• Published 24th Apr 2021
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Twilight Daylight: Dawn of Equus - thedarktome

Arcadia's been arrested, the last hope against a coming storm. Narmeelah has returned. Only Dawn and Arcadia know of the truth. Will the world believe them?

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Chapter 16 - To Synchronize...

The night was lifting. The stars were disappearing, unveiling to the world the real pain of what will be there both tomorrow and the days after. Dirt and destruction. Pain. Hate.

Twilight's seen worse.

On the waves she walked. After fleeing from the burning watchful eye of Narmeelah, she retreated to the oceans. Flying low, she kept to the current until determining she was safe and landed. A neon pony of the past walking along the lines of fate, she found the future. She turned back. Psera, Equestria.... She didn't want to think about them. Not now.

Twilight faced forward again and floated into the sky once more. She raised her hooves and closed her eyes. Horn glowing, runes alight, matter changed.

The ocean beneath her transformed, from its deep blue to a light brown. A single point that spread further and wider than the eye could see. For miles it morphed, transmogrifying, then solidifying into soil. Dirt, rock, grass and trees sprouted from below growing healthy and tall.

A new world inspired by the old one where directly in the middle, a mountain was pulled up from the ocean floor taller than the clouds could reach. Ponds, lakes, valleys, infinite length.

It was done. Twilight gently touched down on this new world, deep within the valley and faced the mountains surrounding her. Within would be her home. As for the rest....

A smirk licked at Twilight's face. All was going to plan perfectly.


"Madam Singe." Celestia, Luna and Madam Singe bowed to each other briefly before the ruins of Canterlot Castle. "I assume you are here for refuge as well."

They both looked out towards Canterlot and all of the creatures that had arrived within the last hour. Ever since the attack, they all flooded into Equestria, the supposed center of all disaster fallbacks for their land amount.

"Neighton is split," Singe said. "Some have stayed to bury the dead, others have fled for safety."

"Where do you lie?"

"On both sides."

Luna sighed deeply. These disasters were becoming too common an occurrence. What used to be sunny skies filled with bushy white clouds were now choked with the smoke from flames, originating from the homes of innocent ponies. A shame, the reality they now all live in.

"Very well." She pointed west. "I do not believe Las Pegasus has been shared yet. You may go there."

Madam Singe bowed once more. "Thank you, Princesses." Then regrouped with other Neighton leaders waiting behind her.

Luna sighed and looked to Celestia. "Must this happen more often than we sleep?"

"Either we sleep and experience nightmares, Luna, or we wake in an actual nightmare," Celestia answered. "There are no alternatives at this time."

She raised her wing and gently brushed back Luna's mane. A small breeze of wind pushed her hair into her eyes, carrying with it ashes and dirt. She could smell the world burning. The embers dancing through the air, a glimpse into the past.

"Things will be rather different this time, Luna."

"How so?"

"Last time, it were only us. But now it's affecting all of Equus." Celestia gestured out to the land before them. To all the mismatched creatures taking up makeshift forms of shelter to catch up on must-needed rest.

"So far as I can seen, a fraction of all IHT houses are present." Celestia looked down to Luna. "That just leaves us with one country."


Celestia nodded to Luna's answer. "I know for certain they were attacked as well. Without Arcadia's magic, they're defenseless, and we can't contact them. I hope The Crown has a plan in place."

Luna peeked past Celestia's and paled. "I think they're enacting it now."

Celestia followed Luna's sight to a platoon of Elite Guard slowing their descent from the hazy skies of Equestria over the refugees themselves. Dirt lifted from their places of rest, swirling in circles and tight formations.

The Elite Guard landed in front of Celestia, Luna, and their generals. One of them carried in their hooves a device, one of which Celestia suspected was for their use.

Upon landing they saluted. A mare with the air of familiarity stepped forward.

"Princesses!" Captain Gliding Sword! Yes, a familiar voice. "We bring with us a radio for communication with the Queen of Psera!"

Captain Gliding set the radio down before them and backed away gracefully. Strange. Only a radio?

Luna looked to one of their generals. "Power it."

They trotted forward and leaned their head down. The power cable was wrapped around their horn. Instantly the radio came to life. Such classic technology. Celestia lifted the microphone and called in.

"Come in, Psera. This is Princess Celestia."

The call was heard. The only general on deck for Aquata Zero, General Neon Lightning, grabbed the microphone and lifted it to her mouth.

"This is Aquata Zero, Navigating Head of Psera's fleet. General Neon Lightning on call."

"What's your heading, Zero?"

Neon Lightning looked to the side to a soldier. "Grab Queen Dawn. We made contact." Once they were gone, Neon turned back to the conversation. "We're heading east towards Equestria. The Queen can tell you more on the situation. Standby."

