• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 4: Ready to Rumble

Devious was once again in his warehouse hideout, swinging his staff around as he summoned the power of the Radiant Dragon Medallion.

He then thrust the staff forward and unleashed a blast of ice magic, using it to create an actual structure instead of just a random form. This structure was that of a lion, making him smirk as the sculpture was complete.

"Good," he nodded, "I managed to get the shape perfect. Now to work on the next step." He stepped over to the table that his laptop was on, sitting down as he started typing away at it. Thanks to the internet, searching for the Medallions was easier then he had expected.

He typed certain keywords into the search bar, hoping someone had caught something and put it online like with the Sky Butterfly Medallion. So far, he hadn't found anything. But maybe today would be the day.

"Hello," he smiled when he saw a news headline. "World's strongest wrestler. Interesting."

Canterlot City was enjoying a rare moment of piece, with no monster attacks, alien invasions or robot assaults.

Crime was at an all time low, thanks to Flash Sentry and Shining Armor being able to more openly combat it without needing to worry about revealing their identities. As such, life in Canterlot seemed to be getting back to normal after all the craziness of the last few weeks. People were doing the things they loved. Shopping, going to arcades and watching sporting events.

And this is where we find ourselves, as Flash Sentry's car pulled up to a particular arena in the city.

Said arena was Canterlot's fighting stadium, where sports like boxing, kickboxing, wrestling and martial arts tournaments were held. Flash pulled into the parking lot and smiled when he saw the large crowd outside it. Usually, he would need to wait for hours to get in and enjoy the event. But not today.

One of the perks of being a famous superhero was that he was offered a bunch of special gifts. Flash, of course, wasn't in the superhero gig to get free stuff. But it would be rude to refuse, especially when one of those free things were five front row passes to an American Wrestling Federation match.

He stepped out of the car with Adagio and Trixie, having invited them to see the match as well. Most of his friends hadn't been keen on coming, but one of them was interested and knew the perfect person to give the last ticket to.

"See 'em?" Flash asked, looking around. Trixie did the same and spotted the ones they were looking for.

"There they are." Flash and Adagio looked around and spotted Applejack and her brother, Big Mac, walking towards them. Mac was apparently a big AWF fan, so being invited to see a match like this was a dream come true for him.

"Hey guys," Flash waved them over as they headed to the stadium. "Excited to see the match in person?"

"Yup," Mac smirked. Despite his quiet demeanor, they could tell he was barely holding himself back from excitedly celebrating actually being there.

They stepped up to the entrance and when they showed their VIP tickets to the guard, he nodded and stepped aside. "This is awesome," Adagio smiled as they made their way inside. Flash tried not to look over at the line, not wanting to make those waiting patiently think he was being snobbish.

They stepped into the building and made their way towards the arena, heading up some stairs and finding themselves in a balcony overlooking the ring in the centre of the room. Several rows of seats surrounded the stage, with an area behind it for more people to stand and watch.

They all took their seats and watched as more and more people filed in below, Flash looking around but not recognising anyone as they took their seats.

Eventually, the last seat was filled with more people standing behind the seats. Once the last paying customer was inside, the lights died down as an announcer stepped out from nowhere. "Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome, to the American Wrestling Federation!" The crowd cheered at the sound of this, applauding as they did. The announcer stepped into the centre of the ring and pointed towards one of the entry. "Today, we have a pair of highly skilled individuals that will fight to prove they are the best of the best."

"Best of the best?" Flash asked, "it's not exactly like they're real fighters."

"But they are real fighters," Mac told him.

"No they're not. They're just a bunch of actors!"

"This isn't a play," Mac frowned. "This is a seriously competitive sport, where you have to push yourself to be the winner. A bunch of fighters have had to drop out when they started losing too many matches."

"What?" Flash looked down at the ring, "this sport's real? I just figured it was all scripted out." The others agreed, Mac looked offended that he would even suggest such a thing.

In that moment, the announcer called out for one of the wrestlers to appear and he stepped out in a rather unusual outfit. The next wrestler stepped out of the other exit, the pair entering the ring and giving a bit of trash talk to each other. The announcer then counted down and they started fighting.

"So...what are the rules of this game?" Flash asked Mac, who didn't take his eyes off the match.

"The winner is the guy that pins their opponent or throws them from the ring. They also win if the opponent surrenders." One of the wrestlers did a lariat on the other and knocked him off his feet. "There's no punching or kicking allowed along with attacking a spot below the stomach. Other then that, they can do whatever they want."

Sure enough, one of the wrestlers was able to drag the opponent to the floor and pin them down until the announcer finished counter. The bell rang and the crowd cheered, those up in the balcony nodding at the skill he had used.

"This is pretty good," Flash smirked as the wrestlers stepped out of the ring and were replaced with two new ones.

For the next hour or so, everyone watched as wrestlers competed against one another. Some matches were over in just a minute or so, whilst others took a while to have a winner be announced. Some were pinned, others were knocked out of the ring and a couple surrendered.

"And now," the announcer proclaimed after the last match. "It's time for the match you've all been waiting for!" The crowd cheered, as he turned towards the entryway. "Please welcome the strongest wrestler in the federation, who's been rapidly climbing the ranks. IRON WILL!" Someone suddenly rushed out in the areas, screaming as he did so.

He was a bulky blue skinned man, with a dark blue mohawk and a blue beard on his chin. He was the buffest man Flash had ever seen, wearing a black workout shirt with a bull's head on the front and blue shorts. But the most noteworthy thing about his appearance, was the nose ring he was wearing.

"YEAH!" He roared, marching towards the ring as the audience all screamed at his appearance.

"Wow," Adagio was impressed, "these people really love him."

"Yup!" Mac nodded before actually speaking, "everyone loves his story. He was a real underdog up until a few weeks ago, losing almost every fight he was in and almost getting dropped from the league. But then, he suddenly started winning no stop and showing amazing feats of strength."

"Really?" Flash was impressed. "Are they sure he isn't just taking drugs?"

"They test him, but are pretty positive he's not on anything."

"How strong is he?" Applejack asked, Mac unsure.

Iron Will was finally in the ring and took the mic from the announced. "Listen up, loyal fans. Are you ready, to see Iron Will crush his opponent and prove just how incredible he is?" The crowd cheered, "Iron Will can't hear you!" They cheered even louder. "That's right. Because Iron Will is the master of the ring. The master of the mat-"

"The master of talking about himself in the third person," Trixie laughed. "Seriously, who does that?" Flash and Applejack gave her a look, unable to believe she had actually asked that question.

