• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,859 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

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Prelude Part 2: The Greatest Curse

Prelude part 3

Day three of new Lunar Lock mirror cycle: 22 years after original’s destruction.

Since formally ascending to the Solar Throne of Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle had worked from day one to try and lead the nation in Celestia’s example. That being said, one of the prices of that role came at the expense of little to no personal time. When she did manage to find that personal time it mostly consisted of overseeing or recommending changes to the plans for rebuilding of Canterlot Castle after most of it had been blown off the side of the Canterhorn Mountain.

Celestia and Luna had offered their input as far as reconstruction, but Twilight had also taken advantage of the unexpected tragedy/opportunity to make changes and improvements to the palace. One such added room was dedicated to then construction and now functioning new Lunar Lock mirror. Originally crafted by Star Swirl the Bearded, the mirror opened to a single dimension once every thirty moon cycles. On the other side lay a strange parallel dimension so similar to Equestria except without abundant magic. Along with a few other… minor differences.

Celestia elected to cross over first, landing back on her front hooves and shaking off her disorientation in a matter of seconds. She turned back to the mirror ready to steady her daughter-in-law, Twilight, who nodded her thanks upon emerging, adjusting her glasses, and stepping off to the side ready for what she knew was going to be quite the moment.

Aurora Shimmer stumbled forward, crashing to the floor. The pale yellow unicorn shook the pink and red mane from her face and gasped in shock at her hoof. She then screamed again at the rest of her body making Twilight smirk with nostalgic delight at the first time she had ever seen herself as a pony.

Sunna Sparkle appeared a moment later and to everyone’s surprise, landed on her hooves, albeit shaky. The burgundy unicorn took a few cautious steps forward and leap-lunged to Celestia, wrapping her forelegs around her grandmother for balance. “Mom! I’m a pony! And I feel all tingly inside.”


"Aurora," Twilight scolded, "language."

The mirror shimmered and rippled one more time and a goldenrod alicorn stepped through, brushing her red and yellow fire mane back from her equine face. Sunset closed her eyes and took a deep breath, relishing both the smell of Equestria as well as the rich and plentiful feeling of magic flowing back into every fiber of her being. It was like being thirsty for decades only to finally come upon a glorious flowing river of the coolest, cleanest, most wonderful water in all of existence. Magic was in her blood and soul and it brought tears to her eyes to feel it in abundance again.

“Oh, sweet Celestia, have I missed this feeling.”


Sunset opened her teal eyes to look down at her teenage mare daughter still on the ground with jaw hanging open and younger filly who was smiling like only an ecstatic child could. Sunset concentrated on her inner mana pool and pulled a little power through her horn, which took on a red glow. Aurora yelped as her body became surrounded by a red aura that lifted her up.

“Aurora,” Sunset said calmly, the same voice she had used when teaching the girls how to do things such as ride bicycles. “put your legs down. Imagine in your mind as if you were forward, like in a track sprinter’s stance. Once you feel your equilibrium you can start to move your legs in an alternating pattern.”

“It’s not hard, sis, see?” Sunna took some careful steps around and trotted over to Twilight who beamed at her youngest, nuzzling her cheek.

Not to be outshined by a nine year old, Aurora followed directions and after just a few short steps began to move around as if she had been born to it. “It… still feels weird, but I guess if newborn horses can figure it out on the first day then it’s not so hard.”

“Mama, you look just like the statue in front of the school!”

Sunset chuckled, spreading her wings to their full extent, slightly disappointed when they did not burst into flaming phoenix wings as they had done in the past. Perhaps her mana reserves were still too low, she thought. “Yeah, I guess that was a bit of ego pandering when I gave them the model for the commission. But I figured since no one is going to build a statue of me here I deserved a little something, right? I mean I did pay for thing.”

“Plus, you helped save the world a few times,” Twilight said with a smile. “They put up a statue of Rocky in Philadelphia for less than that.”