The Queen, huh? At least Molten was alright. Luna looked down to the Elite Guards.

"What has happened to Psera?" She asked.

"Destruction, death, and suffering," they answered. "We lost a lot of ponies and lives. All of Psera had to be evacuated."

What?!! Before they could respond, the radio buzzed back to life. On the other side stood Fresh Dawn, all the generals, and a majority of the ponies at their station.

"Come in, Equestria. This is Queen Fresh Veola Dawn of Psera, seeking refuge with Equestria and their borders."

All of those ponies. This attack had disabled all of them. Even Psera. Did they even have enough room for Psera?

Yes. Nopony would be turned around.

"I am uncertain if we have enough space," she replied. "But come anyway. Have your Aquatas ring Equestria. We'll talk more on land."

"Copy that. Thank you." Dawn set the radio down and breathed tightly through her mouth. The journey would be a long one, but it would be worth it. "Secretary?"

Manny saluted. "Yes, ma'am?"

"Track our movement through the waves. When we're one hundred miles from Equestria, have all Aquatas split. We're going to ring the country. However..."

She turned around and faced the staff. "Have all of our remaining battleships off the east coast for defense. There's no telling what created that rune. I'd rather not take any chances."

"Yes, ma'am."

Hooves treaded lightly along freshly carved stone. A glow emanating in the form of a shadow. This new land. This new world. This would be a new start to an Equus safe from threats, the center of a vision they all searched for. Safe from the misuse of magic and, most of all, from her.

The mountain was carved from within. Where there once was stone was now a surrounding triangular tunnel of metal connected to endless hallways. Lines of light shone through vents in the ceiling, framing her path and the steps taken to what lied ahead. Along the surface were words, wise ones of friends and allies lost, soldiers who perished, ponies with stories to tell. A new look on life. Would it be ready in time? Twilight didn't know. There was no such thing as time for beings such as them.

Twilight ceased her journey towards the tall golden doors at the end, a sea of luster in this glossy corridor, with drawings of tales and legends scribbled upon its surface.

This "life" was moving purposelessly in a direction none of them wanted to go. They needed her help. They needed her guidance. She could feel it. Across the oceans, across the seas of blood and fear they stood, reaching out for hope. But would she answer? Would she heed to the call that demanded she pick up the sword and defend Equestria once more? Is she truly the pony they needed the most?

With a spark of her horn, the doors to Twilight's sanctum opened. A massive spherical room buried deep under the mountain. Cool with blue hues and artificial lights. Spacious enough for her wings. Alone. Safe. In the middle stood a throne, on the side a bed, and all along the walls, leaving no space untouched were pictures, moving images. Memories of a time long gone. Many for those she's lost and for those she's losing. All thanks to her magic.

Her magic. Maybe the world wasn't the problem.

Twilight sighed and teleported upon her throne. She closed her eyes and lit her horn to reach out to Equus. Expanding her grip on external events beyond this home where what was once stone was now steel, a new prison she created for herself. Where beyond the beautiful shiny beaches and deep within evergreen forests lied a gray pyramid with a white top, glowing brighter and brighter as the sun rose. A new day has risen. One she, once again, will not be seen in.

Finally! Ponyville. Well, what was left of it. Sunset's hooves slowly trotted to a stop at the edge of what was once the Everfree Forest. The damage was almost incredible. Unbelievable. But considering the mare behind it, anything was possible.

Starlight, Snap Seed and Lead Harvest joined her side.

"Stars Above," Snap whispered. "It's all gone. Everything."

An entire landscape had been wiped out. What once used to have beautiful homes within a bustling town overshadowed by a looming castle made of crystals, and endless fields of grass bustling with frolicking critters was no longer. A legend of a town rendered to ashes and memories within a single night. No. Hour.

But where were the citizens? When she left they were still moving about. Did this wipe out the ponies as well?

Sunset swallowed hard and squinted through the dust. There! Shadows and movement beyond the damage! She pointed in that direction.

"An assembly zone," she announced. "Let's go."

Starlight flanked her and pointed upwards. "Think she'll tire by then?"

Their focus moved from the assembly to the glowing teal bubble floating above their heads. The Pseratep from before was suspended in the air within. While her filly was sitting and staring aimlessly ahead, her mother, on the other hoof, was kicking, screaming and shouting to be free. Obscenities flew from her mouth, words in the Pseratopian language none of them could decipher.

"Probably not," Snap Seed assumed. "It's as if they are under some sort of spell."

A spell from one unseen. Operating in the shadows. Sunset sighed and moved forward with Starlight on her tail.

"We'll inform the princesses when we see them again," she said. "For now, let's group with the rest of Ponyville."

