• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 3,487 Views, 51 Comments

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts - Grey Prophet

A heated confrontation with Celestia over her portrayal as Nightmare Moon and her sister's authoritarianism leads Luna to search for answers

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Part 12

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts

Part 12

“You heard the lieutenant! Everypony, to attention on the double!” Storm called, “Line up outside and prepare for briefing, asap!”

“You heard her guys!” Rainbow said excitedly “Let's blow this cider stand, find Luna and Twi, rescue the princess, from, uh...whatever it is that's got her and save Equestria!”


In what was truly an embarrassing display, the five friends, in their enthusiasm, tried piling out of the hut at once, stumbling and falling over one another along the way. Seeing this, the grey mare sighed at the lack of coordination that seemed to be so typical of civilians.

“Pinkie, remove your dirty hooves from off my back this instant!”

“Can't do Rarity, not until Fluttershy gets her butt off my head!”

“Oh my, oh my...I didn't mean...oh, I'm, so, so sorry Pinkie...”

Flying over the top of piled-up ponies to the cold outside, Storm gave Lightning an annoyed look.

“This is going to be one heck of a long slog through Everfree, Lightning. Care to address them or should I do the honors of letting them know ahead of time every rule and directive that they'll end up breaking or forgetting tonight?”

“No, I'll take care of it, Storm.” replied the lieutenant with a faint chuckle, “Escort protocol is pretty standard fare after all.”

“All right then I'll leave it to you and....wait, where is the captain?”

“He's just down the road a bit. He's restless, no surprise. Think you could give him some peace of mind before we set off? Today's been tough for everypony, but the captain...I've never seen him so troubled, and that's saying something. ”

“A bit like you and your little Twilight, huh Lightning?” Storm Cloud replied casually, “I hardly think I'm a good stand-in for Princess Celestia, but I'll see what I can do. The captain will want to get going, so don't count on any real results.”

“All right, good--.”

Before he could finish, Lightning Strike felt a snowball knock his helmet clean off his head.


“Woo! Good thing you had your helmet on this time, Lightning!” chirped Pinkie, “That one would've really knocked your socks off! But who needs socks anyways? I mean, yeah, they're super warm and comfy, but you can only wear them inside! How crazy is that? I'm a mare on the march, not a silly shut-in! But what if I was? I don't even wanna think about it...”

“It's not a pretty picture, trust me.” Rainbow Dash whispered to Lightning, “Let's just say that it involves a bucket of turnips, a bag of flour, a pile of rocks, and a piece lint.”

“A piece of lint?”

“No joke, lint.”

Seeing Lightning face scrunch in confusion, Storm chuckled before heading down the snow-strewn path.

“You keep all the luck you have, Lightning,” she said, “if you're going to keep this motley crew in line, you're going to need every bit of it.”

“Wait! Stormy!”

Turning around, Storm saw Pinkie bouncing towards her with two thick black cloaks draped over her back.

“Here, wear this!” Pinkie said, offering one of Zecora's vestments to the soldier, “And, if you don't mind, could you take this other one to the captain? I'm sure he's freezing his feathers off just wearing that cold hunk of metal everywhere!”

“Thank you, Pinkamena,” the guard smiled, “I'm sure he'll love it.”

Trudging through the snow, Braveheart was careful not to disturb the two sets of tracks guiding him. A routine scouting mission fit more for a private than a captain, Braveheart cared little. No matter how minor the effort was, the grizzled captain would do anything to hasten his return to his mistress' side. Pausing, the captain looked up at the stars to gain a bearing on his position and the direction of the tracks.

“Southwest.” Braveheart growled, “We're going deeper into this monster-filled, Celesta-forsaken forest following the trail of a rouge goddess...and with a bunch of vulnerable kids to protect. Great.”

After giving an angry snort, Braveheart's frustration condensed upon being caught by the freezing air. The wind had now relented, but the stillness of the cold night brought little comfort. Instead of bearing the brunt of the brutal bellows of the north, a silent blanket of icy daggers wrapped itself around the brown pegasus and steadily sank underneath his skin.

He couldn't stand it, he had to keep moving.

If there was anything that could rival Braveheart's hatred for the night, it was the frigid cold that accompanied it. Thriving in the sun's absence and bringing little but misery and death, it awoke painful memories of his youth, most of which Braveheart preferred to keep dead and buried. There was one, however, that he indulged and cherished, one that he had constantly thought back to over the course of this wretched day...


Canterlot, the white tower of the sun, glimmered brilliantly as the last rays of light graced Equestria. The hustle and bustle of the capital soon came to a halt everypony returned to their homes to weather the scheduled winter night in warmth, security, and peace. Around the upper tier of the noble residences, not a single soul could be seen on the street as the first snowstorm of the season went into full swing. In the darkness of the alleys, however, a crafty young pegasus eyed his prize through the window of one of the larger mansions: a warm, unoccupied guest room full of treasures just begging to be plundered. Smiling, the pegasus couldn't wait to escape the cold and make out the next day with some bread money tucked under his wing. He was sick of sitting in dank soup kitchens sipping on that same bloody carrot water day-in-and-day-out and sleeping in shelters rife with the putrid stink and disease of the impoverished. And the orphanage...well, he'd lick some filthy homeless pony's hooves clean before he'd even think of returning to that suffocating pit of dying hope and broken promises.

No, tonight Braveheart would sleep like a prince. In the morning, if everything went according to plan, he'd be eating like one too.

The eleven-year-old pegasus was no stranger to breaking into somepony's house; there wasn't a lock he couldn't pick or a door he couldn't unhinge. Of course, it took a lot of trial and error to get any good at it, but young Braveheart was alert and nimble. If he was caught, it only meant having to go back to the orphanage for a brief respite before ditching the hell hole and trying his hooves again at some other crime.

