• Published 21st May 2019
  • 19,570 Views, 2,036 Comments

The Unique Properties of Dark Magic - Shadestyle

Stranded in Equestria's far past in the body of a unicorn without any magical knowledge, the self proclaimed "Weiss Noir" fights for survival in the Frozen North by indulging in sorcery most foul.

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(Present Chapter 2): The Return of Light: Part 2

"Dear Celestia, she whose burning winds punish the land and sear the world, and Dearest Luna, whose frigid gale pierces our homes,

it is my greatest pleasure to inform you both that from my slumber I have awoken once more to blight your world with my presence, and that from my imprisonment I am now freed to do so.

The time has come once again for the forces of Good and Evil to engage in their ancient battle. Your Champions beckon for me.

And no pony can say who shall emerge victorious...

Your dear friend and eternal adversary, Weiss Noir."

Weiss bites his tongue and releases a puff of purple dragonfire with a snap of his claws, sending the black scroll's smoke flying into the distance.

"So who were you writing, anyway?" Gilda asks, walking alongside him.

Weiss chuckles. "The welcoming party."

"Remember what I said about secret sensei bullcrap? The same thing applies to weird answers that don't answer my bucking questions." Gilda says with a scowl.

Weiss, rapidly rephrasing his former statement, elaborates. "I was taunting the princesses about how I'm going to go to Ponyville, so they'll send over the fun stuff to deal with me, get off my back Gilda, jeeze."

Gilda almost laughs before holding herself back, thinking that it probably isn't a good idea to be laughing at Princess Celestia's misfortune.

The pair, at this point, begin to approach the train tracks, which Weiss tests with a hoof.

"So are you just going to wait for the train or something? Why did we go this way?" Gilda complains sourly for the detour.

Weiss shrugs "You wanted me to come, some of us can't break the sound barrier without a little help." He says, hopping carefully onto the tracks and summoning up magical energies.

"A technique from the Thievious Racoonus adapted for unicorn usage should be enough to let me keep pace with our lovely flying prodigy." He says, hopping up and down on the tracks until he's satisfied with whatever goal he has surrounding his hooves in a maroon glow.

"Give me a push?" He wiggles with a smirk.

Gilda's smirk wipes the smirk off his face, however, as she lazily takes flight, loops around and, at an appreciable fraction of the speed of sound, shoves him right-

"To my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,

I fear you may be in danger, I implore you to return to where you once found the Elements of Harmony as soon as is reasonable for you. Bring with you your most trusted friend among the ones you have made thus far. My request is that you retrieve the Weapons of Light that I and my sister once wielded in ages past. I have the utmost faith in you, my student, and believe you will surpass my expectations once again.

Yours truly, Princess Celestia."

Spike finishes reading, as Twilight's mane fights to get free of her head before she catches fire from stress. It fails this escape attempt, however, instead merely turning itself into a frayed rats nest in her slowly increasing neurosis.

"Spike, do you know what this means?!" Twilight shouts, pacing around the room rapidly, stuffing a saddlebag full of nearly everything in the room that isn't nailed down or a book.

"Uhh, that you should wait until a reasonable time to go running off?" Spike says.

"No, that I need to go get the rest of the girls immediately!" She shouts, twitching.

As she begins to levitate Spike over to the saddlebag, he speaks up rapidly. "I don't know if I should be in this one Twilight!" he says to avoid the fate of being packed with the peanut butter sandwiches.

The instant he says that, Twilight stands up ramrod straight and drops him. "You're right! Celestia said to ONLY bring my most TRUSTED friend!"

"Uhh, I don't think she said you couldn't bring the rest of them..?" Spike responds, scratching his head while standing back up.

Twilight stands tall and retorts obviously. "It's subtext Spike, she obviously expects a great deal from me, to choose my most trusted friend to help obtain the Weapons of Light! The most trustworthy Element of Honesty, Applejack!"

As Twilight gallops out of the door at a dead sprint, Spike is left behind, confused and slightly annoyed that he'll have to put everything back up that Twilight shoved in her saddlebags and left behind.

Thankfully, her magical aura drags the over-fattened saddlebags out after her at extreme speed, sparing him the effort.

