• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 25,049 Views, 1,582 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

  • ...

Chapter 27

Two sets of footsteps echoed off the ever expansive hallway that was the dreamscape.

Well, somewhat of a custodians path. Tsk. No, not a custodian for it is a job of the most prestigious-

"Luna are you monouloging again?"

With a huff the ruler of the night turned on her heels and was face to face with her sister. A small frown plastered on her face as to show how offended she was. How dare she assume she was doing exactly that?

"Of course not sister!"

"Luna. You were gesturing wildly to yourself."


She turned back around and continued trotting towards their destination. Frown shifting into a pout as she ignored her sisters amused expression.

"While there is a certain chance that thou is telling the truth.. We have much more important matters to attend to!"

She flipped the conversations main focus as she threw out her hoof and pointed at what lay in front of them. A door that stood different from the many they have passed, it stood taller and wider than most. What was most peculiar was that it was tightly wrapped in golden chains before now, where it was completely bare. Besides the intricate markings lining its berth.

Celestia craned her head around her sister and looked at the door herself, tilting her head before giving it a slight nod.

"Classy. The artisans should really brush up on their craft if this is what a child could come up with." She giggled at her own statement.

"Sister, you find the weirdest things funny..."


"No dice! We have a mission to hither to!"

"Sister you used that expression wron-"

She flipped around and creased her eyes. Celestia stopping midsentence as another giggle was to burst from her mouth, causing further disgruntlement in her sister.

"Can we please just open the Faust damned door?"

"I'm waiting on you sister, for you are the only one gifted with the ability to enter dreams."



The two sisters were once again met with darkness, one you would see If you were to keep your eyes shut. Though at the same time it seemed a bit more darker than usual, which was albeit confusing. Luna took a moment to look at the opened door behind here and hummed.

How come it was difficult for her to open that door before now? Also why was it so hard to get into in the first place, this is a damned foal! Shed done this hundreds upon thousands of times before, excluding her time on the moon. Besides that, she hadn't recalled anypony giving her this much trouble!

It was all the more confusing that they hadnt encountered the foa-"woah!" Her thoughts were interrupted by her feet rolling out from underneath her and sending her tumbling down onto her face. She laid there for a few moments in confusion, until her sister snapped her out of it. Bending her face down in front of her.

"Luna! Are you okay?"

"We..I think so, what exactly was that?"

Celestia took a look around the area as Luna took a moment to bring herself back onto her hooves. Shaking her head before starting to scan the area as well, being able to find nothing that wouldve made her tumble like that. Her confusion doubled and she stood there dumbfounded for a moment before the voice of her sister one again broke her focus, turning her head before walking up to her crouched form.

"Luna! I think I've found the object that tripped you up."

She craned her head down to see what exactly her sister was looking at. A black cylinder lay on its side, there were words inscribed onto it but she hadnt the foggiest idea what it was. For it was written in what seemed to be another language.

"Ah-mah-zon? Sister, do you recognize this language?"

Celestia even found herself confused at the sight, she found herself to be well read in most of the languages spoken in Equestria. Even dragon speech, and that was painful on the vocal chords. But this language seemed familiar yet entirely alien at the same time, the symbols were similar to what the minotaur people spoke. Yet, not really. It was difficult to explain to herself.

"..no Luna, I'm afraid I don't know what language this is. Not even what this little box is."

"Dont you mean little cylinder sister?"

"You know what I mean Luna.."


The two were silent for a bit before Celestia spoke up again.

"But isnt it interesting? We know absolutely nothing about this child besides what we've been told by Captain Spitfire. Oh, I cant wait to meet him!"

Luna didnt share that all out excitement at their situation, her mind had started throwing out ideas as her sister started explaining her own interests. For what she knew about herself and for most ponies, somethings are meant to be kept as you'd want it. As for the colt, his privacy in his mind. If the total blockage she received for a week and the extra protection wrapped around the door wasn't anything to go off of. She would assume that he voluntarily didn't want her getting in, no matter her intent.

At the moment, she could feel her previous all out excitement lessen.

"But what if he didnt want us to meet him?"

"Pardon Luna?"

She looked down at the ground before looking into the eyes of her sister.

"What if the child didnt want us getting into their head for a reason?"

