• Published 31st Aug 2020
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"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

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Chapter 60

I figured I could probably take over the world if I really wanted to. I mean, not that I was planning on doing so, but if I really thought about it, I really could. I mean, if the changelings are able to disguise themselves and infiltrate the castle, not once, but twice, and even fool the Princesses. And since I could stop time and all.. I could most definitely get up to some devious shenanigans.

But not that I would anyways, that's a lot of work for me even if I do have the ability to freeze time at will. But then again, subjugating the rulers of this world and being able to take out any enemies that would try to stand in my way? That really did sound appealing. Though then again, it sounded like too much work.

I'd only take over the world if I had not other choice.

Anyways, currently I sat around on the couch with a huge book on my lap, I'd gotten bored and picked a random book that was already on the shelves of the house when mother bought it. And honestly, it was a struggle to even pull this book from the top of the of the shelf without the weight of it dragging my flying form down to the ground, but luckily I was able to grab it. The dust almost killed me, sure, but it seemed worth it because as I took in the sight of the dusty cover art, I tilted my head.

It was an image of a dragon, or rather, a dragon standing on two legs wielding a massive scepter. That made me think about something, what kind of dragons, if Equestria even has dragons, what kind of dragons would they be? The Germanic ones? The Chinese ones? Maybe even the different kinds of dragons that you would see in media.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw a dragon that looked like King Ghidora somewhere in a painting or something. Maybe mother could indulge me in that curious question of mine. Hm.

Speaking of mother, she and spitfire were talking in the kitchen, about what? I'm not sure, and I really don't care at this moment. I was more interested in this book about dragons.

I opened the book and was surprised to see that the pages of the index looked old, ancient, even. I ran my hoof along the words and noted some interesting chapters: Chapter 27: Speciation, Chapter 43: Shouts, chap-

"Wait, Shouts? Like, Thu'um shouts?" I said to myself as I immediately started flipping the pages of the massive book, feeling the weight accumulating on my lap as I flipped through the dusty old pages, using a great amount of effort to move the great amount of paper until I finally landed on the beginning of the chapter.

As I began to quietly read the chapter on Shouts, I was fascinated by the information I was taking in. The book described the draconic magic as one of the most powerful pillar of magics in Equestria, capable of altering the fabric of reality itself. It went on to explain how dragons could use their voices, ergo - shouts, to harness the elements and manipulate them to their will.

But as powerful and awesome as it seemed to be, it looked like using their shouts as a form of magic was ever so slightly shifted to a more proper and rather more pony friendly way of using magic, if they used magic at all. Because as I looked further down the page, I came to learn that a certain white Alicorn was the reason for something like this to happen.

Ancient Dragon Lord Choryrth. 12XX~

In the midst of the Pony-Dragon war, Princess Celestia of Equestria approached the leader of the unified dragons clans, Dragon Lord Choryrth, to negotiate a ceasefire. The dragons were known for their powerful magical shouts, which could decimate entire armies, and Celestia knew that the war would only escalate into ultimate destruction if the dragons continued to use their abilities. A meeting of great importance would be held in the Dragon Lands in order to discuss a ceasefire between the two races, Celestia at the time would ask for in return for the unified armies of ponykind moving from their captured land in the Dragon Lands, the dragons would ultimately prohibit the use of their destructive magic after a varying amount of meetings and counter offers.

This decision would be remembered as a pivotal moment in dragon history, marking the beginning of a new era of wisdom and maturity for the proud and noble race.

More on the "Historical Moments of DragonKind" in chapter 34.

I couldn't believe what I was reading. If this information was accurate, then it meant that dragons were capable of the same awesome form of magic from Skyrim. And to be honest, that completely outclassed any sort of magic that any of the princesses could do, dragons shouts were top tier in my book.

Lost in thought, I continued to read the chapter, learning more and more about the history of the magic and the dragons that wielded/mastered it. But as I neared the end of the chapter, I suddenly heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen.

Startled, I quickly closed the book and hopped off the couch before rushing over to see what had happened. As I entered the kitchen, I saw that Mother and Spitfire had knocked over a pile of dishes while they were cleaning up. They both looked up at me sheepishly as I approached.

"Are you two alright?" I asked, a concerned look on my face as I approached mother.

"We're fine," Mother replied, smiling. "Just a little accident. We'll clean it up in a jiffy."

I glanced down at the pile of broken porcelain and looked up at her with a deadpanned expression, "little accident? This looks likes you dropped ten plates on the floor," I said as I took a step forwards. Though I was immediately picked up by mother as she let out a small laugh, "Well, maybe a bit more than a little accident," she admitted, holding me close to her chest.

Spitfire chimed in, "Sorry about that, kiddo. We got a bit distracted." I squinted my eyes at that but ultimately shrugged it off.

Then I shrugged, not really bothered by the mess since I didn't have to clean it up, "It's okay, accidents happen," I said with a smile, patting Mother's chest.

"That's right," Mother said as she nuzzled the top of my head. "And when accidents happen, the pony in question has to take responsibility and clean up her mess," she said in that lecturing tone, and even though she was looking at me while she was saying it, I felt like it was more aimed towards Spitfire. The Wonderbolt letting out a huff of air at being thrown under the bus, "yeah, sure, it was all my fault," she said as she playfully rolled her eyes.

I chuckled at the playful banter between Mother and Spitfire, feeling content in their presence. But as I looked down at the broken dishes, a thought occurred to me. "Hey Mom, do you think we can visit Button any time soon?" I wouldn't bring up my newfound information on dragons, since it would be strange for me to even be really interested in world reality altering magic.