The sun has fully ascended into the sky. Light bathed across the destruction of Psera. A shame, a world founded on promise rendered to destruction. But in time, it will all be over. These poor souls.

Narmeelah sighed and treaded across the rune embedded deep into Psera's soil, surrounded by toppled buildings and surrounded by Pserateps watching from afar. How much longer now? Time could not move fast enough. Her hooves moved her to the center of the rune. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. She breathed in the ashes of the past, soaking in the floating disgrace of a fallen civilization.

"A shame, don't you think?" She whispered. No answer came forth. "There was so much more to them. So much promise. Yet... What went wrong, Molten?"

She spun around and faced the former queen of Psera standing stoically with her eyes trained towards the remains of the Castle of the Gods. Streaks of red trailed down her coat towards the ground.

Molten opened her mouth to respond. Narmeelah's hoof shot up, stopping her before she began. "No. It doesn't matter. The deed has been done, now we try again. Your services to Psera are no longer required. You now work for me. Is there any location I haven't covered?"

"Serl," Molten answered in a hollow voice. "Serl is uncovered."

Serl? Why hasn't Narmeelah heard of this city?

"What is Serl?"

"Solid Energy Revolution Labs. It is Northeast of Cop, hidden from the rest of Psera in a remote part of the country where we experiment and develop new technology and weaponry."

Such is that of a lab. But if they hold weapons... Narmeelah hummed and tapped at her chin. That could be used against her. A hole in a formidable wall.

"Change of plans, Molten Ice. I have a new mission for you."

They've been at sea for hours. Cruising endlessly through open waters. Splashing along salty waves filled with curious fishes and marine life oblivious to the war above their very heads. Dawn stood at the bow of Aquata Zero, brooding towards the land mass beyond the other ships sharing the same ocean. Equestria. They were close. Secretary Manny should be giving the order soon.

"Queen Dawn. It has such a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

Well, it's been a while since she heard that voice. Not long enough. Dawn glanced sideways to Odega, sharing the same space as her under the watchful eye of Guards staged all over the deck.

"...it shouldn't have been obtained like this," she replied.

"Destiny certainly has a way of throwing us into the unknown." Odega looked down to this new Queen. "You have a plan in place? They're going to find out soon, you know."

"We do. Something else is going to come to light and we'll build on that."

"And what would that—"

"She's nervous," Dawn interrupted.

Odega looked back out to the ocean, towards the land of Equestria swarming with ponies from all over.

"I would be too. No one really had a chance to soak her in. Now, they have no choice."

"That's what First Light said. Either way, it has to be done. In order to fight the same battle in harmony, all secrets must be revealed. This family has been divided because we all hide the truth. No more lies, no more secrets."

Dawn turned around and walked from the bow with Odega back for the bridge. Saltwater sprayed through the air into her mane and face. A sense of serenity and peace filled her soul whenever she traveled the seas. If only they weren't dotted with refugees...

"So, what's the plan?" Odega asked.

Dawn quickly trotted up the stairs. "Dock in Las Pegasus and convene with the princesses. Unload our ponies and put them where they need to be, then we can root out the cause and find a solution."

"You know what they're going to say, right?"

"Of course I do. They've been saying it ever since she was exiled. I'm used to it."

"Acceptance doesn't make it any less hurtful," First Light commented.

No. it didn't. Dawn didn't know whether it was truly her toiling in anger or First Light whenever a derogatory term was used to indict her mother. Hate stirred within her heart, if she even truly had one.

Dawn burst onto the Bridge and trotted for the Map, surrounded by the Generals and Gardeen, standing by for a report.

"Give me an update," Dawn requested. She raised herself to see the map. Curse her petite body.

General Bold Shoulder pointed at Equestria. "We're coming up fast, Queen Dawn. We should be able to dock within the next hour or two."

Good. They were progressing well. All fate had to do was maintain its current state. It never worked out that way. A wrench would always be thrown into their plans. The only question was when.

Dawn pointed to Secretary Manny. "When are we circling the nation?"

"I was going to have them circle in the next ten. It puts us at a better distance. But we can do it now, at your leisure."


Secretary Manny grabbed the radio attached to the map. "Aquatas, branch off. The Queen has ordered the circle."

"Aquata Two-Zero-Eight, copy."

"Aquata Nine-Four-Seven, copy."

Dawn left the map and approached the window at the front of the bridge. Past the stations of armed Pserateps manning equipment, past the watchful eyes of supporting guards. She stopped at the glass and gazed far. The Aquatas before theirs split off, framing the remains of, once again, a tattered Equestria. A complete contrast to when she first saw it. How sad. How in all of Equus were they going to get out of this one?

"One step at a time," First Light said. "The words that father and mother have always told us. We should follow them."

