• Published 8th Aug 2017
  • 636 Views, 9 Comments

Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

A young mare must journey Equestria in order to fulfill a universally unavoiadable fate along with seven others in order to prevent the disruption of universal law. All the while trying to prevent a dark force from acquiring their elements.

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Chapter 18: Cause and Effect

Chapter 18: Cause and Effect

When we returned to the hospital, we explained the situation to everypony present. We had to really convince Discord more than the others. But when the draconiquis sighed and slumped, he sat down in front of the door. Twilight and her friends group hugged Discord, who looked even more defeated than usual. Ouroboros walked over to me and smiled.

“Ever the hero. Everypony has a life of their own outside of your own. But that shouldn’t matter, should it?” He said. “I can see why she picked you.” I looked at the serpent quizzically before he, in his usual eldritch fashion, vanished with a loud crack into distortion. Twilight looked to us and she wiped her eyes before speaking.

“Everypony. Please be careful. If Thi says these ponies are genuinely bad, then promise me. Pinkie Promise even.” She said. Cloudchaser cocked her head.

“Pinkie Promise?” She asked. Pinkie Pie walked up to us. The energetic earth pony looking less energetic, but she smiled and sat on her haunches. She then made a motion across her chest.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.” She said, finishing the motion by covering her eye. We looked at each other and I smiled, mimicking her motion.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.” I said. Pinkie seemed to tear up before giving me a big hug.

“You better come back.” She said with a sniffle. I hesitated a bit. I wasn’t expecting a hug. But I gave a soft pat on her back. She pulled away and walked back over to Twilight. The group bid us farewell before Twilight popped in a flash of violet light. We looked to Discord, who seemed to not acknowledge us being there. I turned to the others.

“Let’s go.” I said. We walked out of the hospital, squeezing by the many lined up injured ponies. I noticed Thi was eyeing several of the ponies on the way out before focusing on the wagon. She hopped into the back and began to dig around. I looked up and over to the Manechester Tower that was still currently up in flames. Flitter scanned the sky.

“Where do we even start? There’s no way we’ll be able to look around the tower.” She said. Sharp Eye scanned the area around the top of the tower. I noticed her eyes, specifically her irises, stopped swirling with green and began to form a cross shape. I arched a brow. She caught my look and smiled.

“You ever see things that most ponies can’t?” She asked. I thought back a bit to our fight. I did see Sharp Eye’s form behind her Gaia controlled body. I had a moment of realization. Sharp Eye nodded. “It does more than tell ponies we are walking death bombs.”

“Aha!” Thi stated. We looked back to see her suddenly withdraw a guitar case. It must have been a heavy guitar she carried. I then blinked.

“Wait. Since when do you play the guitar?” I asked. Thi shook her head.

“I don’t and we’ll leave it at that for now.” She said as she lugged it out of the wagon and hooked it to the side of it. Scribble hummed.

“I didn’t know you smuggled in an instrument.” He looked at her. “We aren’t hoarding anything else unnecessary, are we?” Thi grinned and pat the stallion on the back.

“This is completely necessary, my eggheaded friend.” She said contemptibly. Flitter studied it.

“How long have we’ve had this?” She asked. Thi immediately threw herself against the case and leaned against it coolly.

“Uhh… since we left Ponyville.” She stated. I eyed her suspiciously. Thi whistled and shrugged. “We’re going against the Triad. Might as well show them the artistic side of this Daring Doo side kick.” Sharp Eye slumped.

“Why do I get the feeling this is more than a standard scouting mission?”

The streets were jammed pack as rescue ponies had blocked off several avenues near Manechester Tower. We had to park our wagon in a spot off the side of the road. After covering and securing our stuff, Thi unhooked the guitar case and slung it over her back, covering the bat. She withdrew her firearm and did a quick check and count before stuffing it back in her jacket and looking over to us.

“Now, I may seem a little too paranoid about about being ready.” She began. Scribble was writing down in his journal.

“More like crazy.” He said. Thi ignored him.

“But you have to trust me on this. Better to be overly prepared than being prepared.” She pat her guitar case. I sighed and shook my head. I know I say it a lot, but what in the hell are we getting into? I then turned to Cloudchaser, Flitter and Sharp Eye.

“You three. Think you can scan the sky? Make sure the sky police don’t suspect anything. This city has a sky limit.” I looked to Scribble. “Scribble, Thi and I will scour the ground.” I tapped my horn. “I’ll signal with a glow of my horn if I find anything. You guys will signal with this.” I reached over and picked up a piece of broken glass. I handed it to Sharp Eye, who took it in her claw. “Reflect the sun’s light in our general area. If we come up short, we’ll meet back here.” I said. Flitter and Cloudchaser gave a salute while Sharp Eye tipped her hat. They took off into the sky, keeping low. I turned to Thi and Scribble.

We took off down the alley and made our way over to the crowded and blocked off area to Manechester Tower. Scribble motioned for us to follow managing to get us quite a bit of ways out of the crowd and down another alley. It was Thi’s turn to help as we came to a massive fence. Thi flicked her head down and we all were launched up and over the fence. The platform formed as we landed, cushioning our fall greatly. Scribble dusted himself off and shrugged.

“Not bad.” He said. Thi smirked and we quickly cantered over to a rescue wagon. We stayed low as we scanned the area. Thi frowned.

“There has to be something around the other side. The Triad may not care for well beings of others and don’t mind destruction, they are well hidden in the shadows.” She said. I scanned the area and noticed that among the debris there were pieces of what appeared to be a similar canister, but with its charred and burnt remains, only the dark liquid that seeped from it from below. The forensic ponies were investigating several of these fallen canisters. We scurried to the next hiding spot, getting closer and closer to the building. When we arrived, we hugged the wall and skirted around the side of the building.

Thankfully, the ponies that were crowded around the building were on one side. As the rest of the building behind it was a dock. It was fenced off with reinforced metal and barb wire. Thi smirked and was about to do her usual springboard, only to have Scribble put a hoof on her shoulder and shake his head. He pulled out one of his rock runes and crushed and grinded it between his hoof. He then put his hooves on the fence and start to draw a circle. When he was finished, he tapped the center and the fence gave way in the form he drew. He nodded and we climbed through. We ducked behind a crate and peeked out from behind.

The underground foundation of the building was of course a shipping garage. Three cement docks laid out into the river that led out into the ocean. There were two large sized cargo boats and ponies going to and fro from the loading bays. They appeared to be in a hurry. The police ponies were patrolling the dock, and what looked like some investigators were on scene. Thi clicked her tongue.

“If we can just find anything that has to do with the Triad…” she said. I hummed softly. I remember Sharp Eye doing the funny thing with her eyes. I blinked and found myself in a pitch-black void. I turned around to see Din resting on her belly and laying her head down over her forelegs. She eyed me with disappointment.

As much as I hate the rules, and the damned serpent stealing some of my own to give to you… I saw her disappointment turn into a grudging hate. You just need to use your eyes that you already have. Mine are a special case. Not meant for mortals like you. It’ll work just the same. She then closed her eyes and I could swear she was snoozing a bit. I furrowed my brows before blinking again, finding myself back into reality. I squinted my eyes. I focused on a very tiny image on one of the boats. It read, as clear as if I was up close to it:

Wear Hard Hat

I then began scanning the area. I could almost make out every detail from this far away. I then noticed a certain symbol over a logo.

EM Industries

The eye letter had a soft imprint of the Triad symbol. I beamed and pointed ahead.

“There! I see our mark.” I whispered to them. Thi and Scribble squinted their eyes. Thi shook her head.

“I don’t see anything. How can we from this far away?” She asked in a whisper. I stepped out from the crate, crouching low.

“Just trust me.” I whispered back. I crawled and scurried between cover, motioning for Thi and Scribble to follow when the coast was clear. I looked up into the sky once we were in a good spot to get our bearings. I noticed that Sharp Eye, Cloudchaser and Flitter were keeping their distance, but seeing Sharp Eye flicker her signal, that told me they are aware of what is going on. I peeked out from cover. We were right up on the entrance to the shipping garage. Massive shipping wagons were slowly moving back and forth as ponies were loading crates and other shipments.

Thi tapped her hoof on me and Scribble and pointed ahead of us. When the coast was clear, we scurried and crawled behind the tall shelves and crate spaces that we could squeeze through. As we were about to turn a corner, Thi stopped us and pushed us into cover. We peeked out as we saw several ponies in hard hats walking towards us. Thi snarled a bit.

“Ugh. Not Lilac. But her watchdog, Marrow Bone.” She said. I studied the ponies. They all looked like normal ponies of varying pallets. But one did stick out to me. A slender looking sandy blonde and blue coated pegasus mare who had a nasty scar across a pretty face. Almost as if she was scowling. Her unscarred eye was pale and muddled. An eye patch over her other eye. I whispered to Thi.

“Watchdog? Are you sure?” She asked. Thi nodded.

“I’m the one who gave her that scar in our last fight. Suites a vile mare like her.” She growled quietly. “Even though she looks blind, she can see perfectly well. Some sort of cybernetic surgery.” Scribble looked at her in a bit of stoic disbelief.

“Cybernetics? Are they that advanced?” He asked. Thi shrugged.

“They’ve been cursed and blown up almost all the time. For whatever reason, they keep coming back. Something is bound to be replaced.” She said matter-of-factly. Well, that is worrisome. We watched as one of the ponies used a crowbar to open up a crate. With a loud wooden crunch, the lid opened and Marrow Bone looked in. She nodded to the pony and closed the crate before moving on past us. The ponies moved out of sight when there was a glow and a hum coming from Scribbles bag. Scribble reached in and pulled out his ethereal reader crystal. The rune in the crystal was crackling and distorting. Scribble nodded and aimed at the crate. The rune was crackling like crazy. We checked to make sure the coast was clear before scurrying over and gathering around the crate. I slid off the lid and saw not a canister, but a weapons crate. Strange, long barreled contraptions that looked strangely high tech. Thi furrowed her brow.

"Gauss rifles." She said. I cocked my head slightly. "Powerful battery rifles that can penetrate almost anything. It's supposed to have as much power as a unicorn's powerful beam spell. Specifically, the princesses. But since the power can't be controlled normally the way they do it, they contain it inside a battery and use it as live ammunition." Scribble was about to touch it, but Thi slapped his hoof. "Don't touch it. Triad keeps their property marked with trace magic. Allows them to trace the hoof print of the previous wielder. It uhh... helps the Triad track down or keep track of their own ponies." The more Thi explained the Triad, the more I feel like she was making this stuff up. But the proof is right in front of us. And since she's been off saving the world from the Triad, I felt my frustrations rise again. I took a calm breath. No, Fie. Now is not the time. You can vent later. Thi used her magic to close the lid and then made a shushing sound. We flicked our ears, listening to the droning chatter of work ponies and the loud clacking of the wagon wheels. Thi then pushed both me and Scribble to the side, ducking behind a stack of crates.

Just in time too, as the work ponies started to come back. The leading one was scanning a clip board while speaking.

"With production at an all-time high, it's fine to lose a few barrels worth of Sombranite. The substance cannot be traced back. Impossible really." he said, adjusting his glasses. The scarred pony, Marrow Bone, shook her head.

"Impossible isn't good enough." she stated. Her voice sounded cold, demanding, but raspy. As if she was having trouble breathing from her throat. "The Triad does not make mistakes. That fool had it coming to him. Sad we couldn't get two of the six elements out of our way." she then smiled into what looked like a scowl. "King Sombra is such a dear for letting us sample his material. Projections are in order?" The stallion adjusted his glasses and glanced at the clipboard, flipping the pages.

"Projections are on point. Stability of the substance containment one hundred percent. Shipment of Sombranite expected to spread out across Equestria come springtime. Will administer small doses into the black markets for better estimations." he said. The three of us exchanged worried glances. Marrow Bone nodded.