Mother looked down at me with a smile, "Of course, sweetie. We can visit him today if you want?"

I tilted my head up at her, "really? aren't you busy with.. stuff?" I said as I didn't really know what she would be busy with since she quit her job.

"No, as for what I know, we have a clear schedule for the foreseeable future," she said with a smile as she glanced over at Spitfire who had reached into the closet and pulled out a broom and dust pan, she dropped the dustpan on the floor and held the broom in her hooves as she glanced over.

"The Wonderbolts don't have any new shows planned until two months from now," she said with a small shrug as she started sweeping away at the broken plates, "so I'm pretty much open to doing anything."

I smiled at the news, happy that I would be able to visit Button. "That's great! I'm sure Button would love to see us."

Mother nodded, "I'm sure he would. Why don't you go get ready and we can head over there in a little bit?"

"But I'm already ready," I said as I looked at myself. Though Mother shook her head, "you have to brush your mane and tail, and brush your teeth," as she stepped out of the kitchen with me and started up the stairs.

After a quick bout of Mother chasing me around with the brush, she set me down on the floor and walked back into the kitchen to see that Spitfire had finished up with cleaning the plates and turned to look at Mother with a nod. To which she then turned and both of them stepped out of the kitchen.

"Ready to go, sweetie?" Mother asked with a smile.

I nodded eagerly, "Yes! Let's go!" I said while hopping up into her arms and letting her plop me down onto her back as she walked over to the table and grabbed her keys off of it.

And with that, the three of us made our way out of the house and out into the streets of Ponyville as we walked towards Button's home, ready to go blow his mind with what I've been up to for the last couple of days.

Meanwhile, twilight sparkle had done some "sneaking" around and it was when she mentioned the foal to Pinkie Pie that she learned what he looked like, "how do you know what he looks like? I don't remember you throwing a welcome party for him," twilight said as she peeked out from the bush she was using as a disguise.

Pinkie Pie turned to Twilight, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh, I didn't need to throw a party to know what he looks like," she said with a grin. "I have a secret weapon."

"A secret weapon?" Twilight asked, intrigued.

Pinkie Pie nodded and motioned for Twilight to follow her. They tiptoed over to a nearby tree, where Pinkie reached into a hollowed-out knot in the trunk and pulled out a small, round mirror.

"This is my Mirror of Imagination," Pinkie explained, holding up the mirror for Twilight to see. "It shows me images of all the ponies in Equestria, even ones I haven't met yet."

Twilight looked at the mirror skeptically. "That sounds a bit too good to be true," she said.

Pinkie Pie shrugged. "It's a Pinkie Pie invention. What can I say?"

Curious, Twilight took the mirror from Pinkie's hooves and held it up to her own face. At first, she saw only her own reflection. But as she concentrated, she began to see images of other ponies flashing across the surface of the mirror.

"Whoa," Twilight breathed in amazement. "This is incredible!" her thoughts were filled on what kinds of tests she could run on the mirror so that she could figure out on what kind of magic that is being worked with, but then she remembered something, it was Pinkie Pie. She was an anomalous and really overall, random. So those thoughts were thrown out as she focused back on Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie beamed with pride. "I know, right? And the best part is, the Mirror of Imagination never lies. It always shows you exactly what you need to see."

Twilight handed the mirror back to Pinkie Pie, feeling excited and a little bit scared by the possibilities of this new tool. "So, can you show me what the foal looks like?" she asked.

Pinkie Pie nodded and held the mirror up in front of her face. She closed her eyes and concentrated, and a moment later, an image appeared on the surface of the mirror. Twilight blinked when she saw it. She didn't expect Speckles to be so, well, cute. Especially with those little white specks on his muzzle, and with his name being Speckles, it was even more adorable to think about.

"Why didn't you throw a party for him, don't you usually do it to all the new ponies in Ponyville?" Twilight asked the party pony.

"Well, probably because Captain Spitfire told me not to!" Pinkie pie said after a moment of thought, bouncing up and down on her hooves with a happy smile.

"Captain Spitfire?" Twilight repeated, confused. "What does she have to do with this?"

Pinkie Pie's expression turned serious. "Because she's friends with him," she explained. "Apparently he's been through a lot and she wants to make sure he's taken care of. That's the first thing she told me when Speckles and his Mom arrived in Ponyville."

Twilight's interest was piqued, the Princess didn't tell her of anything more than watching out for Speckles because all she told her was to keep eyes on him, strange.

"Well, thanks Pinkie, I'll be sure to make a note of all of this when I report back to the Princess."

As she turned to leave, Pinkie called after her. "Hey Twilight, if you find out more about him, let me know! I want to throw him a party, even if it's a little late!"

Twilight smiled. "Of course, Pinkie. I'll keep you updated." She then turned and hopped back into her bush disguise and started walking back to the streets of Ponyville, now knowing what he looked like, she could properly watch him.

"Monitor him," she muttered to herself in correction, watching him made it sound weird.

Princess Celestia sat in the dining hall sipping a cup of tea quietly, a small content smile on her face before she glanced up to see her sister walking into the dining room, her hair a mess and missing her regalia.

"Hello Lu-"

"Go fuck yourself," Luna said in an exhausted tone as she grabbed the pot of coffee that was sitting on her end on the table and dumping it all into her mouth, the heat completely doing nothing to her as she turned and walked out of the room after swallowing.

Celestia blinked as the door shut behind Luna and set down her cup of tea, "Okay then," she said to herself before floating the cup of tea back up to her mouth.