"Luna, you do realize we are talking about a foal correct? Most foals would love to be visited by two fabulous princesses such as us in their dreams."

"Sister I understand that part, but it just seems reasonable to me. Do you not remember the last dragon emperor and his reaction to me trying to intervene in his head?"

"At the time we did just get out of a disagreement with the dragons.. so there was sure to be slight distrust. With the fact being that he was a-"

The two were interrupted by the sudden object falling from out of nowhere and landing just a few feet away from where they stood. They were quick to rise to their hooves and look warily at the figure, who was seemingly shrouded by the darkness of the surrounding area. It was a silent stare down between the two and the figure, who had by now lifted themselves from the ground and stood on two legs. Before the same figure decided to speak, the voice completely taken them by surprise and completely breaking down their guard.

"Hello there."

Celestia recognized the figures accent but could tell that it wasn't regularly spoken, there was a hint of something else she couldn't pick up on. Though she cast a glance to Luna before focusing back on them, were they the foal? She was pressed on how to react before her sister spoke up.

"Greetings, Speckles if I am correct?"

The figure faltered in their stance and dropped down onto four hooves, stepping out and letting the shadows recede back into the surroundings. Revealing to them the sight of a small and adorable pegasus colt, Celestia felt her heart twinge as his muzzle scrunched up. Showing her the small specks of white littering it.

"Wait. Princess Luna? Princess...Celestia?"

He looked and sounded very confused, was he not expecting a visit?

Celestia decided to finally speak instead of just stare like a creep.

"Yes indeed my little pony, it is really the both of us."

"Oh! Uh...Wowie!" His tone immediately flipped and he looked up at the both of them with a newly formed smile. With that, a sudden wave of force hit her full on. Making her blink but not react.

"You're here to visit me? The both of you? That's so cool!"

Celestia smiled at his actions. Luna on the other hoof was perturbed by it, his expression before seemed a lot different than what he was showing now. She watched as her sister closed the distance between herself and the colt and lay down on her stomach, a thing she did regularly when talking to children.

"Just wow, it's so cool meeting you! You're really pretty up close!"

"Oh my, a flatterer!"

Her sisters giggling joining in the colts already apparent 'excitement' made her tilt her head even more. His whole tone was shifted just like that, she wasn't really sure what to think. It just seemed fake to her.

"So uhm.. what exactly are you two doing here? Is it to play? I love playing! Especially video games!"

He hopped up in place and buzzed his little wings with each hop. If she weren't full of confusion and suspicion then she would be fawning just like her sister is. But if they did that the whole time they were there, they'd be failing to get information about the changelings from this child. She snapped away from her statuesque standing position and approached the two. With the intent to get some answers to her questions, and fo stop her sister from getting all the attention.

The foal in question was now sitting in the hooves of sister dearest. His eyes drifted passed her sisters and landed on her own, where the two baby blue orbs challenged her own eyes. She paused at the action and much more as the child focused their attention on her.

"Wowie! Hi princess Luna! Are you also here to play?"

"I...we. Are here to actually ask you a few questions. Then we may be able to..play if that is alright with you?"

Speckles paused and stared at her again before tilting his head to the side and looking at her sister.

"Questions? But I don't wanna answer questions! That's so boring! Do we really have to do that Princess? Huh?"


He practically buried his nose into her sisters chest as he said that, slightly irking her as Celestia wasn't bothered by the fact. Also slightly annoyed at her sister for detracting from the mission.

"Sister please."

"Well Luna, we don't want to be rude."

What? What was she talking about, the whole reason they were there was because they had questions and needed answers! Why was her sister acting like this?

"..would you please answer my questions? It's very imp-''

"Well uh, if you play with me I'll answer one of your questions!"

She sighed. This colt was something else entirely, but she relented.

"Very well then.. sister and I would be glad to play."

"Yay!" He hopped out of Celestia's hooves as she stood up and looked down at him, twirling around before looking at the both of them.

"So the game is, lightsabers!" He stated before pulling out a cylindrical object and pressing a button, prompting a blade to form out of the tip. He then tilted his body and pulled his arm back and threw the blade outwards.

Her eyes widened but was unable to react in time as she watched her sister get her head lobbed off by the blade. It then careenned towards her as she tried to do-


She awoke on the floor. Full of confusion.

To be continued..

Author's Note: