench whilst being careful not to cut it with the sharp blades he now had. "This is just great. I'm gonna spend the rest of my life as an overgrown generator with a tail."

"Come on," Trixie sat besides him. "I'm sure it won't be that bad. Maybe we can show Sunset and the others what happened and they can find a way to turn you back."

"Ahhh," Flash sighed, "just what I need. The girls looking at me like the next big problem they have to deal with. I can just hear Sunset berating me for messing with something I didn't understand." Trixie felt bad of Flash. But that pity turned to fear when a new sound filled the air.

It was a beeping noise, coming from the device on his chest. They looked down and saw the face plate was flashing red. "What's it doing?" Trixie asked, only for the device to unleash a blinding flash of light. When the light faded, she opened her eyes and saw the lizard creature was gone. In its place was good old Flash Sentry, looking exactly like he had before he transformed.

"Wow!" Flash smirked, looking himself over. "I'm me again." He looked at his wrist and saw the watch was still there, Flash attempting to pull it off but having as little luck as before. "It still won't come off." He then noticed the green face plate was now red, making him raise an eyebrow. "Whatever this thing is, I get the feeling there's more to it than just Equestrian magic."

Back in the ship, a door opened up before launching out a rocket that shot towards the earth.

Following the sensor data, it flew in the same direction the pod had fallen and soon enough it entered the atmosphere and crashed down into the street with a loud bang. When the smoke cleared, the rocket was struck in the ground next to the crater.

Then, the rocket began to transform into a mantis-like robot with mechanical arms and three mechanical legs. The robot stood at around twelve meters tall and quickly turned towards the crater with the pod. Its robotic eyes zeroed in on the sphere and when it saw there was nothing within, it held up an arm and fired a blast of energy from a gun in its hand.

The energy struck the sphere and caused it to explode, whilst the robot's shoulders opened up and unleashed two metal disks. Those disks opened up into a pair of flying saucer-like robots with multiple weapon arms, the pair flying off to hunt down their target.

Despite what had happened the last time Flash had messed with it, the teen couldn't help but be curious. But unlike before, the watch didn't do anything when he pressed the buttons on it.

"Maybe you broke it," Trixie suggested as Flash rolled his eyes. But as he did, the watch beeped and the red dial turned back to green. "Huh, maybe it just needed a recharge."

"Maybe," Flash nodded. Instead of pressing the round button, he decided to press one of the green rectangular buttons besides it. When he did, the watch's dial suddenly popped up again. Only this time, the triangles didn't merge. "Huh?" He turned the dial and when he did, it changed colour to become blue. "Wonder what that means. He turned it again and it changed to yellow, then to orange. Flash, liking that colour, was tempted to push it down and see what happened. But he decided against it and turned it again, this time the device turning back to green.

Back at the site of the pod's crash, a police car drove up to the street following a report of someone seeing something crash down onto it.

The car pulled up to a stop and from out of it, a white skinned man with blue hair stepped out. He was dressed in a grey shirt with black pants, a white overcoat on top of it all. The man walked over to the crater and raised an eyebrow, "what's this?" He jumped down into the crater and noticed a destroyed piece of the pod, picking it up and noticing the singe marks on it. "Something happened here." He took out a phone and placed a call, "this is Detective Shining Armor. You might want to send some lab rats down here to have a look at this."

After fiddling around with it a bit more, Flash had once again gotten the dial to change and show the silhouette of the creature.

"So if you push the dial down, it'll turn you back into that lightning lizard?" Trixie asked, Flash nodding back. He then turned the dial and as he did, the silhouette changed to show another shape.

"Huh," was all he could say before spinning it again. The shape changed and Flash kept doing it, mentally counting whenever he came to a silhouette he didn't recognise. In the end, he confirmed ten different shapes.

"You should do it again."

"Huh?" Flash looked at Trixie like she was crazy.

"Come on!" She told him, "you saw what you were able to do before. Imagine what other powers this thing could give you!"

"And what if I don't change back?" He asked, "what if I turn into something and completely lose control of myself? What if I hurt someone?" Trixie just shrugged and Flash looked down at the watch, his sense of curiosity once again overpowering him.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed the dial down and the watch unleashed a brilliant flash of light. Trixie had to look away for a moment, but when the light faded she looked back and saw Flash's new form.

