• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 3,487 Views, 51 Comments

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts - Grey Prophet

A heated confrontation with Celestia over her portrayal as Nightmare Moon and her sister's authoritarianism leads Luna to search for answers

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Part 11

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts

Chapter 11

“That, Pinkie, is why you can't reason with the guard. They already have their own...”

“But Twilight...” Pinkie began to reply before taking notice of Twilight's exhaustion. As Fluttershy wrapped a warm blanket around the unicorn and let her rest not to far from where Nightshade had lain in recovery, Pinkie felt a bit of fatigue herself. The closest thing she got to sleep in the past twenty-four hours was a very brief snooze at her loft in Sugar Cube Corner; she had spent most of the previous night welcoming the Royal Guard to Ponyville and the entire day on the run. Yet here Pinkie was, wide-eyed and pulsing with excitement while Twilight lightly snored as she fell into a deep sleep. Most would attribute the bubbly mare's stamina to the inexplicable eccentricities of her personality, but they would only be partially right. Pinkie fed off the energy of others like a lovable, poofy tape worm; the enthusiasm, joy, fear and despair of others served to electrify and excite every one of her senses. In other words, talking and interacting with other ponies was one of two natural highs that put an undying spring in her step.

The other came from an unsettling intake of sugar and sweets that would make even Filly Wonka cringe.

Far more important to Pinkie's relationships was the latter drive, especially in regards to Twilight Sparkle. It appeared that much of the time the private student, more so than anypony else, had a difficult time taking her seriously. Between the two existed a seemingly unbridgeable divide that lent itself to frequent misunderstandings and discrepancies that upset Twilight's scientific sensibilities. Though the two were fast friends, Pinkie sometimes felt that Twilight did not appreciate or respect her as much as she did Applejack or Rarity. Admittedly, it was hard to totally blame Twilight; Pinkie did pull some crazy antics out from time to time. Nonetheless, Twilight wrongfully often treated the younger pony as immature and an unpredictable liability. The parasprite debacle illustrated perfectly this case so common in Pinkie's life. Although Twilight gave a report to Princess Celestia, Pinkie knew that learning something and living it were two very different things.

Well, if Twilight wasn't going to listen and help her out, Pinkie knew somepony who could...


Closing her eyes in deep reflection, Pinkie's conscious split along three lines of emotion and thought as she entered into a world within the eye's mind. Being a well of endless creativity, Pinkie attributed to each a metaphysical persona and appearance. Slowly, three figures took shape around a similarly conjured table. Each bore an identical physical likeness to Pinkie Pie, yet differed wildly in their manner of dress. The first wore a shabby brown coat over a green sweater vest complete with a red bowtie; a questionable choice in fashion that would most likely make Rarity nauseous. However, her dignified expression suggested a degree of class and prestige that would distract even the famed dressmaker away from her costume. Sipping from a cup of tea, the figment shook her head in disappointment.

“Well Pinkie old girl,” she sighed, speaking in the Princess' Equestrian, “that little chat with her majesty's guard didn't go over quite so well. Perhaps you should have featured yourself more prominently in the discussion, you knew more about the lieutenant and his sort than anypony in this hut.”

“I wanted to try, Professor Tacky Slacks,” Pinkie replied, “but Twilight kinda took the reigns and I listened. I mean, she's the most gifted student in the whole country and, I'm...I'm just an apprentice at a bakery...”


Interrupted, Pinkie turned to face the second apparition. Wearing a white oxford, a pair of suspenders, and a black fedora with a press badge firmly secured, this doppelganger gave Pinkie a stern look before continuing.

“That's right, a load of first-degree hogwash if I ever heard it!” she said in a thick Manehattan accent, “Trust me, I'm Flashy Scribbles, ace reporter! You're lookin' at the best spin-doc this side of Canterlot, the number one 'got ya!' journalist in Equestria! I gotta seventh sense for the ol' bull, I know my way about it like PC knows hers around the sun!”

As she spoke, the exuberant reporter banged at the table and made a series of unnecessary, hyperbolic gestures to get her point across.

“Look kiddo, sure Twi's gotta lot of smarts, but what good is the old noggin when you lose your head? Nada, zero, zilch, zippo, that's what!”

“I concur with Ms. Scribbles,” Professor Tacky added calmly, “Your friend is not a diplomat by any stretch of the imagination. Chastising an officer for being morally bankrupt can hardly be considered a proper opening to a meaningful and productive dialogue.”

“You bet you're right, Professor Stale-butt!” Flashy shouted, startling the professor with a slap across the back. With a jolt and a yelp, Tacky lost hold of the teacup that had been carefully cradled between her hooves, spilling it all over the table.

“I've been in the whole editorializing biz for awhile rookie and let me tell ya, when you're trying to change minds you never go straight for the throat like some crazed timber wolf in a chicken coop. But I've got papers to sell, darn it, I need to throw the pack a nice, juicy breast once in awhile...”

“Ms. Scribbles... ” the professor interrupted, giving the reporter an ugly eye.

“...okay, a lot. But hey, they eat that stuff up like hotcakes! But watch out for those chickens, they get pretty nasty if you poke one of 'em a bit too hard...”

