• Published 8th Aug 2017
  • 640 Views, 9 Comments

Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

A young mare must journey Equestria in order to fulfill a universally unavoiadable fate along with seven others in order to prevent the disruption of universal law. All the while trying to prevent a dark force from acquiring their elements.

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Chapter 4: Something Even Stranger

Author's Note:

I’ve decided to edit the names of Quiet Fire’s siblings. Apologies if things seem a bit confusing in later chapters. I am working to go through and fix stuff.

Something Even Stranger

I remember a time back in Hoofington. My mother had finished her vacation and went back to Canterlot to maintain her duties as captain of the royal guard. My father sat at a table with me and two other ponies. My sister and my brother. They were older than me, for sure. Blitz, my older brother, was handsome, charming and outgoing. A definite "ladies man" and the gentlecolt on the dance floor. Dark grey silken coat, neatly caramel colored mane and tail, piercing blue eyes that made any mare shiver at first glance.

Or so he had told me. That didn't help the fact that left him in quite a bit of debt with his exes. And when given the chance to build his own land and work in Vanhoover, he took off to create his own business in the future. Next to me on the other end of the table, chewing quietly on her raisin cereal was my older sister, Heart. Pretty, bachelorette and a workaholic. She worked full time in one of Hoofington's scientific power plants that studied on the more "radioactive and dangerous" pieces of gems. She had said that they were close to finding a way to use radioactive energy as a means for everyday use. But that would be long after all of us were buried six feet under.

And when she wasn't working at the scientific research plant, she would be a full time manager at a -ahem- an "erotic" escort club. The tough nut to crack and anypony that did find a way were soon swindled out of their cold hard earned and probably dirtied bits. But even then, it still amazes me how she has time to spend with me and my brother. Her long silken bubblegum mane and dark grey silken coat with pretty violet eyes. She was practically my role model. Err... with the workaholic part. The other business I did my damndest to avoid.

And then my father. A quiet stallion. But works harder than anypony I know. He was a captain of the HPD. They ran a demanding schedule for him and his co-workers. Cold, hard headed and ready to face any challenge a crime has to offer, he was considered the hero cop of Hoofington. His soot colored coat was matted due to the all-nighter he probably pulled in going over a case board. His neatly trimmed back fire colored mane and orange eyes were cold and stoic. He seemed pretty difficult to talk too at first, but he is a big softy when it comes to innocence. Probably due to the amount of victims he had put to rest.

And there was me. An adolescent, Hoofington High mare who struggled greatly in math and physics, sat around all day and messed around on the gaming console with the many fighting games and platformers. A die hard completionist and was slowly breaking out into pimples. Albeit, my teen years weren't kind to me. But that's a given when it came to that kind of thing. Makes you wonder how I became the pony I am today. Well... this is kind of where it started. Just like any other normal day in Hoofington.

Sirens blaring that made dad twitch every so often. My brother and sister bantering to one another while I sat quietly and chewed my cereal. My sister caught notice of my depressed mood and propped her hoof under her cheek amusedly.

"I take it that colt you liked didn't go for it?" she asked. I sighed.

"It was hopeless to begin with... I mean, are all colts so evil when it comes to relationships?" My brother snickered.

"I have to agree." My sister rolled her eyes.

"Blitz, experience is one thing. But playing with a mare's heart is an entirely exclusive ordeal." Blitz shrugged.

"Worked for me." She shot a glare his way, but he ignored it by chewing on his cereal. I bowed my head.

"I should just go gay." I said suddenly. My dad arched a brow and looked over his newspaper.

"Come again?" he asked. I winced. My siblings gave me concerned looks. I took a deep breath.

"D-dad? I just..." I began dipping the spoon in the milk with my magic. "There is just no hope with stallions... I think if I go for mares, then I probably have a much better chance." I figured this would cause awkward and confusing exchange of glances. My dad put the newspaper down, his stoic look making me advert my gaze. 'Here comes the old police lecture.'

"Stallions are indeed evil. But so are mares." He said. I didn't want to meet his gaze. "Make no mistake, the family legacy will continue one way or another. All I ask is that you achieve the best in life. Your mother would say the same thing." This confused me. I was pretty certain the repercussion of my "preference changing" would get negative feedback.

"Huh?" I asked, slowly working my way back to meeting his eyes. He sighed and rubbed his muzzle.

"I wanted to wait until your mother got back from her night duties to discuss this with you. But I believe now is a good time." He leaned forward, putting his hooves under his chin. "Quiet Fire. It is time that you find a place in Equestria." I balked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He motioned to my siblings.

"I know our family may be dedicated to our jobs. But each of us have contributed to this house. You just... sit around and play that fighting game and snack on Cheap-Os all day." I smirked. "So, to spice up your life, I figured we would begin training you." I arched a brow.

"Train?" I had a bad feeling about this.

"One day, you will see Equestria as the land you love and begin to feel a need to do her proud. You will do anything to make sure she is protected. Quiet Fire... we want you to go to military school and train to be the next captain of the royal guard." I was baffled.

"C-captain! But that's impossible to achieve! I don't want to be a captain though!" I stated. I caught my father's cold glare.

"There is no choice on this, Quiet. You will become the next Captain of the Royal Guard as your mother has and you will stop all the slothing about in our house. You need to make friends. You need to... find somepony you can care for." My father had a very sleuth way of saying "I love you, but seriously stop this" type of attitude towards me. I felt my annoyance grow.

"But I do too have friends!" I protested.

"Your 'buddies' that you play Ogres & Ouiblettes with are not a good motivation for you and they..." he scrunched his muzzle. Heart leaned in.

"I think what he is trying to say as nicely as possible is that he can't stand their odor." I scrunched my own muzzle. I'll admit, they weren't the most hygienic ponies in Hoofington High. But one of them had been friends with me since elementary school.

"Okay, but what about Tabletop? He has always encouraged me to do things. To go outside and-."

"Eat pizza and hang around the Comic Connection place? If you are worried about finding somepony to care for, looking at manipulated photos of stallions isn't one of them." I flushed.

"That was a one time thing! Besides, he is just in as much trouble for looking at lewd images of mares!" My dad shook his head.

"And his advances towards you weren't enough?" I don't know why I did, but I somehow felt disgusted at the thought of my foalhood friend hitting on me. I mean, there were times where we would just mess around, but I thought it was all in good fun. I couldn't believe what I thought of at that time, but I was mortified that my best friend from elementary school saw me like that. The look I gave was more than enough to show my dad being the super sleuth he was.

"Face it, Quiet. Your constant complaint about not finding that perfect somepony is a long shot, if not, non-existent on the road you are traveling. If you want any chance to succeeding in life, then let us train you. Let us help you find a new way to view life. It will be tough. But being the die-hard completionist, you are up for the challenge, are you not?" I hesitated. I glanced at my siblings to see if they had any foresight into it. But when my dad was on point and was always correct in his assumptions, there was no going back.

I'm going to miss the good old days of my consoles. My friends and my stack of comic books. I sighed and tried my best to keep my tearful pride in. But my dad, for what seemed like a long time, smiled under that cold hard demeanor.

"I'm sorry that we have to force this upon you. But do know it is because we care for you and only want you to succeed in life. Starting tomorrow you will begin a routine schedule I have planned out. You can still keep your comics and gaming consoles, but your eating habits are going to change as well as your productivity. I'll notify your friends if they ask about your change in behavior." I stood up quietly and dragged my hooves away from the table, ignoring the sympathetic looks my siblings were giving me.

[iThey too once had my mom and dad tell them the same thing. And damn me that they were too damn good at their jobs that any tactic they used on us was effective. I closed the door to my slob fest of a room and looked around. The great times I've had in here. I planted on my bed face first and curled up to a body pillow of a charming cartoonish stallion from a Neighponese cartoon that Tabletop introduced me too. I then studied it, the handsome features and the seductive look he gave. Things were going to change entirely.

It started with a conversation. And it begins when I sighed and tossed the body pillow to the side and curled up with my smaller and plain old pillow. I hate it when dad is right. And I hate it even more when mom would be put into the conversation. And after living through an awkward day of school, I woke up that early morning to the sound of a horn blaring in my ear and my dad having me trot a few miles as I desperately tried to keep up, I figured that my life would probably be for the better.


I found myself waking up in my bed. The bed I hadn't slept on in a while. It was strange. This room was more barren than I remember. Only a wardrobe and a closet that was full of my old gaming consoles and comics in sealed packaging to protect their value. When I slowly shifted out of my bed, I somehow moved enough dust in the air that it made me sneeze twice in rhythm. Wiping my muzzle, I heard movement coming from outside my room. My ears flicked towards the window as I heard muffled voices. Creeping out of bed and over to the window, I opened it and winced as the cold breeze and snow entered.

"Nah, I don't know any Quiet Fire here." I heard a familiar voice say. I peeked out and saw Thi Billet leaning coolly against my door while two Canterlot guards looked sternly at her.

"But we have confirmed reports that the pony in question does live here. Are you her roommate?" one of them asked. Thi scrunched her face up in pretending to think. She then shrugged.

"Nope. Dunno about a Quiet Fire. Sounds like a dangerous environment hazard. You do know we are in winter still, right?" The two guards exchanged glances, one looking like he was about to lose his patience.

"If you are not withholding information, I must ask that you comply with our request to search the house." Thi frowned.

"It's rude to just barge into a mare's house uninvited." She said. She then smirked. "Wouldn't want the word out that two, strong and tough stallions entering the house and -ahem-... having their way with her." I don't know why that worked, but the two guards seemed a tad red at the comment.

"This is official Canterlot business. If you continue to interfere, I am afraid we will have to detain you until further notice." One said. Thi suddenly leaned in closely and brushed the guard's chin tenderly.

"Detain huh? I like the sound of that." The guard's wings unfurled, poking one of his buddies eye out. The pegasus rubbed it in frustration while the other moved Thi away from him.

"I-I cannot comply with this advancement." He cleared his throat and I saw his wings trying to furl back, much to his failing attempts as Thi fluttered her eyes at him. "Alright, fine! We will leave for now. But if we find that you are indeed withholding information, we will arrest you for interference with investigations." The guard trotted away with his buddy who was still trying to rub his irritated eye. Thi waved.

"Bye boys. Don't be strangers now!" she called out. When they disappeared around the corner, Thi huffed in annoyance. "They are stubborn, if not, persistent." She said before trotting back into my house. I quickly turned around and made my way out the room and down the stairs. I stopped when I saw the bat with the glowing green eye looking around my house was leaning against the wall near the door. I heard movement in my kitchen. Thi must be helping herself. I then remembered something.

The glowing green eye and the following headache. I rubbed the back of my mane, feeling a slight bump. Thi rounded the corner, taking a pull of a freshly cracked gwynette before looking my way and almost choking on it.

"F-Fie! You're awake!?" she said as she pat her chest. I arched a tired brow.

"Is that surprising?" I asked. Thi rubbed the back of her mane, darting her eyes around my house.

"What? Oh, uh, not all! I mean, you stumbled home and I was like 'you alright?' and you were like 'Oh, Thi, my one and only cool friend who I appreciate in all the world, I think I slipped on some ice and... I... You're not buying it are you?" I gave her a look that told her otherwise. She sighed. "L-look... I didn't want to do it. But you kind of left no choice." I sighed and took a seat in my couch.

"Yeah well... I guess it was the right thing to do." I said. I winced, feeling the headache come back. I rubbed my head again. "I mean I... I don't really know what happened." Thi took a seat next to me.

"Then start from the beginning when you weren't trying to burn a pony alive." I shook my head, trying my best to remember what I could.

"Umm... I had just finished a short lunch with Twilight and her friends. They got called away for a princess problem and I decided to do the groceries. I realized I had forgotten to give Pinkie Pie the letter from Mrs. Cake and I was wondering if Derpy could deliver it instead. Then I... I'm not sure what happened then.” I looked at her. “You ever have a news pony say your name on live TV and no pony thinks twice about the sudden call out?” Thi rubbed her chin.

"Well, I know Daring Doo said that the media spreads false information and thus takes it into her own hooves to discover the truth. But I don't think that counts to the fact that a random news pony you don't know says your name." I nodded.

"And not only that, he also stated I am supposed to be heading to Canterlot Castle." I scrunched my face, trying to recall more info. "I was freaked out by it and wanted to get to the Express as quickly as possible. But as I was passing shops, I realized they were all using the same theme. Constellations. Then after that, I suddenly started to burn up." Thi arched a brow.

"A fever?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No. It definitely wasn't the 'in heat' fever either. This one was more, puking your guts out and suddenly realizing that you are a pyromaniac." I shivered suddenly. In the back of my mind, I could have sworn I heard a maniacal laugh. I hoped it wasn't the dawning sensation that I was indeed a pyromaniac. Thi looked worriedly at me.

"Strange." She stood up and began rubbing her chin as she started pacing. "So, aside from the sudden realization that you needed to burn something, specifically a pony, what else happened that you could recall?" I tried to remember. But everything else was a blank.

"Just up to the point you hit me across the head with a bat. Everything else I can't remember." I responded. Thi furrowed her brows. I then bit my lip. Perhaps I should tell her? I opened my mouth. "Thi? What was going on with those two Canterlot guards?" Thi winced. I figured as much. She was hoping I was still asleep and not have to see that.

"Umm... well..." I looked at her sternly.

"Thi, they were asking for me. Don't try to hide anything from me." I said. Thi bit her lips, the sweat forming on her brow. Why was she trying to avoid the question? I got my answer when she suddenly beamed and zipped towards me.

"Say! I have an idea. How about we take a stroll around the park?" I arched a brow at her.

"What? Thi, this is serious-." I felt myself being dragged off the couch and across my floor to the door.

"C'mon! Two mares walking together in the quiet snow fall? What's not romantic about that?" I wasn't sure if she was serious or not. Thi stated it herself about her preference. So why is she avoiding the question? I was about to protest when Thi's magic flipped my hood over my head and she levitated the bat over to her before opening the door and dragging me out of the house. Finding myself trotting along with my friend down the road and over to the park, I stopped and stomped my hoof.

"Thi, why are you avoiding the question? Just tell me what is going on?" I said. Thi scanned the park before smiling and pointing.

"How about that spot? That looks like a good place to rest our tired hooves!"

"We barely walked a block!" I growled. But Thi dragged me along anyway and sat me down on a bench.

"You wait here! I'll uh... go get us something to eat! How about Cheap-Os? I remember you being addicted to those things." I found myself contemplating this.

"Err... alright. But Thi I-."

"Great! Be right back!" she said as she trotted quickly away from me with a smile. I held out a hoof to stop her, but she was already cantering down the park and over to a snack booth. I sighed and dusted a bit of piled snow on the bench before laying down on my stomach. Crossing my hooves, I dangled one of them as I scanned the area. Other than the pegasi that were getting ready to plan out bird migrations and the weather clearing, I noticed the other ponies enjoying nice and quiet strolls down the streets. I smiled softly. Ponyville did have its tender moments. Serene, egalitarian society, parties almost constantly thanks to Pinkie Pie and the looming Castle of Friendship in the distance. This place was indeed different from home. It almost made the thought of homesickness to be non-existent. Perhaps this was a good choice to move here. Six years of wonder and curiosity quickly sated by the interesting neighbors and events (with the occasional Ever Free creature stumbling into our society), this was someplace I wouldn't mind calling home.

For a brief moment, all my troubles were faded and the serene sight of Ponyville in all its friendship like splendor calmed me. My ears flicked when I heard the sound of screams and loud popping sounds. I looked over to see a family watching their foal and his friends playing with the remaining fireworks that were left over. The ponies trotting by took a moment to look in awe at the sight. My eyes fell to the flames they used to light them. My heart skipped a beat. I felt myself burning up. I tore my gaze away from the flames and taking a blanket of snow in my magic, I splattered my face, feeling the cool texture melting into droplets. For a brief instant, I felt the sudden urge to murder the snow. But that was quickly quieted when I sighed in relief as the burning sensation subsided.

Ignoring the playful screams and loud popping of the nearby fireworks, I saw Thi coming back with a popsicle being licked away by her tongue and an extra one along with a small soda can. She levitated the can and ice cream to me.

"They didn't have Cheap-Os. So I got us popsicles instead." I arched a brow as I took them in my magic.

"Isn't it a little cold to be getting something such as popsicles?" I asked. Thi shrugged as she licked hers.

"Meh." Was all she replied with. I unwrapped the popsicle and tossed the wrapper in the trash can next to us before taking a small lick. The blueberry mixed with cherry combining into a very edible taste. Thi sat next to me. We were quiet for a moment. Just the two of us enjoying ice cream. I stiffened when I saw a firework shoot past us. Thi laughed.

"Whoa! Stray fire!" she called out. We watched as the paper machete rocket plant into the snow and was quickly doused when it did. I suddenly dropped the popsicle in my magic and stood up. This feeling again... why? I suddenly spun on my hooves and trotted over to the playing foals. When they saw me trot up to them, they quieted. I smiled.

"Mind if I try?" I asked. The foals exchanged glances before one smiled and gave me a lighter and a rocket. Taking it in my magic, I took aim and lit the rocket. Letting it go, I watched with amusement as it spiraled in the air before heading straight into the snack booth. The mare behind the counter panicked and dove out of the booth before the firework popped and the booth caught on fire. I was grinning. "Now that is fire work." I chuckled slightly. I looked to see if the foals caught the joke, only to see them being dragged away by the frightened parents. I blinked once and looked back to the burning booth.

"Fie, what the hell!!?" Thi shouted as she cantered over to me. "Why did you aim for the booth!?" I frowned.

"Well, I was hoping the mare would be caught in it so I could hear her sing. But this will have to do after that piss poor performance of a firework." I said nonchalantly. This caused a surprised and worried look from my friend.

"Quiet? What's wrong with your..." she looked back to see that the two Canterlot guards from earlier had saw the booth on fire along with a few ponies that were walking by, staring in horror. The mare that was behind the booth held out a hoof as she watched her booth slowly crumple with the flames. Thi spun me around and started pushing me. "We should go." She said. I felt my headache coming back to me.


Thi took me down the road that lead to the center of Ponyville. The mayor's office towered over the surrounding cottages. Ponys of many colors and pallets mingled about. Thi looked around, checking to make sure we weren't followed. I found it hard to walk straight.

"Alright. We seem to have lost them." She looked back at me and shot me the worried look again. "Fie?"

"Thi...?" I groaned and swayed a little bit, putting a hoof to my head. "I don't feel so good..." Thi bit her lip as she looked around again.

"Uhh, hold on. I think I can find a pharmacy around here. Just give me-." She balked. "Fie? Fie!!" That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


"Up this hill, Quiet! Let's go, keep that pace up!" I heard my father shout. I rasped tiredly as I did what he said. He reached the top of a street hill and trotted in place as he looked back to see me pushing through. I remember this memory. This was a couple months later in the training regime. My dad spent nearly every moment of my time trying to get me in shape. And while my figure was more slimmer, I always thought I was a scrawny mare to begin with. But my twig like hooves and body soon began to develop into more a physical athletic bod that I was honestly happy with. It made me feel good about myself and I felt like I could take on the world.

But even then, dad's training regime had its toll on me. I took a few moments to catch my breath. MY dad smirked.

"What's the matter? A little heavy around the legs?" I did my best not to fall onto my haunches. But seeing as I had galloped the five mile mark, I was exhausted. My dad stopped trotting and walked over to me. I breathed in as much as I could of the musky air of Hoofington before looking up to see the cold stoic look of my dad.

"Dad... can we... take a break...?" I wheezed. My dad rubbed his chin.

"Mmm alright. But after that we need to do the loop back." I stood up, feeling my legs almost buckle under me. But my dad held out a hoof to help me up and I leaned on him, smiling. "So, I've been meaning to ask how your mother has treated you in her training schedule?" We walked over to a salad bar and began chowing down on the food. Finally gaining enough strength to carry on the conversation, I spoke up.

"She's been well..." I rubbed my foreleg, wincing when I brushed a bruise. "Let's just say that I still have a long way to go in hoof-to-hoof combat." My dad chewed quietly before nodding. I then rubbed the back of my mane.

"So... how has mom really been though?" I asked. My dad chewed quietly again as he looked me in the eye. "I-I mean... the only times I really see her is during those training times. And then afterwords, she would just go back to her duties." My dad swallowed before speaking.

"The duties of a captain is a big responsibility. She has to keep that status up. She's been just as busy as I have." I bowed my head. That wasn't the answer I was looking for. But I ignored it and chewed on my salad. It was strange. Having finally left the old, scrawny and pimpled version of me in the dust of my new physique and life, I found myself growing more distant from my friends.

"I heard about what happened with Tabletop." He said, making me balk in surprise.

"Y-you have!?" I stated. He looked up at me.

"To let him off with just a simple kiss on the lips is one thing. But breaking his heart entirely is just down right cruel." He gave me a studious look. "You are serious about this change... something I really wasn't expecting." I frowned.

"Because you never take me seriously until now!" I put a hoof to myself. "I mean, Tabletop was sweet and all, but I never saw him that way! I felt bad for him and thought it was okay to kiss him before telling him that!" My dad shook his head.

"You are indeed a hopeless romantic." I slumped.

"That's not fair! Don't target me for not understanding a proper shut down!" I pointed at him. "What about you and mom, huh? The lack of time in bed is probably taking a toll on yourself and her!" My dad chuckled.

"We are busy ponies. When we had the time to exchange vows and have children, we knew what we were getting ourselves into." I clicked my tongue.

"Tch, and you are certain she isn't going behind your back. Or maybe you are going behind her back! Or maybe both!" I looked disgustedly at him. "When you put it that way, I'm pretty sure you both wouldn't mind screwing other ponies away from each other!" My dad arched a brow.

"I worry about the many conversations Ink Fire has with you about her job." I shook my head.

"That's beside the point! The point is is that you both hardly have time for each other anymore! When was the last time you had a honeymoon? Or maybe a vacation where you both are just by yourselves?" I snorted. "Hell, maybe you don't have time to spend with me anymore other than training..." My dad sighed and finished the last of his salad.

"So that's the problem then." I held out my hooves to him.

"I figured that since you are the rough and tough super sleuth hero cop that you would figure it out, but I can see now that both you and mom rather retain their duties to Equestria." My dad eyed me, making me shrink a little in my seat.

"Quiet, you have to understand that our jobs are constantly putting us on the line. Yesterday I participated in a raid to stop a Hydra Venom deal that had injured twenty out of the two casualties we had." He grit his teeth slightly. "But we caught the bastard and he is currently on death row as we speak. Your mother told me that she had also participated in a raid. A creature we haven't seen before had broken out of the Ever Free and somehow was smuggled into Canterlot." He snorted. "Apparently, some asshole of an elite wanted more bits in his purse and thought that a creature attack would be enough convincing for elite to give up the deed."

I arched a brow, giving him my "alright-get-on-with-it" look. He propped his hooves under his chin and looked me in the eyes.

"Quiet, you must remember that you will eventually realize your place in Equestria and want to have a duty to protect her. We are training you so you can. You will be the next Captain of the Royal Guard and when you graduate, you will be enrolled to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns." He smirked. "Illusion magic isn't just for weaseling out of doing chores." I stiffened again.

"How did..." I sighed. "Right, super sleuth. But even then, how did you know I was interested in illusion magic and had been studying it?" My dad shrugged.

"Beats me." I frowned.

"Stop bullshitting me."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are."



"Are you finished with your salad yet?" I scarfed the last of it in one big gulp. A big mistake as I coughed and swallowed it.


"Then let's get back home."

"You're an ass, you know?"

"I only care." I caught his sly smirk. While it wasn't the best back and forth I've had with him. I could tell that he was trying at least. But still, tough love can only go so far. And little did I know how badly it would spiral out of control after my graduation from Hoofington High.


I awoke to the strange sound of beeping next to my ear. My vision cleared and I was staring at a blank ceiling. I shifted my head to see a blue curtain on my left and the window that was fogged with the snowy setting. I then fell my gaze onto the IV stand and the heart machine next to my bed. I was in a hospital. Or if I am to be exact, Red Heart's Clinic.

"What... happened?" I asked myself, feeling the grogginess of the IV running through me. I tried sitting up, only to feel light headed and plop my head back down on the soft pillow. How did I get here? And why can't I remember anything before hoof? Okay, take a moment and think...

'I was walking with Thi after an incident at the park. And then... what?' I wanted to slink out of the bed. But the grogginess was making it difficult. I heard the door open and I looked to see a pretty damn cute mare in a nurses hat walk in. Her snow white coat and pink mane in a bun with a heart and cross cutie-mark was a pleasant sight. She beamed and trotted over to me.

"Ah, you are awake!" she said. I shifted and smiled.

"Ain't you a sight for sore eyes." I rasped. She flipped through the clipboard in her hoof. "So... Nurse Redheart... you doing anything tonight?" I asked suddenly. The cute nurse hummed in thought.

"I have to foresee an event of a strange case of cutie-pox with a group of foals. Then after that, I have to file paper work that the doctor seemed to have forgotten to put away. Then, I have to administer a shot to a mare who has visited my clinic more times than I can count." She smirked at me and I felt a sudden dread loom.

"Errr... right. Remind me not to hit on you ever again." She giggled before she pulled out a syringe.

"Oh relax. You're sweet and all, but I'm married to my work. Now be still, this will only take a second." I winced. I never liked needles. They were just so... intimidating for being something so slim and small. I suddenly blinked.

"W-wait, why do I need a-?"

"Done~." She sang. I blinked and watched the nurse toss the shot in a bio bin. She then turned and looked sternly at me. "Now then. Seeing as you are, for once, not in a state of broken bones that Namaste can't fix, the shot I just administered to you was to ensure that the penicillin takes effect." She then sighed and smiled softly. "You are lucky to have your friend bring you here. I never seen a temperature rise as high as yours. I was almost worried that you would melt the bed and the stethoscope." I blinked again.

"Come again?" I asked. She shifted through the papers on her clipboard.

"When your friend brought you in, you were at a body temperature of... three hundred degrees." I balked.

"What!? How is that possible??" I stated. She gave a stern hiss and held her hoof to her muzzle. Oh right... Nurse Readheart didn't like loud vocal ponies that disturbed her patients. She then went back to the clipboard.

"To answer your question, I'm not sure myself. Even the doctor was stumped. We used all forms of cooling remedies and that only lowered your temperature slightly. Speaking of." She reached for a tray and a belt before pulling out a thermometer. "Say ahh." I did as I was told and she put the meter under my tongue.

She held it there for a brief moment before it beeped and she looked at the reading. She gave a stumped look.

"I... I'm not sure what to think anymore... But your body temperature is reading normal. What I Celestia's cake vault that caused it...?" She then smiled and trotted over to the door. "I'll be back with the doctor in a bit. And Quiet?" I winced. The nurse mare knew me all too well. "Don't even think about trying to sneak your way out. We ensured this time that you are secured." I cocked a brow.

"W-what?" Now that I was awake, I looked down and saw that my hooves were strapped to the bed. I balked. "H-hey! I didn't consent to this!" the nurse mare was already trotting out of the room. "W-wait! Come back! Don't leave me like this!” I struggled, but the restraints were locked tight. Even my magic couldn't help me with them. I sighed and let my body fall. 'Damn. Cute, but diabolic.'

Hopeless romantic...

The words echoed through my mind. I growled. I really need to take Thi's advice and focus on what I want... I beamed. 'Maybe it's not as difficult as it sounds... but I think it just might work.' Burying the idea in the back of my mind that I will start sometime later tonight, I laid there and let the sounds of the of the heart machine beep away. It felt like hours had passed. I began to suddenly feel bored. And I was restrained to not be able to move, not even to scratch the itch on my nose. I wiggled my muzzle, hoping that it would have some sort of effect. I then sighed, feeling the itch remain. I then had another idea.

I concentrated, my mind focusing on splitting in two. She would act like me, look like me and most importantly, become a very valuable ally. I shifted my head slightly to see something move in my peripheral. I then saw a pair of golden eyes and fire colored mane smile back at me. Illusion magic. When advanced, it can have more benefits in life than in the ring of a martial arts tournament. My look-a-like moved a hoof over me and scratched the itch. I sighed in relief. Then, she began to fumble with the straps. When she freed my hoof, I quickly went to free my other before working on the ones at my hind hooves. Finally free to move, I slowly slid out of the bed and using my magic to roll the IV stand along with me, my look-a-like and I trotted out of the door.

