• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 3,106 Views, 108 Comments

The Mane 6 And Lee Everett - Can-dees_Murder_Weapon

The mane six is mysteriously transported to an unknown planet. Where rotting, decaying corpses now rule the world. The mane six stray further and further away from their elements as they are forced to face the unrelenting horrors of the cruel world.

  • ...

Around Every Corner: A Drunk Pony's Thoughts...

It had been a while since Rarity and Lee left. Rarity searching for antibiotics, medicine, bandages, pretty much anything that would assist Applejack in her condition. It wasn't improving but it wasn't getting any worse either. So, it wasn't all bad.

Rainbow Dash's wing was healing exceptionally well, not even needing any antibiotics to help her. There weren't no sharp piercing pain to torment her every time she maneuvered it, still hurt to fly but all in all; she was well.

Ben along with Chuck and Twilight, had helped Christa a while ago with Omid. Bringing him upstairs to rest on a bed rather than a small couch that made his back and neck ache after a while of laying on it. Shouldn't have been laying in such a terrible position. Clementine had told Applejack she'd wanted to go explore the second floor to which the pony said it was alright to do so. The pony had briefly wondered why the child asked her and nopony else.

Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash sat on the same couch, chatting amongst themselves about various things albeit solemnly. The subject of Rarity came up, with Fluttershy being the most anxious and concerned. She would ask usual questions like, how long she would be. Why she went out in the first place. If they could trust Lilly.

Applejack didn't nor did Rainbow Dash. After what she did to Doug, they didn't trusted her at all. Even going as far as resenting her. If it were up to them, they would've left her on the side of the road. To fend for herself. They couldn't care less about what would've happened to her, out there. She was too dangerous. Doug didn't deserve to die like that. No one in their group deserved to die like that. It was so sudden. That he was just gone, like that. No goodbye or anything. Just a shot to the head and that was it, he was gone. All because someone had been giving out supplies to the bandits.

All because of one person, Ben. Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were the only ones who knew. Applejack wondered for a moment, why would he tell the other two? Did he brang them aside and confessed or did Fluttershy thought something was wrong and found out for herself? Suppose, it didn't matter. The outcome was the same.

Pinkie Pie was in the dining room sitting by the table on one of the fancy looking chairs with red fabric cushions and a pattern stitched into them. Alone and away from her friends. Her head resting on the cold, solid brown table. Her mane ever so straight, covering the left half of her face flowing down onto the table. She hadn't been the same since Duck... passed away. She'd been feeling miserable and hopeless, completed with the lack of faith of ever getting home.

She believed they were stuck there, forever. She wasn't stupid, her child-like behavior may have made her look like it. But she wasn't. She knew how it was, Twilight didn't have a plan to get them home. They were never getting home. It was simple and plain as grey to see. Nopony was looking for them, nopony knew where they were. They were just gone. Gone forever. Vanished without a trace all because of...


The pony immediately shook her head and began to scold herself with what little civility she'd been holding onto. It wasn't her fault... it wasn't her fault. It's nopony fault.

"It's not her-it's not her fault- it's not. Her. Fault. Not Twilight's fault, dont blame your friends. Don't blame your friends, Pinkie." She tried convincing herself.

She eyed the alcohol bottle, idly sitting on the middle of the table all by it's lonesome like she was.

She wondered what was in the bottle. She hopped off the chair and trotted over to the middle of the table, moving the bottle closer with her left hoof. "Jack Daniel's... Te-ne-seeee whiskey?" She read the faded out text on the bottle to herself, a confused look on her face. "Dis-tilled and bottled by, Jack Daniel."

She brought the bottle closer to her and twisted the lid off using her mouth. She took a seat in one of the chairs. She brang the bottle to her lips, taking a sip and nearly spat out the bittery taste. "That... is terrible!" The awful taste still lingering on her tongue. "Cider, cider what is this?" Why would anypony drink this stuff. It's not even good.

She glanced at the bottle again and subconsciously felt the urge to take another sip.

"Fuck this world!" Pinkie Pie shouted, standing in front of the furnace, in the middle of the living room.

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applejack stared at her. Fluttershy eyes were wide, Rainbow Dash and Applejack just stared their friend, concerned.

"W-wait, what did you just say?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Fuck. This. World!" Pinkie repeated.

"Pinkie... a-are you okay?" Fluttershy asked as she slowly got off the couch whilst staring at her friend. She was rather stunned, that her friend was speaking in such a crude manner. Occasionally, she would hear the humans in their group talk like that, most of it coming from Kenny.

