• Published 21st May 2019
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The Unique Properties of Dark Magic - Shadestyle

Stranded in Equestria's far past in the body of a unicorn without any magical knowledge, the self proclaimed "Weiss Noir" fights for survival in the Frozen North by indulging in sorcery most foul.

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(Noir Report) Revisiting Regal Toxins [Royal Sugar]

Entry #17, Day 274

Thanks to the assistance of a loyal member of the Shadow Realm, it has come to my attention that where I have neglected the more esoteric uses of Royal Crystal Growth, my citizens have not, and for that, I thank them. Truthfully, it had never occurred to me to more deeply analyze and experiment with the sedative properties of Royal Sugar, and as such, it likewise never occurred to me that it could be made into a topical gel, capable of inducing sleep on contact. Nor that it could be concentrated, or it's potency enhanced with the use of other Crystal Pony medicines.

This entry will therefore strive to correct that mistake, and I will attempt to devise new, more potent chemical discoveries in the art of applying royal crystal growth to the geo-organic creations of Crystal Pony magic.

The first and most important one being, of course, Crystal Peppers.

Unfortunately, while the results are delicious, I simply lack the correct mindset to grow crystal peppers that are spicier than a certain, tolerable level. This means that my search for the spiciest possible hot sauce continues. I've been considering what ingredients would go into such a sauce, and naturally, only the spiciest would do. Something my Royal Peppers are not.

Next, the tactic that one of my own citizens used during a fighting tournament, which is rendering Royal Sugar into a thick syrup that can intoxicate with direct skin contact. It seems that, after a thorough interview, the method he used to avoid poisoning himself was to utilize layers of Crystal Cloth on his hooves, which, as they weren't a rigid hoof covering, were allowed in the tournament. By providing a buffer between themselves and the toxin, they were able to utilize it in battle, knocking out foes with even the slightest direct contact.

The flaw of this tactic is if you are unable to make that contact, and lack backup plans, not only plans to poison your foe by alternative means, but also plans to utilize when poisoning a foe is not a valid tactic at the time.

This considered, I and other associates have developed a simple method to render Royal Sugar into what will be henceforth referred to as Slumber Syrup.

First, the cook must take a pot of sufficient width and depth, which is to be filled with one part water to three parts Royal Sugar. A small amount of salt and flour can help bind the substance together, but is not strictly necessary.

Ensure that you are properly clothed with waterproof booties and a waterproof apron, and that you follow the Shadow Realm's hazardous materials handling bylaws, which state that you must have one observer on hand, and an additional observer via telepresence when dealing with potentially dangerous materials.

Place the pot over heat, and bring the liquid to a low simmer, stirring constantly, and taking care to avoid splashing any on yourself. At this stage, any additives you plan on adding should be added accordingly.

Continue to do this until the liquid begins to thicken, at which point you may inspect the resulting syrup for consistency. When it reaches a thickness that is suitable for your purposes, remove it from heat and allow it to settle. Be mindful of the fact that the liquid will further thicken as it cools, and account for such while simmering.

At this stage, you should take care to clean any and all implements that have directly contacted the poison, either by destroying them with Black Flames, or by scouring them clean with a mixture of Prestidigitated Flames and Black Flames, depending on if the tools are capable of being sterilized.

Keeping in mind that Slumber Syrup is a hazardous material, it should be known that it's use is restricted in the Shadow Realm, and that any pony wishing to utilize it for any reason must first undergo first-tier hazmat training at minimum, and have the appropriate license.

Due to the substance's potential danger in tandem with heavy machinery, it is furthermore required that any ponies wishing to use it first obtain a writ of permission, depending on the exact intent they have for it, such that warnings may be issued to the appropriate areas of your zone, such as those in which mining or construction are taking place.

Slumber Syrup is a potent poison, able to induce sleep in a target with direct physical contact, even in smaller doses. Care should be taken, not only that you do not accidentally knock yourself out, but also that you do not leave traces of the toxin on walls or floors, which could cause sudden naptime for all involved.

One important factor to consider is that this poison has what is known as a 'Rate of Immunization', in the sense that ponies exposed to it will rapidly acclimate if sustained contact is achieved. This is important, as it marks Slumber Syrup as being unsuitable for long term sedation of a subject. Those who are afflicted by it, if it is not quickly removed from their person, will grow an immunity to it in as little as an hour. This immunity rapidly grows in duration, the longer the subject is exposed, and at an exponential rate at that.

As such, I myself have taken the wise course of action to fully immunize myself to it, though even if I weren't immune, I had long ago had Moon Crystals implanted in my limbs, for exactly those circumstances. If I were to ever lose consciousness, I could still control my limbs during this unconscious state, giving me vital mobility and spell-casting ability.

While you, the reader, cannot implant moon crystals into your limbs, I do urge you to carefully consider whether or not you believe you will be unduly threatened by the potential risks of Slumber Syrup contacting you. If you believe that risk is great enough, it may be worthwhile to contact a medical team at your zone's local medical center, where they will be able to safely provide you with the circumstances by which you can obtain a resistance to this Dark Magic toxin.

I wonder, if I created fast-acting poison needles using this new substance, would they be nigh-quills?

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