• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 3,106 Views, 108 Comments

The Mane 6 And Lee Everett - Can-dees_Murder_Weapon

The mane six is mysteriously transported to an unknown planet. Where rotting, decaying corpses now rule the world. The mane six stray further and further away from their elements as they are forced to face the unrelenting horrors of the cruel world.

  • ...

Will We Make It?

Rainbow let out a sigh of relief. They could hear the walker's growls and footsteps under the attic floor. It seemed like they could never catch a break, around every corner there was always something lurking, waiting for them to come around so "it" can catch them off guard.

A loud thud came from behind her. She turned to see Twilight, on the floor, unconscious. Her eyes widened. She flew over to the unicorn. "Twilight!? Twilight!" She shook her. She noticed that she was still breathing, slightly calming the pegasus's nerves.

Fluttershy then came over, kneeling down to them. "I-is... is she-"

"No!" Rainbow shouted, causing the mare to wince. "She's not dead!"

"W-what happened!?" Applejack frantically asked, coming over to them.

"I-I dunno! S-she said she was feeling sick! I think it's the bite!"

"What the hell do we do 'bout her then?" Kenny interjected.

"Ah dunno, we'll just have ta wait 'n see!"

"Wait and see!? That's your plan!?"

"Well, do ya got a better idea?" Applejack turned, facing the man with a stern look. When he didn't answer, she continued. "Exactly, so be quiet."

There was a pause. Fluttershy noticed something out of her peripherals. She turned to see one of Twilight's ears flickering. She gasped shortly. She knelt down. "T-Twilight?"

Rainbow heard her, glancing toward the pegasus then down at the unicorn, frowning.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes, Fluttershy and Rainbow immediately clouding her vision. She let out a quiet, weak groan, rubbing at her eyes. "W-what... what happened?"

"You passed out." Christa said before anyone else could.

Fluttershy slowly brought her hoof to the unicorn's forehead. Nearly retracting it out of shock at how high her friend's temperature was. "You... You have a very bad fever, Twilight."

Pinkie watched, furthest away from the group near the window. She wanted to go over to comfort her friend but seeing as how she caused her to be in this situation to begin with, she didn't deserve it. Even though she wanted to go over and apologize, she still didn't deserve that. What she did deserve though, was the bite on Twilight's leg.

"How do you feel?" Fluttershy asked.

"Not too well." Twilight cleared her throat. She looked around the attic. "What are we gonna do now?"

Suddenly, as if her question was being answered by fate, the group heard static coming from Lee's radio. "...L-...ee? L-lee? I'm okay...'m where my parents... oh no." The man snatched the radio from his pants.

"Was that Clementine?" Applejack asked, frowning.

"Yeah, and she's at the hotel. Where her parents were staying." Lee smiled, a feeling of slight relief.

"Then that's perfect! We know where she is now!"

"Yeah, but how're we gon' get to 'er?" Kenny added. "We're still stuck up 'ere y'know?"

"I dunno we'll... figure it out or sumthin'. Huh... what about this?" Applejack walked over to the window and she looked through it, finding nothing... well nothing that would help them get out of the mansion anyway. A couple of trees and a few houses that led down the block and most importantly; no ladder. Just a nauseating straight drop down onto the concrete below. She sighed. "Nevermind, there ain't no ladder for us to climb down on."

"It could be worse, we could be down there." Rainbow said, gesturing to the walkers under the floor.

"And the man on the radio hasn't moved Clementine," Fluttershy added.

"Yet." Kenny frowned, folding his arms.

"Umm, yeah... yet."

"Well, whether y'all like it or not, we gon' have to talk 'bout what happens if Twilight takes another spill." Kenny sternly said. "Or Lee." He threw a look over at the man who was frowning back at him. "Ah mean, we could be lookin' at a Larry situation 'ere."

"Who's Larry?" Christa inquired.

"Don't matter."

Applejack remembered that night at the dairy. The people who they thought were good people but turned out to be cannibals feeding them their friend, Mark's legs. She felt herself grow slightly nauseous at the memory. Rainbow preventing her from stopping Kenny from killing Larry. It strained their relationship for a whole week after that. She silently gulped. "Why do we gotta talk about it?"

"Because what if Twilight takes another spill? Or even Lee!? What do we do then!?" The man's voice went louder got louder.

"Then we'll deal with it later but right now they're perfectly fine! See!?" Applejack gestured at Lee and Twilight.

"Of course ah can see that but we ain't gonna do anythin' if we're dead, now are we!?"

