• Published 8th Aug 2017
  • 636 Views, 9 Comments

Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

A young mare must journey Equestria in order to fulfill a universally unavoiadable fate along with seven others in order to prevent the disruption of universal law. All the while trying to prevent a dark force from acquiring their elements.

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Chapter 23: Going Down the Fast Way

Chapter 23: Going Down the Fast Way

Thi Billette's POV

I finally came too. I groaned, feeling my head pounding against me. I tried to move but found myself restrained. I looked up to see me sitting down on a hard and cold floor of a transport wagon. My hooves shackled above my head. I saw several resistance members as well as Scribble, who was right by me. He cast his usual cool sideways glance at me.

"Welcome back to the land of hell." He said. I groaned and shook myself out of my stupor.

"Fie...?" I asked. My mind was racing all over the place and it was hard with the concussion I was having. Scribble shook his head.

"I'm afraid they took Fie somewhere else. Sadly... I wish I knew where." He replied. I pulled on the shackles and looked around, seeing that everypony in the wagon with us wasn't shackled to the back of the wagon like I was. But to each other. I frowned.

"Well, since you all are free, mind giving me a hoof out of here?" I said sarcastically. I knew no pony would be able to do so. No magic. No gear. I was without Excalibat. I then blinked and looked to Scribble. "Cloudchaser? Flitter? They took Flitter. Where's Cloudchaser?" I asked with worry. Scribble looked grim.

"They put her in a different wagon. She was... just as hardheaded as you were. They didn't go easy on her." he said. I bowed my own head. I couldn't believe this. But I should have known better. I knew first hoof what the Triad would pull. Cassette got lazy and Lo Mein didn't help either. And from their absence, they are probably on another wagon. Or maybe with CC. This went wrong so fast. Where did that fog come from? And why are the Raptorians working with the Triad? Who was that lizard person? From the looks of her, she was a tribal. More so a shaman from the looks of it. Great. They are now employing warlocks and shamans into their regime. As if Fie and Flitter getting mare-napped wasn't enough. We have to get out of here. I have to find them. The wagon suddenly stopped and the sound of marching hoofsteps could be heard. The door to the wagon opened and a blinding bright light from a unicorn flashing their horn glowed.

"Alright, you pig headed scum! Move it!" the stallion ordered. Scribble met my gaze and nodded reassuringly.

"We'll find her. We just have to ensure we live long enough to do so." he said before standing up and walking in single file with the other ponies. I couldn't move so unfortunately, I had to watch as Scribble and the rest were marched out of the wagon. Two ponies walked in and one had a cattle prod at the ready. The mare grinned while the other mare held up the key to my shackles.

"Enjoyed the ride, Billette? Better pray to your princesses now. No pony is going to hear you scream once Marrow Bone is done with you." the mare said. I smirked challengingly.

"I miss the mare. How's that face of her's? Heard she had a nasty accident." I retorted with cocky confidence. The other mare scoffed and jabbed the cattle prod into my chest. I screamed, feeling the volts course through me, my body spasming a bit. The mare pulled the prod away and lifted my chin up to her.

"We're going to have so much fun breaking you." she smirked. They unhooked me from the wall and begin poking and jabbing me with the cattle prod to get me to move. I stepped out of the wagon and I looked around, studying my surroundings. Thick, high concrete walls with barb wires and spikes dawned the area around us. Three big two storied buildings went from left to middle to right. All three high with the Triad banners displayed. I can see multiple Triad pushing and escorting single file prisoners of the resistance through gates. Each pony was having a mugshot taken before being shoved into the next line. I looked on with frustration. It wasn't just resistance fighters. I could see colts and fillies too. Their parents or guardians. Even elderly. I darted my eyes and I could see Cloudchaser in one line up ahead. She looked like a completely different pony. I wouldn't blame her. Her glare gave away the worry and frustration she was having about not only Fie taken, but her sister. I looked over the other lines and I saw Cassette and Lo Mein being shoved out of the line and led over to me. We were escorted down to the middle one. I glanced over to Scribble in the other line and he returned my glance. We have to think of something. I can only hope that Cloudchaser doesn't do anything brash.

How she handled the Canyon and the Triad ship was something to behold. I've never seen a dedicated mare to winning more than anypony. Second to Rainbowdash. She also had a sheer will to endure even multiple opponents. Something I thought Fie was only capable of considering the amount she's faced before this whole incident. I sighed. Wished I could be up to par with them more than anything. I've been feeling like I'm being left behind. Hell, even Scribble and Flitter were showing more competence than I did. All I had was bat and a firearm most of the time. I had confidence in my own skills, but I am so rusty when it came to this. Well, Thi. Better start brushing it off. You've faced plenty of magical ancient beings. You're the damn Hero of Pony Land! The three of us were led to the middle building where we were pushed through the area, guns and prods pointed at us. Seems like they were going to take us lower. I darted my eyes again as we passed by what appeared several cells with ponies in them, some looking like they have been here for a while.

Cassette rolled his neck.

"Man, that ride was a killer on my neck." Cassette said. The stallion next to him held up the prod under his neck.

"Shut up, scum! You and your team are going to suffer greatly for shaming us!" he snapped. Cassette smirked.

"Remind me, how badly did we kick your flanks? Was it the attack on Prison Isle? Or when my friends here beat General Lilac and Marrow Bone many times over? Or was it when I swooped in and blew up that sore sight you call a statue to your great Supreme Chief? Believe me, it needed a few holes in it." He said. I rolled my eyes. Leave it to Cassette to work up everypony. Not that it isn't a bad thing since I know the guy. It's his usual schtick he does when we are usually trapped and cornered. To get the enemies guards to drop. Seems the pony wasn't having it. The stallion was jabbed in the chest with a cattle prod and Cassette grunted, lurching forward onto the ground and coughing. Lo Mein shook her head.