Meanwhile and elsewhere, Rainbow Dash enjoys a well-earned nap high in the clouds, although technically, one might have argued that she's just sleeping as her current choice of napping spot is the bed inside her cloud home. Ignoring for now whatever ontological nature her rest has, the question quickly becomes moot as her nap is ended by a pounding on her door.

"I'm up, I'm up!" she shouts, rolling over onto the ground and shaking herself into full awareness. 'Who the heck is knocking at this hour?' Dash internally complains, walking over and opening it.

"Yeah, what's up... Gil..." She pulls her jaw back up with a small click, and schools her expression into something more neutral. "...da?"

Gilda beams at Dash like the cat that caught the canary "Last time I was here, I didn't exactly make a good impression." she says, the content of her words at odds with her behavior as she practically hops from side to side with excitement.

Dash, confused and with a strange, bad feeling, responds. "Yeah, you really didn't, Gilda. You made a lot of ponies really upset!" she raises her voice a bit, wondering if this is the part where Gilda apologizes.

The griffon in question dashes those hopes entirely as she nods rapidly. "Yup, my flying sucked and I didn't keep my cool, but that's all changed, I went through some brutal training last week, and I'm here to remind you that Gilda's the coolest griffon you know. Just you wait." She says, already imagining Dash's apologetic and awed tone when she sees what Gilda can do now.

"Gilda, I'm really not sure some flying tricks are going to be enough to make up for what you did!" She says exasperatedly, confused at why Gilda doesn't seem to see that.

Gilda shakes her head. "Come on, give me a shot, you have no clue how tough that training was, you'll see what I mean when you see what I can do."

The way she acts at this leaves Dash surprisingly concerned. 'What's got her so happy, did she just forget what happened before?'

'She's acting super weird.' Dash thinks to herself.

To satisfy Gilda's stated goal, Dash decides to accept her offer. "Look... Alright Gilda, I'll watch your tricks, but you really need to apologize afterwards, Ok?" she pleads.

"Yeah yeah, it's on my to-do list." The Griffon waves her off with a claw. "So, where's some clouds that need clearing weatherchamp, I want to start this flight show off strong!" Gilda questions, turning around and scanning the skies.

'Has she been sleeping?' Dash involuntarily questions internally before answering. "Uhh, there's a cloud front over by Sweet Apple Acres that I'm supposed to get rid of by tomorrow, I guess we can use that?" Dash ventures.

Gilda hops off the cloud home's porch and into the air below. "Lead the way, and get your counting feathers ready, because this one's going to be fast." she cheers.

After Dash takes her over there, she lands at the edge of the farm where the clouds await. A few lazily drifting puffs of watery cotton.

"So what's the trick?" Dash questions nervously, landing next to Gilda, who just smirks.

"Just get to counting Dash, you won't believe it otherwise." And with that bold statement, Gilda gets ready, set, and then goes, blasting through the clouds like a rocket, seeming to almost bounce off of them one to another like a pinball as she makes hairpin turns on the drop of a dime.

In what feels like an instant later, Gilda lands with a skidding crash and announces her own count beneath a clear sky. "Ten seconds flat. And yours?"

Dash is so distracted by Gilda's unnaturally green eyes that she stutters. "U-uh, took you nine seconds... Actually."

The only thing as strange as Gilda's eyes and her incredible jump up in speed is her expression, almost like her being wrong about her counting made her more upset than the real time being shorter pleased her. Her briefly angry expression turns much happier after a quick moment, though. "Guess my counting isn't as good as my flying!" she shrugs.

"Heh. Yeah." Dash says. "So about that apology?"

"Well I'm not done yet, Dashie, You think I'm some kind of one-trick-griffon?" She pulls out a bottle of water and rapidly chugs it down.

"What's that you've got there, Gilda?" Dash questions curiously.

"Just some sporty stuff my trainer has me drinking." Gilda shrugs. "Now come on, Let's have us a proper race, right here, right now!" She shouts cheerily, already assuming a liftoff pose.

Dash mimics her uncomfortably. "Ok, but after this, we really need to talk, Gilda."

Gilda laughs, but also looks vaguely annoyed. "Yeah yeah, just let me finish my routine and we can talk till the cows come home. As long as you don't mind talking about how badly I whipped you in this race!"

