• Published 21st May 2019
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The Unique Properties of Dark Magic - Shadestyle

Stranded in Equestria's far past in the body of a unicorn without any magical knowledge, the self proclaimed "Weiss Noir" fights for survival in the Frozen North by indulging in sorcery most foul.

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(Weiss Report) Unlimited Blades Work [Bound Sword]

Entry Number Fifteen, Day Two-hundred and Nine

Dear Diary, Iron Diamond is such a pill. I crack the code on growing fucking crystal swords from my hands, and he goes "giant swords aren't feasible to use in most situations". And, like, he's right, I guess, but that doesn't mean I care, exactly. He eventually talked me down from practicing with one gigantic estoc to only using eight normal sized swords. One for each hand, one in my levitation, and one in my mouth. Who needs combat viability when you can become a fucking beyblade.

I suppose I should clarify how one can become a fucking helicopter man. Old Man Sempai, are you proud of me now? I really did it. Step one, I had to figure out how the hell Crystal Ponies can be affected by Crystal Magic. At first, I thought it was because they are actually made of crystal. Turns out, I'm... sort of correct? Not really, though. It's because they look like crystal. I should have figured this out when I got my new dragon arms, but magic seems to be very gullible. That is to say, it is very easy to "trick" magic.

All I had to do was work out some spellwork to make my dragon limbs count as Royal Crystal and Royal Cloth, and all of my usual spells suddenly began to work on them, even if they didn't physically contain the substances. The easiest way to do that was to simply make them the same shade of purple as my armor, feel the correct emotions, and boom-bam-boom, I can now grow my special blend of graphene and lonsdaleite from my own draconic limbs. No more having to carry samples of it in pouches, or wear it on my body to use it in combat.

The next question, I'm sure you're all wondering, is "Weiss, I can grow crystal from my dragon arms now, if I so have them, but how do I become a true spin-to-win master?" and, dare I say it, the answer is simple, you just have to make sure that your limbs are attached to your body with Migrant Iron instead of mere flesh and bone. By moving my arms around by shifting the connection points, I can simply swivel all six of them around my neck at absurd speeds, turning me into a champion of blood and carnage.

Needless to say, this is a ton of fun. By exclusively using my new Bound Swords for melee combat, I can afford to make mistakes that would kill anyone else. You can't disarm me, you can't parry me, you can't even approach me, unless you want to feel the sting of six ordinary fighters and two extremely shitty fighters, all caught in the spin-cycle of a washing machine set to "puree".

But the best part of my new modified spell is the fact that I can make incredibly cool-looking sword designs every time I cast it, and style all over my opponents. I may also make them extra exotic, to piss off Iron Diamond. He hates it so fucking much when I make the scythe-shaped swords, it's hilarious. "Weiss, you're designing them to break every time you swing one of those nonsense pieces of garbage!" he shouts. It's so much fun coming up with new designs on the fly to raise his blood pressure.

Of course, what I haven't told him is that even my impractical designs are intentional. So long as all eight of my swords are the same mass, it doesn't actually matter what shape they are, since I'm only using them as components in what is effectively a circular saw. If my enemy were to disarm me and try to use one against me, though, they would find themselves the proud owner of an unbalanced, malformed weapon that will look really cool right before I run them through.

One thing I hadn't known about dragonfire, but now I do, is the fact that, when you destroy something with dragonfire, you can regain energy from it, if the circumstances are correct. Thus, a unique quirk I've been able to take advantage of, is including an enchantment in the blades to allow me to turn them to ashes on command, restoring the magic that I spent to create them. This only makes my fighting style that much more effective, in the long run.

There's one major flaw to this modified spell, however, and it's a crippling one. You see, if you use this spell in the way I have used it, and Iron Diamond catches you, he will kick your ass. I would know, considering that he personally threatened to beat me to a pulp himself if I didn't submit myself to mandatory, actual weapons training. boooring.

I guess if someone manages to beat my unbeatable stratagem of spinning around really fast, I can always hit them with the classic "I'm not left handed" line, and then shit all over them with actual swordsmanship. Fuck, I'm not going to lie, that actually sounds sick as shit, like, I make them think that my gimmick is just the spinning, and if they somehow figure that one out, I drop the pretense and fuck them over with a storm of the fucking gods.

For the sake of doing that though, I'll also need to learn how to make actually decent swords, so I can drop the fun, badass looking ones for boring, clinically effective ones.

Holy shit, did you know you can fucking enchant a dragon's scales when you make it act like crystal? I sure didn't. That's OP Busteeed. Well, far be it from me to not exploit the shit out of it. I'm thinking... Fire fists. No, wait! I'll do a meme with like, scales enchanted to shoot off like bullets, that'll be cool.

Note to self, scales aren't supposed to come off, and hurt very badly when they do. Didn't really feel that fucking good when I tested out the Porcupine Panic enchantment and instead embraced the sensation of having your arm waxed, if instead of hair, the wax was pulling out fingernails.

I hope these grow back, I seriously regret trying that. It's not worth vat-growing some replacement limbs just yet, but I'm seriously going to have to put the kibosh on any more scale-bullet spells. At least until I figure out a better way of handling the subsequent consequences.

An interesting entry, but... What exactly is a "Beyblade"?

It's a children's toy, like a spinning top, but they can be tuned and their parts swapped out, the tops are then set to fight one another in competitions.

How fitting. I've made the comparison to a spinning top myself, seeing him in combat. Although I'm assuming he had never completed that training he wrote about. I've never seen him use anything other than his silly spinning tactic.

Author's Note:

I like to think that Weiss just makes the most ridiculous looking weapons imaginable when he summons his Bound Swords.

So I made an image accordingly.

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