The announcer took back the mic and spoke up. "And his opponent. Currently eleventh in the league and looking to break into the top ten. Give it up for Bone Button!" The spotlight moved to the other entrance and a green skinned muscle man with a blue shirt, black shorts, black leather jacket and red headband walked out. His leather jacket was covered in different badges and buttons, the man stepping into the ring and taking the mic.

"I've fought all over this country. In every state on the map. And I've won a match in all but one of them. This state. That changes today!" The crowd cheered as Button handed the mic back to the announcer, the pair turning towards one another as the announcer left the ring and started counting down.

"Four...three...two...one...FIGHT!" The two charged at one another, tackling each other in an insane attempt to overpower the other.

Everyone cheered for their favourite wrestler, whilst Flash and his friends watched with intrigue.

Button fell to the ground and Iron prepared to pin him, but Button rolled away before he could. And as Iron staggered from his near dive, allowing Button to get around him and by the time Iron stood tall, he was able to slide his arms under Iron's before trapping him in a full nelson.

"Now I got yah!" Button cried, keeping Iron in place as he tried to wrestle him to the ground. But Iron refused to let himself be taken down so easy. He staggered backwards and slammed Button into the rope, trying to bounce himself free. But Button was able to stay where he was as Iron spun around, his opponent remaining in place.

"Let Iron Will go!" He roared before reaching back and managing to grab onto the back of Button's jacket. As he did, Trixie suddenly felt a surge of something.

"Huh?" She looked around, only to be pulled back to focus on the ring when Button was suddenly flying through the air. "What happened?"

"Iron Will threw him off him," Adagio cried. "It was insane. One moment he was trapped, the next he was tossing the man over the rope." Sure enough, Bone Button crashed into the ground in front of the first row of chairs.

The crowd cheered at this, as Iron Will struck a pose. "YEAH!" He yelled, as the announcer rushed up and stated he had claimed victory. Iron Will then took the mic again to address the crowd. "Now do you see. There is nobody Iron Will cannot defeat. Not on this or any planet. And now, Iron Will will prove it!" He pointed up at a particular balcony. "Flash Sentry. Iron Will challenges you!"

Flash's eyes went wide, as all eyes turned towards him. The teen looked around, seeing the people watching him expectantly. He then turned to the others. "You guys get the feeling, I only got those ticket for this exact reason?" The others all nodded, thinking the same thing.

Iron kept yelling, "come down here! Come test your strength against the might of Iron Will! YEAH!"

Flash frowned at him, "I'm not gonna fight you. Unless you plan on robbing a grocery store, I have no reason to use my aliens on you." Iron laughed.

"See that. The mighty hero is scared. Scared of facing Iron Will and his unstoppable muscles!" Flash frowned. "You claim to be our protector. But can you defeat evil if you refuse this simple challenge?" Flash frowned, whilst the people around him started cheering for him to fight.

He then turned to the others, who all nodded in agreement. "Fine!" Flash leapt off the balcony and transformed into Gryforce, the alien avian flying through the air before diving down and landing in front of Iron Will. As he did, he hit the Omnitrix and transformed again. "RIOT-HORN!" He roared, making the ring shake as he glared at Iron. "You asked for this, so don't complain when I beat you!"

Iron Will laughed as he cracked his knuckles, the crowd all cheering for what was bound to be an awesome match.

"Go on Flash!" Adagio cried, "you can't lose to this guy!"

Riot-Horn and Iron Will stared each other down, as the announcer counted down, the crowd excited to see what would happen. "Three...two...one...FIGHT!" The pair charged forward, Iron and Riot-Horn both grabbing one another's shoulders and pushing against each other.

"Yeah!" Adagio cried, "get him!"

"There's no way Iron Will can overpower Riot-Horn," Trixie stated. "Flash once lifted part of a building up. Iron might be strong, but nobody's that strong." They watched as the pair struggled against each other, Riot-Horn only using about a third of his normal strength.

"This alien's holding back on Iron Will!" The wrestler suddenly called out, catching the audience's attention. "Big mistake!" He started pushing and Riot-Horn found himself sliding backwards in the ring.

"What?" Trixie cried, as the alien rhino found himself getting close to the ring. "Flash! Stop clowning around and beat this guy!" Riot-Horn heard this and knew she was right. He didn't want to hurt Iron Will, but he also didn't want to look like a laughing stock.

As such, he upped the strength and started pushing Iron Will back.

The man smiled as he was overpowered, but quickly used this to his advantage. As the next thing Riot-Horn knew, Iron fell backwards and dragged him with him. When Iron was on his back, he managed to push his feet into Riot-Horns chest and threw him over him.

Riot-Horn cried out, as he was thrown feet over head and crashed into the ring. His friends flinched as the announcer proclaimed Iron's amazing skill, whilst Riot-Horn growled at being humiliated.

He jumped back to his feet, as Iron Will did the same and the pair stared one another down. The alien then charged forward, attempting to grab Iron. But the wrestler ducked under his arm and grabbed it before spinning on the spot, making Riot-Horn cry out as he was thrown around again.

He crashed into the ring and Iron Will held his arm, keeping a foot on his back and stopping him from getting up. The announcer started counting, but Riot-Horn wasn't gonna let this end so easily.

Instead, he summoned all his strength and started pushing. Iron was surprised by the sudden search in strength and before he could react, Riot-Horn managed to throw him off him. He staggered back at the announcer stopped counting, as Riot-Horn spun around and charged again.

The pair collided and Riot-Horn tried to push Iron out of the ring, but Iron suddenly stopped moving and was impossible to move. "What?" Riot-Horn tried to use all his strength, but even that wasn't enough.

From the crowd, the others were just as surprised.

Trixie stared at the wrestler and as she did, she suddenly sensed something again. And this time, she was able to tell what it was. "No way." She knew this sensation, the others looking over at her only to instantly look back at the sound of Riot-Horn's cries.

Iron Will was pushing him backwards, shocking everyone. And then, he grabbed the rhino under the arms and pushed up. "Augh!" Riot-Horn found himself lifted into the air, shocking the crowd.

