• Published 24th Apr 2021
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Twilight Daylight: Dawn of Equus - thedarktome

Arcadia's been arrested, the last hope against a coming storm. Narmeelah has returned. Only Dawn and Arcadia know of the truth. Will the world believe them?

  • ...

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Chapter 02 - Home Isn't What It Used To Be

There it was, shining like a beacon amongst the morning sun. Dawn could see it from the bow of Aquata Zero. Dressed in nothing but her crown, she watched Psera come into focus. She missed the Obelisks last night. Were those still in operation? Would they still work if mom's magic was drained from her? What would happen if the magic decided to leave them like Dawn knew it would?

The Equestrians truly were stupid. Mom's magic powers all of Psera. It was because of her they have energy to power their hospitals, to power their vehicles, to power their homes. Mom was magic. She was in touch with everything around her, and the magic was in touch with her. If Mom wanted to call it back, all she needed was time. It would come to her automatically. Both she and Dawn knew that. Psera would be powerless, and mom would be right back where she was before when it all came back.

"I'll be fine," she said. They couldn't keep her down. No matter how much they wanted to.

The wind kissed Dawn on the face. Gentle touches so beautiful that she closed her eyes to embrace it fully. The smell of Psera's approaching sea, the coolness of the breeze. Lavender was in sight. From there, she would finally be home.

"Dawn." Dawn popped her eyes open and turned back to Merry Fire standing by watching her stare out at the sea with two guards. "It isn't safe for you out here. Come inside. Now."

"Isn't safe?" Dawn walked over to Merry and allowed herself to be escorted off the deck of Aquata Zero back inside. "What are you talking about?"

Merry guided Dawn back down the stairs and into her bedroom. "Just stay in here until we come get you, okay?"


"Stay. Here," Merry reiterated. Then the doors were shut and locked. Okay, this was scary now. Since when did they have to lock her in her own room? Dawn resorted to the window for information. The Aquata blew its horn and began turning, unfortunately pulling her sight further away from Psera and back towards the sea from whence she came. At least she could see the escort Aquatas. That was a little reassuring. But questions still weren't answered.

"What's going on?" First Light took over and walked to the window. "I don't see anything."

Dawn took control of her body back and scolded herself. "Hey, not now. Something's up. Aunt Merry locked us in."


"That's what I'm trying to figure out. But I can't see the shore. We're blind."

"Kalumm," First Light cursed. Dawn faced the door again when she heard a radio go off. Something was going on out there.

"Copy, Dawn is secure, awaiting secure extraction." Extraction? Was there an attack going on right now?! Dawn sighed and quickly gathered her things. With a shake and a pat, Sky Blue and Juniper were awoken.

"Wake up, girls," she told them. "Hop on and be quiet." Dawn couldn't stress it enough. Thankfully, they jumped onto Dawn and stuck to her coat like adhesive. If something was going down, Dawn needed everything in her hooves. She moved for a dresser and pulled open a drawer for a bag. There was one, plastic. But it would work. Dawn placed her books inside before the door was opened.

A guard saluted in her direction, a familiar one with a smile adorning her darkened features. Those red eyes spoke of kindness. "Princess Dawn," Captain Smalls greeted. "It's good to see you amongst the living after all. But not everyone is happy about your survival."

"Captain Smalls!" Dawn rushed forward and gave her a quick hug around the middle before becoming serious again. "What's going on?"

"Some ponies don't like the idea of 'Arcadia's Demon Daughter' living on Psera. A threat's been made. Information leaked and we think ponies may try to attack you. Follow us and do as we say."

Dawn's been doing that a lot lately with everyone she's come in contact with. This was not going to change anytime soon. Dawn nodded and walked out into the hallway fitted with security surrounding Dawn's smaller stature. Captain Smalls raised her Comm Block and reported, "Moving for the entrance, standby."

"Copy, escort's pulling up now." Dawn was lead down the stairs and soon towards the entrance. The guards stopped her before she could even reach the doors, let alone peek into Lavender's sight. She could hear the commotion outside, feel the cold of winter bite at her skin, feel the tightness of the Elite Guards against her coat, cocooning and preparing for her to exit.

