• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 3,487 Views, 51 Comments

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts - Grey Prophet

A heated confrontation with Celestia over her portrayal as Nightmare Moon and her sister's authoritarianism leads Luna to search for answers

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Part 5

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts

Part 5

Floating in the skies above the outskirts of Ponyville, an extravagant cloud castle swayed to and fro as the unrelenting winds threatened to disperse it back into nothingness. Thankfully for the rainbow-maned resident, her abode was safeguarded by fine pegasi craftsmanship and unicorn charms, leaving her with little to fear as she continued to snooze undisturbed. Yes, it was nearing 4:00 in the afternoon and yet Rainbow Dash was tucked firmly in her bed and snoring heavily. Well, that is until an ungodly buzz blared from her alarm clock.


"Ugh, you gotta be kidding me!"

Tossed cruelly and unnaturally from the depths of her tranquil slumber, Rainbow Dash sat up straight in her bed slowly, her eyelids groggily leveled in annoyance. If her friends were to see her now, they would most likely chalk her behavior up to her penchant for lapsing into spontaneous bouts of laziness, but that was not the case today. Yesterday had been utterly grueling for Ponyville's Weather Officer. Not only had she taken a double shift, she also had the misfortune of being on duty during the arrival of an unscheduled tempest. Her superiors at the Equestrian Bureau of Weather Services ordered that she find the source and correct the problem, so she had been up late trying to overcome the Arctic blasts of air and put a reign on it, but to little avail. Rainbow Dash was beyond frustrated with the unexpected anomaly, she felt as if her job might as well entail taming the entirety of Everfree Forest itself. Flying for hours in freezing conditions, Rainbow Dash and her colleagues failed to harness the storm. Her report back was not taken well with her boss, a hot-headed pegasus who proceeded to chew her out for being incompetent and unprofessional. Adding more to her humiliation and workload, she was given a mountain of paperwork to prepare and sign so that the higher echelons of government could know how much she sucked. The midnight oil burned at Dash's home until the wee hours of the morning as she trudged through endless endless piles of paper, each form she completed being more difficult and absurd as the last. The reckless pegasus had filled out her share of damage reports back to headquarters, but this was by far the single greatest waste of time the young mare had ever experienced. The questions either pertained to why she couldn't accomplish her orders and what more she could've done to aid her co-workers, or were trying to flush out character weaknesses. But what was Rainbow Dash to do? If she knew any of the answers, she wouldn't need to be sitting around writing about it! But that's life when you're employed by the Equestrian government, so she did her best to write some nonsense, send it off to the mailbox, and hit the hay in what she wished could've been ten seconds flat. It was more like four hours.

As Dash looked to the clock, she sighed and got up. She knew that ten hours was more sleep than she should need, but her body still ached from her long struggle against the rouge winds. Jumping out of bed, Rainbow Dash stretched her muscles in an effort to alleviate the tension in her limbs, but she was shaken off balance as another furious gust of wind buffeted her abode.

"Seriously? Seriously it's still going at it?" Rainbow Dash shouted, trotting over to her window "What the hay is up with the weather?! Celestia, I'm sorry for the foal that has to work today…wait wha-?"

As she glanced out her window, she was not only greeted by another chilling breeze but a familiar night sky. Dash quickly flew back to her clock. Could she have slept a whole day? No, she had set her alarm to make sure that didn't ever happen…again. Before she could dwell longer on the mystery at hoof, she heard a faint sound emanating from the heart of the wind's howl. Looking back out her window and squinting her eyes, the pegasus could make out a shadowy figure approaching her. With a loud shriek, a falcon swooped right past her and perched itself on the bed. Shivering, the bird looked at Rainbow Dash and gave another cry, drawing the pegasus' attention to the note tied around its leg.

"Oh Screech, you got a message for me, buddy?" Rainbow Dash asked, recognizing the bird as being Fluttershy's. The bird again shrieked and flew to Rainbow Dash, landing on her outstretched hoof. The pegasus grimaced a bit as the bird bore its talons into her flesh, but calmly untied the letter nonetheless, doing her best not to exacerbate the situation by spooking it. Shoeing the falcon off her, Rainbow Dash saw that the hoofwriting of the note was not Fluttershy's but Twilight's. Curious, she began to read:

Rainbow Dash,

As time and writing space will not permit me to be as detailed as I would normally like, I'm going to be blunt: I desperately need you to bring your Elemental jewel to Fluttershy's cottage. But be wary, the Royal Guard and the Equestrian Army are hunting us, so keep your distance. With me is Princess Luna. She is not to blame for the night you see outside. It is my belief that she is not Nightmare Moon. Celestia went missing shortly after Luna left Canterlot, so there will be widespread rumor that Luna kidnapped her. DON'T believe it.

In sum, be careful, avoid the guards, and get to Fluttershy's with the jewel.

Twilight Sparkle

Despite the letter's urgent tone and seemingly apocalyptic content, Rainbow Dash could not help but grin at her friend's request. Twilight had led Dash and company through several adventures at the behest of Princess Celestia, and every time they came up on top. It was the boost the pegasus needed: so what if she couldn't stop a stupid little wind storm? In the past she had defeated a moonbent goddess, kicked a dragon's jaw in, and perfected the impossible Sonic Rainboom. As she grabbed her Element and flew out the window headfirst into the opposing gale, she knew pretty soon she was going to add "delivered goddesses from doom, and brought the sun back again" on her résumé. The bureaucrats at Weather Services could go chew on those apples!

She was so freakin' awesome. Oh, and her friends. They were pretty cool too.

As the cold wind brushed against her feathers, Rainbow Dash felt her body burn with renewed zeal and energy. Her aches disappeared as her newfound strength coursed through her, emboldening her to press on faster. The bite of the freezing current did little to slow her, if anything its rough caress invigorated the cyan pegasus as she defied its forceful trajectory. Then, as if the tempest itself admired the pegasus' gusto and resilience, the wind changed its course to favor Rainbow Dash's flight path. Exhilarated and proud, Rainbow Dash shouted as the winds accelerated her speed.

"That's right, greatest flier in Equestria comin' through! Not even these freak winds can keep me down!"

Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimmer. Slowing down a bit, she double-checked. The night made it difficult to discern for certainty, but it looked as if it was one of Celestia's elite guards on patrol. Only they could wear golden armor, and Rainbow Dash doubted that anypony less than a Royal Guard would be out flying in this weather. The pegasus felt a wave of anxiety pass through her, and it wasn't out of any concern for her safety. No, she was conflicted over whether she should listen to Twilight's letter and avoid the guard or give into her irrational temptation to race him. Rainbow Dash knew that there were few pegasi faster than the Royal Guard; it was not uncommon for veterans from the corp. to join the Wonderbolts or vice versa. It would be the ultimate test for the young aerial daredevil. Despite the possibility of setting up a match in happier times, Rainbow Dash was an impatient opportunist at heart. Her arrogant confidence also prodded her on: surely the cold, armored pegasus would comically fall by the wayside as soon as Dash could pull out her vast assortment of tricks.

Resolved and ready to race, the pegasus closed her eyes and bolted forward.

"Sorry Twilight, but I just gotta do this!"


Lt. Nightshade soared the skies on the northern outskirts of Ponyville running reconnaissance. Alone, the guard was free to display his displeasure with his lot.

"The hay is General Hawkeyes thinking?" the pegasus thought "Placing him in command before me! Bah! The guy's a second-rate soldier..."

A multi-colored blur blew past the lieutenant's periphery and stopped before him.

"Hey rust bucket! Think you got the stuff to take on the best?"

"You, halt in the name of Celestia!"

"Don't think so, I think the princess would prefer to see me race! C'mon slowpoke, show me what you got!"

As the gutsy pegasus flew off ahead, Lieutenant Nightshade could not help but chuckle. It had been a long time since anypony had the nerve to challenge the former Wonderbolt performer. He was going to have fun with this arrest.


Rainbow Dash weaved through the storm with a smug smile. Looking back, she saw no sign of her pursuer. Rainbow Dash laughed to herself. Elite Royal Guard? This wasn't even a contest, it was just plain pitiful. Preparing to perform a victory loop, she saw a shadow diving from above in her direction. As the hunting falcon strikes and stuns its prey, so too did Nightshade. The crushing blow sent Rainbow Dash plummeting, but before the lieutenant could apprehend her, she turned course and bolted away. The lieutenant was impressed and a tad amazed; he had never seen somepony shake off such a violent wallop in such a short frame of time. This one was clearly made of tougher stuff.

The guard's surprise attack shook Rainbow Dash to the core, but she had endured far more vicious threats to her bodily integrity. However, her faith in her ability now came into question. Why did her stupid pride have to get in the way all the time? There wasn't even anypony to see a possible victory and now she was close to be taken down by the Royal Guard! Facehoofing, Rainbow Dash knew she should've just listened to Twilight. Her friends badly needed her and now she was stuck in a terrible mess she could have easily avoided.

"Get a hold of yourself Dash!" she thought to herself, "You can shake off this chump, no problem! Show him your best stuff and he won't stand a chance!"

As the lieutenant closed the gap, Rainbow Dash quickly split off to the right and looped about. Checking over her shoulder, she found that the guard had matched her moves with little effort. Trying several more of her aerial stunts, she found herself no closer to losing the persistent and talented lieutenant. Growling to herself, Rainbow Dash corkscrewed to the left and shot straight up. Sure enough, the guard was still on her tail and getting closer. Rainbow Dash knew that if it wasn't for her rival's armor, she would've been in custody by now. Trying several more acrobatic feats in the freezing stratosphere, Rainbow Dash quickly came to the realization that she couldn't hold off her opponent for much longer. There was only one trick she knew the guard could never hope to replicate: the Sonic Rainboom.

"Hey buddy," Rainbow Dash panted, getting a good look at the guard "You're really pretty good for a tin can! But let's see if you're got what it takes to follow this through!"

Rainbow Dash dove straight down, shattering the ice from her feathers and accelerating rapidly. Looking to her side, she saw the lieutenant nearing her. Grinning as she felt the sound barrier cracking around her, she couldn't help but to leave the guard with a snide quip.

"You're getting old Nightshade, no wonder they kicked you off the squad!"

Before the angry lieutenant could get a shot back, a magnificent array of color and light blinded and disoriented him. Not soon later, a deafening boom pealed through the skies, overloading his senses and striking him from the sky. Fortunately the boughs of Everfree Forest caught the soldier, sparing him from an unpleasant end.

Rainbow Dash's face was beaming as she prepared to land. Not only had she pulled off the Sonic Rainboom in the most adverse conditions, she had also defeated a former member of the Wonderbolts! Her hooves touching the solid earth, Rainbow Dash looked back and shouted.

"Ha! The Shadow Swoop is classic Nightshade, that's for sure, but it's no match for Rainbow Dash's super-awesome-amazing-totally undefeatable-super epic-legendary Sonic Rainboom! Yeah!"

A panicked voice from behind her dampened Rainbow Dash's celebratory spirit.

"Rainbow, what have you done?"


"Umm…Princess Luna?"

"Yes Fluttershy?"

"Oh, uh, do you not like the soup? It's okay if you don't, I don't mind, but can I get you something else?"

Luna looked up from the pile of papers and remembered the carrot soup Fluttershy had just served her but fifteen minutes ago. She had been busy searching through Twilight's research hoping to find an account of that fateful day, but to little luck. No longer immersed with the translations, Luna could see now that she had made a mess of what had been a meticulously assembled and organized set of documents. Luna huffed, disappointed that she couldn't even keep a bunch of loose papers in order. Turning to Fluttershy, the goddess realized that she had failed to respond promptly to the pegasus' question and now ran the risk of appearing distant and unthankful.

"Oh no, Fluttershy, it just slipped my mind. Pardon my rudeness."

Taking a sip, she found that, like her first bowl, it was now stone cold. The substance left a bitter aftertaste in her mouth, but she tolerated it and managed to finish Fluttershy's soup. Rising from the table, Luna was about to put her dish in the sink when she caught the sight of several strewn papers underneath the table. Setting the dish aside, she levitated the papers to her face as she returned to her seat. They were the first pages of Twilight's translation of Triumph of the Sun Goddess and exactly what she had wanted to discover. Anxious, she began to read the text that was strangely lacking any of Twilight's usual notes. This had been her last translation.