“Wait,” Aurora looked between her mom and her mama, “How come you have wings, but mom doesn’t? Is Sunna a unicorn, am I unicorn? This… I… I think I may be having a panic attack.”

Twilight stepped up to her older daughter and rubbed her back in a circular motion. “Breathe, Aurora, nice and slow.” The teenage mare did as she was told and her pounding heart began to steady.

Sunset finally took a moment to look around the room. It was a large, rectangular space with unadorned white stone walls, several old wooden work benches and a few boxes that were tossed in the corner and collecting dust. On the far side of the room were a set of stairs that led halfway up the wall to a door that also looked unimpressive. Judging by the stone and the odd placement of the door, Sunset suspected they were in a basement or sub-basement. She turned to her mother, Celestia, and arched an eyebrow. “No welcoming committee? I figured since Princess Twilight had to head back before us she would have had somepony waiting for us.”

Celestia just smiled and tilted her head. It was then that Sunset finally took notice that while her mother’s mane did have more streaks of gray than the last time she had seen her, it had retained its ethereal waviness even in a stale basement workroom.

“I told Twilight before she returned that we would be back early on day three so that we could have a small tour of the surrounding area before the portal closes again. Perhaps she forgot to mention it to Spike or her assistant and make time?”


Five sets of eyes looked up to the door, which had been violently thrown open to the point that the hinges almost broke. At the top of the stairs stood a midnight blue alicorn with waving hair the color of the cosmos and hard yet mischievous teal eyes. She leapt over the rail and flapped her wings so as to land next to Sunset Shimmer, pulling her into a bone crushing hug with speed that the other alicorn had not anticipated.

“Glorious, wonderful niece! Welcome home to the realm of your birth! I have been wanting to shower you with affection since I learned of your maternal heritage and subsequent escape from the harrowing in between.” Luna paused to look over at her sister, narrowing her eyes, yet still smiling. “And, of course, welcome home to you as well, sister.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Do not forget my grandchildren and my daughter-in-law.”

“Perish the thought! Thou would never forget the young offspring and my niece’s beloved wife whom I have heard so much about over the years. I have long anticipated the opportunity to make your acquaintance, Aurora and Sunna. I bid thee welcome to Equestria!”

Sunna giggled. “She talks funny.”

“I believe the term you are looking for, sweetie, is overdramatic,” whispered Celestia, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Language is an art. Nearly a lost art! I spent a thousand years trapped on the moon while the celestial bodies continued on without me. Do you realize how much language changes and evolves over a thousand years?! If not for my ability to see into the dreams of ponies and evolve with them I would have returned to the kingdom and declared something like, ‘Princeps ante arcum tuum!’ Or something to that degree. Everypony in Ponyville would have looked at me with more confusion than fear. Embarrassing, to say the least.”

“Annnnnyhow. If you have not guessed yet, girls, this is your Great Aunt Luna. Mama Celestia’s sister.”

“Is she also a princess, like you Mama?” asked Aurora.

Sunset shook her head. “I’m not a princess, sweetie. Luna was a princess, technically she could still use the title, but both her and Celestia officially abdicated to Princess Twilight decades ago.”

“You could officially become a princess anytime you like. I’m sure Twilight would be glad to hold a coronation for you if you asked.”

The condescending look Sunset shot her mother made Twi rush forward between the two alicorns to head off an impeding argument that would no doubt sour the mood. “How about we discuss that another time since we only have one day? I, for one would love a tour of the castle… Especially the library!”

Luna lifted Sunna up in her magic and placed the filly upon her back. “An excellent suggestion! Onward my fellows! After the library I can show the young ones my personal armory and trophy room of my many conquests! I also have a magic freezer where I hide cheesecake from my sister made by one of the finest desert chefs in the land.”

Celestia was half way up the stairs when she noticed Sunset lagging behind. “Something wrong, little sun?”