"Iron Will is the strongest!" He cried, "Iron Will is the mightiest! Iron Will is the BEST!" Before Riot-Horn could try and escape, Iron spun around and threw him over the ropes of the ring.

The rhino roared as he tried to save himself, but it was useless. He flew over the ropes and out of the ring, crashing down on the ground in front of the front row.

"RING OUT!" The announcer roared. "Flash Sentry has been defeated. Iron Will is still our champion!" The crowd roared in applause, as Riot-Horn sat himself up with a moan.

"Are you okay?" Adagio, Applejack, Mac and Trixie rushed over to him after climbing down from the balcony. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"What fingers?" He was way to dizzy to see anything, the others frowning as he reached down to tapped the Omnitrix. Turning back to human, he still didn't feel right as Mac helped him to his feet. "What the heck just happened?"

"That's what I'd like ta know," Applejack turned back to the ring. "There's no way he should have been able to beat you."

"There is a way." They all looked over at Trixie, who stared at the ring. "I sensed it when he lifted you up." All but Mac realised what she was getting at. "Iron Will has a Medallion."

"Which one?" Applejack asked, Trixie thinking back to her book on the Medallions and all their powers.

"The Mighty Bull. That has to be the one. It grants the wielder super strength, just like Applejack." The others frowned as they watched Iron Will continuing to get the crowd to cheer, demanding another newcomer. Trixie wanted to talk to him, but something caught their attention before she could.

"I'll be your opponent!" Their eyes went wide, as they saw someone leap out from behind the crowd and hover over it using a powerful gust of wind.

Devious landed upon the ring's post, the man staring at Iron Will as the wrestler smiled. "Oh yeah! I'm glad my manager managed to get another opponent lined up for me." He flexed his muscles, "that last match barely had me breaking a sweat." Flash frowned at this, whilst Trixie rushed off to find a place to transform.

Devious smirked at Iron Will before leaping down and charging forward, not waiting for the announcer to say anything.

Iron Will was shocked by this, even more so when Devious raised his staff and launched a fireball. Iron leapt to the side, as the flames struck the ring and set the rope on fire. Luckily, fire extinguishers were close by and able to put it out. Iron then shot forward and threw a punch at Devious, who tried to block with a barrier of wind.

But Iron's strength was too much and pushed through it, only slowed down enough that the impact slammed Devious into the air.

He roared, as he was thrown straight up and out of the ring. He would have crashed onto the crowd, had he not created a tornado to stop himself. As such, he flew into the air and glared down at the wrestle. "Well, you've clearly synched up with the Medallion more than I expected." Iron Will looked confused by that statement. "But it doesn't matter. I will get that Medallion and have my super strength back."

Flash was suddenly reminded of when Devious last had said Medallion. His super strength had been an issue to deal with. If he got it back, they were gonna be in serious trouble.

But before Devious could try and attack again, someone else leapt out from behind the crowd. "Devious!" Lady Masquerade flew towards him, her Sky Butterfly form propelling her forwards as she tried to stab him with her rapier.

Devious flew away and landed by a window near the roof. "You!" Trixie prepared to charge again. "I don't have time for you right now." He raised his staff and unleashed a burst of smoke, the masked heroine attempting to get to him before it could conceal him.

But the cloud completely covered him and by the time she reached the area, he was gone. "No!" She turned towards the ground and saw the crowd looking up at her, all clearly worried about her being there since that meant that man hadn't been a performer.

She turned to Iron Will, who looked confused more then anything. "We need to talk!" She told him, gliding down to the ring.

After that, everything seemed to run at light speed and in the blink of an eye, the area had been evacuated by everyone except Flash, Adagio, Applejack, Mac, Lady Masquerade and Iron Will. During that time, Trixie told Iron about the Medallions and their abilities.

"Hmm," Iron was leant against the rope of the ring and stroked his beard. "Your story intrigues Iron Will. You say this Mighty Bull Medallion is what has given him this incredible super strength?"

"It's the only explanation," Flash told him. "Sure, you're strong. But there's no way a normal human being should have been able to beat Riot-Horn like you did." Iron looked a little insulted by that statement.

"You do have the Medallion," Trixie told him. "I could sense it when you used it. And Devious attacking you is all the proof you need." Iron let this info sink in, as spun around to look out at the ring.

"Iron Will was at the bottom of the league until a couple months ago, when he suddenly felt a new surge of power!" He flexed his muscles. "He thought it had been the new protein shake he had switched to, but now he sees it was this Medallion that made him stronger."

"Exactly," Trixie nodded. "And as long as you have it, it puts a target on your back."

"So what," Iron turned to her. "Iron Will isn't scared of that guy. Let him come and Iron Will will give him some of this!" He punched the air, "and this and some of this!" He kept punching the air, the others not impressed.

"Listen to me," Trixie told him. "The Medallions don't belong in this world. I was charged with gathering them, so I need you to hand it over." Iron Will looked shocked by this, "it's for the greater good."

"No way hosay," Iron stated. "Iron Will is finally on top and if it's thanks to this Medallion, he won't give it up. This Medallion will stick with Iron Will until he retire from the sport, in about ten years."

"You can't have the Medallion that long!" Trixie cried.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Iron smirked, "Iron won't give it up and if you could take it on your own, you would have already."

Trixie frowned, turning to the others who were just as perplexed about this.

They were reminded of Fleetfoot, who had been just as adamant about keeping her Medallion. But unlike her, this guy clearly didn't care about being a hero. They had to get the Medallion from him, but how?

"There has to be some way to get you to give it to us," Flash told him. "What'll it take?"

Iron will smirked as he flexed his muscles, "Iron Will follows the rules of the ring. Only those strong enough to defeat me will get my agreement. If you want Iron Will's Medallion, you must battle him for it and win."

"You can't be serious," Adagio cried.

Mac nodded, "it's true. The rules of the ring are an established part of the wrestling federation. Anyone can challenge a member and demand something if they win, but have to put something up that's of equal value."

"Exactly," Iron nodded. "So if you want this Medallion, you're gonna have to bet something for the chance to win it from Iron Will!"

"But we don't have anything!" Flash stated before Iron Will pointed at him.

"If you win, Iron Will will give you his Medallion. But if you lose, you've gotta join Iron Will for his next tour. The audience love you and watching you get your butt handed to you will really up Iron Will's fanbase. YEAH!" They looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm not a performer. I'm a superhero, who's trying to save your ungrateful behind!" Iron wasn't paying attention, clearly picturing another match where the crowd would scream for him. Flash groaned, knowing he wasn't going to listen to anything else. "Fine, you've got a deal."