After digging into his satchel to retrieve the basic tools of his trade the pegasus began picking the lock just in between the window panes. As he worked, the thrill of his misdeed pumped him full of adrenaline. He had never dared to rob the homes of the Canterlot elite before, but it was something he had always wanted to try. Sure his biggest hauls already came from pickpocketing the stuffy suckers while they were too busy sticking their snouts in the air, but there was something more personal about sacking their private little castles. Who were they to live in comfort and security while he should waste away, forgotten and nameless, in the city's slums? Oh but Braveheart would change that, he would make a name for himself. No longer would he be the “brown little rat” of Orion Square, soon everyone of these snobby ponies would shudder and cling to their precious bits at the mere mention of his name. He would bring the rich and powerful to their knees, even that phony Princess Celestia.

Fortunately, the quixotic delinquent would fail miserably in his first big escapade out of the slums.

As he forced open the window and entered the room, Braveheart greedily eyed the luxurious bed, complete with satin purple sheets and curtains, as if it were made of solid gold. A warm sleep without the fear of being robbed, beaten, or touched was worth more to the gutsy pegasus than even the more pressing need for a good bite to eat. Flying over to the bed, Braveheart lowered himself gently on to the bed. Before he could shut his eyes, however, the squeak of a young colt entered his ears.

“Daddy, one of the servants is using the guest room again.”

Turning in horror to the now open doorway , Braveheart saw a small white unicorn with a smug look on his face.

“You're in big trouble now.” the foal taunted, sticking his tongue out at the intruder.

Immediately, Braveheart bolted across the room and snatched a fancy looking vase before turning back to the window. He'd be damned it he didn't get anything for his troubles, but, before he could make his escape, the glow of unicorn magic enveloped his body. In vain he struggled as he felt himself pulled back towards the door. Against his will, the pegasus locked eyes with the spell-caster, his highness Prince Fair Coat VI.

“I thought I heard the scurrying of rats. No Blueblood, this is no servant of the House of Haysburg, 'tis only a bug who managed to creep its way through the cracks.”

Wearing a fur-lined scarlet cape and the white uniform of a military officer, the large unicorn was handsome and regal in appearance, but his tongue smacked of venomous contempt.

“You have a lot of nerve, boy, to violate the sanctity of a stallion's domain. I would ask you to explain yourself, but the growling of beasts mean little to my ears.”

Turning to the hallway, the prince brusquely trotted down the flight of stairs to the foyer, dragging Braveheart violently with him. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Fair Coat wrenched the opulent vase from Braveheart's grasp and threw the colt to the floor. After gently placing the vase on a pedestal, Fair Coat turned his attention back to his unwanted guest.

“Amusing,” the prince said scornfully, “a pegasus foal cast from the clouds, useless and unwanted. Pathetic. Let me get a good look at you, boy.”

Rising to his hooves, Braveheart glared at the prince and spat at him.

“Cur! How dare you disrespect me in my own home!”

With a swift smack, Braveheart felt the sting of the prince's retribution. Recoiling, the colt covered his face and turned away from his attacker, leaving his greatest embarrassment exposed.

“Huh,” the prince said smiling, “what is this? An adolescent pegasus without his cutie mark? You bear not even a thief’s emblem, you unlucky scoundrel! What utter refuse, a pony without a mark in life can indeed hardly be called a pony at all. Parasite.”

“What do you know?!” Braveheart responded viciously, “I'd rather swim in shit than listen to a do-nothing leech fill my ears to the brim with it!”

“Listen well you insolent little bastard,” Fair Coat fumed, “who do you think keeps you alive? The coffers of this city's charities are swollen with my generosity. Thousands upon thousands of bits I've spent educating, housing and feeding you poor lot and what do I get for my money!? Only prowling thieves stalking about my doorstep!”

“Huh, thanks for throwing me a bone, you plump pig,” Braveheart retorted, “I hope you didn't strain yourself too hard when you went to pull your wallet out of your ass!”

“I've had enough of your impudence, you ungrateful whelp!” Fair Coat shouted angrily, once more seizing the pegasus with an aura of yellow magic. Thrusting the doors to his manor open, the prince cast Braveheart down the stone stairway with brutal force. Writhing in pain as the harsh wind molested him, Braveheart looked back to the doorway with unspeakable hate.

“I would call the police,” Fair Coat continued, “but you don't deserve the luxury of a warm prison cell. Nature makes for a fine judge, don't you think? If you should survive this blizzard, remember what you've learned tonight. Never bite the hoof that feeds you, lest you wish to be crushed by it. Now begone you miserable creature; may Princess Celestia have mercy on your pitiful soul.”

With a twist of his cape, Prince Fair Coat turned to enter his home and slammed the door shut behind him. Surrounded by darkness and deadly cold, Braveheart braced himself as a gust of wind threatened to knock the pegasus clean off his hooves. Though naturally resilient to the cold, not even the stoutest of pegasi could endure this kind of raw exposure to the elements. His body shivering madly, Braveheart knew he was no exception. He had to find shelter somewhere, but it would take forever to find a way back to the other side of the city. Braveheart had gambled his night plans on success and had come up fatally short, now what could he do? Break into another mansion?

Not far from the noble quarter, the castle citadel stood proud against the skyline of the city, its bright lights cutting through the messy blizzard and beckoning Braveheart to storm the castle gates. Though a good part of him thought he was totally nuts, the pegasus knew exactly what he was going to do.

“Well the old hag can keep all the mercy in the world,” he said grinning, “I don't need her pity. All I need is her castle!”

Flying quickly down the street, the colt struggled to keep the wild wind beneath his wings. Though stumbling along the way, he eventually made his way to the castle grounds. Lowering himself to the earth, Braveheart analyzed his surroundings with great care and attention; he wasn't going to make the same mistake twice tonight.

A balcony on the east tower caught Braveheart's attention. It was an ideal point of entry, meaning that there was bound to be well guarded. Sticking to the shadows to keep out of sight, Braveheart patiently counted the guards and noted their positions; ten stood at the main gate, five patrolled the castle airspace, two were perched atop the balcony and three were stationed at its base. For a brief moment, Braveheart watched the guards in silent admiration; they did not bend in the wind nor did they blink at a snowflake. It was incredible, how could he possibly break through the lines of such tightly disciplined soldiers?

Checking his ragged satchel, Braveheart looked at everything he had at his disposal. It was the standard kit of all young street punks; a small knife, two bandannas, a lighter, and a couple fireworks among other petty criminal tools.