“Nah, mostly just taking it all in. My logic brain knew that Twilight would eventually make a new mirror because she wanted to, but I never thought I would see it within my lifetime. And yet, here we are.”

“You are welcome to come back to visit every time the mirror opens. This is your home too. I certainly will never say no to more time with you.”

Sunset nodded, moving through the door to look at her wife who glanced back and smiled at mother and daughter walking side by side. “I know we don’t have a lot of time before heading back, but while I have you here next to me could you do me one small favor?”


“I would love to hear more stories about my father.”


Prelude part 4

The Hunnington-Filmore Hotel, Canterlot City: 87 years after Lunar Lock mirror restoration

Twilight Sparkle pushed the hotel room door open and stormed into the luxurious suite. She stomped around the center of the main room flexing and releasing her hands, pulling at her ponytail and occasionally wiping the tears from her face. Sunset Shimmer, who had been following several paces behind, gently closed the door, engaged the auto lock and flipped the door’s digital readout to “Do Not Disturb.” Sunset fought with every ounce of her mental will to keep from screaming her anguish and tearing the hotel room to pieces. Instead, she quietly walked over to the wet mini bar and began extracting bottles. She knew they were being charged exorbitant amounts to their account with each one she pulled, but did not hesitate or care.

Without asking, Sunset mixed a tumbler with ice and soda and just a small amount of vodka, setting it off to the side. Twilight stomped her way over to the bar and drained the contents in a single gulp. Twilight set the glass down and removed her glasses, tossing them haphazardly across the breakfast bar. Not that it mattered, she was still crying too much to see clearly anyhow.


Sunset’s frown deepened. It felt like that was all she had been doing the last few days, frowning. She could not remember the last time she had smiled in earnest and that was a problem. “Twi, listen…”

“I. SAID. MORE.” Sunset sighed and poured her another mix, using the remaining vodka in the small bottle. Twilight drank it all again, shuddering as it burned her throat. She looked at the remaining ice in the glass and set it down before the temptation to throw it across the room won out. Sunset watched her wife’s frown deepen and swat her hand back as if shooing a fly away from her ear. “How? How are you so calm?”

“Because I have been mentally preparing myself for this for years. Just as you should have been instead of burying your feelings and emotions in science projects. We knew this would happen and no amount of praying, hoping, or attempts to scientifically circumvent nature was going to stop it.”

Twilight picked up the glass and threw it, intentionally missing Sunset as it shattered against the kitchenette wall. “How dare you say that?! Do you not realize how much my projects and research has bettered humanity? Even when we had to drop off the radar and step back, I still helped my project leads by quietly sending them my independent research and findings. The world is a better, safer place because of my help. If we had stayed where my equipment was… if I had continued researching into how magic affected our bodies I could… SHOULD have done more for our family, our… children… my, my babies…”

Twilight collapsed to her knees and shuddered as she sobbed. Sunset came around the bar and wrapped herself around her wife. Twilight collapsed into her arms and screamed all her heartache into Sunset’s shoulder. Sunset held Twilight tight, quietly crying into her indigo hair. Still indigo, with those violet and purple highlights, smooth lavender skin and barely a blemish or wrinkle on her face.

Twilight and Sunset were one hundred and twenty seven years old, but both still had the physical appearance of two women in their late twenties or thirties. They had noticed decades ago that they had stopped aging while their friends and family did not. And try as they might, the results could not be replicated through science or sorcery. Neither their friends nor family had received the ‘gift’ of extended lifespan that Sunset and Twilight had been given. Even taking them through the mirror to Equestria had not stopped time from taking its inevitable toll.

Rarity had been the first of their friends to be laid to rest. Later that year Fluttershy and a year later Rainbow Dash. After that it was nothing but a long, painful stream of goodbyes and funerals. All of which Sunset and Twilight had to attend as a, “distant relative” or “family friend” because it became impossible to explain to others that they had gone to high school together when the dearly departed was old and gray while Twilight and Sunset did not have a silver hair between them.

