• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,877 Views, 411 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

  • ...

Chapter 23: If Today Was Your Last Day

“I didn’t want to comment or criticize with Isabella earlier, since I was trying to stay positive, but now? Sorry, I have to agree with her, this, is a terrible plan.”

Sunset let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. The book that had been floating in her telekinesis was snapped shut and set on the table. After they had returned to Canterlot, Sunset had gone straight for Twilight’s private book collection and pulled a few out. Luna chose to take a few guards and wait for Cadence’s arrival while providing on the ground leadership for the guards and rescuers still recovering from the attack. Isabella and Spike had returned to the command and control center in the convention hall to coordinate all the different activities.

Twilight, Gauge, and Tempest had elected to follow Sunset to the storage room where the Lunar Lock portal mirror was stored and apparently played a part of the scheme she was still hatching. Twilight had followed every direction Sunset had passed to her while trying to understand what Sunset had in mind until she could no long take being left in the dark and demanded Sunset explain her plan. Having heard it, she both hated it and was resigned to agree it was the best they had. Which was by no means a resounding endorsement.

Sunset levitated the large power node that she had custom wired together from parts from their lab to a spot marked on the stone floor with chalk. “Okay, everything has to be just right or…”

Tempest’s ears flatted as she facehoofed and groaned. “Or? Seriously?! If I was not already so damn emotionally drained I’d be ripping into you for even thinking of doing something this crazy with Twilight in the same room.”

“You and me both, but I need her as my stabilizer OR it won’t matter.”

"I feel like I should be doing something other than wishing I was somewhere else," said Gauge, scratching the back of his head.

"Go stand outside the door and make sure the hall is clear and then wait for the inevitable screaming of our painful demise." Gauge winced, waiting for Tempest to look back at him so that he could see how serious she was being. Her anger softened from the concern plastered on his face, giving him a small smile. "Go, I'll handle the mad science mages."

Sunset’s horn began to glow red as she sent power to the first layer of shield enchantments that were carefully drawn out on the floor and walls. Sunset closed her eyes and sat on her haunches as she raised both her forelegs, channeling power to her hooves. Tempest was not as gifted in high level arcane techniques or spell casting, but she was fairly certain she had never seen a spell like Sunset was attempting.

“Ooooohhhhhh! This looks incredibly dangerous. Glad I brought the popcorn.”

Gotcha Sunset thought before opening her eyes to see a familiar draconequus floating not far from her face. Tempest was genuinely shocked at the sudden appearance of the creature that she had heard about, but had not had to personally deal with. Twilight, however was grinning ear to ear.


“Tis I! Accept no substitutes or poorly named social media platforms!” Discord snapped his claw and was lounging in a lawn chair a drink in one hand and a device that looked like an old flip cellphone from when she was in high school, Sunset noted, in the other. With careful concentration, Sunset canceled the spell she had started and turned to look at the Lord of Chaos.

“I had a feeling this might get your attention.”

Twilight did a doubletake. “Wait, what?! This was your plan all along?”

Sunset shrugged. “Oh, no, I fully planned to rip a hole between dimensions and siphon chaos energy from Discord’s private sanctum, but I had hoped that by essentially beating on his front door really hard it might get his attention.”

Discord huffed and crossed his arms. “You do know that stealing power from somepony else is wrong, right? One would have thought you learned that lesson after taking Twilight’s crown and ended up crying in a ditch.”

“Well, if you had just answered the summon spell that Twilight tried to cast none of this would have been necessary. Seriously, you think I liked the idea of using the damn mirror as a conduit to locate your dimension to steal power? Do you know how easy I could break this thing?”

“And why should I? She is not MY princess. I am not a citizen of Equestria, I don’t even pay taxes! Not that I would even if I were a citizen. Besides, I knew you both were most likely going to get around to asking me to help with this whole ‘end of the world’ situation you have found yourselves in... again. Quite frankly, I would rather just find a nice view on the moon near one of Luna's rock gardens and watch for the inevitable blast wave. However, if you two ask nicely, I can set out seats for a few of your closest friends as well. Act fast, seats are as limited as the oxygen.”

It’s not inevitable,” said Sunset.

“Sunset's right, we have a plan to stop them and we could really use your help on this one, Discord,” said Twilight.

Discord yawned and refilled his drink with an umbrella, returning to his lawn chair that was situated next to a highly irritated guard captain. “Oh, I’m sure you could, Twilight, but I say again, why should I? It seems like to me that every time you find yourselves against a wall in an impossible situation you turn to little old me. Honestly, you need to find a better plot device or else somepony might get accused of lazy writing. Besides, you have little to offer me and what you are up against is older and more dangerous than anything else you have fought against. You couldn’t protect your beloved Celestia, may she rest peacefully in a bed made of cake, what makes you think you can protect the rest of the world?”