"Quit talkin' like they're some kind of threat! They're aren't going to attack us!" Applejack felt herself getting worked up again. This same situation was happening in the shed, where her and Kenny had gotten into a shouting match.

"How do you know?"

"Ah don't but why the fuck should we turn on our friends!?" Applejack sneered.

"Who said anythin' about turnin' on 'em!?"

"Uhh, you did! When you decided to bring up this worthless conversation!" The two of them were now shouting at eachother, filling the room with their angered voices.

Rainbow came up behind Applejack, placing a gentle hoof on her shoulder. "AJ, come on relax alright?"

She harshly shrugged her off, quickly turning at the rainbow pegasus. "Don't touch me Rainbow." She sternly said before turning back at Kenny.

"Guys, relax..." Christa tried interjecting.

"Applejack, I ain't advocating anything here but how is this not a thing? We're all so worked up about Clementine 'n Rarity that we're forgettin' about what the fuck happened to them!" Kenny gestured, using a nod.

"As I fuckin' said before... they're fine! They ain't attackin' nobody so there ain't no use to start talkin' about anything! We should be worryin' about Clementine and Rarity because we don't know if they're dead or alive or what!"

"I did not give up everything just to die! Ah did not lose everything and fought all the way up to this point just to die in the most insignificant fuckin' way just because we. We. Were. Stupid!"

Everyone watched the two shout back and fourth with each other, not knowing what to do. Both of them were stubborn and everyone knew that if they tried calming them down, it would only make them madder than what they're already were. Applejack looked about ready to strike the man in the face and Kenny practically looked the same.

"You ain't layin' a hoof on them and ah ain't lettin' you kill them like ya killed Larry!" Applejack then snapped at Rainbow. "And ah am sure as hay ain't gonna let you stop me this time!"

"AJ, I'm not-"

"We're gonna have to sooner or later!" Kenny shouted, cutting off the rainbow pegasus.

The country pony then scoffed. "No wonder why Vernon stole the boat, 'cause you rather scream at your problems rather than deal with 'em!"

Kenny quickly snatched a sculpture of a man that was sitting idly on top of a pushed over cupboard and held it up as if he were ready to bash her over the skull with it. Applejack immediately went into a defensive stance, ready to duck the blow but frowned in confusion when she saw the man turn and ditch it at the wall.

The pony then noticed Rainbow Dash in the air who looked like she was ready to strike the man out cold.

"You ruined that dudes face," Omid simply said, earning a glare from Rainbow Dash.

"Shut up sweetie. Look." His girlfriend pointed at the wall, where the sculpture had hit. It had broken a small circular shape into the wooden wall.

Kenny walked over to it, examining it. He then snapped of a piece of plank, that didn't take much effort. "It's corroded to hell."

"So, what? We getting outta here?" Rainbow walked over to the wall, glancing at it.

"Seems like it."

"Plus, this mansion butts up against the on next door. So we're good!" Omid happily added.

"Alright then! Let's bust this wall open!" Eagerly, Rainbow started bucking the wall with her hind legs. "Y'know, Pinkie I could use a little help?"

The pony was standing by the window when she startled at her name, "Huh?" She glanced over at Rainbow Dash.

"Could I have some help?" The pegasus stopped for a moment to talk to Pinkie.

"What do you need?" She was still thinking about Twilight and the bite wound. Still feeling hideously guilty for it. Pinkie walked over to the pegasus, masterfully hiding her deep thoughts, as if nothing was wrong. "What do ya need help with?"

"Can you help me buck this wall?" Rainbow nodded behind her.

The pony looked at the wall then at the pegasus. "Alright."

While Pinkie and Rainbow endlessly worked on the wall, the others went to sit down and rest on the couches along with the rest of the other ponies.

Fluttershy stayed beside Twilight over by the wooden columns that led up to the roof.

Applejack kept side-glancing at Kenny, the man drinking and talking with Lee and the others. It was awkward staying in the same room as him, but not awkward enough for her eyesight to stray from him. He was really starting to get on her nerves. They way he constantly demanded, the way he did things impulsively. He endlessly nagged at her, trying to get her to break down the shed door when they were ambushed by Vernon's group.

Even if she wanted to, Vernon and his gang of thieves threatened them, that if they were to come after them; they would kill them and no one would be spared. Besides that, the farm pony's ribs weren't acting up, she walked, breathed and jogged without pain but certain acts such as, using her strength to break down the doors of a shed, would've definitely provoked it.

"A-are you okay, Twilight?" Fluttershy shook AJ out of her thoughts and she looked at her friends beside her.