Iron heard this and smirked, "great. We'll have our match in three days. No point fighting if everyone else is too scared to come watch." He held out his hand, "may the best wrestler win." Flash grabbed his hand and gripped it tightly, only for Iron to almost crush his hand making Flash gasp. He was thankful Iron didn't use his Medallion power.

Once the deal was made, Iron headed off towards the locker rooms to shower and go home. "What if Devious attacks him before tomorrow?" Trixie asked, removing her mask and returning to normal when she was sure nobody was around to see.

"Don't worry," Flash took out his phone. "I've got this." He brought up Shining's number, knowing the guy still had some contacts in the police force despite now being a full time plumber. "Hey, Shining." He nodded, "you hear about what happened at the arena yet? Right, well Iron Will has a Medallion." He nodded, "but he's refusing to give it up and doesn't wanna help us beat Devious. He might end up getting targeted by him before we can figure out how to get it away from him. Got it. Thanks." He hung up.

"Well?" Adagio asked.

"Shining's gonna look into getting some police protection for Iron Will. And if he can't, he'll keep an eye on him himself."

"Good," Applejack told him. "That means you can focus on training to beat him." They all nodded, Flash having an idea about how to do just that.

Soon enough, they were all at the Plumber Base.

Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike were all there already, many of them smiling as they stared at a glass wall in front of them. On the other side, Drift the hybrid was happily enjoying his own special habitat. The room had been built especially for him, letting him live in a large room where he could fly around without worry and had many perches for him to stand on.

They smiled as they looked around the rest of the room, which had just been completed inside the base. It was a circular room, with a circular tube in the very centre that was the elevator leading to the rest of the base. The part the humans were in was a small round area with glass walls surrounding it, divided into five sections with only one having something on the other side of it.

The plan was that if Sunset was right about there being four other creatures like Drift, then they could all be held there until they found a way to return them to Equestria.

Fluttershy had filled a bowl full of bird food and opened a small hatch on the glass wall, allowing her to push the bowl through. "Hope you're hungry." Drift heard this and flew down, landing in front of the bowl and licking his lips.

"Thank you." His speech had gotten much better as of late, showing just how intelligent he really was."

In that moment, the elevator opened up and Flash, Trixie, Adagio, Applejack and Mac stepped out of it. Mac was amazed as he looked around the room, Flash focusing on Twilight. "Hey," she looked up at him, "were you able to do what I asked?"

"Yup," Twilight nodded as she showed him the laptop she had connected to the base's computer system. "I uploaded every piece of info on this Iron Will guy. Videos, interviews the whole shebang."

"How's that supposed to help with beating Iron Will?" Adagio asked, as Flash smirked and suggested following him.

They all got back in the elevator, though it was a bit of a tight squeeze, and rod it down to the lowest level that had been constructed in the base so far. When the doors opened up, they found themselves in another circular room. Only this one was much smaller and the walls had ten doors running along it.

Twilight stepped up to the door in front of them and started playing with a touchpad next to it. "Iron Will Training One, uploaded and ready to go." Flash smirked and stepped forward into the room.

The others followed and found themselves stepping out into the same arena that Iron Will had fought in before. "What the heck?" Trixie asked, the others just as amazed.

"Welcome to the plumber training ground," Flash told them. "It's a holodeck, designed to let plumbers practise their plumber skills in any environment they can think of." As he said that, a flash appeared on the ring and they saw Iron Will appear.

"YEAH!" He cried, flexing in several positions. "YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!"

"You're gonna train against that?" Rainbow asked, Flash nodding as he stepped towards the ring. Twilight smiled and turned to them.

"I've uploaded all the data I was able to get into the computer and had it create a perfect copy of him. This hologram will move, fight and respond the exact same way Iron Will would."

Flash leapt over the ring and landed in front of Iron Will, the others moving over to the stands to watch as Flash activated the Omnitrix and slapped it down. In a flash, Riot-Horn appeared and got ready to fight. "Let's rumble!" He charged forward and the fake Iron Will did the same, both of them colliding in the middle of the ring and beginning to brawl with one another.

Riot-Horn remembered everything Mac had told him about the rules of the sport, so couldn't punch him. Apparently, the rule was you could hit the opponent with any part of the body except the fists, feet, head, knees and elbows. Anything else was fair game.

Everyone watched as Riot-Horn started to overpower Iron, his superior strength clear against him as he didn't use his Medallion power. But then, as Riot-Horn swung his arm around to try and karate chop the wrestler, Iron caught him by the wrist and stopped him cold.

It was clear he was using the Medallion's power and before Riot-Horn could pull himself free, Iron spun around and dragged him around with him. "GYAH!" He screamed as he was flung over the ropes and towards the ground.

"OOW!" Everyone screamed, flinching at the sight of the hero being thrown out of the ring. He moaned as he lay on the floor, his friends watching him with worry.

"Are you okay?" Adagio asked, as Riot-Horn growled as he picked himself up.

"I'm fine!" He rushed forward and leapt back into the ring, but was thrown out of it a minute later. His friends quickly realised Riot-Horn wasn't gonna be able to muscle his way out of this. Clearly, Iron Will was stronger than him. Over the next ten minutes, Riot-Horn was thrown out of the ring five times.

On the fifth, he crashed into the ground as the Omnitrix started beeping.

"Great," he moaned as the device reverted him back to human. He sat up and looked up at Iron Will, who was throwing some of his annoying phrases whilst the others watched with worry.

"Getting that Medallion might not be so easy," Applejack stated as the others frowned.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Devious sat in his hideout.

The man knew where to find Iron Will and could go to him at any time. But against the man's super strength, beating him would be more trouble than it was worth. As such, he ha a new plan.

Actually, it was an old plan. The same one he used against the last Mighty Bull wielder.

"What a drag," he growled as he put everything he needed down on the floor. A bunch of paper, a brush and several pots of paint. "Can't believe this universe doesn't even have runes in it. Enchanting this stuff's gonna be a pain." He opened the lid and looked in at the black liquid. He raised a hand over it and started chanting, her Medallion glowing as he did so.

Whilst the Medallions could usually only use their magic to use their individual powers, someone with enough skill can channel the magic and cast rather simple spells. For what Devious needed, his skill would be enough.