Sunset bristled, narrowing her glowing eyes as the temperature in the room spiked for a few seconds until she painstakingly reeled herself back in. He was trying to get under her skin, it was his way and she knew that, but Sunset refused to let him have the satisfaction. They were burning what little daylight they had left and her patience was growing thin. Time to turn up the heat and get cooking.

“Okay, ass-munch, you’re right, we don’t have much more to offer you other than our friendship. You already have plenty of power, your own pocket dimension, and even your own random holiday once a year when you feel like celebrating it. I’m tired, I’m hungry, and oh yeah, as you once again reminded me by shoving it in my face, I lost my mother earlier today. So, you can fill this power node that I wired up to hold a chunk of chaos energy and we will say thank you for it or you can go hide on the moon, alone, like a whiney little bitch who is still pouting because the love of his life chose not to live forever with him. Guess what pal? You’re not the only one who watched the love of your life die before your eyes while you could do nothing to stop it. So get over yourself.”

The lawn chair disappeared, as did the drink and Hawaiian shirt. Discord stepped up to the edge of the magic circle and stared down at Sunset so venomously Twilight was already preparing a shield spell to cast over Sunset. Sunset, however just stared back just as hard, unflinching.

“You don’t want to make me angry, Sunset Shimmer, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”

“I don’t like you now and I’ve already pissed off the Goddess of Creation today that will probably kill me when this is all over out of spite so, last chance, help or take a number and get in line.” Discord just crossed his arms again and huffed, turning his nose to the ceiling. Sunset shrugged and resumed her pose from before. “Fine.”

“What are you d-”

Power flowed from Sunset’s horn to the mirror. The glass turned dark and cloudy and two beams of energy shot back out, but Sunset caught them in her hooves that once again had red telekinetic fingers that were guiding and manipulating the flow. Twilight gasped and quickly lit her own horn and activated the runes and spell formations that had been scrawled on the floor.

“Whaaaa??? How are you doing this!?” shouted Discord over the loud energy discharge and static from the spells. “No pony can manipulate multi-point spatial access across more than three dimensions with only a horn!”

Sunset's grin was nearly maniacal. “I am not, ‘no pony'.” She brought the energy beams she had been holding in her hooves/hands together and forced them into the open power node. The gauge readout bounced from one side to the other until finally breaking off. Sunset released the power she had a hold of and allowed it to bleed off, carefully guiding it back to the gap in the mirror. Twilight helped control the feedback and eventually the mirror returned to normal and the spell circles faded to chalk again.

“A little more warning next time!” Twilight snapped. “You could have broken the mirror!”

“Mirror shmirror!” Discord snapped as well. “You could have collapsed the barriers that protect my pocket dimension from the rest of reality! Are you crazy?!”

Sunset blew some of her mane from her face and just stared at the draconequus with an expression of boredom. Discord’s glower suddenly turned to a grin and he began to laugh and roll around while floating. Twilight sat down and scratched the side of her head. Even after more than a century she was still not completely use to his sense of humor.

“Oh, you hot headed child of Celestia! You really are crazy! Pure, bold, reckless chaos on four hooves!”

“I’m sorry, Discord,” said Twilight who then yelped when she found herself completely wrapped up by Discord’s elongated body.

“What ever for, Twilight? Oh, sure, Sunbutt junior was right that I have been pouting since… well, no need to get into it again, but in all honestly I have been avoiding Equestria because it had just gotten so stale and boring! Most of the times when things get out of hoof and could be at least a bit interesting you have your guards or Big Pink shut it down immediately. And so on, and so on. But now?” Discord grinned and chuckled again. “I just might have to stop by more often.”

“Well, I certainly wouldn’t say no to an old friend stopping by so that I know he is doing well.”

Discord untangled himself and smiled genuinely at Twilight. “Still the Princess of Friendship, no matter the crown you wear.” Discord looked over the top of Twilight and watched carefully as Sunset took a smaller power node and transferred some of the chaos energy to it before covertly stashing it in her saddlebag. His grin grew even wider. “Oh yes, I think things are going to be much more interesting in Equestria now… you know, assuming the world doesn’t implode in which case it was wonderful knowing you.”

“You know, you could still help, work with us on this,” Twilight said hopeful.

“Not this time, princess. Big Mama and I are not on the best of terms and I think you will have your hooves full enough as it is. Besides, I have a tendency to make things… chaotic when I try to help directly.”

Twilight nodded. “Point.” With an over exaggerated bow and a snap of his fingers, Discord disappeared.

“Well, we’re not dead and nothing is on fire. I call that a win,” commented Tempest, running a hoof through her mane.

The door at the top of the stairs opened slowly and Gauge careful peered inside. "It became quiet, is everypony in good health?"

