• Published 24th Apr 2021
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Twilight Daylight: Dawn of Equus - thedarktome

Arcadia's been arrested, the last hope against a coming storm. Narmeelah has returned. Only Dawn and Arcadia know of the truth. Will the world believe them?

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Chapter 14 - Aftermath Of Relinquishment

How long have they been like this? Shrouded in darkness, under the protection of a shield of magic? Canterlot was gone. Celestia didn't have to peer through the debris covering the shield's surface to know that any material above was no longer materialized. Maybe that's why she refused to lift the shield. To keep her ponies from seeing the horrors of this disaster.

Alas, it had to be. The shifting of material above ceased. The sound of rushing wind remained. Celestia could make out the noise, even through the shield's muffling.

"Blowout the shield. Gently."

The order was given. In a massive torrent, the shield exploded outwards and away from the ponies within, preventing any damaging debris from falling on any ponies beneath. The sound was stentorian, a massive boom that echoed over the mountain of Canterlot and the world surrounding it.

Celestia waved dust out from in front of her face and strode out of the group, to take a gander at the damage alongside the eyes of Princess Luna, Sky Duster, Tritanium and Sun Waves. Their steps slowly came to a stop, their air to breath lost to wonder. Canterlot was gone. The entire mountaintop was gone.

Structures that used to stand on their own now lied on their sides with some buildings missing entirely. The healthy green of grass turned into a sickly brown, the same color as the smoke and dust choking them through the air.

Fires decorated smaller structures. The streets were pitted with holes, and unearthed pipes spewed sewage water onto the surface.

And the castle, stars above... It was gone. Like a foal playing with a stack of bricks, a pull of the hoof tore it all down. What used to stand tall and pride with the majesty of Equestria, and weathered through the mightiest battles such as Maheera vs. The World, who knew it was merely a strike of Twilight's magic from its downfall.

Celestia walked forward and nudged at a pebble. A chunk of the rock that remained of that castle that fell around them.

Released from their princesses' protective holds, the citizens raced past and into an annihilated Canterlot. At the end of Maheera Dark vs. The World, structures were still standing. Some parts of Equestria were untouched. But this time...

"There's nothing left," Celestia muttered.

Luna walked past Celestia and into the cobblestone streets. Even the fountain that used to spit streams of water from three statues of Unicorns, Earth Ponies, and Pegasi no longer stood proudly. Instead, it lied in rubble at her hooves. Just like the rest of Canterlot City and Equestria as a whole. Save for a single tower in the distance. Strange.

Celestia looked behind her to her Equestrian Guard. Soldiers standing by stoically awaiting commands.

"I want scouts," she ordered. "Search all remaining structures for any form of shelter, no matter how minimal. All top-ranking commanding officers are to meet here in Canterlot in an hour and somepony please make contact with the Crystal Empire."

A salute and they were on the move. Hooves rushing through dust, dirt, wood, and metal so old they may no longer exist.

The citizens combed through the debris, unearthing whatever valuables they may have left. Celestia figured she may as well do the same. The castle, it fell to the earth and became one with the mountain. Stone to stone, wood to wood.

Sun Waves trotted her way to Celestia's side, following her sight to the massive cloud of magic building in the distance. Lightning flashed through its epicenter, painting the seas in purple.

"Where is it going?" She asked.

"I don't know." Celestia lowered her attention to the matter at hoof. They needed shelter, they needed a plan. "Grab Sky Duster. I want you and her to get a reading on the major cities of Equestria. I want damage reports. Any possible means of shelter should be brought forth to Luna and I."

Waves genuflected briefly then set off to find Sky. Wherever she was, the filly was surely in a catatonic state. Once gone, Celestia turned back to the cloud. The magic, what would happen to it?

Hundreds of miles from the coast of Equestria, Aquatas surged through uncontrollable waves. The journey from Psera to Equestria would certainly be a long one. Acting Queen Dawn was secured back upon the bridge behind impenetrable glass sure to stop the blowback of an explosion were it to occur on the forward deck.