He was nothing like the last form and now appeared to be a large lion creature that didn't have a mane. It was larger than a normal lion and its fur was a smokey gray colour, though its front paws were black and appeared more like clawed hands then paws. Its tail was twice as long as a normal lion's tail and on the end of it was tipped with some kind of pipe-like appendage with holes in it. The sides of its neck and a section just behind its front legs had large gill-like slits, whilst the watch symbol was on its chest.

"Flash?" She asked, the lion turning to her. "That you in there?"

"Yeah?" Flash replied with a gruffer then normal voice. He then sat on his haunches and looked himself over, "this feels different." He stood up and tried walking, though it took a moment or two to figure out how to move with four legs. "But...it's kind of cool."

"I guess," Trixie nodded. "But...what exactly can you do with this?" Flash didn't know and wondered if this creature was just a giant mutant lion. But suddenly, he felt a twinge in his nose and could feel the reaction about to start.

"Ah...ah...aaaaah...ACHOO!" Suddenly, the gills open up and unleashed a strange black smoke that flew out and began to spiral around his body to form a mane. The watch remained un-hidden by the smoke whilst the same thing happened with his feet and tail. Soon enough, he was a giant smoky lion.

"Wow," Trixie whistled, "that's cool."

Flash reached up and felt the smoke coming off of him, it feeling just like normal smoke only a lot thicker. He then got the strangest feeling and focused, doing so causing the smoke to shoot out further and completely envelope the pair.

"Hey!" Trixie swung her hands around the blow the smoke away, "water the vapour!"

Flash laughed as the smoke reduced to the way it was before, the lion looking around and seeing a bunch of trees. "Hmm." He crouched down before charging forward, leaving Trixie behind.

"FLASH!" She cried as he ran up and leapt into the air, grabbing the tree branch in his finger-like claws and swinging to another and another. Showing incredible amounts of agility, he flew through the trees and disappeared. "Wait up!" Trixie rushed after him, but knew she wouldn't be able to keep up.

"Whoa...HOOO!" Flash roared as he jumped from one tree to another, loving his new more dexterous body.

He landed on a thicker than normal branch that could hold him and looked around, wondering what else this form could do. But as he thought that, he suddenly heard something. It appeared his sense of hearing was a lot stronger. So strong that he could hear a strange buzzing sound getting louder and louder. "Huh?" He turned towards the sound and his eyes went wide when he saw a pair of strange looking flying saucers flying towards him. "What the?" He was then horrified to find one of them pointing a gun at him. "WOW!" He leapt off the tree and as he did, the gun fired a red laser that made the tree explode.

Flash landed on the ground and quickly ran as fast as he could, "what is going on?" He asked, "first a weird watch clamps onto me, and now I'm getting attacked by robots." He leapt to the side to avoid a blast from the second one, then remembered what this creature could do.

Taking a deep breath, Flash blew out a thick cloud of smoke that filled the area and made him completely invisible. The robots stopped for a moment, appearing confused as they looked around. They began searching through the smoke, their strange robot eyes flashing as they tried to locate their target.

After a few more minutes of this, Flash finally chose to act and leapt out of the cloud. "Raaah!" He roared, landing atop one of the robots and digging his large claws into the metal. "Take this!" He roared, ripping the armor off to expose the circuitry beneath. As he did, the machine pointed its gun arm at him. But before it could fire, he bit into it and ripped the arm off. He then focused on the circuits and started ripping them out, causing the machine to go haywire.

As if flew around in random directions, Flash leapt off it grabbed hold of a nearby tree. It then shot forward and smashed into another tree, ripping it apart as it crashed into the ground and exploded.

"Haa!" He cheered as the smoke he let loose cleared, "how'd you like that?" He then heard more buzzing and turned to see the other drone flying at him, Flash leaping off the tree and landing with a smirk on his face. "You wanna go next? Come on." But before he could attack, the dial on his chest started beeping and glowing red. When it stopped, the device unleashed a bright burst of light and Flash soon found himself back to normal. "Uh oh." He looked up at the drone as it slowly floated towards him. "What I said just now...I was kidding," he laughed nervously as the robot floated so that it was now level with him.

Flash stepped backwards and tripped over, falling onto his butt and continued to stare at the robot in fear as it pointed its gun at him. But before it could fire, something suddenly smashed it in the head and destroyed its camera. "Raaah!" Trixie cried as she hit the robot with the thick branch again, showing amazing strength as she thrust the end into an opening like a spear. "Yes, feel the wrath of the great and powerful Trixie!" The robot didn't seem to take this damage too well and fell to the ground, sparking as it did so whilst Flash got up to his feet.

