• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,859 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

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Chapter 24: Preliator

Southwest Equestria was mostly unoccupied territory. The land was dry and primarily barren rock with deep valleys that were prone to rock slides in between tall, foreboding mountains. Centuries ago, ponies and other creatures had prospected the area for mining, but the proximity to the Dragon Lands and the desert Badlands of the south made it difficult to attract let alone keep workers.

However, prospectors discovered one mountain had already had a large, cavernous hollow that did not appear naturally formed. Ponies of old had speculated, but ultimately gave up wondering how or why and just appreciated the cave for the shelter it provided. Eventually, following the founding of Equestria and before the time of the Two Sisters, the leaders needed a place to imprison enemies of the new nation and other hostile rogue elements. Preferably far away from the new seat of power. The mountain became the final home for the most dangerous and uncontrollable of monsters. Said mountain seemed perfect for such a task and was later given the name Tartarus after a frightening discovery.

When miners began expanding the cave to make more room for prisoners and captives, they unearthed another hollow section behind the first and a creature that had been slumbering deeper in the mountain. It was a creature unlike any they had ever seen, a massive three headed dog with three sets of intelligent eyes and intimidating rows of jagged teeth that would have made a dragon jealous.

The miners fled, but strangely, the creature did not leave the cave. Eventually, the miners and additional supporters returned. Pegasi warriors had suggested slaying the creature despite the face that it had not harmed a single pony. A single earth pony mare, however had attempted to befriend the creature and was, to the surprise of all, quite successful. As it turned out, the beast was friendly as long as no creature attempted to enter the back of the cave where it had been found. After a few years of training and working together, Cerberus, as she came to call him, was happy to help guard not just the back of the cave, but the prison as a whole.

What the kind earth pony and all the others whose names had been lost over time had not realized was that Cerberus was far older than they had realized and was guarding something far more precious than just a few hardened prisoners.

Scylla admired the door sealing Tartarus with just the tiniest hint of respect. The oversized door was one of the most complex pieces of magic and metallurgy she had yet to come across and was surprised to detect no traces of the Two Sisters or her mother's signature magic. Still, it was an obstacle and they had a date with destiny.

"May we continue, sister?"

Scylla glared at Balius. "This, brother, is a work of art. Not unlike the mountains we grew and river valleys we cut. It is worthy of admiration."

"It's in the way," commented Aethon with a glare.

Scylla rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, onward."

The four alicorns lit their horns and each blasted a corner. After a few seconds the defensive wards and runes overloaded and exploded, the door bending in the intense heat and finally glowing red hot and buckling as chunks of molten slag fell to the ground. Scylla smiled as she entered, admiring the various creatures that were caged about the cavern. All of them were in one way or another related to her original experiments with combining species. It pleased the alicorn of air to see that some of her work lived on.

“Is this a jail break? Hey, let us out!” Perhaps not all of them.

Scylla approached the smaller cages and found a group of ponies who had gaunt complexions and sunken, bloodshot eyes. She doubted their appearance had anything to do with mistreatment or lack of nourishment not to mention the smell gave them away even at a distance. No, she recognized dark magic withdraw and could smell the death magic on them.

“Necromancers,” said Balius, sparing a glance to their suppression rings before moving on.

“Wait,” one prisoner did a doubletake, “was that an alicorn stallion? If I knew I could turn myself into an alicorn I would have gone that route instead! Let me out and I will serve you faithfully, gladly, I will learn all you have to teach!”

Scylla turned her bored teal eyes back to Aethon. “Kill them.” The red alicorn smiled broadly and with a flick of his horn set the entire block of cells on fire. The screams only lasted for a few seconds. Over the crackling of the fire a howl echoed through the stone walls and Scylla smiled a fanged grin. Cerberus came to a sliding stop, all three heads growling and snarling. The air aspect cackled and wrapped her forelegs around Cerberus’s paw, cheerfully cuddling him.

“Awwwwww look at you! Ten thousand years old and you look just as spry as the day I forged you! Such a good boy!” Cerberus snapped at Scylla, but she bopped him on one of his noses. “Ah, I see, you don’t remember me. I merged you, I am your master and mother.”

Cerberus marched back to the rear of the cave and sat down, continuing to growl.

“It appears, mother holds your pet's leash now. Or perhaps he is still loyal to Celestia and knows we vanquished her. Regardless, our goal lies there.”

Scylla nodded in agreement with Balius. “They have nurtured his natural guardian instincts, made him a willing servant instead of a slave. Clever and resourceful, but not enough to keep us out.” Scylla gestured towards the open front door. “Run along little one, don’t make me hurt you because I would regret that.” Cerberus, lowered his heads and growled.

“Awwwww, do we have to kill the puppy too?” Epona whined.

Balius rolled his eyes before dissolving into water. The various pools of water throughout the cavern exploded upward and combined with his liquid body and swiftly entrapped the three headed dog in a sphere of water just as he yelped in surprise. Try as he might Cerberus could not escape the sphere and began to panic. As soon as the monster dog went still the sphere rolled towards the entrance and expelled the guardian. After a minute Cerberus began coughing up the swallowed water. With a whimper, Cerberus limped away from Tartarus with his tail between his leg.

Balius reformed back next to the pink alicorn. “Happy?”

“You’re the best brother!” Aethon scoffed at the remark.

Scylla and Balius continued through the cavern chambers, ignoring the cries of both fear and attention from the remaining prisoners. They came to a stop at the back wall and examined the unusually smooth surface.

“It’s here, but… do you sense that?”

Scylla nodded and scowled. “Another lock. One that did not exist in our time. I knew this was too easy.”

Balius scanned the wall with his magic and the wall began to light up with various runes and symbols that had been invisible to the naked eye. The last symbol revealed a hole that looked like it would accommodate a horn. Balius turned to Scylla who had a similar annoyed and disgusted expression. In the center of the wall/door was a crescent moon.

“Luna,” Scylla hissed. She turned back to her brothers and sister. “What now?”

“Destroy the door,” said Aethon matter-of-factly.

“We can try, but I sense great, terrible power here. Something… ancient,” commented Scylla with a dark scowl.

Balius growled. “We have come too far and waited too long for this. For once, I think Aethon has the right idea. Take position, we will overwhelm the defenses and tear it all down. I will not be denied again.”

The four Athanatoi gave each other as much room as they could and focus their power on a corner much like that had done to the entrance door. A moment later they each unleashed their full power upon the single focal point. The energy collided and the entire cavern went white. Outside Tartarus, Cerberus looked back, his ears flat against his head. He began to scamper away faster just as the entire mountain exploded in a mushroom cloud.