"Okay? No, I'm not okay! I'm fucking-fucking angry!" She barked, making her friend shrink back.

Rainbow Dash jumped off the couch and walked over to the intimidated pegasus.

"This fucking world! It's-it's... it's stupid! I hate it!"

"Pinkie, what is goin' on with you?" Applejack got off the couch and walked over to her friend. Having no clue of where her explosive attitude came from. She instantly thought back to the moment on the train. Pinkie was angry, she knew that. It wasn't hard to tell but she didn't think she was that angry.

"I just told youuuuu!" She said, stuffing her face into Applejack's before stepping back and began pacing around the living room. "I. Hate. This. World!" She repeated.

"Ah think we all do, Pinkie. You ain't the only one, so just y'know settle down a bit."

Pinkie stopped just at the corner of the couch, nearest to the window and turned to her friend. "Settle down? Huh, settle down she says. Have you forgotten about, Duck?" Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked at her sympathetically as they walked over to her, stopping on the other side of the couch.

She started walking toward Applejack. "I am not going to settle down. Not after what happened, not after what Ben did!"

Both Applejack and Fluttershy's eyes widened at the same time, a cold air filled their lungs.

Rainbow Dash frowned. "Wait, what did Ben do?" She asked, looking between all three of them.

"Ah-she, uh-we don't-w-we don't-" Applejack sputtered, unable to come up with an answer. She didn't want to lie, after all.

"What is going on here?" Oh thank Celestia. The pressure was instantly lifted and a wave of relief washed over her as a frowning Twilight entered the room.

"Pinkie's a bit... peeved," Rainbow replied, giving her an unsure look.

"I could hear all the shouting from upstairs." She gestured toward the second floor. "What is she mad about?"

The pegasus threw glance back at the seething pony's direction before turning back at the unicorn. "...Everything." Came Rainbow's grim response. Both ponies looked toward their friend and found her pacing around again. Her body hunched over and head hanging low. Staring at the wooden floor with a scowl on her face.

The unicorn gave a little sigh before walking over to her. "Pinkie, what is-OOF!" A harsh shove came at her, throwing her at the living room table, hitting her back against the sharp edge. Not enough to pierce through her skin but still teeth-grittingly painful. She let out a yelp before collapsing to the floor.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy rushed over to her and knelt down to her groaning friend.

"What in the hay did ya do that for!?" Applejack shouted in utter disbelief, Rainbow approached the duo with the same shocked look on her face.

"She's the whole reason why we're in this mess! She's the whole reason why we're here!" Pinkie fired back.

Rainbow shot up in the air, hovering above the pink pony, not caring about the pain that ached in her wing. "But that's no excuse to start hurting your friends!"

"We're all in the same boat here, Pinkie Pie! Don't act like-"

"What!? Don't act like what?" Pinkie snapped, her voiced laced with anger and cutting off Applejack.

"Like you're the only one who's dealin' with this! We're all sufferin' here!"

"Some more than others."

"I wanna get home too, Pinkie but you don't see me hitting my friends and flipping out all over the place!" When Pinkie stayed quiet, she continued. "And besides, we all made the decision to follow her out there! She didn't know what was gonna happen! We could've said no, but we didn't. We have no one to blame but ourselves!"

"You were just as mad as I am right now, back at the motor inn. Remember? When we first got here?"

"Yeah, I was but after I thought about it; we only have ourselves to blame. She wanted us to see that "orb", she didn't force us to go with her. We went, that was our choice! Not hers!" Rainbow panted. It was a wonder why the others hadn't come down to check on them but now the room was finally silent.

Rainbow half-expected for her to come back with another rebuttal, instead the earth pony threw a look in Twilight's direction who was looking at her with hurt eyes. She glanced at Rainbow once more before slowly turning and began walking out of the living room. Toward the set of stairs.

"W-what? You're just done talking now? All that and you're gonna walk away with no apology, huh?"

"Let it go, Rainbow." Applejack layed a hoof on her back, trying to calm the pegasus down. Everypony watched in silence as the one who once brang cheerful laughter and big smiles to their faces; walk up the stairs to the second floor with an etched glare.

The living room was silent, nopony had said a word since the argument. Or at least, gone into a discussion about Pinkie's sudden burst of explosive anger. Fluttershy had asked if Twilight was alright, to which the unicorn replied with an "I'm fine."