"Wow," he told her, "thanks."

Trixie smirked and brushed her hand through her hair, "this was but a fraction of what the great and powerful Trixie is capable of." But then the robot jolted and she let out a scream, both leaping away from it as more spark appeared from it. "Run for it!" They did so and not a moment later, the machine exploded.

In a more populated area of the city, Twilight, Sunset and Rainbow were one their way home from the arcade.

"Another day, another round of wins for me." Rainbow smirked as they walked down the busy street, fresh off victory streak at the air hockey table.

"Rainbow," Sunset spoke up, "it's hardly a worthy winning streak when you use your super speed to react." Rainbow said nothing to counteract this, the girl knowing she had technically cheated but who was gonna stop her.

"Is it my fault I'm so awesome?" She asked, Twilight and Sunset rolling their eyes. But before either of them could say anything back, something else caught their attention. A scream.

That scream came from a woman up the street, who had just seen something horrifying around a corner and was now running away from it. A moment later, that thing stepped out and revealed itself to be the robot mantis. Many people looked up at the machine, as it looked around the place and stepped on anything it wanted.

One man leapt out of his car seconds before it was crushed, the man screaming as he ran away. "Hey!" He yelled, grabbing something off the ground and throwing it. "What the heck?" The can bounced off the metal creature and didn't even damage it, but it did catch its attention and made it turn towards him. A moment later, it pointed its arm at him and fired a laser.

The beast struck the ground and exploded, the man screaming as he and the others around the place ran. The machine then started firing at anything that moved, causing mass panic. The only ones not running were the Rainbooms, who were just as shocked as the people but knew they had to do something.

The three shared a look and nodded, then charged into battle whilst activating their geodes.

Flash and Trixie were back in his car, driving away from the park whilst trying to figure out what to do next. "Those robots must have been after the watch," Flash told her. "Whatever this thing is, it's clearly important."

"No kidding," Trixie nodded. "I mean, anyone would want a device that could do that. Turning them into one of ten super awesome monsters, with amazing powers that could probably outdo the Rainboom's abilities."

Flash thought about this and nodded, but then realised something. "Alien."


"I think I was an alien," he told her. "Think about it. The watch shot down from the sky and the things it turned me into can hardly be called creatures of this world. Whatever this thing is, there's no way this planet has the technology to transform a person's body. But since that's what it did, it must mean someone else made it. Someone on another planet."

"Huh," Trixie thought about what he said and realised he was right, "I guess so. So you think those robots were aliens too?"

"Maybe," Flash nodded. "Who knows. All I know is, I doubt this is gonna be the last time they show up." And as if the universe was trying to tell him he was right, a massive explosion suddenly appeared a good distance away. Said explosion was far enough away for them not to feel it, but they certainly heard and saw it.

"What the heck?" Trixie asked, Flash pulling his car to a stop. He quickly went to the radio and turned it onto a local news station, hoping it might be able to tell them something. And sure enough.

"This just in. Downtown Canterlot suddenly finds itself under siege by a strange mechanical creature, that is like nothing anyone has ever seen. No sources yet on where this thing came from or what it is after."

"Mechanical creature?" Trixie turned to Flash, "must be the same things that attacked you."

Flash looked at the watch, "those people are in trouble because of me." He remembered what Trixie had said and realised she was right and put the pedal down, the car rolling forwards. "I have to help them."

"Using the watch?" Trixie asked, Flash nodding.

"I can let you out if you want?"

"Are you kidding?" She asked, "there's no way I'm missing this." She smirked and crossed her arms, "and who knows, you might need another save like before." Flash smirked at this as they entered the city limits, another explosion occurring as they drove. They eventually reached an area they had to stop at, since many people had chosen to abandon their cars and run for it.

The pair got out of the car and, seeing nobody around, Flash chose to transform here. "Okay," he switched on the device and started cycling through the images. "Eenie, meanie, miney..." He stopped on one he liked the look of, "here goes." With that, he slapped the watch down and it unleashed the bright light.

When the light faded, Trixie was greeted to the sight of an eight foot humanoid who appeared to be made out of some kind of crystalline substance. It was wearing a black bodysuit with a white streak running down the middle from the neck to the waist, were a white belt was located. The suit was sleeveless, allowing his bulky crystal arms to be seen in all their glory. Sticking out the back of his suit were two long crystal spikes, whilst the watch symbol was on its belt.