“Ms. Scribbles! Please just voice your opinion so that we may get on with this council meeting. Now is not the time to talk of the questionable practices of your profession.”

“...right. Pinkie, kid, it's really easy to draw a line in the sand and fight for that patch of dirty dirt. It's a whole 'nother ball game getting somepony to cross over that line. It'll be tough and they'll come kicking and screaming, but you're the best pony for the job.”

“For once she's right, Pinkie.” the professor added, “Twilight Sparkle, though gifted she may be, had no intention of listening to Nightshade anymore than he did for her. But you know, you understand the plight of the guard as well as Luna's. You have the spirit and that, that well, pizazz , Pinkie, you have what it takes to make peace between the princess and the captain.”

“I tried that song and dance already in Appleloosa,” Pinkie frowned, “You gotta share, you gotta care...remember? It only made things worse. What do you think I should do, Leclop?”

At the mention of the council's third member, the other other two brought their hooves to their faces in silent disapproval. Standing far away from the table, another Pinkie look-alike pressed against a wall of invisible glass.

Yes, Jacqueline Leclop, Pinkie's most trusted spiritual guide, was a mime.

Wearing the famed standard fare of her trade, the performer wore a black and white striped shirt complete with matching face paint and black beret. Continuing in silence, Leclop pulled out all the tired clichés of her art from the rope tug to the robot. What it lacked in originality it made up in her impressive bodily dexterity, timing, and transitioning from one act to the next. Watching the unfolding pattern of the mime's movements, Pinkie rubbed her chin in thought until she at last the translation of motion to language clicked in her head.

“You're right Leclop!” she burst out, “That last one was a total fluke, I didn't know jack-diddly about Appleloosa and got over my head. But not this time! All right, now I''ve gotta stop talking about talking and get to doing the talking! It'll be risky, maybe even scary, but a little laugh goes a long way and I got a million in my bag and a couple up my sleeve!”

Looking at her hooves, the pony smiled.

“Oh yeah! What am I talking about, I'm not wearing clothes today!”

The professor and the reporter both sighed not at Pinkie, but Leclop. They were always bested by that damn mime.

“Doc, why does Pinkie even bother bringing us all together when all she does is come up with an answer on her own? Does watching that mime squirrel around really get her noodle going or something?”

“Well Scribbles, as we are only the projection of her own line of thought and reasoning, our true relevance is what she makes of it.”

“So let's get this straight. She dreams us up to help her sort things out, but she ends up coming up with something from thinking in her thoughts?”

“I'm afraid so.”

“That's...what's that word? You know when you have the stuff within the other stuff?”

“Meta, my dear. Meta.”

“Argh! That it be, lasses!” a voice said, ringing through the void. From out of the blackness of thought emerged a new character of Pinkie's fantasy. Dressed in a crimson coat-jacket and a black tricorne hat, she bore a hook of curious utility on her hoof and a saber at her side. Though unique in many ways, the most distinguishing physical feature of this Pinkie was her namesake.

“Captain Cotton Beard!” Pinkie said in surprise, “What the hay are you doing here! This is my super- secret-council-of-important-affairs-and-stuff! You have to go through a really long and drawn-out application process before you can make it here, Ms. Pirate Pants! I mean, I just met you yesterday!”

“Argh, and a merry day it was! Like two chained round shots in a cannon, you and I!” Cotton responded as only a pirate could, “But listen ye daughter of Prancis Drake, for I come with word of special significance in regards to one of your personal fancies. A wicked storm has been brewed and now it be snowing something fierce just outside these doors my girl!”

“Snow!” Pinke said, jumping with excitement, “I love snow! Snow-flakes, snow-ponies, snow-fights, snow forts, snow-cones, snow angels! Count me in you old salty sea dog! I'm there and outta here! Bye guys!”

Without further ado, Pinkie waved to the imaginary figments and sprung into the blackness of the void. Seeing that she was gone, Captain Cotton Beard approached the professor and spoke in the finest Equestrian the pirate could muster.

“Pray tell my good lady, what chance does a humble corsair such as myself have of replacing yonder creepy mime on this fine board of trusted confidantes?”

“To be perfectly honest...”

“Nul, mon pauvre pirate.”

The three turned in shock to see the street performer light a cigarette in silent satisfaction.

“Snow, snow, snow!”

Popping back to reality, Pinkie's enthusiastic cries startled everypony in the hut. It did not take long for her acute senses confirm the pirate's report; her itchy belly and her spasming right hoof meant a buck-ton of snow had come their way. Running out the door in a flash, the ecstatic pony was not to be disappointed. Gone was the green of Everfree, now thick clumps of glittering white snow covered the forest treetops and floor. Though others might see in the snow a spellbinding beauty or dreary death, Pinkie Pie saw past both to find one thing that was hard to argue against: the promise of winter fun.

“Snow!” Pinkie chirped as she jumped into a shallow snow bank, “In all its cold, frosty, super-icy glory! There's nothing like hearing the crunch of new-fallen snow under my hooves! It's the sound of starting of something new, something totally amazing!”

Curious to see the commotion, Rarity, Fluttershy and Luna ran to the doorway and watched as Pinkie frolicked in the snow.