His two-faced 'friends' at the orphanage had often called the colt “Dumbheart” for his bold plots, but he usually put them to shame when he pulled them off without a hitch. The risk and pressure was never this high, however, and, on top of that, he was on the spot, meaning he had to make his plans quickly lest he freeze to death.

But Braveheart had no time to fret about such things, he was too busy mobilizing his idea.

Taking one of the bandannas, Braveheart ripped four neat but unequal lengths of fabric and stuffed them into the firecrackers he had on hoof. Carefully maneuvering around the grounds, he placed each one at several distant points. Next the pegasus fashioned a sling from his second bandanna. Shivering and smiling, Braveheart glanced once more at his targets. They may be the best of the best, but he was Braveheart.

Lighting the shortest fuse first, the pegasus flew as swiftly as he could down the line to ignite the rest. The aerial patrol was now at the farthest corner of the castle courtyard, giving him the window of opportunity he needed. Knowing he only had one shot, he crept towards the east tower, waiting for the guard to slip up.


As the first one went off, the guards eyes turned immediately towards the direction of the disturbance. It took only a second for a single guard to be dispatched.


The guards looked surprised as they heard another in the opposite direction. The three guards at the base now fanned out into the area; Braveheart just barely evaded being caught as they sped towards the scene.

That left one guard, a rather large pegasus.


This time, there was no movement. The guard stayed as still and stoic as ever. Expecting something like this, the pegasus moved in closer to the base of the tower, loaded his last firecracker into his makeshift sling, lit it, and chucked it straight up into the air at a visible distance. With a flash and a bang, the explosive succeeded in drawing out the last guard. As he departed from the balcony to investigate, Braveheart saw his chance and took it. Flying as fast as his frozen little wings could carry him, the pegasus maneuvered his way up the length of the tower, burst into the castle chamber and slammed the door behind him.

Panting heavily, Braveheart turned around and froze in awe and disbelief of the opulent room he found himself in. Beautiful purple and white marble dominated the composition of the walls and columns, but the floor was covered with an ornate carpet. The purple, black, orange and yellow patterns were intricately woven to depict the solar and lunar cycles as well as the princess' fiery emblem. A large fireplace roared loudly besides a desk that was stacked with neatly organized piles of paper...and the royal regalia of Equestria!

Braveheart's eyes widened at the sight of the priceless artifacts, resisting the temptation to stuff it in his bag and fly off. It would be suicide in more ways than one, but the crown held him there while his better judgment told him to hide and wait out the night. He had a nagging suspicion that he wasn't where he wanted to be...

“A courageous effort little one, but not terribly well thought out, I'm afraid. ” a fair voice echoed from across the room. Braveheart stiffened in fear as he heard these words and slowly turned to face the direction of their origin. His heart beat wildly as he saw her highness, Princess Celestia, sovereign of Equestria and Lady of Canterlot, sitting comfortably in her bed with a large book sprawled out before her.

Braveheart looked at the princess in sheer terror as she calmly closed her book and rose from her bed. There was little that wasn't daunting about the princess; her immense stature, her mystical mane, and her cool demeanor combined to create an aura of majesty Braveheart had never before witnessed. The young pegasus had once dismissed the princess' admirers as a pack of delusional idiots duped into a sick cult worship of this so-called 'goddess'. Braveheart never attended any civil celebrations, (after all, those were for nationalist ego-maniacs who didn't need to spend hours scraping for a good bit to eat) so he never saw the princess in public before. Indeed, Celestia's' power was more of a myth to him than anything, but as he stood before her, he could tell that it was very, very real.

Trembling, Braveheart wasn't going to wait for another noble to beat the snot out of him, no matter how mighty they were. Fumbling as the princess approached, the pegasus drew his small knife from his satchel and gripped the hilt firmly in his mouth.

“Ba-back off,” he stammered “I'm not afraid of you, you freakish wi-witch!”

To Braveheart's surprise, the princess' warm, musical laughter filled the room.

“My, you're a bold little colt,” she said smiling,“and a very cold one at that. Now let's get you dried off and into some warm clothes...”

“No!” interrupted Braveheart, moving closer to the door, “I don't need your bloody stinkin' chairty, lady! I've never, ever needed you before and I'm not going to start now.”

Celestia frowned and gave the pegasus a look of concern.

“Young one...”

“My name is Braveheart!” he quivered, “Not that you'd care.”

“And why would you say that?” Celestia inquired, her voice gentle and sincere.

“Because if you did care, P-princess Sunshine, I wouldn't be alone, I wouldn't even be here, I would...I would have a family!”

Celestia closed her eyes as if the pegasus' words greatly pained her. As she slowly opened them, she gave Braveheart a sorrowful look.

“Braveheart, I know of the loneliness you feel so deeply. I have no father, no mother, no brother, and no...”

Celestia paused and quietly gazed out her window at the full moon.

“...no sister. If I had the power, it would be different, Braveheart, I would have my sister...”

Stopping herself, Celestia looked back at the pegasus before continuing.

“Even gods have limits, Braveheart. I try to do my best for everypony, but I am bound by laws of a different nature. ”

Braveheart wasn't quite sure what to make of Celestia's words; to him they just sounded weird. Was she saying that she, the most important pony in the world, was an orphan too? He couldn't believe it. As such, Braveheart remained wary and tense. He wasn't going to be tricked into doing something stupid.

Celestia looked at the shivering young colt, his anger and fear still clear upon his face. The goddess shook herself slightly and smiled at him again.

“Forgive me, Braveheart, that sounded like a lot of nonsense, didn't it? Never mind it, just know that you and I share in the same misery...I know all too well what it is like to be alone in this world. With little love...real love.”

“I don't know what you're trying to pull, lady. But you sure as hay...sure as hay aren't the same as m-me. ” Braveheart replied, stumbling away from the princess. He was utterly exhausted and could feel his legs give out beneath him. His words, too, were becoming jumbled as hypothermia kicked in and took its toll.

“I barely can find a hunk of bread on a good day, you know, but...you've got the whole flippin world on a platter. Everything I've ever gotten I've got it...cause, cause I work hard, really hard...everyday. But nobles, yeah, you say you understand, but they won't ever get it...and neither will you...you just can't...”

As he spoke, Celestia approached the pegasus and unfurled her large wings. Braveheart flinched as he found himself wrapped in a cocoon of Celestia's warm feathers. Frightened by her touch, the pegasus wanted to flee, but the goddess' voice soothed him and stayed his flight.

“Shhh, it's all right Braveheart...rest your weary head and sleep tight tonight...I will watch over you from now on.”

As she spoke, the goddess nuzzled the pegasus lovingly. Braveheart had never been touched so tenderly before and was terrified by the new feelings that rushed through him. It was magical. For once in his pathetic life, he felt secure, he felt peace, and, most powerfully, he felt loved. Soft tears flowed as he returned Celestia's affections in earnest. Feeling the sun goddess' feathers caress him, the pegasus at last closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Ever the light sleeper, a simple touch awoke Braveheart. Seeing Celestia walking quietly to her balcony, Braveheart followed behind as discreetly as he could. It was still night outside as Celestia gazed at the moon longingly. To Braveheart's surprise, he heard the princess begin to sing sorrowfully in a language he did not understand.

Sœur Lune, Sœur Lune,
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines...Sonnez les matines...
Din, dan, don. Din, dan, don.

But the last words she spoke were unmistakable.

“Forgive me...”

Celestia's horn glowed with an intense yellow light that drew from the sky a blue magic that intermingled with her own to create a green aura. The magic then dimmed, and Celestia turned to enter her room. Quickly Braveheart dashed back to where he slept hoping he hadn't seen anything he wasn't supposed to.

“Braveheart, I know you're awake you sneaky little colt!” Celestia called to him, “Come on then, I want to show you something I think you'll find more interesting.”

A bit embarassed and very curious, Braveheart swiftly flew to Celestia's side on the balconey.

Without saying anything, Celestia rose into the air, her horn glowing with the green aura from earlier. With only a blink of the eye, the goddess lowered the moon. With similar ease, she ushered in the sun, its bright yellow rays were cast across an orange sky. The fallen snow shimmered like fine crystal in the new day's light. It was truly a beautiful scene, but Braveheart hardly thought it interesting. What was the princess getting at here?

Descending from the sky, Celestia spoke with a loving voice.

“Did you enjoy my sunrise, Braveheart? Out of the thousands of things I must attend to, there is almost nothing I find more satisfying than performing this, my daily labor. It is my special destiny to guide the sun across the heavens and bring light and life to this planet. You have a special role to play in this world too, Braveheart.”

“Uh, princess,” the pegasus replied blushing, “I know I'm too old, but, uh, I don't have...a cutie mark.”

“Oh, are you sure about that?” Celestia said slyly with a big smirk across her face. Excited, Braveheart checked his flank, and, sure enough, the dawn's early light revealed his brand new cutie mark: a burning heart. The thrill the pegasus felt was offset by his confusion.

“Uh, what does it mean? Am I some kind of cremator or something?”

Celestia laughed at the colt's interpretation.

“Hardly! You are destined to love, Braveheart, there are fewer fates so wonderful! Yours is a life of courage, action, and passion, don't be afraid to face who you are. I'm...”

As she spoke, a voice from the chamber interrupted Celestia.

“This is Captain Stonewall! Permission to enter and read the morning report, Princess?”

“Yes, come in.” Celestia called back, much to Braveheart's fear, “Join me on the balcony, if you will!”

It didn't take long for the Captain of the Royal Guard to fly through the chamber doors. He was a grey pegasus with a white beard and sharp, eagle-like eyes. Braveheart immediately shirked behind Celestia, obscuring his visibility to the captain.

“Well your highness,” Stonewall began, “last night's winter storm called for a reduction of guards around the grounds, so we were ill-prepared for the, well....foalish pranks played on us.”

“Oh?” Celestia feigned, “Pranks during the most severe blizzard in twenty years? Are you sure?”

“...well, the evidence would point to it. All we found at the sites of disturbance were the remains of fire crackers and firework wrappings.”

“Strange.” Celestia frowned, “Well, perhaps my young friend here can tell you what happened. Braveheart?”

Moving slowly out of Celestia's shadow, the brown pegasus gave a nervous smile. It was clear by the captain's mortified expression that he was going to get into some kind of trouble.

“Impossible! Never in all my years of service has anypony breached my perimeter! This is a fluke, I promise princess, this little runt could never...”

“Watch yourself, Captain Stonewall.” Celestia interrupted, “'This runt' managed to get passed my finest soldiers and enter my personal sanctum with just a bag of cheap explosives. The colt obviously has a great deal of courage and a mind to back it up. If this were a test of talent, I'd say the pegasus deserved a little audience with me, don't you agree?”

Braveheart beamed at Captain Stonewall as Princess Celestia praised him. He had never felt so proud in his life, so much so that he found himself sticking his tongue at the captain.

“However,” Celestia continued, “he lacks discipline and proper respect for authority. I imagine, too, that the leadership skills of this lone wolf are next to none.”

At her criticism, the cocky pegasus frowned, soliciting a grin from the captain.

“So what, you want this kid at the academy?” Stonewall asked, “You're just going to let him go scot-free after busting into the castle like that?”

“Yes and no, captain.” Celestia responded before turning to face the accused, “Braveheart, by entering my chamber unannounced or without invitation, you broke the law. I'll forgive you, but I would like a little something from you in return. What do you say?"

"Uh, like what?"

"I want to see you become the very best you can be, and I think serving as a page to Captain Stonewall will help you reach that goal.”

Stonewall growled, unsure if he wanted a young colt at his heels all day.

"I have to serve...that guy?" Braveheart asked, a bit worried about the prospect himself.

"I promise you, there's nopony better to prepare you for the future. Stonewall has led the royal guard for forty years, I'm sure you'll find his wisdom to be invaluable when you enroll in the Royal Military Academy."

“Wait a sec.” said Braveheart,, “Military school too? That sounds really cool and all, but, I'm sorry to tell you princess, I don't have any money for that kind of deal...”

“Braveheart,” Celestia said warmly, “don't be silly. I will personally sponsor you if you wish to attend, but I'll give nothing more. You said yourself that you didn't like being given what was not deserved and in the military, merit is everything...I think that fits you quite well. What do you say?”