"So what do you think this alien can do?" Flash didn't answer and looked himself over, amazed by how powerful this one felt.

"I don't know," he told her before smirking. "But I bet it's gonna be cool." With that, the pair rushed towards the battlefield. When they came around the corner, they found the place was absolutely trashed. Destroyed cars and other vehicles littered the place and several building had large holes in them. Then they were greeted to the sight of the robot they had heard about.

The giant mantis like creature continued to walk around, firing lasers from its claws and crushing anything it could underfoot. "Wow," Trixie gulped, "those robots got an upgrade." She turned to Flash, "think you can handle it?"

Flash wasn't sure and as he thought this, he heard a yell of effort and looked over to see Twilight was there with Rainbow and Sunset. The girl was carrying a car in her magic and as the robot turned to her, she threw it. But the robot destroyed the car with its laser and then fired another. "WOW!" Twilight cried as she leapt back, whilst Rainbow flew forward with her super speed.

But before she could get close, the robot fired its laser at the ground and caused it to explode right in front of her. "GYAH!" She flew back and slammed into the ground, screaming in pain as a piece of rubble hit her leg.

"Rainbow!" Twilight and Sunset ran over to her and as they did, the robot fired its laser at the building above them. The thing exploded and rubble started raining down towards them, too fast and too numerous for Twilight to stop. The girls all cried out and huddled together, waiting for the end. But it never came.

"RAAAH!" A male voice cried as something slammed down into the ground besides them and punched the rubble away, the girls turning to see the cause being a giant crystal individual. The figure turned towards them, the girl staring at it in shock. "You okay?" They just nodded as the creature turned back to the robot, who was now targeting him after seeing the symbol on his waist. "Get out of here. I'll hold this thing off!" With that, he rushed forward and the girls saw no other choice but to run for it.

"What the heck is that thing?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm not sure," Sunset told her. "I've never seen anything like it, not even in Equestria."

"Guys!" Trixie waved them over to a safe area and they ran to her side, "you okay?"

"We'll live," Twilight told her. "But what that thing that just saved us?" As she asked that, a large explosion occurred and they heard the crystal being yell out as he was sent flying into the back of a truck. A second later, the robot fired its laser and made the machine explode.

"Oooh," Trixie flinched, "that had to hurt." But to her surprise, Flash was completely fine. As the robot stepped forward, a crystal blade shot up through the metal and cut it open before he pulled himself out. He then looked at his bladed crystal arm, as several more spikes grew out of it.

"Cool," he smirked as the robot got closer. Pulling himself up out of the metal, he charged forward and tried to slash at the robot's leg. But the machine suddenly shot straight up, clearing a good fifty feet before falling back towards the ground. "Oh boy," was all he had time to say before the robot slammed down on top of him. If his eyes could, they would likely be rolling,

The robot got off of him and reached down, grabbing Flash in its hand and pulling him up. Only Flash's left arm was free and as he swung it around, the robot grabbed it in its other hand.

"Ahhh!" He cried, feeling the robot trying to rip him in two. But before it could, he reshaped his fist into a blade and used all his strength to rip right through the machine's fingers. The robot looked at its destroyed hand, then back to Flash. He swore it actually glared at him before throwing the teen towards on of the buildings. "Augh!" He cried as he crashed into the office building's second floor.

"Oh no!" Rainbow cried as she tried to run to his aide, but her injured leg made her stop. "Ahhh!"

"Stop!" Twilight told her, "we can't help him...whatever he is." As she said that, Flash freed himself from under the rubble as the robot pointed its blaster at him. Flash reacted quickly and ran through the building, the laser exploding behind him and following the crystal alien. He spotted another hole in the wall and leapt out of it, falling several feet and crashing into the ground with enough force to make the ground shake.

The robot didn't seem phased by this and kept firing, blasting the ground at Flash's feet and sending him flying. The teen hit the asphalt and slid for a second, then rolled onto his back. As the machine got closer, he thrust his hand out to shield his face and to his surprise, a crystal shard shot out of it. It shot through the air and embedded itself into the robot's chest, knocking it staggering back.