“Pinkie! Get back in here this instant!” Rarity hissed, unamused with Pinkie's shenanigans “I just got done washing the dirt out of your mane, and now you're getting it all wet and messy again!”

“Hey Rarity!” Pinkie replied with a smile, “C''mon, don't be stuffy, be happy! Just a touch of this tingly fluff will do the trick, so cut the chit chat and hop in!”

“Of all the times, Pinkie, this is not one of them!” Rarity huffed, “I thought you understood by now that we are hiding! Princess Luna, if you could be so kind to tell Pinkie...”

A fresh snowball soon made its priority to smack Rarity square in the snout. the sight of which was too much for Luna to bear. The timing, Rarity’s unamused glare, and Pinkie's chuckling made the goddess break out into a fit of laughter herself. Dwelling on past sins and present dilemmas had stifled her spirit, making her feel alone and hollow. But this young pony, in the brilliant simplicity of her actions, had changed that. Pinkie's laughter echoed an innocent wisdom that defied the confines of earthly limitation. Inspired, Luna felt hope lift her away from the melancholy of history and carry her to face a brighter future; instead of painful separation, betrayal, and loss there would be perfect union, loyalty, and love once more between the two sisters.

Unfortunately for Luna, a distracted onlooker makes for an opportune target. With a whir and a plop, the pink pony's projectile found its target in Luna's face. Wiping the snow from her eyes, Luna gave Pinkie a big smirk.

“You shouldn't have done that, mortal.”

“What are you gonna do about it, Nightmare Moon?” Pinkie chirped playfully, “Gobble me up?”

“Not a bad idea my insolent subject!”

Dissolving into the shadows, Luna quickly reappeared behind Pinkie and magically shot a volley of snowballs at the earth pony. Though a snow warrior in her own right, Pinkie could do little as she soon found herself covered hoof to head in a pile of snow. Walking over to the frosty tomb of her snow foe, Luna smiled.

“I'll give you one more chance to repent and come back inside, young pony. Do you accept or will I have to make dinner preparations?”

“Never...and neither!” Pinkie shouted as she broke free from her snowbound prison. In an instant she tackled Luna to the ground. The two laughed as they tossed and rolled across the snow until at last Luna pinned the earth pony to the ground.

“Ah! Nightmare Moon's got me!” Pinkie squealed.

“Yes my little meal, there's no escape!” Luna laughed, “Now off to the kitchen with you!”

With that, a blue magical aura wrested Pinkie from the earth and carried her back inside. Though Luna respected Pinkie and her spastic ways, she also knew that Rarity was correct in demanding they keep a low profile. Hopefully their brief romp in the snow satisfied Pinkie's pallet for fun for awhile. Sighing as she entered the warm hut, Luna wished she didn't have to cut it so short; she too loved to watch the changing seasons unfold, especially in Everfree. The natural cycle was pure in her forest; it did not need to be coerced and agitated by a flock of pegasi or a stampede of earth ponies. In it, Luna saw a balance that should not be disturbed. Discord's corruption of the earth had shown her this; but Celestia would hear none of it. To tame the militant spirit of the pegasi, her sister granted them greater stewardship over the seasons while institutionalizing and centralizing the process, thereby overturning the old tribute system the pegasi had abused. It was just one of the many social reforms Celestia put into place after they took the throne of Equestria, but it was one she had defended adamantly throughout the centuries.

It was to the credit of Celestia's genius that she could extract from the pegasi warrior tradition its spirit of competition, honor, and sense of duty while preserving peace within her domain. Nonetheless, Celestia was always cautious, perhaps cynical, of the pegasus' aggression just as she was of the unicorn's vanity and the earth pony's envy. It became Celestia's obsession to channel these vices to both her benefit and that of her new nation. It was partly this fact that Luna took no interest in state-building; if her sister would not respect nature, she would be indifferent to the developments of Celestia society...to a point.

Seeing Zecora clean up the mess Nightshade left behind in his blind haste, Luna and Pinkie joined the zebra's efforts in picking up the place.

“Thank you my friends,” Zecora said, “it is good to know there are those on who I can depend. If you would be so I kind, there are some fragile herbs I have yet to find. This root my people cherish, I hope to many have not perished. The snow is icy and thick, to collect them I must be quick.”

Allowing Zecora to first pass by, Rarity sighed and closed the door. Her first impression of Luna was somewhat conflicted.

“Fluttershy, how is it that every royal or high official I've met ends up nothing like my books?” Rarity asked the quiet pegasus, “Captain Braveheart is a coarse brute, Princess Celestia has no sense of fashion, and now Princess Luna turns out to be a second Pinkie!? Unbelievable! Twilight must have erred in her translations...”

“Oh,” Fluttershy replied, “I thought you were going to say something bad about Prince Blue...”

“Up, up, up! We never speak of that name. Not in my presence.”

“...sorry. But, umm...at least she got Pinkie to come back in out of the cold. That was a good thing, I think.”

“I suppose. Her display was very much unlike Nightmare Moon, though I must say my curiosity about this whole crazed affair is getting stronger by the moment. I've been quite generous being kept in the dark for so long, I'd like to hear some answers. After being arrested and dragged through a muddy forest, I think I deserve some, wouldn't you agree?”

