• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,877 Views, 411 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

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Chapter 6: Yesterdays

Sunset Shimmer normally loved a casual ride across the country. Just her, the road, some music, and no worries on her mind besides the normal travel hazards. It was freeing and usually was great at clearing the darker thoughts that crept up from time to time. But the conversation with her mother last night had put her on edge as well as the strange dream she experienced before that.

Last night:

Sunset? It’s Celestia, I know we haven’t spoken much in the last several months. I have tried to check on you, but you rarely respond with more than two words. I hope you are healthy and are doing well. By Twilight’s calculations the portal will open again in three days, which gives you six days to get to it before it closes again. I would very much like to see you again. I can meet you on Earth if you like, please talk to me.

Sunset looked at the message then at the clock being displayed by Raven. Sunset groaned and pulled the blanket over herself and climbed back into bed. Her ribs hurt something terrible, but she ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.

When she awoke again it was because her annoying if albeit useful PAAL, Raven, had set an alarm to make sure Sunset was up early enough to shower and pack up before the checkout deadline. Once the shower had refreshened Sunset and the smell of hot coffee beckoning from the small machine in the corner, Sunset finally sat down at the desk and opened the journal.


I got your message last night, but I was in no condition to answer. Anyhow, yes, I’m alive, I’m fine as can be, and I am aware that the portal will open soon. As far as me coming back… a part of me, sizable in fact, wants to come back, but another part just wants to stay here so I can roll in my own misery. Yes, I am aware of how unhealthy that sounds, but I’m having trouble giving a shit. I’m so damn lonely, but I don’t know what I want out life anymore. I’m not sure I would make for good company. From past experience when I get like this, I tend to drag others down with me and that just doesn’t seem fair.

Sunset grabbed the rings she wore with both hands and pressed them to her lips. It took a minute, but eventually she got her sobs and shakes under control enough to go retrieve her steaming cup of coffee. The warmth helped clear the cobwebs from her mind and the dry, alcohol induced, stickiness of her mouth. Oh coffee, sweet, sweet life giving nectar of the gods. The journal began to glow and new words appeared on the page, but the hornwriting was not Celestia’s.

Then come home. We all miss you. You have a place here, family, friends. I can’t promise it will fix all that hurts, but you won’t be lonely. Please come back?


Sorry, Celestia left the journal out I think hoping you would reply. I saw the journal glowing and I just couldn’t keep myself from reading. I feel like I’m intruding, but at the same time I’m glad I did because I can see how much you are hurting still and I want to help my friend. You’re lonely, I understand that completely. And you are always good company. I miss you. Oh! And you just have to see for yourself how far we’ve come on the SunLight network! It’s amazing! Equestria is connected together like never before!

The SunLight network?

Oh, sorry, I’ve been so busy I forgot to mention we finished the rollout of your project. It was slightly delayed due to the fact that the project supervisor (YOU) were not around to quality check the final products and oversee the rollout and promotion of the project. Also, since most of that fell on me, I got tired of calling it the crystal project. So, Spike suggested we name it after you and I working together to make it happen! SUNset and twiLIGHT network. TA DA! Ponies are snatching up the crystals as fast as then can be made! If you were ever worried about money you never need to worry again! Then again, as Celestia’s daughter I guess you were never worried about that to begin with. Sorry, I’m rambling.

Twilight, remember to breathe. And thank you for the head’s up.

There was a noticeable pause as they both waited for what to say next. Sunset stomach rumbled. It was time to get going. As Sunset dressed in a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt the journal lit up again.

Sunset, I’m not usually one to deploy guilt, but I really do miss you. I think I took for granted how nice it was having you around for two years. It was… it reminded me how much I need friends too. Having my best friend nearby to talk about the day’s events, maybe vent a little or share thoughts on a book or article I read, even indulge in a pet project. It was just like old times. Yes, I know I’m being greedy and selfish. I have Spike, I have Celestia and Luna, and now I can even talk to Cadence anytime we are both available, but… I miss you.

Sunset smiled and could feel her cheeks heat up as she ran her fingers across the words that had just appeared, the warmth spreading throughout her body and making her guts squirm in a way she had not felt in years. It was a wonderful and terrifying feeling. Sunset knew what Twilight was dancing around trying to say. She was lonely too. They both missed the ponies they had loved when they were still young, their group of friends that meant the world to them. All they had left were the memories, but at least together, they could indulge and share those memories. As long as there was still someone left to remember, they were never truly gone. Better to be lonely together than to suffer as a nation of one as the saying went. Sunset finished packing and penned one last message.