The young pegasus thought over the proposal. It was a no-brainier in many ways: food, shelter, and the princess' love alone were powerful incentives. But to become somepony important along the way? He did not know much about the military, but did know that he wanted to become a royal guard. To him, that was his true destiny: to serve Celestia.

“Yeah, I'll do it,” Braveheart said confidently, “But, uh, what's a page?”

Celestia and Captain Stonewall both laughed.

“You'll find out kid, I promise!” the older pegasus said with a knowing wink, "I've got a pair of dirty boots with your name on 'em!"

Braveheart didn't like the idea of cleaning the captain's boots. His first impulse was to quip back at his new lord, but Celestia's knowing eyes held him in place. The princess had said that he needed to be disciplined. If that's what she thought was best...Braveheart would give it a shot.

“Speaking of uniforms, captain, could you retrieve the livery for him? He's all yours after that.”

“With pleasure, your majesty.”

After the pegasus flew off, Celestia gave Braveheart a quick nuzzle before turning to watch the sun. As it rose higher into the sky and spread its light across the lands of Equestria, the goddess spoke once more in a loving voice.

“I expect great things from you, Braveheart. I know you won't disappoint me.”

These thoughts and memories both warmed and troubled Braveheart. Celestia had brought him in out of the darkness and cold to spare him from a sinful life. He was ashamed for the way he treated her and all the ponies he had hurt. His harsh tutelage under Captain Stonewall had humbled the haughty pegasus and the academy taught him to serve and sacrifice for the greater good of society. However, Braveheart could not escape the intense passion that marked him. Celestia had once said it was his greatest strength, but Braveheart often thought it his greatest weakness. How could he ever overcome it?

“Captain, captain wait!”

Turning around he saw Storm flying towards him. Landing at Braveheart's side, the grey pegasus saluted her commander.

“Sir, you're getting too far ahead of us,” Storm Cloud said, “We can't split up in this forest, you know that would be asking for trouble.”

“...yeah, yeah it would.” Braveheart said distantly, still looking eastward. A brief silence transpired between the two before Storm broke it.

“Braveheart, I know you're occupied right now, but if there's anything I can say or do to help...”

“You know better than to talk to me like that in the field,” Braveheart snapped, “I don't need a shrink, Storm, I need a soldier! Now get back and round up the Elements, pronto!”

Shaking her head Storm Cloud raised her voice in response.

“Celestia almighty, you're such a hard ass when something's biting at you! You might be able to scare off that Blizzard kid, but I'm not some new recruit to push around, Braveheart. I've spent six years fighting and defending her majesty's honor at your side. We've been through a lot together. You can like it or not, but I'm more than just a fellow guard, I'm your friend. I want to help you, captain, even if you just need an ear. It'll do you more good than venting your anger on me or some newbie. Trust me.”

Braveheart broke eye contact with the Storm Cloud and looked down the dark path ahead.

“Don't forget, sergeant, I'm Celestia's servant first and your comrade second.” the captain grumbled coldly, “Now go, follow your orders.”

“Fine, but if you don't want to end up like Lightning Strike, you better get your act together. You need a clear head if you want to lead us through Everfree alive.”

Spreading her wings to ready her departure, Storm Cloud continued.

“Before I go, I want to get one thing across to you. I think you made the right choice to let Princess Luna go. It took a lot of guts to admit we were wrong, not even Lightning could outright do it when he was in command. You steered us away from disaster; you shouldn't let it eat at you.”

Pausing to think for a moment, the grey pegasus remembered her second objective.

“Oh, right, how could I let that fly by me? Pinkamena sent you something I think you'll find useful. Here, catch!”

Wrenching the black cloak from out of her breast plate, Storm threw the garment to Braveheart who immediately snatched it.

“If you haven't noticed, sir, it's cold outside.” the sergeant said, grinning before speeding back to the hut. As soon as she was out of sight, the captain wrapped himself in the thick cloak to shield himself from the winter cold he hated so much. Feeling the lingering warmth of her body against his fur, the captain sighed in relief.

“Thank you Storm...” he whispered, “...my little Celestia.”


Not ten minutes passed before Storm returned with the party in tow. To Braveheart's pleasure, Lightning had done well in organizing the column: the five Elements were kept in the middle, Storm Cloud and Blizzard Freeze guarded both flanks, and Lightning led at the front. After saluting his commander, the lieutenant spoke.

“Everypony is ready, sir. Sorry for taking so long, but I bet we'll end up saving time in the long run. They've been briefed on everything and are all ready to search the forest with us.”

Looking over the Elements, Braveheart could see that the mares, even Pinkie, were very serious about finding their friend. As it was, he didn't really want to talk to them; he wasn't ready to look them in the eyes just yet. Instead, he decided it better to keep matters official and their relationship strictly professional.

“Miss. Rarity,” he called to the unicorn, “front and center, if you would.”

A bit annoyed to be the subject of the captain's orders, Rarity approached Braveheart with a frown.

“Yes, captain, what help could you possibly want from a 'bitch'?”

Clearly she hadn't forgotten their first encounter.

“...as the only unicorn with us, it would be for the best that you stay at the head with me. I need you to light the path ahead of us, think you can manage that?”

“Not a problem captain,” Rarity replied, her horn now shining brightly,“I only request that you keep your words with me to a minimum. A lady does not need to tolerate the type of crass disrespect that comes out of your mouth.”

Sighing, Braveheart tried to ignore Rarity's words and turned to Lightning.

“Defend the rear, I'll assume command at the front.”

“Yes sir.”

Assuming the traditional stoic pose of the Royal Guard, Braveheart pressed forward into the forest, carefully observing the two sets of hoof prints before him. His mind was bent on following them to whatever end.

After marching for awhile, the Elements found the silence between themselves and the guards to be extremely unnerving, especially Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. The bouncing earth pony had little to complain about except boredom, and that she solved by making a new friend in Blizzard Freeze. Like always, she a big smile, and a warm hug for the new recruit.

"Hiya! I'm Pinkie Pie! I've never seen you around, not even at the Gala! What's your name?"

