• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 25,000 Views, 1,581 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

  • ...

Chapter 62

I won, quite easily to be honest. It was hilarious watching Button look around in confusion when I would suddenly appear behind him and grapple him from behind, and even more when I pinned him to the ground and declared myself the winner. The absolute look on his face was akin to the face he made when I whooped him in Street Fighter, well, Pony Fighter. But there was more whining now than there was when I beat him back there, but nevertheless, I grinned victoriously as I sat on his back. He was laying on his stomach with a big frown on his face as he turned his head up to look back at me.

“Alright, alright, uncle,” he admitted in a defeated tone. “You win.”

“I know,” I said with a giggle before standing up and hopping off of his back. “Now what am I?”

“Average height,” he said with an eye roll as he stood up and shook his head, his hair being tussled around in the playfight. He playfully glared down at me before a grin broke out across his face, “But dude, you’re really fast, I have no idea how you managed to beat me,” he said in awe. “Out of all the foals, Scootaloo has to be the fastest I’ve seen, but you,” he said with a nod, “you’re fast.”

“I’m just built different,” I said with a smug grin, while also biting back the internal cringe I felt from uttering that sentence out loud. But nevertheless, it seemed that Button got the idea as he simply rolled his eyes and smiled.

Though I was intrigued, he mentioned a girl - I assume it's a girl - who's pretty fast. I tilted my head after getting over my initial cringe at my humorous comment, "how fast can she fly?" I asked casually. Definitely not feeling a sense of competitiveness coming over me.

"Oh, well," Button said as he blinked in sudden realization. "She can't fly," he admitted with a small chuckle. "Though, she does use her wings to go really fast on her scooter, that's what I meant by fast."

I raised an eyebrow, other than the fact that I was disappointed that my competition couldn't fly, I was more interested in the fact that someone who was, physically, older than I was couldn't fly. "Does she have like a problem or?"

"I don't know," he said as he walked over and plopped himself down onto his bed. He batted the propeller hat on the top of his head as he thought, "she never really explained it to us when we asked, though I can only really guess it's because her wings are like - really small."

"I mean, my wings are small and I can fly," I said as I looked down at my side, stretching out one of my wings and measuring it silently. "It probably has to be something more than just being small," I said as I nodded and let my wing furl back into my side.

Button thought to himself for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. It must be something more than just wing size. Maybe there's some other reason why she can't fly. I guess she just likes scooting around instead. She's really good at it, though, and she loves the speed."

Curiosity sparked within me for a moment. "Do you think she'd be up for a race?" I asked, unable to resist the opportunity for a friendly competition. And honestly, now that I wasn't a responsible adult that needed to let children win all the time, I could gladly destroy children in any sort of competition without being verbally cowed by other adults.

Button grinned mischievously. "I'm sure she would! She's always up for a challenge. I can introduce you to her if you'd like."

"I'd love that!" I replied eagerly.

"Cool," he nodded. "I'll bring it up tomorrow at school and see what she thinks of it, knowing how she is, she'll probably say yes."

"I'll be back, gotta use the bathroom," he said suddenly before sliding the little propeller hat off of his head and setting it down on the bed before hopping down and quickly making his way to the door and just as quickly disappearing down the hall. I looked at the empty door for a moment before looking at the hat on the bed, I'd probably look good in that hat. So I nonchalantly made my way over to the bed and took a moment to climb up onto it before glancing down at the hat, I took it in my hoof before setting it down on my head.

Though I did have to wrestle with the locks of my hair that kept pushing the hat and causing it to ever so slightly slide off of my head, to which I rolled my eyes in annoyance before flattening the locks of hair and setting the hat firmly down. I waited for a moment to see if it would fall before grinning and hopping off of the bed, I made my way over to the mirror that Button had in his room, why he had it? I don't even know. But taking a looking at myself in the mirror, I looked like I could definitely give someone diabetes from just looking at me.

And I'm not just stroking my own ego, it was the truth and no one is going to dissuade my opinion. I was fucking adorable.

Anyways, I shook my head with a chuckle before turning and looking around at Buttons room. I didn't quite remember what it looked like since I only did visit that one time, but it was safe to say I wasn't really wrong in my memories of what was strewn around the room. For one, there was a mess of pillows and - I walked over to the pillows and picked up a still wrapped juice box - juice boxes sitting right in front of the really old looking TV. Old for my perception of time, but probably pretty modern for what these ponies are experiencing.