Alas, even the potential of death kept back none from the event happening beyond those windows. All eyes were directed to the clouds, circling faster and faster around a single point. How they grew in speed, how their glow only brightened, none of it was missed by a single eye.

"Weather patterns are changing!"

"Something's happening inside those clouds!"

Yeah, Dawn could see that. They were picking up speed. More lightning crawled through its form, turning night to day spasmodically. Soon, it would reach its zenith.

Dawn looked back to the Admiral of the Fleet. "Have all Aquatas close their bay doors!" She ordered.

The order was given. In a matter of seconds, Dawn could make out the bay doors of all Aquatas slowly closing. There was no telling what would happen next. The possibility of Equus closing in on itself flashed through her mind. Highly unlikely, but everything that's been happening lately were also present in that same category.

The clouds were condensing, speeding faster, glowing brighter. Night gradually turned to day before, finally, the impossible happened. Violet lightning pierced from the center of the clouds and into the waves, diving deep beneath the waves, where the body of her mother truly lied. Thunder rumbled through the sky, stentorian, shattering eardrums out on any deck. Miles away it could be heard, the flash seen, the spectacle witnessed.

Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer could see it through what was left of the forest. Celestia and Luna could make it out through the destruction of Canterlot Castle. Queen Dawn herself had a front row seat.

Under the waves, drifting in a current with no destination was the body of the great Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle. Still intact, protected even from the carnivores of the deep, she remained whole.

Magic reached under the waves and grabbed hold of her limp body. Gradually, she was lifted. Although too bright to be made out, a large sphere of magic rising from the sea was enough to imply such a thing.

Celestia swallowed the ball of anxiety in her throat. There she was. What remained of Twilight. What remained of Dawn's mother. It was too bright to see her. But she was there.

She was lifted into the swirling clouds, where magic was reclaimed. The clouds rotated faster still, pulling at the air and increasing the wind so much the waves rocked the Aquatas.

Dawn grabbed hold of a railing, but could not divert her attention. She wouldn't, not now.

The light intensified, so bright all had to cover their eyes until finally a purple bubble of magic exploded from the center of the clouds. It grew bigger and bigger. At it's speed of growth...

"Brace for impact!" Dawn held the railing tighter when the bubble hit their fleet. It groaned from force and weight. Tilting over temporarily. Dawn could make out the screams from the decks below. Gardeen rolled backwards and rolled over the map, slamming into Merry.

The lights flickered before the power cut. The whirring of generators descended into silence. The sea ahead of them dropped into darkness.

The Aquata rocked back into its previous position. Dawn pulled herself to her hooves and was quickly accompanied by a guard.

"Queen Dawn, are you hurt?" They asked.

"No, I'm alright."

"The lights," First Light reminded her. "The power's out."

Dawn peered through the window. She lost the ability to feel, to be in time as it is and, instead, fall into a frozen state.

"I don't think we'll be needing it," Dawn whispered.

The clouds were gone, the sky clear, and the howling winds of the night had faded. At sea, the waves were calm and level, pulling into sight a shining star, twinkling ever so brightly.

That hole in Dawn's heart, the one that appeared so fast she barely noticed it had disappeared. Now, it was filled with a hellish warmth. So hot, so alive, it brought a tear to Dawn's eye. It rolled down her face and off her chin to the steel flooring beneath all the hooves of the ponies gathering towards that same side.

She was joined by Merry and Gardeen.

"Is that..." Gardeen whispered.

"Yes. Arcadia lives."

It was dark. Timeless. One moment, Twilight's eyes were shut. Her strength had faded, lungs filled with water, her consciousness lost. She died. She was dead. She was defeated by fate.

But not even death could keep her down. She would always persevere.

Her eyes opened. With a deep breath, Twilight pulled her head from beneath the waves. Confusion. Merely a side effect. But the rest, it was permanent. Here she lied upon the Eastern Sea, facing an endless horizon in the darkness of the night. Winter. It was cold. Her fur...where was her fur?

Arcadia raised her hooves. White. Glowing. She shone bright. Her "fur" had been riddled with runes, crafting tiny circles of messages across her body. She raised her wings. Still there. Horn? More or less present. Eye? No. Eyes. She reached up and felt her face. She had both of them. How about the ability to walk?

