• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 3,487 Views, 51 Comments

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts - Grey Prophet

A heated confrontation with Celestia over her portrayal as Nightmare Moon and her sister's authoritarianism leads Luna to search for answers

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Part 9

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts

Part 9

Pouring down the boughs of the forest, the freezing rain inundated the fertile forest floor, creating a troublesome mire to form underhoof. The leaves of Everfree shivered as the wind passed through the treetops, permitting only a small ray of the moon's light to penetrate the darkness of the wood. Nonetheless, Twilight Sparkle and her friends ran along the forest path undeterred. Numbed by the rain and the wind, Celestia's student pressed forward with only the fading embers of her determination to sustain her drive. Upon her back rested the goddess of the moon, a heavy burden that made her path ever more difficult and demanding. Once again, Equestria's fate was hers to bear, but this time her teacher was no longer there to guide her. The princess would know where to go, what to do, and ultimately remedy the problem, just as always. Though she drew comfort from her friends, Twilight was truly alone in her responsibility to them. She was expected to lead and have a plan, but the unicorn knew in her heart that it was a case of the blind leading the blind. Their entire dilemma was born out of confusion and haste, what hope had she to make the right judgments? Just getting from one point to another posed a thousand troubling questions and possibilities. The best she could do for her friends was to pretend to have a plan, to pretend that she knew the answer to their problems when in all truth she had no idea if the Elements would actually succeed in accomplishing anything save a light show. All Twilight could do was continue to take courage from Celestia's first lesson to her those many years ago.

Twilight Sparkle, my dear student, the world is indeed vast, wonderful, and full of mystery. But little one, even if you studied every leaf, pebble, and straw, you would eventually turn your gaze to the infinite heavens and realize how little you really know. Never cease in your studies, continue learning as much as you can, but remember that if a solution escapes you, do not fear to follow your heart. In such times, this is all we can do...

Twilight had followed Celestia's instructions but they yielded only frustration and anxiety. Her distrust of Luna, though lessened, was still ever present. It derived from her knowledge of the past, one that was continuously affirmed by Luna's often irrational, unpredictable, and emotionally charged behavior. Initially, Twilight found Ajax's account of Luna to match up perfectly with her studies, but his extreme hatred and inability to reason discredited the purity of his tale. Ironically enough, Ajax's response to Luna's claims of innocence revealed how true that case may be.

"I'm not the villain here! Celestia imprisoned me, how can I be responsible for the evils you accuse me of!? I was not part of your war!"

"Huh, a tale I heard a thousand times over from the mouths of the enemy. But you cannot deceive me…"

The mouths of the enemy. Twilight never came across a document revealing much about the motivations of "the enemy" other than power mongering. The possibility that the opposition fought not for the demon Nightmare Moon, but rather a banished deity was substantiated and could explain Luna's total ignorance of the past. Even her claims of insanity following her immediate liberation from the moon, too, seemed plausible; one thousand years of solitude could not be healthy for one's psyche. At the same time, Twilight remained convinced that Celestia had good reason behind her actions. She had to; Twilight could not imagine the princess to be so callous and unjust.

However, now was not the time to judge; only to act. The road to Zecora's was longer than Twilight had expected, and her sleep-deprived body was growing weary. Suddenly, a flaming glint of light caught the corner of her eye, and immediately Twilight believed it to be the welcoming fire of the forest hermit's hut. A quick blink dispelled the hope for only the familiar darkness greeted her. Disappointed, exasperated and tired, Twilight's front knee gave way to the stress.

Seeing their friend in trouble, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie stopped and helped Twilight back up on her hooves.

"Dear, let me help you carry her," Rarity said with concern, "It's not fair for you to suffer so needlessly when you're friends are here to help."

"No, Rarity, it's fine." Twilight replied with conviction, "I appreciate the offer, but I have to do this myself. You all understand, right?"

Twilight's companions looked at each other nervously. In all honesty, they really didn't, but they could sense that Twilight's strength had not yet completely faded. Nodding slowly, they consented.

"Well then," Twilight said with heavy breath and a grin "Come on, it can't be far now!"

Indeed, only ten minutes more and the company reached their destination. Relieved beyond belief, Twilight banged furiously on the door.

"Zecora! Zecora!," Twilight shouted, "Please help us, it's an emergency, please!"

Discouraged by the zebra's slow response, Twilight banged harder.

"Zecora, we really, really need your help! Let us in, please, it's me, Twi-!"

The door at last unlatched and opened, revealing the forest healer.

"Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's student. Your arrival is most imprudent…"

Upon seeing the injured goddess on Twilight's back, Zecora paused, a look of disbelief washing over her.

"Can it be? Is this a deity I see? Bring her inside with haste , not a moment should you waste!"

Ushering the ponies into her home and shutting the door, Zecora quickly retrieved several towels and blankets to dry and warm her soaking guests.

"Umm, Zecora," Fluttershy piped up, "If you could help me tend to Princess Luna, I fear she's suffering from shock…"

"Why of course Fluttershy, on an herbalist you may always rely."

As the two healers treated Luna for her injuries and condition, Twilight took a moment to close her eyes and relax before contemplating their next move.

For now, she had to hope that Rainbow Dash had succeeded rounding up Applejack and that they were on their way. Still operating on the belief that Lightning Strike was holding back the guard, Twilight at last felt a great deal safer.

Pinkie Pie and Rarity, too, were happy to be in the warm confines of Zecora's home. Rarity took the opportunity to wipe the filthy mud from her beautiful white coat and dry her purple mane…and then helped the indifferent Pinkie do the same.

"Dear...if you could…just hold still…for a second!" Rarity said, struggling to contain the bouncing pink pony, "You have a bit of mud on your face, let me…let me get that!"

"Sorry Rarity!" Pinkie chimed, "It's just so cool being at Zecora's! I mean, at first, it was all creepy and spooky, but then it was all, well, Wow! Totally neat-o stuff from some place maybe a thousand, billion miles away that nopony's ever seen! I mean, even Nightshade is here to check it out, and he's a bit stuffy…"

Rarity and Twilights' ears perked up at the name.

"Pinkie," Rarity said, her voice lowered, "Braveheart's lieutenant is here?"

"Oh yeah! Didn't you guys see?" Pinkie said in her usual, bubbly manner, "He's right over… here!"

Bouncing across the room, Pinkie pointed to a black pegasus wrapped in a blanket. Not too far from him was the standard golden armor of the Royal Guard.

Frightened by the presence of the guard, Twilight joined Zecora and Fluttershy at Luna's bedside in the other room.

"Zecora," she whispered, "what is a member of Celestia's Royal Guard doing in your house?"