"Standing by, ready for transport."

Dawn heard the familiar roar of a pod's engine. She saw the tires screech and doors open up followed by shouting. "Secure the path, let's move. T-Nine in position, standing by for clearance."

Captain Smalls glanced back to look down at Dawn. Her weapon was out and she was ready for a fight. "Stay close," she told her. "We're moving you to the Pod for a quick getaway."

A quick getaway?! How bad was the situation?!

"Clear, move out," a report came in.

"Go, go, go!" Four guards moved out of the Aquata first before Captain Smalls moved with Dawn behind her. There was the problem. Concrete empty save for at most twenty combat vehicles spotting the land, observing an angry mob of Pserateps behind a fence watching Dawn exit Aquata Zero.

They chanted in fury, holding up signs and cursing her name. Slandering her mother and raising makeshift weapons to the sky. An interesting one was of herself burning.

"Oh my stars," First Light said. This was much worse than they suspected. Up ahead was a shiny sleek Pod parked before them. The door was opened and security was watching the mob scream, yell, and shout how upset they were at her mere presence on Psera.

Dawn was scared. More so than before. They were close. So close.

A loud pop rang amongst the crowd and something whizzed over Dawn's head, impacting Aquata Zero's hull.

"Shot's fired, shot's fired!!"

"EVERYBODY DOWN NOW!!" Weapons were raised and aiming at the crowd of protestors who quickly screamed and dropped to the dirt.

"Let's go!" Captain Smalls grabbed Dawn and ran the rest of the way to the Pod. She jumped in and lied on top of Dawn climbing into the vehicle where three more waited. They didn't wait for the door to close. The two escort pods in front of them pulled off and burned rubber, soon followed by the flashing lights of their own.

This can't be happening right now. They were trying to kill her. They were actually trying to kill her! Captain Smalls pushed Dawn deeper into the pod and slammed the door for the Pod close. "We're on the move!" She reported.

Loud metal burgeoned against the thick metal of the vehicle. "Dawn, down, cover your head! The pot is getting hit! Where's the suspect?!"

Dawn followed instructions and bent low with her hooves covering her head. The Pod swerved to the right and straightened up before speeding down the road, still getting hit with whatever was firing.

"Shots are originating from the field!" Someone relayed. "We're investigating!"

The hits stopped, easing the tension in the air. After a minute, Dawn slowly raised her head and fearfully looked at the windows. Small bullets had hit the glass and shield, trapped in the material. Evidence that someone was out trying to kill her.

Dawn swallowed hard and held the whimpering Juniper close to her chest. "Oh my stars," she whispered.

"We're not out of the woods yet," Smalls said. How worse could it get than getting shot at by your own ponies?!

They were still speeding with sirens blaring and lights flashing. They passed what used to be the land mom used to create the homes of IHT's refugees. But now, it lied in ashes, a victim of arson. The crown definitely didn't do that. Dawn swallowed hard and held Juniper closer.

They sped into the mountain and into darkness. Captain Smalls reported their position. "We're exiting entrance SE-One. Stand by for emergency deposit."


Captain Smalls turned to Dawn and hurriedly assured her. "Everything is going to be okay, Dawn. Once you're at the castle, you'll be safe."

If they even made it to the castle. Dawn was fastened into a seatbelt and locked in place. They drove out and into Cop, where the lights off police outlined their path. Where the smoke of collapsed statues reached for the skies and buried themselves in Dawn's memory. Where signs of "Down with Violet!" were hung from building rooftops. Where vengeful Pserateps watched the escort pod speed down the highway through morning traffic.

They were rising up against Twilight. Who else was in danger? Where was Gardeen?!

Something was thrown against their pod that completely shattered one of the passenger windows. But still it held. Visibility of any danger through the left passenger window was impossible.

"Pot is damaged!" Smalls called out. "Requesting aerial surveillance, we need—"

Something shot against the window, completely taking it out. Glass flew into Pod, landing against the carpeted flooring and among Dawn's fur.