"See to it that it does. General Lilac will be arriving in a bit to overlook the shipment process." She turned to the other ponies in coats and hard hats. "See to it that no pony suspects anything. We walk in the shadow." She saluted. The ponies saluted back.

"In order to bring the light." they said in unison. Marrow Bone then sniffed the air. She scanned the area, sniffing before her look stopped at our hiding location. We were quick to duck out of the way and we steadied our breathing. I felt my heartbeat as I did my best to quiet my breathing. We heard the hoof steps of the mare get closer and closer, sniffing as if the watchdog had gotten a scent.

"Is something the matter, Sargent Bone?" the stallion asked. The mare snarled.

"I smell rats. Scour the place. Alert the guards. It appears we have some vermin loose in the garage." she said suddenly. Oh shit! We tensed and froze in place. I was trying my damndest to stifle my breathing. I had to close my eyes a few times to let a flow of air out and in. We heard several hoofsteps canter away from our location. But Marrow Bone stayed a bit behind. She eyed the area suspiciously. "What a familiar scent." she said. She then cast an evil smile that seemed to open her scar. "You're here too, Thi Billette." I looked to see Thi slowly withdraw her firearm, her sweat dripping from her brow. She looked ready to go at a drop of a needle. Then, as if an intervention from the princesses themselves happened, a pony ran up to Marrow Bone.

"Sargent. General Lilac is here. She is requesting your presence." the mare said. Marrow Bone snarled.

"Dammit... of all the..." She inhaled through her snout and exhaled quietly. She then straightened herself and adjusted her coat. "Very well. Take me to her." As they were trotting away, Marrow Bone glanced in our direction again. She grinned. "We'll meet again, Thi Billette. We always do." We stayed a bit to make sure she wouldn't come back. But it appeared that the coast was clear. We let out our held in breath and Scribble rasped as he spoke.

"I've had enough excitement for today..." he said. Thi placed her firearm back in its' holster before wiping her brow.

"Leave it to Marrow Bone to make snooping hard. I should burn her snout when I get the chance next time." she said with a bit of relief and grudging hate at the same time. I peeked out from our cover and motioned to them.

"We gotta' get back to the others. We've been hanging around too long.” I said in full alert. We scurried back to where we came, getting close to the exit before we had to quickly take cover inside one big loading wagons. I peeked out from our cover and saw a gathering of ponies. They were looking up at the walkway. Thi and Scribble poked their heads out and I heard Thi sigh.

“We’ll definitely get caught by Marrow Bone. Let’s wait it out a bit.” She whispered. I scanned the crowd. I could see Marrow Bone walking up the steps and over to an alabaster colored pony with bleach blonde straight mane and tail. Lilac eyes gave off a cold and dead look. Her expression stoic. Marrow Bone saluted the pony and began conversing with her. The other ponies, looking like regular working ponies, stood at attention. I was surprised the other ponies around here weren’t fazed by the militaristic looking crowd. But I’m guessing they are writing it off as an investor meeting.

I furrowed my brows. I noticed another pony walking up to the two. He was wearing a tan trench coat and a fancy tan fedora on his head. Upon closer inspection with my newfound sight, I gasped as I recognized the pony.

“Dad??” I blurted out suddenly in shock. Thi and Scribble looked at me with concerned surprise. Indeed, my father was walking up at this moment to, what Thi would say, the most ruthless pair of ponies in all of Equestria. His orchid eyes expressing his usual calm, stern and collected vibe. He was starting to grow a little bit of red fuzz around the chin. He removed his hat upon approaching the two, his mane no longer buzz cut like how I remembered. He grew it out. He somehow looked a bit younger with the longer, flowing fire streak mane similar to mine.

What’s more importantly, why is he a detective now? And why is he starting to talk to them?! My mind was racing with red flags. He must have stated his name and occupation before putting his fedora back on and conversing with the other two. I slumped back into my cover and groaned.

“Great… first my mom. Now my dad… I hope to Celestia my brother and sister aren’t here…” I rasped. Thi and Scribble exchanged glances. As if I wasn’t feeling anymore conflicted. I can’t even think properly of the situation right now. My mom is back at Canterlot being busy as all hell and my dad, who I thought was still in Hoofington, is here in Manehatten. Thi nudged me and I looked to her motioning over to the group. I couldn’t make what they are saying, but it seemed to me like they were getting in a very tense discussion. My dad seemed to not sweat as Marrow Bone seemed to snarl at something he said, causing General Lilac to hold up a hoof to her and speak. If only I took lip reading.

We didn’t notice Scribble was looking through something with his eyes. He tapped on our shoulders and pointed to a glass case. Thi balked.

“Scorpan’s Scepter?” She whispered in surprise. She frowned. “So, they did manage to find it. Dammit.” In the glass case was a metallic looking scepter with a gem at the end of it. The old school design showed how simplistic it looked. But reading about Scorpan during my time in CSGU, it held a lot of dark power. Thi growled and looked over our cover. She then unslung her guitar case and pointed at Scribble and me. “Nothing I can do about the Scepter now. You two. We need to get out of here. Marrow most certainly alerted General Lilac of out scent. We’re going to cause a distraction.” She smirked. “Thi style.”

Scribble and I exchanged glances before she opened up the case and we balked at the sight of a sleek, long black box with handles at the bottom. She levitated it up with her magic and slung it over her shoulder. I could see holes at the end. Scribble sighed.

“Shoulda’ guessed…” he said, pulling out a smooth stone. I looked back to the scepter. There were plenty of other objects of ancient design displayed. I couldn’t help but think of all the things Thi may have come into contact with. Perhaps her carrying a bat with an eye wasn’t so strange to her as what we are about to do now. I imagined splitting myself into two. When I opened my eyes, I gasped. I saw three of my selves smiling at me. Since when could I do that?! And what’s even weirder, I wasn’t beginning to sweat or feel on the verge of burnout.

Thi grinned. “The more the merrier. She then stepped out of cover. Scribble bolted out from behind her. I ordered my clones to throw their hoods up to at least keep my face hidden. I can’t be the only pony who has a similar palette in Equestria.

“Yippe-kai-yay, mothabuckas!!” Thi called out. As I galloped down the wagon ramp, I ordered my clones to charge the ponies. There was a loud hiss and I saw what looked like a bright red bolt fly past the ponies and under the walkway. It then popped and crackled with arcane energy. Ponies began screaming and running about while the group of ponies turned around in surprise. My clones pushed on through them and I ordered them to comically puff up and explode into smoke. A series of pops as smoke began enveloping the area, causing the surprised ponies to cough and try to get their bearings. Scribble tossed out a rock from the smoke and crushed one in between his hooves before slamming down on the ground in a stomp.

The earth shook a bit before the ground began to shoot up and blocking the walkway view down below.

“IT’S THI BILLETTE!! KILL HER!!” We heard Marrow shout at the top of her lungs, followed by a series of coughs. Scribble and I galloped through the disoriented crowd while Thi fired off another overhead, causing more disorientation. She then tossed aside the black box before hopping over the ramp railing and springboarding across the area. “STOP HER, NOW!!” Marrow roared again. We were already at the bay doors, Thi transitioning into a gallop upon landing on the ground. I looked over my shoulder and I saw my dad eyeing us with suspicion as Marrow Bone was barking orders and General Lilac looked bored and uninterested.

I hoped that all the disorientation made it hard for my dad to see me well as we galloped full speed down the docking bays. I saw overhead our pegasi friends and griffon friend swoop down and scoop us up. We were quickly on our way far away from Manechester Tower.

Night has fallen over the city. It only seemed like yesterday we were pulling Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy from a crater. Sharp Eye peeked around the corner of a wall and nodded to us. Scribble pulled our wagon as we scurried out into the road, heading quite a bit of ways down before cutting off down a dirt path. It led under the massive bridge that connected to the island part of Manehatten. Once we were fully in cover, scribbled unlatched the wagon from himself and turned to us.

“What now?” He asked. That was a good question. I looked to Thi and she seemed content with herself. She blinked and hummed in thought.

“Well, we did find something out, like Twilight asked.” She said. Flitter frowned along with Cloudchaser.

“And did she ask you to use an arc launcher for the reconnaissance? Cloudchaser nearly flew in there, hooves at the ready. What the hell did you even do in there that warranted that??” She stated. Thi shrugged, using her magic to levitate a gwyenette bottle over to her.

“They are bad ponies. I would have aimed it directly at General Lilac and scar face, but Fie’s dad was in attendance, so I had to improvise.” She said. I groaned and facehoofed. Cloudchaser cocked a brow.

“Your dad was with the Triad?” She asked. I rubbed my muzzle before sighing.

“No way, no how. He’s a hero cop so I’m guessing he’s looking into the investigation of Manechester Tower. Though I didn’t think he went from hero cop to detective.” I looked over to the murky Manehatten riverbed. “I was hoping they wouldn’t be too involved, but I guess I was wrong. I can only hope my brother and sister are staying out of it.” I said. Sharp Eye tipped her hat up.

“They’re detectives too?” She asked. I shook my head.

“My brother is an ‘escort’ and my sister runs a brothel.” I explained matter-of-factly. There was some uncomfortable shifting among some of them and I nodded. “Though, it’s been years since I’ve even contacted my family. When I saw my mom, she was too busy with her Canterlot Captain duties to stay around and chat. And now, my dad went from hero cop to… I hope not a fallen cop.” I sat on my haunches and rubbed my temples. Scribble opened up his journal and started scribbling down in it.

“So. Aside from Fie’s awkward family involvement, what else did we learn from this?” He asked, casting a glance towards Thi. Thi kicked back on the back of the wagon and took a swig of her beverage before speaking.

“That weapons crate we checked out. I don’t know if you two saw the shipping stamp on it. But it appears to be shipping out to the Nilneigh Islands. Which, funny enough, is where the Marsh Lands are.” She said coolly. Scribble scratched into his journal.

“Convenient. And let me guess. You plan on having us sneak into one of the Triad shipping boats to reach the Marsh Lands. And not because you want to inconvenience the Triad more, but also to find the power element of air. Am I correct?” He asked. Thi nearly choked on her drink.

“Ack!… Uhhh… I promise this time there won’t be an arc launcher?” She squeaked her response. Scribble narrowed his eyes at her. We looked at her with arched brows. Thi sighed and wiggled a hoof. "Look, it sounded like a good plan in my head. Besides, you heard what Marrow said. They wanted to get rid of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. How they managed to get wrapped up in the Triad, that's a whole other matter we need to figure out. But do you believe me now that the Triad will openly hurt ponies? How they remain a shadow organization is just as much a mystery." I let out a soft breath of air before pressing my ear.

"Princess Twilight? Do you read?" I asked. There was a momentary silence before a voice broke through.

"Quiet Fire? Did you find anything out?" The voice of Twilight broke through. I nodded. I explained to her what we found in distinct detail before waiting for her response to the news. Twilight responded, her tone sounding determined. "I see. Then I'll send out an alert with the princesses as well. Let everypony know that this organization is now involved with the very threat that dangers our balance to the realm." Thi pressed her ear.

"With all due respect, Princess. But perhaps we should instead of making it painfully obvious that we are now putting the Triad on top three baddies. Perhaps we can fight fire with fire?" she suggested. I cocked my head at her as she continued. "Triad like to spread propaganda for their recruitment regime. Perhaps, we can start spreading some of our own to make ponies aware of the Triad's shadow?"

"No. We will not be brainwashing ponies about the whereabouts of the Triad. We would be no better than they are." Twilight didn't skip a beat saying that. Thi sighed.

"Alright then. What do you propose?" she asked.