The zebra blinked, a bit perplexed to why Twilight was so upset.

"When I found him, many wounds covered his body and his wings broken." Zecora responded, "So I took him in with little question, no words were spoken. Why you fear the fellow so, I do not know."

Opening with a heavy sigh, Twilight told Zecora the many hardships she had endured, from the sacking of her library to the fierce battle against the mighty dragon Ajax.

"Your words explain the stillness of the stars and why you fear the guard," Zecora said sympathetically once Twilight's tale had come to an end, "such a terrible course of events has surely left you scarred."

"Please, Zecora," Twilight replied, "we need to do something about the lieutenant. Normally, I'd use my magic to send him away, but I'm afraid to use complex magic in Everfree. It's…too natural. Things never seem to work exactly right."

"What do you suggest I do? In my land, throwing out a guest is taboo."

"But, if he wakes up…"

"No Twilight Sparkle, my patient I will not dismiss, even if it bring you bliss. To do so for a medic would be greatly remiss."

Frustrated, Twilight turned and left the room. She did not know how long it would take Luna to recover and Applejack and Rainbow Dash were probably wandering the wood looking for them. At the very least time seemed to be on the unicorn's side. Even though the guard posed a possible threat, he was clearly too weak to put up a fight. Nonetheless, Twilight felt it a good policy to simply keep quiet until they could move on. As she entered the main room and saw Pinkie trying to draw a pair of green rimmed glasses on the black pegasus, Twilight brought her hoof to her face as she realized how hard the feat would be.

"Pinkie!" she hissed, "stop that!"

"Oh, sorry Twilight," Pinkie replied, "It's just, well, I thought everypony could use a good laugh now, especially Nightshade…"

"No Pinkie, do not wake him up!" Twilight instructed, "This is serious, we can't afford to be so careless!"

The unicorn's criticism did not extend only to Pinkie as she turned her gaze to Rarity. The fair unicorn was busy looking into a mirror while brushing her lush purple mane.

"Rarity! I thought you were keeping an eye on Pinkie!"

"Pardon me, Twilight," she blushed, "but all this wind and rain has been atrocious for my mane, I couldn't ignore it for much longer. I suppose I was a tad distracted…"

Growling softly, Twilight addressed both her friends.

"Okay girls, we're all going to play that honorable pastime, the quiet game. Think you can manage?"

Rarity nodded and Pinkie zipped her mouth in symbolic gesture.

"Good. Now, we sit and wait."

A half an hour they past in silence. Twilight wanted very much to rest, but she feared that if she split her attention for just a second, Pinkie would wake the unconscious soldier. The perceptive student noted that Pinkie had begun shifting uncomfortably, which was not a good sign to see from the undisciplined pink puff of energy. The warm hut and quiet atmosphere, however, dulled Twilight's resolve. Her eyes dry and heavy, Twilight at last gave into temptation and closed them but before the pleasant relief of sleep could take her completely, she was awakened by a loud clatter of metal pots.

Turning to the kitchenette, Twilight saw Pinkie covered in pots and pans. Apparently she had opened a thoroughly stuffed cabinet to get a bowl to sample some food from a large black pot.

This time, Rarity was on top of it. Before she could silence Pinkie, however, they heard a frightened voice from across the room.

"Who's there? Where am I? As a lieutenant of her majesty's Royal Guard, I demand an answer!"

The three froze as the black pegasus rose from his mess of blankets on the floor. Fear gripped Twilight as Nightshade's turned his gaze directly at her. Ready to fight, Twilight's horn began to glow.

But the pegasus said nothing.

Puzzled, Twilight looked deeply into the soldier's eyes to find the pupils covered by a misty sheet of opaque fluid. Instantly, Twilight knew.

Nightshade was blind.

Thinking back to her studies, she recalled having read of cataracts before, but she never thought they could induce blindness so quickly. The lieutenant must have suffered exposure to some serious radiation.

"Hello!" the pegasus shouted loudly, as if he were in a large cave, "Anypony there? Please, I can't see a thing."

Twilight pitied the soldier, the faint quiver in his voice was exactly the same as the one that had clenched tightly to Lightning Strike's words. It was the sound of years of tightly instilled discipline struggling against a sudden, unimaginable fear.

Rushing from the bedroom, Zecora heeded Nightshade's call as the three friends kept their silence.

"Worry not and rest my friend, on I, Zecora, you can depend."

"Where am I? Why can't I move my wings?" Nightshade responded anxiously, his face turning unintelligibly in the direction of the zebra's voice, "Why do you speak in rhymes, are you a witch of some sort?"

"No witch am I, despite what my accent may imply. I learned your language when I was quite young, but Zebric syntax clings thickly to my tongue. In my hut in Everfree you now dwell, but, brave soldier, you are far from well. Your bones I have set back into place, but you are still in need of a sturdy brace. I pray you lay down and relax your wings so that I may find it easier to fit these things."

"And my eyes? Will I ever see again?"

"Of this matter do not fret, of permanent blindness there is little threat. An ancient practice of my people will restore your sight, is that not a happy delight?"

As Zecora helped the pegasus to lie down, the guard responded with a hint of relief.

"Thank you Zecora. Please, forgive my accusation, I should know better. I was stationed in the Serengeti for peacekeeping operations when I was in the EAF. As I hear, things have been shaping up there."

As she bandaged the soldier, the zebra replied in a low, somewhat distant voice.

"Of this frozen war I do not wish to speak of. Long have I waited to see the olive branch arrive on the wings of a dove."

"I'm sorry, forget I mentioned it. But Zecora, my company is sorely lacking leadership right now, and our objectives extremely dangerous and sensitive. If you could perform that procedure you mentioned, I can be on my way…"

"I'm sorry, but this I can't permit, you would be most unfit." Zecora replied sharply, "Once done, your vision will remain blurred for a time. To let you walk alone in the forest thus-like would be a crime!"

"I'm not asking your permission," Nightshade responded, his voice now firm, "I'm telling you. My duty is to Celestia, and nothing takes precedence above her security. Every minute that I linger here is another stroke closer to eternal night."

"I do not wish to sound snide, but a soldier's greatest foe is his own pride." She sighed, shaking her head, "But I will do as you ask, soon then may you continue with your task."

As Zecora went to get her supplies, Twilight took her aside and whispered quietly into her ear.

"Zecora, can't you wait to do this? I don't want trouble…"

"Twilight Sparkle," she replied somewhat indignantly, "This procedure cannot wait; much longer and everlasting darkness will be his fate. I understand your perilous plight, but your selfishness is not right. Do not worry so, a blindfold he will wear before he can go."

Though apprehensive, Twilight backed off and accepted Zecora's justification. If worst came to worst, they could handle themselves against a single, crippled guard. Just how he would react to them, however, was the question. This soldier did not seem as brusque as Captain Braveheart, but not as compromising as Lightning Strike. As she watched Zecora administer an herbal anesthetic, the unicorn just hoped she didn't have to find out. The drugs would buy them some more time, but not much.

Turning to the side, Twilight saw Rarity leading Pinkie over to her. The normally energetic ball of pink puff now had her head lowered in remorse.

"Twilight, Pinkie and I had a little talk," Rarity said, "and she has something she'd like to say."

"Rarity, I know it's Pinkie, but you shouldn't treat her like a little foal…"

"No Twilight," Pinkie interrupted, "She's right, I mean I totally heard what you said about Nightshade…it just didn't seem to click, you know? Today is just so weird; I'm not used to being enemies with anypony. I just want to be their friend; I just want everypony to be happy. The best way to fight fire is with laughter, my nana used to say, because everypony likes to laugh and nopony likes to hurt another pony. I know that the guard raided your library and I know that Braveheart shot Big Mac, but I can't think them bad. Every time I do I remember how happy the captain was when nopony got hurt this morning… I dunno, I just think that if we talked with them they'd understand and help us. But what do I know; I'm not smart like you, Twilight. I'm sorry for being a dummy…"

Pinkie's sentiments Twilight easily sympathized with, she wished too that their dilemma could be solved by talking it out. However, she knew that such an approach would only land them in jail.

"Pinkie, you're not dumb," Twilight consoled, "normally I would agree with you. But the guard is not a deliberative body; they have orders and they execute them, just or unjust. Reasoning with them won't work…trust me. One of them, somepony who I thought was a friend, flat out told me that they would not rest until Luna was captured."

The unicorn's words piqued Pinkie's interest. The earth pony now looked Twilight in the eyes.

"Oh! Lightning caught up to you pretty quickly, huh?"

Twilight was a bit surprised that her friend was familiar with a pegasus she herself had not seen in years.

"Uh, yes. He met me outside of Fluttershy's cottage."

"Oh! That's awesome to hear that he got to see you again. When I last saw him, he was sooooooo sad. He didn't want to show it, but I could tell. Did you forgive him?"

"…no. He didn't ask for forgiveness." Twilight said solemnly, "He only tried to justify his actions."

"What? He gave off a totally different vibe in town this morning..."

"Speaking of which," Twilight interrupted, "How did you girls escape the guard?"

Clearing her throat, Rarity took the initiative to answer Twilight's question.

"Oh, it was quite elaborate and daring, dear. As you may have guessed, we were under the guard's custody at my boutique, but with a lot of hard work and a little charm I managed to craft an elegant Nightmare Moon costume and scare the soldier charged with watching over us. I think it may have whipped up a little panic in the town square, but it gave us the cover we needed to make it to Fluttershy's cottage."

"Hold on a second, Rarity," Twilight replied in surprise, "you guys did what? Do you realize how many ponies you put in danger? Not only that, you've probably fueled the guard's fear that the princess is a mass-murdering psychopath!"

A bit thrown off by Twilight's harsh reaction, Rarity stuttered in response.

"Well, dear, I suppose it was not, uh quite desired, but we had to escape somehow. Besides, I saw from my balcony the guard dispatching a mob just earlier this morning and nopony was hurt…Well, perhaps that's not all exactly true. I saw and heard parts, but from what I gathered nothing tragic came of it. I thought the guard would diffuse the situation as quickly as the first…

"Rarity, that was a reckless decision! You just gambled with the lives of every citizen in Ponyville. You can't predict how ponies are going to react with such certainty!"

"What do you want from me, Twilight Sparkle?" Rarity responded, her voice filled with hurt, "You called on me to help you, and I did so without so much a question or doubt in my mind and now you have the nerve to criticize the lack of foresight in my decisions? I was imprisoned because of you Twilight, did you think of me when you decided to run off this morning with a fugitive princess?"

Pausing to let her words sink in, Rarity continued.

"I do not appreciate it, Twilight Sparkle, not the slightest, especially when you apparently had the time to chat up the captain pro tempore when your friends had to escape from a horde of armed guards."

Twilight flinched at Rarity's stinging words and averted her eyes.

"How, how did you know he's acting captain?"

"My jailers were quite upset about the fact," Rarity replied, "you may think me a flawed leader, but I do have a knack for picking up on detail. What concerns me is why it seems the guard is not on our tails. The village is not very large, and, as I said, a panic should not take so long to quell…"

"Unless it degenerated into a riot…" Twilight mumbled.

"OR," Pinkie chimed in, "maybe Lightning isn't searching for us."

"No Pinkie," Twilight shook her head, "He told me he'd buy me a little time, but that he was bent on carrying out his orders."

"Oh Twilight," Pinkie sang, "we both know that's a load of baloney. You say he said he wasn't sorry, but he sure is acting like he is! You know? Actions are more important than words after all, you must have convinced him deep down!"

"…Pinkie, Lightning sacked my library and interrogated me earlier today. The chance he would completely disregard orders is extremely unlikely…

"But he's the captain now! He makes the orders."

Twilight brought her hoof to her face in silent frustration.

"It's not that simple, Pinkie. But maybe you're right, maybe my words had an impact on Lightning…It's just that we can't know for certain. All this conjecturing is pointless, the only thing we should assume is that the guard believes Luna is responsible for Celestia's disappearance and will do what they can to arrest her. We should focus on plotting the course before us instead of wasting time tracing the steps of the guard. In the end it's of little use. Trust me, I tried to do it this morning."

"Very well, Twilight," Rarity responded, "if that is what you think, I will respect it. I have little mind for such things, I'm an artist, not the student of a goddess-princess. Planning a dress or suit can be difficult, but at the very least I know my mastery will shine through in the end. I am not so certain about public affairs."

"Okay Twilight," Pinkie added, "but I still think you're being unfair to Lightning and the guard."

"Good." Twilight said, "the worst of our journey is behind us. If we can restore Luna's immortality with the Elements of Harmony, nothing can stop her from finding Celestia. Hopefully balance will be restored…"

"Twilight Sparkle," Zecora interrupted the unicorn from across the room, "The procedure I shall soon finish, your voices should thus diminish. Dear child, the drug I applied was quite mild. Don't look too dour, he shall not awake for an hour, but be cautious, I do not know when he will be fully conscious."

"Wow Zecora," Twilight said with surprise, "that was really fast for such a sensitive part of the body. How did you do it?"

Zecora hesitated before replying.

"It is an old technique with much history, but in your land it is a great mystery. Often it is maligned, for it is very risky to the patient who is blind. For this reason in your country it is banned, such has always been Celestia's command."

Twilight's eyebrow rose in suspicion.

"That sounds pretty sketchy, Zecora...by that I mean really sketchy."

"Your opinion I did not request," the zebra replied defensively, "to its wondrous affects you will soon attest."

"Okay, okay, sorry Zecora. I'm in deeper with the authorities than you are, don't sweat it." Twilight chuckled, trying her best to make light of the situation.

Zecora leveled her eyes at Twilight, closed them, and sighed.

"On the table you three will find some food," she said politely, "I hope you like your apples stewed. Now if you'll pardon me, I have another patient I wish to see."

Fetching a kettle from the hearth, Zecora exited the room. Twilight could see clearly now that they had been dismissed for the moment as Fluttershy walked out of the room a bit disappointed.

"Are you all right there Fluttershy?" Twilight asked her skittish friend.

"Umm, yes, it's just, uh, I'd like to be there for the princess…but Zecora insisted that I eat. I guess I should take care of myself too…"

"Don't worry Fluttershy," Twilight replied, "You've done so much today already, I'm so grateful to have you for a friend."

"Thanks Twilight," Fluttershy smiled, "But it looks like somepony else needs my help…"

Twilight's eyes bulged at Fluttershy's words. Apparently Zecora's drug was even less impotent than the zebra suggested. Turning around, she noticed the lieutenant beginning to stir.

Gesturing to her friends to keep quiet, Twilight magically wrapped a piece of nearby cloth around Nightshade's eyes.

"Zecora," the soldier muttered groggily, "is that it? How long do I have to wear this blindfold?"

He was answered with silence.


Sighing, the unicorn realized she couldn't keep up the façade for much longer and decided it best to reveal herself in a calm, collected fashion. As she prepared to quickly retrieve the zebra, she was surprised to hear Zecora's voice right beside her.

"Proud solider of the royal élite, your treatment is near complete. Do not touch the cloth that blinds your eyes, to expose them to the light would be most unwise."

Mouth agape, Twilight stared at Pinkie Pie. The bubbly mare was always quite good with coming up with spur of the moment sing-along ditties with excellent rhythm and rhyme; what surprised Twilight was Pinkie's nearly flawless impersonation of Zecora's voice. Seeing the unicorn's shocked expression, Pinkie winked and continued her apt impression of the forest hermit.

"Come, dine with me as you wait, I assure you my cooking is really great!"

The black pegasus consented with a nod.

"You said my greatest weakness was my pride,but you were dead wrong. " Nightshade laughed, "My stomach is! I can smell those heavenly stewed apples, and I won't lie to you, they smell better than anything from last night's royal banquet. Boy, I can't wait to get a bite of that grub! If you could...you know...just lead me to the table..."

Twilight gestured to Fluttershy to help the lieutenant get some food. As the yellow pegasus led him away, Twilight looked at Pinkie with a mixture of joy and confusion.

"Pinkie," she whispered, "how in Equestria did you do that?"

The earth pony gave a faint giggle and responded.

"Zecora's accent is so cool and creepy that sometimes when I'm working at the bakery and Mr. and Mrs. Cake are gone, I pretend that I'm Zecora making a totally awesome, super-secret concoction of mystery and magic!"

"...and you talk to yourself..."

"Well yeah, duh. I always like to talk and who better to talk to when I'm alone than myself? Myself can be a pretty interesting pony, I mean just the other day I met myself as a pirate..."

"...that's really something Pinkie." Twilight interrupted, "But I need you to keep the lieutenant busy for a while more. Can you do that?"

"Yep, no problem Twi!"

"Zecora," they heard Nightshade nervously speak to Fluttershy, "what's that sound? I hear voices, are we not alone?"

Pinkie Pie hurriedly rushed to Fluttershy's side, thought for a second, and replied to the soldier's question.

"Heightened and confused, no doubt, your senses are. What you hear is the pitter-patter of mice, nothing very bizarre. Now hush and give me your trust, to this new world you must adjust."

Nightshade grunted unhappily; he did not like being reminded that he was incapacitated.

"Hopefully I won't have to, that is if what you said is true." Nightshade growled, "I can't wait to be rid of this blindfold and back in the field where I'm needed. Gah! I can't believe all this really happened..."

"What exactly bothers you, good soldier?" Pinkie asked out of genuine concern for the guard.

"I don't like to disclose intelligence to anypony, especially civilians. But you helped me out big time. Without you, I bet I'd be some monster's dinner right now. Hell, even if that didn't happen, I'd still be blind as a bat. I can't write you off after all that. Just keep this to yourself, okay?" Nightshade replied before sighing heavily. "The royal guard's primary and most difficult objective is to capture the renegade Nightmare Moon. We also have orders to protect a powerful weapon from falling under the dark one's influence, the Elements of Harmony."

The four listened intently as the soldier paused to sample the stewed apple Rarity had dished for him.

"Mmm, pretty good stuff, Zecora, you weren't lying. Could use some more cinnamon, though."


"Ah yes, back on topic. This power was entrusted to Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's faithful student, and her five friends. Their profiles were passed on to the higher ranking officers so we could be better able to identify and defend them. But wouldn't you know it, we were already too late. Nightmare Moon got to them first, even succeeding in poisoning Miss. Sparkle's mind against the crown. I gotta tell you, I'd never expect Miss. Sparkle would turn her back on her teacher, I've watched her cling to the princess' every word for years. It just goes to show you how powerful that demon is. So, as you can guess, we were a bit afraid the other elements would be easily taken by Nightmare Moon. To stop this, the captain ordered the detention of all Miss. Sparkle's friends on any grounds we could come up with. What was important was that they were all accounted for and far from Nightmare Moon's reach. We managed to round up three of them before our captain was...sent away. After that, operations came to a grinding halt under my compatriot who, for some reason, thought it a good idea to wait about the village before vanishing himself. I went out to search for him, but I came across somepony more important: the element of loyalty herself, Rainbow Dash."

Taking another bite of his meal, the guard swallowed and continued.

"I'm sure you've heard of her, too. She's fast and destined for greatness, there is no denying that, but she is still a rookie in terms of maneuvering. Against a professional flier, she had little chance. But you know what they say about trapped animals. In her desperation she managed to perform the 'Sonic Rainboom' and sent me hurdling from the skies, beaten, blind and broken. I failed, and now I sit at your table a useless pegasus."

There was a moment of silence as Nightshade ate his dinner. Pinkie was thinking hard about what next to say, evidenced by her distinct and obvious physical expression of what qualified as "to think". At last she responded.

"If catching and securing Twilight's friends is your goal, should you not pursue it like a troll?"

Nightshade stopped eating. One could not see his expression, but his words were heated.

"What do you mean, "troll"? You may have healed me, Zecora, but I will not stand to hear the Royal Guard be disrespected! We are the elite, we are organized and privy to all intelligence reports, even those once classified under the secrecy of the Royal Bloodline are at our disposal. Nopony is more informed than the guard, nopony more able to make the right choice save Celestia herself! The corp has done everything in its capacity to ensure order and prevent Nightmare Moon from accomplishing her wicked desires, something ten million trolls could never in their lives accomplish."

Seeing that she misspoke, Pinkie quickly tried to clarify what she wanted to say.

"Uh, sorry, but what I mean is simply this: arresting ponies willy-nilly seems awfully remiss. Surely your methods are a tad extreme, talking leads to better cooperation, I deem."

"Ugh, you can never satisfy civilians." the black pegasus huffed, "They want us, neigh, expect us to solve a crisis without even the smallest sacrifice on their part. Then when something does go wrong as a result, they blame us for failing in our duties. No, Zecora, inspiring cooperation takes far longer than forcing it."

Formulating another response (and double checking the syllable count), Pinkie replied.

"To always treat another pony with respect, do you think it really that incorrect?"

Nightshade shook his head.

"Security is always priority, Zecora, respect for civil liberties is secondary. The world teeters on the brink of destruction, a few hurt feelings and a couple of owies are a small price we have to pay to save it. What we're doing is right, but civilians are too self-interested to give a damn."

Consuming the last few morsels, the pegasus once again shook his head.

"If it's one thing I've learned on the guard, it's that you can't compromise with evil, you have to face it and destroy it as quickly as possible. If somepony gets in the way, they too need to be removed. Hey I don't like it, but they made their choices. Casualties are inevitable, there is no cure-all."

Nightshade's words both intrigued and infuriated Twilight; at any rate the unicorn wanted to get her word in. Taking a quill and notepad from her saddlebag, Twilight quickly scribbled her reply and floated the paper to Pinkie to read.

"You may think yourself knowledgeable and altruistic, but I see you are applying a fatal heuristic. Nothing do you know of the sisters' last interaction, it is possible your 'sound intelligence' led to an inappropriate interpretation."

"Huh, your Equestrian is good for a foreigner." Nightshade responded, noting also the change in Pinkie's tone, "If you're implying that Nightmare Moon isn't at fault here, you need to get your head checked. Just last year she tried to pull the same stint, and apparently she was even worse a thousand years ago. When it comes to an unholy evil like her, all means justify the ends. Anypony who doesn't think that is either living in a fantasy world or dead. Some ponies might think the Guard to be overbearing, but I have no regrets. We have only done good."

Tired and irritable, Twilight had fought the urge to speak up and give the guard a piece of her mind. She couldn't stand listening to Nightshade, the guard was just so wrong.

"Refute him." the temptation gnawed at her, "He's only one guard, so what if he knows who you are? He's stuck in Everfree Forest miles away from any help, nothing realistic will come of it."

It made so much sense in her head that she became convinced it was the right thing to do.

"Such a heartless philosophy will only beget more evil, Nightshade, not good!" Twilight erupted, shaking the table and surprising her friends and shocking the lieutenant, "How dare you separate the duties you have to Celestia from the ponies she loves, together they are the state you swore to defend and uphold! Citizens are not mindless foals in need of discipline, don't you think for a second you're better than they are! In your haste to save the world you have shed the moral backbone of the guard and jettisoned all notions of honor and dignity in favor of efficiency. How can you think you have done good when you have abandoned all the principles of what good stands for? How can you combat evil if you can't sin it in yourself! Your self-righteousness has left you a shell of a soldier, Nightshade!"

Ripping the blindfold from his face, Nightshade looked around the table to discover four blurry ponies, but he could instantly guess their identities. Seeing Pinkie Pie and Rarity, in particular, spooked the soldier.

"Umm, Nightshade, please," Fluttershy squeaked, "Zecora said to keep that on until you've recovered..."

"A lie! All of it smoke and mirrors!" Nightshade fumed, "There is no zebra, only a traitor! Where's your new teacher, Twilight Sparkle, did she teach you that load of rotten apples?"

"Be quiet and listen!" Twilight shouted, "At first I didn't want your eyes to be healed, but a wise friend reminded me that I was wrong to wish that, that it was a violation of your dignity. Later, I considered tying you up against your will just like you did to my friends, but I didn't. My life would be made infinitely easier if you were out of my way, but I realize now that it is a rare event when the ends do truly justify the means."

"Oh no, don't try to take the moral high ground here, Miss. Sparkle," Nightshade responded, gritting his teeth, "Princess Celestia banished her sister to the moon to stop her from destroying Equestria. Was that excessive? Was that wrong?"

"...I don't...I can't know..." Twilight stuttered, "but it wasn't right, nor was it wrong, it was just."

"Esoteric egg heads," Nightshade sneered, "always splitting hairs to cover their tracks and muddle obvious truths. What is good is just, what is evil is unjust, a foal could tell you that! It only goes to show how corrupt you are!"

"Think what you will then! Ignore the fact that we cared for you even though you seek only to do us harm!" Twilight angrily countered, "You'll never listen to me anyways!"

Nightshade's left eye twitched, a furious expression now burning across his face. He was having a difficult time focusing on Twilight, and his eyes began to seer with pain.

"You're right about that! You're the disciple of Nightmare Moon now, every word you speak is another drop of poison! One act of kindness will not buy my allegiance! Besides, your friend is the very reason I'm crippled. What thanks should I owe you for healing me? This is all probably part the demon's plot to ensnare me, but she won't! Not this soldier!"

From the corner of his left eye, Nightshade saw two figures enter the room.

"Oh my, what is this obnoxious ruckus!" Zecora decried, "My guests, you do my home little justice!"

"Shut up!" Nightshade responded, shaking his head furiously, "You're a lie, a puppet! I see your mistress beside you, that cursed and wretched Nightmare Moon!"

In all honesty, he could not really see Luna, only a distorted dark blue figure. Frightened, he shoved Twilight out of his way and made for the door.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy said, "please don't go Nightshade, you won't see a thing in the forest! It's really dangerous and your eyes..."

"Blast them!" he shouted, "I'll find a way, I am an elite!"

With that he opened the door and stumbled into the darkness of Everfree Forest.

Sighing, Twilight turned to Pinkie.

"That, Pinkie, is why you there's no reasoning with the guard. They already have their own..."

Mentally strained and physically exhausted, the unicorn fell to the floor.

"Twilight," Fluttershy said, "you can't go on like this, you only slept for only a little bit at my house. You need to rest, here I'll fetch a blanket."

Twilight closed her eyes and let her indignation subside. Now with clearer mind, she wished she hadn't caved into her argumentative nature so easily, but she had been too tired to check herself. The unicorn was aggravated; she had been so worried that Pinkie would slip-up that she failed to take into account her own weaknesses. Thinking back to how she yelled at Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Rarity didn't help her self-confidence either. She was so ready to give advice and tell others how they should behave that she forgot that she too fell into the same sort of non-sensical patterns of behavior. Her exchange with Nightshade also left Twilight troubled; the young prodigy had earlier convinced herself that Celestia had a reason, a justification for what she did in the past. Was she putting Celestia on too high a pedestal, was the princess really no better than the lieutenant, or herself for that matter? Was morality, the heart of harmony, really that much of a sham that it could be cast aside at the first sign of trouble, a time when it was needed most?

As Fluttershy draped the blanket over her, Twilight felt herself drifting back to sleep. Instead of a library, however, her dreams provided her with but a single book. Opening it up, she saw only one word crudely scrawled across the entire length of the page.



"I am glad to see you are in such good condition, it is not long now before you can continue your mission."

The rhyming words of the zebra brought a smile to Luna's face. More so than the décor of the hut, the accent invoked pleasant memories of happy festivities and beautiful music. The Zebric tribes of the Serengeti held a special place in Luna's heart, their peace with natural world reflected the harmonious vision she had for the settlement of Everfree. The absence of hierarchy, institution, and regimentation in society was what the moon goddess considered ideal, a return to those trouble-free days before Discord when the ponies roamed the wild fields of Equestria, much like the traditional tribal life of both the zebra and the buffalo. The ponies then were simple creatures, yes, but they were kind, loving, happy, and free from the sins and burdens of what Celestia called civilization. However, Luna had long ago abandoned this hope for Equestria. The ponies were too accustomed and dependent on her sister's artificial constructs, those incessant, complex machines of government and economy. As it was, Luna saw everywhere the ponies in chains. The best she could hope for them was a semblance of that bygone liberty and community through self-governance and reliance. It was this hidden desire of Luna's that Morning Star had understood all too well. Her fair words resonated deeply with the moon goddess and moved her; it was true that society would never regress to its original shape, but it did have the opportunity to progress and evolve to once again reinstate those laws not created by the soulless state, but by organic nature. Coupled with her goal to relieve Celestia of her endless labor, Luna had risked everything that fateful night to achieve this. She thought that if she could center the debate on her own feelings, her own need to retreat, she could pressure Celestia into an unavoidable ultimatum, one that would force her to choose between the love of her little sister or her rule of Equestria. Celestia's rejection had left Luna stunned, she did not honestly expect her sister to choose power over her, and the fact broke her heart and drove her to insanity.

The pungent smell of hot tea broke Luna away from her straying thoughts.

"To imagine the goddess of the moon should grace this place, yet how sad it is to see her wounded face. Please drink your majesty, you will find healing in this special tea."

Pouring her a cup and offering it, Luna gratefully accepted.

"Thank you for your generosity, but who are you and where am I?"

"Ah yes, Zecora I'm known to pony-folk, to my home in Everfree you have awoke. On the back of Twilight Sparkle you arrived, it is with great fortune you survived."

"You live in my forest?" Luna smiled warmly, "What brings you from the Serengeti to Everfree?"

Zecora frowned at the goddess' words.

"I thought you more than anypony should know, being the moon princess of tales from long ago."

Luna looked at the zebra with worry.

"You cannot mean to tell me…"

"Yes, the ceaseless conflict has endured, after a thousand years it has only matured."

It was now Luna's turn to frown. More than a mileniuum ago she had effortlessly orchestrated a peace between the zebra and the gazelle. Grazing land and access to watering holes were the main points of contention, but, with the help of her advisers, she had organized a truce centered on principles of equal distribution between the tribes. It was entirely sensible, why should hostilities later ensue?

"How can this be?" Luna said, disturbed by the revelation, "I solved the problem. For two hundred years not a single drop of blood was spilled in the Serengeti. We danced together in celebration, pony, zebra, and gazelle alike!"

Zecora shook her head slowly.

"Through spoken tongue, not written word, has the phantom memory survived. Perhaps to an ancient it may sound a bit contrived, but the buried truth within must be revived. Long ago there was indeed a truce between zebra and gazelle, but it was shattered by a wicked spell. Famine and plague tore across the once fertile plain, and reborn was that great disdain. In their hour of need each side invoked your protection, but your silence was a sound rejection. Of the affairs of your land we zebra little cared, we could not imagine that the moon goddess was impaired. Without you, dear Princess Luna, patroness of joy and hope, with our hatred and despair we could not cope. Even as the shadow departed the fields of the Serengeti, the bloody feuds remained trite and petty."

Luna closed her eyes and shook her head in disbelief.

"No, how can this be possible? How could my sister permit this to happen, how could she stand idly by when there is such suffering?"

"Yes, in my youth I too once asked the very question" Zecora replied, "how could the sun goddess allow this aggression? But on her, too much blame and too little praise did I lay. For centuries she has sent her peacekeepers to stem the violence and bring the tribes under her amicable sway. It is the zebra and the gazelle who cannot let go of their hatred and spite, all the power in this world alone cannot purge it outright."

"My sister wields the might of the Elements of Harmony," Luna countered, "there is no force in existence its equal, it should wipe clean such terrible hatred!"

Zecora gave Luna a puzzled look.

"Twilight has mentioned this magic before, but I doubt alone it can win a war."

Luna opened her mouth to protest, but Celestia's struggle in the war reminded the goddess that perhaps Zecora was correct in her thinking.

"…Well, still. Even without the Elements, can she do nothing more than peacekeeping?"

Zecora shook her head once more.

"A truce Princess Celestia has tried to forge, but little peace has been induced. The sun goddess is always quite busy, some say following her tracks makes one dizzy. It is not surprising that she has little time for the affairs of other lands, the needs of Equestria create for her a host of demands."

Luna knew the zebra's words to be true, but she remained uncomfortable about her sister's inability to impose peace. Celestia was the master of order and subtle political manipulation, her mind was infinitely more clever than Luna's and yet the sun goddess had failed where Luna had succeeded. It made little sense to the goddess, but then again, the zebra and gazelle she had once known were not the same as the tribes that now struggled against one another. But another fact disturbed her: history had not corrected itself. There was little to no progress, though a hundred generations had come and gone their tribal hostility survived, a hideous scar from those darkest of days. The moon goddess questioned if they even knew why they hated one another.