"I'm okay, I guess... just a little hot." Twilight sighed.

"Oh, you're fever's still there?"

Twilight nodded.

The pegasus paused for a moment. "M-maybe we can get you some medicine?"

Applejack doubted that. Nothing was going to help her. The bite was infecting her and she's already weak. Antibiotics weren't going to do anything, it ain't no use.

"No... it wouldn't matter anyway," the unicorn muttered.

Fluttershy and AJ both shared a sad look with each other. "So... this is really happenin'... isn't it?"

"Yeah..." Twilight trailed off. At least the hard part was over, having to reveal the bite to her friends. It didn't exactly play out the way she thought, it could've been worse but it wasn't.

"I-I just... can't believe it..." Fluttershy silently muttered.

"So... w-we just... go on? Without you? Just go on livin'?"

Twilight solemnly nodded, feeling the tears well up in her eyes again. She looked off to the side, at Pinkie who was still bucking the wall along with Rainbow Dash. She must be so devastated right now... .The amount of guilt she must be feeling. Twilight turned back to her two friends. "You need to look after her."

AJ frowned, unknowingly. "What do ya mean, sugarcube?"

"Pinkie. You need to take care of her." She continued when the two ponies didn't say anything. "You need to make sure that she'll be okay. She hasn't been doing so well, lately... she's probably blaming herself what happened."

Applejack scoffed then offered a small smile. "Even when yer bit, yer still worryin' about other ponies."

"You girls can't keep fighting, not after I'm..." Twilight didn't need to finish, they knew what she meant. "You have to look out for each other, take care of each other, like we always did..."

"What happens if we... somehow get back to Equestria? What do we tell Spike, or Celestia? Or yer brother?"

"... Just tell them what happened." Twilight simply answered. "I need to you two to promise me something."

Applejack and Fluttershy were now giving her their full attention. "W-what is it, Twilight?" The pegasus asked.

The unicorn took a moment to answer. "I need you both to promise me, that you will be there for each other... no matter what."

It was sort of a strange promise to make. Of course they would, they were friends weren't they? Applejack nodded without hesitation. "Of course, ah would Twi. Ain't no petty argument's gonna get between me 'n mah friends." Fluttershy agreed with that.

Twilight shook her head. "Don't you remember? The fight that Rainbow and Pinkie got into?"

"Oh... right." Applejack remembered Pinkie saying that she "ended" her friendship with Twilight just before she was attacked by Rainbow. The country pony couldn't believe what she heard so she didn't.

Twilight nodded. "Exactly... that's why I need you two to promise that you'll look after each other. No. Matter. What... okay?"

"Alright, yeah. Ah promise Twilight."

"Thank you. Fluttershy?" She turned to the pegasus who was already nodding.

"Of course, I promise Twilight."

It pained her to talk about this. To make them promise that they will be okay after she was gone. She didn't want to think about it, didn't even want to look down her leg in fear of seeing that bite again. Every second that passed, the more scared and anxious she got but even with that, she still wouldn't show it. She was not ready to go, there was still show much to be done. Not only here but back in Equestria too. What will happen without her? Will the elements of harmony still work?

"Okay, everybody! We're through!" Rainbow's loud voice snapped the unicorn out of her thoughts. She turned to see her walking over to the group. Behind her, there was a large hole in the wall where Pinkie stood by herself.

Twilight still needed to talk to her. She needed to otherwise she'll go knowing she did nothing to ease her friend's grief. She had spoken to everyponyelse so far. The only one she hadn't spoken to was Pinkie, it seemed like she had been avoiding her.

"Hell yes! 'Bout time we got some good luck! Alright y'all, let's move out!" Kenny was the first to move from the couch, over to the wall then the rest of the group followed.

Applejack was the last to exit through the hole. She dropped down with a soft thump onto the wooden floors.

"This place seems pretty safe," she heard Christa say.

She looked around the room stopping immediately when her eyes spotted a dreadful site. There was a bed in the middle of the room. Queen sized. It wasn't the bed that shocked her, it's what was on it that did. Two corpses, a couple. A man and a woman, their hands entwined with a gaping hole on the sides of their heads.

They must've been there for a while, their bodies were already decaying, lost color and the room was filled with a strong unappealing scent. The man had a gun in his hand. He must've been the one to do it.
The room had been silent, aside from the faint growls of the walkers but everybody had stayed silent. Staring at the dead couple.

"Alright y'all. Let's just... t-try to work on gettin' outta here," Applejack said, hoping to wake everybody out of their daze.