Sunset Shimmer was jolted awake. Without moving, she scanned the room, but found nothing out of place, but then again, it was not her bedroom so she was not one hundred percent sure where everything was supposed to be to begin with. She slowly raised her head to look down at the purple alicorn she had been spooning behind, one amber wing and foreleg still draped across Twilight’s neck and body.

The moon was low on the horizon and would need to be guided to rest soon. Twilight was still happily sleeping with a little smile on her face and would make the cutest little snore sound when she exhaled. Sunset wanted nothing more than to just lay back down and pretend nothing had disturbed her, but she also knew she couldn’t.

“Raven?” Sunset whispered. The dark bedroom lit up by the corner table.

“I am here.”

“How long until sunrise?”

“I believe that now depends on how long it will take to get you untangled from the pony that apparently handles that sort of thing here.”

“Ha ha.” Sunset felt Twilight roll from her side to her back. A long, slender purple forelegs reached up and stroked the side of Sunset’s face.

“What’s the matter?”

Sunset leaned in and kissed Twilight. They smiled at one another when they separated, nuzzling their muzzles. “Hopefully nothing, but I felt…” Sunset chuckled and shook her head, she should be ashamed for saying it, but was going to anyhow. “I felt a disturbance in the Force.”

“The Force? Which force? There are many forces in the natural order as well as magical forces. You’ll have to be more specific.”

Sunset moaned as Twilight continued to stroke Sunset’s face and ears, occasionally playing with her red and blonde mane. It was hard to focus without early morning coffee and having a beautiful, warm body pressed into her side only made things more sluggish in the best possible way. Goddess, had she missed the feeling of waking up with another body next to her.

“It might have just been a dream, but considering all that has happened it’s best not to assume. I just felt a… threatening tremor, like the world was warning me to wake up because bad things are coming.”

Twilight was about to comment further when a hoof pounded on Twilight’s chamber door. The purple alicorn frowned. “I guess it wasn’t a dream.” Twilight rolled out of bed and retrieved her crown as she left the bedroom and made her way to the front door. Sunset was only a few steps behind, but did not move nearly as gracefully and nearly dropped her circlet helm when she let out a face splitting yawn. Twilight opened the door to find Luna standing there along with Captain Gauge and Isabella. Surprisingly, all three were armed and armored and appeared ready to march to war.

“I apologize, Twilight, I understand how important post-coitus cuddling is to a blooming relationship, but I’m afraid there is no time for the proper bonding rituals.”

Twilight squeaked and tried to hide her blushing face while Isabella slapped a talon to her eyes and shook her head. Sunset groaned and rolled her eyes. Gauge just smirked before returning to his stoic professionalism.

“Do we really have to start the day with this conversation? Fine, yes, we had sex, sooooo muuuuch ooie, gooie, orgasmic inducing sex I cannot believe we’re not dehydrated and that either of us can walk straight.”

Twilight blushed more profusely and glared at Sunset. “Really?!”

Gauge stepped around the groaning griffon who wished she was now deaf. If he had been disturbed or embarrassed by the conversation he showed no outward sign of it and instead passed a piece of parchment bearing the seal of an official guard report to Twilight. “Intrusion alarm spells were triggered at Tartarus indicating the outer doors were breached. The guard station near the Garnoosan cut through pass responded, but turned back when they said the entire mountain exploded like a volcano. They returned to their station and contacted Control immediately.”

Twilight’s eyes grew twice their normal size. She glanced back and Sunset who just scowled at nothing in particular. “Exploded? As in the entire mountain exploded?”

“We have to assume the Athanatoi have returned and are responsible,” said Luna grimly.

“Then we’re out of time.” Sunset retrieved Raven and returned to the others. “I need to finish the last of the speakers I was setting up and the rest of you need to oversee the final trap preparations. I’ll meet you at the cave in an hour with my extra contingency in tow.”

“But what are t-”

Sunset gently pressed her hoof to Twilight's mouth. “I promise, I’ll explain it once I’m done, but we don’t have time now. Isabella, rouse everypony else we need to finish the cage. Gauge, go to DefCon One.”

“Your Highness?”

“Get them all, captain. Solar guards, lunar guards, mage corps, I don't care. If the librarians want to help then let them.
Any creature not willing to work directly under your command is to help see to it that the rest of the citizens are hunkered down and safe. Once we are on the march, we lay out the rest of the battle plan and then…”

Luna nodded in understanding. “Then we go to war.”

Canterlot became the epicenter of chaos. Twilight was sure Discord was sitting back somewhere in a reclining chair with a tub of popcorn. If not, he was missing out. All the guards were up and running about in the pre-dawn light barking orders or following said orders. Any creatures not participating in the preparations were told to stay in their shelters or help others find a sturdy place to hide.

Two trains had already left full of soldiers headed for Ponyville at faster than recommended speed to save time. Many others, along with volunteers who insisted on helping, were being packed into the airships and flown down to the forest. Given that they were now out of their element, the force of crystal ponies who had accompanied Princess Cadence were now overseeing the protection and organization of the remaining citizens of Canterlot. While there were a few who protested being moved to a shelter, many were cooperating or helping their fellows gather supplies and be prepared.

Twilight walked along the overlook as the airships undocked and began to descend to the valley below. It both warmed her heart and broke it to see so many creatures working together, but once again because they were pressed against the proverbial wall. Would her rule ever know a time of long term peace and prosperity? Did such a thing exist or did the very thing she hoped for act as a magnet for the forces of darkness?

“Hey,” Twilight turned when she heard Sunset’s voice, “give me a hoof with these?”

Twilight smiled as Sunset approached with a cart that had five wooden cased rectangle audio speakers. “The speakers you were working on?”

“Yeah, I had to make them from spare parts so I could properly sync them into Raven’s broadcast signal. I'm amazed I could calibrate the crystal resonance enough for her to find them.”

“But why do we need them?”

Sunset rolled her foreleg, trying to think of the best way to elaborate. “I’ll explain everything rattling around in my head once we are at the cave, but these are for what I call backup plan: Leroy Jenkins.”

Twilight smiled weakly. “I'm sorry, I have no idea what that means.”

Sunset smirked with confidence. “And neither will they.”

By the time Twilight and Sunset had arrived at the cave below the old ruin of The Castle of the Two Sisters, teams of ponies were hard at work on digging into the earth and rock outside the cave. Luna and Tempest were passing on orders to lieutenants on where they wanted dugouts and unicorn mages positioned. Twilight was pleased to see everypony working together with no complaint and Sunset was pleased to see her crazy plan coming to life, silently hoping it would all be enough. Her mind betrayed her a moment as Sunset's memory flashed to the Crystal Empire and how easily Aethon had torn through the lines of soldiers. Those screams and the bodies turning to ash would haunt her for years she was sure of it.