Making sure that the coast was clear, I did my best to be as silent as possible, despite the IV stand making a small squeak on occasions. Thankfully, the clinic only had currently occupied ponies from during the Hearthswarming's flu. I wonder if they had anything in the cafeteria? I made my way down the hall, going off of memory from the previous times I've been here. I beamed when I saw a sign that pointed where the cafeteria is. My clone suddenly held up a hoof to me and shook her head. She then vanished as I quickly sidled against the wall and heard voices down the hall. One sounded familiar.

"...I swear, that's all I saw." I heard Thi's voice say. I furrowed my brows and strained my ears to listen in. She must have be trying to persuade the guards from earlier as I heard gruff mumbles.

"I take it you are well?" I heard a voice say behind me, making my heart skip a beat. I looked behind me and I gapped at to what I saw. It was a pony. But... it didn't look like a pony. This pony almost looked similar to a chimera. Pony head, goat horns and a... serpent head tail? I was too stunned to move. This pony... his green eyes meeting mine. What kind of pony is this!! The pony chuckled and brushed a griffon claw on his scale brown coat. "It's so great to see you again, Quiet." I couldn't say anything. The pure sight of it was just... disturbing. His serpentine head tail hissed and slithered up and looked at me. I noticed that it didn't have eyes. Just hollow flesh in the sockets.

"W-w-what...?" was all I could mutter. The pony blinked and looked down at himself before rubbing his chin.

"Oh right. I forget you mortals have a much more boring physique. Allow me to fix that." He waved a talon across his face and suddenly, his form had changed into a normal pony. A brown earth pony with a bald scale like coat. He sighed. "And I was really starting to enjoy that form." He then smirked. "I'll change it when I get back to the castle." He studied me, seeing me back away a little. He frowned. "Are you going to wet the floor again? I swear, you need your bladder checked if we keep meeting like this." This pony... is totally on a different level than Discord. And if I've been around the block when Discord was with Fluttershy, I know exactly when it was Discord antics or not. But this wasn't one of them. This pony gave off a very eerie and powerful vibe.

He tapped his hoof, waiting for me to respond.

"It's rude to stare at an eldritch being like that." He gave a small snake like smile. "You wouldn't want divine intervention on my behalf now, would you?" I shook my stunned state and gripped the IV stand. I don't know what came over me or why I wanted to do it. But something in me told me that I had to kill it. My panic increasing, I took a bi pedal stance and flipped the IV stand before thrusting it forward. But the bottom of the stand didn't even come close to touching him. He looked bored as my weapon couldn't proceed any further. How was he fending it off without so much as batting an eye!? He rubbed his muzzle in frustration.

"Oh please, we've met each other twice and you are already trying to kill me? I know I may look different, but I guarantee you that I am not out to harm you." I shook my head.

"Y-you... what are you!?" I exclaimed. The pony smiled.

"Ouroboros. The eldritch being of the universe and balance. I have no physical form and thus take the form of something familiar, yatta, yatta, yatta." He huffed. "This meeting would be so much better with gwynette and those cartoons. I have to say, you have an interesting taste, Quiet. I'm practically addicted to Sayain Samurai. Know what I'm sayin'?" I sat down and let my IV stand drop.

This can't be for real... an eldritch being... right before me... is making a conversation about beer and cartoons!? He leaned against the wall. "Hmm... she still slumbers within you. But her dominance took effect. She has rightfully claimed you hers." I was speechless... how can I even comprehend how to talk to an eldritch being!? And what was he talking about!? Ourobors suddenly opened the window next to him and motioned with a hoof. "Let's go for a walk. Perhaps maybe that will warm you up." I darted my eyes. I was utterly lost and confused. I had no idea how to talk to a being such as this and I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not.

But in any case, I hated not moving around. And being stuck in a clinic is something I didn't want to have to do today. 'Perhaps I can finally get that letter delivered and get to the bottom of those strange occurrences.' I took the IV tube out of my foreleg and moved to the window that Ouroboros bounded out of with no troubles. I tossed my hood up and prepared to engage the cold breeze of post New Years. I was going to have a long talk. One that I was not expecting to have sober this time.

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