• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 3,106 Views, 108 Comments

The Mane 6 And Lee Everett - Can-dees_Murder_Weapon

The mane six is mysteriously transported to an unknown planet. Where rotting, decaying corpses now rule the world. The mane six stray further and further away from their elements as they are forced to face the unrelenting horrors of the cruel world.

  • ...

No Time Left: Reunions

The walker roamed aimlessly outside of the mansion gate. The group was walking over to the shed of the gate, Lee who was ahead of the group pulled out his pistol and simply killed it, not caring if there were any walkers or hordes nearby.

"You. SONSABITCHES!" They heard Kenny shout as they were coming around the corner, to the shed. The handles of the were being blocked by a shovel that was wedged in between them, keeping them from opening.

"They're probably already gone!" They heard Applejack, on the other side reply back.

"I don't give a fuck! When I find them, I'll tear their heads off!"

Lee pulled the shovel from the handles and pulled the shed doors open. They were greeted by a furious looking Kenny with his arms folded, the ponies, Fluttershy and Rainbow were standing off to the side and Applejack stood just behind Kenny looking just as mad as him.

"Twilight!" Rainbow and Fluttershy perked up, hearing Applejack but they both gasped once they saw the gruesome state of their friend.

She barely reacted to their reactions, there was a more important matter that was on her mind.

"What the-"

"They fucked us!" Kenny exclaimed, cutting Lee off.

"The radio guy?" Pinkie frowned.

"No, Vernon and his lapdogs! They didn't have Clem. So, where the fuck is she?"

"They ambushed us once y'all were gone 'nd almost shot one of us!" Applejack angrily added.

"They're lucky they didn't! Otherwise, I would've mauled them," Fluttershy flinched at Rainbow's blunt threat.

"They're thieves the whole lot of 'em!"

"And we would've gone after 'em if Applejack would've just bust down the door!" Kenny gave the pony a pointed look.

"How was ah able to do that!?"

"Uh kick the door down with yer fuckin' legs!"

"Yeah and then we would've gotten shot genius!"

"C-can we please stop fighting?" Fluttershy timidly said. It wasn't enough for the two to calm down but they held their tongue, the scowls on their faces told the group that they must've gotten into a heated argument prior to them showing up.

There was a pause before Kenny glances at Twilight, finally noticing her state. "What the hell happened with you!?" The ponies all looked at Twilight, just as eager as he was to know what happened.

Twilight had kept silent the whole way back to the mansion, only saying one-worded answers whenever she was asked a question by the group. Pinkie became increasingly worried when time passed. To her, it seemed like there was more on her mind than just her but she couldn't figure out what.

She had asked about it, albeit reluctantly considering, to which she replied with; "I'll tell you once we get back to the mansion," and that was it.

"Umm, she-uh-got into a fight with a coupla walkers," Pinkie answered for her. The unicorn didn't seem like he was going to answer his question, it looked like she was in another world; like she wasn't paying any attention to her surroundings. Barely acknowledging anything.

"...I'm bitten,"

Everyone stopped. They all glanced at the unicorn, wide eyed, shocked.


"You're bitten, when?"

"How? W-where 're you bitten!?"

The questions all came at once but Twilight chose to remain quiet even after the group went quiet.

Fluttershy took a step forward, toward her friend. "T-Twilight?" Her voice shook.

A few seconds go by. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash were silent. She was lying, right? Surely, she was overreacting. Maybe she hurt herself by accident and mistook it for a bite. She had to be... She had to.

The unicorn looked down at her leg, at the bite. Once Applejack and Rainbow saw the bite, they both felt the air in their lungs leave them. Fluttershy had fully broke down into a wail and she threw herself at the unicorn, burying her face into her friend's chest, her cries muffled. The unicorn stayed still, never reciprocating the gesture.

"No... no no..." Applejack aimlessly muttered to herself. This wasn't happening. There was no way this was happening. She couldn't be bit, this was Twilight. Her friend, her best friend... was bitten. She couldn't grasp the concept of this situation. She couldn't, there was no way. Twilight was the element of magic, she can't die! "M-maybe... maybe it don't affect ponies?"