“Your Highnesses,” Tempest said with a bow to her princesses. She then reached into her saddle bag and retrieved a travel cup in her magic and held it out to Sunset. “Captain Gauge made us coffee before we left Canterlot. He asked me to save you a cup.”

Sunset perked up and happily took the offered beverage of life. “Mmmmm, so goooood.” Sunset took another long swig and sighed. “I know this is shallow, but I'm going to say it, if this was the only thing he was good at he’d still be a keeper.”

Tempest smiled and to both Twilight and Sunset’s surprise, she blushed hard enough it could be seen in the low light on her vermillion cheeks. “Trust me, it’s not the only thing he’s good at.”

Twilight quirked her head and then turned back to her captain. “Where’s mine?”

Tempest balked. “I… I’ve never seen you drink coffee before, princess, and I didn't have time to make you tea.”

Twilight pouted, jutting out her lip playfully grumbling, “I would have today.” Sunset passed her half full cup to Twilight who smiled affectionately at the precious gesture. If Sunset loved Twilight, which she noted Sunset had not said the words yet, coffee was easily a close second. Twilight nuzzled Sunset and accepted the gift. “Thank you.”

Sunset turned her attention back to the captain of the solar guard. “Is Cadence inside?”

“Yes, overseeing the last of the crystal placements with her experts and that harmony spirit thing.”

Sunset headed towards the cave with her speakers in tow. Twilight was about to follow when she heard her name being called out. Sunset turned and looked back over her shoulder and saw Princess Flurry Heart pulling a wagon with Prince Thicket by her side also pulling a wagon. Twilight looked between Sunset and Flurry torn between who to move towards. Sunset gestured with her head indicating that it was okay. Twilight smiled and headed over to meet her niece.

Twilight pulled Flurry into a hug the moment she unhitched from the wagon. One she happily returned. “How are you feeling?”

“Horrible, to be honest, but having a task to do helped. Plus, Thicket and Tule Spring were by my side to help me cope. I… I really don’t deserve such faithful friends.”

“I know how you feel. There were many times when I was at my lowest that the only thing that kept me going was the love of my friends and family. Even now, when I think about them it makes my heart swell and the power of friendship gives me the strength to see it through. True friends are the rock with which we all find hope and refuge to fall back upon. Keep those we love in our hearts and they are never truly gone.” Twilight examined the wagons. “Did you bring them?”

“Yes,” Flurry said with a nod, “and thank you, Aunt Twilight, for the pep talk and the reminder that I have friends and family that care. Is… is Mom here? I only got to speak to her briefly while we were working on this through the SunLight crystal.”

Twilight gestured to the cave. “Inside finishing preparations there. Though you may want to give her a minute, Sunset Shimmer just went in to speak with her.” Thicket placed a comforting foreleg over Flurry Heart’s shoulders and she happily leaned into him. Twilight smiled warmly at the pair.

"Waiting is not so bad in the right company."

Sunset walked down the cave tunnel and pondered for a moment that it did not feel as long of a corridor the last time she had walked it. Maybe it was just her imagination. Sunset stopped and turned, looking back at the entrance. If they cast a shadow spell it would be near impossible, even for alicorn eyes to see a pony standing in the corridor from the entrance. That could come in handy. She next noted the walls and out of curiosity, tested a few notes by singing her scales.

“Yes, Sunset Shimmer, I have extended the entry hall to make the trap harder to detect and modified the walls to be more acoustically harmonic. This will help with the focused energy upon the primary crystals in the open chamber.” Sunset gasped for a moment from the sudden appearance of the small glowing Twilight imposter that was Harmony.

Sunset composed herself and pointed towards the walls. “I’m glad you did. I want to set these speakers up along the walls so that I can have music bounce all the way down towards the entrance.”

“This is very doable, though I do not see the benefit beyond that music can help bring ponies together in a form of synchronous harmony.”

“It can also aggravate and mess with their minds in the right set of circumstances. Humans called it Psychological Warfare. We are going to need every advantage we can get with these monsters.”

When Sunset entered the main chamber, she quickly surveyed the crystals and their placement. It was unlikely they would get a chance to test run the cage so the correct placement was unquestionably a matter of life or death. The floor had six crystals rising out and pointing up like stalagmites and there were nine more along the walls that would act as energy magnifiers. From the ceiling, which also seemed to have been reshaped and raised were six more stalactites along with the primary crystal in the center. The center crystal would require the most scrutiny, if it was flawed or failed the rest of the cage would explode or fail as well. If the blast did not kill them the enemy surely would.

Thankfully, Cadence seemed to understand that as well. Sunset found her cousin standing on a hidden platform carved out of the cave just below the stalactites. Sunset flapped her wings and landed next to Cadence and a group of crystal ponies who had Sunset’s drawing from yesterday.

Cadence quickly trotted over to Sunset and pulled her into a hug. She then stepped back and her grin grew even wider. “I’m glad to see you. We are just about done with this part, but my artificers wanted your inspection and approval before we declared it finished.”

“As long as they made sure to include the chamber for the chaos energy to be released in the central crystal it should be just how I pictured it.”

Cadence nodded and then whispered, “Get a good night’s sleep? Or were you too busy making love to Twilight to bother with something as silly as sleep?”

Sunset knew it was coming and still could not keep from rolling her eyes with a goofy smile on her face. “We can talk about that later, but yes, all things considered, it was a good night. Now, please tell me these are ready.”

“As ready as we can make them,” said a pastel yellow crystal pony mare who gestured with a hoof to the cavern. “Though, to be fair, most of the work was done by Harmony. We just refined them and attuned them to one another. Theoretically, once you insert the chaos energy, the surrounding unicorn mages will then pump energy directly into the harmonic crystal and as the opposing energies collide the resulting energy radiation will follow the path of least resistance to the facets we shaped. The energy should then move to the focus crystals and finally to the floor crystals, sealing the cage. However, I cannot see how the energy will be strong enough to keep them from just simply walking out of the energy field.”

Sunset nodded. “That’s where we come in. We'll have to hold them down until we get the suppression rings on them. Without access to alicorn magic it will be a contest of brute strength and leverage, but we have the advantage of surprise on our side. Either way it's going to be a good old fashion scuffle. As AJ would say.”

“And as far as luring them in?” asked Cadence?”

Sunset gestured to the entrance of the cave. “Come on, time to let everypony in on the plan at once.”

Sunset was the last of the group to exit the cave, taking a moment to hang her speakers on the walls and hope they would sound right. She did not have the time or equipment to properly test the acoustics anyhow. Once outside, Sunset found that all the creatures gathered to help set things in motion were milling about near the cave entrance, talking and muttering amongst themselves. They looked tired, worried, many unsure of what they were doing or if it would even be enough to save their families and homes.