"Private Blizzard Freeze, ma'am, I just graduated from the academy a few months ago, so it's no surprise if you've never heard of me before."

"Really? Well then...how does it feel?"

"How does what feel?"

"Duhhhhh!" Pinkie jokingly droned, "How does it feel to have your biggest dream come true! You're marching with the Royal Guard, isn't that awesome?"

Blizzard gave a light laugh and nodded.

"Yeah, it feels really great. But you know, my marefriend's probably going to chew me out for it. She's not a big fan."

"Oooo, a marefriend, huh?" Pinkie inquired, "What she like?"

"Heh, well, do you know anything about politics?"

"Nope, not really. But in the last election, I voted for the Pirate Party! Arghhh! Hehe!"

Blizzard chuckled a little bit. He remembered how angry Ruby was when the Pirate Party actually managed to get two seats in the lower house.

"Let's just say that she's a little skeptical about the army and what we do."

The young soldier sighed.

"She knows more than most ponies do about the size and scope of the armed forces' activity, and there's always news coming from somewhere that makes her sad or cynical. She knows the country needs the army...she just wishes that I didn't have to be a part of it."

"She's just worried about you," Pinkie replied, "there's nothing wrong about that."

"Yeah, maybe. I just hope that she'll let me back into the house when she finds out that Braveheart recruited me for his team."

"What's she not like about him? I mean personally, I can kinda guess why otherwise."

Blizzard tilted his head to look to see how far the captain was in relation to him. Seeing that he was in the clear, he continued but in a low whisper.

"Well, a couple months ago, the Royal Guard was called in to arrest a bunch of thieving troll thugs. These guys weren't just notorious, they were big. About the size of a tree, if you can imagine. Anyway, things got a little out of control when one of them punched out a guard and tried to escape. The details after that are murky, except one. The captain attacked the troll with a maneuver called 'Empyrean Judgement'."

"The what now?"

"I don't know exactly what it looks like, but it's a legendary move that they say only Celestia's chosen can perform. It's also potentially deadly for both the guy doing it. It's really much more deadly for the guy's target. I'm pretty sure Ruby told me it was illegal, too. For civilians, that is. I don't see much of the point; word in the barracks is that the princess personally teaches it."

"So the captain..."

"Yeah, the captain killed the troll. Guard said that the troll was being violent, the other trolls say he was executed."

"So which was it?"

"Don't know, and neither does Ruby. But she's always ready to think the worst of the guard. She's very principled when it comes to things like equality and the rule of law. The troll debacle just cemented her view that the Guard is filled with a bunch of racists on a power trip. It's not really fair, I mean, she wasn't there. How could she know what went on? Those trolls were known criminals. They were stepping all over everyone's rights themselves. I'm sorry, but I don't have any sympathy for them."

Pinkie listened to the private and compared what she knew of Braveheart and what was said in the story. The key part that stuck out in her mind, though, was that somepony was hurt by the troll. That meant that Braveheart probably did something in retaliation, just like he did that morning in Ponyville Square or Sweet Apple Acres.

"Anyway, you can see why my marefriend isn't his biggest fan. I'll leave it at that. Tell me something about you."

"Oh!" Pinkie said, happy to see the conversation shift. She was good at listening, but Blizzard's story was a bit too serious for her tastes, "Well, I work at the town bakery, Sugar Cube Corner, back in Ponyville. You should stop in sometime and I'll make you something scrum-diddly-umptious! Cross my heart! Mrs. Cake has even said that I'm getting better at not eating all the best goodies right away!"

"Heh, well I'm not big on the sweets..."

Pinkie eyed him accusingly.

"Okay, maybe I have a weak spot for cake."

“That's what I thought!” Pinkie chirped, “Now, to the important stuff: when's your birthday and what kind of cake is your favorite? Like I always say, nothing tells you more about a pony than the way they like to party! ”

Pinkie moved closer to Blizzard with a big grin on her face.

"Maybe you'd like a little wedding cake, huh?"

As Pinkie giggled, the blue pegasus' face burned beat red.

Meanwhile, Rainbow was getting bored with all the silent treatment. The active pegasus didn't really like being guarded by a bunch of soldiers, even if they were there to defend her. This whole formation was too rigid and closed off, she really needed to take her mind off of it. Looking to her left, she observed Storm's steady and rhythmic advance through the snow. Her blue eyes were not expressionless like the other guards she met today (Nightshade came to mind); rather, there was a gleaming vitality in her inquiring gaze.

“So, uh, Storm Cloud, is it?” Rainbow asked the guard nervously, “I was just wondering, how did you get on the guard? Sounds like a pretty tough gig.”

The sergeant’s first reaction was to ignore the pegasus, not wanting to be distracted as she checked the forest for any sign of monsters. However, dealing with Braveheart had left her frustrated. Maybe she should take her own advice; perhaps talking with another pony would do her some good. Besides, Braveheart permitted the guard to speak in special circumstances...maybe she wouldn't get into too much trouble.

“The same way everypony gets what they deserve.” Storm replied simply, “Training, studying, practicing.”

“Yeah, yeah, but you're not just anypony! You gotta be the best there is, kinda like Nightshade. I mean, you're in the same league as him after all, a freakin' Wonderbolt! What's your secret, what does it really take to be a guard, huh? Were you like a ninja or a secret agent or something?”

“Heh, well, I wouldn't say my life was that exciting. I grew up on an island just off the east coast called Epona. Anyway, my father, an earth pony, was a poor sugarcane farmer there while my mother, a unicorn, served her Majesty as the appointed governess of the territory. What can I say? They were of two different worlds, it would only make sense that their kid was of a third one. I'll spare you from the gory details, but let's just say that this meant I didn't fit in really well with what either of my parent's wanted for me. I wasn't a farmer or a noble, I was born for something different. I just needed the chance to prove it.”

“Okay, so did you go on, like, some kind of super training regiment or something? Swim the channel? Eat some bugs? Beat up a shark?”