The paint began to glow, as Devious kept chanting for several minutes. Then, he finally stopped and lowered his hand. "Alright," he panted, "that's the easy part done. Now to get to work." He picked up the brush and paper, carefully dipping it in the paint and lifting it over the paper.

He carefully started drawing an array of symbols, being careful so as to not make a single error. Just one mistake was all it would take to ruin this.

"This is gonna take a while."

Three days later.

Shining and Trixie were both standing atop an apartment building, Shining using his plumber suit to scan the building opposite and focus on one apartment in particular.

Inside, Iron Will was bench pressing some insanely large weights. So large that there was no way a normal person could possibly lift it. "Is this seriously all he does?" Shining asked as he watched Iron Will lift it with ease. "Eat, sleep, train. Eat, sleep, train. Eat, sleep, train. That's all he's done over the last three days."

"And there hasn't been any sign of Devious," Trixie frowned. "I don't get it. I figured he'd try something by now."

"Well lets hope he doesn't try anything until tonight," Shining sighed. "If Flash can beat him, then Devious won't be able to get the Medallion."

"If Flash can beat him," Trixie sighed. Over the last three days, Flash had been training none stop trying to beat the hologram. But so far, he hadn't even come close to beating the fake one.

"Gyah!" Riot-Horn cried, as he was once again frown from the ring and crashed into the ground.

He moaned, getting really sick of being thrown around like a ragdoll. "YEAH!" He heard Iron yell again, the rhino pushing himself up to his feet and about to enter the ring for the hundredth time. But before he could, the Omnitrix beeped and he was returned to human form.

Flash groaned as he moved over to a bench, Iron Will continuing to quip catchy lines until Flash paused the program. He picked his water bottle off the bench and took a deep swig, then used the rest of the water to drench his head and cool down. But it didn't make him feel any better.

"There has to be some way I can beat him."

"These isn't." Flash looked around and saw Applejack, who was leaning against the wall having clearly been watching his humiliation. "Sorry Flash, but you can't beat this guy."

"You don't know that," Flash told her.

"I read Trixie's book on the Mighty Bull Medallion," Applejack explained. "It's pretty busted." Flash was curious, wanting to know what she found out. "It doesn't really grant the user super strength. Accordin' ta da'h book, it magnifies da'h person's own strength." She moved over to sit next to him. "Since Iron Will was so strong to begin with, the Medallion made him stronger than what should be humanly possible. He'd probably be able to break a mountain in half if he tried."

Flash gulped hearing this. If Applejack was right, then he really didn't stand a chance against Iron Will. The man's strength was way more then what Riot-Horn, even fully charged, could take on. "What do I do? If I can't find a way to stop Iron Will, I'll be stuck going on tour with him and Devious will have another shot at getting the Medallion."

Applejack smirked as she looked up at Iron Will's frozen form. "Ya'h can't out muscle him. That's just a fact." Flash sighed, "but that doesn't mean you can't beat him." He looked at her in shock, whilst Applejack smiled at him. "A'h know a'm the muscle of ma'h friends, but that's not all I am."

"What do you mean?" Applejack flexed her arm, showing the muscles in it.

"A'h might be able to lift a truck over ma'h head, but all these muscles would be useless without this one." She tapped her head, "Iron Will's a mindless brute. It's clear he only uses his strength and nothing else. Probably why he was always losing before he got the Medallion."

"So what you're saying is, I need to stop trying to out muscle him and start trying to outthink him?"

"Exactly," Applejack stood up. "Ya'h got more then one alien on that think. Don't forget that." She tipped her hat, "this ain't the first time ya've fought against someone stronger then ya'h. And you didn't need to be stronger to beat 'em." She turned to leave, letting Flash think about what she had said as the Omnitrix beeped and turned green.

He turned towards the holographic Iron Will and activated the watch, cycling through all the aliens he had at his disposal.

Applejack was right. He couldn't just rely on Riot-Horn to muscle his way out of this. He needed to be smart, like when he fought against Kraab and Sixsix. Slowly, he started formulating a plan and smirked as an idea formed in his head. He knew how to stop Iron Will and if it worked, the wrestler wouldn't be able to lay a finger on him.

"Alright," he rushed into the ring and got into a fighting stance. "Let's see if this works." He slapped the watch down.

The crowd cheered as they waited for the wrestling match to begin.

Trixie, Adagio, Twilight and Shining were in the crowd, the four keeping a watchful eye out in case Devious showed up. But so far, there didn't appear to be any sign of him. "Perimeter check," Shining spoke over the radios. "You girls see anything?"

"Nope," Twilight replied.

"Nothing," Adagio stated.

"No sign of him," Trixie explained.

Shining frowned as his gaze swept over the crowd, seeing no sign of him. But as he did, the commentator spoke up. "It's time, ladies and gentlemen!" The crowd cheered as a spotlight appeared on one of the entrances, "here he is. That man with the might of the bull. Iron Will!"

Iron Will flexed and let out several mighty roars, as he and his manager moved down the ramp towards the ring.

Once there, he jumped over the rope and looked around. "Iron Will is here to pulverise all challengers. He's gonna crush the competition, like how an overbearing mother crushes her children's self-esteem." He pointed to the other exit. "Flash Sentry thinks he's tough...but Iron Will is stronger. He's ready to prove that he's the strongest in the whole galaxy."

Trixie rolled her eyes from her spot in the crowd, the girl turning towards said crowd and looked around. As she did, her eyes went wide at the sight of Devious. "Guys!" She tried to call them over the radio, but the crowd was too loud for them to hear. "Guys!" She groaned and decided to rush after Devious, who spotted her and began to push through the crowd and head towards one of the exits.

The pair eventually reached the exit and ran out into the hallway, Trixie taking out her mask.

"Devious!" He stopped and spun around, staring at her as Trixie placed her mask over her eyes. In a flash of light, Lady Masquerade appeared in front of him. "This ends now!" She took out her staff and prepared for a fight, whilst Devious cloths burned away to reveal his battle form.

The staff appeared in his hands and he charged forward, Trixie doing the same and using her illusions to become invisible. But Devious quickly acted and used his ice power to create a veil of mist, which shifted when the invisible girl moved through it. "There you are!" He launched a thunderbolt and Trixie used her staff to block it.

The pair glared at one another, knowing that a fight in such a narrow corridor wasn't gonna be easy.