The cows waving in the distance at Gilda's comment fail to comfort Dash, as she just can't quash the weird feeling about Gilda's behavior.

"Ok, disguise in place, alibi prepared, let's do this thing." Weiss says, covering up his extra limbs with a set of saddlebags, and his energetic flaming hair with sunglasses and a tourist sun-hat.

The exact moment he enters Ponyville's borders, he receives an entirely expected but still shocking shock as someone pops up behind him with a cheerful sappy shout.

"Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie and my tummy got rumbly and my mane got extra frizzy and my left hoof shook out a really big number in binary, so that's how I know there's a new pony in town and they're really grumpy and tired and they woke up on the wrong side of the bed and they don't want ponies to know that they're just sleepy and need a good friend by acting like they're secretly a big mean grumpy grump pants and they haven't had-"

'So this is what it feels like.' Weiss thinks to himself, waiting for her to peter out.

"Gaaaaasp!" she inhales, before continuing.

"Sarsaparilla in a really really really really really really really really really-"

When the pink maned mare belts out enough "Really"'s to prompt her to gasp for another breath again, Weiss shoves a hoof in her mouth.

"I think you've delivered the spirit of your message, dear." Weiss says, prompting her to mumble through the hoof in her mouth until he retracts it with a small amount of disgust.

"If you say so, anyway, like I said, my name's Pinkie Pie, what's your name, huh? Huh? Huh?" she says no less rapidly.

"Well you see, I'd like it a whole lot if you called me Black Snooty while I'm in town. There's some ponies who don't much care for me, and they'll get really spooky when they know I'm here." Weiss says.

"Well that's weird, why the hay would you want me to call you that, your snooty isn't even black!" She says, face scrunching up in confusion.

Weiss responds obviously "Because Queen Meany doesn't really fit me right now."

"That makes sense!" she shouts, preparing to evaporate into the wind to prepare a surprise party, before being grabbed by Weiss one last time.

"Wait, Pinkie, I'm not actually new to Ponyville, I've been here before. No need to stress yourself making a party right this minute." He says, prompting Pinkie to shake her head rapidly.

"No, nonono no. That was before Ponyville was founded, so it doesn't count, a-doy! Even if it did, that just means I'm super duper late with your welcome-to-ponyville party, like, Ultra super duper late!"

Weiss calculates the optimal route to delaying Pinkie while carefully ignoring how she knew about that. "Alright, alright. But you have to wait until I get a better disguise, or the party will be super frowny, and I'll be sad and embarrassed and the spooky ponies might notice me and that will make me... Ultra super frowny...?" He ventures, prompting Pinkie to gasp as if he were admitting to having a terminal illness.

"Well don't worry your snow-white behind Snoots, your new aunt Pinkie will be more than happy to help you with your super secret disguise, but even more importantly than that-!" She thrusts a hoof in the air dramatically.

"Your new aunt Pinkie will be absolutely super omega duper wooper overjoyed to get you your much-needed sarsaparilla!" she finishes, grabbing him and dragging him along next to her.

"I'm a millennia older than you." Weiss mumbles to himself, too allured by the promise of the first taste of sodie-pop since arriving in Equestria to muster up more than passive resistance and quiet mutterances as she drags him along.

'Looks like distracting Pinkie is going to be easier than I thought.' He considers as he's led into Ponyville proper, where he spots Twilight only barely restraining herself from running into the Everfree at a dead sprint as she instead power-walks with a disgruntled Applejack in tow.

'And there goes the one pony in town who might recognize and have an easy cure for rage poison.'

Dash lands at the end of Sweet Apple Acres, panting slightly. Gilda, equally tired, gives Dash a lazy smile, before reaching for her bottle of water. When she discovers it's empty, she dashes it at the ground and stomps it into pieces with displeasure.

"Whoa Gilda, what the heck?" Dash wheezes.

"Ugh, I'm out of water!" Gilda says, grinding the wooden chunks of bottle into the ground for good measure.

"I don't want to mix up more of that junk, it'll take for-flocking ever." She growls, before pulling out a new bottle, filled with some sort of red potion that sets Rainbow Dash's hair standing on end.

'Just a sip is enough, he said.' Gilda thinks, before uncorking it and taking a short swig of the sour potion.