In the 1010th year of the reign of Princess Celestia of Equestria, the Era of Darkness began. It was at this time the jealousy and ambition of the moon goddess allowed a great demon to enter and poison her heart against Celestia. In the shadows of the court at Canterlot, the corrupt goddess consolidated her support among the cruel and greedy nobility who sought only to place a yoke on all ponies and races. From the palace throne room of her domain at Everfree, the Nightmare Moon declared open rebellion against her sister's rule. Those loyal to the sun goddess took up arms to defend their country from the unholy onslaught the personal armies of the unified nobles under the banner of the Demon unleashed upon Equestria.

Luna skimmed through the remaining pages to see if Twilight had translated the passage concerning the titular "triumph" of Celestia. She was not surprised to turn up empty-hoofed. Sighing, she found her mind straying back to that fateful day, the day she lived over and over during her imprisonment…


From the balcony of her castle, Luna stood beside her sister in anticipation as they prepared to usher in a new night. As her sister set the sun, her moon rose to shine its pale light upon the night goddess' personal domain of Everfree. Luna had named it thusly for good reason: it reflected the boundless freedom she valued above all else. She had resisted her sister's pressures to bring the natural law of her forest into accordance with Celestia's weather system for many years until the sun goddess finally relented under the condition that it house Equestria's more dangerous beasts. Luna consented willingly; Celestia's proposal only enhanced the libertarian image of Everfree she sought to cultivate. But above all, she wanted to demonstrate to her sister how superfluous Celestia's intricate and complex social systems really were when compared to the harmony one finds in the state of nature. Two hundred years had passed though, and her sister did not even bother to see how well the ponies on her lands lived. Granted, not many dared to live in her forest, but those who did had unprecedented freedom to express themselves and innovate undisturbed. She had brought up Everfree's development with Celestia before, but she only laughed lovingly and said "Little sister, you can't build a city with only bards and lyres!"

She had missed the point clearly

Luna had grown weary with Celestia's obsession with order and how she had drawn Luna into it. She was charged not with just the upkeep and administration of Everfree, but a third of the lands of Equestria. Everyday she had to deal with court politics she didn't like or care about, sign a bunch of Celestia's decrees, and mix with the insipid nobility among a mountain of other duties. It seemed nearly everything she did was for her sister. The fact that Luna still loved Celestia dearly made it all the more frustrating for the goddess of the night. When it came to politics and reforms, Celestia largely wrote off Luna's ideas as "ideal" at best and "cute" at worst. At the same time, Luna could see her sister consumed by tedious policy formulations, class interest balancing acts, and endless pomp and ceremony.

But this would end today. Today, Celestia would learn that Luna did not need her approval. She would save both Celestia and herself from this soul crushing labor and return them to those early days of creation when things were far simpler, more beautiful, and innocent. Again they could play among the stars untroubled by the petty squabbles of their subjects. It was what was best for the goddesses.

Their duties complete, Celestia turned to her pensive sister and spoke with an amused, though slightly nervous curiosity.

"Luna, I think I've been more than fair with you in indulging your desire to keep a secret. Would you finally mind telling me what this banquet is about?"

Luna lightly smiled, and responded cheerily enough.

"Are you still trying to apply rhyme and reason to my behavior? Come on Celestia, I felt like it. I fancied good company, good music, and good drink so I'm throwing a grand feast in the honor of, well, merriment I guess."

"…this is all very well, but the 'company' you speak of happens to be almost every noble in the country. Even I think it's a nightmare; after all, you're tossing all that bad blood under one roof and giving it drink! It's going to be a night of hoof-kissing and back-stabbing, I can feel it, that's what these things are always about. It's hardly anything like your usual celebrations... "

Celestia weaved in front of Luna and gave her a big smile.

"No, yours are much, much more fun. The singing, the dancing, the roaring fire, the joy of a hundred ponies getting lost in the madness of it all...you won't find that in these halls. No, you'd have to go to a town or a village to celebrate like that. So can you really tell me that you'd be happier stuck here than out there, where, by all means, you've made a name for yourself as the patroness of parties?"

Luna just managed to stop herself from blushing.

"…Well, no. But you know that I like to...shake things up a bit. I'm trying something new, something I knew I could get you to show up at! That should be excuse enough for me, Celly, I miss seeing you everyday..."

Celestia shook her head and sighed.

"I'm sorry Luna, you know that I try..."

"And you know that I try, too." Luna interrupted, "This isn't just about me stealing you away. Tonight, not only are you here, but so are a bunch of nobles that don't really like me much. I want...I want to look good, to them that is. I want them to be confident in me. You know more than anyone how important that is, right? So why shouldn't I try my luck with it?"

The sun goddess continued to eye her sister with suspicion as they entered the castle, but Luna kept her disposition. Over the millennia, she had done her best to learn how to lie to Celestia, but she would be a foal to think she could completely deceive the sun goddess, especially when politics were involved. All Luna could do was delay the revelation.

It was a miracle in itself that her advisor, Morning Star, had garnered such support for Luna's plan among much of Equestria's nobility without being arrested and tried for treason. Luna knew her sister had been increasingly wary of the Court at Everfree, once even going so far as arriving unannounced to the palace with a hundred of her elite Royal Guard. It was a show of strength that was otherwise largely uneventful, Celestia merely asked Luna if she wanted to attend the jousting tourney at Canterlot and left. Still, it was incredibly distressing to the moon goddess, she hated keeping her sister in the dark, but Luna knew that, left to her own devices, Celestia would never cede control. She had to have it imposed on her.

Entering the throne room, Luna was impressed with the décor the artisans under her patronage succeeded in preparing for the banquet. Black, blue, and purple tapestries stretched across the hall, each embroidered with diamonds to reflect Luna's night sky in the most minute detail. Several banners running along the columns depicted the creation of Equestria, the defeat of Discord, the early struggles with the Dragon Lords, and the foundations of Canterlot and Everfree. They were all so beautifully crafted that Luna was ashamed of the fate she had planned for the lavish designs, but if it was one thing Luna had learned from Celestia it was that political theater worked. Appearances were everything; it was this reason that Celestia insisted she always assume her grandiose form when performing her courtly duties. Nearly as tall as her sister and dressed in the traditional silver regalia of her court, Luna indeed looked far more intimidating in poise and demeanor. But what was most striking about Luna was her mane. In it, the infinite cosmos were channeled with such splendor that those who dared to look too long upon it would risk becoming lost in its immeasurable and incomprehensible beauty and wonder. Her fair and regal appearance engendered humility, obedience, and awe in her subjects, just as Celestia's did.