The pair had to quietly bow out of their own lives out of fear of drawing the wrong kind of attention from former coworkers and shady government authorities. Their house had been passed to their daughters who then in turn passed it to one of their grandkids. Both Twilight and Sunset had taken only their most prized possessions to keep with them while leaving the rest to their children or close friends and colleagues. Twilight had created several fake identifications to conceal their true ages and diverted large sums of their financial fortune into hidden accounts that would earn compound interest and returns from investments. Plenty was left for their daughters while also allowing the couple to quietly travel comfortably for years to come.

And travel they had. Sunset and Twilight had seen nearly all the wonders of the Earth both natural and human made. They had eaten things they could not pronounce, sat in on once in a lifetime events, and had made it a point to learn as many new things as they could. Twilight was fluent in over twenty languages, Sunset could operate almost any type of vehicle including jets, planes, and helicopters. It had been rewarding and blissful, Sunset thought, waking up each morning to a new day with the same beautiful woman by her side.

Even in their exile retirement wandering Sunset and Twilight had made it a point to stay in contact with their daughters. They would often call and check in, video chat, show what they were doing and had discovered. Every two and half years they would make sure they were in Canterlot City as a family to greet Princess Celestia when the portal opened to Equestria.

But as time went on, both Sunna and Aurora had grown up and found themselves too busy with their own lives and family to meet every time the mirror opened. Eventually, Aurora won election to her state senator’s office and refused to even speak of the, “other world” as she had started to call it for fear that the information might ruin her career in addition to place her mothers in danger. Sunna, who was always the more creative of the two, crossed over a few more times, but once she finally gave birth to her own daughter after tremendous efforts and hormone therapy, she too stopped traveling to Equestria when the mirror opened.

Between their two daughters, Sunset and Twilight had four grandchildren. Aurora had two girls and a boy, Twilight Breeze, Dusk Sparkler, and Timber Hill. Sunna had one daughter, Lilly Dawn. Twilight and Sunset had been there to see each of the next generation of their family come into this world, but sadly, regrettably, had not been able to interact with their grandchildren much as time marched on. It had been too difficult to explain to the young ones that their grandparents looked younger than their own parents.

It had come as a shock and no shortage of scientific experimentation on Twilight’s part to determine why she had stopped or slowed significantly in aging. Sunset, on the other hand had been ecstatic regardless of the reasons. She thanked Celestia and the universe that her beloved wife would be by her side for many more years to come. The novelty had worn off early for Twilight after losing her brother and sister-in-law to the sands of time.

With that reality firmly in her mind, Sunset Shimmer had begun corresponding with her mother, Celestia, on how best to cope with the reality that she was going to have to watch her friends and family eventually age and die. Celestia had offered what cold comfort she could, but ultimately the only way to truly weather the pain was to just work through it and move on. Sunset had accepted and understood, drowning her heartache in alcohol, gaming, and music for a few days each time she lost a loved one.

Twilight would double her efforts to try and understand the phenomena each time they lost someone, throwing all her attention and copious mental knowhow into finding a solution. Eventually Twilight would grow weary and distract herself in new ideas and projects. However, neither of their coping mechanisms had completely prepared them for the loss of their first daughter, Aurora, who had passed that morning at the age of one hundred and one.

And so, the emotional dam broke.

Sunset eventually got Twilight to the sofa and continued to hold her, stroking her arms and tear streaked face. It was more than an hour later when Twilight had finally calmed enough to speak again.

“I’m hungry.”

“I’ll order anything you want. If the hotel can’t make it, I will go get it. No matter what it is,” said Sunset as gently as she could.

Twilight looked up at her wife, squinting a bit since her glasses were still on the bar. “Is it really just that easy for you? Is it a pony thing?”