Alright, you win, Your Highness. It will take me at least two days to get to Canterlot City unless I hit bad weather then it will take three or more. Regardless, leave the light on for me. Just to put your pretty mind at ease I’ll make it official. I Pinkie Promise I will come back. Sunset paused to make the necessary gestures, but then added, Oh, and I miss you too. Sunset snapped the book closed and packed it in her bag.

“Raven, what is the hotel serving for breakfast?”

“There is a full breakfast in the dining room in the lobby.”

Sunset looked at herself one last time in the wall mirror before slipping on her sunglasses. “Better get started then, it’s a long way to Canterlot City from here.”


It did in fact take four days to get to Canterlot City between the weather delays and the traffic. When Sunset arrived, she first took refuge in a familiar hotel to let Midnight charge and because deep down Sunset was having second thoughts about leaving. She knew in her head that as long as the mirror stood there was nothing stopping her from crossing back over and seeing how the world had changed. However, in her heart, Sunset Shimmer knew that once she left Earth this time it would be for good. That pounding ache in her heart gave her pause and the only way to soothe it, even just a fraction, was to take her time to say goodbye.

When Sunset awoke the next morning the first thing she did after her normal morning routine of clean up and coffee was to begin downloading all her photos and videos to her PAAL from her secure server. Even for modern processors it was estimated to take at least until breakfast was over. Especially with Raven questioning everything.

“Sunset,” the PAAL device chimed, “I have completed your assigned task of transferring your 2,471 stored photographs and videos to local memory. Your current memory capacity is estimated at fifty-one percent available. Your games, photos, videos, and music libraries now take up the majority of your local used storage.”

Sunset nodded and drained the last of her coffee before designating a tip and standing up to leave. “Thanks, Raven. Did you find that list of charities I asked you to search for last night?”

“Yes, you and Twilight both had favorite charities stored in your notes sections and I compiled them along with five others that have similar credentials and reputations for supporting, children, animals, medical research, and the arts. The complete list is number two on your itinerary.”

Sunset paused for a moment on her walk towards her motorcycle, while Raven sent the security unlock codes to it without having to ask. “Number two? I don’t remember assigning you any other tasks for today.”

“I once again sent you a request for diagnostic. I believe some of my data or server information is either incorrect or suffered some level of corruption.”

“How so?”

“I observed that many of the pictures that carry time stamps to be far older than they logically could be. For instance, there are photos in a sub folder that were scanned and uploaded with a time stamp that read, ‘Rainbow Dash’s bachelorette party.’ At nearly one hundred years ago. Upon examining the photos, I found a person that my facial recognition protocols registered looked like you with 99.8% accuracy. That is not physically possible so clearly there is an error somewhere.”

Sunset laughed. It was the first genuine laugh she had had in a long time.

“Clearly, I missed the punchline.”

“Or, you missed the fact that I’m over a hundred and thirty years of age.”

“Then you are remarkably well preserved.”

Sunset slid her helmet on and took off for her first desired destination. Raven did not push the issue. It was, after all unwise to distract the vehicle operator.

Half an hour later, Sunset parked her motorcycle by the signpost that said, “No overnight parking” at the entrance of one of the trails to the Everfree Forest preserve. The fact that her once secret spot now had a walking trail that ran the perimeter of the lake did not surprise her. Several years ago, she and Twilight had come out to visit her once secret spot to find that the hidden supply cache had been discovered and cleaned out. Annoying, but at least the view of the lake shore and surrounding trees had not been ruined by time.

Sunset stood by the shore and just breathed in the fresh air, cleaned by the rain from the night before. She closed her eyes and listened to the surrounding nature and lapping of water on the rocks. Sunset’s Zen was broken when a giggling young couple walked by on the beaten trail, hand in hand. They paid no attention to Sunset and continued further into the woods. Nothing stayed sacred forever. Sunset fought down the emotions that dared bubble up and walked back to her motorcycle.

“I am confused by why we stopped here.”

“This spot use to be more heavily wooded and there wasn’t a real trail that went all the way to the lake. When I was younger, I had a stash of supplies here that I used for camping. I… I brought Twi out her a few times. We use to look at the stars away from the city.”

“You wanted to feel nostalgia of your youth. That is a common in many humans.”

Sunset nodded, activating Midnight, flipping the visor down. “Not just in humans.”

Sunset’s next destination was the border of Sweet Apple Acres. It had been many decades since she had been to the property, not since Applejack’s funeral. Instead of going in, she parked by the entrance fence and just looked over the orchard and animal corrals. Very little had changed, which Sunset was sure Applejack would have been happy about. Sunset thought about the many times she had visited her country friend and her family, about helping with the farm work, playing their instruments, and the occasional sleepover. The world always felt like it moved a little slower on the farm. Still stress, but a different kind of stress than from the grind of city life. Sunset always felt welcomed with the Apple family, it was a wonderful feeling to have. Her eyes drifted to a fenced off part in the distance that would have been difficult for most to see, but Sunset’s sharp eyes made out the tops of the tombstones of members of the Apple family who wished to be laid to rest on the land they loved. Raven had stayed silent this time, which Sunset appreciated.


