• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 3,106 Views, 108 Comments

The Mane 6 And Lee Everett - Can-dees_Murder_Weapon

The mane six is mysteriously transported to an unknown planet. Where rotting, decaying corpses now rule the world. The mane six stray further and further away from their elements as they are forced to face the unrelenting horrors of the cruel world.

  • ...

Long Road Ahead: Next stop... Savannah

Lee and Omid climbed up the ladder to the highway overpass to take care of the tanker while everyone else was left to take care of their own thing.

Twilight was escorting a limping Applejack back to the train cart. Rarity rushed over to them with Lilly following close behind, not wanting to stay out in the open by herself. The pony did let her out after all, she wasn't going to start hanging around anyone else - not that anyone would let her anyway. "Applejack! What happened to you?" The fashionista asked, distressed.

"Uhh... j-just a coupl'a walkers. That's all," It was agonizing enough just trying to breathe, talking on the other hoof was a whole different story. The country pony's ribs felt like they were being crushed over and over again as she inhaled, it barely made a difference when she started to take small intakes of breath.

"That's all?" The fashionista exclaimed with wide eyes as she stared at the cowpony in front of her. The first thing that caught her attention was that her friend was struggling to breathe, taking in shallow breaths and trying to pretend as if she wasn't in pain. But the fashionista knew she was, anyone could see through that mask of nonchalance. "You're barely breathing!"

"Rarity, what is she doing here?" She glanced at Twilight to find her looking back at her seemingly impatient, waiting for an answer.

"What?" In the moment of asking, she realized who she was talking about. "Are you talking about, Lilly?" The fashionista blew a puff of air before quickly resuming, she couldn't believe that her friend was asking about this now. "I let her out, Twilight and I don't see how this contributes to, Applejack's wellbeing."

The purple unicorn sighed, shaking her head with the look of disappointment on her face. "Fine, we'll talk about this later."

Rarity frowned. She felt like she was being treated like a foal, Twilight's passive aggressive behaviour was really beginning to irk her, "There's nothing to talk about."

"Actually... yes there is." The purple pony kept her expression composed, the disappointment on her face was permanent.

"No, there is not!"

Twilight stopped walking. She sighed before turning directly towards the fashionista, her disappointed expression was replaced with annoyance. "I don't see how this contributes to, Applejack's well being." She spat.

By instinct, the fashionista was going to say something back to her but she held back the urge. Words spoken by her only mere moments ago, were thrown right back at her. She sighed defeatedly, swaying her hoof to let them continue.

She followed until they were only a few feet away from the cart. Twilight quickly teleported Applejack along with herself onto the cart.

The fashionista and the brunette waited for them to be done. "You regret bringing me out here?" The brunette suddenly spoke, catching the fashionista off guard.


"Regret. Do you regret bringing me out here?"

Rarity frowned, she knew why she asked that question. "No, I don't. Twilight is ju-"

Twilight suddenly abruptly appeared back in front of them, startling them in the process. "Now that I am done, we can continue our conversation." She looked at the brunette for a moment before looking back at the fashionista. "Would you like to finish what you were saying?" She added.

There was a paused. The fashionista rattled through her mind, trying to remember what she was saying.


"I am trying to-"

"Why did you untie her?" The purple unicorn abruptly said. She nodded in Lilly's direction in such a smug manner which irritated the brunette.

"I'm right here."

"Yes... you are and I don't care. What I do care about though, is you inter-"

"Twilight." Rarity warned.

"What, Rarity?" The purple unicorn snapped. "Are you going to answer the question or not? Why did you untie her?"

"Because I wasn't just gonna leave her in there like a caged animal!"

"You should have! After what happened with, Doug!"

Lilly visibly froze, it didn't go unnoticed by Rarity or Twilight. She suddenly found herself wanting to go back into the cart again. Away from Twilight, away from them - the group. "I-uh..." The brunette inhaled a shuttering breath. "...I-I'm gonna go wait in the train." Without uttering anything else, the brunette walked past the two ponies back into the cart.

Rarity scowled at Twilight who looked as if she had done something good. "Do you have no shame, Twilight?"

"I don't know what you think this is, Rarity but I'm not just going to act as if she didn't kill anyone!"

"She already feels guilty for it, that was completely unnecessary!"

"Be that as it may, but what if she actually killed, Carley? Would she feel guilty about that?"

"She..." Rarity trailed off. Lilly said it herself, she was going to kill a 'traitor'. She would probably be glad about it, satisfied that she wouldn't have to deal with the so-called-traitor.

"Guys! There's something coming!" She turned, spotting rows upon rows of walkers over the horizon of which they came and she instantly went on full alert.

"Oh my... there is so many of them," The fashionista said, her eyes locked on the horizon filled with walkers.

"We gotta go!" Ben shouted, running across the roof of the train.

Rarity and Twilight sprinted directly toward the train with everyone following close behind. Once everyone was aboard, there was a loud grinding sound that echoed throughout the area. Rarity and Twilight turned to find the tanker finally falling off the highway, destroying the ladder on its way down. It made a rumble into the earth making the duo stumble around.

Shortly after, the train started moving and the herd suddenly seemed closer.

The train was slow but it increased by the second. It had just passed under the overpass when the group heard two loud thuds coming from up top, which was immediately followed by an agonizing cry of Omid as he hit the ground.

Christa ran out frantically to him, she lifted him up and began running towards the train with Omid limping behind her. Suddenly with a flash, Twilight was between and not a second later, teleported back onto the train.

"Holy shiiiit!"- Omid plopped down hard onto the floor of the cart. -"My damned leg!" He sat up against the wall, clutching to his injured leg.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Christa said, laying beside him with a bewildered look.