Sunset sighed, standing up to stretch out her joints, she looked down at her distraught love. “Twi, I am an emotional wreck right now. My girl is gone. I… I gave birth to her, held her in my arms to my bare chest when she took her first breaths and now… she’s gone.” Sunset wiped her fresh tears away and shuddered a bit. “But I have to keep going. I will drink myself to sleep tonight while flipping through old photos, but I have to keep going for both of us because the alternative scares the shit out of me.”

“It’s not right,” Twilight said, sitting up looking at the red and yellow haired blob, “it’s not the way it should be. Parents should not have to bury their children at any age, but what we are… it’s unnatural.”

“It’s magic, babe, even if you could not nail down where or why beyond hypothesis you and I both know this is magic keeping us as we are.”

“You, I understand to an extent. I had thought with how human you are here biology would supersede most of the effects. In the end though, you are not human, you’re an alicorn. You have power even if you can’t use it outside of Equestria, but I’m not. I should have aged and died with our friends. They were touched by magic too and even though they all lived long lives they still aged. I just don't understand. Why me?”

They had had this conversation before and Sunset knew they would have it again, but right now all they really needed was alcohol and some horrible greasy food that would make a cardiologist cry, maybe some soft music while they processed their sundered emotions.

“How about a deluxe personal pizza with parmesan crust?” Twilight nodded at Sunset’s suggestion. “I know a place. I’ll be back in less than an hour.”

“Sunset?” she stopped at the door, looking back at her wife who tried to smile even though it was forced. “Thank you, for being you. I love you.”

Sunset smiled, it was also forced, but not entirely. Her heart hurt just a little less looking into those loving if sorrow filled purple eyes. She would make Twilight smile again and then, she too would smile.

“I love you too.”


Prelude part 5

Pensacola Beach, Florida: 92 years after Lunar Lock mirror restoration

Sunset Shimmer loved white sandy beaches. She had been to beaches all over the world, muddy beaches, blown, dredged sand beaches, recycled glass to a fine powder beaches, and a few volcanic beaches, but white sand was her favorite. It never got too hot and just felt so relaxing to squish her toes into. Twilight had once tried to explain to her why the sand was white, but she lovingly cut her wife off when the explanation started to ruin the bliss.

It was late September and most of the summer crowds were gone, but the weather was still perfect for beach time as long as there were no impending hurricanes moving into the gulf. The weather in fact had been story book perfect, which left the water near crystal clear of the likes one usually had to travel to more exotic locations to find. But the Pacific Islands were a bit too far away and Sunset needed to be closer to their old stomping grounds. The lunar alignment was four days away and Sunset wanted to be in Canterlot City when the portal opened once more.

Sunset had an ulterior motive as well for the beach this time around. She knew her beloved wife, Twilight Sparkle, also loved beaches. She wanted, no, needed Twilight calm and relaxed. So, they would have a nice dinner out, some time in the hot tub, and a naked body massage that would round off into passionate love making. That should get Twilight calm enough for what Sunset wanted to propose to her wife... she hoped.

Sunset glanced up, over the top of her sunglasses at the two young men that appeared to be college aged. They stopped and looked down at the goldenrod beauty with flowing red and yellow hair in the black two piece string bikini that she was proud to say she still rocked even with a few old battle scars and pushing one hundred and thirty two years of age. Sunset arched an eyebrow to indicate she took notice of their existence. They were blocking her sun.

“So, yeah, my bro and I were wondering if you’re free, if you’d like to have a drink with us at the bar by the hotel.”

“Really? No introductions, no asking for my name or cheesy pickup lines? Oh, and,” Sunset pointed at the titanium wedding band around her left ring finger with a fire ruby tension setting. “Honestly, kids these days. Parents just don’t teach them manners.”

“Everything okay, Sunny?”

The two boys turned to see a lavender skinned woman in a burgundy and teal trimmed two piece swimsuit with goggles on her head. Sunset picked up her towel and shoulder bag, putting a little extra sashay in her hips as she side stepped the college boys and took Twilight by the hand, bringing the back of it to her lips.

