• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 25,000 Views, 1,581 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

  • ...

Chapter 66

Author's Note:


"I really shouldn't make it a habit of giving you all these sweets," Mother's exasperated voice caused me to look up from where I was absorbing this bowl of mint ice cream, giving her a playful glare as she took a sip from the just as sweet milkshake she ordered. A hypocrite does not speak the truth. And instead of eloquently telling her that, I stuck my tongue out.

"You say that but you still choose to indulge with me!" I playfully accused as I pointed a hoof at her.

Her response was a playful roll of her eyes as she picked up a pink-colored napkin that was sitting in the center of the table and leaned across the table to wipe the ice cream that encircled my mouth. "But," she said with a sigh as she pulled back and set the napkin down, "I guess I'll let it slide considering the circumstances." She deflected.

Hopefully, I could make her relent and let me have more sweets when we weren't experiencing an absolute smorgasbord of unfortunate events. It was pretty easy when we still lived in Canterlot. It could be even easier now because the SugarCube Corner was a lot closer to home.

"Hm, you've left your ice cream unoccupied for than a minute.." Mother's teasing voice caused me to blink back into reality. I looked down to where she had her much larger hoof wrapped around my bowl and was ever so slowly dragging it toward her with a growing grin. "I guess that means you don't want it anymore?" she giggled as I gasped and immediately moved to steal it back. But she was much stronger than I was, and she was using that to leverage against me, her giggling increasing as she effortlessly pulled both me and my bowl up into the air.

I stubbornly dangled in the air as she pulled me across the table, opening her other arm as I let go of the bowl and landed in her embrace.

"Missions accomplished," Mother said with a chuckle as her arm wrapped around me as I looked up at her face.

"You were just using my love of ice cream as an excuse to hug me, weren't you?" I called her out because that's just who I was. And because she could've just asked for a hug if she wanted one, she knew I never refused hugs. Or physical affection in general, it was nice.

"Guilty as charged, sweetie," Mother smiled as she set the bowl down next to her milkshake and leaned down to nuzzle the top of my head. I returned the gesture by leaning up and nuzzling up into her chest fluff.

I'm sure I could hear some sort of 'awing' noise from a few places around the confectionary, but I ignored them. The only important thing that I needed to keep my focus on was right in front of me.

And the other one was somewhere around Ponyville, the last thing she said was.. strange. I don't remember what Spitfire said she was going to do after Mother absolutely rocked Rainbow Dash, but it still made me laugh.

But I'm guessing she went to deal with the whole situation, I'll probably 'accidentally' overhear it all through Spitfire's and mothers conversation whenever she pops up again.

"What are you thinking about, sweetie?" Mother made me look up as she leaned down to look down at me in her lap, a concerned expression on her face.

"Just thinking about Spitfire," I said truthfully, already feeling a way I could make her move away from any negative thoughts she might've had in her head.

A small grin creeps up on my face as she lets out a contemplative noise, "What about her?" taking a sip of her milkshake.

"Do you like her?" I asked in as innocent of a voice I could muster.

But to give Mother credit, she was a lot better at hiding any of those reactions than Spitfire was. That Wonderbolt was so obviously enamored that every single tease about Mother made her blush and stammer to herself.

Mother choked on the milkshake as she processed the question, setting it down on the table as she cleared her throat with a couple of coughs. I would've been more concerned if it weren't for the circumstances, I simply looked up and patted at her chest as her coughing fit calmed down and she breathed in and out.

"Does that mean you do?" I started in a teasing tone.

"Ye-" she finally caught her breath. "Yes, of course I like her, sweetie. She's my best friend after all," she tried using that as an excuse. Being college roommates made it all the more obvious, and coming from the same mare who said that sharing the bed was a somewhat common occurrence between the two of them.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her response, a mischievous grin forming on my face. "Best friend, huh? Is that what they're calling it these days?" I teased, poking fun at her attempt to downplay whatever might be going on between her and Spitfire.

Mother's cheeks flushed slightly, but she maintained her composure, giving me a playful swat on the top of my head. "Oh, hush, you. You know better than to go digging for trouble," she chided, though there was a hint of amusement in her tone.