“Ha! Well, let me cut right to it then.” Storm replied, “My biggest passion growing up was fencing. It was one of the only classy sort of sports I liked, so my mom supported my hobby hoping that I wouldn't play football with the guys in the fields anymore. I represented the island a couple times in the youth nationals and brought home the gold once and the silver twice. What was weird about it was that still didn't have my cutie mark by the time I was ten.”

“What? I got mine when I was like seven. Talk about your late bloomer.”

“Fair enough, Rainbow, but not everypony can hope to break the sound barrier. I had a different challenge I had to face...pirates.”

“Pirates, are you serious?” Rainbow asked, “You mean yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum? Shiver my timbers, pieces of eight? Pshh...that's ancient history!”

“You'd be right about that kind, kid,” Storm replied smiling, “But pirates are just thieves with boats. My mom's main job was to keep them from raiding the shipping lanes, and she was good enough at it to piss off some pretty big bosses. So one day when I was flying back home from school, I was kidnapped by five pirates and held hostage. They thought they could make my mom step down and get a good ransom out of me. It didn't really work out like that for 'em.”

Storm paused and grinned, building up Rainbow's suspense to a painful crescendo.

“Yeah?! Well did you whoop some pirate butt or what?”

Storm let out a light chuckle.

“I wish it was more complicated then that, but yeah. I whooped pirate butt. I tricked one of the dumber ones into untying me. The idiot actually looked surprised when I knocked him out. Anyway, I swiped the rapier, and disarmed the others without a problem. By the time the island's militia arrived, I had several scared sea rats at the point of my sword and a shiny new cutie mark; not a dueling foil like I thought it would be but a golden broadsword. The next week I was offered a scholarship to the Royal Military Academy. Once in, it wasn't hard for me to fight to the top. I was selected for Royal Guard duty within my first year.”

“That's awesome! I mean, its not legendary, but still, pretty cool. I can't believe you're not captaining this outfit, I mean what has General Shoot-Now-Ask-Questions-Later over here done that's so great?”

Storm resisted the urge to blush at Rainbow's complement.

“Heh, I'm nothing too special, Rainbow. As you said, your story is much more unique. Besides, stories like mine are pretty normal for the guard. What's more impressive is what we do during our service, and nopony has a better record than the captain.”

“Yeah, doing what?”

“Well, a lot of...things.”


Storm stopped herself and considered the consequences for divulging state secrets. She knew a lot of sensitive missions the captain had been involved with, but there was one that would get her point across and cause minimal controversy.

She definitely wasn't going to talk about the Troll Debacle. Perhaps the tale she had in mind would do.

“A couple of years ago there was a dragon who had developed a taste for pony. I'm not quite sure how that works, if somepony wandered into his cave and got mixed in with the jewels or something. Go figure. Anyway, this guy would hang out around the passes of the Applelachian mountains and eat travelers who got lost. The princess thought she could please the dragon by sending an envoy with a large offering of treasure to satisfy his palate. But, sure enough, the dragon gobbled her up too. Of course, Celestia wouldn't stand for that kind of aggression and sent Braveheart to deal with it. Long story short, the captain killed the dragon. Alone.”

“Oh my!” Fluttershy squeaked, “How could he do that? Dragon or not, he was a living creature. I think we've learned that talking things out is the best solution, I mean, haven't we?”

“Fluttershy, correct?” Storm asked, “You were sent by Celestia to calm a dragon because you have a special gift. Well, Celestia doesn't send a pony into harms way without reason. The envoy sent to this dragon was a naturalist much like yourself, except older and more skilled. She was also less fortunate than you. Sometimes, Fluttershy, if you really love life, you have to learn how to take one to defend it.”

Fluttershy was bothered by Storm's response. On one hoof, she really did love all life, but on the other she really, really, really hated dragons. She knew they could be faulted for killing all sorts of smaller animals, even when they were just sleeping.

“Huh, big wonder. The captain is good at killin'.” growled Applejack, “Anypony surprised?”

While her friends had been talking with Storm Cloud, Applejack had remained in the back skulking and brooding, her thoughts frequently straying back into darker territory. She put all her will into resisting the hate she had once mastered, but just looking at the captain marching mechanically ahead of her was enough to shatter her self-control. Zecora's black cloaks didn't help the guard either; to Applejack, they looked like faceless ghouls bent on fulfilling their ruthless and lawless goals. Desperately, Applejack tried to think of something else; she couldn't let her own vendettas get in the way of finding Twilight, Luna, or Celestia. But the more the conflicted pony thought, the more her brother's injuries came to mind. Unlike Luna, there was no way of getting past the fact that this monstrous soldier, this Captain Braveheart, had nearly killed her brother and wrecked her home by his own choice. The fact gnawed madly at her patience and discipline to the point she couldn't ignore it any longer. Dark fantasies of justice flashed in her mind, feeding her sense of injury and longing for retribution.

Hearing Rainbow mention the dreaded object of her hate, Applejack's attention shifted to the female guard. The way the soldier praised Braveheart's murderous history infuriated the already troubled pony and broke her self-restraint.

“Well is that it there, ma'am?” Applejack shouted at Storm, stopping the guard in her tracks, “You got anymore terrific tales 'bout the ponies and critters this son-of-a-tramp has hurt? Huh? I betcha' have barrels, don't 'cha? ”

“Umm, Applejack, I don't think we need to raise our voices...” Fluttershy said meekly, checking the forest for any sign of unwanted monsters, “It's not...”

“Ah'm sorry Fluttershy, but she opened this can of worms and Ah deserve the answers!”” Applejack replied before turning back to the sergeant, “So how many, huh? How many has the bastard killed.”

“Applejack!” Pinkie gasped, shocked that her friend would use such a demeaning word.

“Hey AJ, let's try to cool it, huh?” Rainbow Dash nervously suggested, “Remember what we were talkin' about earlier...”

“What's going on here, Storm?” Lightning Strike interrupted, coming up from behind, “We're falling behind Miss. Rarity, Braveheart is going to have a fit... ”

“We can get movin' again once she's answered my question!” Applejack snapped at the officer, “Ah'm not askin' for much, just the truth!”

With Applejack grinding the rear of the company to a halt, Rarity quickly noticed that something was wrong and checked to see what was the matter and, in doing so, deprived the occupied captain of his light.