"All unicorns have magic." Twilight swayed a hoof.

Omid suddenly let out a grunt. Lee kneeled down to examine his injured leg, noticing a wet blood patch right in the middle of the shin area, soaking that area.

"Dude! T-this hurts... so please do not touch it!" Omid had hands out in front of him, stopping Lee from rolling up the sleeve on his bloodied leg.

"You think that's bad? Try getting shot." Rainbow said, appearing out of nowhere right beside him. She gestured to her bandaged wing, wincing at the slight pain that occurred when she moved it.

"You lose a coupl'a feathers?" The persian man said with half a grin.

"No, but it hurt... worse than what you have." The speedster had a proud grin on her face, as if being shot was a pleasant and fun experience.

"I wouldn't have guessed..."

Rarity stood beside Clementine who was sleeping peacefully in a chair in the control room, her arm propped up against the wall. Lee sat on the other side of Rarity by the controls. It had been a long two hours since they left the station, since the fallout with Twilight. They barely spared a glance at each other since the train left the station. Twilight had gone to check on Rainbow's wing while Rarity thought it'd be best to stay in the control room.

The fashionista watched as the city grew larger and larger over the horizon. In better circumstances, she would've been thrilled to visit the city. Admiring all the elegant decor, visiting fancy boutiques, seeing all the dresses on display windows. It made her smile, picturing herself walking along the streets of Savannah, people passing by her. She looked at Lee solemnly, "This is... Savannah?"

"Yup... it sure is, what's left of it." Lee glanced at the city before turning back to the fashionista, "How are you doing... adjusting to everything?"

A moment of silence past with Rarity mulling over numerous things in her head. Events, the deaths she has witnessed. An image of Larry's butchered head flashed through her mind, making her grimace and her stomach turn - she held back a gulp. "I... I suppose I'm okay? All things considered. My friends are okay which I am grateful for. I just dread-" She stopped mid-sentence, not wanting to even say that there is still a possibility that one of her friends may die. The thought made her superstitiously afraid of the possibility.

Lee seemed to know what she was going to say and he sighed. "You girls seem to be doing okay so far," He said, optimistic.

"...So far," The fashionista muttered, looking away from Lee.

The door opened, drawing her attention away and she turned to see Kenny entering the control room, flashing a weak smile to her to which she returned.

Lee got up from his seat, walked past Rarity to Clementine. He knelt down to grab something from her bag but the fashionista couldn't care to know what he was doing, instead she went back to watching the city.

"Next stop, The Atlantic."

Rarity frowned, confused as to what the plan was. She turned, glancing between Lee and Kenny, "What exactly are we going to do once we're there?"

"The plan is to find a boat." Lee replied.

"...And... where do we go from there?"

"We go someplace better... someplace safe." Kenny abruptly interjected with a slight hint of stubbornness in his voice.

At this point, Rarity couldn't care less about where the group decided to go. Her faith in getting home was waring, they've been here for over a week. She hadn't even thought about that in a while, too many things have happened for her to pay attention. Rainbow Dash being shot, Applejack getting injured and then getting into an argument with Twilight.

And yet they still managed to keep on going, she hoped that it wasn't luck that was keeping them alive. That can only last for so long.

She wanted to ask Kenny if he was alright, dealing with his family's passing. She decided against it, not wanting to bring anymore grief to the man.

A static like sound as if some device was being turned on suddenly made itself aware in the room, drawing the attention of Lee, Kenny and Rarity.

The unicorn frowned, her head facing in the direction of the sound which seemed to be emanating from Clementine's bag.

Lee kneeled down, dug his hand inside the bag and pulled out an object. An object that was quite foreign to Rarity's eyes. The object was rectangular shaped with the colour black and it had something poking out on top of it. A moment of static continued to play from it until a man's voice suddenly came through. "I can't wait for you to get to Savannah, Clementine. I got your parents right here and you be sure to find me, whether Lee wants you to or not. Now, what I need-" Lee turned off the device, going silent with the same type of static as before.

"Who was that?" Rarity inquired, feeling anxiety swell up in her chest at the thought of someone waiting for them in the city.

Lee didn't respond right away. He glanced toward Kenny who had a confused frown on his face, then toward Rarity who looked worried. "I... don't know."

"Didn't you say that thing was broken?" Kenny asked immediately after.

"Y-yeah, it... was."

"Well, it seems to be workin' just fine to me!"

"H-how long has this... 'man' been talking to, Clementine?" Rarity interjected. She suddenly found herself thinking that entering the city was a bad idea. Someone knew they were coming, Clementine had told them. Walkers alone already frightened her enough. With Omid and Christa being the exception, she found that meeting other humans made her paranoid. Not knowing who they are or what they're capable of terrified her and this man that was speaking on the device was a prime example.

"I don't know, I just found out now that the walkie talkie still works." Rarity noted the device's name.

"Whoever it is, I doubt we're gonna be happy when we found out." Kenny said, with a promising look.

"...Should we tell the others?" The fashionista inquired.

Lee and Kenny shared a glance, "'S your call, man."

He looked back down at the walkie talkie before lifting his head back up to look at the other two. "No... not yet."

Rarity would've felt better if they decided to tell everyone else, at least that way she wouldn't be the only one who was on edge. She knew it was selfish, Lee and Kenny were most likely in the same boat as her but she didn't care.

She wanted everyone to know about the man, to feel what she was feeling. It would've provided a great deal of comfort for her if the whole group knew. She threw one last glance at the city, stress was increasing as the train neared. If I ever come across anyone, do not trust them. Rarity promised.