"Perhaps save your energy for later, Cassette." she said. We were led down a series of steps before we entered an area that looked straight out of a nightmare. A caged and fenced flooring with red rust. Walls peeling with leaded paint and decay. The air smelt rank that I felt my eyes tear up. We were led further down the hall before coming into an open room. There was a table in the middle of the room. A strange device high overhead that had a sharp blade protruding from it. Lo Mein sighed.

"How very basic." she said. The Triad ponies chuckled before shoving us forward. They took all three of us around the area on the side. I was led and had my shackles hooked up, forcing me to stand onto my hind legs. It was super uncomfortable. Lo Mein had the same happen to her on the other side while Cassette was on the other end of where we entered having the same thing happen. The Triad ponies then began to jab and poke us for good measure with their cattle prods before laughing and stepping. Okay, when Lo Mein said classic, my guess was the pendulum up above us. But I was expecting to be tied to the table and letting it fall as it usually does. The Triad aren't strangers to trying simple but effective methods.

"General Lilac will be pleased to hear that the ponies responsible for the Triad's heartache are rotting as corpses down here. No fancy tomb. No memorial. Just flayed skeletons." One pony stated as she walked by me. I scrunched my muzzle. What a pleasant thought. The guards left the room, only leaving behind three of them. One to operate the machinery while the other two stood guard. The mare behind the panel began to mess with the crystals and levers. The sound of whirring machines began to screech and churn as the high above machine unfolded into multiple blades. They began to swirl like a fan as the floor in the middle began to open and the table below the center began to turn like a cog as bigger fan blades below spun in opposite directions. Well, so much for simple, I guess. I wished I could use magic, but the ring around my horn told me it was not possible. Unless, the Triad are their usual villain selves and forgot to check one thing. I smirked. The pony behind the panel looked at us before catching my smirk. She shook her head, grinning.

"Think you are able to get away this time, Billette? Even if you did, you don't have anything to catch yourself with! No magic! No life!" the mare chuckled. I felt the chains begin to pull as we were being tugged along. We threw our bodies back, grunting to try and have some time to think. I met Lo Mein's eyes and she nodded. I then decided to jump, kicking my hindleg and swing myself over the edge. It was enough to bring my lower body up and the small metal protrusion from my hind hoof entered the keyhole. I jimmied the lock and I heard a click. I was quick to grab onto the chain and swing back. I saw the mare balk and point at me, looking to the guards. "Shoot her!" she barked. The Triad guards aimed rifles and began firing. I yelped as I twisted my body and kept swinging, making sporadic motions as arc bullets whistled by me. I then saw something metal and thin glint in the lighting as the guards suddenly gurgled and clutched their necks, falling to the ground. The mare balked and looked over to Lo Mein, who had one hind leg aimed at them. The back sole of her body suite outfit smoked. She brought her hind leg around and blew the barrel. I swung back as Cassette and Lo Mein were now dangling over the fan blades, their rusty chains getting closer and closer to the blades above.

I swung myself back onto the side and began rushing the mare, who withdrew an arc pistol and fired off a couple of shots, missing me as I had bounded onto the wall and kicked of it, hind leg outstretched and kicked her over the railing. She screamed as there was a metal churning sound below. I winced and looked at the levers. I rubbed my chin. Come on, which one is which?

"Any day now, Thi!" I heard Cassette call out. Lo Mein grunted and sighed, clearly annoyed she had to cover me.

"If I die now, I'm going to haunt you to your own death." she said. I gave them a nervous laugh before messing with the levers. I somehow managed to stop the machine from working, while closing up the floor and then delatching the two. They fell onto the ground with an "oof" and stood up. While messing with the levers, I ended up overheating the machine. The whirring sped up and then the blades came loose. I ducked as one flew right over my head. The machine wobbled before falling and crashing into the middle of the room. Cassette panted and stood up, shifting his shackles.

"This is what happens when the Triad don't hire house cleaning." He said. Lo Mein kicked her other hind leg and a similar metal pick shot out. She jimmied her own lock, freeing herself before detaching it with her mouth and tossing it over to Cassette, who caught it with his own and began unshackling himself. I nodded with a pleased smirk.

"Leave it to the Triad to never learn their lesson." I said as I then turned to the slain guards. I dug through their pockets and beamed when I pulled out a key. I put it to the ring on my horn and unlatched it. The metal device clattered to the floor. I tossed it to Cassette who was walking up the steps with Lo Mein, working on his own before I took the holster of the guard and strapped it around me. We geared up, Lo Mein taking a knife while Cassette took the rifle. Cassette smiled.

"The PUNK team, ready for action." he said. "Just like good old times." I frowned and pointed to him.

"As nice as that is, it's only temporary. I need to get Fie and my friends back." I said. Lo Mein snorted.

"Shocker. What about the rest of the ponies here? Going to leave them behind as well?" she stated. I lowered my head. Keep bringing it up. It won't change anything of what I've done. I had no choice. I had to stop Sonata from dooming the world. Six thousand lives over the entire world. There wasn't any time or warning for us to help out. We couldn't do anything. I couldn't do anything even if I wanted too. And there was no way I am going to die on that mountain. Nor am I going to die here. I have to make up for loss time and apologize to my best friend. I owe her so much.

"We'll think of something. But we should ensure that we take out the security first and foremost here. Without their powerhouses, we'll be able to get everypony out of here just fine." I said. Cassette nodded as we began walking forward.

"We're in the backlines and in the beast's den. Time to properly do room service for this place for once." he said. We stopped as we heard the alarms begin to blare. Lo Mein looked down and rolled her eyes. We had stepped through a laser alarm trip wire. Suddenly, the hallway before us came to life with traps of all kinds. Spinning totem blades, erupting fire from below and side wall turrets. I shook my head in disbelief. The way out was slowly being lowered by a cage. I rolled my neck and nodded to the two and smirked. I then swished my head and flicked down, whooping and cheering along with Cassette while Lo Mein remained focused. I sprang us forward and all three of us jumped, twirled and rolled, dodging the traps left and right. I laughed, finding the thrill of this invigorating. This is my element. I live for these moments. And as crazy as it sounds, doing this for so long doesn't ever get boring. Would I want to keep the Triad around to keep making it fun for me to fight them? No. I want to bring down the organization. So, I might as well make the best of what I got and what they can throw at me. The turrets began to aim at us, but with a spring of my magic, I aimed and fired directly at it, causing the turret to pop and sizzle before aiming at the other, rolling and popping off two shots. Another turret came down and aimed at us, but Cassette aimed at it and fired several shots into it, causing the turret to pop and sizzle like the others. We galloped at the last stretch and slid under the cage before it closed fully.

I stoop up, laughing.

"Ahahaha! Whooo! Suck on that, Triad!" I grinned. Cassette rushed up to the door and withdrew a keycard that one of the guards had before we left and opened the door. Now, time for brass tacts. Cassette poked his head from the door, seeing the staircase leading up. He motioned that the coast was clear and we began to canter up the stairs. A shot of worry hit me. I hope everypony is doing alright. I can only imagine what they are doing to them. As we made it up to the steps, Cassette stopped and took point by the door. Lo Mein took the other side.

"Lo Mein. Anything you found in the next room that we should be worried about?" he asked her. Lo Mein didn't skip a beat.

"Saw an armory on the upper floor. Blocked by caged door. Most likely a keycard to enter. Active turrets on site and plenty of patrols. We have to becareful where we aim. Cells are caged. Got that, Billette?" Lo Mein looked at me. I waved a hoof coolly.

"No sweat. Get to the armory, gear up and cause mayhem. I'll be the distraction as usual." I said with a smirk. Lo Mein sighed.

"At least it makes my job easier when I'm not constantly under fire." she said. Cassette chuckled.

"Doesn't hurt to leave your comfort zone every now and then. I got some ponies to free too. I'll make my way to the prison areas. If either of us see the big baddies, you know the drill." he said with a lighthearted smile. I smacked my hooves together.

"Yippie-kay-yay, mothabuckas!" I stated before bucking the door open and rushing out, popping off a couple of shots. That caught the attention of everything. I flicked my head down, springing myself high up and shooting the turrets before they could react.

"What the?! Kill her!!" I heard a Triad pony say. I kicked off another spring platform and began galloping on my stable one. I grinned, taking pot shots at some of the scrambling Triad ponies. I fell three Triads as I cantered by before flicking my head and springing myself around the room, laughing happily. I aimed myself straight onto one of the walkways and rolled, tripping over a Triad pony before standing up and punching the one behind her across the face, causing her to turn. I wrapped my foreleg around her, taking her hostage as I then backed up a bit, seeing several Triad ponies rush up to the floor I was on and take aim. Arc bullets whizzed by me. I looked behind me and saw the mare I tripped twist her body and aimed her rifle. I planted my hind hoof hard across her face, causing her to go limp before kicking up the rifle and catching it with my magic. The mare I held hostage screamed as arc bullets began pelting her. I aimed the rifle and held down the trigger, taking down a few Triads while the rest fell back and took cover.

"That's right! Come and get some!! Eyes on me, Triad!!" I shouted. I then adjusted my stance and rushed forward with the injured mare I had hostage. When I got to the corner where the Triads had retreated, I bucked the mare with a hind leg down the steps, knocking her into them before taking aim and firing down on the unfortunate ones. I could hear the room in an entire uproar. The caged ponies, either fearful or cheering me on was a little deafening. The Triads finally began to fire back. I quickly zipped back behind the wall and looked around. I had to crouch a bit as the Triads directly on the other side began taking pot shots at me. If only I had Fie's cloning illusion. Fie... Hang in there.

Quiet Fire's POV

I growled as I watched the Triad ponies fix me to a chair, tying me up in a dark lit room. I had just come too when they dragged me in here. I have no idea where I'm at. I looked up to see one of the Raptorians grin down at me, their wolf-ish head eyeing me.

"Welcome back to the living, pony. I have to say, quite impressive you were able to avoid all of us. But it was only a matter of time." he growled. I didn't say anything. I kept my look stoic and glaring at him. The Raptorian stepped aside as the door opened and in walked Zalas. Accompanied by none other than Marrow Bone. The scarfaced mare eyed me with interest. She motioned for the guards to leave before closing the door. Marrow Bone then turned around to face me and walked around me.

"Hope you enjoyed the VIP treatment, pony. Or should I say, Quiet Fire." she said. I stiffened, but kept my look stoic. I won't lie. Panic was coursing through me. But I had to remain calm. I have to get out of here. I heard Din cackle.

I have an idea, vessel. Perhaps we should communicate with Ventus a bit. Why not convince her that these ponies are no good? she suggested. I frowned.

'After that introduction? Something tells me Ventus isn't keen on listening to either of us. Not that it would matter since you tossed her around.' I thought. Din hummed.

It was so worth being captured. I slumped in defeat. Marrow Bone must have been studying my expressions.

"So, it is true what they say. That you have an ancient magic dwelling inside of you." She said. She then motioned for Zalas. The lizard shaman stepped forward. "Can you confirm that?" Zalas nodded and eyed me.

"With one hundred persssent ssssertainty." she said. I eyed her, seeing the swirling dark grey clouds in her irises. Marrow Bone grinned.

"Excellent. And if anything depicted in the Red Canyon would have, you are quite the formidable one. Even taking on Squirk and another wielder of ancient magic." she clapped her hooves giddily together, something that took me off guard a bit. "General Lilac and Supreme Chief Sonata will be pleased about this. Zalas. I'll entrust the interrogations to you. Get her to talk about where the others are. When you are done, report back to me." She then smirked coyly at me before leaving the room with the guards following, just leaving me and Zalas alone in the room. Zalas stood in front of me before crossing her legs as she sat down. Her staff resting against her chest and shoulder. We stared each other down for a bit. What can I do to convince her that the Triad are no good? How can I trust that she isn't loyal to the Triad themselves? Of all the times to find a power element, it had to be affiliated with the Triad. Those monument clues are starting to sound like one offs more than anything. I'll have to consult Scribble when I can. Zalas then closed her eyes.

"Sssseemsss the connection we had earlier issss no longer allowed?" she asked. I studied her a bit before shrugging.

"Can't tell you for sure. That shit happens randomly. If it isn't that, it's the dreams that seem to take place." I said. Zalas kept her eyes closed, as if meditating. Something tells me she's talking to Ventus at the same time. I cocked my head. "So... Zalas, is it?" I began. The lizard nodded. "Then let me ask you. What did the Triad use to convince you to join their side?" I asked. Zalas opened her eyes now and studied me. She shifted a bit before leaning forward.

"Sssslavery." she said. I blinked.

"As in...?" I asked.

"I have no reasssson to lie here. You are jusssst as much a trapped pony like I am." she said. I then slumped and nodded.

"Right. That kind of slavery. Mind if I ask what happened?" I replied. Zalas nodded slowly.

"I once belonged to a tribe deep in the Marssssh Landssss." she began. My eyes widened. "I wassss the village witch doctor. I healed my people with magickssss that not even the princesssessss could know about. No ssssurprise as dark magic issss illegal in your community." She bowed her head. "We were peacssseful. We did not bother anycreature. The chieftain of our village wassss in talkssss with opening trade between pony kind. We would bring forth our knowledge of the land in exssschange for newer territory. Talkssss were going well." I saw her grip on the staff tighten. "Little did he know that he wassss dealing with the Triad. They tricked our chief and invaded our village. My people were viciousssly attacked, sssslain or captured. I wassss one that wassss captured. Our people who esssscaped ran into Quetzalcoatl's Throne and prayed for our god to desssscend and ssssave us againsssst our tormentorssss." She shook her head. "He did not heed our parayerssss.

"With no choicsssse, our chieftain used the Ssssun Dial to draw power from your princessssesss's ssssun to dry the land into making it un-inhabitable. We would not give up our way of life to invaderssss." She sighed. "I do not know what happened then. My tribe vanissshed without a tracssse." She eyed me. "That wasss three yearssss ago." I gapped. Three years ago?! And to think I am lucky enough to hear it from a survivor. I furrowed my brow.

"I'm... sorry that happened to you and your people. Did the Triad... take you in as their own witch doctor?" I asked. Zalas shook her head.

"I gave my loyalty to the ponies and have been ssssiding with them ssssince. It wassss only recently that I wassss visssited by a god of the skiessss." she explained. I nodded. "When I sssstarted to have all thesssse strange dreamssss and vissssionssss, talking to thissss Ventussss. I began to develop unusual... magickssss." She looked down at her claw and flexed it. "If only I had thissss power earlier..." She dropped her claw and looked at me. "My children would have been sssspared." I balked. I lowered my head.

"I'm... sorry..." I began. Zalas closed her eyes in meditation.

"Perhapssss you can tell me how you came acrossss your own powerssss." she said. I was pleasantly surprised. For Marrow Bone to make an error in her judgement about Zalas. I heard Din hum unnervingly. I ignored her and took a deep breath.

"Alright, but it's going to be a long one. You might want to sit on this one." I said. Zalas blinked and looked down. I flushed and saw she was already sitting. Lizardfolk are so tall.

Thi Billette's POV

I wiped my brow, taking a bit of a breather on a fallen Triad pony. I was right outside the armory, waiting for the timer to run down. A safety protocal to give the Triad on the other side time to arm up and quell a prison riot. I smirked. It was rioting alright. I peered down the railing and saw the many ponies I had freed from the cells gathering and looting the Triad. Even a few had joined me and were waiting. One pony tapped his hooves impatiently before snarling.

"Can't this thing go any faster!? I have to find my husband!" he said. I waved a hoof coolly.

"Easy, cowcolt. You'll find him. But in order to do that, you need to survive. And that means waiting. Alarms are blaring through the facility. Triad are on high alert." I said casually. The pony shot me a look.

"Damn this whole place. I won't rest until everysingle one is buried here." he said. I smirked and waved a hoof.

"I like the spirit. Buuttt, you should let me head out first and draw attention. I'm enemy number one along with two others. We grab their attention and that'll give all of you time to equip and look for each other." I looked to the others. "Relay that to the others. I'm just one pony. I can't protect all of you. You saw how I handled this situation. Keep yourselves close and well protected. And becareful of any traps they have lying around. I don't want to hear somepony here got careless and perished. The Triad deserve it more than anypony." I explained. A mare shook her head in disbelief.

"How can ponies like the Triad even exist? W-weren't the princesses supposed to handle this!?" she said with a panicky shake. I pointed at her.

"Take a deep breath, girl. You gotta' be calm and collected through this. As to your question, The Triad are a shadow organization. I don't know how they do it either, but they managed a lot of things under the princessess's noses. You've seen what they are capable of. So, if they are unkind to you, treat them how they treat you. I... wish there was another way to handle it, but these ponies do not care for another's life." I said grimly. We looked up as the buzzer sounded and the armory opened. I stood up and cocked the rifle. I pointed to them. "Wait a bit longer. Let's say four minutes. If I'm not back by then, I may have taken out most of them. The stragglers will have to be your job." I withdrew an arc pistol and tossed it to the unicorn pony mare, who caught it. I was impressed with her checking it before nodding. I nodded and readied my rifle. I peeked out just to ensure there weren't any waiting before I dashed out of cover. I cartwheeled when I approached the corner and flicked my head, kicking off the spring. I was right. I sailed past two Triad ponies who were taking cover around the wall into the room. Time seemed to slow as I took aim and fired, much to their surprise. They hit the wall and slumped, time speeding up as I rolled over a table and kicked it over, blocking the remaining three that were shooting at me.

I looked around and saw the guards I had taken out had an arc explosive on them. I smirked and reached with my magic. Plucking two pineapple colored ones, I bit down on the pin and pulled it.

"Bon' appetite!" I said as I tossed the explosive over the table. I covered my ears as a loud, explosive spark of arcane magic zapped and shocked the unfortunate, screaming ponies. I peeked out from behind cover and saw the smoking, motionless ponies on the ground. I pocketed the pineapple and rushed into the next room. I whistled and grinned at the collection of weapons that would be enough to even have Ouroboros struggle. I rubbed my chin. I wonder how he'd be in a fight? Would he be like a god and not move, using distorted reality to his advantage? Or is he a traditional being? I blinked and shook my head. Focus, Thi. Everypony is waiting for you. I started to gear up. I threw on bandoliers, a belt and several pouches. I holstered two mean looking arc pistols into my side holster before slinging a rifle in front and hoisting two arc launchers onto my back. I smiled. I then turned and cantered out of the armory, the weight of the weapons making it a bit weird to move, but when I hopped out of the armory, the ponies that were waiting with me took that as a que to enter. I hopped over the railing and turned to them, saluting. "Don't have too much fun!" I said. I then hopped down platform after platform onto ground level, startling several ponies. I walked forward and nodded to them.

"Alright, everypony! This is a jailbreak! Those that can arm themselves or know how to use a weapon, grab one from the armory. You must stick close to each other. Protect each other. I'm going to distract as many Triad as possible. When you can, make it out to the main lobby where we were brought in after ten minutes. I'll have most of the traps disabled and probably most of the Triad handled. You are to listen to a pony named Dino Cassette! He'll lead you to safety!" I turned to the crowd of ponies behind me and saluted them. "Remember. Ten minutes tops. After that, be on guard when you make your way out!" I turned around, only to stop and look back, rubbing my head. "Err... does anypony happen to know where the big bad usually hangs out?" I asked. One stallion from the crowd nodded.

"Heard the guards talking that Marrow Bone hangs out in the old castle via the mountain pass." he said. I suddenly grinned. A little too maniacally.

"Marrow Bone, hunh?" I nodded to the pony and turned, galloping down the hall and withdrawing my arc pistols with my magic. I slid around the corner and aimed. One after another, the waiting Triad ponies fell. The arc bullets whizzing past me and even grazing me. It took me a bit, but when I made it to the main lobby room of the building, I holstered my arc pistols and withdrew one of the arc launchers. I whistled loudly as the Triads that were on alert patrol below me looked up in confusion. I grinned and aimed at them. "Let's rock!" I shouted. I pulled the trigger and a loud hiss of the arc bolt sailed towards them. I had to shield my eyes a bit as I was not expecting this arc launcher to be modified. When the bolt hit the ground, the explosion traveled in a cross like manner and the Triad caught in it went flying or vanished from existence. I blinked and looked at the launcher. Oh, momma like.

Quiet Fire's POV

I don't know how long it has been. I felt like we were talking for hours. When I had finished explaining my side of the story, Zalas was in meditation again. This time, for a long while. I sighed, wondering what the lizard was up to. This was the most strangest interaction. Thi makes the methods the Triad use to be awful and unforgiving. I didn't realize their interrogator was quite the talker. Wasn't I supposed to be interrogated? Zalas opened her eyes and stood up. I almost forgot how tall she was. She then eyed me.

"I thank you for telling me your sssstory. I wissssh we could have met under different circumsssstancessss." She then tapped her staff and I heard the door open. I looked past her and saw Marrow Bone enter the room with two of the Raptorians. Marrow Bone clapped her hooves.

"Very well done, Zalas. Now that we know where the remaining other two are, we'll be closer to achieving the Gift of the World Serpent!" she said. I balked and looked at her. I'm a complete idiot!! I let my guard down because I sympathized with her being chosen as a power element. She tricked me! I looked to Zalas, who didn't seem to have any regret in what she did in her eyes, step aside as Marrow Bone took her place. Her scarred face grinning grotesquely at me. "What a touching story, don't you think? Zalas is pretty good in telling them. Part of her witch doctor ways. What did you think of the Sun Dial part?" she asked. I glared at her and remained silent. She gave me a look as if she was talking to a toddler. "Awww, you were talking seconds ago. Suddenly tuckered out?" She then grinned and I felt a sharp sting across my cheek. I fell to the side with the chair and groaned in pain. I felt myself being hoisted back up before another series of sharp stings landed clean against me. Marrow cackled. "Come on then! Show me that fire of yours! I want to taste that sweet power!" she laughed. I felt the wind leave me as I felt her plant a hoof hard into my stomach. I lurched forward, coughing before she took a hold of my head and lifted me up. She got close and grinned. "Just because you told us where the others are, doesn't mean we are through here. You're quite close with Thi Billette, aren't you?"

I glared at her as she continued.

"That good for nothing mare has been a thorn in our side for too long!" she snarled. I then felt another sting as she brought the back of her hoof against my cheek. "Just that look... you remind me so much of her! That vile mare! How dare she show her face again!! As if humiliating me wasn't enough, she had to embarrass me in front of General Lilac!" She punched me several times and I was beginning to feel dizzy. I could feel my face starting to swell. I spat saliva out at her. She didn't like that. She turned around and bucked me hard in the chest, sending the chair sliding into the wall as she dashed forward and planting her hoof against the wall, looming over me with such hatred. "Hero this!" she brought her free hoof down across me. "Snarky bitch that!" Another one. "Yippie! Kay! Yay! Blowhard!!" With every word, each strike of her hoof was harder than the last. When she yelled "blowhard" I felt the full force of the mare's punch. It sent me down the side again along with the chair, but my head lolled and I began to hear ringing in my ears. My vision was also blurry and I tasted the metallic trickle in my mouth as well as something wet and cold trickling down my head. I painfully groaned and looked to see Marrow Bone pant sharply, her shoulders rolling as she did.

As if on a switch, she then straightened herself up and straightened her coat. She then tipped her hat and spat on me. She turned to the Raptorians.

"Bring in the relics on this list. I want to see how we can activate her element. Zalas, keep our host occupied in your fantastical way." She said through my ringing ears. I coughed as the mare stepped out of the room with the two Raptorians. Zalas stood by the door, eyeing me. I heard Din cackle.

Mortals are always so amusing to watch.

Thi Billette's POV

I sprang around the corner, rushing forward and unloading a full mag of the arc rifle. The Triads didn't have time to react as they fell one by one. The ones that did were unfortunate enough to meet my hooves. I must have gotten too carried away as I didn't notice two Triads round the corner and aimed something at me. I only looked at the sound of a pop as a net entangled me, weighing me down. I grunted as the Triads high hoofed each other before rushing me. I quickly whipped out the combat knife and cut up the net with one fell swipe and rolled out of their lunges. I turned and quickly dashed and slid under one, slashing the pony and causing them to grunt and crumple to the ground. I then brought the knife around and the pony reared back before falling to their side. I flicked the blade clean before holstering it and picking up my pace. The alarms were blaring loudly. I found myself deep in the facility. My main objective was to get to the security room and disable lockdown. Which was harder to get too as the Triad had activated every single trap they can manage. I ran through several rooms, running and gunning my way as to keep the momentum going.

I felt alive. It has been a while since I've enjoyed myself. I made my way into the next room, a spacious, open area that had a dip in the middle, I rushed down and galloped across the way. I then looked up, seeing a hatch open above me. I balked and flicked my head down, sailing away from a loud and heavy metallic clang. I rolled and aimed my arc pistol, only to balk and step back a bit. What in the hell is that!? There was a metal looking alicorn. It was big. Almost the size of a three storied house. It jittered a bit before the blue eyes flashed on and I saw it calculating the room. It then turned to me and I grit my teeth, readying myself.

"ALICRON SYSTEMS ONLINE. COMMENCING COMBAT DATA COLLECTION AND SECURITY PROTOCAL. OBJECTIVE. ELIMINATE THI BILLETTE. COMMENCING ENGAGEMENT." It reared up rather quickly before slamming it's hooves down, the metallic wings unfurling and I gasped as I saw many barrels aim at me. I flicked my head down and sailed away as this Alicron rained arc bullets around me. As I jumped around it, I took several pot shots with the pistol. The arc bullets seem to bounce off the chassis. The robot was fast too. The wings had some sort of boosters that when flapped once, it was able to pivot on a dime and gain some distance. I yelped as I then saw it's wings retract and then twisted, firing arc bolts at me. I bounced off from springboard to springboard, even flipping over one of the arc bolts as they sailed and popped into arcane energy behind me. I whipped out an arc launcher, flicking my head down and bouncing to the side before Alicron can readjust itself. I fired the bolt and the cross explosion smacked it clean in the face. Unfortunately, that seemed to only cause it to flinch. It started walking forward, aiming it's head now and I slumped as I landed on my platform.

"Oh, come on!!" I stated in exasperation. I dropped down just in time as the horn on the robot revved up and began pelting arc bullets at me. I rolled down the slope and transitioned to a gallop, the robot trying to keep up with me. I smirked and began zigging and zagging to confuse it's targeting. I got close to the robot and aimed the launcher up. It hissed and smacked the robot clean in the jaw. It reared up, whinnying metallically before bringing a metal hoof down. I rolled to the side to avoid the hoof, dropping the launcher and switching to the other launcher. What luck. I fired and the bolt popped into electricity. That seemed to cause the robot to stumble and slump, jittering as it tried to maintain function. I flicked my head down and bounded up to the robot, hanging onto the horn and looking it in the eye. I pulled out one of the arc pistols and aimed.

"Collect this!" I said before firing into it's eye. The mechanical sparking and cracking of glass caused Alicron to begin trying to shake me off. But using the rotating horn, I whooped when I flipped up and landed on the head of the robot. I saw a compartment in the back of the robot and popped it open with a good buck. I took out the pineapple and pulled the pin. I dropped it in and kicked off the head, rolling upon landing on the ground. I closed my eyes and did a dramatic pose in a low stance. "Pause for dramatic effect.... and..." I opened my eyes on que as a loud pop and the sound of metal breaking apart. I swished my mane and smirked, turning around to see my work. The robot came crashing down, the head blow clean off as well as other bits breaking off. I tilted my head. I was expecting this Alicron to be a bit more ready to go. I shook my head and tapped my horn. Focus, Thi! Disable security! Find your friends! Stop being a hero! I sighed and began trotting past the metallic corpse before transitioning into a gallop. I stopped as I heard the metallic voice of Alicron.

"COMBAT COLLECTION C-C-C0MPLETE. TRANSFERENCE AT ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. SHUTTING DOWN." It then popped and hissed with smoke. I furrowed my look. I shrugged, thinking it wasn't anything too bad before galloping back down the hall. After a bit, I finally find the door that led to security. I checked my supplies. I was running a bit low. But maybe something in security will help? I braced myself at the door, opening it by swiping a key card and waiting for the inevitable sound of Triad ponies shouting at me. When none did, I cocked my brow and peeked out.

"You're late, Billette." a voice said. I stepped out of cover and looked up, seeing Lo Mein at the third floor, leaning coolly over the railing and twirling a knife in her hoof. She looked bored. Typical. "I was beginning to wonder if you left us. Again." I holstered my weapon and sighed, walking forward into the room.

"Didn't think you'd hold a grudge for this long. Look, I'll give you a proper apology later. We have to get everypony out of here. I need to find my friends too." I said. Lo Mein hummed as she boredly twirled her knife.

"Now you care about the wellbeing of everypony? Weren't you in this only for one in your life?" she asked. I frowned and rubbed the back of my head.

"Lo. I never turned a blind eye to the helpless. You know that. The many things we did before the whole Mount Grimoire incident? Hell, even when I came back to Fie and we got wrapped up in this primordial conflict, I helped ponies along the way. Before, I was only out to make sure Fie would be protected. Didn't want Sonata getting her hooves onto her. That bitch is ruthless and I don't want Fie to go through that." I explained. Lo Mein snorted before holstering her knife and standing up.

"Then what's to say that your friend isn't currently being tortured by Marrow Bone as we speak? What about that other filly that was taken? Flitter was it? What about her? Aren't you looking for her as well? Or maybe that stallion? Perhaps that filly's sister. The one with the spikey mane? I doubt it otherwise you wouldn't be this far into the facility." Lo Mein said. I narrowed my eyes.

"Why are you so hellbent on calling me out on my abandonment? Again, I didn't think you'd hold a grudge for so long. Why do you keep bringing it up?" I asked. Lo Mein shook her head.

"I'm trying to get you to understand." she said. I snapped.

"Understand what, dammit!? I know I screwed up! But six hundred thousand lives over the whole world!? What the hell else do you expect me to do!?" I stated, motioning in no particular direction. Lo Mein pointed at me.

"Understand that you aren't a hero. That you aren't the one Pony Land needs or deserves. You are just a lost filly looking out for number one. I don't know what Cassette sees in you. But your recklessness shouldn't be admired." she said, boredly wiggling her hoof in the air. I shook my head.

"What I understand is that I don't understand you. I didn't ask to be a hero. But I had no choice. It was that or risk letting more creatures perish due to the abuse of sleeping ancient magic. I didn't like the thought of the latter. So, yeah. What else do you want me to say? That I'm dumb too? I know I flunked school, but there is one thing I'm not dumb at." I said. Lo Mein then hopped down from three stories. She landed like a cat on all fours, crouching low before standing up and eyeing me.

"Being an arrogant ass?" she said. I smirked and pat my chest.

"That I'm the best at kicking flank. How about a demonstration, since you seem to be asking for one." I grinned and readied myself. Lo Mein sighed and waved a hoof dismissively at me.

"Charming. As much as I would love to put you in your place, that is not why we are here. I already disabled the security and lockdowns. Should we get going or are you going to just stand there like an idiot all day?" she said, trotting past me. I sighed and kicked the ground with a snort. Dammit. Just throw an actual punch, you bitch.

Quiet Fire's POV

I've been losing track of time. I'm not sure how long I have been here anymore. Zalas was meditating in front of me as I slumped beaten and swollen. My breathing rasp and salivating. I groaned before looking up.

"Flitter..." I began. Zalas opened her eyes. "Where's... Flitter... What are you... doing to her?" I rasped weakly. Zalas cocked her head slightly before nodding in approval.

"Sssshe's in a sssspecial csssell. Already been handled by Marrow Bone." She said. I felt my anger rise. If that pony is doing the same thing to her as she is to me, I'm going to burn this place to the ground. I heard Din cackle and the flash of the gem. It was really tempting suddenly. The door opened behind Zalas, who remained where she was as two Raptorians stepped in. One put down a pouch of ancient looking relics. The other chuckled.

"Time to see what really makes this pony tick." the Raptorian said. He nodded to the other one and the other dug through the sack. They pulled out several different relics. The two looked over the relics before one suddenly perked up and held up a scepter.

"How about this one? Malevolence's Scepter. Belonging to a powerful witch that was able to turn into a dragon! Slain by the great hero Excalibur!" he marveled. My ears twitched. Excalibur? The Raptorian stood in front of me and waved the scepter above his head. I saw the jewel orb shimmer before he aimed it at me and dark lighting shot out. I screamed as I felt my entire body tingle. A sheer agonizing pain flowed through me. I heard Din grunt and growl.

Grrrr. How dare they... she growled. I shifted in my seat, grunting and crying out in pain before the feeling vanished. I slumped and panted, feeling a little shock left over. I then shook my head.

'No, Din. We can't let them trigger your powers. I want you to save it. Save it all.' I thought. Din was quiet. She then spoke.

Still trying to order me, vessel? I don't cave to torture. But I won't deny how it infuriates me they would dare harm me! I panted.

'Din. I know we don't see eye to eye, but you have to trust me on this. We cannot show them an ounce of your power.' I stated. 'Just go to sleep or something. We're going to be here for a while anyway...' Din was quiet again. The Raptorian was shaking the scepter.

"Damn. Out of juice." he said, tossing it aside. The other one reached down and picked up a talisman.

"What about this one? Pyyrah's amulet. Lord of Cinder. I hear this one can make any creature submit. By... holding it high like this." He held it up high. Nothing happened. The Raptorian scratched the back of his head. "Hunh. Nothin'." he tossed it aside before digging through the others. Zalas eyed them and shook her head quietly. One of the Raptorians picked out a glowing rope.

"Ahh. Viel Wisp's rope. Said to make any creature spill their heart out in full truth." he said. The other one grinned.

"Perfect. Maybe we can get a little more out of this one." he said. I felt them wrap it around my neck and tugged a bit.

"Alright, you pathetic pony. Tell us how to trigger your power element." he asked. I don't know what came over me, but it was as if my thoughts weren't controlled. I felt compelled to tell them the truth.

"Don't know. It just sorta' happens without my control. I just roll with it." I said. The two looked at each other and scratched their heads. The Raptorian holding the rope tugged again.

"Well... what do you know about the Princesses Celestia and Luna? Do they have any dirty secrets?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I know Princess Celestia likes to let loose every once and a while. She did gain some weight in the back though from eating cake for a time. And Luna, I feel, can be a better ruler than Celestia. Granted, she's been on the moon for a thousand years, but I think give her plenty of time and she'd be better at it than Celestia. But, don't tell them I said that." I said suddenly. I blinked. The Raptorians also gave me a confused look. The Raptorian rubbed their chin and beamed.

"Who here has the handsomest face between us two." he said, motioning between him and the other. I studied the two and shrugged.

"I'm not a dog pony and I’ve had a bad history with birds. I prefer cats." I said. That is true. I never liked the thought of having so much fur around. Plus, all that energy I couldn't keep up with. I like my own time and I know cats only really go to their owners if they want something. The two Raptorians didn't seem to agree with that statement. The Raptorian holding the rope sighed.

"I think the rope is busted." he said. Zalas shook her head.

"Foolssss. It forcsssesss the pony to give her honesssst opinion assss an ansssswer. You need to assssk the right quesssstionsss." she said. The Raptorian snarled and held up the rope.