But today would be different; Luna would use her intimidating divinity to further her interest, not Celestia's.

A pegasus guard donned in silver approached the pair of goddesses, bowed and saluted.

"Your majesty Princess Luna, we have word that the noble's caravan has neared Everfree Castle. They should be here shortly."

His message delivered, the guard returned to his post. At the news, Luna summoned several servants to begin setting the several long tables and finish preparations with the food. Looking back to Celestia, Luna could see that her sister was equally struck by the opulence of her hall.

"I have never seen your castle as a grand as it looks now, Luna." Celestia said distantly, "This promises to be quite the feast…"

"Oh Celly," Luna replied happily, "I promise you that we will long remember tonight as one of great joy. Come, help me greet the guests and I'll show you the crowning pièce de résistance of Everfree Castle."

Luna knew she had caught her sister's intrigue. Guiding Celestia down the winding staircases to the foyer, Luna turned to her surprised sister and pointed to the centerpiece of the room. It was a large stone relief of the moon, and from its base outstretched five pedestals, each one bearing a fragment of the most powerful force in Equestria: the Elements of Harmony. The five jewels shone brightly from their perch while the moon radiated with the magic of the sixth element. It was an awe inspiring sight, even for the immortals.

"Luna, I entrusted you to safeguard the Elements, not put them out on display!" Celestia said, not amused by the prospect of such legendary power in the presence of corruptible ponies.

"Oh, relax Celly! Only we can use its power, no mortal could ever even have the hope to touch them; I don't think their frail bodies could handle it."

"The opulence of your banquet seems to be…over the top. What do you wish to accomplish with placing the Elements in front of everypony?"

"Oh, I don't know, they're quite the sight, don't you think?"

Luna noticed her sister looked uneasy.

"Don't worry; my guards will keep vigil watch over them. I'll have them moved to the dungeons tomorrow, but please, can we keep them out, for me?"

Celestia's frown turned to a smile.

"Oh all right Luna, you're little showcase can remain here tonight. I have to say, it really is magnificent to behold."

The two sisters stood in silence before the Elements. Though their words were pleasant, the tension between was becoming steadily more apparent. At length, Celestia spoke.


"Yes Celly?"

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Of course, that's never been a problem, sister."

Celestia paused before responding again.

"Luna, we were meant to rule together. I want you to know that you're not alone, that I'm here to listen to you. Waste no words on your advisors, if something troubles you, write directly to me."

Luna repressed the urge to cringe at her sister's familiar line. She hated when Celestia said they were "meant" to rule as if they were fated to endlessly toil to keep everypony in line. Luna scoffed at the very notion of destiny, it was an idea propagated by both the elite to justify their standing and the destitute who could not help but resign themselves to mediocrity in despair. In her heart, the goddess knew that fate was not some abstract cosmic force, but the sum outcome of one's choice.

"Yes sister, I know."

"No, I don't think you do. Luna, don't believe Morning Star's presence in my court went unnoticed. Sister, do not trust her, she's become a snake…"

Celestia was interrupted by the heralding of trumpets. Relieved momentarily from her sister's scrutiny, Luna called to her guards to open the castle door and walked over to meet her guests. It was Celestia's custom to personally greet every guest, thus Luna knew it to be an excellent way of shaking off her sister without appearing evasive. Well, too evasive.

The nobles of Equestria, having traveled together through the wild of Everfree under the protection of mercenaries and their own knights, arrived as one massive entourage. Greeted by the goddesses, they were directed by Luna's servants to the great hall. It took more than an hour to welcome everypony before the goddesses themselves returned to Luna's throne room.

As they walked, Luna could feel her sister's stare on the back of her neck. She closed her eyes, collected herself, and turned to Celestia.

"Is there a problem?"

"No, not yet, Luna. I pray there will be none, but secrets harbor both little faith and unwanted consequences."

Luna shuddered at her sister's words. She knew she had been caught, but she would not be persuaded from her path. Resolved, Luna decided to move forward with her plans. There would be no time for feasting tonight.

As the two sisters entered the hall, everypony in the hall arose. Their names and titles were announced by the herald and trumpets sounded as they processed side-by-side to the throne. Awaiting the goddesses was Luna's advisor, Morning Star, a white unicorn with a blazing red mane. Celestia gave the mare a piercing stare before sitting upon the regal, gilded chair made precisely for the occasion of her visits to Everfree. Morning Star recoiled and turned quickly to Luna. The goddess heard her whisper the usual political assessments and suggestions into her ear, but Luna cared not for details or Morning Star, at that matter. Her moment of liberation drew ever nearer. Though the anticipation bearing down on her was crushing, the moon goddess fought to keep a level head.

Taking her place at her throne, Luna faced the large audience of Equestria's elite. Ideally, she wanted to wait until after the feasting before she made her announcement. Then at least Celly's fondness for fine wines would temper her reaction. Or make it worse. Luna shook her head; she was getting tired with this ceaseless and drawn out planning, she hated constantly living outside the present in preparation for the future.

And now was her moment to do so.

"Mares and Gentlecolts, thank you all for travelling so far from your homes to Everfree. I am sure many of you had your doubts and fears as you entered the forest. Rumors of beasts, poisons, and the oft unforgiving and indomitable spirit of the forest are not born from simply the drunken musings of yeoponies. Yet, despite all the evils that lay before you and the warnings of your kinsmen, you marched forth unwavering in your stride or purpose, dutifully answering my summons. But what did you encounter in the forest? Did you smell the fragrance of the summer rain couple with the aroma of exotic flowers? Did you hear the river serpent's tranquil song or the manticore's majestic roar? Did you see your anxieties dispelled, the words of your fellows proven to be nothing but exaggeration? In good faith you embarked into the heart of the unknown, abandoning the securities and predictability of the mundane that daily we take comfort from."