Cadence had found her daughter as Flurry nodded and smiled, wiping a few tears away, unconcerned with what onlookers thought of the reunion. Whatever had been said at least it had not caused a fight. Thicket was standing a respectful distance away with Tule Spring standing by his side.

Tempest and Gauge walked side by side checking with the guards stationed about the valley gorge and the volunteers who were to provide magic support. It brought a brief smile to her face to see the two captains happy. Lastly, her eyes fell to Twilight and Luna, who were standing on a raised earthen platform so that all the creatures present could see them. Now that Sunset took note, there were more than fifty ponies, griffons, deer, and even two dragons in the back of the group, Spike and Smolder.

Twilight’s eyes met Sunset’s and she then turned to the east and gestured towards the sky. Sunset understood what she was implying even without a word. The citizens wanted to see the light of a new day and the princesses who would bring it forth. They needed that assurance, that certainty of normalcy. Sunset lit her horn, the red magical aura reaching out beyond the surrounding land and trees and to the heavens themselves. She found her connection to the moon and smiled, it felt like it was smiling back. With closed eyes Sunset guided it the rest of the way below the horizon and assure the massive satellite it would rise again.

Simultaneously, Twilight’s horn lit with her magenta magical aura, her eyes also closed as she reached out and felt the warmth of the sun. The burning orb could feel the pain of loss in Twilight’s heart, the loss of its old and beloved friend, Celestia. But it also felt the joy and love inside Twilight, the hope that things would get better and that Sunset Shimmer would help see them both through. That faith helped fuel the shining brightness of the glowing orb. The sun broke the eastern horizon and bathed the world in its love and warmth once more.

When Sunset opened her eyes, she found the gathered creatures all staring up at her and Twilight. Luna, Cadence, and Flurry were nearby, but all eyes fell upon the amber and purple alicorns. Twilight, gently nudged Sunset to step forward. Hesitating for only a moment, Sunset swallowed and nodded. She knew what they were expecting and did not need to access her empathy powers to see it on their various faces. She had seen this sort of pivotal moment in a dozen movies, story based video games, and books. She could hear her mother’s words in her mind again. Become the pony you were born to be.

“Good morning. I apologize on behalf of the crown to wake all of you so early to come down here and work, but it was necessary and thank you for diligence and loyalty to Equestria. I know some of you know me or have heard of me, but there may be a few who are unaware so let me formally introduce myself so that you understand who and what I am.

“I am Sunset Shimmer, daughter of the Goddess of the Sun, Princess Celestia, daughter of a unicorn king from another land and…” Sunset turned and glanced back at Twilight. “Soon to be formally coronated as the new Princess of the Lunar Court. Much of my background is, honestly not worth mentioning beyond that I was a brat and was in much need of growing up. So I did, far from Canterlot and Equestria. However, I never stopped loving this land and never lost my desire to return and make it better.

“As some of you know or have heard rumors of, alicorn-like creatures, monstrous and powerful, attacked the Crystal Empire, killing many and damaging a section of the spelndid city. And not long ago, they did so again in Canterlot.” Sunset paused, she shuddered and fought down her emotions and tears. They deserved to know the truth, or at least the part that would help them understand what was at stake and motivate them to fight their hardest.

“During the attack upon the palace, Celestia, my mother, goddess, teacher, defender, and steward to us all was mortally wounded during the last attack and succumbed to her injuries.” The crowd broke into gasps and sobs and shouted questions. She had to keep them focused and on task or else a panic would set in. Sunset raised a hoof so that she could continue.

“These, wretched, cowardly, manipulative spawn from the deepest depths of Tartarus could not have held a candle to Celestia in her prime so they waited while her health ebbed over generations and struck a killing blow while she tried to help save her fellow princess, Flurry Heart. Celestia gave everything for Equestria and we should be prepared tp do no less ourselves."

Sunset shuddered, let out a breath and continued once more. “They took my mother from me, from you, from us all! And by the Goddess of Creation herself as witness we will take EVERYTHING from them for it! Make no mistake, while our enemies were cast out into the stars they had no intention of staying there and make ready to return to destroy our world, but we are not going to let them have it! What we are going to let them have is a swift kick to the teeth and a suppression ring crafted by a goddess to clamp them down so hard they will wish they had never crawled out from the rocks they had been imprisoned in!

"I know you are scared to face such powerful creatures, rightly so! But don’t let that fear control you, turn it, use it, let it burn inside you and direct it back at your foes so that they know we will not roll over and go quietly! Stand ready, stand together, proud citizens of Equestria! Let all the universe know that we are stronger in our heart and in our souls than any aggressor. This is our home and by the goddess, no monster takes it without a fight!”

Sunset waited for the cheers and roars to settle before continuing. “I won’t lie to you, while the plan is simple it is dangerous and that danger goes for us all. However, understand we cannot fail, we cannot flee, and there is no tomorrow without victory. The other alicorn princesses and I will lead the charge to draw the enemy back here.

“They will likely come for Canterlot first, believing that we will attempt to hold the capital. Pegasi squads of guards and Wonderbolts will fly a vortex holding pattern over the city, making it difficult if not impossible for our enemy to penetrate, keeping the rest of the city safe. I will personally lead the antagonizing force to draw them away from our city. Should their blood lust be enough they will follow us back here into the cave and the trap will slam shut. All the while the unicorn mage squads will lay in hiding under the pits that were dug for them. Illusion spells would be seen through so silence under cover is crucial. They will then combine their power to lay down shield after shield over the cave entrance to prevent the enemy from escaping.

“Should our enemy hesitate or try to be clever I will then bait them in and the unicorn mages will use their power combined with Princesses Twilight and Cadence’s to shove them into the cave. Once subdue, we will use the strongest suppressor rings in existence to prevent them from ever hurting anypony ever again. Now, while I’m sure some of you have questions we don’t have time to cover everything, so please, follow your designated officer or team leader to your staging area.” There were still some shouted questions, but Sunset stepped back from the earthen platform and joined the rest of the princesses.

“Well said, niece, I believe they understand what is at stake.”

“I just hope that will be enough.” Sunset paused. “Has anypony seen Aine or the promised suppression rings? We are all dead without those.”

Twilight was about to comment when a box fell from no where in between the circle of alicorns. Cautiously, Twilight nudged open the lacquered wooden lid and revealed four large rings inside, each big enough to slip over an alicorn horn. Luna snorted, disgusted.

“Could not even say hello or good luck. Typical.”

“Your Highnesses.” The princesses turned to find Captain Gauge and Captain Fury standing at attention with a dozen solar and lunar guards, pegasi and thestrals. “Your honor guard is prepared to join you.”

“I would rather they assisted in the defense of Canterlot, Gauge.”