"I'll write an urgent message to the princesses and Princess Cadence in the Crystal Empire. If this Sombranite sounds like something they extracted from the late king, then they need to be wholly aware of the situation. We can't let the Crystal Empire fall at all. They are our last line of defense." she explained. I rubbed my chin.

"Then, I guess we'll go with Thi's plan for now." I said. Thi looked at me with a quizzical look. "We'll be sneaking onto a Triad cargo ship to head out to the Marsh Lands. Killing two bir-..." I hesitated a moment. "Breaking two stones with one arrow." I heard a small snicker from Cloudchaser and Flitter. Thi gave a spiteful look staring into the sky. "We'll be able to find out more of what the Triad are up too and what they are planning to do." I frowned. "I won't lie. I thought Thi was making all of this up. But after today, who knows if they are fully aware of the dire situation of Equestria." Thi chimed.

"I'm sure they are. We've already seen it. The Sombranite. The weapon crates. It's not your standard ship to Pony Island. They are planning to seep the Sombranite into Equestria via black markets by spring. Who knows if they already have some out in the streets now? I think they are planning on marching to invade Equestria." she said. There was another momentary silence.

"Very well. We'll keep managing things here on our end. Please be careful. And everypony? Thank you for saving Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in time." she said. I never heard her sound so exhausted before. I exchanged a quick glance with Thi before smiling softly.

"It's what we do." I said. The line was cut and I turned to everypony. "Alright. We need a thorough plan on how we can sneak on board without their trace magic activating." I said. Cloudchaser and Flitter rubbed their chins in thought.

"You know, while we were keeping a bird's eye view of the place, we did spot a back entrance into the cargo ship. We noticed that there were small sailing boats coming and going, shipping what looked like to be cages or displays of some kind. We can probably sneak in that way." Cloudchaser suggested. Thi nodded.

"Good idea. One problem though. There are plenty of troops the Triad can pay. They'll have plenty of overseer patrols. They'll see us coming a mile away." she said. Scribble motioned with a hoof to the wagon.

"What about the big cargo wagons? We can sneak onto one of those and wait for them to load up the ship. Though, it'll require us having to disguise as workers." He rubbed his chin. "They may have too many troops to keep track of and thus rely on the tracing magic to work. They can't keep track of normal workers though, right?" He asked. Cloudchaser smiled.

"Now that sounds like a good idea." she said. Flitter smiled, her hooves behind her back as she floated in the air.

"I can pretend to be a new desk pony to work the papers. I can probably snoop around and see if they have any files that we can use intel on." she said. Thi smiled at this. Sharp Eye scratched her head.

"So, I guess I'll pretend to be a guard?" she asked with a shrug towards Thi. Thi shook her head as she hopped off the wagon. She reached into the wagon and pulled out what looked like rope.

"Correction. You're going to be a griffon capture to an all pony only militia. Your personal guard escorts, Thi and Fie will personally transfer you to the cargo bay where you'll be sleeping with the rest of the caged beasts. Scribble... I guess you can go with Flitter to help her as her eggheaded assistant. And CC, you'll be a normal, everyday joe just trying to make a bit. No pony will think the wiser if you just swab the poopdeck and be pretty." Thi said, winking. I perked up at the words pretty towards Cloudchaser. She indeed was pretty. I shook out of my lovestruck stupor and nodded.

"R-right! Sounds like a plan then." I said. Sharp Eye balked and gave a panicked look. Thi stretched.

"Get some shut eye now. We'll be bright and early to the morning shift. And Gwyen? No need to panic. We aren't going to actually leave you helpless in a cage. We'll have Cloudchaser smuggle the key from one of the guards and pass it off to you. When you feel ready to make some noise, then do so. But wait until we are out in the middle of the ocean. Don't want somepony running back to Manehatten and getting General Lilac on our tail. Oh, that reminds me. Dunno if we'll actually run into the big bads during this. Probably a captain that may or may not be a Triad member." Thi furrowed her brows. "That... also reminds me that there will be a mix of civilian ponies with Triad ponies. How you can judge who is a Triad and who isn't, will be easy though. They'll have a Triad symbol on their uniforms or coat. It's how they tell which one is their own if the tracing magic doesn't work." She explained. Cloudchaser stretched and landed on the ground.

"Sounds good to me." she said. Thi smiled and pat her chest.

"I couldn't be prouder of a rag tag group of wanna' be heroes in the making." she said with a small sniffle. "Ahhh... brings a tear to my eye."

That night was an interesting one. I had a strange dream where I was face to face with Ouroboros. He was in his true form is what I would like to believe. A giant serpent floating in space. He was eyeing all seven of us. Nothing being exchanged. No words speaking. Just us floating in the endless space with the World Serpent overlooking us. What was strange was how there was nothing bad or good about it. It was just that. Nothing. But I remember it clearly. After what felt like a while, I found myself being pulled into an actual dream. I was walking down a path. Taking in the bright and sunny day. A strangely gayly dream. Thi was watering some flowers by a cottage. Scribble was whistling a tune, looking a bit more... cartoony than usual. Sharp Eye was a buzzard on a sign, making squawking noises. Flitter had giant rimmed glasses and was balancing papers while Cloudchaser looked like she was working out on almost everything, bulking up to what was similar to Bulk Bicep's muscles. The dream rotated as if I was walking in only a looping path. The sunny sky suddenly turned grey and muddled. Rain began to pour and everypony around me began to melt as if they were ink. I looked around, confused as to what was going on.