"Ugh, this stuff sucks." Gilda complains.

"Gilda, is that the stuff your trainer has been making you drink?" Dash questions, glancing sideways at the thrashing brew.

"Yeah? Why, you want some?" Gilda queries.

The Pegasus rolls words over in her mouth. "I... I don't think you should drink any more of that stuff Gilda. Let's just do some more flying, Ok? You kinda did my work today, so I've got some more free time." She says.

For a brief moment, Gilda's posture turns tense at Dash's words, until she visibly forces herself to relax.

"Yeah, I guess it is an unfair advantage." Gilda forces out.

"Gramps said I didn't need it anymore anyway now that my training's done. It's all yours. Just don't overdo it if you're going to try some." She says through clenched teeth. With that said, Gilda tosses the bottle carelessly onto the grass next to her.

As Gilda stalks off to the clearing they designated as their liftoff point, Dash picks up the bottle and carefully pours it out.

Though she'd never admit it, seeing Gilda's body flash purple for a moment was the most frightening thing she had seen in over a week.

"Hey Dash, I want to show you a brand new trick. You've never seen this one before, I guarantee it!" Gilda shouts back, looking over to one of the apple trees and gliding over to it.

"Life is pain!" Weiss complains from the floor of Sugarcube Corner, rubbing his aching stomach.

"Nope, just your tummy. You drank a lot of soda. I don't know why you got into the unsweetened soda-water. That stuff's not exactly tasty on its own." Pinkie rambles, polishing a countertop while Weiss groans and moans.

"Because soda is life." Weiss answers, slowly raising himself back to his feet with magic.

"I was lost but now I am found." He says reverently, throwing another few bits onto the counter for more soda, but Pinkie just shakes her head.

"I'm cutting you off Snoots, you've had enough for one day." She says, trying to push his bits back.

"Hey, I'm not over the legal limit yet barkeep. I'm still good to drive." Weiss complains with a thump of his hoof.

"I hope you're joking Snoots, that would be awful if there was a legal limit on soda! Driving a cart or no, you drink any more fizzy drinks and you're going to pop like... Pop!" She giggles.

Groaning from a combination of stomachache and being denied his divine nectar, he takes his bits back in a disgruntled manner and exits the shop.

"I'm going to go check on something I had cooking. I'll let you know when I need ya'." Weiss says as he scans the town until he senses what he's looking for.

"See ya then Snoots!" Pinkie waves him off.

As he walks out of sight, his sunhat, sunglasses, and saddlebag evaporate into smoke.

'Distraction complete. Now for phase three of my master plan.' he chuckles to himself, walking towards Sweet Apple Acres.

"So what'r these things supposed to look like, anyhow?" Applejack questions as they enter the chamber that once held the Elements of Harmony, the empty pedestals coated with long-untouched dust.

"Well, according to Ancient Armories of Antiquity, the Weapons of Light are a pair of tools created a long time ago by some sort of Sage, Wise Knower, using materials gathered near a sacred tree in the Everfree forest itself. There's two of them, a whip and a sword, and they can only be wielded by ponies with a good heart, because of how they repel evil." Twilight exposits, trotting up to the nearest pedestal.

"I don't know where they actually are though." She continues helpfully.

Applejack trots up to the same pedestal, and, taking a deep breath, blows the dust off of it.

"Well, we best get to lookin' then, iffin some "Bad thing that's absolutely going to happen and is worse than Nightmare Moon" is as true as you said it was."

Twilight blushes slightly, remembering how she chose to word the matter when requesting Applejack's assistance. She is then shocked when after Applejack's puff of air, the six pedestals that once held the elements begin to descend into the floor, a stony grinding marking the transition of the six pillars into slightly hazardous steps into some sort of lower room. The pair look between one another with unspoken dialogue going between them, and they hop their way down into the unknown depths below. As they hop down the final pillar, they spot it, a pair of pedestals lit by crystals high above. The floor and walls around the pedestals are coated from wall to wall in sun and moon motifs, a trapezoidal white pedestal holds a gleaming white sword with a bold purple handle, while a bright red orb sits snugly in a rounded obsidian dias.

"That's them, the Weapons of Light!" Twilight says, galloping over to them before a strange wind repels her, sending her tumbling head over flank back to Applejack, who stood further back and was merely scooted on her hooves a few feet away.