Everypony sat on the couches, all thinking about the same thing but not talking about it.

Pinkie Pie.

Twilight was sat beside Fluttershy who had a wing draped over her, comfortingly. Pinkie was right, it was her fault. If she hadn't let curiosity get the better of her, as well as her selfishness to bring everypony along; they would still be back in Ponyville. How it was supposed to be.

They'd wake up to bright celestial sunshines and get ready for the day. Rarity would be running her carousel, stitching and making brand-new dresses of elegance. Rainbow would be flying with the wonderbolts, ever so fast. Fluttershy would tend to her animals with love and compassion. Applejack bucking trees and Pinkie...

Well, most likely she would be looking for the smallest excuse to throw a party. Spreading laughter and joy. Bringing happiness to everypony's lives and turning frowns upside down.

...And maybe you feel sad but Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn't that bad.

But yet here she was, the complete opposite where she took smiles away rather than give them. Deep down in the depths of Twilight's heart, was a new form of anger that began to grow. Frustration. Hatred, not for her friend but for herself.

It was the very first time she acted like that. That wasn't like her at all. Obviously, she would flip out about the little things she cared about but never like that. Rainbow Dash recalled back to when her and her friends decided to plan a surprise party for her. When they finally got everything organized, she went to go get her only to come across an almost insane-like Pinkie; talking to various objects. A walk in the park compared to her meltdown that happened a mere twenty minutes ago.

And then she remembered Ben. The rainbow pegasus was suddenly strucked with the realization as she remembered that Pinkie had brought him up during the argument. "Hey!" She hollered, startling everypony and catching their attention. She glanced between everypony. "What did she mean when she said 'after what, Ben did'?"

She noticed how Fluttershy and Applejack stilled for a moment. The yellow pegasus pulled her wing away from Twilight who wasn't paying attention to anypony. "Do you guys know what she was talking about?"

"No, I-I-uh don't know what she was talking about," Fluttershy stuttered.

Rainbow frowned at her stutter. "Really? I find that very hard to believe, Fluttershy."

"B-but I-I really don't!"

Not wanting to intimidate her shy friend, she turned toward Twilight who had a thousand yard stare on her face. "Twilight, what do you think?" The unicorn didn't respond, her stare never straying from the hard floors. "Hellooooo? Twilight? Twilight!"

The unicorn suddenly looked up from the floor then to the pegasus that had been calling her. "Yeah?"

"Do you know what, Pinkie was talking about? You know, about Ben?"

The unicorn gave a quiet sigh. "I don't know, Rainbow. I'm not exactly thinking about that at the moment," She spoke in a soft tone. The sadness in the unicorn's eyes didn't go unnoticed by the pegasus.

"It's not your fault, you know? I don't blame you, Twi." The pegasus replied, almost telepathically as if she knew what she was thinking.

"But it is." Twilight got up from the couch and slowly walked over to the door leading to the backyard.

"W-where are you going?" Fluttershy asked.

"Outside. I just wanna be alone." The unicorn made her way to the door and left without saying another word.

Rainbow suddenly felt the urge to confront Pinkie flare up but instantly ignored it, deciding it was better to let it go. She didn't want to waste her time getting into another shouting match with her when there were other important matters to attend to.

Applejack, who had been quiet throughout the conversation locked eyes with a certain pegasus the second she turned to look at her. "Do you know what she meant?" The pegasus sternly asked.

She took a moment to respond. Her eyes met Fluttershy's for a second, catching the shy pegasus shaking her head; silently asking her to lie. Her element was gnawing at her, begging her to tell the truth. It was the first instinct, she got. Even if it meant, Ben's life. Others were bound to find out sooner or later. Ah ain't gonna lie, Fluttershy. She returned her gaze back to Rainbow. "Yes." She simply answered.

A moment passed. "Well? Are you gonna tell me or what?" The pegasus impatiently asked.

"Go ask him yourself."

Rainbow Dash frowned at her. "W-what? Why can't you just tell me yourself? Quit making this harder and just tell me already!"

"He was the one giving the bandits supplies!"

Rainbow stopped. The stern glare was gone, replaced with a blank expression and a slightly opened mouth. "What?"

"Back at the motor inn? Y'know how Lilly was goin' on about stolen supplies?"