Luna paused and collected herself, the breath before the plunge

"Since the dawn of the world's making have my sister and I watched over you with gentle care and great love. But a day must come when the foal must fly and master the skies by the strength of her own wings and the fortitude which grows in her heart. On this day, you affirmed what I have observed for the past century. The hour has come for me to free you, to allow you to reach the potential my sister and I endowed upon each and every one of you, our most cherished creation!"

Luna heard Celestia stir in her chair and arise.

"With great pride, I abdicate the throne of Equestria! No longer shall you call me 'princess'! Rather, you shall know me as the night mare! For I am the moon, I am the goddess of the night, I am Luna, and I shall be forever free!"

At those words and a sudden flash, Luna assumed her azure, diminutive form. Removing her crown, she cast it to the floor and crushed it under her hoof. As it smashed to pieces, the regal tapestries and banners ignited in blue flame, incinerating instantaneously. Confused shouting erupted from the courtroom floor, but Luna cared only to see her sister. Turning back to her throne, Luna saw Morning Star deliver the letter to the stupefied sun goddess. Reading it with mouth agape, a powerful wrath soon cleansed Celestia of her shock. Burning the paper, she confronted the white pony before her.

"What madness is this, Morning Star!? I have given you everything but my throne, and now you want that too? You greedy little girl, when will you ever be content?!"

Morning Star smirked and replied, but Luna did not hear her words.

Her horn glowing, Celestia gripped the white unicorn by the throat and raised her into the air. Worried by her sister's unusual temper, Luna sought to intervene.

"Celly stop! Put her down now!"

Celestia turned to Luna, her anger now mixed with anguish and her words filled with concerned love and fear. A single tear rolled down her face.

"Luna, she used you! She used you to hurt me, to undermine and destroy everything we made! I can't let her free to sew more dissent and ruin across our lands!"

"Celestia, don't! I will never forgive you if you take her life!"

A look of doubt washed over Celestia's face, but she did not lessen her grip the slightest. In vain Morning Star tried to counter the sun goddess' magic, but a mortal could never hope to contend with such power. Seeing her sister unresponsive, Luna made a fateful decision.

"Forgive me, sister…"

With a brutal kick to the side, Luna knocked Celestia to her knees. Morning Star fell to the ground and scurried into the rabble of nobles who continued to debate and argue loudly. Celestia looked betrayed as she stared at her sister.

"Why Luna?" she coughed, letting the air back into her lungs, "Why did you lie to me? It didn't have to come to this if you just talked to me!"

"As if you would listen with any sincerity! No sister, this was the only way. The sun sets on our rule; come, let us at least leave gracefully into the night."

Rising to her hooves, Celestia replied; the love in her voice now punctuated with a sober seriousness.

"Luna, you have thrown Equestria to the wolves! And for what? Do you not understand what you've done? You hate the nobility and yet you've blindly entrusted them to rule our subjects with free reign! A corrupt republic will serve only their interests, the rest be damned!"

"Don't lecture me, Celestia! Yes, I hate them. I hate what you have made them to be. But as it is, only they can take my place. It is not like they can hope to oppress the ponies forever. Time will march on; their rule will come and go as ours has."

"How long will that be, Luna? How many starving must waste away on the streets while the gluttonous bastards binge upon the finest foods and revel in decadence! And then what? Must a bloody revolution claim more lives!"

"This is not our concern Celly! Ponies live, ponies die, it is all part of the cycle of harmony. We cannot pretend to save everypony from an unhappy end!"

From the courtroom floor, a chalice of wine was chucked with magical force at Celestia, beaming her across the face. It was the straw that broke the pony's back. Enraged, she faced the mob.

"Be gone, you miserable, depraved lot!" Celestia cursed, accentuating her words with a terrifying wrath. With tremendous power and a deafening thunder, Everfree shook from its foundations as a white light consumed the room. Luna shielded her eyes from the sheer intensity of the blast. As she opened her eyes, she saw everypony in the court had been spirited away by Celestia's will. Luna was amazed that her sister, though a goddess, could be capable of such complex feats of magic. Looking to her sister, Luna found Celestia again on her knees, spent and weary. Breathing heavily, she met Luna's gaze.

"Luna," she huffed as another tear streamed down her face, "sister, please! We can fix this still, I promise! Please, please, come back to me!"

Luna closed her eyes and shook her head.

"No sister, there is no turning back. Come with me; let me free you from your fears so that you may find peace at last."

Luna descended from the throne, and walked the long length of the hall. The eerie silence of Everfree was broken only by the sound of Luna's hooves upon the cobblestone floor.

Celestia was not following.

Nearing the stairs, Luna heard a loud, solemn voice echoing across the empty room.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me, Luna."

Looking back to the throne, Luna saw Celestia stand to her hooves, her head lowered in contemplative thought.

"I can't permit you to leave Everfree."

"You can do nothing to stop me, Celestia."Luna shot back in defiance, "No prison can contain me!"

Celestia rose her head, a cold resolve evident in her expression.

"Again, Luna, you're hopelessly mistaken."

With her horn brightly glowing, Celestia stomped the floor beneath her, lowered her head, and prepared to charge. Luna could hardly believe that her sister was challenging her to a joust. Though conflicted, Luna decided she had to answer in turn; she herself had told Celestia there was no turning back. Assuming her grandiose form, she mimicked her sister's movements and charged. As they ran, the sisters cast the tables aside with little effort or care. Clashing in the center of the hall, a massive burst of white hot energy radiated from the point of impact, sending a destructive wave to shatter every window and ignite every overturned table. As it subsided, the two sisters could be seen locked in struggle, their horns crossed and their bleeding heads pressed together.

"Give up little sister!" Celestia shouted, pushing Luna back.

"I…will…not!" Luna grunted in response, managing to throw Celestia off balance.

Not wasting a second, Celestia took to the sky before Luna could strike. The moon goddess was quick to join her sister midair, just narrowly avoiding Celestia's horn. Like sparring raptors the two exchanged blows upon succession, colliding repeatedly in the air and grappling before retreating to renew their assault. With each contact, a burst of fiery sparks illuminated the castle. Below, the hall was filled with the cackle of flames and a plume of black smoke.

As the battle wore on, Luna finally saw her chance to gain the upperhoof. When the sun goddess dove to strike her from above, Luna veered to the side and gave Celestia another sharp kick to her side, felling her from the air.