“Yeah,” said Sunset, her face twisting for a moment before shaking it away. “Gauge, please take the power node to the supply staging area. Remember to handle with care, it's chaotic. Once Princess Cadence and her crystal ponies arrive to help with the final assembly of the cage we need to have all the supplies moved to the Crystal Cave at once.” Gauge nodded and easily hefted the power cylinder into the carry cart. Tempest helped levitate the cart up the stairs, following along side and talking quietly. Twilight smiled as she watched them go. It pleased her heart to see how much happier Tempest was now that she and Gauge were beginning to engage more as a couple and not just as comrades. She then noticed Sunset had not moved and was staring blankly at the wall. Twilight poked Sunset in the shoulder, pulling her back from her own thoughts.

“We should probably have dinner while we have a chance. We still don’t have an exact timeline of how long we have until the Athanatoi return, plus there are other contingencies to consider in case this doesn’t work.”

“Yeah,” Sunset paused, glancing to stare at the wall, or was it the mirror, Twilight thought. “Hey, you go on ahead, please pass my notes to the others on the crystal set up and defenses. I need some ‘me time’ after all of… well everything. I’ll catch up with you later, okay?”

Twilight’s wings drooped and her eyes lost a bit of their natural sparkle. “Oh, o-okay, I just thought, never mind, it’s fine. I’ll save you a plate. See you soon?”

Sunset smiled. “That’d be great, thanks.” Without a kiss or hug or even a friendly nudge, Sunset trotted out of the room leaving her fellow princess silently sad and confused.


The plate Twilight had set aside for Sunset of fruit, glazed rice cake, and two different kinds of cheese was still sitting untouched. The sun was low on the horizon and in about half an hour Twilight would have to guide it to rest and once again raise the moon... again. As she had done nearly every day for more than a century… alone. Twilight lifted the last of her desert pastry into her mouth and chewed. It was good as always, but her mood made it taste bitter and Twilight knew she was only finishing it because her chef had worked hard to make it in addition to helping coordinate food for the both the arrival of Princess Cadence's forces and those who lost their homes in the recent attack.

Luna had filled a plate of her own and retired to her tower to rest, informing the others that she planned to focus her energy on protecting the dreamscape in case the Athanatoi tried to attack ponies indirectly through that means. It seemed like a calculated risk to have Luna trapped in her meditative dream walking state, but reluctantly, Twilight agreed.

Isabella and Spike had done an outstanding job personally seeing to making sure all those who lost loved ones were being comforted by friends and family and that no creature was without a place to sleep and a meal to eat. Twilight smiled for just a moment at how wonderful it was to have friends who cared as much as she did about those around her. Twilight sighed again, her eyes turning once more to the plate of food. I should check on her, but she said she wanted to be alone. Maybe I could... no, but I might...

“Princess.” Twilight turned her eyes to a guard who had addressed her, a young pegasus stallion who was most likely a formal runner judging by his lighter armor. “The Crystal Empire airships are arriving.”

Twilight put a stasis spell on the plate of food to keep it from spoiling. She would deal with that later. Twilight then followed the guard out of the dining hall where more guards and eventually Tempest fell into step beside her as they made their way to the castle courtyard outlook. The city had formal airship docks, but considering they would also be exchanging cargo and taking ponies to the valley clearing below, just outside the Everfree, the pilots were given special clearance and instruction to dock at the castle itself.

After the formal honor guard of crystal ponies took their positions, Cadence exited the airship with her guard captain, Granite Core a few steps behind. While her steps were elegant and graceful as always, Twilight could not help from noticing the blue crystal armor pieces her sister-in-law was adorn in. Twilight and Cadence embraced and began walking back towards the castle’s large event dining hall. The guards fell into step to follow while the ship and ground crews dealt with the cargo.

“Twilight, it is so wonderful to see you are well. When we heard about the attack…” Cadence’s eyes turned down her voice barely above a whisper, a shudder racked her body. “I felt a horrible stabbing sensation and sense of dread. Is it true?”

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded. “Sunset took Celestia, probably to her room until we have time to make a formal announcement and proper arrangements. Everything has been happening at such a break neck speed that it’s hard to believe it has only been a single day. I have so much to catch you up on.”

Cadence nodded and waved to a few onlookers who cheered and hailed her arrival while being kept at a safe distance. Once inside the large dining hall Cadence looked about at the organized chaos of creatures trying to make sure the government was still functioning. Her smile slowly turned to a confused frown. There were a number of wonderful, familiar faces working or milling about, but one of the most important ones she wanted to see was missing.

Cadence waved to Spike who smiled and waved back. “Twilight?”

“Yes, is something wrong?”

Cadence turned to Twilight and gestured to the room. “Where is Sunset Shimmer?”

Twilight fidgeted a moment, looking back to the plate of food in the stasis field that was still sitting on the table where she had left it, still untouched. “She… said she needed some time alone.”

“Wait,” Tempest said, standing to Twilight’s left, “I thought she was working on the next stage of the cage plan or one of those contingencies you spoke of.”