Captain Smalls unbuckled Dawn's belt and threw her to the floor of the Pod. "Box us in, box us in!!" She ordered. This wasn't just one pony clearly. Whoever these ponies were mapped out the entire route, hoping to take out Dawn before she even made it to the castle.

The escort pods in the back split and quickly sped up to block off the sides of the main escort. So close they would hit their vehicle if someone crashed into them.

"Stay on the floor!" Small shouted. "Aerial, can I get a visual?!"

"There's no sign of them!" They replied. "We have nothing! Shots are coming from all directions!"

"Rainbow in one click!"

One guard stuck his weapon out the window and watched the air. More bullets impacted the back of the vehicle, hitting and cracking the rear. This time, the shots weren't stopping. They were missing their chance to take out the princess. Like pebbles they pelted against the steel of the vehicle in desperation.

"Taking fire! No known assailant!"

Smalls cursed and pulled a weapon from the top of the vehicle. She cocked it back and looked towards the rear, aiming. If they shot again, she would see that flash. Boom. There. Small's fired once. Such a loud bang that Dawn shrieked and covered her ears. Hopefully that shot hit. She cocked it back and let the catridge pop and fall into the vehicle.

"Accessing the entrance!" The speed of the Pods slowed down until they sped up and through the emergency entrance of the Castle of the Gods. Guards on the grounds quickly flanked the vehicle and walked with it up to the rear exit. Under the garage where Dawn's own Pod sat. The golden one that her father had promised would be hers one day if she kept up those grades.

Oh my dear father, look at our home...

The vehicle swerved and faced its left side towards the entrance of the COTG. The door was yanked open and the guard protecting Dawn jumped out. They grabbed her hooves and hectically pulled her from the vehicle and into the castle before her hooves could even touch the ground. Finally into the warmth of safety and familiarity.

"Gold is in Rainbow," Captain Smalls reported. They guided her deeper inside through the white emergency halls and soon into the regular brick halls of the first floor.

"What just happened out there?!" Dawn shouted in disbelief. She pointed behind her to the doors. "They were trying to kill me!!"

"Let's keep going. I'll tell you along the way."

They walked along in silence. Only then did Dawn truly realize how silent and abandoned it was in the castle. Only the sound of their hooves reverberated through this structure. Even the foyer was empty save for the guards protecting the windows. Was the building shut down?

They guided towards the elevator and waited. Smalls figured this would be a good time to brief her. "Ever since Arcadia Nova went rogue, many Pserateps rose up and began removing Arcadia's existence from Psera. They've 'had enough of her magical methods.' Her Majesty and Law Enforcement have been doing what they can, but flags still burned, pictures were still destroyed, property was still damaged, and at one point the castle was nearly stormed for, what was suspected, to be her magical texts and office space. They never made it in but that didn't stop them from going after what was out there.

"Statues were pulled down, buildings with her influence were damaged." The elevator was opened and Dawn was quickly guided in with Smalls. They ascended for Her Majesty's floor.

"Eventually," she continued. "The Senate Board heeded to their calls to remove all of Arcadia's face from Psera. As of this moment anything with Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle being mentioned or seen, as well as her personal possessions were removed from Psera. Even going so far as to bar her magic."

The elevator slowed. "Then, word of your appearance arrived on Psera. They weren't happy." The doors skid open, letting Dawn onto a thoroughly protected floor. Guards stood to the side watching Smalls pass with Dawn at her side.

"I mean yeah," Dawn said. "B-But, I can't do anything nearly as close as my mom. I'm barely able to teleport."

"They don't care. You're part of her and they want you gone too."

Captain Smalls stopped at the door and knocked upon it before turning back to Dawn. "I'm very sorry that this is happening. Hopefully, Her Majesty had a plan for your happiness here."

One half of Dawn's happiness was buried, and the other was imprisoned in a cone in Equestria. There was no happiness.

Home isn't what it used to be.

The door for the suite opened, but not by Molten.

"DAWN!!" Lightning and Daisy shouted. They grabbed and pulled Dawn into the suite before Her Majesty finally walked out.