Back in the stadium, the spotlight illuminated the other entrance.

"And now!" The announcer. "The challenger! Will this fight turn out better then last time? Let's find out! It's Flash Sentry!" The teen stepped out, Applejack and Mac besides him. The three stepped down the catwalk and when they arrived at the ring, Flash stepped inside as Mac and Applejack nodded to him.

Iron Will laughed as he saw him, "come to get destroyed once again? You really need to learn when to not pick a fight you can't win. Especially when the one you're facing is the all great IRON WILL! YEAH!" The crowd cheered, as Flash just frowned at him.

"So what if you're strong," Flash told him. "There are more important things then strength. I forgot about that but now, I'm ready to take you down!"

Iron Will laughed, "you've got a lot of spunk. I like that. Come on! Turn into that rhino and let's throw down."

Flash smirked, activating the Omnitrix. "Who said I'm using Riot-Horn!?" He slapped it down and in a burst of green light, he transformed. "Chamalien!" The light faded to reveal the lizard alien, who smiled as all three eyes narrowed in focus.

"What is this?" Iron Will asked, laughing as he did so. "You dare challenge the great Iron Will, using such a puny creature." He pointed at Chamalien, "Iron Will, will destroy you!"

"Then come at me!" Chamalien smirked, as the announcer cried out for the fight to begin. As soon as he did, Iron Will charged forward with a roar. But before he could throw a single punch, Chamalien vanished.

"What?" Iron Will looked around, seeing no sign of him. "You dare run away."

"Whose running?" Chamalien's voice spoke from behind Iron, who spun around but still saw nothing. "I'm just levelling the playing field. If I can't out strength you, I can out think you." Someone suddenly tackled him from behind, knocking him off balance as something else swept his legs out from under him.

He cried out as he fell to the ground, but quickly rolled back to his feet and moved to the corner of the ring. He knew that Flash had to be somewhere in front of him. As long as he kept his back protected, he would be fine.

"What's the matter," Chamalien appeared in front of him. "Don't like your opponent having an unfair advantage? Not so good when the shoe's on the other foot, huh?"

"Be quiet," Iron Will rushed forward to try and grab him for a toss. But Chamalien leapt straight into the air and out of his reach. He then spun forward and swung his tail down to slam into his head, making Iron cry out as he was sent staggering back into the ring's ropes.

The people watching laughed, loving that the fight they fought would be so one-sided was turning out rather even. But this wasn't making Iron happy, as the man pushed himself far back into the net before catapulting himself forward.

He moved with incredible speed and looked ready to liariet Chamalien, but the alien slammed the Omnitrix and a green flash blinded Iron as he attempted to attack his neck. But as he did, he felt something slimy cover his arm. And as he did, a watery voice spoke up. "Goop!" The light faded and the slime alien was standing where Chamalien had just been, Iron's arm having cut through his neck but done nothing.

"Ahh!" Iron saw his arm was covered in the slime and flung it around to get it off, making Goop laugh. "You dare mock Iron Will!"

"What can I say," Goop told him as Iron tried to punch him with little effect. "I mock. I'm a mocker!" He suddenly exploded and slammed himself into Iron Will, turning into slimy rops that wrapped around his body and arms. Iron Will suddenly found himself being pulled around without any control, "also a puller, a tugger a yanker." The next thing Iron Will knew, his fist was suddenly flying up and hitting him in the face.

"Augh!" His other fist quickly followed, everyone watching in shock as Goop controlled his body effortlessly.

"Stop hitting yourself," the alien laughed. "Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself!" Laughter filled the area, with even Shining and the other members of the team unable to hold themselves back from laughing their heads off.

But despite busting a gut, Shining's focus remained on the task. There was no sign of Devious, but that didn't mean he wasn't there.

"Wait," Shining looked around, "where's Trixie?" He was only now realising that the other dimensional princess wasn't there. "Trixie, come in!"

Trixie was thrown back by a powerful gust of wind, groaning as she fell to the ground. "A little busy!"

Devious smirked as he spun his staff around, fireballs exploding off the end and rocketing towards Trixie with incredible speed. Trixie pushed herself to her feet and leapt around, but the narrow corridor made it impossible to get far from the flames fast enough.

The fireballs exploded and unleashed a shockwave that knocked Trixie backwards, Lady Masquerade groaning as she crashed into the ground. "Ow."

Devious laughed. "Clearly, you haven't been practising with your powers." Trixie rolled back to her feet as he moved forward. "If you had, you would have pushed your abilities to the next level."

"Next level?" Trixie asked, wondering what the heck he was talking about.

Devious held up his staff, "let me show you!" He slammed his staff into the ground and when he did, a bunch of ice appeared in front of him that took the shape of a lion. The ice sculpture stood there and Trixie wondered what the heck was such an improvement, only for the lion to suddenly charge towards her.

"WOW!" She screamed, as the beast bounced. She was barely able to swing her staff fast enough to behead it, the ice felling to the ground and shattering. "Living ice?"

Devious smirked, "it's a shame that you can't do something like that." He slammed his staff into the ground again, causing another ice lion to appear along with a shark, tiger, eagle and bison. The five charged and Trixie knew she was in trouble.

Goop had finally gotten bored of punching Iron Will with his own fist.

The wrestler roared as he finally summoned all his super strength and fought against the slime. He reached back and managed to grab the one part of Goop that couldn't slide out of his gasp, the Omnitrix. "Hey!" He felt Iron pull on it and feared he might rip it off his slimy body, so let himself liquify and be pulled off.

"Oh!" The announcer cried, "Iron Will has Flash. Could this be the end?" Iron looked ready to throw him from the ring, but Goop managed to slide a tendril under his hand and tap the Omnitrix.

"Molestache!" The rodent alien replaced the slimeball and used his mustache to punch Iron in the nose, making him cry out as he dropped the alien. Molestache laughed as he hit the ground and used his tache to wrapped up Iron's legs, lifting him up before he could recover.

Iron cried out as he was lifted up before being dropped onto the floor, groaning as he hit it whilst Molestache put up his dukes. Iron growled as he rolled onto his front and pushed himself forward, attempting to grab Molestache and throw him out of the ring.

But Molestache used his tache to throw himself into the air. Iron ended up body checking the ring and bouncing back to the centre, barely able to stay on his feet as he looked up at the rodent alien. He cracked his knuckles as he saw Molestache flying above him using his mustache-copter, really getting annoyed by him as he stopped spinning his rotor and fell to the ground.