Arcadia slowly ascended to her hooves. The waves remained level. Her wings were raised and she took her first step in an aimless direction.

"It worked," she whispered to herself. Fate worked out in her favor once more. Betrayal would never succeed. No matter who was guilty.

She sat back down and took another moment to herself. Once again as the most powerful Alicorn-Pseratep to ever live. So strong she overcame death.

Her sights swiveled to the ocean and locked on the fleet. She gasped and rose to her hooves, spread her wings and prepared herself. Psera. Why were they here? What did they want now? And, more importantly, why were there so many Aquatas at once? Dotting her vision were hundreds of Aquatas sitting motionless on the waves. Dark. Quiet. She could make them out under the light of a raised moon. They were powerless. Defenseless. Why were they here?

Based on the position of the moon, they were heading east for Equestria. They were leaving Psera. But why? Why would they... Narmeelah. It was happening. Equus' reset.

She was being watched. She could feel it. Over a million were eyeing her. From the bridge of Aquata Zero to the castle of Canterlot.

Reaching out with her magic, she scanned her surroundings. Such a familiar spell. Arcadia would hate to forget it. Her tampering Grabbed onto the lives of those of Psera.

Dawn could feel her searching. A wave of magic that washed over her coat withdrew from her a shiver.

She spoke loud enough for her awestruck leaders to hear. "She knows. She knows we're watching."

"You can feel her?" Manny asked.

"Mom and I are connected empathically. I can feel her emotions and she can feel mine. She's...confused." Dawn opened her eyes and turned for the door. "I'm heading out onto the deck."

"Queen Dawn, maybe it's best to stay in here until our defenses come back online."

"How long will that take?"

Manny referred to one of the console ponies up front. "Ten mins, ma'am."

"We don't have that kind of time." Without so much as a glance back, Dawn walked out the door and onto the deck. The cold air assaulted her coat and mane. A simple breeze, calmer than what they first witnessed prior to the collapse. Dawn shivered and pulled her wings in tighter. But she had to know. She had to see her.

There. Out in the distance, standing on the waves. Even so far as a mile, Dawn could still make out her mother, watching her. Listening to her breathing. Their souls bonded, merging into one until their thoughts finally combined.

"Dawn. Light. My babies."

"...hi, mom."

Twilight turned her head back to where Psera lied. "What has happened?"

"Your magic uprooted Psera. We had to evacuate. So far, casualties are high. Fatalities even higher."

Her magic. Twilight sighed and closed her eyes. "What of Equestria and the surrounding lands?"

"No clue. We can't establish contact with them. Mom... Grandma Molten didn't make it."

Buck. The news was worse than she could imagine. She had expected disastrous results, but how bad could it have been? Apparently, bad enough for the entirety of Psera to evacuate the country. There was no telling how much damage the rest of the world received.

"It happened so fast. I couldn't retrieve the Diary of Narmeelah."

Right. Narmeelah. She was still out there. Watching. Waiting for the right moment to strike down Equus at the swipe of a hoof.

"That's alright," Arcadia said. "The citizens come first. Are you okay?"

"I feel no pain except in my heart. A lot of ponies lost their lives." The news only grew worse. "And without magic and shelter... Things aren't looking good, mom."

Dawn checked over her shoulder at the sound of hooves approaching. Princess Merry, Gardeen Daisy, Secretary Manny, high-profile names in Psera joined her on the deck.

"They will get better. Dawn, I hate to do this, but if the moment arises, you must tell them..." Arcadia stopped talking and whipped her attention back in the direction of Psera. Something spooked her. Her anxiety rose.

"Tell them what?"

Arcadia focused back on the fleet. "Get someplace safe. It is not safe out here. I will see you again."

"Wait, mom!"

With a shimmer of her horn, energy was restored. All Aquatas came to life. Alarms blared, lights flared, engines roared.

"Power's back online!"

"Aquata Zero, ready to roll!"