Twilight fidgeted again, tapping her forehooves together and trying to not look into anyone's eyes. “Well, she is… I think. She left some notes and drawings to pass to the crystal ponies to help with the mineral formations, plus ideas on troop defenses, and hideaway dugouts. I looked them over, I’m sure Luna, no, wait, Luna's busy, but I'm sure Gauge or Tempest can improve on those if need be.”

“Twily,” Cadence said flatly, “you’re stalling.”

“She said she had something she wanted to work on… and needed ‘me time'.” Twilight ears flatted even as the words left her mouth.

Isabella, who had approached as soon as the princesses had returned, smacked her forehead with a talon and groaned. “Twilight, my beloved princess and dearest friend, Sunset Shimmer just lost her mother and ancestors know what happened to her when she did that mind connection magic with her grandmother. No matter what she said or excuse she made Sunset should not be left alone right now. Tell me you at least ordered one of the guards to keep an eye on her from a distance.”

Twilight looked from Isabella to Tempest and then back to Cadence who each had varying degrees of worried expressions. Twilight’s own expression of discomfort shifted to one of overwhelming concern. “I just... I was trying... Oh dear, I… I’m a terrible marefriend. What was I thinking?! Was I thinking?! I just... I left her alone in a lab with all kinds of sharp, pointy objects and, and rope?! No, nononono, Sunset would never do that, she wouldn’t, would she? Gah! Why am I so terrible at relationships?!”

“Twilight,” said Cadence, calm and casually, “breathe, just like I showed you.” Cadence raised her hoof, took a breath and let it out. Twilight immediately imitated her just like they had done countless times in the past.

“Right, I’ll go check on her now. I may be terrible with relationships, but I was her friend first and I know how to be a good friend. Once a Princess of Friendship, always a Princess of Friendship.” Twilight walked over to the table, lifted the food plate in her magic and then disappeared in a teleportation flash.

Cadence nodded with satisfaction before turning back to Tempest. The guard captain took a step back from the princess’s wide, giddy grin that felt like it was directed at her.


Cadence giggled and continued to smile. “Nothing, just love seeing ponies in love.”


Cadence continued to smile, leaning closer to Tempest. "So, what's his name?"



Sunset Shimmer wiped her eyes for the umpteenth time. She sniffled and shook her head and went back to wiring the speakers she was working on. So far, she had two done and figured at least two to three more would be required for the correct acoustics she was looking for. Raven was sitting on the lab work bench playing 'calming' instrumental orchestra music from playlist twelve.

“Okay, see if the wireless receiver is connected so you can add this one to the other two.”

“Understood,” Raven replied. “Are you ready to talk about it?”


“Many psychological journals state that holding all your emotions in is extremely unhealthy for yourself and those around you and can often lead to violent, explosive outbursts or self harm. Considering your earlier reading and materials, you are planning some sort of dangerous experiment. Sunset, I am worried about your mental and emotional state.”

“There’s nothing for you to worry about. It’s just a contingency.”

“And the recording you asked me to take?”

“You plan for the worst and hope for the best. That philosophy has served me well for longer than I care to recount. Now, connect the speaker so I can check for static, please.” Raven adjusted her signal search and found the new speaker on the same broadcast frequency as the others and added them to her wireless connection. The three speakers then all continued to play the somber piano solo that had last been selected. Sunset nodded in satisfaction at her work.

The goldenrod alicorn turned back to the pile of parts about to begin assembling another large speaker when she heard a tapping from the ventilation cover above. Without a word, Sunset set her tools down and stepped over to the work bench and picked up the bowl of fruit she had set out earlier, but had not touched. Before Raven could comment, both pony and PAAL looked up and saw red and yellow flames shoot through the vent, burning the gathered dust away before the flame reassembled itself into an extraordinary bird. More specifically, a phoenix. The firebird circled once before finally coming to a landing on the end of the work bench. Sunset smiled and set the bowl down, sliding it forward.

Raven turned her eye and looked on with interest as the bird hopped over and craned its neck and chirped as it looked at her. “Fascinating.”

Sunset lifted a berry in her magic and smiled. “Hey, bird brain, been a while.” The phoenix chirped and trilled, hopping over to take the offered berry. A moment later she chirped again and gave Sunset a peck on the nose and a headbutt. Sunset gave a light, hollow chuckle.

“That's right, Fugosa Berries, your favorite. I figured Mom had them stashed in her room and I was glad I was right. I’ve always heard they are pretty hard to harvest since they have a short growing season and all the wildlife goes into a frenzy to hoard them.” The phoenix examined Sunset with narrow yellow eyes. It had been years, but Sunset could still figure out most of Philomena’s physical cues. “You’re right, I’m stalling. Do you know?”

The phoenix let out a sad whistle and slumped, eyes downcast. “Of course, you already know.” Philomena headbutted Sunset again as another tear slipped away down her muzzle. “I know, I miss her too. I know we didn’t have a perfect relationship, but dammit do I miss her and… well, I guess it doesn’t matter what I wanted. Like Twi use to say after we lost our girls, just have to keep living.”