"Wh-" Twilight begins, stumbling to her feet.

"But that doesn't make any sense, the weapons are only supposed to repel ponies with evil hearts trying to get them! We're not bad ponies..!?" Twilight says, working herself into a panic.

"We have to get those weapons Applejack, Equestria might depend on it!" Twilight moans piteously, before a hoof on her shoulder startles her out of it.

"We're gonna get em, Twi, and we'll do it together." Applejack says with confidence.

"Do you trust me?" She questions redundantly, which Twilight immediately nods in responds to.

With no more words needed, the pair ground their hooves, grit their teeth, and slowly push against the magical wind testing their resolve, inching closer and closer to the sacred relics.

"Ok, so, my trainer had me pulling up trees with my wings, but not by like, grabbing them, but actually flying them up out of the ground, it's so cool that it'll put all this to rest once and for all!" Gilda says, approaching the apple tree to attempt uprooting it, but Dash gets between her and the tree with a burst of speed, flapping between the two.

"Don't, Gilda, these are Applejack's trees, and I really don't think she'd like you tearing one of em up."

Gilda's face twists with anger. "I'll put. It back. After." She hisses.

Dash shakes her head. "Let's just go over to the woods, Ok? It's just a few minutes flight."

Gilda at this point is apoplectic, shuddering with pure rage. "I don't want to wait a few minutes. Just let me do my trick on this one stupid tree."

"Gilda, don't touch Applejack's trees, you won't impress me breaking other ponies' stuff." Rainbow Dash says, trying to flap a little closer to Gilda.

"Impress you?! It's not going to impress you?! Then what is?! Huh?! What's going to impress you, what!? wh-" Gilda drops Dash, who she had been holding by the neck and squeezing with one talon while Dash scrabbled for air.

"W-what-" Gilda backs up, suddenly overwhelmed with shame and fear of herself.

"P-" She shakes. "O-ok Dash, please don't be angry, I... I don't k-know why I did that, I just." She backs up further, rump bumping against a tree, she looks back, only to see her wings awash with purple light.

Dash, who had been afraid for herself moments before, is now very afraid for Gilda, whose confused and fearful expression are at odds with her earlier behavior.

"I- Don't be mad, I didn't mean it, Celestia-" Gilda cringes with pain, before leaning over and voiding her stomach onto the ground, a pink froth of potion and water spilling onto the grass.

"O-oh Celestia help me Dash." she whimpers, before vomiting again.

Dash rushes over as fast as she's able, holding up Gilda with a foreleg and gripping her head gently to keep her feathers out of the way.

"Don't worry Gilda, I'm going to get you to help, Twilight's probably got some idea how to fix this, Ok? Just hold on."

Gilda periodically retches as the pair make their way to Ponyville, and by extension, the Golden Oaks Library. By the time they pass Ponyville's border, however, Gilda's illness has mostly passed.

"I think I can walk now D-Dash." she whispers, desperately wanting to not be close enough to Dash to do what she had just done if she lost control again.

Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, simply shakes her head and continues to support the griffon.

As the duo walk down main street towards help, they finally encounter Weiss, who smiles at the pair.

"Oh good to see you two, just the pony and griffon I've been looking for." He says conversationally.

"Who the hay is this guy Gilda?" Dash says as she is gently pushed away from Gilda.

The griffon looks angry, but tired as she shouts "W-why the flock was I just puking my guts out gramps?! I almost..."

"I almost-" she tries again, but is interrupted.

"You almost did something you would regret, and then you regretted it anyway. The influx of fear and regret caused your body to purge the emotionally charged potion." Weiss explains simply.

"Considering that, I'd say our lessons aren't done. But your little trip here certainly is. Assaulting an Element of Harmony isn't going to win you any friends, dear, and even if it would, you know too much. You'll just tap that dark power again as soon as you're angry enough, potion or not, now that you know how it's done. You're unstable." he continues with a cold sneer.

Gilda shouts back. "I don't want anything to do with you, freak!" But as soon as her anger reaches a fever pitch, she breaks out in a cold sweat and backs up at the familiar sensation of power shooting through her.

"We had a deal, Gilda. I go free, you learn my lessons and I help you regain Dash's friendship. You're coming with me."