The ground then suddenly melted beneath me and I went falling through the void. As quickly as I had fallen, I found myself surrounded by water. I held my breath, looking around. The water looked like there was no surface to break through and the black abyss below went on for miles. I was stuck in between it. I heard a voice began to call out to me. It was faint. Almost as if it was singing. It gradually grew louder before it stopped. I looked around, finding it hard to breath. I held my throat, kicking and flailing my legs as I was running out of air. When I couldn't hold my breath in anymore, I let out a gasp of air, expecting water to fill my lungs. But... that didn't happen. I blinked and found that I was perfectly fine. I then felt myself suddenly being carried away by a rush of a current. I tumbled through the water, unable to control myself. When I found myself rightening in the water, I balked as I saw what appeared to be a twister like figure ahead of me. It was huge. Yet, I wasn't being pulled in. Instead, I did make out something. A silhouette of an alicorn. It stood inside of the whirlpool, unmoving. But then, it appeared to open her eyes and glared a deep blue glow at me. I was about to turn around and swim away, but when I did turn, I saw Din eyeing the whirlpool.

She then looked down at me and grinned.

You have to stop wandering into my sister's domains. I'd rather avoid another confrontation. I have a much bigger idea. In fact, perhaps I can make a bargain with you. She opened her wings and I found the water to flush away above us. We were back into the pitch-black void of Din's domain. She stood up and gave me a victorious, sly smile. I'll lend you a temporary amount of my power that you can use to aid yourself in this soon to be failed plan. Under one condition. I frowned.

"I get you to Aquarius's heart? Or better yet, Ventus's? Maybe both?" I asked with a snort. Din laughed and waved a hoof in dismissal.

Ahahaha, nonono. I want you... to free me. she said. I looked up at her with a confused and suspicious look.

"Come again?" I asked. Din walked past me, motioning the void with her hooves.

You say I don't do anything to help you out at all. And that wounds me so. Okay, red flags, Quiet Fire. I turned to her and readied myself. Din cast a backwards glance at me. No need to get so defensive. Let me finish explaining. You see, I have a hunch, so to speak. That you, who I deem so pathetic and not worth my time, actually to be a special case. But I'll get to that later when I feel like it. What I want you to do, is free me from my domain. Look around you. I eyed her with doubt, but I did take a small look around. Pitch black. The reason for that being is that you have closed your heart to me. Better so, your heart has been closed for a long time, my dear vessel. She chuckled and waved a hoof. And don't get me started with what goes on inside that... primal brain of yours. Fantasizing over another pony. Your constant frustration and jealousy with your friends. Your desire to represent courage. How you feel powerless around me. She grinned at that last part but continued. When you free me from my domain, this pitch-black void will be a beautiful land of fire and singing. Sharp Eye opened her's to Gaia and that is the result of what we saw when you communicated with Gaia through her vessel. And it appears that Aquarius's vessel has opened their heart to her.

Open your heart to me and set me free, dear vessel. And I'll grant you some of my powers in return. She lowered her head to me, her evil grin challenging my own determined-to-fight-back look. A small wisp of fire appeared in front of us. The amber gem. The offer is on the table. And to sweeten the pot, as they say, I'll leave this here so you'll be allowed to grant small ounces of my power to aid you. All you need to do is touch it and desire for your courage to resonate. You've already seen the process. How your magic now can be greater. In order to free me, you must crush this gem and take it as your own. She then stepped back and nodded. I eyed her and the gem. I then batted the gem away gently and shook my head.

"Sorry, Din. But your power is out of control and I don't believe the words of a force of nature. I'm not going to let you make a Sharp Eye out of me." I said. Din chuckled and started to lay down with her head resting on her forehooves.

The choice is here when you change your mind. Good luck, dear vessel!

I woke up after that. I felt Thi nudge me and whisper to me.

"Psst, Fie. Wake up a little more would ya'? You're going to draw attention to us." she said. I blinked and shook away my tiredness. We were walking back through the bay area. Our distraction having caused quite a stir. We managed to knock out several ponies and switch into their garbs before getting ready. Thi had Sharp Eye strapped down to a dolly and was wheeling her like a psycho in an insane asylum with me following after them. We wheeled her through the bay door, passing by our distraction. It appeared to be construction ponies working on fixing it. The entire Manechester building was closed off, but the docks behind it still ran fine. We also noticed more security in the area. Thankfully, we passed off well. Wearing the silver officer uniforms with the Triad branded into the side arm of the suite, we wheeled up the ramp to a pair of ponies. The pony stopped us and looked at the griffon.

"You're supposed to ship in via the back cargo. What do you think you are even doing?" the pony asked. Thi cleared her throat and put on a deep voice.

"Uhhh, this one got out, sir. We caught her sneaking around. Had to restrain her as she fought back." she said. The pony studied the griffon. He then smirked and nodded.

"Very well. She'll do well in the Colosseo. Put her with the other unfortunate contestants." He said. I furrowed my brows. Contestants? Colosseo? What even is all that? Thi saluted and I mimicked her before we wheeled Sharp Eye past the ponies.

"You better hope I don't actually break out and hunt you down." Sharp Eye hissed behind her beak cage. Thi whipped out a baton and pointed it at her.

"Quiet, you! Save it for the Colosseo." she said. I rolled my eyes a little before stopping on a certain pony. Scribble was adjusting his blue and gold coat before nodding to Flitter as he balanced a set of books and ledgers on his back. Flitter talked to a pony by a doorway and the pony nodded, escorting them through. Thi wheeled us down into the side ramp off the side of the ship and into what I wasn't expecting, a weapons bay. And not just weapons bay. Giant, mechanical looking objects that looked mean and were ready to destroy anything in their path. Triad ponies and workers came to and fro, doing their daily dos'. Thi wheeled us past the large mechanical monstrosities, her eyes alert and taking in as much information as possible. We turned a corner, fast talking our way through a couple of ponies that wanted to poke fun at Sharp Eye before letting us on through.

When we arrived at a set of giant bay doors, three guards were standing at attention. When they saw us wheel Sharp Eye down the ramp, one of the guards motioned to the other, who went and pressed a button after turning a key. The bay doors rang out an alarm before they began opening. I looked worriedly at Sharp Eye. I could see her having second thoughts as well. It also appeared she was struggling with her inner thoughts. Probably conversing with Gaia. We were guided down the ramp once the bay doors were open and I gapped as we entered a big cargo bay area.