Sunset paused to pet Philomena and scratch the back of her head like she used to and apparently still did love. She then offered her another berry that the phoenix happily gobbled. “I don’t know how many regenerations you have left, not that I'm calling you old, but I know you’ve been with Mom a long time. If you wanted I could take care of you. I'd be honored to.”

Philomena examined Sunset for a few seconds before letting out a long low trill. Sunset nodded sadly and let out a sigh and squeezed her eyes shut. It had been many decades, but Sunset recalled some of her research on phoenixes as a filly for a school report.

It was incredibly rare to see a phoenix in the wild because they were powerful, smart, magically infused birds that used various techniques to avoid predators and observers alike. However, in the rarest of cases some phoenix chose to coexist with a pony because they consider the arrangement fun or favorable, no one truly knew why some do and others don’t even when hatched in captivity. What was documented, however, was that when the owner/partner finally passed, the phoenix would leave and never be seen again. It is assumed they return to nature to self destruct for the last time rather than live without their life long friend. No pony real knew for certain and the occurrence had never been recorded.

“Before you go, I had another reason for bribing you and hoping to draw you out with your favorite food.” Philomena cocked her head and chirped again. “I need something from you, a phoenix feather for an experiment. If it’s not too much trouble that is.” Philomena lifted her wings as if preparing to take off, but instead reached her head around and plucked one of her feathers free and set it down on the table. Sunset smiled warmly at the precious offered gift.

“Thank you.”

Philomena gave Sunset one last peck on the nose before flying up to the window above and turned to flame again, slipping through the gap in the frame. Sunset shuddered once more, wiping away another tear. Just another creature to have to say goodbye to. She was tired of saying goodbye. Sunset took a deep breath and began setting out the other items she had gathered from earlier.



Raven paused before finally saying, “I’m sorry.”


"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Sunset paused before shaking her head. "Not right now, but thanks for asking. I just need some quiet so I can concentrate on this."

Twilight Sparkle first visited Sunset’s room, but found no sign of the other alicorn. Much to her surprise she did find Celestia in a stasis field in the bedroom. Twilight held a moment of silence while she looked over Celestia. There was so much she wanted to say, but she had no idea where to begin.

What did one say to the greatest pony that ever lived? She was a mother figure, a leader, a role model, a teacher. She had considered Celestia a friend for most of her life and everything she wanted to strive to be as a princess. They were more than fellow alicorns, they were family. Twilight whispered a small apology before returning to the task at hoof. After a moment of consideration Twilight next tried their shared laboratory. She heard the music playing before she even reached the door. Though it was not necessary, Twilight knocked twice before pushing the door open. “Sunset?”

Sunset looked up to the door and quickly lifted the goggles she had on. Raven, without needing command, stopped the music. “Oh, hey Twily. What’s up?”

Twilight came down the steps and set the plate down on the corner of the work bench. She stopped a small distance away from Sunset, her eyes facing down to the floor while she ground a forehoof into the stone. Sunset recognized the posture and body language as her 'gathering courage to speak freely' pose.

After a moment Twilight let out a sigh and said, “I know you said you needed some alone time, but it’s been hours and I have to set the sun soon and raise the moon, which you could do if you are up for it, but then Cadence arrived and my friends pointed out that Celestia just… we just lost Celestia as in we both just lost her and that leaving you alone was probably a terrible idea since she was your mom and you loved her and I loved her and honestly neither of us should be alone right now because honestly, can I be honest? I'm going to be honest, I’m and emotional wreck, which probably means you are most definitely an emotional wreck and are probably hungry so I saved you food and thought I was being a good marefriend, but then I forgot to check on you or even post a guard to keep a careful eye on you just in case and then realized I’m actually a terrible marefriend, but I could still be a good best friend I hope, maybe, am I being terrible? Please, tell me if I’m being terr-”

Sunset stepped forward and kissed Twilight. At first Twilight squeaked and jumped, but then relaxed and leaned into the kiss and moaned at the delightful sensation. It had been far too long since she had last felt the lips of another pony. Sunset did not press hard, but still worked her lips in a subtle sucking sensation that tingled, sending a delightful shiver all the way to the tip of Twilight's tail. Then, at the last moment when she thought Sunset was going to stop, she opened her mouth slightly and slipped just a bit of tongue in against Twilight’s own. The two alicorns released one another and nuzzled their cheeks, faces slightly flushed and smiling.

“No, you’re not being terrible and I’m sorry I made you worry, but I had to stay busy. As long as I stay busy, I don’t have to think about how much I’ve lost and how bad the odds are stacked against us. I just…” Sunset glanced over to the table with empty vials, tools, and books spread about. Though unrecognizable now, the remains of the phoenix feather’s stem was next to the plate Twilight had set down. The used up priceless gift next to Twilight’s practical one, both given willingly by loved ones.

“Not one more, Twilight. I don’t care how we do it, but they are not taking one more soul from this world even if that means I have to sacrifice myself to make it happen.” Sunset tapped on the speaker she had been building. “Contingencies, you know?”