“With respect, my princess, not only do we wish to stand by your side and serve, it would be suspicious to the enemy if you had no guards when they arrived. Each soldier has been briefed on the extreme danger of not staying alert and out of the way. The illusion must be sold, but not recklessly.”

Luna nodded to Sunset. “He is not wrong.”

Reluctantly, Sunset nodded in agreement. “No heroics or attempts to do anything fancy. We’ve lost too many friends and soldiers as it is. We draw them in and then we run, got it?” The guards all saluted in unison, smacking their hooves against their armor. “Do what you have to do, we leave in five minutes.”

Gauge turned back to Tempest and even though it was undisciplined and probably a violation of on duty regs, he kissed her and nuzzled her cheek. If Tempest was upset about the breach in protocol, she did not show it and returned the nuzzle in kind.

“Be fast, be smart, stay safe.”

Gauge nodded. “I love you.”

Tempest smiled mischievously. “After what I did for you last night, you damn well better.”

Gauge flashed a toothy grin before stepping back and sliding his helmet back on. “Company, on me! We leave at the princess’s command.”

Sunset turned back to Twilight who, despite her best efforts to remain the regal princess, was still trembling ever so slightly when she looked upon her marefriend. “Sunset… I…”

Sunset gently pressed her hoof to Twilights muzzle. “None of that. Luna and I will draw them in, you wait here with Cadence and have Flurry set up with the others in the cave to spring the trap. Focus on that and nothing else.”

"Given the danger to the princesses, I want the battle mages outside with Twilight and Cadence and I'll take the scholars and volunteers inside with me to activate the crystal cage. I just hope they are ready for a serious horn workout," said Tempest, sliding her own helmet back on.

"They had better be." Sunset levitated Raven inside her pouch off her shoulder and placed her around Flurry Heart’s neck. “This is one of my most important possessions and a friend. She’s also crucial to one of our backup plans. Keep her safe.”

“I will, but I still think I should be the one in the fight,” commented Flurry, scratching at the scar on her foreleg from Sunset’s sword. Cadence tried to drape a wing across her daughter’s back, but it was harder than it used to be given Flurry’s larger frame. Flurry smiled at her mother to show her appreciation for the gesture. “I owe them for every horrible thing they have done and convinced me to do.”

“I dove into your dreams last night and found no lingering connections upon your mind avatar," said Luna, "however, we cannot assume they have no other means of controlling you. It is best for all involved that you use your copious mana pool to help power the crystal and leave the close combat to us.”

“I know, its just… I’m a better fighter than Aunt Twilight and Mom. I should be on the ground floor.”

“Hey! I can fight! I was saving Equestria before you were even born,” protested Twilight.

“Sweetie, look at me,” Flurry met her mother’s eyes and flinched. She had never seen those loving magenta orbs filled with so much molten steel. In a word, it was terrifying. “Those monsters hurt you. You, my only living child and the light of my life everyday. Trust me when I say I plan to hurt them back for all they have done and put you through.”

Sunset opened her wings and took to the sky, the feathers bursting into flames. Luna and the accompanying soldiers were two flaps behind. Twilight watched them go. Sunset took a moment to glance back and winker at her before flying away. Twilight felt more than saw Cadence lean close and whisper, “Say it. Even if she’s not ready to hear it, you need to say it for your own good.”

Twilight shuddered for a moment, hoping no other ponies could see her tremble. Such weakness would be unbecoming at such a critical moment. “I love her, Cadence, I love her so much.”

Cadence smiled, hugging her sister-in-law. “I know.” Cadence turned back and saw Tempest also looking to the sky at the retreating forms. “And don’t you run off yet either, somepony here is going to give me some juicy details on how their night of passion went. Helping other’s love lives and living vicariously through them is how I get my jollies most days. That, and the occasional sex or marital therapy session for my imperial subjects. I’m sure it would shock no pony that I spend more time helping the empire in that capacity than by sitting my plot on the throne.”

Isabella threw her claws to the air. “I’m out.”


Scylla screamed as she threw the boulder off herself. The air aspect focused on her broken leg and a dark blue magic sealed her cuts and bruises and finally reset her leg back where it belonged with a painful snap. A moment later, Aethon emerged from a glowing pile of rocks that he melted away, one eye closed from swelling where he had been struck at high velocity. He looked over his shoulder at his broken wing and growled at the rock formation that resembled the prison he had been encased in for the last ten thousand years. The door and the rock that immediately surrounded it still appeared untouched by all the destruction.


Water bubbled up from between the fallen rocks until finally solidifying into an aquamarine alicorn. Balius growled and threw a rock at the door, it did little more than bounce off without leaving a mark. The ground rumbled and then exploded, tossing dirt and small debris about as Epona popped from the ground without a mark on her.

“I tried to come at it from the bottom but I don’t think it has a bottom.”

“We shaped the rivers, the land, we cultivated this rock back from a burning wasteland and together we are incapable of breaking down a single door?!” Like Balius, Aethon threw a burning rock at the door with the same results.

Scylla took the time to heal her brothers' wounds, neither said thank you and she scowled at them. “The answer is as clear as the markings on that door. As long as Luna is alive the door is sealed and beyond our combined power to open. Mother's doing no doubt.”

Balius sighed and composed himself, slicking his wet mane back from his face. “Yes, of course. Back to Canterlot then?”

“Mother will be waiting for us,” growled Aethon. “She threw us into the stars, what is to keep her from doing it again?”

“Then we will return again, and again, and again, until we either succeed or we burn this planet to cinders fighting Mother. Perhaps we should choose a town to burn to ash first? See to what lengths Mother is willing to go to protect her precious mortals.”

Scylla smiled. “How about that little one in the valley near Canterlot? The one that our precious Flurry now lives in? A just reward for her betrayal.” The other three alicorns nodded in agreement. “To Ponyville then.” The four Athanatoi vanished in teleportation flashes.

Each alicorn stood on top of a rolling green hill outside of the small town that had grown from a single farmhouse and a hope of prosperity. Aethon summoned his blades and prepared to launch at the nearest building when Balius raised a hoof.

“Wait,” the water aspect pointed to Canterlot up on the mountain above. “Look there.” Three sets of eyes turned to the sky and noticed a small swarm of pegasi and thestrals flying a holding pattern around the city.

“Ohhhhh! Impressive! I’m surprised they don’t crash into each other!”

Scylla narrowed her eyes, seeing beyond what was happening before them. The mortals had prepared something, but she was not entirely sure what. Regardless, standing upon the top of the mountain above the city was the unmistakable shape of a goldenrod alicorn with burning wings. Next to her, standing with what was most likely a large sword or axe was their desired objective. Luna. It was most likely a trap, but they had the element of surprise.