Iron prepared to counter when he fell back to the ground, planning to punch him out of the ring.

However, as Molestache got within punching range, he hit the Omnitrix again with another flash of light blinding Iron. The wrestler punched at him, but hit thin air. And when the light faded, there was no sign of him anywhere. "Where'd he go?" He looked around, but saw no sign of him. "Did he go invisible again?" Everyone in the crowd started laughing, annoying him. "Do not laugh at Iron Will. Iron Will terrified that weakling into running away!"

"Dude!" One of the audience cried out, "he's right behind you!" Iron spun around, but he wasn't there. "Still behind you?" He spun again, still nothing. He kept spinning and spinning like a dog chasing his tail, making the laughter grow louder.

"Where are you?" Iron Will roared, his frustrations making him slam his fist into the ring and make part of it break.

"Right here!" He heard a voice, causing him to look around and see a small frog alien staring back at him. "Hi." Iron Will tried to grab him, but Grey Matter leapt out of reach and kept crawling along his back. "Let's see." He poked a part of his back, then twist another before poking a lower part and twisting another. "And now! Frog Slap!" He thrust his palm into the very centre of his back and in doing so, Iron Will's entire body went rigid.

"What?" Iron cried before he began to fall forwards, "oh no." He slammed face first into the ring, his entire body still as Grey Matter leapt off of him and brushed his hands.

"What did you do ta him?" Applejack asked as Grey Matter stepped over to his side of the ring, leaning against a post.

"I hit a few key pressure points. He won't be getting up for a good while." Sure enough, Iron Will's body refused to even budge. He was completely weak and helpless, as the ref came on stage and began to count down.

"No!" He cried, "this isn't how this fight ends. Iron Will is strong! Iron Will is unbeatable! Iron Will-" The ref finished counting and the match was over, "has just been beaten by a frog!" The crowd cheered as Grey Matter returned to human form, Flash sighing as he leaned against the ring.

"There you have it, folks. The unstoppable Iron Will has just been bested by Flash Sentry, not because of the teen's strength but because of his mind. Just goes to show that being the strongest doesn't make you the best. And now Iron Will's winning streak has come to an end."

Flash moved over to Iron Will, who continued to lay on the ground.

"This is impossible," Iron told himself. "Iron's strength...it failed him. How?"

Flash sighed as he sat down in front of him, "there are different kinds of strength. I forgot about that last time and my back still hurts because of it. But listen, you agreed that you'd give the Medallion up if I managed to beat you."

"But...without that Medallion...Iron Will's career as a wrestler will be over."

"You don't know that," Flash stated. "Besides, it wasn't real. You weren't using your own power to be the best. If you only ever won because of that Medallion, you didn't deserve to win. That's a harsh, but true fact of life. Nothing worth having comes easy."

Iron Will sighed, knowing Flash was right.

However, before he could say anything, a nearby wall suddenly exploded as a massive serpentine dragon flew out of it with something in its mouth. This sudden appearance caused everyone to start screaming, as Flash and the others saw the thing in the dragon's mouth was Trixie.

The girl flinched as he held her staff within the beast's mouth, which was the only thing stopping it from closing its jaw and stabbing her with its icicle fangs.

She cried out, as the dragon flew down and smashed into the ground whilst she was sent crashing into some chairs as the dragon exploded. As she did, Devious stepped out of the hole the dragon had caused. He then looked up and saw Iron Will on the ground. "Thanks for weakening the meathead for me. Now he shouldn't have any chance of fighting against my drain."

"I don't think so!" Flash prepared to activate the Omnitrix, but realised it was in the red due to all the fast switching he had done. "Um..." Devious launched a fireball towards him and it exploded at his feet, knocking Flash flying backwards into the ring.

He bounced off the ropes and fell to the ground, Devious smirking only to almost get blasted.

He looked around and saw Shining charging at him, Twilight and Applejack besides him as they both held up chairs ready to throw at him. "You're not getting that Medallion!" The plumber cried, firing another laser at him that Devious blocked with a thunderbolt.

Twilight and Applejack started throwing the chairs, Devious leaping away as Trixie started picking herself up.

As this was happening, Adagio and Mac rushed into the ring. "You okay?" She asked Flash, who moaned as he pushed himself up.

"Yeah. But that knocked me for a loop." Mac took this time to roll Iron Will onto his back before sitting him up, but the man's bulk was gonna make lifting him a struggle. "Iron, Devious won't stop hunting you as long as you have the Medallion. You need to choose. Join us, or give it up!"

Iron thought for a moment, watching as Trixie ran over and started avoiding fireballs and ice birds. He made up his mind.

"Iron Will is no hero. He fights, but not in battles like this." He sighed, "Iron Will relinquishes claim on the Medallion." As soon as he said that, light appeared around his body.

Everyone saw this and watched, as the black energy flew up and started forming something above Iron Will. In a flash, a black coin with a brown bull appeared above the wrestling ring.

The coin then flew over to Flash, clearly expecting him to take it. But he smirked and shook his head, "no." He turned to Trixie, "she's the one you want." Devious heard this and couldn't believe it, as the coin shot towards Trixie who caught it in her hand.

As soon as she did, the coin exploded into black energy that flowed around her entire body.

Trixie could feel the energy flowing through her body, unable to believe she had gotten a new Medallion. Devious, meanwhile, turned to glare at Flash. "You would throw away that power. The power you worked so hard to acquire. Why?"

"Because I don't need it," Flash smirked. "I can already become super strong. Now Trixie can can power up as well."

Devious growled as he turned back to Trixie. "You think you can beat me with a power you didn't even earn. I won't let someone who's just handed power keep me from my goals."

Trixie smiled. "Yeah, I didn't earn this power. But Flash entrusted me with it. So I'm gonna use it to beat you. Just watch me!" With that, she took a deep breath as the Medallion on her mask glowed. "Mighty Bull!" As soon as she said that, the Medallion transformed into the one she had just acquired.

In a flash of light, her mask transformed into a more bull-themed design. It had a pair of horns coming out the sides, just above her eyebrows, being brown in colour whilst the horns were white.