"Well..." Applejack looked around the room, making sure no one else was there but them. Lowering her voice, she continued. "It turns out, Ben was the one stealin' supplies and handin' them out to the bandits. H-he said that they had his friend that he... threatened him or somethin'. That was why he did it. To help a friend." She'd thought if she could appeal to her loyalty, Rainbow wouldn't do anything stupid to the kid.

The earth pony watched her friend's movements. The pegasus silently looked toward the set of stairs then toward the roof. To the second floor. Her expression, containing a slight frown. She then looked back down at her. "He did all that? Katjaa... a-and Duck?"

"...yeah," Applejack confessed as she continued to watch her friend's expressions. She swore, she saw Rainbow's jaw clench and her eyes remained still, unmoving as if they were looking straight through her. The pegasus's catatonic state quite honestly made the earth pony tremble a bit.

And then suddenly, Rainbow's eyes closed shut and her breathing became the only audible souce of sound in the room as if she was trying to keep herself under control. "So, the two-no-three, the three... of you decided to keep this a secret?" She spoke, her eyes still shut.

Applejack glanced toward Fluttershy, an anticipating fearful expression on the pegasus's face as if she was preparing for Rainbow Dash to errupt with anger. From her peripherals, saw Rainbow's eyes snapped open and was locked back onto hers. "Yeah, yes we did. For his sake, who knows what Kenny would do if he found out?" Applejack finally responded.

"As if he doesn't have a good reason to." Rainbow furiously muttered. Her voice filled with disdain as she was now really staring daggers into her friend's eyes. The pegasus shook her head before she turned to leave the room. Toward upstairs, leaving Applejack and Fluttershy alone.

The earth turned to the pegasus, "W-well, it could've been worse." The pegasus said.

"Who the hay are you!?" Applejack shouted as she stared at the woman that had just walked through the front doors as if she owned the place. The woman had an orange jacket with a hoodie, and short blonde hair.

Twilight, who had came back in the house a little while ago, stood behind the woman near the kitchen. Her horn at the ready.

"I guess you weren't kiddin'," The woman said, turning back at Kenny who had just entered through the door with a small figure following close behind.

"Clementine!?" The earth pony exclaimed, confused.

Kenny slammed the door shut, sending a deafening boom throughout the mansion.

"Way to draw attention to yourself." The woman walked off in direction of the kitchen, past Twilight.

"Hey! Where you goin'?"

"It's fine, AJ. She's with us," Kenny said, not sounding too happy about it.

"A bit rude don't you think," the unicorn commented, walking over to them.

"Yeah, well guess what? More bad-fucking news comin' your way, she's one who was ringin' the bells!"

"And why exactly, are we lettin' her in here?" Applejack asked.

"It's how she gets around, she sounds bells all over the goddamn place to keep the walkers movin'."

"-But it works!" The woman shouted from the kitchen.


Applejack then noticed that one of them was missing. "Hey where's, Lee?"

"We were surrounded by walkers. He had to crawl down into the sewers to escape, he'll be fine." The man spoke with such certainty. "Anyway, how's everything back here?"

Just then, Dash, Ben and Christa emerged from upstairs. Their cautious expressions gone the second they found Kenny and Clementine.

"You're back!" The pegasus said, enthusiastically.

"So, did you guys find a boat?" Christa asked, walking down the stairs.

Kenny's face turned sour. "No, Molly said they are no boats in Savannah. So, basically we're all fucked!" Clementine flinched at the man's bark.

"Wait, Molly?" Rainbow asked, confused.

"She's the one ringin' bells all over the city."

"Oh for love of god, would it kill you to not be so damn vague?" The woman who was named Molly, came walking back toward the group with an annoyed look on her face. "Yeah, I use bells to get around. Whoop-de-friggin' do, it ain't my fault that you guys were dumb enough to walk right next to one."

"How are things goin' back here!? The others back yet?" Kenny interrupted, not paying attention to the woman.

Applejack and Rainbow exchanged a glance at one another. "No, they aren't."

"Well."- Kenny began walking over to the living room. -"They shouldn't wait up 'cause we ain't goin' nowhere." He took a seat on the couch.

"To answer your other question, we had a little argument." Rainbow walked over taking a seat on the couch next to him.

Christa and Ben went back upstairs to tend to Omid. Twilight and Applejack stood where they were. Conversing with Clementine. Everyone and everypony went their separate ways.

Kenny came across an open whiskey bottle sitting on the kitchen table, half-empty. "Y'all drink back in your world?" He showed the bottle to Rainbow Dash who read out the text.

