• Published 21st May 2019
  • 19,621 Views, 2,036 Comments

The Unique Properties of Dark Magic - Shadestyle

Stranded in Equestria's far past in the body of a unicorn without any magical knowledge, the self proclaimed "Weiss Noir" fights for survival in the Frozen North by indulging in sorcery most foul.

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(Present Chapter 28): Clown World

"Oh it's just so wonderful to see you all here. Dare I say it, there are even a few faces I recognize!" Discord claps merrily, floating over the stunned crowds.

"Torch, oh and Bob! I didn't even know you were immortal!" Discord says in shock to a random pony.

"My name's not Bob though!" they exclaim, shocked by their voice not coming out quite right.

"Yes it sure is! I'm glad the accident didn't make you that much dumber!" Discord says, patting the stallion on the head as he floats off elsewhere.

"There's nothing wrong with me though, I'm fine!" they protest as Discord ignores them entirely.

Discord snaps his fingers, waking up Celestia and Weiss who look around in confusion before locking their gazes squarely on the avatar of chaos.

"Oh, and the stars of the show, poor old Celestia, and if it isn't Best Pony, John Doe!" Discord claps, as if he hadn't noticed them before now.

"I've asked you not to call me that, you box of half-melted crayons," Weiss snarls, his fingers twitching with anticipation.

He visibly restrains himself, running a hand through his mane. "Didn't we agree that you wouldn't interfere with my business? I could have sworn we had a deal." he continues, stalking towards the spirit of disharmony.

Discord scratches his chin, the vinyl record on it emitting a rhythmic remix of someone giving stand-up comedy in Finnish as he does. "Oh, did we? I didn't realize I was in the business of making deals, keeping promises, that sort of thing. Sounds a bit uncharacteristic, if you ask me."

"Weiss, you actually collaborated with Discord?!" Celestia whisper-yells, remembering how Weiss had claimed that he had done nothing to aid the spirit in spreading chaos across the globe.

"Of course not. I negotiated with him, there's a difference, okay? I couldn't exactly bully him into submission!" Weiss retorts.

"Blah blah blah, get a room you two, seriously. Whatever. I just wanted to congratulate you on freeing me, even when you aren't trying, you're just... So chaotic," Discord smirks.

"Ta ta, John Doe," he says, disappearing in a puff of gasoline fumes and confetti.

Once the nervous individuals gathered by the promise of a tournament have all been sent back home, Weiss and Celestia make their way into an office nearby along with several members of the Fizz Guard and Tempest herself.

"The Halberd is being prepared now. Celestia, we hate each other's guts, I'm vaguely evil, you're vaguely sanctimonious, it makes our squabbling a grand time for all involved..." Weiss begins, looking at her as he trails off.

"I'll work with you if it means sparing Equestria Discord's chaos," Celestia answers, nodding at his unspoken question.

"Thank you. I'm not a fan of innocent ponies being put through the wringer either. We'll be using your playbook until it's done, considering you took him down once already," he responds.

"Is there a reason we won't be traveling via portal? We need to get the Elements of Harmony quickly, after all," Tempest points out.

Weiss shakes his head. "I blew most of my power beating Celestia to a pulp. I'm barely here enough to maintain my form."

Waving a hand, the shadowy outline surrounding it ripples and waivers, to the point where the plain walls of the office can be seen behind it ever so slightly.

"Assuming he isn't already spying on us, our goal is threefold. Distract Discord, gather the element bearers, and the elements themselves. The weapons of light are strong, but those tend to rely on striking their target, and Discord is nothing if not slippery," Celestia explains, summoning a map of Equestria and rolling it out on the table.

"Weiss, your job will be to help distract Discord. You are utterly chaotic, and that may keep his attention on you instead of the ponies, at least for a time. Are you willing to handle that aspect of the situation?" she asks.

He nods. "I think I might know a way. I'm assuming you'll be handling the bearers and the elements themselves?" he responds.

Celestia nods. "If Discord is cautious, he will attempt to separate the two, and the spells I've laid on the elements are unlikely to work in this scenario to retrieve them simply. He is vain and likes to toy with others, so he may be willing to attempt disposing of the elements in a permanent fashion."

Weiss nods. "I'll need to recover my energy, then I'll be making my way to the disharmonious dickhead. If he wants a good time, then I'll just have to threaten him with one," he says, erupting into smoke that rapidly spreads out until it seems almost invisible.

Celestia turns to Tempest Shadow. "How long until the Halberd is ready?"