"Girls, you were suppose so to wait!" She scolded. But they were already carrying Dawn into the den. Ugh, Grand foals. She turned back to Captain Smalls. "Report."

Captain Smalls saluted. "We were pursued while en-route to Rainbow. One pod has suffered heavy damage, currently being assessed. So far, no casualties. Dawn was not hit by any bullets; she's shaken, but safe."

"Copy, Captain. Thank you for the safe transport." Captain Smalls genuflected briefly before walking back to the elevator. Her Majesty shUt the door and rushed back over to Dawn being harassed by the terror twins.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Molten picked Dawn up and held her in the air like the little foal she was. "Are you hurt? I heard the shots from here!"

"Grandma~!" Dawn hated being picked up. What were with these ponies and raising her off her hooves?! "I'm fine. Put me down."

Her Majesty released Dawn and let her stand on her own four hooves. Yes. Now she was in familiar territory. Her Majesty walked around out of sight to the kitchen. "Are you hungry? I have some breakfast prepared."

Dawn sighed and walked past Lightning and Daisy for Molten's library-slash-den. It was warm and cozy. Comfortable. She dropped her bag of books she managed to keep and lifted her wings so Juniper and Sky Blue could drop from her to the carpeted floor.



The twins snatched them up before they could even announce they were here themselves. Dawn was sure Juniper whimpered before it happened. Sorry, girls, Dawn wasn't in the mood right now.

She climbed on the nearest couch and replied to Molten's question, "I'm not really hungry."

"Did you eat something?"

"No, but..." Dawn sighed and dropped her face into her hooves. Sadness once again creeped into her soul, if she even had one. Lightning and Daisy stopped playing with the stuffed creatures and cast sad gazes to Dawn.

Molten stuck her head out from the kitchen and sighed. She walked back over to the living room and caught wind of Dawn's sniffles. She was crying. Mourning.

"Come here, sweetie." She pulled Dawn from her seat and held her close. Letting her cry in her coat. She wasn't here when her father died, and barely around for Arcadia's rampant journey from Psera to Equestria.

Dawn cried into her coat. "I miss mom and dad."

"I miss your father too. Your mother . . . She was a pony of many honors. I believe your father's death and your disappearance drove her mad. So much she attacked even Psera."

"Is it true?" Dawn pulled back and wiped her eyes. "That Psera is doing away with magic."

"Well..." Molten let Dawn go and smoothed back her mane so it was presentable of a princess. "Not all of it. But I had her texts and books, all of that removed. Her lab, everything has been taken out of this castle."

"Where are you moving it?"

"Do not worry about that. That will not help you here." Dawn looked away and Molten walked to the kitchen. "Besides, you are not going to be using magic here on Psera anymore."



Her Majesty grabbed a container, opened it and pulled out a golden ring engraved with a rune. Uh oh. One of those.

Dawn slowly backed away. "What are you doing with that?"

Molten walked over to Dawn, who kept their distance constant by walking around the table between them. "On Psera, you'll have to wear this from here on out."

"Thanks, but, uhh, no thanks. I'm fine."

Lightning and Daisy sat by and idly watched this debate. These things were always fun to guess.

Lightning betted, "Ten shims says Dawn croaks."

Daisy thought otherwise. "Ten shims says Grandma croaks." They bumped hooves, sealing the deal.

Molten suddenly stopped and jabbed it to Dawn's horn. A quick dodge and she missed. Another try, another duck, another failure.

"Grandma, I seriously can't wear that!" Dawn insisted.

"Dawn, you'll be fine. Here!" She jumped forward in an attempt to grab her. But in a burst of black vapors, Dawn shadow teleported over to the stairs.

Great. She could do that now. Molten rolled her eyes and whipped around, clearly agitated. "Young lady, I'm not kidding around. You're going to wear this ring!"


Her Majesty charged after Dawn who ran away just as fast. They rushed into the kitchen, heading for the sink out of sight. But Dawn teleported back to the living room table, leaving Her Majesty to crash loudly into whatever lied in there.

Lightning and Daisy seethed through their teeth. "Ouch," Daisy murmured.