“The easiest thing to do would be to just destroy the entire mountain top,” commented Scylla, serpent eyes narrow.

“Perhaps. But they would likely sense such a power surge and I do not see Twilight Sparkle or Flurry Heart. That gives me pause.”

“Then we do what we did before, let me burn this puny town to the ground and draw them in, you go for the kill.”

Balius growled at Aethon. “And what about Mother?”

Scylla rolled her eyes, “You were on board with this just moments ago. I recall you saying again, and again, until the world is a burning cinder. A means of testing Mother's love for her mortals. Did the rock that struck you upon the head cave in the memory sections of your brain?”

“No. Because I am thinking now. You are still angry that your precious pet turned on you even though we are now free.”

“Yes, free to see the sky above once more. I believe the words you are looking for, brother, are ‘thank you’.”

“And for how long? Like I said before, she knows we are free and will not turn a blind eye for long. We need a smarter way to test how much can be done before she intercedes.”

“Hey!” All eyes turned to Epona. “I’ve got an idea! How about we just go kill them hard and fast and if Mom shows up, we just, you know, run away? No gloating, no overthinking, just BAMF! SWOOP! PEW! POOF! DEAD! Who’s with me?” Aethon smiled and nodded, Scylla shrugged. Finally, after a moment of consideration, Balius agreed.

“Very well. If nothing else it will answer some questions.” Balius pointed towards the mountain top. “Approach from four different directions and fire as soon as you exit your teleport. If they somehow survive, we aim for the city, blow it completely off the side of the mountain. Luna must die if we are to reach The Well.”

The Athanatoi nodded to one another and each disappeared in a flash. Moments later they appeared in a sky above the mountain summit. Aethon fired the moment he exited his flaming teleport, a tight beam of super heated plasma energy traveled directly for Sunset Shimmer’s head. The beam passed cleanly through her neck, severing her head from her body. Scylla also went for a similar surgical strike on Luna while Balius and Epona chose to aim for the mountain and explode the surrounding rock.

While Aethon grinned in triumph, both Scylla and Balius looked skeptical. When the smoke cleared, they found only rock, some of it the color of goldenrod and midnight indigo.

“It’s a trap!” shouted Epona.

Luna, Sunset, and their honor guard passed through the circling pegasi shield around Canterlot. Once through, the Wonderbolts directed the others circling the city to speed up. The entire city of Canterlot disappeared behind a protective tornado. Luna fired, her horn blast splitting off into four individual seeker beams. Sunset released a massive blast of pure red energy.

The Athanatoi scattered. Aethon snarled and returned fire that Sunset deflected with her glowing energy sword. Sunset flashed a feral grin.



“Niece,” Luna said quietly as they continued to fly towards Canterlot.


“While the danger to ourselves is great, I still worry that our foes may not come directly for us. Aethon’s previous attack was successful because it drew us away by lashing out at the city and her citizens. If we wish this plan to have any chance of success, we need to control the battle from start to finish this time.”

Sunset nodded, signaling Gauge to join the conversation. “I was thinking about that too. They may want us dead, but they are certainly not opposed to killing everypony else along the way. We need to make ourselves the irresistible, obvious target. Like a big, shiny gem for a hungry dragon.”

“I dislike this plan already,” commented Gauge. “However, instead of waiting to just be attacked, what about a decoy serving along the same lines?”

“They are powerful creatures, captain, most likely capable of seeing through any illusion we could conjure.”

Sunset's grin was suddenly disturbingly predatorial. “You know, I’ve learned a lot about crystals over the last few years thanks to the SunLight work and a buttload of reading. I learned how to grow them, shape them, how much power you can imbue certain types with. They are pretty amazing things.”

“And?” asked Luna with an arched eyebrow.

“Who wants to bet I can sculpt two crystals to look like you and I and even power them up so they have some of our distinct energy signatures?”

Luna and Gauge both grinned in turn. “Well, that will certainly make them angry when they try and fail to assassinate us.”

“Angry is good,” Gauge commented as they landed to meet the senior officers of the Wonderbolts who were waiting by the guard barracks. “An angry enemy comes at you stupid.”


“Stay back and watch our flanks!” shouted Sunset to the six guards that were at her sides. Luna relayed similar orders to the guards surrounding her. As Aethon closed the distance, Sunset raised her sword to meet his attack and then quickly vanished in a teleport flash. She reappeared directly behind him and slashed downward. If he had been a half second slower, Aethon would have lost both wings, but instead only a few feathers were burned away. Sunset teleported again as a teal beam passed where she had been hovering. It had been hard enough facing one lightning fast alicorn. Two of them was just asking for a fatal mistake.

“Mother Creation will not save you this time, false god, otherwise she would be here to face us!”

Sunset raised her blade and waited. Aethon was on her left with two glowing daggers while Balius was on her right with a spear made of water. She needed them to follow, but the retreat had to look convincing.

“Gauge, on my flank, the rest of you, fall back and alert Twilight!” The guards dove down the side of the mountain, skimming as close to the rockface as they dared.

Aethon sent a flying dagger at the last pegasus in the formation. Sunset tried to blast at it, but could not aim properly as Balius launched his spear at her face. The weapon sizzled and evaporated on contact with Sunset’s sword, but the distraction had been enough as the flaming dagger struck the back of the brown pegasus guard. He died and turned to ash a moment later.

The red alicorn’s victory was short lived as Luna appeared directly above him and blasted downward sending Aethon into a spin that ended when he bounced off the mountainside. Sunset growled and fired her horn at Balius, the alicorn turned his body to water allowing the blast to pass through him. Gauge threw his pointed staff that also passed though him, but struck Epona who had not seen the weapon approaching. She cried out as the rune etched weapon bit deep, drawing a small fountain of blood.

“Retreat, and regroup!” shouted Luna, twisting her head to fire once more. Sunset flipped over with Gauge directly at her tail. Scylla appeared before Sunset, standing on a ledge of the mountain, horn glowing black and purple. Sunset twisted to wrap herself around Gauge and teleport both of them. Logic would have dictated they teleport to the forest floor for cover and safety, but they were trying to be followed. Logic was put out to pasture. Instead, Sunset reappeared inches before the air aspect while still in her midair spin, her back right hoof connected with Scylla’s horn just as she was about to fire. The strike combined with the distraction caused Scylla to lose her concentration on the deadly attack spell, the magical feedback exploding in her face. Sunset released Gauge and they both snapped their wings open to glide towards the Everfree.

Twilight let out a huge sigh of relief when Luna landed, soon followed by Sunset and Gauge. Without requiring directions, the thestral galloped into the cave to prepare the others for the next phase of the trap.

“When do we move?”