There were cages of varying sizes lined neatly into seven-by-seven rows. Inside the cages were creatures from all across Equestria. I could see an Ursa Major and Minor in one cage, keeping close together. Several Hydra of varying subspecies in giant glass cases as if they were being shelved. Manticores, Cockatrices, Gorgons, even Cyclopses. I couldn’t help but look at Thi. Thi was darting her eyes left and right. I felt this isn’t the first time she’s seen a sight like this. We were led down to another set of ramps into what looked to be a prison hold. I gapped.

I have never seen so many ponies and other creatures all crowded into cages together. Hippogriffs, Ponies, Griffons, Minotaurs and even Yaks. They all looked miserable. When we wheeled Sharp Eye past them, I could see their terrified looks as well as hateful ones. I then nudged Thi as I saw somecreature in one of the cages. She looked and pointed out from the crowd, somecreature who had been missing for the past weeks from Appleloosa. Little Braveheart sat in a corner, eyeing us with quiet resentment. Thi clicked her tongue and swore under her breath.

“Things just got a whole lot worse…” she said. She looked to Sharp Eye and I saw her slip something under her hat. We wheeled her into one of the cages as two guards stood outside. I took the knife in my holster and cut Sharp Eye free. Thi then shoved her forward and grinned.

“Enjoy your last moments of freedom, griffon. No one will hear your call.” She said as intimidatingly as possible. She then winked and we both stepped outside the cell. The doors closed, locking Sharp Eye in with several other creatures. We remained quiet as we walked back where we came. I cast a glance at Little Braveheart, who was now meditating in her cell.

‘Hold on, everycreature. We’ll figure something out… I hope.’ I thought to myself. There was a flash of Din smiling behind a floating amber gem. I shut my eyes and shook my head. ‘No. I’ll end up hurting everypony before we try anything. And I can’t let the Triad know about me and Sharp Eye’s element.’ I remained determine to stick with the plan. Din is only trying to convince me to let loose hell. I can’t let a being like her sweet talk her way. Not after what happened to Gaia and Sharp Eye. There was a quiet cackle in the back of my mind. We finally made it back up to deck side before being ordered to start patrol. The cargo ship was already part ways out into the ocean.

The day went by with us trying to maintain a good disguise. As I was patrolling, I did hear of some of the guards talking about Thi Billette and Daring Doo. How they’ve both been a thorn in their sides and how much they’ve came close to achieving enlightenment. They also talked about the one leading the Triad. Turns out, it isn’t General Lilac or Marrow Bone as I thought. The name Moonlight Sonata was thrown around amongst the guards. The Supreme Chief of Command was her title.

The guards have stated that she is the perfect shepherd to lead the land of Equestra into a new era. A graceful and bright leader who can make any creature bend to her will. Her ambitious goals soaring higher than the princesses’s sun and moon. There was even talk about her funding a space program to go to the moon. I doubt they would ask Luna and Celestia nicely to do so. So, make a rocket to go up into space themselves. They also began mentioning about how their Supreme Chief of Command was visited by a sign from the stars beyond. I couldn’t tell if they were just drunk or recounting something from one of Thi’s adventures.

The day went by and we made only a small bit of progress of finding anything out. Thi did however sneak the cell keys from one of the guards. She told Cloudchaser to stick it in her mane or tail. With the key tucked safely away, much to Cloudchaser’s cute muzzle scrunch from doing so, the moon rose overhead and it was time for nightly patrols.

Flitter and Scribble, turns out, were being tasked with examining samples from the many creatures from below. Thank Celestia we had a Monster Ecologist. Flitter had taken her time organizing files, making sure she would pick any small details or anything vital. Just a lot of employee files and funding paperwork. Cloudchaser had been cleaning the ship as the janitor, which is amazing as she’s in the perfect spot to keep everypony up to date. None of the guards or workers paid her any mind when she was working out on the deck or any of the private quarters. She even got to clean Marrow Bone’s office. Thankfully, the watchdog of the Triad didn’t have a scent on Cloudchaser.

Thi managed to sabotage somethings here and there in order to get to certain places. She found where they were keeping all the relics she failed to prevent the Triad from taking. She also found the armory, which she was keeping in mind for later. We decided not to use the link buds to inform Twilight as to risk the whole operation. Instead, Scribble managed to smuggle a small notepad in his coat pocket and was writing down what we could manage to find out. He even took necessary precautions to use invisible ink.

That left Sharp Eye in the containment cells. I managed to change a shift with one of the guards and Sharp Eye cleverly began speaking in a way that I took note of. What she described was that everycreature was taken from their homes or from loved ones when no pony suspected anything. She even got into contact with Little Braveheart and found that while she was on her way to the canyon, she had run into a scouting platoon of Triads who immediately jumped her. They kept her chained and locked up as they were making their way back to Manehatten, being smuggled on board and waiting for the boat to take off. When my covering shift was over, I made sure to update Scribble on it.

I peered over the deck railing and sighed. These Triads are awful. They were doing all of this under the princesses’s nose and no pony has been the wiser. Whoever this Moonlight Sonata is, she’s doing a fine damn job of making everycreature miserable. I heard the door open behind me and I looked to see Cloudchaser wheel out a mop bucket. She stretched and cast a glance at me, smiling and deciding to take a small break.

She leaned over the railing like I did and grinned.

“Never though you’d be in a uniform. Doesn’t look bad on you.” She said. I felt my heart jump and my ears started to steam. I bowed my head and tipped my guard hat forward to hopefully hide the happy but shy look. I then managed the courage to speak up.

“I-I don’t think you look that bad either, compared to every other janitor job.” I said, hoping I made it sound like I was joking rather than complimenting so much. Cloudchaser laughed and shrugged.

“What can I say? I aim to please.” She said. I then giggled and nudged her playfully.

“So, by that, you mean to finally impress your superiors to be the best Wonder Bolt in Equestria?” I asked with a smile. Cloudchaser rubbed the back of her head.