“Oh, yes, certainly.” Fluttershy said, looking away from Rarity,“If, if you'd like, I can tell you what Twilight told me at my house.”

“That would be appreciated, dear. Start from the beginning, I want to know the whole story.”

“Well, I woke up this morning to find Princess Luna and an injured pony bleeding profusely in my living room. As you can imagine I was...startled. After tending to Big Mac all morning, I got a bit...aggressive with Twilight. Don't ever tell Applejack, but the operation was....what I mean is that I cut the tissue too...well it ended up being a really close call. After it was all over, the reality of the whole thing hit me and I got so, so upset that I...oh Rarity, I was such a bad friend! I kicked Twilight out of my bed and...and then I raised my voice at her! I, I told her that it was wrong of her to come to me, that she should have sought professional help. I'm not a doctor, I'm not even a nurse! But they thrust Big Mac's life in my hooves...I did only the best I could...”

As the soft-spoken pony continued, her voice quivered in anxiety. Every word seemed to drain the color from her face.

“Oh Fluttershy, it pains me to hear you so hurt,” Rarity said, giving the yellow pegasus a tight hug, “are you all right?”

“...Yes. I'm fine, it's just that...well, not enough time has passed.”

Collecting herself, Fluttershy continued to tell her story.

“I was crying when I told Twilight to explain herself, but she felt so distant and cold. At the time it really bothered me but I guess now that she was holding back her own fear because she got into a big fight with Luna later in the afternoon. But...but there was something about Twilight's eyes. It was like looking into a beached whales'.

Fluttershy paused and looked at Twilight sleeping.

"It was a little hard, but I had to accept that Twilight was doing something against her will, so I tried calming myself down with some hot cocoa. Twilight wouldn't drink any, but she was ready to talk when I came back from the kitchen. She told me about what happened at the library and Sweet Apple Acres, but what she really got excited about was Luna's history. For at least a half-an-hour she cried out the names of places, ponies, and battles that I've never heard of before. It really didn't make much sense to me, but I got the idea that Twilight didn't trust Luna. So it was really pretty weird when she then tried to assure me that helping Luna was the best thing we could all do. I really didn't know what to make of it, so I agreed with her and left it at that.”

“Are you saying that I risked my mane for a pony we can't even trust?”

“That's what I thought too, umm, but I didn't want Twilight to know. I really, really didn't want to follow Luna into Everfree...I did have to care for Big Mac and wait for you girls, but in the back of my mind I was relieved. I guess tending to Luna and seeing her so happy with Pinkie has eased my worries, but...well, nothing. Ignore that, please.”

“Fluttershy, tell me your opinion.”

“No, I don't...”

“Tell me.”

Fluttershy could see where this was going and decided to cut it short.

“Fine...I don't have one.”

“Come again?”

“I...I don't have one...an opinion.”

“Fluttershy, dear, you can be candid with me. Everypony has an opinion.”


“Oh, you're being quite silly about this. Having an opinion is a sign of class and education, to be without one is...how should I put this...uncivil. You are a free-thinking pony, are you not?”

“It's not that Rarity it's...it's...well, I guess this will sound silly to you but...”

“No, do go on, Fluttershy.”

“I'm...I'm scared, Rarity. That's all I know or understand. It's dangerous to call that the same as an opinion, it is just a feeling after all. One I get...a lot. I can tell you what I feel, Rarity, if that's what you really wanted to know.”

“...Yes,” Rarity said slowly, “Why yes, please.”

“Okay, if you really want to know...”

Turning away from Rarity, Fluttershy looked out the frost covered window to catch a glimpse of the snow covered wood before continuing. Though she feared Everfree, Fluttershy greatly admired and respected the forest. To her it was a mysterious source of inspiration and beauty, a symbol that best embodied her communion with nature. It was partly for this reason that she chose to take up residence so close to the forest's eves, that small border situated between security and terror. If anypony else lived that precariously close, they would understand why the meek pegasus spooked so easily.

Sighing, the pegasus closed her eyes and continued to speak.

“....every year the salmon makes its journey upstream to spawn. Thousands upon thousands of fish swim against the current and pass through a grueling gauntlet of waterfalls and bears just to lay their eggs. Hundreds and hundreds die, many of the poor dears do so out of sheer exhaustion. But no matter the strength of the current, the salmon will swim on and do what it needs to do.”

Rarity gave Fluttershy an inquisitive look.

“Fluttershy, I'm not following so well. Could you perhaps be more forthcoming?”

“Sometimes...well, a lot of times, I feel like a salmon...trapped and always fumbling into somepony's adventure. Do you remember the dragon, Rarity? You girls needed my talents to help you get the job done, but I was so scared, I didn't want to go anywhere near that monster's den. My fear held me back, but it didn't stop me. In the end, I was right where I never wanted to be, standing on the tip of a dragon's snout. It's true that I found the strength I needed to do my part, but my opinion never changed. I'm still terrified of dragons, I would never, ever want to have to deal with another one for as long as I live. But what I think or what I want...it's not important. When it comes down to the safety and well-being of others, I will do what I need to do. I mean, all I've ever wanted is to live a simple life helping all things bright and beautiful on this earth, all creatures great and small...that's my purpose, I think. I just never imagined that that would mean goddesses and dragons too...just the idea gives me the goosebumps."