"Wow," Flash whistled, "projectiles. Awesome!" Before the robot could recover, Flash started firing more and more crystals at the machine and did some serious damage. But eventually, the robot fired a powerful beam at him and it slammed right into the crystalline alien. "WOW!" He screamed as he was blasted back a few hundred feet until he smashed into a car, the girls flinching at this. "Ow," he actually felt that one as he picked himself up. "Gotta end this." As he said that, the machine once again charged.

It fired at him again and all Flash could do was hold up his arms, the lasers slamming into him but somehow bouncing off him and hitting the area around him. Flash noticed this as the laser died down and realised what he had to do, Twilight also figuring it out. "Of course," she told the others. "The power of refraction!"

Flash stood tall and glared up at the machine. "Come on, ugly!" He yelled whilst pointing at his chest. "Hit me with your best shot!" The machine seemed to take this taunt and charged up another blast, whilst Flash brought his hands together and caused crystals to grow around them to form a spiked bowl.

When the machine fired, he held up the bowl and the laser slammed into it. Flash staggered back a few inches, but managed to regain his footing and stop the laser in its tracks. "What comes around goes around!" He yelled whilst reshaping the bowl until the laser's bounce back was pointed right at the robot. "Let's see how you like it, you rusty bucket of bolts!" With that, the laser slammed into the robot and pushed it straight into the air.

As it did this, its body was burnt up by its own laser and eventually exploded above the buildings. The explosion filled the air and signalled the end of the battle, as many people who had taken shelter came out of hiding. "Alright!" Trixie screamed, "way to go Fla...ashy...diamond...headed guy." Trixie couldn't believe she almost gave the secret away there.

"Aww yeah!" Flash cheered as he jumped up, "who's bad. That's right...it's me!" He then noticed all the people staring at him, including a few police officers. "Well," he tried to look dignified, "I think my work here is done." With that, he ran off before he turned back.

"Wait!" Twilight cried, but he had already disappeared.

"Who was that guy?" Rainbow asked, the others all wondering the same thing. Trixie smiled, hoping she could convince them Canterlot's new hero was there to help.

Back up in space, the ship was covered in giant robots working to repair the damage done to it.

Inside, the alien had just been told the bad news. "Failure?" He asked, the robot nodding. "Unbelievable." He gasped and slowly regained his breath. "The puny earth being, that is keeping the Omnitrix from me, will soon hang on my trophy wall." With that, the tube was suddenly covered in a metal covering with a single glass triangle to allow the alien to see out of it. He had much planning to do.

The next day.

All of Canterlot was still in shock after the insanity of the previous evening. Many people were wondering about the strange robot that showed up and attacked the city, but even more were wondering about the strange creature that showed up to stop it.

Those people did not include Trixie, who had just arrived at the school and could already hear people talking about the events of the previous night. Many were watching videos of it on their phones, the battle going viral not one hour afterwards.

As she put her bike into the stall, a sudden gust of wind shot passed the school and almost blew several people's books out of their hands. "Was that Rainbow?" She heard someone ask.

"No way. She's in hospital with a busted leg." Another burst of wind shot by, but this time Trixie could follow it to an area behind the school that nobody went to. When nobody was looking, she rushed over to it and when she got there she smirked at the sight of another alien.

This one was a blue velociraptor alien wearing black and white armor. He wore a black helmet with mask that had a blue glass visor that was X-shaped, the mask retracting to reveal a blue face with black lips and black lines around his blue eyes. The rest of the suit was black with a white stripe running down the front, but its stopped at the shoulders to reveal blue arms with black claws. It also stopped halfway down its lower leg, which were also blue with black balls between its toes and its tail was black and blue striped with a black tip. The watch symbol could be seen on the chest stripe.

"Flash?" She asked, the alien turning to smirk at her.

"Yup," he hissed as he reached into his bag. "Hey, check this out." He took out his unfinished homework and a pen, then started writing at super speed. Within seconds, he was holding a completely sheet of math questions. "Pretty fast, huh?" The watch suddenly beeped before exploding with light, which quickly died down to show Flash slinging his bag over his back.

"So you seem more confident with that thing."

"Yeah," Flash nodded. "After what happened last night, I realised I could use this thing to help people." Trixie nodded, knowing that was something Flash always wanted. "And if whoever sent those robots sends more, or shows up to cause trouble. I'll be there to stop them."

"And you won't be alone," she held up a fist and the pair bumped before heading inside. As they did, Flash looked down at the watch and smiled. He might not know what it was and where it came from, but he knew he was gonna use it the right way. To become a hero that saved everyone, no matter what.

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