Grounding herself, Luna saw Celestia shed her empowered appearance. No longer did her mane channel the mighty solar wind, it was but a simple pink. Luna stopped, a single tear escaping her eye as she beheld her beloved Celly in her natural state. It had been centuries since Luna had seen her like this. The flood of memories of the two frolicking in the young, open fields of Equestria tempered her anger.

"Celly…it's over. You've exhausted your strength and magic. You can't defeat me."

Panting, Celestia once again arose to her hooves. Despite being dwarfed by her younger sister, the sun goddess' voice lost none of its authority.

"No, sister. As usual, you have failed to see the greater picture. I'm two steps ahead of you."

With a glow of her horn, Celestia vanished with a bang. Baffled, Luna was at loss what to think. She had Celestia at her mercy, yet her older sister expected the moon goddess to lose? That was improbable, the two were equals and Luna had bested her in a fair fight.

Could it be Celestia wanted to use the Elements of Harmony? No, no one being could use its power alone, not even a goddess. But what else could Celestia be plotting?

In haste, Luna teleported to the foyer to be met with a frightening sight. Before her, Celestia was wrapped in a purple light. Levitating, five of the elements swirled about her while the last, manifesting itself as a bejeweled tiara, rested upon her head.

"No, no, no!" Luna shouted, "That's--but how--?!"

"Little sister, we have been bonded to the Elements since Discord's defeat. Only together could we use this power. But I found a way, Luna, a way to use it myself! All I had to do was offer my body, devoid of divinity, as a sacrifice! As I'm sure you can see now, I let you win. Now behold, the power of the Elements is mine."

Luna was dumbstruck. Even when cornered, her body spent of energy and bleeding, Celestia had been in control the entire time. Luna never had a hope to win.

"Luna, repent." Celestia said, her love showing through her hardened tone, "Dear sister it's not too late. I will always forgive you, no matter what!"

"No!" Luna shouted with righteous anger "I did nothing wrong, I only wanted to escape this infernal cage you put me in! I don't want to play castle with you for all eternity, Celly! I will not have it, I refuse it! It was never my purpose; you thrust this life on me!"

Celestia sighed, and looked at Luna with a pained regret.

"…I'm sorry Luna, but you leave me with no choice. This is the best I can do for you…and Equestria."

A magnificent rainbow blast emanated from the Elements, engulfing Luna in a brilliant flash. She was dazed by the vast range of colors before everything suddenly faded to black.


"Umm, Princess Luna, are you all right? Here, I'll go fetch some tissues."

Luna opened her eyes, a single soft tear streaming from each one.

"No, Fluttershy," Luna sniffed, "I'll be quite fine. Thank you."

Sighing, her thoughts turned back to her memory. It was so vivid; she could hear every word, feel every pain and emotion, and see Celestia's every expression. Yet, it was incomplete. The nobles were but phantoms, their words and deeds that night she had largely forgotten. Even Morning Star, her advisor, was but a faint blur…

Luna snapped back from deep thought as a seismic turbulence shook the house, throwing the goddess to the ground. Fluttershy quickly dashed to the window to see the trouble.

"…Oh my…"

The pegasus darted out the door into the cold night. Curious to find the source of the shockwave, Luna followed Fluttershy, hoping dearly that it was Celestia's doing.


Twilight froze not from the sight of the red plumage of the guard's helm, but from the soft words muffled by the loud winds. More than anything she desired it to be anypony but the soldier approaching her.

"Get back!" the unicorn shouted, shaking with weariness, "Don't take another step closer!"

The figure ignored Twilight's warning and advanced until his physical features became more visible and the truth undeniable.

It was her former guard and friend, Lightning Strike.


"Don't call me that, don't ever call me that! You have no right!" Twilight threatened, but her intent was offset by her emotional fatigue, making her appear only more vulnerable and pitiful. Twilight wanted to cry, but the harsh wind had dried her eyes. She felt so alone and exposed, she just wanted to disappear. Curling up and closing her eyes, Twilight wished the guard would just be swept up by the wind and blown back to Canterlot.

"Twilight Sparkle, please listen to me. I never wanted to hurt you, I care for you too much…"

"How can you expect me to love you, as if you didn't break my heart when you tore my books and terrorized my friends? When you beat me? You're dead to me, you hear Lieutenant? Dead. Now just go away and leave me alone! You're nothing but a soldier; a heartless, mindless brute and…and…I hate you!"

"Sparks, you don't really think that." Lightning Strike replied calmly, though audibly, "I can prove it."

"You could never be more—"

Twilight abruptly stopped as she heard the rattle of armor. Opening her eyes, she saw the yellow pegasus remove the golden suit and casting off his helm, revealing his long, purple mane. Blazed across his flank was the image of two lightning bolts crossing over a long sword, the mark of a respected military pony. Twilight was at loss what to think, she had rarely ever seen the pegasus without his armor (a trip to the beach immediately came to mind). Though the warm memory was pleasant, it only distressed Twilight more. If the Royal Guard was composed of good pegasi like Lightning Strike, how could they be capable of trampling civil liberties and subduing the population within hours of Celestia's departure? How could they abandon their virtue and dignity for one second and reassume them the next? Again, Twilight withdrew, turning away from Lightning Strike.

"Sparks, don't be like that. I'll explain myself, I promise. Just give me a chance?"

As he spoke, he approached Twilight and moved to brush her mane. At his touch, the unicorn recoiled and shook her head.

"Don't touch me!" she cried, her breath becoming ragged, "I don't want your love, I want to be alone, I want Celestia back, I, I, I…"

Lightning Strike gently hugged her by the neck and ran his hoof through her mane.

"Shhh…It'll be all right Sparks." Lightning Strike said sympathetically. As he held the unicorn in his hooves, he continued to whisper tender words of comfort against the raging howl of the north wind, but they were not lost. Every one of his simple words resonated in Twilight's heart; all the confusion and angst impelled by the hopeless complexity of the brave new world before her dissipated as her adamant resistance melted in the warm embrace.

"…Fate is a funny thing," whispered Lightning Strike, "We all have talents, something that makes us useful and helpful to one another. Sometimes it takes us awhile to figure out just what that means though, you know? When I was a kid I had the luck of being really blessed, I could have done a lot of things, you know. But once my mark appeared, my life sort of got set in stone."