Fluttershy paused and looked Rarity in the eyes.

“It's...it's almost cruel that I'm the Element of Kindness. I don't think I'll ever get to live the quiet life I've always dreamed for...I hope that didn't sound too dumb.”

“No, no at all.” Rarity replied somewhat slowly, amazed at Fluttershy's response. It was not one born out of a single day's experience; the demure pegasus honestly felt she had little control over her life. Rarity was at first annoyed to hear her friend spout fatalisms, but thinking about her relationship with Fluttershy gave the unicorn chance for a second take. It wasn't long for Rarity to be reminded of the fashion model debacle and how it was she who pushed Fluttershy into doing it, how it was she who insisted that the pegasus stay on. It was only later when Fluttershy admitted her disdain for the job that Rarity realized how much Fluttershy disliked special attention and high society. Prior to the revelation it had been difficult for Rarity to comprehend why Fluttershy wouldn't want to be a fashion model. From the unicorn's perspective, it was the key to future business success and affluence in Canterlot, the gateway to the Equestrian dream. This was, however, not Fluttershy's dream.

“Fluttershy, I'm truly sorry for anything I've ever done to make you feel like that.” Rarity continued sincerely, “I wish to make it up to you. When this is all over, I promise to do everything I can to tailor your life the way you see fit. Perhaps we can even have an audience with the Princess Celestia to discuss these Elements...”

As Rarity continued to talk of plans on how to achieve Fluttershy's hopes for a less hectic and happy life, the pegasus smiled at her friend's ambition and unwavering desire to help her. She always found Rarity's can-do attitude to be impressive, but sometimes she found that it left the unicorn open to taking on difficult work quotas that made her moody and intolerant of the slightest distraction. Fluttershy wondered if this tireless labor is what Rarity really wanted out of life. The pegasus understood Rarity better than most ponies, they were, after all, spa sisters with very few secrets between them. The unicorn's romantic fantasies and admiration for royalty, though not unknown to others, was one such matter they discussed in the past. Could it be that there was a goal that not even the talented and elegant unicorn could hope to accomplish? Perhaps she had abandoned her royal aspirations after being disillusioned with its chauvinism and elitism, but it was likely she still craved to fulfill them in some way. Failure was intolerable to Rarity and the notion that she couldn't achieve her goals only made her want to succeed more. Due to this disposition, the unicorn could understand the surface of Fluttershy's lament but could not penetrate to its heart.

“Heya girls, whatcha talking about?!” Pinkie Pie said, jumping in between the two ponies, “It's not a secret is it? I love secrets! But if you don't want to share that's okay. I've got dozens and dozens of 'em sealed up in the old noodle, and, to be honest, the inmates are getting' a bit cramped in there. But I'll never let 'em out of their cage, I'd never ever...”

“...tell a single pony. Yes Pinkie we're aware.” Rarity said with a frown, “If you must know, Fluttershy and I were merely discussing a few serious matters.”

“Yeah, about what?”

“Pinkie, must I spell everything out for you?”

“No silly, just tell me.”

“Don't bother them about it too much, Pinkie.” said Luna casually, still sweeping, “Rarity only wanted to know if I was worth their trust.”

Blushing, Rarity and Fluttershy shrank away towards the corner of the room.

“Don't fret about it,” Luna said, panning the last bit of dust, “I would be amazed if you weren't. Forgive me for violating your privacy, but you were not too discreet to start with.”

“Y-your highness,” Rarity replied, her words laced with respect and embarrassment, “perhaps then you would care to lay our fears to rest. If you wish, tell us your side of the story.”

Luna paused and mulled over Rarity's proposal. To tell them was to admit to her past failings which would do little to endear them to her. But Luna couldn't deny them the truth as she understood it; to do so would be a grave injustice to them no different from Celestia's historical revisions.

“Very well.” Luna said, “I will tell you the events leading to my banishment and the evil that later took hold of me. I only ask you wake up Twilight, she will want to hear my account.”

Luna was uncertain if it was wise to tell her sister's pupil the sensitive details about the past. As a rule, Celestia did not privy historians or social scientists to straight forward answers and specific details unless it served her agenda. Personally, Luna thought it lazy on the part of professionals; if they truly loved their field they would eventually find the answers they want for themselves. This was not merely an issue of state secrecy; unlocking one mystery only presented three more mysteries to replace it. The hydra of academia was insatiable, the more answers they had the more inquisitive and critical they became. Would Twilight follow in its tracks and outright dismiss the goddess?

“Twilight...ummm...I'm sorry I have to do this again...” whimpered Fluttershy into the sleeping unicorn's ear.

“Hey Twi!” Pinkie shouted into the other, “Wake up! Luna's got something she wants to say.”

