• Published 24th Apr 2021
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Twilight Daylight: Dawn of Equus - thedarktome

Arcadia's been arrested, the last hope against a coming storm. Narmeelah has returned. Only Dawn and Arcadia know of the truth. Will the world believe them?

  • ...

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Chapter 27 - The Reason

The journey through the tunnel was a quiet one. Sky Blue's wings flapped loudly through the halls, continuing her journey. While she flew with the wind, and moved through the silence, the rest of the party remained silent, watching Dawn sit and focus through Sky Blue's eyes.

The silence was interrupted by Flurry seething. Bandages were being wrapped around her hooves.

"From here on out," Cadance scolded. "You are to stay with the group. Do you understand?"


"No! No excuses whatsoever, you do as you're told. Am I clear?"

Twilight leaned over to Dawn. "That goes for you as well."

Without moving, Dawn replied, "But I did as you said."

"I know, and you're not in trouble. However..." Twilight turned her attention to that rune, and the head of that stone pony lying nearby. "These Wells hold a few surprises. Who knows what else we'll encounter."

One of the Elite stepped forward, gear shuffling as they moved. "Permission to speak freely, my Queen?"

Rainbow cracked her eyes open and listened in.

"You may," Dawn answered.

"Is no one else worried that there are multiple passageways linked to an Equestrian castle protected by magically infused stone ponies that lead to a Well?"

"I was going to bring that up later with the others," Twilight admitted. "I was expecting it to be more under wraps, but..."

They looked around the Well and the ocean of black surrounding them. "We made it here too easily. Even the one in Psera was quite difficult to reach. Compared to that one, this was a cakewalk."

"You're right," Flurry admitted. She stretched and wiggled her injured hooves. "All I had to do was tap on an old piano five times and I was in. There were no puzzles, no codes, just a lowering platform inviting me in."

"What do you make of it, Twilight?" Cadance inquired.

"I'm not sure. This castle is centuries old. Perhaps Narmeelah used this castle before."

"Or maybe..." They turned to Dawn, still seeing through Sky Blue's eyes. "Cadenza and Narmeelah had something going on."

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked.

"Correct me if I'm wrong mom, but isn't Flurry Heart part-Pseratep?"

"You're correct," Twilight answered. "Although by a small percentage. What's your point?"

"I don't know, just a theory. There are stairs here in the master bedroom that lead directly through the castle unseen and into the well, with the only threat being a hole beneath your hooves. Easy access for a repetitive event with a pony who knows a thing or two about Pseratopian runes. I'm leaving the bedroom."

Sky Blue flapped her way out into the silent halls of the castle and soon out the doors into the frigid air of the Crystal Empire.

"Ahhh," Dawn sighed in relief. "It feels good to see the sun again."

She flew into the sky, as high as she could go before coming to a full hover. "Okay, I'm in position. Give me a moment."

Cadance leaned over into Twilight's space. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked.

"There will be no problem. The relationship Dawn shares with copies of her magic is the same relationship she and I share. It's just another part of her. It cannot be detected."

There. The passages. Using Dawn as a starting point and her physical connection to the shadows, Sky Blue was able to see the otherwise massive Well beneath the Crystal Empire. In her eyes it was tinted blue along with the passageways connected to it.

"I see them," Dawn announced. "I see the passages and the Well."

The crew bounded to their hooves. "What do you see?"

Sky Blue swooped lower, gently gliding deeper into the district. "Most of the passages aren't in the city. Most of them are outside of it. Within the snow and ice."

Well that wasn't good. Cadance and Twilight looked at each other.

"Wait! Except..." Dawn raised her hoof and pointed ahead into the darkness. "There's a passage up ahead that's a lot bigger than the others."

"Where is it?" Twilight asked.

"Behind the train station. I see a presence in that direction. They may have noticed something as well."

"Yeah, they need your help, Twi," Rainbow confirmed. "Some kind of rune or something."

"It could activate the point of entry, whatever it is," Twilight said to herself. She looked to Cadance and the guards. "Grab Dawn and head in that direction through the Well. We'll meet you there above ground."

Twilight grabbed one torch while Cadance grabbed the other. With a scoop and throw, Dawn's small stature was deposited on Cadance's back before they moved down the Well.