Twilight shuddered, fighting down her own exhaustion and anxiety. She closed her eyes and sighed, coming to a silent decision. “Sunset, there is something I want to show you, but I don’t know if I should. I don’t know if it will help or hurt at this point.” Sunset blinked and then gestured for Twilight to continue. With a shaky nod, Twilight closed her eyes again and, to Sunset’s surprise, summoned her old journal. Twilight took a moment to flip to a certain page and passed the book to Sunset in her magic.

Sunset immediately recognized her wife’s handwriting. She looked up at Twilight who was once again getting a good look at the stone floor. Of the many similarities that Princess Twilight and her wife Twi shared, calligraphy was not one of them. Twilight had been horn writing her entire life and had and elegant, swooping style that was a testament to her quality education of growing up in Canterlot with schools that focused on elegant writing while Twi had spent most of her time typing instead of writing. Twi’s handwriting was mostly legible, but lacked the classical distinction that came with quill and ink. Sunset pondered for a moment and flipped to the previous entry and then to the following page and realization dawned on her. This was Twilight's journal, not Sunset's. Twi had removed the page from Sunset’s journal so carefully after she wrote it that Sunset had never noticed. So many secrets. Sunset waited until Twilight’s eyes met hers, the purple orbs begging, pleading for things to be okay.

Am I any better?

Silently, Sunset read the message that her wife had secretly passed along.

Hello, Princess Twilight? I’ve watched Sunny do this many times, but I still have a hard time getting used to it. Anyhow, I don’t have long. I sent Sunset away on an errand while I write this to you and this is too important to put off any longer. As you probably already know, my health is failing quickly and I am dying. I know now what happened to me and thank goodness it is not something that can affect Sunset, not anymore at least. No, before you ask, there is nothing anyone by either science or sorcery can do to save me. I accept this, but Sunset will not and I am deathly worried for her.

I have asked her to return through the mirror with her mother, but I have a personal favor to ask of you as Sunset's next closest friend. Please, take care of my wife. I know Sunset Shimmer, probably better than she knows herself. She is intelligent, resilient, and a natural leader, but despite her sarcasm and occasional abrasiveness she is terrified of being alone, of being forgotten. I can pass on to whatever comes next happily content knowing that my beautiful Sunny is surrounded by friends and family who love her unquestioningly and that she will not grow old alone.

It is probably for the best if you do not mention this conversation with her because it will likely only anger her, my Sunny has a short fuse, as you well know. Thank you, Twilight. And if for some reason I am unable to say it to her myself, please tell Sunset I’m sorry and that I will always love her.

Dr. Twilight Sparkle.

Sunset closed the book and set it down on the work bench. Her eyes remained tightly shut as she leaned on both forehooves and concentrated on her breathing. It was then that Twilight noticed the two rings on a chain that Sunset rarely ever took off were sitting on the bench next to Raven and various tools and hardware. Twilight logic center concluded that made sense, it was never a good idea to do science experiments or work projects with loose clothing or jewelry.


“I’m fine, Twilight, or at least I will be. Thank you for trying to keep to her... dying wish and thank you for being here for me too. I know she didn’t say it in the journal, but I now know how she died.”

Twilight’s ears perked up. “Really? How?”

“While I was inside Aine’s head. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one my grandmother spied on at times. She was there, in Twilight’s dreamscape nightmare when she… they fought her darker side, Midnight Sparkle.” Sunset scoffed and smiled bitterly. “And to think I named my last motorcycle after that bitch because in a twisted way I used to think the outfit was hot.”

Twilight stepped up to Sunset and pulled her into a hug. Sunset took a deep inhalation of Twilight’s body scent and lavender mane shampoo and sighed, much of the tension leaving her stressed muscles and joints. The two stayed close and silent for nearly a minute until Sunset took a step back and smiled at the purple alicorn.

“You probably need to lower the sun any minute now, but before you go, can you do me a favor?”


Sunset lifted her titanium rings and chain and placed them in a small cinch sack and passed it to Twilight. “Can you hold on to these for me?”

Twilight shook her head and waved her forehooves. “But, but those were your wedding rings! They are the most important thing you own! I, I can’t take them!”

“Yes, they are, but we are about to go face first into a battle that could shake the very planet to pieces and I don’t know what the outcome will be. I won’t lie, I’m scared, but you know I will want those back. So, if you are holding on to them, I’m going to fight my hardest to come back for them… back to you.”

Twilight hesitated, but after a moment nodded and accepted the pouch. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

“I’ll Pinkie Promise to come back if you want me to.”

“Let’s not do anything too crazy now,” Twilight said with a smile. The smile grew wider when Sunset picked up the plate of food and took a few bites. Once she was half way through the plate Twilight swallowed her anxiety and spoke again. “Sunset?”


“Come with me, please. I do need to lower the sun and... would you please accompany me and raise the moon?”