Dawn turned back to the sea to where her mother once stood, now empty. She was gone, disappeared, faded away. But she was alive. Dawn may not see her, but she could feel her out there. Alive. There was still a chance.

Dawn swallowed and ordered, "All Aquatas, full speed for Equestria."

The order was given. Manny peeked through the window of the bridge and made a signal with her hooves.

"All Aquatas, full speed!" She shouted.

After the blaring of horns, they began their journey once more. Dawn held on tight to the protective railing. No matter how hard she searched, scanned the seas, listened to the wind, mom disappeared once more. But she was alive. That was all that mattered.

A wing softly laid itself upon Dawn's back and guided her away from the rail.

"Come," Princess Merry cooed. "We have much to do."

Yes. Dawn had decisions to make in both her heart and mind. Ponies needed to be counted, medical supplies to round up. So much to do. So, Dawn donned the mask of a Queen. Head held high, she walked back into the bridge and for the map of the seas high above her head. She rose to her hooves and eyed their positions. They would reach the first checkpoint soon.

"How far until Equestria?" She asked.

Admiral Shooting Star pointed to the map. "At our current speed, we'll be reaching the first checkpoint by tonight. After that it will take us ten hours to reach Equestria from there. We should arrive by tomorrow afternoon. Estimated time, twelve-hundred."

That was enough time to plan. She pointed to her staff, specifically one of the many ponies surrounding the deck. "I want a count of medical supplies by tomorrow, five hundred. I want plans devised and ready to present for tomorrow's meeting with the Princesses and IHT, and I want a company going to Equestria within the hour to prepare."

It was amazing how fast they scribbled their notes. "Have we done a count on rations?"

"No, ma'am."

"I want that done as well. Our citizens are going to want food."

Secretary Manny asked, "What about an investigation into what happened?"

"No theories at all will be presented as fact until we converse with IHT. Are there any suggestions as to how we should proceed?"

None answered. So Dawn rose up and nodded. "Then let's get to work, ponies. In the meantime, I will be attempting contact with another individual of Equestria."

Secretary Manny, the Admiral, and other military leaders saluted upon her rise from the table and walk out the door. Soldiers lining the deck saluted during the advancement to her destination.

"Dawn!" Dawn stopped and turned to face Gardeen. "I'll walk with you."

The journey to inside of Aquata Zero was filled with silence until they reached the bays, where Dawn could look down upon all of the colorful citizens of Psera, fleeing their past lives behind in favor of safety. A deep sigh escaped Dawn.

"Look at this," she said. "All of them, all of us..."

"I get it." Gardeen sat down and took a breath. "Dawn, I know what you're thinking."

Of course she did. She always knew. "...I think mom was thinking the same thing. She and I held a brief conversation before she freaked out and disappeared. Something scared her. I haven't the idea what."

"What did she say?"

Dawn sighed and shook her head. "It doesn't matter. The timing isn't right."


Dawn turned around and walked away. "I'll be in the suite."

Perfect. There she goes, withdrawing into herself. Gardeen sighed and faced the deck once more. They would rile up soon. All of these multicolored citizens, crying to themselves. The question is, how long would it take?

Fire, smoke, darkness. A shame she must take advantage of this, but there's no better time than the present. The rune was raised and a spell cast. Now, she waits.

Narmeelah's hooves ground into the dirt. Her wings were raised and body straightened. It seemed only fitting to watch Psera from the top of Cop's mountain range. Where the castle once lied was rubble. She would create a new world with what was left over.

An exasperated sigh escaped her lips. She closed her eyes. The embers of destruction passed over her features.

"I oh so love when a plan comes to fruition," Narmeelah said. "Don't you, daughter?"

No response. Narmeelah opened her eyes. Her graceful smile fell. "You cannot stay mad at me forever, Saemool. You've already tried that."

"There are other ways."

Narmeelah looked back and met the unamused gaze of her oldest daughter. Her off-green coat glowed with magic. Her mane, short, and blue as the evening sky. Her wings, about as long as Queen Arcadia's splayed onto the dirt behind her. Her eyes, luminous with violet magic.