"How are your hooves, Flurry?"

Each step was like walking on needles. But... "I'll live," Flurry answered. "How far is it?"

"A few minutes up ahead," Dawn answered from Cadance's back. "I can see us from above."

While they waited, Sunset, Starlight, Lead Harvest and Snap Seed worked together to crack this rune. So far, progress was slow. Despite it being the middle of winter, beads of sweat were beginning to appear upon Sunset's brow. How much time did they have anyway? Was the end of the world running on their time?

Sunset wiped her forehead beneath her horn. "Okay," she said. "So far, unsuccessful."

"Where is Rainbow Dash and Twilight?" Applejack asked. "Did she already flake on us?"

"Unlikely," Sun Waves answered. "As far as I can tell, this matter is personal, even for her."

"How so?"

"Because we're all related," Shining answered. "Narmeelah's the root cause to the murder of King Madun and almost killed her daughter. If I know Twilight as well as I do, she's going to want to exchange a few words with her."

At that moment, Rainbow Dash trotted in with Twilight behind her. "Found her!"

They cleared a path up to the rune for Twilight to take a look. Sky Blue flew down from above and landed on Twilight's back, staring up to Luna. Ugh, why did she hate this bird?

"Did you find anything?" Luna asked.

"Yes," Twilight answered. She stopped in front of the rune and squinted at it. "We found a few passageways that lead to the Well. It goes directly through the city all the way out here, leading beneath the station."

Twilight tapped at the rune. "There are more of these."

"What are they?" Snap Seed inquired.

Twilight's sight moved downwards, continuing to the platforms before heading back into the crowd at the tracks.

"Dawn? Where's the entrance?"

Sky Blue cawed from Twilight's back, and took off into the sky. Gliding gently, she suddenly speared down and squeezed her way through some personnel to land on the snow. Flapping her wings, Sky Blue cawed louder.

Then it's not a door. Which means...

Twilight turned back to the rune. "This is a circuit. Activated with proximity information."

"So it's touch activated," Celestia assumed.

"Right. Only problem is that these runes faded with time. I'll have to write them back in. In the meantime, let's get all the vehicles back here and lined up. Dawn? Get back up here with Caddy and Flurry."

Sky Blue cawed. Good. With that out of the way, Twilight bent low and picked up a small stone with her teeth.

Silence crept amongst the group as Twilight read and worked. Watching the magic of her mind at work, up close and personal. Snap Seed crept closer as she drew. Wow. She was standing next to the Twilight Sparkle. The greatest mage to ever be born. She created so many spells, even created a process that allowed her to come back from the dead! And she was standing right next to her! Watching her draw magic!

Soon, the first rune was completed. Twilight stepped back and eyed her work. Flawless, as usual.

"The first one is done," she said around the stone. "But there are many more. Hidden in the stone and rock. I propose we set up camp."

"I second that motion," Luna agreed.

Captains and commanders began shouting orders, teams dispersed to grab tools and tents. After a moment's glanced, Twilight bent low and continued her work. It would be hours by the time this was done.

The sounds of hoofsteps resonated with the snapping and cracking of campfires brewing among the camps, darkened with the dusk of the day. Soldiers set up posts, watching from afar while their leaders and commanders convened on a single point, yards behind the train station. Beneath a large tent, protected by Psera's Elite Guard they overlooked a large map placed on a wooden table.

Princess First Light now commandeers the shared body between Dawn and herself while Dawn rested. It would be hours before she wakes.

Under the eyes of leadership, Light pointed to a specific point on the map.

"According to our geologists and commanders," she said. "And by cross-referencing the data Dawn and I managed to put together, we theorize we'll be arriving at Building Four."

"What's in building four?" Queen Novo asked.

"Aquata Manufacturing. It's the biggest site we have in Serl. But it's also the most dangerous. During any storm, the site is closed and shut down. Our Aquatas dangle over a crevice that leads into the ocean. It makes for an easier handoff, but it's not as pleasant when the winds are high."

"It's also the current home of The Cleansing Project." Their attention was brought forth to the front of the tent. One of the Pseratep scientists. Wait, Celestia's seen him before.

She pointed at him. "We've met."

Dark red coat? Deep blue eyes? He was as big as Madun was. He bowed to the Queen of Psera. "Briefly, back when Arcadia Nova first returned from her slumber after fighting Maheera Dark. I am Director Foresight."

At the mention of her name, they turned their attention back towards the train station. Accompanied by Sun Waves, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer and Snap Seed, Twilight continued drawing in the runes. At least she wasn't alone this time. She had a ring of security watching her.

First Light turned back to Foresight. "You knew my father."

"He and I were rivals when we were foals. I couldn't stand his guts, but I can't say your father did not fill a rather unpleasant hole in my heart with the kindness of a friend. My condolences."

"Thank you, Director. What is The Cleansing Project?"

"Your mother would know more about it. She spearheaded the project initially prior your birth. Then gave me full control after you were born and she was crowned."

"But what is it?"

"Basically?" He stepped up to the table and sat down with his head bowed. "It's—"

"A bomb." They looked back to see Twilight with Sunset and Starlight walking in their direction. "The Cleansing Project is a bomb."

"Another one?" Cadance asked incredulously. "Was Railer One not enough?"

"If only defense was that simple. Hello, Director Foresight."

Director Foresight began to bow, But Arcadia placed a hoof on his back. "No. Do not bow to me. I am not worthy of your praise for what has happened to Psera."

"I do not bow because of you Arcadia, but for what you represent. Hope, peace, unity, and magic. With your arrival, all creatures of the world have now come together to face the biggest threat ponykind has ever faced."

Against her better judgement, Arcadia allowed him to greet the ground before rising once more.

"Thank you," she said.

"You are welcome. Now, I have come to, perhaps, interest the Queen in a backup plan. One of which I believe you may find useful."

"Yes, The Cleansing Project."

"Mother," First Light said. "What is The Cleansing Project?"

"Well..." Twilight turned to face them. "The Cleansing Project is less of a bomb and more of an enabler of an event. When the bomb is dropped it, for lack of a better term, punches a small hole into magical fields, disrupting the flow of energy. During the developmental stage, we had a different name for it. A few of you have come in contact with one of our tests."

"Yes, I remember," Celestia said. "You lied and said it was a solar flare."

"It was us testing The Cleansing Project." She turned back to Director Foresight. "But how exactly can that help us?"

"A weapon of that size could keep Narmeelah from using magic. She would have to use her hooves at that point. You would have the upper hoof."


"Yes." Twilight whipped her eyes to First Light, who in turn stared back. "We'll keep the option on the table. No idea is a bad idea. Thank you, Director Foresight."

Director Foresight genuflected before turning around and walking away. Once out of earshot...

"I highly recommend," Twilight said. "That we do not use The Cleansing Project."


"You know why. We are not using that weapon. It's existence was a mistake. That's why I had it locked down tight."

"Then you're going to have to unlock it, mother. This war is bigger than us. Dawn and I will risk our lives for the ponies—"

"No." Twilight's hoof slammed on the table. Sunset and Starlight backed away. "Enough. I will not be unlocking The Cleansing Project. It will stay locked away."


"I'll launch it into the Western Sea!"

"Mom! You and I both know that no matter what we do, I'm the only pony able to fight Narmeelah! We have to use it!"

Neither of them spoke. Only the blowing wind carrying cold biting winter of The Crystal Winter.

With a massive sigh, Twilight walked around the tent back to the train station. As fast as she could without being rude.

"Mom!" She did not turn around. First Light banged her hoof on the table "Mahnurka! Masa lah kee!"

"What's going on?" Luna asked.

First Light dropped on her flank and placed her head on the table. "Mom and I both know that the chances of us defeating Narmeelah are slim to none. The magic mom can do is nothing compared to what Narmeelah can do. Our army could be wiped out. That's why The Cleansing Project was developed."

"To disrupt Narmeelah's magic," Flurry guessed. "She would be greatly weakened."

"Right. It's the key to defeating her. It wouldn't be enough, but mom would still have a fighting chance."

First Light looked to Flurry. "But that was before we were born. Dawn and I... We're not flesh and blood. We're magic. We're what mom calls Celestials."

"Like Narmeelah."

"Right. Creatures made of anything but flesh. We operate differently. As a celestial, we have an even higher chance at defeating Narmeelah than any pony here. We just need to use the weapon to weaken Narmeelah, then it would be a fair game."