Sunset had retrieved an item from her duffle bag before walking along the designated paths throughout the cemetery. From her position on the back of Sunset’s hand, Raven could see an item in her owner’s hand that looked like a necklace. According to an article on etiquette, Raven knew she should remain silent while Sunset worked through her emotions, especially in a cemetery, but she had questions and her settings were not restricting her curiosity.

“Sunset, what is that in your hand? I’ve never seen it before.”

Sunset held it up for a moment, carefully rubbing the pieces of rock candy on a string. It was quite old now, not that it was anymore edible than when it had been new. She had kept it for sentimental reasons.

“This, is a rock candy necklace. We had a big get together for Pinkie Pie’s birthday with the girls and brought our kids along. It was the last time we all managed to find time for such a reunion. Aurora and Sunna had started a game of Pictionary with Candy Crunch and Applejack’s niece and nephew. While they played, Pinkie had us all make friendship necklaces that we would then exchange. We were supposed to eat them, but I don’t think any of us did.”

“If that was the objective, why not?”

Sunset chuckled. “Well, for starters none of us wanted to break our teeth on these bad boys. I'd swear she used actual rocks in the recipe. Secondly, for the memories. I don’t think I need to explain the power objects hold to us as far as nostalgia and memory. We were all in our late fifties by that point even if Twi and I didn’t look like it. Twi and I knew and so did the other girls that things were about to change. We looked like we should have been attending class with Aurora instead of being her mother. Public functions, dealing with coworkers, it was all becoming increasingly difficult to explain to people who did not know us. Twi and I had to bow out of our own lives and then later fake our deaths on paper, coming up with a few extra identities.”

“Faking your death and false identities are crimes.”

“Better than having to explain to people why you are a senior citizen yet look like you just finished grad school. Besides, if we hadn’t, Twi wouldn’t have had the opportunity to work on the programming to help bring you to existence.”

Raven’s screen flashed through several colors as she processed the new information. “I do not know how I should feel about that.”

“Just ponder it for a bit while I say some things to Pinkie.”

Sunset stopped in front of a set of graves. One had a bas relief of a grilled cheese sandwich on it while the other had images of balloons, party cannons, and different candies. She gently set the necklace across the top of the tombstone and stepped back, placing her hands in the pockets of her leather motorcycle jacket.

“Hey Pinks, it’s been a while. You know I never really got into this whole ‘talking to the spirits of those passed’ thing, but I felt it was necessary this one time. As you already know, Twi… moved on. I guess part of the reason I’m here is I’m also hoping she is with you and the rest of the girls. One big happy extended family again, right? I know you would be giving me the sad eyes right now, wanting to give me a big, squishy hug because of me being alone, but don’t worry about me, okay? For better or worse I’m going to go home, you know, back to Equestria. I… I honestly would rather be with you and Twi and the rest of the girls, but I can’t yet. I need to be there for my mom and from the sound of it, for Princess Twilight too. I’ll be fine, eventually, Pinkie Promise. Just… just look after Twi for me, okay? Make her smile, for me? I know you can do that. I love and miss you all so much. Oh, and apologize to the others for me, I didn’t have time to go up and down the country to hit Rarity, and Rainbow’s graves and Fluttershy went to Europe to be turned into a tree or something. One of those living park cemeteries. Doesn’t matter. I know souls are real and I know all of you found your way to each other where ever that may be.”

Sunset touched the worn stone one last time before returning to her motorcycle and never looking back.

After getting back on the main roads Sunset made her way to one more destination. She parked across the street and removed her helmet and just stared with sad eyes at her old house. It had been the first house she and Twilight had purchased. The house had been commissioned and started by some internet entrepreneur, but construction paused part way through when the original owner ran out of money due to an unexpected economic slump and rather than continue what he believed to be a money pit the house went to market as a “fixer upper.”

The two story house had four bedrooms, a game room, a library/home office, a den that had been converted to an art studio, spacious open concept kitchen and living room, along with plenty of bathrooms, the master was equipped with a soaker tub big enough for two adults, at Sunset’s request, and a two car garage with work area. The fenced in yard was half an acre of grass and a freestanding laboratory similar to the one Twilight had had at her parent’s home, but with more upgrades. Especially for safety. They did not want to take any unnecessary risks with the kids around and sometimes underfoot.