“Maybe. I’ve been thinking actually that if I’m going to be in the Wonder Bolts, I’d want to be able to help out as much as I can and not get stuck in one place. Kinda’ like Captain Rainbow Dash. To be able to manage a balance of Wonder Bolt duties and being a hero.” She smiled. “The past weeks have shown me that I can actually use what I’ve learned in my life and act on it. Saving those caravans. The fight in the canyon. Saving villages from the power element attacks. And now we are here. And you know something, Fie? You’re really amazing.” She said. I must have heard my ears whistling. I sputtered my words.

“Wh-wha- I mean yeah I- Uhhh huhn, yeah. I-I mean I am? Not err… anything else? Li-like how I can’t seem to stop talking?” I scrunched my muzzle and avoided eye contact. Cloudchaser arched a brow at me.

“Riiiight. So, I’ve been meaning to ask before the whole thing with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. What were you going to say?” She asked. Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Can I please catch a break for one single moment?! Ahhhhhhgggghhhhh!!

“Oh!” I squeaked with a small smile and blank look. I then rubbed the back of my head. “Oh well, you know… a little bit of this and that. Some flourishing and pivoting here and there and maybe some… uhh… normal thoughts. Yes, normal. You get those too, right?” I asked with a nervous smile. Cloudchaser was utterly baffled by my bumbling. I then tapped my hooves bashfully. “Errr… how many rooms do you have left to clean?” Cloudchaser put a hoof to her forehead, as if comprehending what she witnessed of me. Dammit, Fie!! Be normal for once!! Cloudchaser then shrugged.

“Not sure. I’ve scrubbed top to bottom here. There are some places here that even my janitorial powers can’t take me. So, I figured I might as well just pop outside and take a quick break.” She said. I wavered and then sighed. I looked out to the ocean. It was hard to see anything out there at night. But the waves were big and crashing against the ship. The smell of salt water wafted past us in a cool breeze.

“Cloudchaser… I… I just want to ask one thing. Have I done anything that made you happy? Like you aren’t getting second thoughts about anything?” I asked. She cocked a brow.

“Uhh, well like I said, I’ve been thinking about it a little more. And I guess this is what I want. I want to be with my friends here and helping ponies. I want to see more of the world and want to experience it with you and the others.” She smiled. “It’s better with friends after all, right?” I blushed more and decided to take a deep breath. I then pushed the question.

“So, err… Cloudchaser. Do you have any… preference?” I quickly held up my hooves. “N-not asking for any particular reason. Just… wanting small chat.” I said. Cloudchaser scratched her head.

“What do you mean?” She asked. I tapped my hooves together again.

“I… I am just curious is all. You’re a really cool mare and I like how you seem to jump in without a second thought.” I said. Cloudchaser hummed in thought, softly tapping her cheek. Oh great, Fie. You’re losing her! No, stick to the course. Find out where her ship aims. Cloudchaser then had a moment of realization.

“Ohh. You mean if I like a stallion or mare?” She asked. I tapped the railing shyly with my hooves.

“M-more or less, yeah.” I replied. Cloudchaser looked back out into the sea.

“Well, I don’t know if it counts, but Thunderlane and I were sweet on each other years ago. But we never went anywhere.” She said. She then tapped her chin. “There was one colt that asked me out in young flyers camp when we were young, but I was in that decline of half assing things. I don’t think I ever really asked anypony out myself, personally.” She said. I took another deep breath and looked at her.

“W-what about mares? Ever… thought about giving them a shot?” I asked. I braced myself for the answer. It’s now or never. Cloudchaser rubbed her head.

“Never thought about it. I mean… I guess I can give it a go? But then again, I don’t even know if I’ll like it or not.” She said. I felt my internal self hoof pump in the air. Yes!! Chances just got a little higher! I did my best to hide my hopeful smile.

“So… it’s just trying it out then?” I asked. Almost there, Fie. You can do it! Cloudchaser squinted her eyes out into the sea.

“Maybe. Hey, isn’t that boat getting closer?” She asked, pointing out to the sea. I gave a pout and followed her look. Phooey. But she wasn’t wrong. There was a small dinghy rowing itself to the side of the ship. We watched as some strange looking creatures began twirling hooks and launching them up over the railing. Me and Cloudchaser exchanged glances as the creatures began ascending the side of the boat. I put my hoof on Cloudchaser’s, causing her to turn to me.

“CC. You need to get back to cleaning the deck. You are a worker. A civilian. If you get caught by pirates, this whole plan will fail. You are the backbone. If Thi won’t get alerted to this, let her know.” I said. I took a deep breath and withdrew my firearm. “I’m going to put on a performance.” Using the knowledge Thi has given from our times target practicing, I checked the ammo and started to canter past her.

“Wait, Fie! You’re important too!” She called out. “Don’t do anything stupid!” I smiled as I put myself into gear, galloping down the stairs. Some of the guards that were playing pokers around the spool table saw me hop down the steps with weapon drawn.

“Whoa, whoa! Easy there soldier, what’s the rush?” The mare asked. I hesitated a bit, but taking a quiet deep breath, I decided to face the day.

“We’re being boarded by pirates! Alert the others!” I stated as I started to canter down another set of steps, only to stop as the creatures began climbing over. They were different from anycreature I know from Equestria. Their feline features looked scraggly, draped in fashionable sea shanty gear. A fat one withdrew a flintlock pistol at me and grinned through a scarred face.

“Damn right, Triad scum.” He hissed. I stepped back as more began clambering over, swords and weapon drawn. The other guards saw me backing away and they were about to rush to the alert when a lanky feline zipped in front of them, putting a cutlass under the mare’s chin.

“Not another step, little pony.” He said with a victorious grin. I found myself standing back-to-back with the others. I sighed and dropped my gun, sitting on my haunches and holding my hooves up. The others did the same as more began circling us. Of all the nights for anything to happen, it had to be catfolk pirates. Their slit eyes glinted in the light overhead as their silhouettes began to descend upon us.

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