The lieutenant sighed and looked at the starry sky above as if trying to peer into the past.

"My parents sent me to the military academy to help form what my destiny had already decreed. It was fine at the start. I was placed top of my class, making me fit for the highest of honors, becoming a Royal Guardian, but that meant I had to go through Tartarus first. The training for it was harsh and merciless, both physically and mentally. Punishment for disobedience was swift, and I was always afraid of stepping out of line. At the same time, I, still a small colt, saw my civilian peers play, study, and laugh as they explored and developed their talents…and…"

Lightning Strike paused and tried to maintain his professional disposition, but it cracked under his words.

"…I resented them.

Again, he paused.

"No, that's not quite true. I hated them. It wasn't fair, everypony demanded me to be an obedient lamb, a sacrifice for the good of Equestria's peace and Celestia's glory, while they basked in the freedom I was denied. As I grew up at the academy, I outwardly mouthed oaths and obeyed orders, but my heart was bent on escaping my prison. I had just the plan too."

Lightning Strike gave a soft chuckle at the memory.

"The day Celestia arrived to inspect the new line of recruits, I was determined to be discharged, honorably or not. Lined up with my comrades, I waited nervously for her to reach me. I had never had the honor to meet the princess before, and when she stood before me, I was awestruck. She was fairer than any dragon treasure, her grace and power more radiant than the sun itself. My amazement, however, didn't exactly go unnoticed. Celestia saw my composure break down into the wonderment of a foal, and laughed."

Twilight smiled, the memory of Celestia's sweet laughter did wonders by warming her cold body.

"But I kept my ground and asked to leave her service. At this point, I was pretty sure I was an inch away from being banished or imprisoned. Ha! But did she turn it around on me. No, instead of that she simply smiled and looked at me intently. You know what I'm talking about Sparks, the way she stares at you with an ancient wisdom gleaming in her eyes. Anyways, it was later in the day when my superior notified me that I had been assigned to serve as the personal guard to the princesses' new pupil."

A gust of wind blew, silencing the guard briefly.

"That's when I met you, Twilight Sparkle. You were such a strange little filly; a curious little rascal, and yet so shy. You were brave but timid, constantly finding yourself in frighteningly awkward situations or being barraged by the media and politics of Canterlot, a world totally alien to you. It was a full time job protecting you, but you were brilliant, Sparks."

Twilight felt the light thud of a tear hit her mane. She looked up to see the starlit tears in Lightning Strike's eyes scatter not by will, but by the fierce winds.

"You were my beacon, Sparks; through you Celestia's wisdom became clear to me. Seeing you grow up under the protection I provided showed me that my purpose was not a sacrifice, it was vital to the well-being of all, it was the greatest honor!"

Lightning Strike's pride then drained from both his expression and tone as he continued.

"After I realized this, I never questioned an order given by Princess Celestia or my superiors…I'm not at liberty to tell you the things I've seen or done in their name, but every tooth, claw, and bolt that pierced me and every enemy I struck down was in defense of our land, our princess, and you, Twilight Sparkle!"

The guard's voice shook as he made his case; Twilight knew he was not as absolute in his conviction as he wished to convey.

"…But fate seems to present us so many dilemmas that it's impossible to make a single easy decision. When I was ordered to search your library Sparks, it required every bit of discipline I had to carry out my duties. It was my most difficult assignment…until our meeting at the farm."

Twilight looked up at the guard, a pained expression painted both faces.

"Sparks…I don't know why you're protecting Princess Luna, but I saw in your eyes an indomitable spirit who would never listen to my demands. The swift nature of the extraction mission didn't give me much a chance to reason with you, so my only hope was to subdue you…by force."

Lightning Strike sighed heavily and muttered.

"Fate is funny to the point of cruelty…to protect you I had to hurt you. When you were young I had to discipline you for misbehaving at court…but such an analogy is unfitting for adults and the tragedies that afflict us. Who was right, I do not know. I can only say that I'm sorry this had to happen the way it did, if I could change it I would. But I cannot apologize for what occurred; I had to do my duty."

Stunned by his words, Twilight freed herself from Lightning Strike's grasp and shook her head in disgust and confusion.

"No, no, no! Don't you think for a second you were right! Your fellow pegasi invaded the home of a free citizen without a permit, destroyed his property, and nearly beat him to death! Not only that, your brutish, despicable, manticore of a captain shot him with a crossbow!"

"Don't speak of what you don't understand." Lightning Strike rebuked with a fierce loyalty, "Captain Braveheart is an old blowhard; but he is a good pegasus with a strong heart. When we were being briefed that our mission was to somehow detain a living goddess, the entire guard was filled with dread until the captain spoke up. His confidence inspired us to complete our objectives and dare to hope. How can you blame us for following him? Under his leadership, we nearly succeeded twice in what everypony thought to be a suicide mission."

"I don't care if you were arresting Princess Celestia herself," Twilight countered "Your captain used excessive force! Did he at anytime not resort to violence and intimidation to accomplish his goals? Not once did he try to parley with Princess Luna!"

Lightning Strike stepped back and looked to the sky, his mane blowing wildly.

"…I find it amazing you can trust her after what she did last year. I'm aware you defeated her, yet you place the same faith in her as you have in Princess Celestia…"

Twilight was about to respond indignantly, but the guard cut her off.

"I don't think you realize how terrible that night last year was for us. Princess Celestia had taken only a small contingent of the guard with her to Ponyville, the very worst of us, might I add. The rest of the Royal Guard had been tasked with keeping a high alert; for what only the general knew. When the sun didn't rise, panic broke out in the streets of Canterlot and much of the country. Unlike for those in Ponyville, most of the world did not have the comfort of knowing that Nightmare Moon's return was being dealt with. Captain Braveheart did his best to pacify the riots that broke out, but he was powerless to stop them all. I was with him when our battalion managed to disperse a nasty one off of Gallopfrey Street where several foals had their lives trampled out of them. We were all sad to see it, but the captain was furious. He did all he could to revive the fallen young, but when he failed, he cursed the moon. He swore and shouted, stomped and fumed, but in the end he could do little for anypony but carry on with his duties…but he didn't forget, and neither did I. Over the past year, Princess Luna has not once apologized publically for her crimes, she has only been a shadow in the corner of Celestia's court. For what reason should we trust her?"