“Miss. Rarity,” Braveheart growled, “get that horn back to work! These tracks are getting harder to see as it bloody is!”

“My apologies, captain,” Rarity replied condescendingly, “but I'm not a mule for you to whip and neither are my friends. Now if you'd so kindly pull your head out of the snow, we have a slight problem.”

Realizing just how far apart the company had been separated, Braveheart fumed with obvious displeasure.

“Storm! Lightning!” the captain thundered angrily as he flew over to chastise his subordinate officers, “What in all things under Celestia's sun is the matter back here? When I said chit-chat was permissible, I did not mean for you all to take a picnic in the middle of a mission!”

“S-sorry sir,” Storm stammered, “but, uh, Miss. Applejack...”

Braveheart quickly turned to glare at the earth pony only to be met with an equally enraged look.

“Well Apple, do you have a problem how I'm running things or do you just got something you want to say to my face?!”

“You bet yer bridges Ah do!” replied Applejack, “Ah don't much like you at all, not one bit. Ya'll respect nothin' but yourself and Celestia, you don't give two beans about other ponies. How many is it, Captain Scumbag? How many of us have you killed because you thought you were right? Maybe its not because of that, maybe you just like seeing us suffer! Whichever it is, Ah don't care captain, 'cause you're a madpony no matter which way you spell it!”

“Still pissed about what I did to your beast of a brother?” Braveheart answered, “Get over it! There's jack shit I can do about it now.”

“Not until Ah see justice fer Big Mac! But how can you ever get that? Ah bet you'd shoot yer own kin over a spat!”

At Applejack's words, Braveheart exploded in utter indignation.

“You have the nerve to tell a soldier about the hardships of losing family? Listen here you tree-bucker, those soldiers your Big Mac sent to the ward, they had names too! Here, let me list 'em off to ya! Old Hickory, Silver Skies, Smoky Smithy, Tough Nails, Sneaky Snake, Noble Deed! These pegasi are my brothers, and I had to watch them get pulverized by big red 'cause I didn't have the guts to pull the trigger right away. So believe me, Apple, I know every sick idea running through your head right now. I felt the same way when I shot your brother!”

“Shut up!” Applejack shouted, “Ah'm nothing like you!”

“Oh yeah?! Well tell me, what will make you happy? What sort of justice do you want?”

“Ah, Ah want an apology first!”

“That didn't answer my question. You say 'first' only 'cause you know that my words are worth a great big heaping pile of nothing!”

“Yer right; Ah want to see you rot in jail!”

“Ha, don't even bother giving me that shit!” Braveheart laughed, “I felt all your hate when you damn near bucked my jaw off!”

Getting closer to Applejack, the captain whispered in her ear.

“You can cut the charade you’re putting on for your friends. Tell me the truth Apple, tell me that you won't be happy until you see my head on a pike.”

Applejack was conflicted; she wanted to release what was festering in her heart, but she didn't want to give Braveheart the satisfaction. In the end, however, her wrath won out. Whispering in the captain's ear, Applejack angrily confessed her heart's darkest desires in detail. After she was finished, Braveheart grimly replied, his words far more tranquil than before but still packing a vicious bite.

“...Passion is a powerful thing, kid, it comes straight from the heart. But so does mercy. Even in the heat of battle, I spared your brother's life. You know why? 'Cause I learned a long time ago that death gives only the dead reprieve.”

Turning away, Braveheart marched back to the front, motioning to Rarity to join him. Applejack was left bitter and confused; what did he mean he 'spared' Big Mac? He had him beaten to a pulp before shooting him. The captain's parting words meant little to her and only fueled her disdain for the pegasus. But there was not much more she could do now but march on...

Suddenly, a loud crash shook the forest, throwing the ponies off their hooves. The sound of breaking trees and shaking leaves filled the air as something very large was coming their way.

“Circle around the Elements and draw your swords,” Braveheart ordered as he guided Rarity back into the middle, “Remember there's no beast in Everfree that can defeat us! Blizzard!”

“Y-y-es sir?”

“That goes for you too, so quit shaking and stand your ground!”

Feeling a gust of cold air buffet his face, Braveheart looked to the sky to find it blotted out by an enormous figure. Descending rapidly, the shadow was revealed by the moon's light to be a crimson dragon, the black luster of his teeth and claws shining ominously in the darkness. The beast shouted in Wrymish, but to the ears of a pony it sounded like a terrifying roar. Rendered into Equestrian, it sounded something like this:

“Ah, the black robes of the Lunar Guard! I can smell the magic of the demon on you, I can taste it upon my lips! Tonight, your lives will be mine!”

Frost and sleep no longer binding him to the earth, Ajax, son of Mikhail, had returned with his unquenchable thirst for vengeance.


Luna followed Philomena through the forest, not looking back for an instant. The bright burning bird before her was all that mattered to Luna; she lost all sense of time and space as she ran. So severe was the case that she did not see the gorge appear before her, and soon the goddess found herself falling.

For like a second.

Flying back up, she realized where she was and shook her head in anger.

“Why Celly, why do you always have to make me feel so dumb?”

Lying on the horizon was the tower of the moon and her personal citadel, Everfree Castle.


Sorry, I don't want to give too much away! To be honest, this chapter was supposed to include what will be next chapter in it, but I thought it would be too long. So, really, there will be two more chapters, one short one, and one long one. I know people are going to be pissed about Braveheart's centrality in this chapter, but it makes more sense in the upcoming chapters (especially that shorter bit). I also wanted to get in some Celestia time, and Braveheart provided an opportunity for that. With that came another instance of me playing with French, namely that nursery rhyme we all know (honestly, they teach that to us when we're four and we have no bloody idea what we're saying. It's just damn catchy.) Anyway, in the context of this story, the song isn't a call for prayer but a call for Luna to lower the moon. I thought it to be a sufficiently intimate way of linking the sisters.

And yes, the guards' cutie marks have been altered slightly from the previous chapters in a way that doesn't change their fundamental natures but rather expands on their details. I also changed Blueblood's dynastic house to the 'Haysburgs' because of the greater prestige and power of the Habsburgs (yes my tale is Euro-centric, big surprise for a Western cartoon).