The rest of her costume quickly changed as well, the lot of them expecting her to grow muscles like in movies. But she remained as she was, whilst a brown leather jacket appeared on her body with an upturned collar. Her legs were in brown spandex, whilst black boots gloves appeared in black along with black leather shoulderpads. Finally, a black dog-collar appeared around her neck with a small metal bell hanging from it.

Everyone stared at Trixie as she looked over her body, amazed by how strong she felt.

The others were just as amazed, but Devious just glared at her and slammed his staff into the ground. Doing so caused a bunch of ice dragons to explode out of it and fly towards her, as Trixie braced herself for what she was about to do.

Having seen Applejack use her strength a bunch of times, Trixie had a pretty good idea on how to use it. As such, she swung her arms in front of her and smacked her hands together.

The force of the clap unleashed a shockwave, which struck the ice sculptures and blew them all backwards whilst crumbling them to icy shards. It then continued forward until it reach Devious, who went wide-eyed as he was suddenly blasted backwards. He screamed as he was smashed into the back wall, falling to the ground once the shockwave faded.

But the clap also caused Trixie's hands to scream in pain, the girl crying out as she started waving them around and blowing on them. The others laughed at this, as Devious pushed himself back to his feet. "You think this is a joke!?"

"We think you're a joke," Flash laughed. "That's for sure." The others nodded as Devious stood tall.

"You wouldn't be laughing if you knew what was about to happen." The others looked curious until he took out a paper tag, with weird symbols drawn onto it. "It's time you learned how I managed to get all those Medallions in the first place. If there's one skill I have that trumps all others in my world, its runes!" He threw the tag into the air and everyone watched it fly higher then it should.

When it hit the ceiling, it stuck to it and started glowing.

This was followed by several more spots that glowed, the lot of them looking around and seeing a bunch more tags stuck to the walls surrounding them The light flowed out of them and connected to the other tags, forming a room of light.

As soon as the room was formed, the lot of them found themselves feeling like their clothes and even their hair was a hundred pounds heavier. They all crumbled beneath the strain of the weight, falling to the ground with cries of pain. They tried to fight it, but it was like a house had been placed on their backs.

"What's...happening?" Twilight cried, her glasses hurting as they were pushed down into her face.

Devious chuckled, completely unaffected by what was happening. "Gravity runes. Anything inside this barrier is now a hundred times heavier."

"Great," Adagio groaned, "I was hoping to loss a few pounds. Now they're gonna be crushed out of me." They grunted and groaned, but nothing worked. Even Trixie and Applejack were unable to fight against it.

"Give it up," Devious stated. "Even the Mighty Bull can't save you. This is how I defeated the last one."

"Why isn't he being crushed?" Applejack asked, but got her answer when Devious turned to her and showed another tag stuck to his chest. Clearly, he was using it to negate the effects of the field.

"Gotta...do something," Flash groaned. As he said that, the Omnitrix turned green. "Yes!" He struggled to move his hand, barely managing to reach the device and lift his finger to hit the button. The dial popped up and Flash prayed for an alien that could fight against the gravity. And when he saw what silhouette was on the display, he nodded. "Good enough!" He pulled his arm towards him and headbutted the dial.

The green flash caught Devious' attention, making him look around to see the annoying teen vanish. When the light faded, nothing was there. "Where are you?" The others tried to find him, but saw no sign of any of his alien forms. They weren't even sure which of his aliens could move under so much gravity.

However, Trixie spotted something moving along the ground. A shadow.

Kagenobi shot along the ground and headed towards the wall with a rune tag, completely unphased by the high gravity. He shot up the wall and reached the tag, right as Devious noticed him. "NO!" He launched a fireball, but it was too late.

Kagenobi pulled the tag into his shadowy body, breaking the chain that kept the barrier up.

The energy began to melt away and as it did, everyone felt themselves growing lighter. "Yes!" Trixie smiled, jumping up once she could and happily moving around freely. The others did the same, as the shadow ninja leapt off the wall and landed on the ground next to her.

Devious growled and prepared to fire another attack, but Trixie was quicker.

She touched the bell around her neck and it suddenly morphed into a light, which felt onto her hand and transformed into a larger bell she gripped the handle of. She summoned all her strength and swung it around before smashing it onto the ground, the bell unleashing a mighty ring that blasted out a soundwave.

The attack shot towards Devious and before the man could protect himself, it slammed into him and he was sent flying backwards.

Everyone watched as he was sent rocketing towards the wall and the soundwave hit it before Devious, causing it to break apart before he hit it. This caused him to smash through the wall, as the ringing echoed throughout the stadium.

Once the sound finally died down, most of them needing to cover their ears with how loud the attack was, they all focused on the hole Devious had been blasted through. "I didn't kill him, did I?" Trixie asked as Kagenobi went to check through the hole.

Sliding along the ground, he passed through the wall and looked around and saw no sign of Devious. "He's gone!" He returned to human form and hit the Omnitrix, returning to human as the others gathered around Trixie.

"Loving the new look," Adagio told her. "How's it feel?"

"Amazing," Trixie smirked. "I've never felt so strong before." However, she looked over at the wall and realised she had overdone it. "I need to learn to control this power. If I use it on someone who's not supercharge by magic, I might end up squashing them like a grape."

"Don't worry," Applejack told her. "A'll help ya'h get the hang of it. A'h was da'h same way when a'h got ma'h magic. But just remember," Applejack pointed at Trixie's head. "This is da'h strongest muscle. Don't forget ta train this as well as these," she poked Trixie's newly muscled arms and they all laughed, agreeing with her as they turned to iron Will.

The man looked down at his hands, trying to summon his strength. But it truly was gone.

"You okay?" Flash asked, Iron turning to him and nodding. "You did the right thing. That power was winning the matches, not you. Now when you win, you'll know you've really earned it."

Iron Will sighed, "you're right. Iron Will will start again. And this time, he'll prove that he truly is the greatest in the world." The others smiled, happy that Iron wasn't upset. They had managed to get the Medallion back and stopped Devious once again. Hopefully, the rest of the Medallions would soon follow them and they could keep them away from the psycho.

Outside the stadium, Devious growled as he dragged himself along a wall.

His body was battered and his hearing was shot, but he wouldn't let this upset stop him. "Just you wait. I'll get those Medallions back. Enjoy your victory whilst you can. it'll be your last."

Author's Note:

Flash earns himself another victory and Trixie gets a new Medallion. Everybody wins, except Devious. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and how Flash managed to win.

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