Not wanting to dwell on the idea, Luna shift the topic of conversation back on to Zecora.

"Zecora, if what you fear is the instability of your country, why come to Everfree? It is a beautiful forest, yes, but it is less predictable than living in Equestria proper. Celestia has not touched my land; it remains wild and unsettled, unfortunately...ponies tend to love security more than freedom. This I could little understand…"

"Of pony-kind I am not," Zecora interrupted, "I too love freedom, it is something dearly bought. No, I do not like Celestia's many laws and regulations, I cherish too much a full spectrum of sensations. For that is what the mystery of life provides, if I may so confide. In Celestia's Equestria all things work in mechanical concert, even over nature, the weather, the seasons, complete control does she exert. My princess, such a predictable life is not for me, that is why I live under the boughs of Everfree. But don't you see? This forest permits me the peace of Equestria and the freedom of the Serengeti."

Luna considered Zecora's interpretation of her forest being a real part of her sister's empire.* It was true that Celestia administered to the region and maintained a barracks around the northern perimeter, but its purpose was to keep beasts in the forest, not defend the brave few who chose to live a more spiritual life. But what could Luna really say? She knew little of the modern disorder in the Serengeti, perhaps her forest truly was a haven to this zebra.

After taking another sip of tea, Luna decided it best to steer the conversation back into happier waters away from the conflict of the Serengeti.

"Zecora, tell me about what you like to do, what about Everfree that makes you feel alive?"

"I cultivate herbs, such is my trade," the zebra replied, "many remedies have I made. Some you may call experimental for some of the side-effects are quite accidental."

Luna looked at the zebra with a raised brow.

"That sounds a bit, shall I say...questionable?"

Sighing, Zecora ignored the familiar comment and continued.

"But this is not my sole dedication, I am also a known musician throughout my nation."

Luna's eyes lit up in response.

"Then you know of all the old songs as well? Could you, perhaps, play me a song? It has been centuries since I spoke Zebric, but I'm sure I'll remember the lyrics if I can hear the beat of the drum."

Zecora blushed, a bit nervous to accept the request of a goddess.

"Oh, but, it is unnecessary..."

"Please Zecora," Luna asked, "I'm sure your voice will heal me better than any herb you've plucked from the earth."

"Well, if you insist," Zecora smiled, "who am I to deny the goddess in my midst?"

Moving to a large drum at the end of Luna's bed, Zecora paused for a moment and turned back to Luna.

"My heart guides what I must sing, I hope you are not bothered by its painful sting. Of this bitter-sweet tragedy you may be aware, Utenzi wa Shufaka is often hard to bear..."

Beating the drum in a slow, rhythmic motion, Zecora sang in a low, tranquil voice.

"Kisa, uje ukaribu mbele I utakarabu tamukalo ukutubu; ukihifadhi..."

It had been a thousand years since Luna had last spoken Zebric. Unlike the unchanging tongue of dragons or firmly standardized Equestrian, the language had greatly evolved throughout the centuries, making it difficult for the goddess to understand the lyrics. Zecora's dialect, too, added to Luna's confusion. And yet, the song was so familiar to her, its beat and rhythm synching in concert with the beat of her troubled heart. Slowly, the music awoken within the goddess the unpleasant memory of Utenzi wa Shufaka.

The story told of two sky spirits who argued over the goodness of the zebra. The first believed that the zebra had fallen, that there compassion had long dried up under the hot sun of the Serengeti. The second rejected this, maintaining firmly that they remained as righteous as ever. Descending to earth to test a tribe of common zebra, the first spirit proclaimed that the second was ill and could only be saved by the blood of a willing foal. Despite their great love for the young one, the chief of the tribe offered her only daughter's life. Such selflessness revealed to the first that it was wrong, but it could not bring back the dead. As a reminder to the good of the zebra, the spirit cast the foals ashes across the heavens, memorializing the young one's sacrifice for eternity among the stars.

The princess of the night knew that the story was merely a myth, she had crafted the constellation herself a few millennia ago, but she did not want fact to ruin an exceptional work of art. However, though she enjoyed the beautiful flow of melodious poetry, the content of the tale was unsavory. Of her own choice the young maiden had accepted death, but was it truly her will or that of her mother? Where was the compassion of the spirit who needlessly permitted the young one's blood to be shed by her own mother? How could such callous disrespect for life ever be interpreted as good, how could such heroic compassion and sacrifice be a corruption of the morality it sought to inspire?

Luna chose to shake away such thoughts and focus on the rhythmic beat of the music. The wondrous verse brought back her memory of the Zebric lyrics, and though an imperfect speaker, Luna joined in Zecora's song. At the sound of the goddess' voice, the zebra ceased singing and listened in awe to Luna's sublime chanting. It was as sweet as the morning song of the springtime robin, yet as somber as the blackbird's cry. Luna's Zebric too, was far older than Zecora's, but the sound of the old tongue complemented the ancient roots of the tragedy. Losing herself in the music and divine rhyme, the goddess became oblivious to all else. For an hour she sung the entirety of the epic, and upon approaching the climax of the tale Luna poured a thousand years of her sorrow into the dying words of the young zebra.

"Mamaye si kilio, mimi kufa hivyo roho dunia wapate kuishi. Ukuu nini mimi kupata katika kifo na uovu wa mimi kupata katika maisha."

Rendered into Equestrian, it translates roughly thus-like:

"Mother cry not, I die so the sky spirit may live. Such beauty I find in death and what evil I find in life..."

Not only did the naive bravery of the innocent move Luna to tears, but the mother's tender response as well.

"My beloved daughter, with heavy heart I offer your soul to the heavens above. If I could I would spill every drop of my blood to save you, but fate does not permit me that joy. Forgive your poor, wretched mother for what she must do."

As she sang of the swift stroke of the knife, Luna began to weep. Utanzi wa Shafaka was not just an old epic of a foreign tribe of equids, it was, in many ways, her own history. Echoed in the mother's plea were Celestia's final words to her a thousand years ago.

"…I'm sorry Luna. This is the best I can do for you…and Equestria."