First Light looked back to the train station. Where Twilight was continuing her rune drawing, albeit more slowly.

"That's why mom doesn't like it. She doesn't want me going up against Narmeelah. That's why she relinquished ownership of the project and locked it away after I was born."

"So you wouldn't have to fight her," Celestia said.

They all looked back to Twilight. At the sad way she drew her runes in. It wasn't until then that Starlight figured it all out with a gasp.

"That's what all the weapons are for," she whispered. She looked down to Dawn. "So you wouldn't have to fight at all."

"Right. Mom's greatest fear was never Narmeelah. It was me going up against her."

It made so much more sense that way. A mother would do anything for their child. Especially one who technically already died. They couldn't imagine what she's been through, but they did know that Twilight would do anything to keep Dawn and Light safe.

Celestia walked in that direction. "I'll go speak to her."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Cadance asked. "She's not the same mare as before."

"Underneath that hardened exterior is the same filly I helped raise. She will listen."

It didn't need to be perfect. As long as the rune could be contacted by the rest of the spell. But as a perfectionist, Twilight made sure each and every last curve was correct.

She drew in a line, as meticulous as she could in her own shell, blocking out the hoofsteps of an approaching pony.

"Maybe you need some help?" Twilight glanced over to Snap Seed briefly before continuing her work. "I can tell that now isn't a good time, but—"

"I apologize, dear Snap, but I would appreciate some silence."

Snap Seed deflated. "Ah. Yes, of course. No worries. I shall return later." Her hoofsteps faded away, leaving Twilight to her work again under the eyes of the camp. Half of the rune was finished. Now, she had to find the connector.

"You were right. I don't know what it's like..." Twilight breathed in deeply to contain her sigh of annoyance. "To lose as much as you have."

"Snap, now isn't the time..." Twilight turned around to face Celestia. Strange. She hasn't heard that tone in years. "Celestia. You're the last pony I was expecting."

Celestia offered her a soft smile. "Maybe you need a hoof with this rune? For old times sake?"

"As much as I'd like that, all I need to find now is the connector. It's a one-pony job."

"Ah, yes. You were always keen on doing things yourself." Twilight glanced awkwardly up to Celestia. Where was she leading with this?

"Why are you here, Celestia?"

"I wanted to speak with you about Dawn... And Light." Twilight shot her head up from the dirt, glaring at Celestia. "And before you begin berating me with your colorful tongue of stories, know that at my age, I have seen ponies come as much as I have seen them go. All of us have."

She looked back to the tent, where First Light remained, conversing with colonels, generals, scientists and specialists. She engaged with confidence, as if she knew what she was doing. But did any of them?

"I know you want to protect them," Celestia said. "You want to keep her from hurt and harm as much as you can. That's what all the weapons were for."

"Should I not be protecting my daughter?" Twilight bit back.

"You should always protect her. But sometimes, there are things out of our control that we must face. Like when our foals decide to go on their own, make their own choices. Or when they decide to pursue a love interest."

"Or when great great grandma decides to destroy the planet, and you're all that's between her and total annihilation." Twilight caught Celestia's face of growing annoyance. "I understand what you're trying to tell me, Celestia. I do. But this..."

She turned to Celestia, eyes brimming with tears. "They're my little fillies, Celestia. I don't want to lose what's left of my family. I thought they died before, and I..."

Twilight covered her mouth. Her eyes squeezed shut and she turned away. "I watched her father die in my hooves! Then she exploded in those same hooves not even an hour later! She...!"

Twilight took a deep breath before looking up to the tent. "She died, Celestia. I watched my baby die, and I was powerless to stop it. No matter what I did, no matter what I said, no matter what I researched, I couldn't bring my daughters back."

"I'm so sorry, Twilight."

"And then, by some miracle of mercy, she's... She's just THERE! She's alive, she's okay! I thought that maybe this is a sign that I have to quit while I'm ahead because this was too close. In a single day, I lost everything! I couldn't risk that again. I knew Narmeelah was coming. I was prepared to deal with her myself and leave Dawn behind safely with all of you, but now, we're back where we started with Dawn in danger!"

Celestia placed her wing on Twilight's back. "I know. I know this must be so hard for you."