Sunset rolled her shoulders and stretched her neck muscles, wishing she had taken the time to stretch before jumping straight into heavy combat. “We need them to see us. We want them to follow after all. If they don’t chase right away, I’ll call out the signal word for the next part.”

Aethon crashed to the ground dangerously close to where their allies and soldiers were hiding, but did not seem to notice, his burning eyes laser focused on the three alicorns before him. His horn burned and blades reappeared.

Epona was next to land, throwing the bent staff-spear to the ground, eyes an angry red. “That reeeeeeaally hurt, just so you know. I'm going hug that thestral so hard all his blood and organs will come spewing out his mouth.”

“Run! I’ll hold them back!” Sunset raised her sword and slowly back pedaled into the cave entrance as Twilight and Luna ran head long into the dark corridor.

Aethon was about to charge when Balius and Scylla landed in front of him. Sunset watched as they both examined their surroundings with far more scrutiny than was comfortable. Before they looked behind themselves, Sunset shouted down the cave tunnel, “Raven! Leroy Jenkins!” Twilight took that as her cue to insert magical hearing protection into hers, Luna’s and Sunset’s ears. The PAAL lit up where it had been set down near Tempest and Flurry Heart. She considered playing the song Sunset had told her to, but skipped over it and began to play a different song.

Sunset had already backed up halfway down the corridor. As part of the plan, Luna had cast an illusion to make the corridor darker than it appeared by absorbing most of the ambient light, except for the glow of Sunset’s sword and Luna’s axe. While not part of the original plan it was an acceptable addition, Twilight stood to Sunset’s left with her horn blazing through the darkness as well.

The speakers erupted in a pounding rock n’ roll drum beat followed by a steadily more intense electric guitar intro. Sunset sighed and rolled her eyes, she was not sure if Raven could hear her over the music, but shouted down the corridor anyhow. “That was suppose to be ‘Welcome to the Jungle’, circuit for brains!”

The music dimmed for a moment as Raven replied through the speakers. “Oh, don’t be so cliché. This song will serve the intended purpose and is equally as loud and annoying.” A moment later the lead singer screamed the word, ‘TRANSFORMERS!’ as the theme song to the 1986 Transformers movie blared through the darkness. Without another word, Sunset began swinging her sword in a taunting display.

Aethon could see Sunset’s glowing sword, he could see Luna’s axe, and even the magenta burn of Twilight’s horn. Then, the most ungodly noise he had ever heard blasted out of the cave to offend his ears. It was causing his blood to boil and turn his vision red with bloodlust. He wanted to charge, to slash, to kill his enemies and destroy the source of his annoyance.

“Well,” Scylla began, looking towards Balius, both their ears flat against their heads, “this is certainly a trap.”

“I don’t care!” Aethon growled. “I want them dead! I will have their skulls for drinking glasses! GRAAHHHH!!!!”

“Brother!” Before Scylla or Balius could stop him, Aethon ran forward into the cave. Epona laughed like a hyena and soon followed screaming, “Chaaaaaaarge!”

“Epona!” Balius facehoofed. “It would have been easier just to collapse the cave, you idiots!”

Scylla and Balius stood just before the cave entrance, trying to discover what trap had been laid. However, unable to hear or feel the ground vibrate from the blasting cacophony, neither alicorn noticed the panels covering thirty unicorns slide away. The moment they were able to sense the combined magical build up it had been too late and both were struck with a combined wind and force spell that blasted them down the corridor. Balius and Scylla smashed into Epona and Aethon, who in turn smashed into Twilight, Luna, and Sunset.

As ordered, the moment the air blast ended, the mages erected a multilayer shield over the entrance of the cave that was then reinforced by thick vines that sprang from the ground by the magical alchemy and beckoning of King Briar of the Everfree Thicket kingdom.

“And now we wait and pray for success,” said the towering buck, praying for the safety of his son and their friends.

Cadence, who had been waiting at the center of the trap was able to grab her fellow alicorns in her telekinetic magic while leaving the other four to crash into the center of the cave. The music stopped immediately, signaling Tempest, Flurry, and the other four unicorns to unleash their power blasts at the central crystal that was hanging from the ceiling.

The power node that contained the stored chaos energy shattered under the combined power assault and the two opposing energies bounced erratically inside the hollow chamber. Bluish lightning shot from the central crystal out the six prepared facets and down along the prepared pathways, finally slamming to the floor, causing the smaller crystal in the center of the cage to glow. The floor crystal sank into stone, locking the circuit of power in place.

All eight alicorns inside the cage screamed, grunted, and/or fumbled about as if they had been hit with a powerful ocean wave and were now drowning on dry land. Summoned weapons disappeared, horns lost their glow, and even Sunset’s fire rubies on her armor went dark. When she could breathe again, Sunset felt heavy, like she had eaten an entire tub of ice cream and was too weak to do more than just waddle and fall over. It had been a while, but for the first time in years, Sunset felt, normal. No alicorn strength, or speed, or sight. Just an oversized, normal pony again. It was strange, but not so terrible that she could not navigate the space. When she looked to Twilight, Sunset could tell she was having a similar adjustment and was recovering quickly. However, when Sunset look at the faces the Athantoi were making her grin became savage.

“What, what have you done to us?!” shouted Scylla, trying to light her horn but could only manage a spark about as powerful as a child’s Pop-Pop. The others were having similar difficulty. Epona was tapping on her horn as if that would help. Admittedly, it was kind of sad the way they were fumbling about like drunks unable to find their equilibrium, but there was no empathy for them in the goldenrod alicorn.

“This, is what it feels like to be mortal, weak. No unicorn magic, no earth pony strength, no pegasi flight. Just you carrying the weight of your own being and hoping no pony bigger than you steps on you along the way.” Sunset sat back a moment and flexed the joints along the back of her forehooves, the closest she could get to popping knuckles. “And this, is for CELESTIA!” Sunset charged Scylla and punched her hard in the jaw, a broken tooth and blood flying from her mouth.

Aethon jumped on Sunset and the two began to roll on the stone floor, scuffling for leverage. Sunset used her well earned knowledge of martial arts on how to deal with a larger, stronger opponent and managed to straddle the red alicorn. Once on top, she began punching him repeatedly in the face. She managed to get several solid hits in before he managed to buck her off and tried crawling to the edge of the cage’s magi-electrical field. Sunset seized his tail in her mouth and yanked back, hard.

"Ohhhhh, no you don't!"

Luna stepped on Scylla’s wing, forcing a yelp from the dark alicorn who was trying to get the blood to stop flowing from her mouth. She looked up at her half-sister’s burning teal eyes. “We would gladly take thy head in our hooves and snap the bones and soft tissue of thine neck if not for the promise our niece had made. Beating you into submission will have to suffice.” Luna smashed her forehooves down on the back of Scylla’s neck, bouncing her already swollen chin off the stone floor with a satisfying cracking sound.