"Who's... Jack Daniels?"

"A guy who made whiskey."


Suddenly, Kenny brang the bottle to his lips. Drinking it.

"Uhh, what are you doing? Do you even know where that's been?"

"Dunno and ah don't care." He drank from the bottle once more before offering it to her.

"I. Am not drinking that."

"Suit yourself." The man walked off into the living room, whiskey bottle in hands.

Rainbow gave an empty sigh. Looked around the room but not really looking at anything. She smacked her lips. "What do I do now?"

A few hours had gone by. A few of hours of idle chat. Twilight and her friends were beginning to worry about their friend Rarity. She'd been gone for a few hours, they knew she was going to be out for a while but they didn't think she'd be gone that long.

Rainbow Dash had suggested to go out and look for her but Applejack suggested to give it more time. Kenny was no longer as impatient as he was when entering the city. Ever since finding out that the whole of Savannah was completely empty of boats, he'd been dunking down that bottle of Jack Daniel's. Unbeknownst to the everyone, it was what Pinkie drank before she flew off the handle.

Speaking of Pinkie Pie. The pony hadn't been seen ever since she disappeared up in the second floor. The ponies rarely mentioned her, it had been on their minds. Yeah, but they hadn't spoken about the argument at all. Fluttershy thought about going up there to see her but ultimately decided against it, thinking it would be best if she was left alone for that moment. She'll come down when she is ready, she thought.

With very limited choices, the four of them; Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy were forced to wait. All they could do in the meantime was chat and assure each other - well, mostly Fluttershy - that Rarity was okay.

A door opening, caught everyone's attention. Thinking that Rarity had come back, Fluttershy trotted toward the back entrance. She stopped in the kitchen when she saw Lee walk in, a man following close behind.

"Hey, Fluttershy." Lee waved at her, a warm smile on his face.

Although the smile was comforting, there was still the lingering feeling of stress that was clouding around her. "Hello, Lee."

Twilight and the other two came shortly after. "Rarity's not back yet?" The unicorn asked.

Fluttershy shook her head, walking back over to the couch.

Twilight suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind her. She turned to find Christa, passing her and walking over to Lee. She caught a pair of eyes, an old man standing next to Lee. He seemed to awestrucked, glancing between all three of them.

"Twilight." Rainbow waved a hoof in front of her, stopping once she got her attention. "Can we talk about what we're gonna do, you know about Rarity?"

Twilight walked into the living room, Rainbow and Applejack following her. "I-I'm sure she's fine, Rainbow." She turned, looking at both ponies. "Besides, she has David and Carley with her. I'm sure she'll be fine."

"And Lilly." Applejack pointed out.

"What if she isn't back by sundown?" Rainbow asked.

"Then, I-I'll go out and look for her."

"If you're gonna go out and look for 'em then ah'm comin' with you," Applejack said with Rainbow nodding in agreement.

"No," the unicorn simply said.

"What?" The ponies said in unison.

"I'm going alone."

"What!? Why!?" Rainbow exclaimed. Applejack merely frowned.

"You're all here... because of me. I-I don't want you getting hurt."

"Do you think we would want you getting hurt? Twilight, come on!"

"It's better if I go alone. Applejack, your ribs are still recovering and you need the rest." The unicorn looked at Rainbow. "And I need you here just in case... j-just in case, Pinkie decides to go off again."

Applejack layed a comforting hoof on the unicorn's shoulder. "Listen, sugarcube Pinkie Pie didn't mean what she said-"

"B-but it is true though, I led all of you here and now... you're paying the price for it." Twilight's eyes began to brim with tears. All the emotions piling up against her, threatening to break through her walls.

"Oh sugarcube, we don't blame you for that." Upon seeing her tearful gaze, Applejack engulfed the unicorn into a hug.

Rainbow walked up to the hugging ponies. "Yeah! I mean, trust me. If I blamed you, we wouldn't even be talking right now."

The earth pony released the unicorn from her hug, still keeping a hoof on her shoulder. "Alright? We don't blame you for any a' that. Okay?"

Twilight nodded, a tearful smile. "Yeah, yeah alright. Thanks, girls." The unicorn pacing back n' forth. "But it still doesn't change what's gonna happen. I need both of you to stay here, I'm more than capable of handling myself. Do you girls agree with that?"

Applejack and Rainbow both exchanged a look of reluctance before ultimately agreeing with the unicorn.