It had been everything they wanted for themselves and their growing family. Even after they had been making money hand over fist, they chose to stay rather than upgrade to another home in a wealthier part of the city. Sunset had loved her house and all the wonderful and sometimes chaotic memories made there. With almost no thought beyond motor movements, Sunset had made her way across the street and held onto the wrought iron perimeter bars as she stared in at the house, committing every detail to memory. She had pictures, but she needed to be able to imagine the house just by closing her eyes. Remembering Twilight’s smiling face as they finished the move and the house was finally theirs to live in. Twilight and her family had to do most of the heavy lifting since Sunset had been about ready to pop by that point and could not see her own feet thanks to Aurora in her belly.

“Ma’am? Can I help you?” Sunset jumped for a moment. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you, but you were staring awfully hard at our house.”

Sunset composed herself as best she could and turned to the young man who had addressed her. While it had been many years, she recognized him from Aurora’s funeral. His name was Shining Sunbright, Timber Hill’s son, her great grandson. Sunset looked over Shining’s shoulder and saw his family, a wife and daughter looking on, along with an elderly Timber Hill being helped into a mobile assistance rig. They must have been out for a stroll and she had just lost track of what was around her.

“I’m fine, I just got lost in thought is all. I’ll be on my way.”

“You look familiar to me,” Shining said, rubbing his chin that sported a small truff of blue chin fur. “Have we met before?”

Sunset shrugged, “Probably, I mean, it is a big city, but I’m always out and about so you may have seen me before.”

Sunset turned to cross the street when Timber called out, “Grand Mama?” Sunset turned back to Timber and smiled at the elder who she had once held in her arms as a baby. She nodded and winked at him before walking back to the motorcycle and riding off.

Shining walked back to his father and began guiding him towards the entrance stairs of the house. The mobile assistance legs helping to steady the elder on the steps without being a burden.

“Did you know that woman, Dad?”

“I,” Timber paused, focusing on his walking before shaking his head. “I’m sure it was a trick of the light, you know, old eyes.”


“But do you think we could go through some old family photos, I… I just want to be sure of something.”

Shining nodded politely. “Sure, whatever you want to do, Dad.”


Two hours later, Sunset was standing in front of the now heavily worn rearing alicorn “Wondercolt” statue. The concrete pony was covered in grime and bird droppings and had not been properly cleaned in some time. The school itself looked like it too was in need of another renovation. Principal Celestia would have died of a heart attack at the sight of the school. Seriously, power washers were still a thing.

After leaving her old house, Sunset had ridden to the nearest motorcycle dealership that Raven had directed her to. There had been no reason to store or keep Midnight and she could not bring herself to just abandon the bike to be impounded. So, selling it and giving away the money was the only logical conclusion left. After a pitiful price negotiation, in which Sunset had not fought hard on because she knew it was irrelevant, an early dinner, and a quiet cab ride, Sunset found herself standing before Canterlot High School one last time.

She knew she still had a few hours left before the portal closed again, but there were no other tasks that needed to be done. The time for stalling was over. Sunset took one last deep breath, opened the journal, and quickly scribbled, “I’m coming,” before closing it and putting it back in her tote bag along with her necklace of rings. She paused as she looked at her PAAL.


“Yes, Sunset?”

“I’ll be honest, I don’t know if you will survive the trip we are about to take, but I hope you do. I don’t want to lose my music and pictures, either of course. But I’ve come to think of you as a friend in a strange way. I’m sure that was the way Twi would have wanted me to think of you.”

“My system link has a broadcast range that spans the entire global network. I can even upload to off world servers such as Luna base or the L3 space station complex. You would find it difficult to lose me, as you say.”

Sunset sighed, putting the PAAL in her tote bag as well. “Trust me, where we are going, they don’t have quantum-link wifi. Go into power save standby and hold onto your virtual butt. Things are about to get bumpy.” Raven would have preferred more elaboration, but followed her owner’s commands. Sunset Shimmer gently glided her hands over the smooth, glass like polished stone that rippled and shimmered at her touch. She checked both directions to ensure no one was watching then stepped through the portal and disappeared from the world she had called home for more than a century.

Author's Note:

I realized that as I reread these to add/edit them that this story moves slower than Incarnate, but that has more to do with that there is more going on.

Anyhow, ever gone back to a town or place you had not seen in 20-30 years? Try it sometime, it feels... strange. You see things differently. Sometimes it's just because you are taller, or the memory just doesn't match what's in front of you. I compare it to visiting historical sites. (Not natural wonders, those tend to always be awesome IMHO) When you see places like Independence Hall they have these beautiful photos and paintings, but in person it's just not the same.

Life marches on. Back to Equestria! Till next week!