"Right about now," the bipedal pony says, looking off into the distance with a smirk. The giant airship floating towards them with Weiss himself standing on its helm.

With four graceful steps, Celestia leaps atop the airship, standing next to the illustrious Sage of Darkness.

The pair stare towards Canterlot, an unspoken fear in their hearts, the fear that any being feels when they encounter the unknown.

When they encounter Change.

Gilda tosses and turns in bed, a dream she's been having for weeks running through her mind. All she remembers when she wakes up is being afraid.

"What the pluck is going on with these dang dreams?" Gilda grouses, rubbing her eyes as she walks over to her window, yawning heavily after a late-night flight-training session.

Her eyebrows rise with confusion when she sees how all of the clouds around her new hut have turned pink, interspersed with the occasional blue.

"Oh come on. I hoped the weird crap would at least get put on hold until that dumb tournament was over. Maybe I should have gone after all... Nah, pluck that, I ain't going to nothing he set up," she scoffs.

"Guess I better see if Dash knows anything about this," she mumbles, going over to her coffee pot and making a cup.

As she sips at the beverage, a familiar, awful taste floods her mouth as she spits it out in disgust. "What the hell? Did I buy decaf or something?"

Sure enough, the coffee she poured was definitely wrong. It tasted like dirt and didn't help her wake up in the slightest.

With a grimace, the griffon set the mug down, looking out the window, noticing something wrong. Something deeply truly wrong.

Rising up into the clouds, a massive tower had sprouted from the middle of Ponyville, higher than even Weiss's tower, as if to mock it through sheer height alone.

As she stared at it, her eyes widened, and her talons tensed.

Her dream came to her, in bits and pieces, light and darkness, bravery and fear, and in the distance, a tower that rose above everything else, the light shining from the top making it look as if it were a beacon, or a lighthouse, calling out to the sailors below.

It terrified Gilda, but she knew on some primal level what it was, lacking the words to articulate it.

Spreading her wings, she glided down to the base of the tower, noticing Rainbow Dash and her friends looking up at the tower as well.

"Gilda, got any clue where this thing came from?" Dash asks.

"Something stole our Weapons of Light and dragged them all the way here, and then this big tower sprouted up," Applejack explains, looking at the dark stones of the tower cautiously.

Twilight suddenly appears, teleporting into the middle of the group with wide, frightened eyes, and a letter in her grip.

"Girls we have to get to Canterlot now to get the Elements of Harmony!" she shouts, explaining frantically the events of Weiss Noir's Dark Tournament, and Discord's arrival there.

Applejack nods. "Right. Let's go!" she says, running off with the other bearers, leaving behind only Gilda, Trixie, and Sunset.

"What are you doing, Gilda?" Sunset asks, as the griffon walks up to the tower, placing a hand against the tower's lusterous bricks.

"I don't know," she says, as the tower's bland surface ripples, bricks shifting apart until a massive archway sits in it.

Discord, peeling a bannana, looks a bit surprised as he peers out at the people there. "Oh. Are they gone?" he says curiously, peeking out and making Gilda leap back in shock.

"I figured they would be more anxious to get those toys back before heading for the bling. Oh well." he mutters.

With a shrug, he vanishes, utterly uncaring without his intended victims to torment, and the bannana he was holding plops to the ground, splattering applesauce everywhere

"Gilda, don't go in there, you don't know what will happen," Trixie says, walking between the griffon and the tower.

"She's right, if this is Discord's doing, you might not walk out," Sunset explains desperately, watching Gilda's face slowly shift.

"He doesn't want anyone getting those stupid weapons. So I'm getting em. Someone's got to, and it doesn't look like anyone else here is brave enough to do it," she says, muscling forwards, glancing at where, in the distance, ponies just stare on with unadulterated fright, having seen the spirit of chaos hanging around nearby moments before.

Trixie looks almost offended for a moment, and after glancing at Sunset's nervous expression, steels herself.

"Trixie is more than brave enough, so if you think she plans to leave her assistant high and dry, then you have another thing coming," the mare barks out, taking up point next to Gilda, who smirks.

Clenching her teeth, Sunset lets out a breath through her nose. "Fine. We won't be able to get the weapons themselves, but maybe we can break whatever spell was used to keep them here," she says, swallowing heavily and praying that Discord had truly stopped paying attention to the area, now that Twilight and the others had left.