I shrugged innocently, batting my eyelashes in mock innocence. "I'm just curious, that's all. It's not every day your mom has a Wonderbolt for a 'best friend'," I air-quoted the term for emphasis, enjoying the way her expression shifted between amusement and mild exasperation.

"Well, aren't you just full of sass today," she chuckled, shaking her head affectionately. "But yes, Spitfire is a dear friend, and I value her greatly."

I nodded, deciding to ease off on the teasing for now. "I know, Mom. I was just teasing," I said, leaning into her side. "But seriously, if something more is going on, I wouldn't mind. Spitfire's cool."

Mother looked down at me for a few seconds before she chuckled, wrapping her hoof around me in a gentle squeeze. "You're too much sometimes, you know that?" she said, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

Man, I had to bite back the biggest urge to throw in a ' that's what she said' joke right at her, only settling for a playful giggle as I leaned into her affection.

"But I appreciate your acceptance, baby," she said in a softer tone as she set my unfinished bow of ice cream down onto my lap. "Now finish your ice cream before it melts," I could hear the smile in her voice as she went to finish the rest of her milkshake.

With a grin, I nodded eagerly, reaching for my bowl of mint ice cream as Mother returned to her milkshake.

"You love who you love," I couldn't help but add in between mouthfuls. Because, if that's what made her happy, then I was all for it.

Apparently, that sentence made her even happier because I had to fight to not lose grip on my bowl of ice cream deliciousness as she pulled me into an even tighter hug.


Comments ( 22 )

thanks for the chapter. Nice to see that such an amazing story is still alive! keep up the good work I can't wait for more.

"Well, aren't you just full of sass today," she chuckled, shaking her head affectionately. "But yes, Spitfire is a dear friend, and I value her greatly."

To take a quote from

[Adult story embed hidden]

"What do I pay you for, Daisy?" I asked.

"To pull the cart, Lady Tham'ra," said Daisy. "And next you'll say, 'but I don't pay you for sass'. And that's right, you don't. The sass is for free."

"But I don't pay you for..." I swallowed, and her words caught up with me. "Oh. Oh god, I've turned into my mother. I might cry."

"There, there," said Daisy, who was still enjoying herself far too much.

I’m excited for more adventures with Speckles!! :twilightsmile: The mom-son dynamic here is super cute!

MC with the CMCs, Button and Cream, maybe our guy will get to go to school?, I forgot if he’s gotten to visit the library yet, more cute Spitfire and Hazel, Twilight struggling with her β€˜tism, Luna and Celestia struggling with the anomaly that is Speckles, and the looming threat of the changelings and rogue Aurora! :raritystarry:

If Speckles was a changeling, he'd never go hungry

Cute, adorable wonder how much crazy town is going to do to em

Short and adorable chapter, made me smile and snicker at the little smart sass. Hope all is well and looking forward to the next chapter. 😊

"Just thinking about Spitfire," I said truthfully, already feeling a way I could make her move away from any negative thoughts she might've had in her head.
(New paragraph)
A small grin creeps up on my face as she lets out a contemplative noise, "What about her?" taking a sip of her milkshake.

Well that was a bit dull.

I really love the dynamic between Speckles and his mother. They're so cute together :)

Can't wait for more!

So adorable ;-; That colt is gonna give me diabetes

RTC #11 · April 15th · · ·

Holy macaroni, it's alive!


heh. cute chapter.


Gonna change the hiatus status?

Cute chapter. Definitely need more as the story was just getting good.

Oops, forgot about that.


Y'know, I'm kinda wondering why Speckles hasn't taken some time to do a bit of research on changelings. Learning about them seems like the logical thing to do after they attacked him so many times.

Too tall social fence. It's like a 9 year old kid here would try to research ISIS or Wagner group. That would be blocked on every venue.

It sucks that this got cancelled before I could devote time to reading it, these kind of stories just get me through the day, if that makes sense. Wishing you luck, and I’m still gonna read a bit of this story just because

Why is the Story set on cancelled?
Hope the Story will not end unfinished.

Hopefully not canceled but just the wrong story indication.

We can dream

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