Twilight said nothing. Her tears dripped from her chin to the floor.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Twilight looked up and sniffled back her tears. She nodded her head.

Celestia looked around. There were no guards within earshot. "I do know what it's like to lose a loved one."

"You had a courtier? Like Raven?"

"No, Twilight. I, too, had a special somepony before. Centuries ago. Before I was ever a Princess and a just a regular mare living in Old Equestria. A few hundred years ago. Before medicine was as advanced as it was today."

Celestia sat down and sighed deeply. "We made love, and he gifted me with child."

Twilight gasped and covered her mouth. "...you were a mother."

"I was. Luna and I keep this information from the public. We only talk about it behind closed doors. Her name was Philomena."

"Like your Phoenix."

"My Phoenix was named after my daughter as a symbol that she would live on. Whenever I saw Philomena, I would see her. I watched her take her first breath... As well as her last. I watched her stand on her own hooves and become a grown mare. She was so smart, beautiful, worked hard, and enjoyed life to the fullest.

"But as her mother, I wanted to keep her from the world. I wanted to protect and shield her from life. You and I are not so different in ways. You want to protect Dawn from facing Narmeelah, I wanted to protect Philomena from facing Discord."


"Luna and I were tasked with keeping Discord distracted while Philomena searched for The Elements of Harmony that turned him to stone. She was the one who knew of a way to 'defeat thine dragon of scorn.'"

Celestia chortled and shook her head. "She had a way with words."

"I assume she found them."

"She did. If Philomena did not leave from beneath my wings of protection, I do not believe Equestria would have survived or be where it is."

Twilight looked back up to where Dawn was. She was getting tired. Yawning. Twilight sighed and nodded her head. "I see."

"Dawn will be okay. Unlike Philomena, the threat is great. But also unlike Philomena, Dawn has the biggest army in the world behind her. She has her friends, her allies, her mother..."

Celestia tapped Twilight's head. "...and the brains of Twilight Sparkle. She will be alright."

Right. Dawn was no longer a young filly. She was a mare of action. She was growing up. Now it was time for her to forge her own path.

Twilight left the station and dragged her long wings across the track back to the tent of royals and commanders. Upon arrival, they looked up and Dawn turned around.

They stared tensely at each other before Twilight reached to her side and removed the scabbard. She held it out in Dawn's direction with both hooves, who looked down at it.

"If you're going to fight," Twilight said. "Then you're going to need a weapon of your own."

She was giving her her sword? Dawn carefully took it in her hooves.

"Mom, I—wow, this is incredibly light."

Twilight chortled and nodded her head. "But it's also incredibly sharp and dangerous. Your father gave that to me when I was first crowned. But I disgraced it, and used it to inflict harm and pain on those who didn't deserve it. If any of us should wield that weapon now, it should be you."

Dawn stood on two hooves and carefully withdrew the scabbard from the blade. She held it in two hooves and stared at her reflection in its surface, at the text burning into her mind.

She waved it around, flipping it over and beneath her hoof.

"Wow, I... Thank you, mother. I don't know what to say."

Twilight grabbed the scabbard and the blade. She fastened it around Dawn's middle. "Say you'll try your best, and at least wear a helmet."

"I'll put in my all to protect our home, and I'll wear full armor."

Twilight chortled and pulled Dawn into a tight hug, who buried her muzzle into her mother's chest.

"I love you, Dawn and Light."

"We love you too, mom."

Twilight placed a gentle kiss on Dawn's horn before she transformed into First Light.

"I want hugs, too!"

Twilight laughed and nuzzled her mane. "You'll get as much love as your sister. There are no favorites."

After the hug, Twilight let them go and walked back to the station with Dawn behind her. "The rune will be completed soon."

"Should I wake the soldiers?"

"No, they need their rest, as do you. We rise at dawn, to take back Equus." Twilight sighed deeply and narrowed her eyes. "For we will all need the rest."

Author's Note:

Phew! Okay, that was a tough chapter to write, but I hope you enjoyed it. In the next chapter, we'll be going back in time and into dreams.

Also, I've decided I'll be writing one or two more stories to finish off Twilight Daylight. I hope you're enjoying this series as much as I am writing it. If so, leave a smile emoticon/emoji!

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