Gilda nods. "Let's hurry, then. We'll get to play hero this time," the griffon says, walking into the tower, refusing to admit the real reason she entered.

A feeling of... Destiny.

With the letter written and sent, Celestia returns to the viewing deck of the Halberd, where the Sage of Darkness is standing, staring out of the massive windows.

They glance at one another, the spires of Canterlot rapidly growing as they approach. Nothing has gone pear-shaped, literally or otherwise, but they both knew it was only a matter of time.

"...Are you afraid?" she asks, after a moment.

Weiss thinks about the question, glancing down as thoughts and feelings churn inside his shadowy form.

"Yes," he finally answers, surprising the alicorn with his honesty.

"Why?" she asks, having a good idea already.

As the silence stretches between them, aside from the humming of the Halberd's engines, he takes a deep breath. A false one that feels particularly fake to him. "I... don't want to go out like this. Discord has what it takes to put me down permenantly, unlike a certain someone we know," he says, forcing himself to smirk at the princess.

She smiles as well, a faint glare tinged with mischief working its way into her mask.

"If you don't come out of this... sane. I'll send Sombra to Tartarus for you. Have him keep your spot warm," she jokes.

Something passes between the two immortals. Precious and fleeting.

Weiss's smile turns genuine.

"And if you end up getting turned into a pack of gum, I'll make sure your student gets those wings you were angling for."

Celestia blinks, but the surprise is hidden well.

"So, the plan?" he continues, when she doesn't respond.

"We fight our way to the castle if need be. Try to get the elements to their bearers. I already sent the letter sending for them to come. I have faith in them," she explains, only the sight of her mane smouldering defying her otherwise serene tone.

"I see. So I'll be running interference, once you open the vault?" he asks, magic building up inside him, skin beginning to darken with the density.

Celestia nods, her mane turning warmer colors as the Alicorn Suite washes over her. "If the elements aren't there, we'll both distract him while the bearers try to find out where they went."

She looks at him seriously, speaking in an instructive tone. "You didn't participate, when Discord was last freed. Entropy is a good stalling tactic against him. Maximize destruction, and he'll waste time restoring the damage. I suppose ashes bore him more than being manipulated angers him."

Weiss's smirk turns malicious, and below the two, the metal floor slowly turns cherry red. "I can do that."

As the first cotton candy cloud begins drifting over Canterlot, the two of them walk forwards in unison, the glass of the window melting in front of them as the heat begins to rapidly intensify.

"How long has it been since we last danced together, like devils among the hellfire?" Weiss muses, his black hate-fire mingling with Celestia's white eyesearing plasma.

"Did we ever stop?" Celestia says with a wry smile, leaping from the airship into the evacuated streets of Canterlot alongside him.

Author's Note:

The song of the day is "It's Gonna Get Weird", by Neil Cicirega.

Hi Everyone! It's sure been a while, hasn't it?

Maybe for some of you, it's been too long. I hope it hasn't, though.

I plan on abolishing some of the things I had planned for this fic, in trying to get back into the swing of things. Here are things you should expect, moving forwards:

1. Shorter Chapters, like this one. 2000 Words is a comfortable medium that I hope I can manage.

2. Slower Schedule, I failed, two years ago, to keep to a daily schedule, and then, later on, a schedule of every other day. I hold no illusions of being able to hold to a schedule of any kind. I'm just going to try to write when I can.

3. Shorter Story, A lot of what I had planned for this fic intended for it to end at chapter 100 (400 Chapters total, adding up past, present, and reports), but now, looking at this story for what it is, I see that a lot of that was filler for the sake of pacing.

4. Fewer Reports, much like my self-imposed stipulations of updating frequently, 4000 word chapters, and my goal to reach chapter 100 by the end of the fic, having a report after every single chapter is another thing that will go the way of the dodo. Many reports were purely filler, rather than actually explaining and elaborating on the things that Weiss used in the present, and invented in the past.

5. Inconsistency, This one isn't entirely certain, but there may come time when I begin posting back to back present and past chapters, if I deem it neccecary. Originally, I planned on posting past and present chapters alternatingly, but this led to several planned instances of filler, meant to help make sure that chapters followed one another in a thematically pleasing way, with events in the past mirroring those in the present.

If I abolish the idea of needing to post past and present chapters strictly alternatingly, I can ensure that past chapters are followed by present chapters that follow them, and vice versa. This one is less certain, but if it happens, it happens.

I'm sorry it took so long, and I hope I can get back to making something you all enjoy!

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