If she had seen this type of thing back in Equestria, back before she had experienced all the horrors she had in this world, she wouldn't have been able to sleep for days. It's strange and slightly unnerving to think that she was... kind of use to this by now. Seeing dead corpses and stuff like this. She had already seen so many of them, it's like second nature to her now.

"Yeah... yeah, you're right. It's just sad," Christa replied.

"What's worse is that they didn't even give themselves a chance," Kenny suddenly said. Applejack looked at him, frowning. "It's what Katjaa did."

"Oh my..." Fluttershy muttered, a sad look on her face.

"She left me... my son... people that cared about us. Ah forgive her but it don't make it any less wrong. You don't just end it cuz it's hard, you stick it out as long as you can! So let's figure out a way outta here and our friends back." Kenny finished off with a smile.

Applejack smiled, a sense of respect. Finally something that she agreed with. Just because it hard don't mean you gotta take the easy way out. For those that are still here, you keep fighting for. "We just gotta find a way outta here."

Kenny picked up the gun. "One shot left."

"Welp, we aren't gonna be able to use this door." Rainbow gestured to the bedroom door, in the right hand corner of the room.

"Why not?" Lee asked.

"Walkers... and it's locked. So, unless if you wanna go looking for the key be my guest."

"I'd rather not. Guess we're gonna have to look for another way out."

"Again. Why don't we try that?" Applejack walked over to another door in the room. Sunlight shined through it's window panels. She frowned, before pulling it opened.

The rest of the group came over. Kenny brushed past Applejack, looking out the door. There was a small gap between their building and the one on the other side. Slightly higher but it wouldn't take too much effort to reach it. He turned back to the others. "We can travel along the rooftops, that way we don't gotta run through the streets."

"This will be too easy." Rainbow popped out a cocky grin.

"Yeah, fer you." Applejack deadpanned.

Rainbow scoffed. "You guys will be fine." Not waiting for her to respond, the pegasus took off and she was already on top of the other building. "Okay, your turn!"

Applejack rolled her eyes while Lee walked over to the metallic balcony, climbed onto the railing and jumped to the other side; grappling on to the ledge.

Next up was Omid who threw a cheeky smile at his girlfriend before he did the same. Christa and Kenny were the next ones to go, Fluttershy took the easy way and flew over once they were done. Now it was just, Applejack, Pinkie, Twilight and Ben who had to cross. The teen looked anxious at the idea but it was Ben, when was he never anxious?

When he walked out onto the railing, Applejack turned behind her, at Twilight. "You think you'll alright crossing sugarcube?"

"Yeah, I'll fine."


Then there was a loud metal clang, cutting her off followed by the sound of a teenager's screams ending with a loud thump that echoed throughout the block.

Applejack turned to look at Ben but found nothing, not even the metal balcony and her heart plummeted into her stomach. She and her two other friends, Pinkie and Twilight rushed over to the edge, carefully peering over.

Her eyes widened and the breath left her lungs as she saw Ben on the ground, laying under a pile of rubble. "D-did-did he just die!?" The heavy thumping in her chest made it difficult for her to talk.

Her inquiry went unanswered. She wasn't really looking for an answer but the sheer shock of what happened was clouding her thoughts.

Not a moment later, Fluttershy was the first to fly down. The group merely watched from the roofs as the pegasus flew down into the alleyway and landed next to the teen. Soon after the pegasus landed, Kenny suddenly took off and began climbing down a set of ladders that led down to the ground.

"Christa, Omid can you stay up here? Keep an eye out for trouble." Lee then turned to the rainbow pegasus. "Dash, do you think you can help the others get over?"

"Yeah, I can do that! Just go save Ben!" Without another word, she flew back over to the other side to help Applejack and the others over.

Lee climbed down the ladder and was greeted by a black metallic gate. Before leaving, he warily checked the right side in case of any walkers, finding nothing. He then continued over to Fluttershy and Kenny. "Guys, what's going on?" He said, walking over to them, seeing Ben.

The pile of rubble had been removed from atop of the teen. It wasn't that Ben's legs were broken but the large pole that he was impaled on, through his abdomen that stemmed the thought; he wasn't going to make it. "Oh fuck."

Hearing Lee's sorrowful voice, Ben's eyes widened. "W-what is it? I'm okay, I'm okay..." he trailed off.

Fluttershy then looked at the two men behind her with fear in her eyes. "W-what d-do we do?"