"Alright, then how about you try it, fish-lizard." he said. Zalas slumped before standing up and taking a hold of the rope. I looked at her weakly. "What is your main objective?" she asked. I didn't skip a beat.

"I was tasked by the World Serpent, Starswirl the Bearded and the princesses to find the seven and bring them together to prevent a realm shattering disaster from happening. Easier said than done." I stated. The lizard narrowed her eyes.

"What do you know of the World Sssserpent?" she asked. I sighed.

"That he's a sentimental and lonely being that has been making life hell for everypony. He believes me of all ponies that I can succeed in this quest. That I would bring the seven together and save Equestria. I'm also apparently his favorite one." I said. I saw Zalas flinch and rub her head. That must have gotten a reaction out of Ventus. She tugged on the rope again.

"Are our powerssss tied to these gemssss?" she asked. I saw her tap her staff on the ground. I could just below the skull and in between the feathers a trinket with a grey stone in it. I tilted my head.

"Somewhat. Ouroboros drew them out of our elements in a physical form. It is called physical magic. It's properties, from what I've learned, is that they are able to counteract against ancient magic and enable us to harness our element's power in a controlled state." I said. "They also make neat little accessories if used correctly." Can I just shut up, right now? This damn rope is making me itchy and it is hurting to talk with my swollen face. Zalas tugged again.

"Sssso, how doessss your power trigger? On command?" she asked. I shook my head.

"Din takes control of my body from time to time. It's annoying that she does so, and it terrifies me that she can just take over when she wants too. She nearly killed my friends once. We were lucky that she decided to save her power for something else." I sighed. "She also has a habit of challenging her sisters and boasting about her victories." Seeing Zalas narrow her eyes and wince a bit, that must have also gotten a reaction out of Ventus. This time, the rope didn't get me to say this. "Zalas. How long have you've been listening to Ventus? Did she promise you something that you lost? Or desire most often?" Zalas's eyes widened a bit. I shook my head again. "You can't listen to Ventus. Whatever she promised you, she isn't out for your wellbeing. She'll kill you and the Triad with you if she chooses too. The Triad will learn quickly they can't control our elements. Only we can. But that is a task in of itself. They have minds of their own and really only want one thing. To come out on top and rule this land as their own. If you let Ventus have her way, Equestria would be covered in clouds and everything will die." I stared her dead in the eyes. "If what you've said about your own tribe is true to some degree, then you know they can't accept you back. You've doomed the very land you inhabit." Zalas's eyes darted in thought.

Come on, Zalas. You aren't a Triad slave! I can help you! My friends can help you! Zalas studied me. She then shook her head and I slumped as the rope was removed. She tossed it aside.

"You're right. It issss bussssted." she said before returning to sitting down. The Raptorians exchanged glances before digging through the other relics. I slumped. Oh boy.

Thi Billette's POV

I looked down at the gathering crowd in the main lobby area. I was having trouble picking out my friends from the group. I smiled when I eventually saw them. I hopped down from the floor I was on and trotted over to them, slowing my pace when I saw Cassette talking to them. I tilted my head and flicked my ear to listen in.

"...Listen, I know you two are capable of handling yourselves, but rest assured, we will find your sister and friend." he said. Cloudchaser shook her head.

"Forget it. I'm going after Flitter. I don't care how goodlooking you are, my sister needs me." She said. I snickered as I walked up to Cassette, who was scratching the back of his mane in confusion. He turned to me and gave me a lighthearted smile. Those eyes always seem to look at me differently. Lo Mein is right. I don't know what he sees in me.

"What's the matter, Cassette? I thought you were the casanova to mares everywhere?" I stated. Cloudchaser frowned and turned to Scribble.

"Scribble. Do you have any of your rocks on you?" She asked. Scribble patted his pouch.

"They assumed I was a rock collector. Didn't think twice after inspecting it. Though... one did colorfully threaten to sink me and let me drown with my pockets full of them." He said. I snickered again.

"Impossible. Your big head will act as a floatation device." I said. Scribble sighed as Lo Mein trotted over to us and looked at Cloudchaser.

"If you are going after your sister, let me ask you one thing. Are you ready to take a life of another to protect your own as well as your sister's?" she asked. Cloudchaser hesitated. Lo Mein nodded. "This is no place for ponies like you. Run along home." she said. I shook my head.

"Can't say I agree with you Lo. They don't have to do the life taking. I'm going to be the distraction anyway." I then turned and pointed at the castle in the distance that was hanging over the edge of a mountain. "I managed to find out that Marrow Bone likes to spend her time in that castle. That's where we'll find Flitter and Fie. We'll have to cut through the facility and then the mountain pass to do so." I said. Cassette sighed.

"Thi. Are you sure you want to be taking them along? We can still go after them." he said. I turned to Cassette.

"You need to lead your ponies and these others to safety. We can't stay here. The Triad will bound to blow this place to sky high. You know they don't want to give anything up." I stated with a serious look. Cassette sighed and smiled again.

"Why are you the one that keeps getting away?" he asked. I blinked and rubbed the back of my head.

"Errr... sure. Look, these ponies need you. But my friends. They need us. And I'm not going to stop Cloudchaser from saving her sister. We're going." I said, frowning as well. "There is also something I need to retrieve while we are here. Dunno who has it, but I think it needs to be returned to its' rightful owner." I said. Lo Mein sighed.

"Then I might as well come along." She said. I gave a touched look sarcastically before smiling.

"Awww. Didn't know you cared." I said. Lo Mein shot me a glare.

"I'm not doing it for you. There is something I need to accomplish as well." she said. I cocked my head before shrugging.

"Suite yourself. Cloudchaser." I turned to her. The pony looked at me with worry. I gave her a reassuring smile. "We'll find them." Cloudchaser gave a hesitant nod. Scribble trotted over to me.

"Then, shall we continue while the facility is still on high alert?" he suggested. I smirked and cocked the rifle in my magic.

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