Twilight's eyes slowly opened, a clearly groggy expression dominating her complexion. Her dreams...she couldn't remember them exactly. There was that haunting word, Hypocrite, but there was another phantom clinging to her consciousness; a white unicorn with a flaming mane. At first she mistook her for Celestia; the unicorn's confident stride and radiant aura matched the goddess' own magnificent display. The white unicorn smirked at Twilight and spoke to her in the fairest of tongues, Chevalais, a unicorn language Applejack referred to as “fancy speak”. It was spoken widely in the provinces of Orleaneigh, Bittany, and Champrance and had once been the language of court at Canterlot before Celestia had standardized Equestrian. As her father was from Rênes, Twilight was familiar if not fluent in Chevalais, but it was difficult to gather exactly what the mare was saying. The unicorn had spoken quickly and fluidly in an archaic accent, so Twilight barely caught only one sentence:

“De sang et d'esprit différents, mais sœurs de destin, toi et moi.”

“Of different blood and spirit, yet sisters in destiny, you and I.”

It mattered little anyway as memory of the dream faded into oblivion, a fate fitting for a fleeting wisp of fantasy. All Twilight could recall now were feelings of curiosity, awe, dread and guilt. These emotions, though exposed to the light of the physical world, would linger on without their raison d'être.
Stretching her limbs, Twilight stood up and yawned. Facing Luna, she was glad to see the princess in better condition. Soon their efforts to find Celestia could continue unhindered under the invincibility of the moon goddess and this nightmare she awoke to could at last come to an end.

“Twilight Sparkle, my sister's shining student.” Luna said affectionately, “Too long have I left you wander in the darkness of night, guided only by faith and hope. I have grieved you greatly, and so to atone I will peal back time's veil from your eyes. I know you have sought the answers to the past for a year now; such diligent dedication should yield at the very least a piece of the greater truth. Not all your curiosities will be satisfied, but at the very least you will know what happened one thousand years ago on that terrible day.”

As the four ponies watched attentively, Luna began her tale. Unfortunately, there was so much to say and so little time to do so. While talking about the problems of ruling medieval Equestria with Celestia, Luna got off tangent frequently and was clearly bogged down by too many details. Twilight empathized with the goddess; even though she was organized, Twilight was always enthusiastic about the material and sometimes shared too much.

“Princess,” Twilight interrupted as Luna spoke about the corrupt theme system, “I'm aware of a lot of this, though your perspective is...helpful. But how about we stick with the key points.”

“I expected as much from you Twilight, but I thought the others would care to know some background...”

Looking at her audience, Luna found Fluttershy watching a bug on the ceiling, Rarity brushing her mane, and Pinkie snoring softly.

“Oh! I see...”

“Don't feel too bad, Princess,” Twilight said, “I tried offering free history lessons at the town hall a couple of times. Once the cookies and punch were gone, everypony went lights out.”

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude” Fluttershy piped up, “Umm, it was very nice, your speech, that is...”

Twilight nudged Rarity to attention.

“Why yes!” the white unicorn exclaimed, “Fabulous, you don't suppose you could say all that again, you know, for poor Pinkie here?”

“Wh—wha?” Pinkie said, her eyes opened and darting from pony to pony.

Sighing, Luna decided to take Twilight's advice. Starting from her consultations with Morning Star to her battle with Celestia, Luna's words took on a whole new dimension of significance. The ponies were mesmerized by Luna's powerful and eloquent delivery of the tragic tale, but none more than Twilight Sparkle. It was everything she had ever wanted Celestia to tell her and made so much sense in the context of her research. What captivated Twilight the most, however, was the story of Morning Star. Luna's descriptions of Celestia's fallen student were border-line hyperbolic, but the detail, passion, and sincerity she put into her words made Twilight believe in this legendary unicorn. Upon hearing Morning Star's justifications for the overthrow of Celestia, Twilight at first felt disgust. It was beyond belief why anypony would want to be rid of Celestia's guiding light, and from one so close to the princess of all ponies! As she reflected on the specifics of Morning Star's argument, however, a wave of guilt passed through her. In the farthest reaches of her mind, she empathized with the revolutionary unicorn. Who of Celestia's hundreds of students ever surpassed the skills and wisdom of their divine teacher? Only Morning Star, if Luna's account was to be trusted. She not only outwitted, outmaneuvered and defeated Celestia, she had a different vision for a just and equal world independent from the sun goddess' influence.

Above all though, Twilight envied Morning Star for escaping the Celestia's clout and making her own name. Twilight awaited for the day when she was no longer “Celestia's student” but just Twilight Sparkle. Well, preferably with an honorary attached.

Dr. Twilight Sparkle. That sounded better.

But that would require independence, something Twilight both wanted and feared. Being without Princess Celestia all day had made her realize just how much she still relied on the goddess. She loved Celestia, she would never betray her mentor for power, but she could not help but admire Morning Star's courage and confidence. In the darkest places of her heart she held a degree of fear and resentment towards her teacher. Usually kept at bay, these feelings would express themselves whenever Twilight felt she had failed Celestia's high expectations. In these situations she was always prepared to think Celestia as a deity bent on retribution even though she knew the goddess loved her dearly.

Perhaps Morning Star felt the same way at times...

Twilight shook herself way from this line of thought. As romantic a figure Morning Star was, she had still stained her soul red with the blood of thousands of innocents to achieve her goal. That was unforgivable. Besides, Twilight had little love for politics and depraved power grabbing. Whatever sad end Morning Star faced, she certainly deserved it.