"We can-uh..." Kenny hesitated for a second before he lent down and began to pull the teen off the rebar that he was impaled on and stopped when he heard a loud grunt come from him.

"Just yank him off!"

"W-what!?" Ben exclaimed.

"Fast, like a bandaid." Lee suggested.

"B-but... If we lift him off, he'll start bleeding! He'll lose too much blood!" Fluttershy worriedly commented. Even if they did manage to get him off the rebar, he would still have a large hole in his abdomen with no supplies to treat it.

A growl came from out of the alleyway which seem to make everything stop. Fluttershy's heart stopped as she slowly looked up to see a herd of walkers vastly approaching just outside of the alley. Her breath quickened as she bent down to try and pull Ben up once more.

The teen let out a wail causing her to shakily lay him back down onto the metallic bar.

Ben looked to his right seeing the approaching corpses and his eyes widened and breath hitched. He looked up at the pegasus. "O-oh god, don't let them get to me!"

Fluttershy wasn't listening, too engrossed into the growing fear of the approaching walkers. Without warning, she began backing away.

"You got any bullets left!? This one's only got one left in it!" Kenny asked, shoving the magazine clip back into the pistol.

"I'm out!" Lee replied.

"Shit." Kenny then turned at the pegasus behind him. "Fluttershy get outta here!"

"B-b-but Ben-"

"Ah'll take care of him, you just get the hell outta here!"

Fluttershy glanced at the man, then at the walkers and then Ben, unsure of what to do. She shook her head, ignoring all second thoughts and flew back up onto the rooftop.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow ran over. "Where's Lee and Kenny?"

"T-t-they're still down there." The timid pegasus gestured down the alley. Then a sudden gunshot rang out, startling the group.

"Jesus! What the hell's going on down there!?" Omid looked over the edge. Seeing nothing but a row of walkers filling the alley.

"Oh Celestia..." Applejack trailed off as she saw the walker-filled alley, countless thoughts running through her mind.

The sound of metallic steps caught her attention and she turned to see Lee climbing back up the ladder. She felt her blood go cold once she realized he was the only one coming. She rushed over to him. "Lee!? W-where's... Kenny a-and Ben!?"

He didn't respond, the man walked past her, a sorrowful look on his face.

The others silently waited for him break the news. The more seconds that went by, the more they could've guessed what happened and everyone started to feel the grief that the man was experiencing.

"They're... gone."

"W-what?" Fluttershy's voice broke, feeling the wave of shock pass through her. She was just talking to them a moment ago and now here she was; listening to Lee tell them they had died.

"W-wha-what... what happened!?" Applejack exclaimed.

"When Ben fell he... he was impaled on something and we couldn't get him out..." Everybody fell quiet once more.

"They're both just... g-gone? Just like that?" Rainbow breathlessly said. "No goodbye? No nothing!?" She felt tears well up in her eyes. The pegasus remembered the first time they met the man back in those woods. Back when they first got this world, one of the first humans they ever came across... gone. Applejack may have never gotten along with him but the pegasus was okay with him. Even though they had just had an argument a few minutes ago, she never wished for him to... die.

"B-ben and Kenny are... gone?" Twilight suddenly asked, her voice broken and tears trailing down her face. Rainbow brought the unicorn closer to her and Lee merely nodded his answer.

"You saw them die?" Christa asked as she walked over to Lee.

"Of course he saw them die! He was down there with 'em!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Sorry I-"

"That's such a stupid question to ask! He was down there with them!" The pony's lip was quivering, eyes were watering but she kept herself together and sighed. "Let's just go! Clementine and Rarity are still out there, and we're standing around here doing nothing! let's go!" She set off, walking across the rooftop leaving the others behind.

This was where they were at. Down to three humans and four ponies. Soon, they would be down to five if they don't find Rarity or Clementine soon. Both Twilight and Lee were running out of time and so far; they lost two of their friends. The child was kidnapped and the unicorn was missing, no trace, no leads. They were having more bad luck with this whole situation. They were robbed by Vernon, forced up to the attic by the horde and now they lost two of their friends.

Would they even be able to make it out of that city alive? Unharmed? With everything that happened so far, they would be lucky to even have Twilight and Lee with them when they leave... that's if they make it. The group followed the pink pony shortly after she had walked away from the group.

Rainbow stopped to take one more look over the edge of the building, down the alley, staring at the walkers for a few seconds. She sighed and shook her head, feeling tears leak from her eyes. "I hope you find your family Kenny. I-I'm... I'm sorry." She turned around, rubbing her eyes before she flew to catch up with the group.