Dash, who had been listening to this exchange, has some anger as well, and decides to make up for Gilda's inability to express her own. "So you're the pony who gave Gilda that freaky juice? I'm not going to let you do anything to her." She says with cold steel in her voice, stepping in front of the griffon.

It's around this point that the surrounding ponies look on in caution and fear at the altercation brewing in the middle of town.

It's also around this point that Twilight and Applejack run up to the situation, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity in tow.

Weiss pays no mind to the newcomers, and steps towards the increasingly afraid griffon. "Our debts aren't squared, Gilda. I refuse to let that stand."

"Leave that poor griffon alone, you brute!" Rarity says, having heard enough of the conversation to recognize the aggressor as she trots up next to Rainbow Dash.

"You ain't takin' nopony nowhere." Applejack continues, standing next to Gilda.

"Hi Snoots!" Pinkie says, bouncing over with the rest, while Fluttershy takes up the rear and Twilight takes point against him, forming almost a huddle around Gilda.

Weiss snarls. "Don't call me 'Snoots', you foal." He says hastily, trying to salvage his pseudonym before Pinkie unintentionally ruins it.

"It seems my true name has been wiped away from this saccharine era."

Twilight at this point pipes up with a frown. "Oh I know exactly who you are." She says, taking a step forward.

With a dramatic point, she exclaims for the world to hear. "You're the Pluck-Night Pony, Know-Our Vice!"

Weiss freezes, literally hearing the mangling of his name's spelling and meaning.

"No... I'm actually not." He deadpans, confusing Twilight.

"But that's what it said in Predictions and Prophesies, A moon minus days after the blackest night of the brightest day, events would conspire to send hate with hate, and Know-Our Vice would arise to inflame all Equestria!"

Weiss facehoofs "Yes, Bookhorn Maroon, but my name isn't Know-Our Vice, It's Weiss Noir!"

Twilight's head involuntarily tilts while the rest of the gang looks confused at this non-sequitur.

"Vice Know-Our?" She repeats, prompting Weiss to growl.

"No! Weiss Noir, not Vice Know-Our!"

Twilight at this point responds in monotone. "You just said the exact same thing twice." To which Pinkie chides.

"Twilight, don't be rude, a pony's name is something you should respect, even if they are acting like a big meany-pants right now. He just spells it differently."

Twilight's mane frays slightly "But they sound exactly the same!"

"Yeah, but the readers know you're messing it up!" Pinkie says sagely.

Weiss decides to distinctly ignore all of this, and go back to his original line of conversation. "Look, Rainbow Dash, you can't possibly tell me you're going to defend her." He says smoothly.

"She didn't treat Pinkie invading your hangout time the way she should have." He explains.

"She ruined what should have been a party to cheer her up and make her feel better, with actions that were completely unwarranted." He steps forward as Rainbow Dash cringes as his words.

"She embarrassed you in front of the entire town." He takes another step forward.

"She didn't even try to make things right when your one day together ended on such a sour note." He continues, looking at her smugly as her friends get more and more angry.

"How could you possibly forgive her after she did something that awful, that disloyal?" Weiss finally finishes, standing nose to nose with Dash.

"Because I did the same thing to her!" Dash shouts back with pure suffering in her tone, forcing Weiss back with her words.

"I should have told Pinkie off when I knew Gilda just wanted to hang out with me for the day and Pinkie kept butting in, I shouldn't have done all those stupid pranks when I knew she was getting upset."

"I should have tried to talk to her, instead of just talking at her. Even if I had to chase her all the way to Griffonstone to do it." Dash hangs her head, before turning to face Gilda.

"I didn't realize how rude I was. Can you forgive me for being such a jerk, Gilda?" Dash pleads, seeing Gilda's tear-stained and shocked face.

Mere moment later, the pair are hugging the stuffing out of one another, laughing and crying in equal, emotionally releasing measure. Even the rest of the girls at this point are smiling at the heartwarming reconciliation.

Weiss puts a scowl on his face and points it at them after they conclude their moment. "Forgiveness or no, you can't stop me from squaring our debts. I'm not leaving without Gilda."