She was Celestia's sacrificial lamb, an offering to that bleak phantom called fate. The moon goddess had once scoffed at the idea, but her imprisonment and mortality had given her new perspective. Defeated and no longer invincible, Luna was acutely aware that she was hardly in control of her destiny, verily, how could she be? Most obviously she did not choose banishment. Even more telling was how she had relied on the help of others, surrendering her will to theirs' and abandoning responsibility for the consequences. Perhaps fate was not the abstract, guiding force she had thought it to be but rather the very concrete and chaotic sum total of a million free wills of varying strength struggling against each other? Was even her sister just another will in an ocean of many? As the most powerful one, did this mandate that she must bind and give reason to the infinite in the hopes she could dismantle destiny and permit a greater semblance of free will to even exist? Was order truly the source of free will, and liberty the source of destiny?

Choking back her tears, Luna tried to sing the final verses correctly, but the joy she was supposed to convey upon the release of the foal's ashes was overshadowed by her grief.

Zecora had been enthralled by Luna's angelic voice, which, coupled with the steady drumbeat, kindled within her a spiritual ecstasy she had never in her life experienced. She felt Luna's tribulation as if a thousand daggers had pierced her flesh upon slow, excruciating succession, but the pain was not evil.

It was enlightening.

As the song came to an end, Luna and Zecora sat in silent introspective reflection. After a few minutes, the zebra suddenly realized her error.

"Princess Luna, please pardon my choice in song, to do so was unprofessional and wrong."

"No, Zecora, not all tears are evil, but all are purifying." the goddess replied, "Music does not always heal through mindless comfort, more often it is a mirror to the soul that permits one the chance to see within and remove the roots of her suffering."

"This may be true, but there is no reason to always be so blue. May I tempt you with a happier tune?"

"Yes Zecora," Luna smiled, "I think it's wise to warm my spirits before I face the chilling wind yet again. Could you perhaps play Dada jua na dada mwezi, it is an old favorite."

"An ancient song you request," Zecora said with a wink, "but I know it, my lucky guest!"

Taking out an exotic stringed instrument, Zecora picked a pristine melody that gradually quickened in pace and tempo. Rising from her bed, Luna began to dance and sing in Equestrian. Gone from her voice was the chilling dread of Utenzi wa Shufaka, it had been replaced with elation and euphoria for this was not just an old folk song, it was her song, Sister Sun and Sister Moon. More than a thousand years ago, a delegation of the zebra tribes had come to the court at Canterlot to pay their respects to the two princesses. Among them was a bard called Zerdowsi who crafted an epic in both Zebric and Equestrian in honor of the two sisters. He had spent his entire life composing the 60,000 verses and was richly rewarded by Celestia for his devotion and impressive skill. Of course, Sister Sun and Sister Moon was only the first ten or so couplets put to music, but it was by far Luna's favorite part. When Zerdowsi performed it at the court at Canterlot, she had gotten Celestia to dance with her. The sun goddess, however, was no ballerina, so Luna took the opportunity to teach her sister that curious art of dancing. It was indeed a strange sight for all the nobles and ambassadors in presence to see Celestia stumble about, trying to keep up with her far more elegant and flexible little sister. What Luna loved most about this memory was that Celestia didn't even care about the on looking crowd seeing her embarassing weakness, she only laughed and continued on with her awkward attempts.

The song itself sang of their youth, and though it was fairly inaccurate, it still warmed Luna's heart and made her feel spiritually at one with her sister.

In the time before when the lands were new
And the skies were cold and the ponies few
All was dark and fear
Spread from far to near
And the skies were empty and lost and **

As we zebra roamed through the darkened land
We had nothing ours but held in each hand
And we could not see
And we could not breath
And we knew not of any majesty

But there came a light shining in the skies
As a lily blossomed before our eyes
And it split in two
One of white, one of blue
As the blossom blazed and it grew and grew

With a fiery flash from beside the flower
As the pedals burst with majestic power
There a goddess came
With her mighty flame
And divinity born from hoof to mane

In her wake there came born of her great fire
A grand ball of light that would never tire
And the warmth it shed
Banished fear and dread
And we zebra laughed in her awesome stead

But as the lily blooms twice in every year
So its petals swirled and we lent a cheer
For its blossoms glowed
And its beauty flowed
It began to swell great and bright and bold

What would burst forth now took our breath away
A dark angel banishing the bright of day
And her lights filled the skies
And before our eyes
She filled the heavens with legends wise

In her wake there came born of her great love
A great orb of light floating high above
And it glowed and shined
With the great divine
And she looked on us with a love so kind

So came sister sun, so came sister moon
As they filled the skies with their love in tune
One with fire so full
One with glow to lull
One of body and heart, one of mind and soul.**

In the middle of the song, however, Luna felt something was off. Pausing, she heard angry shouts leaking through the door, tainting her joyful song with unwanted discord. Giving Zecora a worried look but saying nothing, Luna exited the room with a heavy heart.

Once more she was torn from her sister, feeling anew the lonliness and pain of seperation and isolation.

Once more she felt the icy cold of death's shadow graze her soul.


Chapter nine. I hate this chapter, thus I expect to hear some criticism. The ending, as you can just tell, was my creativity burning out and me just wanting to move on. It is terrible, so it'll probably be revised... or maybe removed all together. You tell me.

**The song Luna sings at the end was written by the author "swicked" who answered my request to help me out. I'm very thankful that I could add a piece from someone who has been helpful in critiquing my work. Thanks once more!

Zecora's dialouge was hell, but I avoided the temptation to betray canon, though I think I use assonance instead of rhyme once. Zebric is Swahili, and the epic poem I mention, Utenzi wa Shufaka, is a classic I picked up on when I was really big on epics in highschool (though in English it is really dry and stilted...). It is an Islamic poem, so I removed the religious aspects of it and made it more tragic (it's like the story of Job in many ways and ends with God bringing back to life not only the sacrificed son, but all the other sons the father had who died. Boring.). I do want to note that the spirits are Michael and Gabriel. I could not actually find the text on the internet, and I'm not close to a library that has it, so I improvised some passages save Zecora's first words which are taken from the poet's invocation. And yes, I did butcher a good deal of Swahili. Sorry.

As I said, I was a fan of epic poetry, so the Persian poet Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is alluded to, but I want to note that in no way am I trying to fuse two very different cultures into one.

[]* this part will be moved to chapter five after Luna has her flashback. When I wrote chapter 5, Luna's strategy was clear to me, but I did not make it clear to the reader so I seek to amend.

*I use empire for lack of a better word. It's gender neutral, so that's what I care about.

Chapter ten will be shorter than the other chapters, and chapter eleven will be the crowning chapter.

I have decided to put back the mentioning of torture in chapter 2, but as I've said before, words and actions are two different things.

New notes have been added as well, I'm sorry if they in anyway seem to be defensive in tone.

Fluttershy will be written into chapter 8 to provide consistency.

Thank you for your reviews and for those who contribute in other ways...as usual I don't intend to make money from this story.