Dawn called, "Sorry, Grandma, but I'm not wearing that ring. It's really uncomfortable!"

Molten slid out of the kitchen furious. Whoa, the twins have never seen her this mad. "More uncomfortable than jail?!"

"It's the equivalent of!"

Lightning jabbed Daisy and announced, "Looks like it's a tie game!"

A sudden knock on the door pulled their attention that way. It was opened by Merry who stepped in with her face in a booklet.

"Okay, so I did all the research, Dawn has to . . ." Wow. Weird. Mom has a pot on her head and Dawn was standing on the living room table. They were both too old for this. "What's going on?"

Daisy jabbed Lightning. "And another component enters the ring! A rabid mom has appeared!"

"Did you just call me rabid?"

That wasn't important! Molten raised the ring. "Help me get this on her head!"

"I told you I can't wear those!"

Molten charged again and Dawn teleported over her. She bounced off the pot and onto the floor while Molten flipped over the table onto her back. Defeated by a filly with mom and dad issues. What a great end to life.

"Oh my Psera, mom!!" She ran to Molten and helped her back on her hooves. Then glared at Dawn. "Dawn, you hold still this instant!"

"No! That's not going on this horn!"

Fine. She wanted to play rough? They could play rough. Molten nudged Merry for a planning session. She tapped her hoof against her head and pointed to the left. She would take the right. Then they slowly approached.

Daisy grabbed Lightning excitedly by the shoulders and shook her around. "It's two versus one, folks! Dawn had a good run with grandma but can she beat Mom too?!"

Oh boy. Now they had her in a weird corral. She backed into the kitchen table and shimmied underneath. "No, wait you really don't understand, I actually can't wear those!"

"Why not?" Merry asked. She peeked under the table. "It makes you sick?"

"No, it paralyzes me! I can't move my body!"

Can't move her body? Merry glanced oddly to Molten. Since when was that possible? "Dawn, that's ridiculous."

"How do you think those Zebras managed to kidnap me? They put a ring on my horn, and it kept me from moving! They threw me over the ledge! I would've flown away but they put a ring on my horn!"

Dawn . . . Was serious. Merry could see her shaking and quivering under the table. She was scared of those things.

Merry stood up and took the ring from Molten. She held it out to Dawn who quickly backed away and teleported into the living room.

"Aunt Merry!!"

Merry conceded with a raise of her hooves. "Okay, okay, we won't use the ring." She put the ring back in its container. "See? It's put away."

Dawn took a deep breath and dropped back onto the floor. But her eyes did not leave that container. She's had bad experiences with those rings, whatever they were called. She wasn't wearing another one.

Dawn wiped her eyes. She wasn't safe outside of the castle, and she wasn't safe inside of the castle. She was much safer in Equestria than her own country apparently.

Molten and Merry sat beside her and soothed her with rubs to her back and wings. They couldn't imagine what Dawn was going through. After everything that just happened, then to be subjected to this...

"We're sorry, Dawn," Molten apologized. "We shouldn't have tried to force this on you so soon. We should've settled you in first before anything else."

Yeah, they should have. What has happened to Psera? What happened to the order here? Dawn bounced from her seat and trotted over to Sky Blue and Juniper. She picked them up, ignoring the constant pecks and licks she received. "I just want to go home."

"But you are home."

"No. I want to go to my home. To my room. In my suite. Where I grew up." Dawn gestured to Molten's suite with a wing. "This isn't my home."

Molten sighed deeply through her nose. Of course she'd want to go there as soon as possible. Molten rose from her seat. "Dawn . . . I don't think..."

"Mom," Merry said. She stood up and placed a wing on Dawn's back. "I think it's best if she found out for herself."

Dawn glanced between the two of them curiously. More changes, she was sure. This time, in her own home. She didn't ask. They would take her.

Molten nodded and lead the rest of the way out the door. "Very well. If you want to know what happened to your home, Dawn..." Molten walked past Dawn and the twins for the front doors. "Then follow me."

Author's Note:

Wow, quite the return, am I right? Thanks so much for reading! It's going to move a little slowly, but it will speed up soon.

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