Though I was still pretty surprised, didn't expect them to have this type of gaming technology, disregarding the arcade that I went to, this little - what seemed to be - an alternate version of the SNES made me pause in my previous thoughts of just how far along are these ponies technology wise. Though I wouldn't dwell on that, it was just funny seeing this thing with the weirdest controller shapes I've ever seen.

They looked like the basic controller you'd find back on earth but they had this extra bit protruding from the bottom, it curved out to the left, probably so that an earth pony could keep a grip on it without magic.

"Back," the voice of Button snapped me out of my musings and I turned over to him with a grin.

"Are you wearing my hat?" he said with a laugh as he walked over to me, looking down at me as I craned my head up at him and gave him one of my patented smiles. The effect almost instant as he turned away and coughed into a hoof, "Sweet Celestia dude, you gotta watch who you're aiming at with that weapon," he said as he shook his head.

"Can't help what comes naturally," I said with a giggle before turning off my smile, didn't want to kill the guy.

"Anyways Specks, I was thinking about getting some ice cream or something, you thi-" though I was quick to interrupt him by grabbing onto one of his hooves and just dragging him towards the door with the strength of a thousand ponies my size. "Never think I would deny the chance of obtaining the ice cream," I would simply respond to him as we stopped at the stairs, where I finally let him go and looked up at him.

"Now I gotta ask my mom, she's probably gonna want to come with us because the last time she left me alone I got kidnapped," I said nonchalantly before moving to descend down the stairs.

Button blinked for a moment, "wait what?" he said as he instinctively reached forwards and grasped my tail with a hoof, this caused me to pause as he gently tugged back on it. "Ow?"

"Sorry," he said as he let go of my tail, "but you cannot just run past the fact that you were kidnapped like it was nothing!" he said as he stepped down to my level.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that."

"Hey Twilight, question." The raspy voice of Rainbow Dash caused Twilight to look up from where she was still trying to shake off the feeling of wooziness that came with being hung from her hooves, "answer?" she replied with a slight groan.

"Did you let Spike write in your note book?" the cyan pegasus would ask as she tilted her head and snorted as she reread the only words that were on the page, and admired the doodle of Twilight that was drawn in a goofy way.

"No?" Twilight said as she shook her head and quickly trotted over to where Rainbow Dash was and used her magic to tilt the book down so that she could look inside and - "wait a second," she said as her eyes widened and she fully stole the book out of Rainbows grasp, using her magic to hurriedly flip through all of the now empty pages, her blood pressure seemed to rise as plopped down onto her haunches.

"I had so many theories and observations written down on here!" she said with a groan before flipping all the way back and pausing on the doodle that made Rainbow Dash laugh, it was a crudely drawn image of her with oversized eyes and a bubble of text that read.

"Am smart?" she said with confusion. "When did.. no, he couldn't have, could he?"

"Who, spike?" Rainbow Dash said as she looked at Twilight with a raised brow. "I mean, he probably just didn't kn-"

"No, Rainbow, I'm talking about the pony I'm watching," she said with a confused tone. "The little colt tha-"

"You're watching kids now?" Rainbow said with an amused tone.

"That's besides the point!" Twilight said as her cheeks reddened and she turned to look at Rainbow Dash.

Luna sat on her bed with a pot of coffee in her hooves, not in her magic, she was far too tired to even fathom the idea of magic at the moment. She leaned her head back and drank all of the now lukewarm liquid from the pot before letting out a small sigh and dropping the pot unceremoniously off the edge of her bed, where it bounced off of the accumulated amount of empty pots she'd already drunken from.

"I'm definitely spending too much time trying to do this the hard way," she said to herself as she leaned back in her bed. Her hair was strewn about because she couldn't bother to put up the spell that would make her hair float up in the usual display she had it. "I'm just going to visit him, I have no idea what I was thinking trying to reason with a child that is too smart for his own good."

"ugh," she groaned as she moved to get up, only to fall flat on her back.

Maybe after a nap, she was still tired from using all of her wit trying to escape those dreaded shadowy creatures from Speckles latest dream trap, them constantly asking, "hey! who turned off the lights?" was so annoying to hear, especially when they were trying to eat your flesh.

"Definitely after a nap," she said as she let her head hit the pillow, her eyes closing instantly. "And if anyone dares trying to disturb me for the next ten hours, that includes letting servants and my sister walk in, please note the fact that I can readily reassign you to the coldest regions of Equestrias borders!" she said loud enough so that the guards stationed outside of her room could hear.

And with that, she passed out.