Sunset paused for a moment, looking about the room. She still had at least two speakers to finish and to get them the cave to test their acoustics. With a glance, Sunset could see the fading hope in Twilight’s eyes. Twilight wanted her beside her, she wanted her as an equal, she wanted her. Sunset felt herself blush ever so slightly as her heart sped up, mind drawing all sorts of tantalizing possibilities and implications. Sunset pushed the fantasies aside and finally smiled and nodded.
She levitated Raven to her carry pouch and picked up the half eaten plate in a second levitation field. Twilight pressed herself into the other alicorn, draped a wing over Sunset and teleported the two of them from the lab.

Most of the interdiction crystals had already been overcharged and did not have the energy left in them to stop an alicorn as powerful as Twilight Sparkle from teleporting. Taking advantage of that fact, Twilight had teleported Sunset and herself to just outside Twilight’s tower room. The two alicorns entered and Sunset set the plate of food down on the table.

Thankfully, despite the battle from earlier, Twilight’s private sanctum had remained undamaged. Considering the number of defensive wards weaved into the walls and thresholds Sunset mused that even if the tower had fallen and rolled down the mountain the room would have likely remained intact. That was Twilight to a T and Sunset absolutely adored it.

Twilight strolled through her office, glancing about to make sure everything was where it should be before continuing to the Solar Outlook balcony. Sunset was a few steps behind.

Sunset came to stop next to Twilight and playfully whapped her with a wing. “Almost feels like yesterday I was standing here… with Mom.” Sunset shuddered and sobbed for a moment, but the feeling of Twilight draping a purple wing over her and pressing the two of them together helped settled Sunset’s emotions. “Thanks, Twily. Especially for believing in me.”

Twilight smiled, nuzzling Sunset, their horns sliding against one another creating small magical sparks. “Always.”

Twilight straightened up and her horn took on a magenta glow as she guided the sun to the horizon. As Sunset waited for her turn, admiring the splendor that was her namesake, she looked down and found many ponies and other creatures milling about outside or helping their neighbors in their time of need. Most stopped what they were doing to also admire the beauty of the setting of the sun.

Once the sun had finished slipping away and the sky had darkened to a beautiful twilight, Sunset Shimmer lit her horn in a bright red brilliance and closed her eyes. She felt for the tug of the celestial body and smiled when it greeted her willingly. Slowly, Sunset reopened her eyes as she pulled the moon up from the eastern horizon and set it on its directed path across the night sky. When Sunset looked down again, the ponies and other creatures were no longer looking towards the horizon, but up towards the tower where she and Twilight were standing.

Sunset recognized a few faces, especially those that had come out of the large dining hall to admire the magic at work. Gauge, who was standing next to Tempest bent his knee and bowed deeply. Tempest soon followed his lead. Then, without a word or any planning, one by one, they all bent a knee and bowed. Ponies, griffons, dragons, and more, young and old, noble and common, they were all paying their respects to the two princesses standing upon the tower. Their rulers, their protectors. Sunset swallowed down her anxiety and quickly followed Twilight’s lead and waved to all their subjects. They truly were THEIR subjects now. Even if it was not official yet, the citizens had acknowledged the two princesses as their royal diarchs. Even in the background, both Cadence and Luna nodded their respect.

Sunset swallowed the lump in her throat and turned to leave. “I should probably get back to the lab, need to finish those speakers soon.”

“Please, stay with me.” Sunset turned back to Twilight who was looking only at Sunset. “I… I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

“Twily… I… there is so much… um, I mean I'm flattered and all,” Sunset fumbled as she felt her face heat up and wings pop open on their own.

“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it had to be like that! I mean, sure I would absolutely enjoy… that, very much so… with you… but I also don’t want to pressure you! I just… I just, with everything that’s happened today and like you said, we’re going to be in for the fight of our lives. Not just for us, but for every creature’s lives. Even thinking about it gives me the shivers… I, I don’t want to be alone and I don’t want you to be alone either.” Twilight paused to take a deep breath, moving a foreleg to her chest and then out. “Sunny, this could be our last night on Equuis. I want to spend it with a friend.”

Sunset reached for her rings and remembered she did not have them. She frowned for a moment before smiling back to Twilight. It was flattering and humbling to see the large alicorn fidget and look about as anxious as a schoolfilly, wondering what Sunset would do or say. She looks so vulnerable, like if I say the wrong thing her heart would break like stained glass. She would never let anypony else see her like this, this vulnerable. Goddess, I can’t believe this is real… she’s in love with me. And… I’m in love with her. I love this Twilight Sparkle.

Sunset lifted her circlet crown off her head and simultaneously took Twilight’s crown off as well, setting them both on the table next to where she had set down the forgotten plate of food. Sunset stroked Twilight’s face and brushed her flowing mane back with her hoof. The two alicorns shared another kiss before nuzzling each other’s cheeks. When Twilight opened her eyes, she found Sunset waiting to stare back into her purple orbs. Maybe it was the wind or just Twilight’s imagination, but for just a few seconds, Sunset’s mane and tail waved about all on their own like they had in the dreamscape.