But another matter pressed at Twilight: where was Morning Star in the accounts? Like Ajax, had her name been struck from the records? Thinking quickly, Twilight revisited some of the questionable translations she had wrote and wondered who really the “demon” and “dark one” was: Luna or Morning Star? Her bias shone magnificently in presuming the words were in reference to Nightmare Moon. Unfortunately, she had crafted her narrative around this assumption. Twilight was kicking herself now; the translations she had slaved over now had little integrity and worth. What was not debatable, however, was Luna's presence in the wars as a visible force. On that all the accounts agreed save Luna's plea of innocence which seemed increasingly credible. But this was of only secondary concern.

Though she had a million questions, Twilight's greatest ones now did not concern Luna.

No, it was Celestia, her life-long teacher and mistress, who proved to be the greatest mystery. If the goddess' power and influence was greater than she could ever have thought possible in the modern world, how much more was it in the feudal past? What was Celestia's true role in the war? Was she a triumphant savior or a reactionary dictator? Only the sun goddess could answer these curiosities, a reality that made Twilight yearn even more for the return of Princess Celestia. But even then, Twilight did not even care so much about the questions as she did to hear Celestia's reassuring voice responding to them.

Luna was glad to see that her audience was much more receptive of her tale, but she was conflicted inside. She had given empiricism a shot, but it was messy, complicated, and distracted. The mediums of poetry and oral tradition came more naturally to her, yet both of these bore fiction and half-truths similar to Celestia's written accounts. Her love of Utanzi wa Shafuku demonstrated an astonishing double-standard. Hypocritically enough, the moon goddess was prepared to accept a falsehood in the name of art, but not in the name of her sister's state. Was Luna's insistence on an indisputable truth in the past at complete odds with her impulses towards freedom and creativity? Was truth a tyrant?

As she approached the final chapter, Luna prepared to give an account that she alone could give; her banishment to the moon.

“When the rainbow past from my eyes, there was only darkness. The absence of light troubled my eyes very little, and I soon became acquainted with my cavernous surroundings. As the moon and I are as flesh is to blood, I knew where I was instantly. My first thought was of relief; control of the moon is my province after all. But when I tried to exercise my influence, I found my magic to be useless. Likewise, my wings felt as though they had been clipped. Despair grabbed hold of me. I could not believe Celestia would use my most intimate expression of love as her own personal dungeon to contain me. Anger soon took its place, followed quickly by confusion.”

Luna sighed.

“That was the first day of a thousand years. The first fifteen years I fed off all the hope and faith I had in Celestia like a griffon tearing every last piece of flesh from a fresh carcass. Love made me ravenous, and when my expectations were not met, I feasted ever more until nothing was left but brittle bones. It was then that despair took me for his bride, and I wept in bitter isolation within the moon's core. Trying to escape through the its labyrinthine tunnels proved a vain foray into folly, but what else could I do? Daily I would try to escape only to be met with disappointment. I did not sing, I did not create. No, there was only melancholy and decay in my living death. Then one day came when my torment took on a new shape. Like my hope before it, my despair was utterly spent; no longer could I be satisfied by tears alone. To fill the void, a darkness emerged and spoke to me, promising an endless feast. In return, I had but offer myself as a vassal to its will.”

Luna paused, breathing heavily before continuing.

“I agreed. And so hatred entered my mind and clove my soul asunder, giving birth to a dark desire, to vengeance. Together they cast out my love to lie dormant amongst the fragments of my shattered soul. Unchallenged now, they coalesced in union to create insanity. But I was deceived; instead of sustaining me, insanity consumed my life. For one thousand years it twisted and perverted everything I was to such a point that I forgot my name. So I took a new one, one I had heard whispered in the stillness of my dark dreams. Nightmare Moon. Domination, destruction, and damnation became more than a craving, it was my creed, my everything. When at last I was free from that rock, my mind was bent on finding and...”

Luna stuttered, breaking the flow of her story. She did not want to admit her darkest thoughts, but she saw no choice. Honesty right now was the best course of action.

"...well, killing Celestia. You girls were of negligible importance as I quested to blot out the sun, and existence, for all eternity...an endless darkness beyond remedy.”

Looking away in shame, a single tear escaped Luna's eye.

“You know the rest. I hope you see that I didn't become a monster overnight as my sister's accounts would have it. No, it took a thousand years for me to break and succumb to evil.”

The five sat in silence as they digested Luna's tragic life. It was moving and compelling; the admission to her murderous intent lent credibility to her account, at least that's what Twilight thought. Rarity and Fluttershy found it beyond disturbing while Pinkie couldn't quite grasp the immensity of it all. Indeed, if it was too much for a goddess to bear, how could a young mortal hope to understand?

“Well that certainly sounded...” Rarity began awkwardly,“....dreadful.”

The unicorn's attempt to lift the silence was unsuccessful, but it meant little as they soon heard a round of knocks and two familiar, though muffled, voices.

“Hey y'all, open up before our hides freeze out here.”

“Yeah, my butt's so numb that I wouldn't be surprised if my tail fell off!”

Rarity rushed to the door and opened it. She'd recognize Applejack's southern-isms and Rainbow Dash's crassness anywhere.