“Everything’s fine, babe. I was just telling these fine young specimens that they need to work on their routine and manners if they plan to actually spend time with a girl in the future.” Sunset shot them a finger gun with her free hand and walked off towards the beach shower still holding her wife’s hand.

Several hours, one hibachi dinner, a round of playing footsie in the jacuzzi, a naked body massage, and fantastic sex later, Sunset Shimmer was snuggled next to her wife in a dark hotel room with the only light coming from the near full moon that shone through the open blinds to the balcony window. There would be no better chance to talk to Twilight about what was on her mind even if it meant ruining the mood.



Sunset bit her lip, slipping her fingers into Twilight’s hand, their rings making a small clink sound. No going back now. “The portal opens soon and I’m planning on spending all three days in Equestria. I’ve already talked to Mom about it.”

“That’s okay, I will probably head back to the hotel after the first day though, if it’s alright with you.”

“Yeeeeah, um… I was thinking and… honestly, I’ve been thinking about it a lot these last 30 moons. I think I want to stay longer in Equestria.”

Twilight sat up and put her glasses on to look at Sunset clearly. “Wait, you mean even after the portal closes?”

Sunset nodded, biting her lip. This was becoming harder than she had originally pictured it would be. “I’ve been missing Mom and Aunt Luna and Equestria as a whole more and more. I’ve been feeling like I’ve done everything I can do here. I… this is home only because you are here. I want to spend more time in Equestria and not just visit, but I want you to come with me.”

Twilight took several deep breaths to control her knee-jerk reaction to such a statement and tried to process the information to best determine how to respond. To her credit, Twilight only scowled a little. “Sunny, if we move to Equestria how am I supposed to continue my research? I’ve been going over my old lab’s data on AI development and they are on the cusp of a breakthrough of interactive algorithms. With my help and experience they could have a functioning bottom-up AI in a year or less. That would change the world as we know it.

“Imagine it, an artificial mind that we could have a conversation with that thinks on its own and not just in response to what we are saying or doing. This is the next great horizon in science! These new processors could help aid the world and develop tech that could be used to integrate across the bio-tech wetware system. A system that could make new limbs as functional as the original without costly or dangerous vat cloning tech that still hasn’t been proven effective. Or even propel humanity beyond the inner solar system. Expeditions to Jupiter and its moons!”

Sunset felt Twilight pull her hands away. So much for all that relaxation. Sunset stood, pacing back and forth on her side of the room, not concerned in the least by her nudity. After all, she hardly ever wore clothes in Equestria and they were on the fifteenth floor. This was an argument years in the making and Sunset was tired of avoiding the subject. Their friends were gone, both their daughters were gone, and even one of their granddaughters, Dusk Sparkler, was now gone. In a few more decades the only evidence that Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer had ever existed would be in photos in their old home or dusty old albums. It was just the two of them now and the world would go on without them just as it had without their other loved ones.

“Twi, I love you, I love you more than anything else in this world and if fate has handed us both immortality then I say it’s time to stop asking why and just roll with it. I say we live in a world where immortality is not unheard of and we enjoy it. Think about it, another world to explore without having to break atmosphere. A world of science AND magic. I understood why we stayed here when we still had our girls, but Aurora and Sunna are at peace now. I would have thought that getting a chance to investigate and experiment with what is possible in Equestria would have you salivating. Instead, you just want to peek over the shoulders of others and offer input from afar because legally Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer no longer exist. Why just help others when you can get a fresh start and go back to leading them?”

“Because this is my home,” Twilight said barely above a whisper. It was not the answer Sunset was looking for, but it was also hard to argue with. The silence lingered for several minutes. Twilight staring into a dark corner while Sunset gazed upon the moon high in the star filled sky. Sunset finally sighed and grabbed some shorts and a t-shirt, not bothering with undergarments. She needed some air.


