• Published 8th Aug 2017
  • 637 Views, 9 Comments

Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

A young mare must journey Equestria in order to fulfill a universally unavoiadable fate along with seven others in order to prevent the disruption of universal law. All the while trying to prevent a dark force from acquiring their elements.

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Chapter 14: Red Dead Canyon

Chapter 14: Red Dead Canyon

“I swears it, Braeburn, them rock birds attacked us!” The stallion exclaimed. We were in the Appleloosa sheriff department. The sheriff stallion, Silverstar was sitting across an applewood desk. There was another earth pony stallion of brilliant pistachio standing beside the agitated stallion. I recognize him from one of the many Apple Family gatherings. Braeburn is his name. He put a hoof on the table.

“Sheriff Silverstar, tha’ orchard is startin’ to weed into the buffalo’s stampedin’ grounds. They already think we awoke an ancient curse on the land! It’ll be the prank war all over again!” Braeburn stated. There was another pony, a mare with a rose tussled up mane and a beauty mark under her eye glared at the sheriff.

“Sheriff, mah’ cherry trees are beginnin’ ta’ have different colors! ‘Ah though there was only red and yellow. Not green an’ orange!” She stated exasperatedly. Sheriff Silverstar sighed and rubbed his muzzle.

“Ms. Jubilee, for tha’ last time, it’s oranges and pears growin’ in yer’ trees.” He said. Jubilee slammed on the table.

“‘Ah only work with cherries!!” She exclaimed, as if she was having a mental crisis. “Where’s the Princess an’ her friends? Aren’t they supposed ta’ be protectin’ us?!” I cleared my throat and everypony turned their attention to me. I gave a nervous wave before continuing.

“The Princess of Friendship is currently having her hooves full with dealing with other problems arising throughout Equestria. The others are trying their best as well, spread out as they are.” I explained. Ms. Jubilee glared at me.

“‘An who are you? Their ambassador?” She asked. Thi brushed her snout with a grin.

“More like badass heroes in training.” She said. Scribble pushed us aside and walked forward.

“Forgive my friend here, she likes to use her imagination.” He said. Thi shot a frown at him, but he ignored it and continued. “As to answer your question, Ms. Jubilee. We have been sent here by the Princess of Friendship to investigate the strange phenomenas occurring.” Sheriff Silverstar looked us over and arched a brow.

“You don’t look the fightin’ type.” He said. The stallion we saved shook his head, pointing to us.

“These five saved me an’ my family from tha’ rock monsters! Tha’ scholar one can shoot magic from his hooves!” He stated, making a wiggling gesture with his hooves. “An’ tha’ fiery maned one! Pulled out a staff that turned into a fiery spear poker! It was amazin’!” He wrapped a foreleg around his wife and daughter, who were both still shaken, but nodding with him. “I owe them greatly fer’ what they did.” Sheriff Silverstar studied us again.

“As strange as it sounds, Luck String, if you vouch for them ponies, then perhaps you can help us.” He said. Ms. Jubilee huffed.

“What about my problems!?” She exclaimed. Sheriff Silverstar held up a hoof to her.

“We’ll get to it, ma’am, jus’ as soon as 'ah can get things goin’. Now you five.” He pointed to us. “Is it true that rock creatures have been attackin’ fine folks of this ‘ere parts?” I nodded.

“Sure as reckon’.” I said. I got some questioning looks from my companions but continued on. “If you believe the heroes of Equestria have saved the world from countless, unimaginable stuff, then believe me when I say…” I reached behind my back and my quarter staff popped into existence. I held it out to the surprised ponies. “We are here to help as much as we can.” I smiled. I slung my staff back over my back and nodded to the stallion Luck String. “Like I said. The heroes of Equestria are a bit scattered to lend a helping hoof. We are here in their stead to find out what is going on. And uhh… it might sound a little crazy, but we believe that there is a rogue element on the loose and causing nature to uhh… rapidly grow amongst the orchards.” Sheriff Silverstar rubbed his chin, his mustache wiggling in thought.

“Yer’ right. That does sound crazy. But you said it ‘yerself, the heroes have saved Equestria from many varmints of questionable notes.” He said. I then sat down and motioned to the three ponies.

“Then I guess we’ll start by listening to these three. Well, two. We already know Luck String’s plight, but we would like for him and his family to get home safe.” I explained. Silverstar nodded.

“This’ll be a good time ta’ get ma’ deputy in trainin’ ta’ work properly.” He said before whistling. We heard the swinging door open and the sound of a screeching hawk in the distance as we looked behind us to see a tall griffon standing with their hat down.

“When all hope is lost, they call upon the winds of justice. That is I…” the griffon tipped her hat up and grinned. “I am… Galavance, the Blade of the Wind!” She struck a proud pose as the setting sun shone behind her. Sheriff Silverstar tapped his hoof on his desk.

“This isn’t time fer’ games, Deputy Galavance. An urgent matter has come up an’ we need you to take point.” He said. The female griffon had soft pink hues gliding down her sleek blue feathers. She looked quite young to be a deputy. Her white chest had some feather fluff to her. But one detail struck out to me. The scar on her beak. A pair of pink eyes met mine and she beamed.

“Whoa! Nice mane and eyes! How can I get mine to swirl like that? I’ve also been wanting to dye my feathers, but I dunno what I should go with.” she stated. I was a little surprised by the griffon's enthusiasm. I scratched my head.

"Uhhh... thanks?" I began. Silverstar tapped his hoof again to get our attention.

"Galavance. 'Ah need you ta' not scare the new folks in town. They are here ta' help us out. An' we need yer' co-operation. That means no pretending ta' be hero." he said. Galavance slumped and stayed quiet after. I did feel a bit bad about it. I thought it was a cool way to introduce yourself. Silverstar cleared his throat and looked between the three ponies. "Braeburn, would you care ta' show 'em tha' orchard? Get them tha' lay of tha' land as well." he asked. Braeburn rubbed the back of his head, his hat tipping a bit forward as he did so.

"'Ah guess so?" he said. Jubilee stomped her hoof again.

"'An what about my problem? 'Ah'm not gonn'a sit idly by an' not have tha' unreliable sherriffs department do their job!!" She stated. Thi sighed and looked to Flitter and Scribble.

"Ms. Jubilee? Hi, Thi Billette. Maybe we can see what's got you in a tizy. Right, Scribble? Flitter? CC?" she asked. Flitter hummed but smiled and nodded. Cloudchaser rolled her neck and gave a nod. Scribble did his usual shrug and scribbled down in his journal. I narrowed my eyes at the journal now. What does he write in there? A question for later then. Silverstar nodded.

"Then 'Ah guess Ms. Jubilee, you'd be so kind as ta' show 'em yer' orchard?" he suggested. Ms. Jubilee "hmphed" and trotted past us and out the sheriff's office, motioning for my friends to follow.

"Come along, now. Ma' poor cherry trees must be in so much pain!" she stated. Scribble walked out while Flitter floated out of the office. Thi walked past me, giving me a circle motion to her head and a grin before walking out. Silverstar looked to Galavance and eyed her.

"Deputy, care ta' see ta' what issues Braeburn needs handled? You two, Ms...." he studied me. I pat my chest with my hoof.

"Quiet Fire. But my friends call me Fie." I said with a small smile. Silverstar tipped his hat. Man, now I want a cool hat. Oh well, gonna' have to make do with my hood. I tossed my hood back over my head and adjusted it to fit comfortably on my head.

"Good. Ms. Fie. Deputy Galavance? I'll see to it that Luck String an' his family are safe back home." he said, motioning for the family in a gentle gesture of showing them out. With the office cleared, I turned to Braeburn. Galavance cawed suddenly, making me jump and rub my ear.

"Ow! What was that for?" I winced and looked out from under my hood to Galavance. Galavance beamed and pat her chest happily with a balled-up claw.

"My battle cry! It means I am on the job!" She said proudly. Bareburn rubbed his own ear as he walked over to us.

"Ehhh... Ms. Deputy. Let's not disturb tha' fine folk of this town until we get ta' the orchard. Right this way." He said. As we turned and followed him out, he stopped at the door and looked over his shoulder, tipping his hat. "An' may 'Ah be tha' first ta' say. Welcome ta' Appleloosa."

I've never seen a western town be as lively as Appleloosa. And I thought Ponyville was a small town. Everything pretty much worked the same as it did in Ponyville. An egalitarian society. But... more rugged. Not every neighbor appears to be better off with each other. Not saying Ponyville doesn't have its' own fair share of bad neighbors. But these neighbors just felt like they were rivals more than anything. As we trotted down the street (Galavance strided), we couldn't help but notice a lot of posters up and about. I raised a concerned brow, walking past a light post that had several missing posters on it. I looked to Braeburn as we began to head down a dirt path.

"What's with all the missing posters?" I asked, feeling my dread return. Braeburn sighed and looked grim.

"Fine folk have been missin' fer' a while now. Lately, it jus' seems more an' more are up an' vanishin'. We aren't sure what is goin' on. But Sheriff Silverstar made it his top priority." he replied. I glanced back towards the town, sighing myself. Galavance tapped me on the shoulder, and I looked out from under my hood.

"So, do you know how you are doing that magic swirly thingie in your eyes?" she asked. I blinked and looked ahead. I was unsure of how I am able to explain this without it sounding like it isn't made up in my head. Speak for yourself, Fie. You have an evil element living rent free in your mind. I sighed and looked out to the pasture, seeing livestock casually idling out in the field.

"This may sound a little... strange. But, right around New Years, I... Something happened to me and long story short, it's one of the reasons I'm out here." I said, hoping to make it to the point with as much sense. Galavance scratched her chin with a single claw.

"Yikes. So, what happened? Did a falling star hit you on the way down?" she began, suddenly picking up her enthusiasm. "The falling star must have hit you and you managed to absorb all of it's power and now you have, like, really powerful magic built up in you and it caused your eyes to go all cool and swirly. And now you are on a quest to figure out how to control it and be able to use its' power!" she said excitedly. I was a taken aback by the spot on, but parallel response. I smiled and waved a hoof coolly.

"Yes, that is exactly what happened to me!" I said with a nervous smile. Now, how do I tell her when I start going Din mode? Braeburn chuckled.

"Now, Ms. Fie. Let's not get the young'un too excited now. We're here." he said, stopping at the top of a hill. I looked ahead and my jaw dropped in awe. I know the orchard in Sweet Apple Acres is incredible, but this... there were so many apple trees I can't even begin to count where to begin and where they end. Braeburn nodded. "Tha' pride n' joy of Appleloosa! Second best to my cousin AJ's orchard." I looked to Braeburn.

"This is amazing! How are you able to grow out in an arid climate?" I asked. It dawned on me then. I looked to the orchard and noticed that the green grass wasn't dry. Or that the trees were supposed to be withered. It was almost as if spring came early. A little too early. The lush green leaves rustled amongst the cool wind as well as the out of place lush green grass. I noticed ponies hustling about the trees, barrels stacked and overflowing with apples. Braeburn sighed.

"Tha' apples are always rich an' produced by tha' hard workin' folk here. But of course, we are already in tha' middle of hay-day with harvestin'. Tha' apples are beginnin' ta' rot." He said as we were walking down to the orchard. When he mentioned rotten apples, he pointed over to a big pile of withered and raisin like apples. You can almost see the stink lines. And were those flies? In the cold, arid air? There were several ponies wearing their bandana scarfs as mask as they pushed the awful smelling apples into wagons and carting them off to somewhere where I'm guessing they dispose of rotten or bad apples. We nearly got ran over by a hauling pony with a wagon rushing by, his wagon overflowing with apples. I looked at the many apples that escaped the barrel and picked one up with magic. I sniffed it. Sugary and looked delicious. Galavance picked one up and rubbed it against her chest before taking a snap out of it. She then winced and rubbed her beak where the scar was. I furrowed my brow and looked around.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked. Braeburn tapped his chin with a hoof in thought.

"Gosh. I can't seem ta' remember. We've been hauling ever since that we haven't had time for other things." He looked worriedly to the sweating ponies who were trying their best to manage the apples that seemed to grow once they were plucked from the tree in the previous one's place. I furrowed my brows and decided to try something. But I wasn't really going to like it. I blinked once and found myself in the black void. I turned around and saw Din laying down like the last time I saw her. Her eyes studying me.

Speak, vessel. I do not have time for you. I slumped.

'All you do is laze about in my head. You're a freakin' force of nature. Can you at least give me some insight on the matter?' I asked her. She snorted.

Like I want to waste my time dealing with Gaia's own playground. My elder sister tends to her gardens like Eden. I blinked. Did I just get a straight answer? Well, straight enough. I shook away the stupor before continuing.

'So... you don't have any inclination of burning Gaia's work?' I asked. Din suddenly cackled which made me jump. She stood up now and faced me.

Fool. Even with my beautiful fire, Gaia can regrow her garden from my destruction. I do not want to have my beautiful fire to give way to Gaia's own ridiculous garden. Besides, watching you struggle has become quite a favorite past time of mine. She gave me an evil smirk. I groaned and shot her a glare.

'What else do you even do besides idle in my head?' I growled. Din softly chuckled.

None of your concern, vessel. Now perhaps, you'd care to explain to the ponies why you are in a trance.

I cocked my head. I blinked again and saw Galavance and Braeburn looking at me with concern. I shook away my daze and gave a small smile squee.

"Ehehe... sorry... magic in my head... confusing." I said pathetically. Galavance nodded.

"Just as I thought. All that magic is starting to get to your head. We better figure out how to get you to control it." she said.

'Good luck.' I frowned. Galavance grinned and cawed again, startling almost everypony in the area. Me and Braeburn shielded our ears. I shot a glare at her and she gave me a nervous smile in return.

"Ehehe... sorry. I just get so excited to be on the job!" she said happily. I couldn't help but make a comparison with Pinkie Pie. I chuckled and was about to mention something in line with my thought, but it got caught off when the ground started to rumble. We looked down, seeing rocks and apples shake and shudder as the ground shook. Braeburn gasped and reared up.

"Stampede! Get off tha' road everypony!" he shouted. Everypone were hurriedly getting out of the way, nearly running into each other. Braeburn pulled us in his direction to follow him and we galloped away to the side of trees. There was the sound of loud crashing and cracking as I looked to see a lot of dust being kicked up. I squinted my eyes and balked. It was buffalo. A massive herd of them were rushing through the orchard. It didn't seem like they were inclined to avoid the trees either. Some of the buffalo roared in frustration as they ran into each other, toppling over or jumping over fallen trees. Braeburn, Galavance and I pressed ourselves up against the trees as the buffalo came herding through. I found it hard to get a proper footing. I coughed as the dust was kicked up around us. Covering my muzzle, I watched the herd barreled through the orchard. I then heard a yell and saw something fly out of the buffalo and heading right to us. I balked and before I could react in time, Galavance and I crashed with the flying object. We went tumbling into the pathway of the buffalo. I felt myself stop in my roll and balled up, covering her head with my hooves. Oh Celestia, I don't want to die like this! I heard Din cackled in the back of my mind. It felt like hours had passed before the rumbling on the ground began to waver.

When I couldn't feel the ground shake anymore, I uncurled and gasped for breath. I coughed and waved away the dust as I stood up and looked around.

"Galavance? Where are you?" I asked, my concern growing as I couldn't find any tail or feather of the griffon.

"Over here!" I heard a voice shout. I followed it and saw Galavance behind a knocked over tree. I noticed she was holding onto a young female buffalo. "She's hurt. We have to get her some help!" Galavance looked up to me with worry. I cantered over and examined the injuries. Blunt trauma to the head and bruises on the legs. She must have gotten hit with something while stampeding. I looked around and saw Braeburn peek his head out from his own cover. I waved him over and he cantered up to us. He balked and bent down to the young buffalo.

"Little Braveheart? You're hurt!" he stated. He then reached for his bandana scarf and fashioned a wrap around the buffalo's head. The buffalo, Little Braveheart, groaned and her eyes opened a little.

"Urgh... B-Braeburn?" she rasped. Braeburn nodded.

"Hang in there, kid. I'll get ya' patched up." He said. He shifted and hoisted the buffalo onto his back. He then looked apologetically to us. "'Ah have to apologize. But until we can figure out this massive growth ta' our product, 'ahm afraid that's all I can give you." he then reared back, tossing his forelegs out and whinnying before galloping off back towards the town. Galavance and I exchanged glances. I sighed. I hope Thi and the others are doing fine.

We decided to follow after Braeburn. Getting back to Appleloosa took a bit of doing as ponies were beginning to crowd the streets in a panic. Galavance and I were pushing through the crowd to catch up to Braeburn. The crowd of ponies were shouting and stomping their hooves. I found myself unable to move when I felt a couple of ponies wedge themselves against me, their shouts of protest ringing over the chatter.

"What are you going to do about the increasing attacks on supply wagons!?"

"Mah' crops are starting to attract pests!"

"Them buffalos been causing too much ruckus!!"

"Why won't Sheriff Silverstar do anything!?"

I glanced over to Galavance and saw her looking concerned. I can't imagine the stress she's building up right now from all the cluster and protests. A stout pony in a white suite and a bigger hat waved at the crowd.

"Now, please! Calm down, everypony! The Sherrif is doing his best! Trust in me! We are handling it as best we can!" the pony stated over the crowd.

"Is the best Appleloosa has is one Sherrif!?"

"My children are still missing!! It's been four days!!"

"Can somepony clean out the outhouse? Been smelling real worse than the rotten apples." I grunted as I squeezed past the ponies. I saw Braeburn trying to get through, but the ponies were crowding around him. I looked back to Galavance and had an idea.

"Galavance! Use your battle cry!" I shouted over to the crowd. Galavance looked over to me and cocked her head.

"B-but I was told not to disturb these fine folk!" she stated. I pushed past over to her and nodded.

"But you're a Deputy Sheriff! You're supposed to help Silverstar! He can't be everywhere! You have to help him out! Braeburn can't get to the clinic with these ponies crowding around the street!" I explained. Galavance darted her eyes in thought, struggling to keep herself from being pushed out. She then growled and reared up, her chest puffed out. She then let out a loud screech. I reacted quickly to cover my ears but that seemed to work. A little too well. Most ponies screamed and shouted "Thunder Bird!", only to realize that there was nothing to back up that panic claim. Galavance kicked off the ground and scooped me and Braeburn up and over the ponies. She placed us next to the stout pony and stood facing the crowd.

"Listen, everypony! I know I maybe new to this whole sheriff thing! But you have to give us a chance to fix this! We have help and we are working as fast as we can! But I need everypony to co-operate! We have an injured civilian who needs help! I promise you, the Blade of the Wind and Deputy Sheriff Galavance, that's me, will handle all of your issues! But for now, I must ask for you to all return to your routines and let the professionals do their job!" she eyed the crowd, staring them down as if she was ready for a highnoon shoot out. Thankfully, everpony seemed to mutter and chatter amongst themsleves before thinning the crowd. But not before some ponies got their last words out.

"You better be working your tail off!"

"Your 'help' is dully noted!"

"Can't believe nothing has been done about the pest infestation..." Galavance sighed. I looked at her worriedly and was about to put a comforting hoof on her until she suddenly perked up and leaned towards me, eyes beaming.

"Oh, wow! That felt great! Did you see me handle that mad crowd!? I think I really have something going for me here!" she squeed. I rubbed the back of my head and gave a defeated smile.

"Good job, Deputy. Now, you better uphold that promise you've made." I said with a wink. "We'll start by treating Braveheart." We turned and saw Braeburn nod and rush into the clinic. We followed after him and the nurse mare behind the counter looked surprised to see us. Seeing the injured young buffalo, she led us to a room and Braeburn laid the buffalo on the bed. Braveheart groaned as the mare began to take off the scarf and winced.

"I'm going to need some gauzes and some stitches. She has a nasty gash on her head. Poor dear." the nurse mare said. Braeburn rushed over to the medical cabinet, digging through it before pulling out gauzes and some spool of thin, black wiring. The nurse mare went to work, disinfecting the wound and cleaning it before stitching it. Once that was done, she began to wrap the gauze around Braveheart's head and sighed. "She'll be fine now. What ever happened to her?" she asked us. Galavance spoke.

"W-well, we were checking out the disturbance in the orchard and the stampede was going on. This little gal took a nasty fall onto us." she explained.

"An' mighty fine of you to do so just in the nick of time, Deputy." a voice said. We turned around to see the same, stout white suited pony with the big hat walk in, tipping said hat and smiling under a white moustache. "Names Wander Yonder, mayor of this fine city an' these folk. 'Ah must congratulate you, Deputy Galavance. 'Ah knew you were the right creature fer' the job." Galavance blushed and scratched the back of her head.

"Just, doing my duty, mayor. Ehehe." She said. I rolled my eyes playfully. Nothing like letting some creature take the shine of their own spotlight. There was a soft groan and we looked to see Little Braveheart coming too. Everypony gave a sigh of relief.

"Thank Celestia, you are okay." the nurse mare said. The young buffalo looked around, her eyes meeting all of ours.

"Wh-what happened?" she asked groggily. Braeburn spoke.

"Ya' took quite a nasty fall while stampedin'." he said. Little Braveheart suddenly jolted up from the bed and got off the bed, only to sway and fall back on her haunches. She rubbed her head and blinked when she felt the wrapped gauze around her.

"I... I have to get back to my herd... Thunder Bird... They are heading to war..." she said. She slumped as the nurse mare caught her and laid her down. I furrowed my brows. I then walked over to her bedside and put a hoof gently on the bed.

"Little Braveheart?" I began. But the nurse mare was shooing me away. That is, until Little Braveheart put a hoof on the nurse's leg and shook her head softly.

"I'm fine to talk... just woozy..." she shifted herself to face me. "Your eyes... they are just like her's..." she began. My eyes widened in surprise. No way am I that lucky to get a strong lead right off the wagon. I shook away my stupor and gave her a soft, but stern look.

"Little Braveheart, I'm here to help with what is going on around here. But I need to know. Who has eyes similar to mine?" I asked. "And why are the buffalo getting ready for war? Are they going against Appleloosans?" The young buffalo shook her head.

"Father figured out who angered the Thunder Bird. Grazer's tribe did the ritual to bring a bountiful harvest to everycreature." she furrowed her brow, wincing. "He got his wish. It was fine at first, but then the crops wouldn't stop growing. Foliage began to entangle and block our homes and made it difficult to graze. It spread across The Red Canyons and now, every tribe believes ponies and buffalo angered Thunder Bird. Wild fires began happening after a massive storm swept through." She explained. I rubbed my chin. It's been at least almost a week since I wound up being labeled as a power element. Which led to a different question.

"Was this around when the New Years happened?" I asked. Little Braveheart sighed.

"Your tongue calls it 'New Years', but the tribes call it cycle." she said. "And yes. When the new cycle began, that's when the incidents began occurring."

Interesting. Working quickly. Seems she's already claimed this place her kingdom. I can't wait to burn it down.

I ignored Din and focused on the task.

"Listen, Braveheart. I've been assigned a special task and I need to find the one that has eyes like mine. Do you remember who had them? They could be the key to fixing all of this." I said. The buffalo softly rubbed her head.

"Name... forgotten. But is a griffon, like her." she pointed to Galavance. Galavance blinked and beamed.

"You mean, there's another griffon here!?" she exclaimed excitedly. Braveheart groaned and clutched her head. The nurse mare shot a glare at Galavance who turned a tinge of pink. She cleared her throat. "S-sorry. There's another griffon here like me?" she asked. Braveheart nodded.

"We do not know where she roosts. But she's been seen on herd grounds before. My father says she's been around for twenty cycles here. But only shows up on certain times of days." Braveheart explained. I took in the information with every detail possible. So, the vessel of Gaia is indeed here, but isn't easy to find. I looked to Galavance and put a hoof on her shoulder, looking at Braveheart.

"They were headed to the Red Canyons?" I asked. Braveheart nodded. I looked to Galavance and smiled.

"Ready to stop a war and save the town?" I asked. Galavance looked nervous but gave a nod and smile.

"Yeah! It's time I stop being a Deputy and start being the Blade of the Winds!" she said. I pat her shoulder.

"Sheriff Silverstar would have to give you a raise... or something. Whatever sheriffs do aside from upholding the law." I said. Galavance nodded and floated excitedly out of the clinic. I looked to Mayor Wander Yonder and shrugged. "I'm going to borrow your Deputy to help out in this investigation. Also, if you see a pair of ponies, specifically one with a bat that has eyes? Tell them where we are heading and that I have a lead onto our investigation." I said. Mayor Wander tipped his hat.

"You'll be doing this city a kind favor if'n you can solve our issues. 'Ah'd be happy to give you an' yer' friends a standin' ovation if it is required afterwords." he said. I waved a hoof in dismissal.

"No need. Frankly, it's best if uh... certain individuals don't know about us." I leaned in. "Just trust me on that." The mayor nodded. I looked over to Little Braveheart. "Rest easy, kid. We'll put an end to that feud and you'll be back to stampeding peacefully like before." Little Braveheart gave a weak smile.

"Like ponies before who settled our last war." she said. I nodded and saw the buffalo pass out. The nurse mare put a hoof on her head and sighed.

"She has a fever. I'm going to take care of her, but I would appreciate no distractions." she said, shooing all of us away. She closed the door and me, Braeburn and Wander exchanged glances.

We stepped outside and saw Galavance waiting for us patiently. She smiled and flew over to us.

“Well, reckon we best git a move on, cowgirl!” She said with a tip of her hat to me. I felt my envy increase. Screw it. I’ll get myself a hat! Galavance looked to the mayor. “Don’t worry, Mayor Wander. We’ll uphold the peace between ponies and buffalo! For the sake of the town and all of Equestria! The Blade of the Wind and her stalwart companion, Fire Eyes, on a grand adventure to stop the forces of evil and bring justice to all who threaten these fine folk!” She struck a confident pose. I furrowed my brows.

“Just call me Fie, please.” I said with a soft sigh. Mayor Wander tipped his hat to her.

“See to it that ya’ come back and we can have a celebration upon a… hehe… hero’s return.” He said. He then turned to Braeburn. “Now, Braeburn, care ta’ catch me up on how we can manage tha’ waste?” He said, walking away with Braeburn in tow. We watched them enter the town hall before I turned to Galavance with an unamused brow.

“Fire Eyes?” I asked. Galavance gave me a bashful smile.

“G-got carried away. Shall we head to Red Canyon?” She began. I held up a hoof and smirked.

“Just one more thing before we head out.” I said. I cantered over to a hat stand and browsed the selection. I then picked out a nice, desperado hat with obsidian studs around a ribbon wrap. I placed it on my head comfortably and beamed with a pleased look. I levitated out some bits and placed them on the counter. I turned and tipped my hat. “Let’s ride, pardner!” I said. I hate to admit it, but Galavance’s enthusiasm was rubbing off on me. And we’ve only met two hours ago. Galavance tipped her hat to me and we took off west towards the distant rocky mountains.

The sun was beginning to vanish and the moon began to rise. We probably should have waited till the next morning, but if we did, I feared the war may have started or it’s continuing right now. Thankfully, Galavance had a brought a lantern in her bag and lighted it. I cast a simple light spell, my horn tip glowing. We were making good pace towards the canyon. Galavance turned to me as we continued on.

“This is so exciting! I can’t believe I’m going to get a hero’s ovation from the mayor himself! Ahhhh, I can’t wait!!” She said giddily. I smiled and laughed.

“You’re a very strange character, Galavance.” I said. Galavance brushed her beak with a claw thumb. My eyes then fell to the scar. My smile faded a bit. “Umm… can I ask what happened?” I asked. Galavance looked at me quizzically before realizing what I was meaning. She tapped her beak softly.

“A couple of bullies got a little carried away.” She said non-chalantly. I gave her a concerned look.

“Little is an understatement if you got a scar from it.” I said. “Did you fight another one?” Galavance waved her claws in dismissal.

“No way! I would never fight one of my own! I don’t really like confrontation…” she began. I gave her a coy smile.

“And yet, you calmed an angry mob. Something tells me your just denying your heart of gold.” I said matter-of-factly. Galavance gave me a surprised look before looking ahead and sighing.

“I… I had a freak accident when I was just a hatchling. My brood brothers and sisters got a little pushy when we hatched and I… took a tumble from the nest… hard.” I listened intently, my look a little grim. Galavance motioned around us. “Growing up, I was treated as an outcast and pushed around by the other younglings. I… wasn’t as outgoing as I am now.” That almost sounded surprising if I didn’t hear it from the griffon herself. She rubbed her foreclaw arm. “Believe it or not, I secluded myself from everygriffon. And that just made it worst. Griffons are prideful creatures. We don’t back down, not even for other griffons. But then, one day… two little ponies came to our home. I noticed that they were much more open and friendly with everygriffon, even if they weren’t back.

“Apparently, one of the ponies knew Gilda. One of my bullies. But, something happened and I saw her… change. She wasn’t mean as much anymore. She seemed… happy. And after seeing what those two did for somegriffon like her, maybe there wasn’t so much bleakness than I though. I know for a fact they inspired Gabby to go on her own adventure. So if Gabby and Gilda can see the light of this ‘friendship’, then perhaps I can change too. And I did. Once I wandered into Appleloosa, I found my calling. I ended up saving a couple of ponies and Sheriff Silverstar and he made me his deputy.” She tapped the badge on her chest.

I smiled. Galavance is amazing. She must have come far to break her shell. She certainly felt like she was at home. A calling. Those words echoed through my head. What calling do I have anymore? All my choices have been negatively affecting me for as long as I can remember. I don’t think one good thing came out of me aside from moving to Ponyville. I did make friends with the neighbors, sure, but I didn’t matter as much as those I know closest make it out to be. Like everypony else, I was the lone neighbor in the background. And lately, I’ve been feeling more and more like an outcast. Off on a “grand adventure” of epic proportions to save the land of Equestria. Funny surprise, you don’t have a choice! Save the world or doom it all. Either way, you are going to die horribly for the sake of others or end up living long enough to become a villain.

I was stuck in between this conflicting matter. On one hoof, I am glad I get to see new sights and meet new ponies or griffons or whoever, so long as I can pick and choose who I want. On the other, my entire fate and destiny is sealed without my consent. All because of one fateful encounter with an eldritch being. I felt my mood drop a bit. Thi and the others must be back in town by now. Or maybe they got strung up on some other adventure. I wonder why Thi took the whole group with her? She could have at least have Cloudchaser accompany me. Or Flitter. Or Scribble. Preferably Cloudchaser. I sighed. Curse my hopeless romantic thoughts! I looked up under my desperado hat to see Galavance looking contemplative. I smiled and put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. She turned to look at me.

“Well, you can say you made another friend while being here.” I said. Galavance’s eyes widened. I suddenly gave her a look of concern. Was she… tearing up? I then yelped as I felt myself get scooped up into a hug.

“Do you mean it? Do you really, really mean it? You’ll be my friend?” She said excitedly, nuzzling my hat. I grunted and squirmed as she bear hugged me. I sighed in defeat and nodded with a small smile.

“Really, really.” I said, trying to keep my pain hidden. The wind suddenly began to pick up. Galavance put me down and we held onto our hats as the wind quickly increased into a gale. I dug my hooves in along with Galavance as I looked around. The dust and rocks made it hard to see but the sky above began to rumble. We looked up into the cloudy night sky and gasped as we could flashing lightning in the distance. No way. A storm? Out here in the middle of nowhere?

Galavance buried a claw in and held onto me, shielding us with her wings. That’s when we heard it. A loud, thunderous screech. Like a crackling buzz that thundered through the pasture. Lightning crashed around the sky, some striking the ground around us. A looming, giant figure of a bird flickered in the lightning.

“It’s real?!” I exclaimed in pure shock. Galavance was also matching my expression. Another loud and thunderous screech crackled, lightning still striking around it and us. The figure began to move, gliding over the canyon. And just like that, the wind began to lessen and the thunder and lightning became distant. Galavance and I exchanged awed expressions. She stood up and scanned the sky while I dusted myself off and adjusted my hat.

“So, that’s the mythical Thunder Bird. It’s… huge!” Galavance exclaimed. I shuddered. I’m really starting to not like birds.

We arrived at the Red Canyon. The entrance to it being a rickety wooden bridge that crossed over a ravine. I felt vertigo as we made it to the halfway point. Galavance, the lucky creature, was floating next to me. I felt my stomach churn and slumped. Galavance hummed a delightful tune before turning to encourage me.

“C’mon, pardner! Not more than a hop, skip and a jump!” She cheered. I glared sickeningly ahead of the path. It really felt like there were miles of bridge left. I looked over to Galavance and pointed to her.

“Can’t you help a fellow pony in need?” I rasped. Galavance chuckled. She then picked me up and flew only two hoof steps from my position and placed me down on solid ground. I felt my legs give way and sighed. “Oh thank Celestia…” The second thing I don’t like most of all is dangerous structural decisions over deadly pit falls. Galavance pat me reassuringly on the back.

“Buck up, Fie! We begin the next step of our duty to uphold justice! To find the buffalo and end the war!” She stated excitedly. I looked around and furrowed my brows. Something was off. We were passing by foliage and trees. Weren’t canyons supposed to have only specks of life? There has to be a riverbed flowing through. We carefully traced our way down the path, using our light to see where we can step. I noticed there thick and heavy tree roots crossing the canyon space and I furrowed my brows.

“Hey, Galavance.” I began. The griffon looked to me. “Is it just me or is this canyon a little more… err… jungley.” I said with a roll of my hoof. Galavance scanned the canyon side cliffs. She hummed and scratched her head with a single claw.

“You’re right, Fie. I remember this canyon being a bit more barren. The wildlife is usually below us. Or well, the foliage. But there shouldn’t be this much foliage.” She said, flicking a tree branch. My ears flicked when I began to hear a hum. I pressed my ear and a voice broke through. Garbled at first, but I can make out the voice. It was Thi.

”Fie… where… you…? Static interference… location?” I tapped my ear and pressed down again.

“Come again, Thi? It’s hard to hear you.” I replied. Galavance looked at me quizzically.

”Where is… location?” her voice crackled.

“Just entered Red Canyon. Where are you?” I asked, hoping that my own voice wouldn’t be garbled out. Suddenly, the wind picked up again and we quickly ducked behind a tree. As we expected, the strong gale force of the Thunder Bird howled through the canyon. A thunderous screech that sounded so far away. I scanned the sky, but could not see it with all the foliage. However, a spark of lightning struck the canyon and unfortunately right across from us. Then, more lightning came crashing down around us. Galavance shielded me with her wing as we shifted back. The area around us began to catch on fire. To our amazement, the foliage came to life. A long, tendril branch slithered out and whipped away at the fire, sending it flying into the wind. We had to back away as the tendrils slithered around us.

They whipped at us and I hissed as one got me across the cheek. I whipped out my quarter staff and bat away at the tendrils. That seemed to get them to retreat. Galavance and I turned around and somehow made it back to the entrance of the canyon in a hurry. I slung my staff across my back and sighed, sitting on my haunches. Galavance panted.

“What even… is going on… in there?” She gasped. I panted as well and rubbed my cheek. I could feel the blood trickling. I wiped my cheek and frowned.

“Well. I guess it’s safe to say that the buffalo and ponies aren’t at fault for this.” I stood up and pat Galavance, tipping my desperado hat. “We should tackle this in the morning when we have a better way of getting through. At least, we know what we are dealing with now.” I said with a smile. Galavance smiled back and pushed her hat up a bit to grin.

“‘Ah like yer’ spirit, missy. Some good grub an’ sleep will patch us up real quick like!” She said, putting on an accent. I giggled and as I was about to take a step towards the bridge, dreading it as I did, Galavance suddenly scooped me up, slung me across her back and she took off as I hugged the scruff of her neck. I heard the loud hum of my bud and I pressed my ear.

Fie? Do you read me, Fie? Dammit. So much for long distance communication.”

I smiled. “I can now finally read you loud and clear.” I said. Thi sighed to what sounded like relief.

There you are! I couldn’t get through with all that static. Where are you?”

I looked down to Galavance and she nodded.

“Me and the Deputy Sheriff did some scouting and we believe we have some info on the matter. We’ll rendevouz back in Appleloosa and I’ll explain everything we found out.” I stated. There a momentary pause.

We got some info of our own. We think we know who the vessel of earth is. We’ll tell you when you get back. She replied. I furrowed my brows.

“Got it.” I replied. This day just keeps getting better and better.

Galavance flew down and landed in the middle of the town. The saloon was open and I got off of Galavance, smiling as I pointed to the saloon.

"We should get ourselves a small drink or two. 'Ey, pardner?" I asked with a tip of my hat. Galavance scratched her head.

"But... we were hardly able to make it into the canyon. Why should we celebrate?" She asked. I nudged her playfully.

"Because we managed to get as much info and when we piece it altogether, we'll be ready to help the fine folk of this town." I explained with a smirk. She rubbed her foreclaw leg and looked worriedly.

"I-I don't know, Fie. It just seemed like we could have done more." she said. I put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.

"That's the thing. We'll be able to do more once we piece together all the facts and be able to figure out what we should do. If we rush head on into a living, forested canyon that is pissing off a giant Thunder Bird and enraging the buffalo to threaten each other and the ponies, then we need to be ready." I smiled. "Trust me on this, Gal. It'll be more than a hero's ovation." I said. Galavance blinked and furrowed her look in contemplation. She then nodded and rubbed her chin.

"Gal, huh?" She said. I trotted up to the saloon, tipping my hat to the ponies I passed by before entering it. Despite the panic that was earlier in the afternoon didn't seem to stop these ponies. The pianist was playing a tune while tables were full of ponies playing poker or just having a good time. Even the bar was full. I then saw my friends gathered at a booth. Cloudchaser noticed me and waved. Galavance and I walked over to the table and everypony looked up from their conversations. Thi chuckled.

"Neat hat." she stated. I grinned and tipped my hat.

"Why, thank ya' kindly, missey." I teased. Scribble brought out his magic reading rune and held it out. I looked to see that the rune was ever so crackling slightly. I took a seat next to him and looked at everypony else. "Alright. So, how did everything go with Jubilee?" I asked. Flitter sighed and rubbed her neck.

"Not well, I'm afraid. Jubilee is severly understaffed because ponies don't want to deal with picking cherries when the bundles are just growing so much in the amount of time. Her orchard is full of other fruits too. Like pears and oranges." she explained.

"Silverstar wasn't kidding about that." Cloudchaser chimed in. Thi took a swig of her cider and pointed at me.

"The most we found is that Ms. Jubilee is struggling to keep her cherry picking company afloat because of the over inflation of grown product. After that, we discovered that several of the cherry trees actually came to life." She said. "It was strange, I tell ya'. I never thought I'd have to tell a story about fighting cherry trees. But as we were doing so, a griffon swooped in and shot some strange arrows that made the trees wither."

"At the expense of our ears hearing Ms. Jubilee's wonderful shrieking." Scribble said, rubbing his ear a bit. Thi nodded before continuing.

"After the dust settled, the griffon introduced herself as-"

"It was Sharp Eye!" Flitter shouted excitedly, causing some looks to turn to us. We gave her a look and her face turned a cute tinge of pink before she shrunk back into her seat. "Ehehe... ahem. Yes, Sharp Eye. The retired, professional archer. I couldn't believe it. Out of nowhere, she just swooped in and saved everypony! Almost like a super hero!" I rubbed my chin and I looked at Thi. Thi smirked.

"It gets better." she said. Flitter continued.

"She even chased off some of Gaia's goons that were perching in some of the cherry trees. She invited us over to her hut out by the watering hole. On the outskirts of New Appleloosa." She explained. I blinked. Oh yeah, I forgot that the mayor had partnered up with some expensive big shot that bought land and decided to refurbish Appleloosa while keeping the traditional one around for the production companies. I rubbed my chin. Something was there, but what? Galavance chimed in.