She was right. Dawn took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Step one: Unload passengers with exclusive permission from the Princesses.

"Secretary Manny?" Dawn said to the window.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Once all Aquatas have reached their destinations, keep their doors closed until after I meet with the Princesses. Reach out and let them know we're close."

"Yes, ma'am."

The ponies have simmered down. Resting within the arms of winter. It brought back memories of when Scootaloo was a foal. When she was the one having a blanket draped over her and not the other way around. When she was watching the fighting and not in the middle of it. Oh, how times have changed. She was older; wiser. A Corporal when she used to be a private.

The sun was rising. Time for a new day. Scootaloo shielded her eyes. The sun's rays blasted over the hills upon the ground where Ponyville once lied, now a barren wasteland of what it used to be, save for the crystal castle-slash-trade center in the distance, and... three ponies?

Scootaloo squinted and peered out further from her place of snoring ponies. She was joined shortly by Majority and Tough Watts, tracking her sight. The dust was thick. An immense smog so massive that visibility may as well be nonexistent. Those ponies were incredibly close, but she couldn't make out their features.

She squinted more. "Is that..."

They emerged through the smog. Sunset! Starlight! Two other ponies, and a mare and a filly in a bubble.

"We have six more!" Scootaloo, Majority, and two more guards rushed forward and lead them into the camp. They seemed worse for wear, but overall alright.

Regardless... "Grab a medic," Scootaloo ordered. "Are any of you hurt?"

Sunset stepped forward to respond but Snap Seed beat her to it.

"No, guardsmare, we are not," she replied. "However, we are requesting an audience with the Princesses. It's an extreme emergency."

Scootaloo and Majority shared a glance. A Manehattan snob. She knew them when she heard them; when she saw them. One hoof off the ground, head held high, and a disgusting aura of confidence protruding from between their lips. That voice, ugh.

Scootaloo groaned internally. "Equestria is in the middle of a crisis. All ponies are to report to their staging areas and remain there until further notice."

Sunset used her head to push Snap Seed to the side. "I agree. But I think she doesn't like that answer."

She pointed above her to the bubble, imprisoning the mare held inside. She screamed, just enough to vibrate the bubble, not enough to pop it. Like before, her voice and words went unheard. Fading into the wind as the past intended.

Horn-less, long wings... "A Pseratep?" Scootaloo assumed.

"And her filly." Majority pointed to a small filly sitting behind the mother. She stared off into the distance, looking through warping glass, entranced by the destruction of a once-flourishing society.

Starlight lowered the bubble closer to the ground and Scootaloo stepped closer. A hair's length away from the surface. Immediately, the mare whirled around and slammed her rear hooves into the side. Scootaloo jumped back, but the bubble held.

"How long will this bubble hold?"

Starlight shrugged and shook her head. "I can hold it all day if I have to."

The mare reared up and placed her hooves upon the shield. She stared deep into Scootaloo's eyes. Worlds were held within her mind. Has she gone mad with eyes like these?

"She spoke earlier," Snap Seed reported. She stepped next to Scootaloo and observed alongside them. "But it was in Old Pseratopian. We couldn't understand a single word she was saying."

"But there was something." Starlight stepped around and pointed at the bubble. "She did say something in Ponish earlier when we first saw her. 'Nonbelievers.' She was screaming that over and over again. Whatever that means."

That certainly sounds like something that someone at the top would know. Scootaloo shared a look with Majority. A question in her gaze and expression that was answered almost immediately.

Majority shook her head. "All communications are down until further notice. No form of communication except through dragon fire."

Scootaloo faced Sunset Shimmer, Starlight, and these two mares from Manehattan. They held a very important asset. A clue as to what was next. This pony and her foal... Who else was affected?

"Majority?" Majority saluted. "Scramble together a squad to escort these mares to Canterlot. Under no circumstances are you to stop. I don't care how you do it, get them there as soon as possible."

"Yes, ma'am."

Scootaloo pointed to Sunset and Starlight. "Don't you dare let that pony out of that bubble unless the Princesses tell you to do so. I have a feeling she'll try and run off."

At their nods, Majority beckoned them forward and ran off with Snap Seed and Lead Harvest on her tail. Upon reaching the Lieutenant, Sunset laid a hoof on her shoulder. "It's been so great watching you grow up."

Scootaloo scoffed and faced forward again "I wish I didn't have to grow up in such calamity. Where my friends and family had to be homeless. I wish there was more I can do. Now go. We'll deal with this here."

After a curt nod, Sunset galloped off into the staging area and disappeared into the sleeping ponies behind around them.

"Be safe, and good luck," Scootaloo whispered. They would definitely need it.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late updates. Times have been a little tough; I've been a little out of focus lately. Anyway, here's the next chapter, and thank you so much for reading.

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