Balius raised his hooves as Twilight approached, attempting to disarm her with a smile. He was about to speak when Twilight stopped, smiled and then pointed to the left. Balius turned to look and never saw the hoof that connected with his face.

Epona turned and found her brothers and sister all being assaulted by the Equestrian alicorns. When she looked back to her left, she found Cadence frowning at her with an arched eyebrow. “Ohhhh, so looks like it’s just you and me, sex queen! Whatcha gonna do, ram your horn up my rear and fuck me into giving up?”

“I’m not a violent pony by nature, but you need to understand something about me and my role as the Princess of Love. Love is one of the most powerful, primal forces in existence and can drive creatures to do great and sometimes terrible things. I love many ponies and creatures, but none come anywhere close to how much I love my daughter and you hurt her… immensely. You and your fellow yak droppings you call brothers and sister hurt my baby, forced her to turn on her family. Forced her to kill. You think you have seen horrors or the burning depths of Tartarus? You have not seen anything until you have seen what a furious mother will do to protect her child.” Epona gulped as Cadence jumped her and began smashing her hooves down.

Tempest grunted as her horn began to throb a bit. They never did plan out how long exactly they had to hold the spell that was powering the cage. Her eyes were starting to blur and from where she was standing it was difficult to see the scrap fight going on below. Gauge was standing next to her, waiting to give the signal to stop once the princesses had the suppression rings on the enemy.

“How… much… longer?”

Gauge glance back at Tempest who was shaking a bit as sweat poured down her face. Then, the unicorn to her left passed out and collapsed. Tempest and the others cried out and they nearly lost control of the cage. Then, two more waivered and collapsed as well, leaving Flurry and Tempest to pick up the additional strain. The guard captain cried out from the additional strain on her horn, spots forming in her vision.

“Your Highnesses!” Gauge cried out. “You must hurry, the mages are collapsing!” Gauge could not tell if they heard him or not over the static crackle of magical energy. “Flurry!”

“I’m giving it all I can, okay?!” Flurry shouted through clenched teeth. Both Flurry and Tempest cried out again as the last mage passed out.

Tears poured from Tempest’s clenched eyes, combining with her sweat that dripped off her nose and chin. “I… I can’t, I… oh, Celestia it hurts! My horn is going to explode!” Tempest screamed in pain, stumbling to her foreleg knees. Gauge slide underneath the unicorn captain and helped steady her. “I can’t, I can’t… I…”

“Tempest, open your eyes and look at me.” The vermilion unicorn blinked and looked down at the thestral beneath her. He reached up and touched a hoof to her face. “You are the strongest unicorn I have ever met. Never have I known another pony as dedicated to her duty to protect her princess as you. Dig deep, deeper than you have ever dug and find your strength that I know is there.”

“Foggy, it hurts, oh stars it hurts so much!”

“Then draw upon my strength and love for you. Together, we are stronger than the forces of the universe itself!” Tempest felt his lips connect with hers and leaned into the kiss. Whether by intention or by circumstance of the spell being cast, Tempest felt the brilliant, blazing life force of the thestral connected to her augment her own power. Both their bodies became engulfed in magical energy, her light green magical beam became intertwined with a yellow beam that emerged from Gauge’s forehead.

Flurry watched from her position as one by one of their unicorn volunteers fell. ‘Useless!’ she thought, pouring more of herself into the spell. She knew any second the guard captain would fall as well. There was no way a unicorn, even as strong as her could go hoof to hoof with an alicorn’s strength and stamina. Then, as the last unicorn screamed in pain, her thestral partner whispered something to her and their lips connected. Flurry felt the feedback along their combined spell matrices, the extra power coming from a pony who had no horn, but plenty of magic to give. The magic of friendship.

Aunt Twilight had always said how friendship was the most powerful magic in Equestria and she had seen first hoof its many wonders. But this was something else, something more pure. Her mind flashed images of her mother and father, all the times they had kissed, nuzzled, shown undying love to one another and of course to Flurry as well. Love, her mother had called it the most pure and true expression of friendship. All great, unbreakable friendships were built upon a bedrock of love. Flurry Heart could feel that devoted love augmenting Tempest’s power and it was something beautiful to behold.

Flurry looked to her left where Thicket was glancing back and forth between the fight below and Flurry’s condition. The light pink alicorn smile and nudged the deer with her hoof. Thicket immediately stepped closer to her.

“What do you need? How can I help?”

“Kiss me, you amazing buck.” Thicket blinked as his mouth hung open in shock. Flurry rolled her eyes and with a single leg tripped the deer to the ground, stepped over him and planted her lips upon his. The power from her own horn began to glow a rainbow of colors and Flurry’s entire body transformed to shimmering crystal.

Twilight heard the screams from above and knew they were out of time. “Sunset!”

Sunset Shimmer also knew they were about to lose their cage. With one final kick to Aethon’s mid-section he landed in the center of the floor. A beaten and bloodied Scylla landed on top of him, followed by Epona and finally Balius.

Twilight retrieved the small box of rings she had been storing in her saddlebag. It was time for the last step. “Drop the cage!”

Tempest and Flurry released their spells and both collapsed. Gauge held Tempest close as her horn smoked and she panted.

"Sweet Celestia sunrise, you're amazing," mumbled Tempest before finally passing out in Gauge's embrace.

The Athanatoi felt their power surge back into their bodies. Scylla’s eyes burned as did her horn as she prepared to attack when a massive sticky blob struck her, covering her face. Then three more cannons fired from above and coated the four horses of the apocalypse in a super sticky cake batter that had been launched from light blue party cannons. Spike, Smolder, Isabella, and Chef Tasty Cake all looked on with cathartic satisfaction at the mess they had made of their enemies. Twilight, with her power restored quickly levitated out the four rings and slammed them down on the glowing horns of the Athanatoi. The glow disappearing just as quickly as it had manifested. The powerless alicorns all cried out in renewed pain and frustration.

Twilight sighed and smiled, whispering more to herself, but Sunset heard it as well. “Thank you, Pinkie Pie.”

Sunset checked on Luna and Cadence before returning to Twilight’s side and looking down at the gum and cake batter coated alicorns whose eyes each burned with hatred and scorn. Sunset could not keep from smirking in satisfaction.

“Game over, bitches.”

Author's Note:

Wooooo. That took a while to get the way I pictured it and hope it was enjoyable.

Now, there are 3 chapters remaining and here's the best part. They are all done! I need to do a last spit and polish, but that should be easy enough. So the plan as of right now is to do a finale next week starting on Monday. I would like to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday releases, but if that goes sideways Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday is good too.

We are coming up on the end, but it's not over yet, so stay tuned.

Questions? Comments?