"Because Princess Celestia did." Twilight replied sternly.

The guard winced, he had not expected such a quick, simple yet potent reply.

"Lightning Strike, Celestia's disappearance is not Luna's fault. You have condemned her from a place of ignorance, your argument is based on just a couple of coincidental conjectures. You don't have a single trace of physical evidence, any eye witness reports, or a solid lead. You're going on a myth."

"…and what would you have us do, Sparks? Sit by as the world dies?"

"I know how you feel, but if you cannot trust Princess Luna, I'd ask you to trust me."

Lightning Strike's brow furrowed, his frustration and doubt cracking through his stern discipline.

"Sparks, I'm aware of your capability and knowledge, but you're still so naïve."

Twilight was hurt by the guard's words, but not surprised. He was a military pony after all, his loyalty resided primarily in Celestia and her institutions, not the unicorn he once babysat. Still, she had hoped beyond reason that he would abandon his post and aid her. Turning away from Lightning Strike, Twilight spoke with cold words.

"Fine then. I see we have nothing else left to say. You can arrest me now, take me to your captain."

The two ponies were buffeted by a cold wind as the pegasus pulled a report from his rumpled armor.

"…at 0900 hours, the garrison at Canterlot was notified of a disturbance at an exotic dance club off Hayseed Lane. The establishment was closed for business. Upon arrival, Captain Braveheart was found destroying property. General Hawkeyes promptly suspended the Captain for abandoning his post and inappropriate behavior in a public place. In his stead, the supreme commander has appointed Lt. Lightning Strike to serve as temporary Captain of the Royal Guard…"

Twilight looked at the new captain in astonishment. He was the field commander, he wasn't disobeying any order in meeting with her. This whole discussion could have been a mere trap, a distraction to his grander scheme. Twilight stood and looked nervously around her to see if she had been surrounded. Captain Lightning Strike placed the scroll down and noticed the unicorn's discomfort.

"Don't worry Sparks, this was an exploratory mission. My pegasi are busy enforcing curfew in Ponyville, per my orders. To carry out an arrest would require substantial back-up, if our last clash taught me anything."

The pegasus turned his back to Twilight and began putting on his armor.

"It will take me awhile to assemble the guard, many are flying reconnaissance now. If you truly know the whereabouts of Princess Celestia, I hope that you find her, and quickly."

He looked back at her with a weak smile as he crowned himself with his golden, red plumed helm.

"My little Sparks, it wasn't hard to track you. I wasted no time searching the town, I knew you would run off to some secluded spot. Unfortunately for your efforts, you chose the residence of a high profile fashion model. Not the smartest move there."

The teasing remark fell flat as he stared into her eyes affectionately. At length, Lightning Strike unfolded his wings and rose into the air.

"I will not shirk from my duties to Celestia and the state, Twilight Sparkle. Be assured, I will continue to pursue you and your friends." the captain spoke with a new flare of authority and strength, " But don't waste this time I'm giving you. Find Princess Celestia, prove me and the Royal Guard wrong. I have no greater wish…"

With that being said, Captain Lightning Strike flew off towards Ponyville.

Twilight was conflicted. Neither did they reconcile, nor depart in hate. Very little had been resolved, both would continue on their respective, opposing paths. Yet, the captain affirmed his love for her when everything in the world came into question, not only through his words but through his gift of that most precious necessity: time.

Despite his words, she knew he had faith in her.

Now was not a time for contemplation, action was of the utmost essence. It seemed unlikely that Applejack had managed to round up Rarity and Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash was running late, so Luna's immortality would have to take a back seat to finding Celestia. It would be far more expedient…

A thunderous boom shook the earth, shocking Twilight. She looked up to the sky to find an explosion of colors burst forth across the dark night canopy. A look of terror on her face, Twilight was paralyzed with a mixture of anger, fear and concern. The Sonic Rainboom was unmistakable, it was obviously Rainbow Dash's work, but what danger drove her to pull out her best move?

"Oh no!" Twilight thought, "Even if she's all right, she's given away our position to every pony in Equestria! Even under Lightning Strike's leadership, the Royal Guard will descend on this spot in minutes! We've got to move, and quick! Even the Everfree Forest looks inviting now…"

Her concentration broke as she saw the rainbow end a few hundred meters before her. Running with all haste, she suddenly froze when she saw Rainbow Dash doing what appeared to be a victory dance.

"Rainbow, what have you done!"

Turning to face the unicorn, the cyan pegasus gave a sheepish smile and an awkward chuckle.

"Uh, well…Ooops?"


So ends the longest chapter, and so begins the longest author's note.

There is a discrepancy between the first and present chapter that I will amend when I do revisions. Luna notes the color of Nightmare Moon as evidence that she had been demonized, yet in the first chapter I also noted that she did not like to assume a grand form like Celestia. Therefore, the whole tapestry scene will be fixed to accommodate Luna's grandiose "Nightmare Moon" form.

Time in this story is based on the Gregorian calendar and the Anno Domini system for sake of historical context (medieval Equestria being akin in ways to Western Europe and others to Byzantium) and simplicity for the reader. The defeat of Discord sets the timeline's start up date. Also, pacing. It's an issue, but I'll work on it.

*When Celestia refers to a republic, it is not a modern democratic republic. I'm using this in the classical sense of the word. If you want to see an example of a republic being no more than a word for noble oligarchy, see the Roman Republic.

This chapter is a bit messy (especially the end), forgive me, but I'm leaving for Europe for a month and I wanted to get this in to you guys before I left. I may write a bit when I have down time, but more likely than not I'll be partying and getting piss drunk. Anyway, this story will be finished, I wrote this story for Celestia just as much as Luna and I cannot wait to bring the two back together.

Lastly, I appreciate the feedback. I didn't get much for Chapter four, but I know this chapter has a lot that can be improved upon. Or if you just want to say you liked the story, it always feels good to know my lack of sleep is going into something worth it. Damn, I just need to get this story out of my head!

P.S. I don't own MLP or intend to make a profit from this story.

Grey Prophet