Twilight closed her eyes, solemnly shaking her head. "I can... f-feel it. L-like there's something... different."

Rainbow Dash was doing everything she could in order to keep herself from breaking down, Twilight needed her and she needed to be strong.

"O-Omid? Can you go over the fence and let us into the backyard?" Christa sympathetically said.

"This can't be happening," Kenny suddenly spoke. "Everything is so fucked! First, Clementine goes missing. Then you"- he gestured to Lee -"get bit. The boat gets stolen and now Twilight is gonna die... FUCK!"

"Clementine is still out there."

"And Rarity's still missing," Lee added.

"Rarity's been gone a whole day! How the hell're we gon' find her!"

"We bust down every door in this city! That's how!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"You gon' do that on yer own?"

"I'll do whatever I have to, to find her. I'm not leaving her behind." Rainbow's voice was laced with venom.

"Relax, he never said-"

"Relax? Relax!? How in Celestia's name do you relax after finding out that your best friend is gonna die!?" Rainbow snapped at Christa.

"We should all relax, lets not turn on each other. We stick together, like always," Lee intervened.

The doors to the shed, leading out into the backyard opened, revealing Omid. "We should do this in the yard, it's not safe being out in the open." Christa suggested, thankfully she understood what the pegasus was going through and didn't bother to start arguing with her. Another shouting match was the last thing they needed right now.

They all entered the backyard. Twilight and her friends all took the opportunity to go inside while the others worked out their plan.

The first to enter was Applejack who held the door open for the others. They were all thinking the same thing but nopony said anything about it. The five of them all made their way to the living room, to the couches, not muttering a single word.

The first to sit down was Twilight, she sat on the couch closest to the window and her friends sat on the couch in front of her, with exception of Pinkie who just stood behind them further aways.

Applejack broke the silence. "When did it happen?" She stared intently into the mare's eyes across from her, giving her full attention.

"What?" Twilight replied in a hushed tone.

"When... did it happen?"

She sighed. "Maybe... maybe a few hours ago. I-I don't know, I wasn't paying attention to the time."

"W-what were you doin', Twi?" There was a crack in the mare's voice. "Why'd ya had to run off like that? Why did ya let yerself get bitten!?" The unicorn's breath hitched. "Huh!? What the fuck were you doing!?" The room grew cold. Fluttershy, too scared to speak up and Rainbow Dash, merely stared at the floor, a deep frown on her face as if she was thinking about something.

Applejack stopped, stared at the unicorn in front of her and realized what she was saying. What was she doing? This was her friend and she was bitten. She was supposed to be comforting her, not getting angry at her. Twilight was the one who was bitten, not her and here she was, swearing at her. Blaming her. Guilt began eating at her. "Oh Celestia, T-twi ah'm s-sorry. Ah didn't mean it."

Twilight sighed. "It's okay, I understand." The unicorn spoke so defeatedly. It was heartbreaking to see her like this and they were powerless to do anything about it. They could only offer so much comfort but that wasn't going to change the outcome.

There was a pause. "W-what... what d-do you want us to do?" Fluttershy timidly asked. She sniffed, still crying but not as intense as it was outside.

"What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

"W-when you... y-you..."

She didn't need to say it, Twilight knew what she was talking about. Honestly, she didn't know herself. With her being gone, the only plan was to stick with the group until... well, as long as possible. She didn't have a plan, this whole time of her being here, she never had a plan. They only stuck with the humans just until some kind of portal or magic spell would show up and whisk them away again but it never happened.

No resources to work with, no materials. She was to just sit out and hope, merely hope that a portal to Equestria would open again but it didn't matter now.

"Stay with the group, like we always did."

"Without you," Rainbow quietly said, although everypony still heard it.

Pinkie had said nothing this entire time. She merely stood by and watch her... well she didn't deserve to be to be their friend, not after this. They were her friends, they were but after Twilight was bitten, she no longer deserved that title. Her resentment towards her had gotten her bitten. This was her fault, Twilight was bit... because of her. She had gotten mad, drunk and snapped at her and she ran away and now here she was. Sitting on the couch with a bite on her leg and that... was because of her.