"Wow! She sounds super cool! Has she heard of the Blade of the Wind yet?" she asked giddily. Flitter rubbed the back of her head.

"Err... I don't think so? She seemed more preoccupied by helping everypony." she said. Cloudchaser then looked at me.

"But then we noticed something about her. Her eyes." She pointed to her own eyes. Such beautiful eyes she had. No, bad Fie! I whimpered at my own stern words, bowing my head. "They were swirling with green magic. Almost like yours's, Fie. So, what do you think? Is Sharp Eye Gaia's vessel?" she asked. I nodded before tipping my hat up.

"Exactly so. Now for our report." I looked between everypony as I spoke. I told them everything. From Braeburn and his workers running ragged trying to manage rotten waste and freshly picked apples, to Little Braveheart's injury and her whole explanation of the tribes going to war. I even told them about the Thunder Bird sighting. I saw Thi give a grim look and took several pulls from her drink. She slammed down her bottle and growled.

"I'm starting to hate birds..." she hissed. I couldn't help but smile at that. You and me both, sister. I then told them our brief visit to the Red Canyon. How the foliage was so overgrown that it was dangerous to traverse what used to be a walking path. How the Thunder Bird showed up and began striking the area around us with lightning, causing the foliage to come alive and bat out their fire. I showed them fresh cut I got on my cheek. I sighed and rubbed my muzzle.

"So, after everything now said, to sum up the issue. Appleloosa is currently under siege by Gaia, who is staking claim across the pasture. She's been overgrowing the orchards and trying to use the waste as fertilizer for her garden. I'm assuming the Red Canyon is home to the Thunder Bird. Since she is taking over that, the Thunder Bird is angry that it can't get to it's home. But no matter what the bird does, Gaia preserves her garden. Because of the Thunder Bird losing territory, it's running rampany over the tribe's lands and since they are not only warriors, but superstitious as well, they believe that some ancient magic was disturbed by the ponies of Appleloosa because of... the production companies in New Appleloosa?" I asked Scribble. Scribble nodded.

"Correct. I did a bit of side gathering while everypony was infatuated with Sharp Eye." he said. Flitter and Thi shot him a glare, but Cloudchaser kicked back in her seat and hummed a tune to herself. I wonder what she was thinking? "It turns out, Ms. Jubilee has been trying to fulfill a bulk order along with the apple orchard. Gaia's gift came at a strange time for harvesting as the deadline wasn't until harvest season. But since the land started growing more apples and cherries, as well as other fruits, companies began driving up demand and now Appleloosa is working itself to the ground while New Appleloosa profits." He looked to Flitter and Thi. "Sounds familiar?" Flitter rubbed her chin. Her eyes widened upon realization.

"The Story of Robin Woodchipper... Are you serious?" she asked. Scribble and looked to me.

"I don't buy her hero schtick. If she is Gaia's vessel and this stuff has been happening since the destabilization of our balance on New Years, I feel like Sharp Eye has been using Gaia's power to teach the corporate heads a lesson. Though, I doubt the outcome was beneficial to her and more so the companies. But that won't matter if we don't stop this. Gaia will eventually reach New Appleloosa and there won't be anything left." He motioned to the area around us. "Appleloosa will be the new Garden of Eden. And Gaia would have a stake in her land." I felt the shifting in the back of my mind and groaned. I rubbed my head as everypony looked at me worriedly.

"You okay, Fie?" Cloudchaser asked. My head was pounding. I decided to reach into my mind and opened my eyes. I was staring at Din's backside. Her look showing pure hatred and anger. She then turned to me quickly, causing me to jump and step back from her.

How dare she! Trying to get a head start on what is rightfully mine! I will not stand this! Vessel, we are going to burn her garden to the ground. And I'll do it better than some dumb avian! she hissed. I shook my head.

'H-hold on, din. We can't get too hasty. Gaia must have only sensed us. We haven't met Sharp Eye, so I don't know if Gaia even knows where we are. We can use the element of surprise. Get to the very heart of her garden and confront her there.' I then held up a hoof. 'We'll sting her enough to get her to back off. Then after that, we'll figure out what to do after.' Din growled. But then she seemed to ease a bit. She tossed her head and snorted angrily.

Just you wait, Gaia... You'll be trembling under my own hooves! This is my domain. And I will not have you taint it with your worthless plants! She then swished a fiery wing at me in dismissal. I felt myself being thrown back and I blinked again. Everypony was looking at me. I shook away my stupor and rubbed my head.

"Urgh. Seems Din isn't happy about Gaia getting a head start." I said. Galavance cocked her head.

"Din?" she asked. Thi smiled at her.

"That's a story for a different time, kid. But we should really get some rest. I have a feeling Sharp Eye won't be as heroic once we start hacking away at Gaia's garden." she said. Cloudchaser yawned.

"I second that. What a day." she said. Galavance blinked.

"Oh! Well... if you believe so. I'll ask the inn keeper if we can get free rooms for the night. On the house via Deputy Galavance." she said with a smile. I chuckled and tipped my hat.

"Mighty fine idea, pardner." I said. Galavance joyfully shook her claws before hurrying out the saloon. Thi chuckled to herself before waving a hoof at me.

"Seems you are starting to like the wild west more than you thought?" she asked. I stood up from the booth and shook my head.

"I never said I didn't like the west. Galavance just has a good vibe I can dig. And she has a cool hat." I said. Cloudchaser chuckled and put my hat on her head.

"I think it suites you. Just need a cow hide tassel vest and badge and you'll be the one working in the sheriff's office." she winked. I blushed brightly and felt naked without the hat. It also wasn't half bad on Cloudchaser either. That night, I slept in the same room with Scribble. We slept in separate beds, but unlike him, I wasn't fast asleep. I couldn't really sleep well. Din was fussing so much in my mind that it kept me up till the next morning. Oh boy... this is going to be a challenge.

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