"Oh, my nubile foal." Narmeelah rose up and trotted over to face her directly. The same height, they could mistaken for another. Narmeelah placed her wing on Saemool's back. Her eyes glanced to it unshaken.

"For us, there is never another way. This has to happen. Embrace it."

Saemool slapped her wing off, turned around and left. Her hooves kicked up dirt during her trot. Narmeelah watched her leave. She was always the weaker one, despite being the oldest. Even Queramar had a better backbone than she did. Oh well. The plan would continue.

Narmeelah faced back towards the destruction of Psera; of the world, her masterpiece.

"Ferilia!" She called out.

The dirt at Narmeelah's hooves snaked into the air and curved around her. Narmeelah needn't turn around. She could feel her, sense her. When her show was over, she could hear Ferilia's hoofsteps stop next to her.

"Yes, mother?" Ferilia asked.

"Infiltrate Equestria. Your sister Shaoloh is already there for my diary. I want you to watch your cousin. She could still be a threat."

"Where are the others?"

"Your cowardice sister Saemool is somewhere, and the rest have taken up positions along Psera's most vulnerable points."

"Are you expecting company?"

"They are very adamant. Which is why I want you to intimidate Fresh Dawn. She is the daughter of Twilight Sparkle. Giving up is not in her blood."

Narmeelah faced Ferlia. She had her father's eyes. Black sclera and red pupils, as dark as the skies. She'd bring nightmares to anyone who stared through them. Her coat and wings matched, black and red. An alicorn, her horn protruded from her head towards the sky of smoke and flames. This was her environment. Alas, not this time around.

"How exactly should I intimidate her?"

"In whatever way you deem fit. Now hurry. Psera nears their shores."

Ferilia nodded firmly. In a puff of black smoke, she disappeared, on her way to fulfill her task.

In a perfect plan, she would succeed. Ferilia would keep them away, and all of this would be with no intervention from opposing forces. However, so far her ponies have chosen to make it difficult for her. They would find a way past, even through her remaining daughters ready along the cliffs of Psera. They would get to her. But they would surely have a mass of opposition.

Narmeelah faced the destruction. Hidden among this lied her greatest assets. "Rise!!" She shouted.

Among the flames and fires, they rose. Those who were left behind, those who perished beneath the results of such a magical onslaught, their hooves burst through the rubble. Scarred, burned, and left behind to die. Narmeelah could make them out. She could make out her magic, seeping through the eyes filled with stars. Some lost their wings, others a hoof or ear, a pinch severely burned. The walking of death. Sadness filled her heart. They will find peace once this was all over.

Among the damage, Molten Ice burst through glass and unfurled her wings. Three other ponies scampered from beneath her before she took her first steps. In her wings were shards of glass. Blood pooled down her body originating from tears and cuts. Alas, she moved forward painlessly to stand in solidarity of Narmeelah's growing army. From Cop all the way to Serl and beyond. They dotted the rooftops, the fallen buildings, demolished highways, crushed pods and whatever remained of the castle. Those who could fly hovered around Narmeelah, a shining star in this atmosphere of darkness, awaiting her wise words.

Her voice when spoken all could hear. "Today marks the beginning of a new chapter. Equus is not as it once was. It is not what I envisioned it would be."

Narmeelah raised her wings and levitated off the ground. She was the center of attention, the shining star in the sky that could be seen from miles. The brightest one out of all of Equus.

"No more!" Narmeelah's coat gradually changed to translucent. Her size increased, mane transparent, as wisps in the wind. Her eyes were black holes leading into the universe, revealing the true meaning of life. She overshadowed the ponies she rose from the dead, hovering tall over the entire city-state of Cop. Her breathing formed gusts of wind.

"This world will be no longer," she said. "But instead, we will make a new one." She pointed towards the center of Cop, at the massive rune that burned itself into Equus' surface. "Take to the skies, scour the underground, and swim in the seas. Protect this rune with your lives."

Narmeelah smoldered deeply. "They are not to near it."

Author's Note:

And we're back. Sorry for the wait, guys, I had some extenuating circumstances, including forgetting how to write. Care to take some guesses to what would happen next?

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