Twilight was going to die because of her.

Suddenly, they hear the back door open flew open. They turn and see everyone rushing back into the house, Lee slammed the door shut behind them. "They shouldn't be able to get into the backyard right?" Kenny asked, they heard the muffled growls of walkers outside. "Maybe not."

"What's goin' on?" Applejack hurried over to them with the girls following behind.

"There's a herd of walkers outside!"

"Oh shit..."

"Great! That's just great!"

"What're we gon' do then?"

"We'll fortify this place!" Christa answered.

"Fluttershy, Pinkie, you go with Christa upstairs. Check for any exits!" Lee ordered to which they immediately complied. "Rainbow, Twilight go with Kenny. Look for any weapons in the house, anything that we can use! Applejack, Ben move anything you can up against the windows!"

"Got it!" Applejack ran off into the living room with Ben, over to the couches. "Y'think this'll be enough!?"

"I don't know, maybe-" the pony pushed the couch, turning it over up against the windows before he even got a chance to respond. It hadn't covered the whole window and there was still two more they had to cover.

"EVERYONE HELP OMID, NOW!" Applejack frowned, glancing at Ben before she ran out of the living room to see the man trying to keep the front doors closed. Walkers were banging on the door, trying to get in. She ran over and pressed her weight up against it, between the small gap of the doors were fingers and arms of the walkers, keeping the doors from shutting all the way.

That was when Ben and the rest of the group came over to help. Twilight stood behind them, using her magic and slicing off the limbs of the walkers finally letting the door shut all the way.

"Man, that was close!" Omid said.

"Okay, so we're fine now. Walkers are outside and we're inside. Perfect." Rainbow Dash added. "What do we do now?"

"Everybody, be quiet. Maybe we can wait them out." Lee said, coming over to the group, a chef knife in his hand. Walkers were still growling right outside the mansion.

"Ah dunno, ah think we should go upstairs just 'n case," Applejack whispered, edging over to the stairs. The sound of a window multiple windows shattering and a door being busted down followed by walkers proved her suggestion to be valid. "Exactly, saw that comin'! Everypony, upstairs, quickly!"

Rainbow and Twilight were the first ones upstairs. "Isn't there some type of spell that can get us outta here!?" The pegasus exclaimed.

"I-I don't know, I'm f-feeling a-a bit... sick." The spell that she used to hack off the limbs of the walkers, had brought a wave of exhaustion upon her. Usually, it would've been no problem but this time, it was different. She felt tired, a pang of nausea in her stomach. It was the bite, it was making her feel ill. Any spell she would use would make exhausted.

"Woah, Twilight? Are you okay!?" Rainbow saw the unicorn stumbling, losing her balance and was instantly by her side, keeping her stable. She noticed the weariness in the unicorn's eyes. "Okay, okay," Rainbow muttered to herself.

Then a loud bang was heard, a gunshot. A few more followed and the group had made it up to the second floor. Applejack glanced at Twilight. "Is she alright?" Concern showing across her face.

Rainbow shook her head. "No, she said she was feeling sick."

"Everybody get to the end of the hallway!" Kenny abruptly shouted, bringing the mares out of their conversation.

Everyone ran to the hallway with Rainbow helping Twilight. At the entrance, they saw Lee and Kenny pushing up a large, seemingly heavy cupboard blocking the hallway. "Everybody, take a fuckin' stand!" They hopped over, pulling out their weapons and the rest followed suit.

The group started counting their bullets and once they were all done, they aimed their weapons over at the entrance of the hallway, ready for walkers.

The first walker that peered around the corner, Lee took the first shot which caused Fluttershy to flinch. Then a couple more began to appear, the group started firing their pistols.

As the walkers turnt the corner to their death, the group began to start running out of bullets.

"I'm out!"

"Me too!"

"Okay, what the hay do we do now!?" Rainbow exclaimed, watching the walkers get closer.

"There's no way out!"

Fluttershy quickly glanced around, to find a cord leading up to the ceiling. "There!" She pointed.

Lee quickly pulled it down and everyone ran up. As he went up, he dropped his pistol and after waiting for Ben to climb up into the attic, he closed the attic back up again.