“It’s fine, I just need to go for a walk.”

Twilight nodded and laid back down, turning her back to the door.


Three days later, the portal opened. Sunset had sent word ahead through her journal that she was coming as soon as all her affairs were in order. Celestia had responded immediately that she would be waiting.

Sunset stood on the sidewalk in front of Canterlot High School staring up and the aged statue of a horse with wings and a horn. She knew the truth behind its design, since she had sculpted the pose and paid to have the full scale commissioned over one hundred years ago. Yet another example of facts lost to time.

Twilight Sparkle stood next to her wife, looking up at the statue as if examining it for the first time. Overall, it was still in good shape, if a bit worn from erosion and multiple, deep scrubbing cleanses it had received over the years. Some to remove grime while others had no doubt been to remove graffiti. At least the cutie mark on its flank was still visible, Sunset thought.

They had exited their taxi an hour ago and had taken their time pointing out the latest changes since they had last visited the portal nearly three years ago. The school had been renovated again and expanded to include a new campus wing across the street that had once been middle class houses that had fallen into neglect and need of repair. The district saw an opportunity for expansion and had pounced without hesitation. The never ending march of progress, Sunset concluded with barely a shrug.

“You know, it’s silly.”

“What’s that?” asked Sunset.

Twilight’s eyes remained on the statue a moment longer before turning to Sunset. “The mascot is still officially called the Wondercolts, but you replaced the statue with an alicorn mare. I wonder if anyone ever pointed out that little gender flaw.”

Sunset shrugged. “It’s a technicality anyhow, she doesn’t have mare parts either. Nothing between them legs but smooth concrete.”

Twilight choked up a moment, having to steady her breathing. “I remember the first time Sunna saw the statue and recognized that she was missing the ‘boy parts’ I believe she called them. My observant little angel even at nine years old.”

Sunset pulled Twilight into a hug and held her as tight as she dared. Twilight returned the hug just as determined. “Any chance I can change your mind?”

Twilight shook her head. “We are both hard headed. We talked, gave our arguments both for and against, and came to our own conclusions. You are going, I am staying, that is the end of that.”

“It’s not an end, Twi, it’s just one cycle. I will be back in thirty moons, two and a half years by Earth calendar. What’s a lousy two and a half years to a couple of hotties like us pushing over a hundred and thirty years in age?”

Twilight chuckled lightly, refusing to let go of her embrace even as a tear escaped. “You be careful. Equestria might look like a fantasy land from a little girl’s dreams, but it has had its fair share of runaway monsters and dangers.”

“Not telling me anything I don’t already know, babe. Besides, the biggest monsters I’ll have to contend with will probably be the Canterlot nobility. I’ve managed to avoid them for most of my visits, but I can’t hide from them for thirty moons no matter how hard I might try.” Sunset handed Twilight her two-way communication journal and her phone. Sunset looked down at her wedding ring and frowned. She would not have fingers in Equestria and previous visits had shown that the ring just disappeared along with where ever her clothes went in the pocket of mirror space. But thirty moons without her ring was unacceptable.

“I anticipated your apprehension,” said Twilight, pulling out a thin, silver-like chain. “Aerospace titanium, just like our rings. If you wear it like a necklace it should make it through, but put it in your bag just in case it tries to stash it like it does with our clothes.”

“Ever the genius. Goddess, I love you.”

Twilight smiled and pulled her wife in for a long, deep, tongue wrestling kiss. When Twilight stepped back for air and to adjust her glasses she whispered, “Best friend, love of my life.”

Sunset clenched the ring and chain to her chest before putting them in her tote bag. “I will write to you often. We have half a journal and I will fill it up by the time this portal opens again.” Sunset took three steps towards the portal, turned back to look over her shoulder one last time, then stepped through.

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 to begin next week. I hope everyone will stick with me.

Questions? Comments?