It's at this point that they all turn and glare at Weiss, who simply smirks. With a flourish of his head and an ignited horn, he unleashes wave after wave of raw killing-intent, attempting to cow the group into submission with his magically enhanced predatory presence. The air flickers with powerful dark magic.

The two unaffected ponies among them stand tall however, and at their defiance, he quickly acts shocked and ends his spell with some theatrical sparking. "What? This isn't possible, The ponies that can ignore killing intent that strong can be counted on one hoof!"

Applejack steps forward with a smirk, prompting Weiss to back up. "We can. We can beat yer' fancy magic, and we can make you get the hay out of Ponyville."

Twilight steps forward as well. "And Gilda won't be going anywhere she doesn't want to."

Weiss chortles. "Oh, you're going to make me leave? With what, the Elements? Didn't the Princess tell you that those alone aren't enough to keep me down?"

Twilight smiles, and pulls out a blade in her telekinesis, while Applejack holds a red whip in her teeth. "Actually, we were going to make you leave with these. The Weapons of Light!"

"The Blade of Evil's Bane, the Master Sword!" she hefts the blade aloft, light shining off its mirrored surface.

"And the Whip of Alchemy, the Vampire Killer!" she continues, prompting Applejack to crack the crimson, chain-woven whip in a puff of fire.

Weiss carefully draws his face into a mask of pure rage. "You dare?!" he shouts.

He then shouts again when the group of ponies don't answer, his mane erupting like a volcano in black fire. "You dare?!"

Pinkie pipes up "Yeah, we dare!"

Weiss's expression instantly turns neutral. "Understandable, have a nice day." He turns and begins to trot off, making nearly everypony, including the ones who had been watching from their houses, faceplant.

Gilda, who had been watching this with an arm still around Dash, can't help but comment. "What the flock?"

She's startled however, when her comment prompts Weiss to turn around.

"By the way, Gilda." He says, conversationally.

"I still haven't squared my debts with you. Here, in return for the pain and grief I still owe you for causing, and as payment for releasing me. Consider this my thanks. And my apology." He tosses her a sack of bits, which she catches angrily.

By the time she looks back from the flying bits to Weiss, he's already dissipated.

"That stupid idiot gave me a couple of lousy bits for all that? Ugh! This won't even pay for a night at the inn!" she huffs, before Twilight's eyes widen at the sight of the flat, off-colored coins.

"Gilda, let me see those bits!" she says, making the curious griffon open her talons to reveal the aged golden coins, a picture of a diamond on one side, and what looks like an eagle on the other.

"Oh my stars!" Twilight shouts, eyes widening even further.

"Those aren't bits, Gilda, those are gepee, they must be at least a thousand years old!"

"So what, they're old?" Gilda questions uncomprehending.

"Not just old, but valuable! You could sell those for... I don't even know how much, you're rich!"

Gilda looks surprised at that, but ignores Twilight's impromptu history lesson on ancient forms of pony currency to instead focus on Dash, who looks like she has something to say.

"Hey Gilda. I shouldn't have just let you go like that when you yelled at everypony." She says with some shame.

"I should have chased you down and kicked your flank!" Dash finishes, laughing as Gilda smiles too, albeit a smile as shyly held as the one she had back during her first day of Junior Speedsters.

"That's what friends are for, right?" Dash goes on to say, making Twilight frown.

"I think all our friendships can absolutely be had and improved upon without the looming threat of violence, right?" The purple unicorn questions, making Gilda visibly ponder that for a moment.

Gilda's pondering ends when she wrestles Dash and then gives her a noogie. "Nah!"

"Dearest Princess Twilight,

Today I learned that sometimes, it can be hard to accept when somepony you like acts in a way that's not so nice. Though it's impossible to control how your friends act, it's possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a loyal friend, even when it's hard, and in the end, you'll have the best chance possible of helping a true friend's better nature come to light.

Your faithful student,
W e i s s N o i r."

Weiss writes mockingly, before sending it off in a puff of dragonfire.

As he trots a short distance into the Everfree, he can't help but laugh and laugh at just how perfectly his plans had gone, and just how delicious their reactions had been.

Author's Note:

Weiss, not being a native German speaker, or even a German speaker at all, isn't actually pronouncing "Weiss Noir" correctly.

The song of the day is "I'm Still Here", from Steven Universe.

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