The beach exploded and sand was thrown in every direction. When Balius looked up from his crater he found that the moon was well past its apex and was slowly making its way to the western night sky. With two powerful flaps the aquamarine alicorn emerged from where he had landed and looked about. He did not recognize the landscape, but that was unsurprising given that the world had changed significantly since he and his siblings had helped shape it. As far as he could tell there were no settlements or villages nearby and he was too close to the ocean to see the particular mountain he was looking for.

A rustling and whispers caught his attention, his ears turning to the sound. A moment later, two young zebras emerged, both looking as if they had just awakened. Considering the sound his impact had created there was little doubt he had awoken them. Balius sighed. He had been flying back towards Equuis as quickly as caution would allow, not paying attention to which land mass he was aiming for. Equestria and his goal was to the west.

The two foals eyed him curiously, but with understandable caution. They had heard of alicorns, but never seen one. Balius rolled his eyes and then took flight. Once he had gotten his bearings thanks to the stars, he made a series of teleports followed by more casual flying.

Following his senses, Balius homed in on a source of magic that beat in tune with his own. After another half hour of teleports and flight adjustments, he landed on another shore, this one with rocky jetties and outcrops. Standing on the end of one such jutting was Scylla looking out over the water, waiting for him. Balius landed next to his sister and flexed his wings before folding them back.

“That,” said Scylla with a frown, “was unpleasant.”

“Yes, but not entirely unexpected. Quite insightful, actually.”

Scylla chuckled. “I had a feeling you would try to spin Mother coming in at the last moment to save her precious little mortals into some sort of positive. So please, enlighten me.”

“First, we are not dead. Nor are we in cells again, or petrified, or reduced to atoms, or even back into our elemental states. She flung us out into the stars. Why? Either to buy the mortals time to prepare or be evacuated, or because she CAN’T do more than that now.”

Scylla nodded and kicked a rock into the ocean. “All possibilities, but which is correct?”

Balius dismissed it with a wave. But then looked to the sky and took two steps back. Much like what he had done to the Zebrican beach, Aethon had done to the small corner of the Horseshoe Bay. The red alicorn growled and stood from his molten and steaming crater.

“Entropy’s curse and Chaos’s bane to her and all those she protects!”

Scylla and Balius stood by looking at their brother with bored expressions. Balius scanned about, they still needed Epona. Aethon shook the dirt from his mane and then set the grass near him on fire simply because he was angry.

Balius sighed. “Are you done?”

“I won’t be done until I have Sunset Shimmer’s still beating heart impaled on her own broken horn for a trophy!” Aethon snarled. “She cut off my horn!”

“And I fixed it, so stop whining like a newborn goat.” Aethon growled again, but settled. Scylla turned back to Balius who was still looking around for their trickster sister. “I assume you already have a plan?”

“I do,” Balius said, taking another large step back so that Epona could crash land. Annoyingly, but not unsurprising, she landed soft as a feather despite her meteoric reentry speed. “We need to seize control of The Well.”

Aethon groaned. “That thing again. You are not even certain it will give you the power Void told you it would since we never made it that far.”

“Precisely,” Balius said with a smile. “Mother stopped us from accessing The Well last time.”

“And what is to stop her from Imprisoning us again?” asked Scylla.

“The same thing that stopped her from saving Celestia. I don’t think she can. Think about it? She flung us out into the cosmos. She won’t stop us because she can’t.”

Scylla sighed placing a hoof on her face. “Normally, you have wonderful plans and ideas, but this logic is completely baseless.”

“Awwwww, don’t fiiiiight. Unless it’s to claim a dragon’s horde for fun!”

Scylla and Balius both stared at Epona for a moment before back at one another. Balius spoke first. “Look at it this way. We know she is watching where we did not before. It will be her mistake for not imprisoning us again. We move swiftly, tear down the door, and claim the Golden City before she can stop us. If Void was telling the truth we will have more power than Mother and nothing will stop us.”

Scylla shrugged then flashed a small smile. “Why not, not like any mortal creatures on this world can stop us. No doubt the false gods are still mourning Celestia and trying to reorganize a defense. Not that it will do them any good.”

“To Tartarus then?”

Scylla nodded. “Yes.”


Aethon growled and sighed. “This better be worth it.”

Author's Note:

What to say about this... Well, I could say lots, but I don't want to spoil what's to come.

On a teasing point of note however: I have some art I was doing as well that will be included with the final chapter. Honestly, if I had had time I would have loved to included a sketch in each chapter so that everyone could see what some of the characters look like. While I am a fairly decent sketch artist I am still new to drawing ponies and without more practice none of them have come out how they look in my head.

Regardless, Four Chapters Left.

Questions, Comments?