“About darn time, Rarity!” Applejack said, giving a wink before hugging the unicorn tightly.

As she pulled back from the embrace, Rarity gave a sly smile and shot back.

“I could say the same to you, Applejack, but I forgive you. I'm just thrilled to see your beautiful, wonderful, dirty face again.”

“What was that last one?”


“Hey Rainbow!” Pinkie called to the pegasus, “You guys really need to work on your time, you two were even slower than you were at last years Running of the Leaves!”

“Pinkie's right,” Twilight said worryingly, “did anything bad happen out there in the forest? I expected you girls here two hours ago.”

“Oh, well, nothing too much, Ah, well, just needed an attitude adjustment and Rainbow was so kind to oblige.”

“Yeah, AFTER WE KICKED THE WEB OUT OF A GI-NORMOUS SPIDER!” Rainbow clarified loudly, “It was awesome, pezuña a pezuña, no hold bars, I'm telling ya! It was intense! I was zooming all around the bugger taking shots left and right, but when it pinned me, Applejack gave it a kick to the face it won't ever forget! Did I tell you guys how big it was? It was the size, the size...”

“It was about the size of her ego.” Applejack chuckled, causing everypony save Rainbow to laugh.

“Tch...it wishes...” the pegasus muttered under her breath.

It was a moment of relief the six friends welcomed with unbounded joy as they smiled and embraced one another. The entire day they had been divided, scurrying frantically from point to point, losing some and gaining others along the way. But as they stood united once more in the tiny hut, they felt whole once more. The strength of their friendship was tested further than ever before, but they had succeeded and were now poised to bring harmony once more to Equestria.

Luna watched the joyful reunion. After awhile, she deemed it acceptable to approach the group.

“Hello Applejack,” Luna said to the earth pony with a smile, “I'm glad to see you in good health and spirits, I can't thank you enough for returning!”

Applejack's smile faded as she faced Luna. The farmer was shocked to see the princess covered in bandages and burns, her appearance differing little from her brother. Her belief that Luna was a coward willing to sacrifice anypony for her good was badly damaged if not destroyed completely. However, there was a smug satisfaction Applejack felt. The universe had put the two on equal footing and justice had been done.

“Oh, no problem princess,” Applejack blushed, “it's a, well, um, an honor to help your royalness and all...”

Luna could sense emotion with ease and detected a subtle spite in the farmer's words, but she took no offense. The goddess knew very well that hate was a difficult beast to slay, but it seemed that Applejack had tamed hers significantly since their meeting at Sweet Apple Acres.

“Applejack, I have something of yours.” Luna said, taking an item out of Twilight's satchel, “Here, the Element of Honesty. Despite your reservations, you were honest and true in your promise to help me. I can see in your deeds the extraordinary strength and will my sister was so impressed with. Twice you have saved my life. Your brother, too, defended me in the darkest of moments. I'm forever indebted to your family's bravery, Applejack. Will you accept my friendship?”

Applejack sighed and closed her eyes as Luna magically wrapped the element around the earth pony's neck.

“...all right. But on one condition!”

“Why, yes,” Luna said surprised, “What might that be?”

“Well, this is the second season in a row that Big Mac was taken out of action” Applejack smiled, “meanin' I'm goin' to need an extra set of hooves out in the orchard tomorrow to buck the apples that don't get the frost too bad. Ya think yer highness can handle some manual labor for a week?”

“I'd love nothing more!” Luna said with all sincerity, “It's been centuries since last I bucked an apple tree, but I remember the feel, the thrill, and the excitement of harvest! Certainly we should have a feast after!”

“Feast!? I like the way this princess thinks!” Pinkie chimed in, “Cider all around, that's what I say!”

Applejack was surprised to hear a princess, scratch that, goddess get excited about simple farm work. Luna was, just maybe, pretty all right.

“Well then girls,” Twilight said with a happiness that had eluded her all day, “I think it's time to return what we took from Luna.”

“Aww, do we really have to?” Rainbow Dash asked, realizing that training was going to be a lot more painful, “Maybe we can cut it 50-50, huh? Or, or like cut a loan something?”

“Immortality doesn't work like a bank, Rainbow,” Twilight said with a smile, “those are a whole lot more mysterious and complicated! Huh, huh?”

Waiting for a response, the others just looked at her with blank faces. Her joke had fallen flat on the floor and wasn't getting up anytime soon.

“It was a good try Twi!”

“Better luck next time, dear.”

“I think y'all need to re-read yer joke book.”

“Celestia Twilight, that was embarrassing...”

“Umm...It wasn't so bad...”

“...fine, I get it.” Twilight said as she placed her tiara on her head, “Let's just do this then! Form up girls!”

Taking their positions around Luna, the six elements glowed brightly. A tremendous flash of white light engulfed the room, blinding everypony for a few brief moments. As the light died down, Twilight looked at Luna with high hopes and expectations only to be severely disappointed. The moon goddess was still covered in bloody bandages and nasty burns. Twilight's heart stopped beating and the blood drained from her face. All that struggle, all that violence, all that running, and for what? They had accomplished nothing.

“Uh...Twilight...” Rainbow said, scratching her head, “Wasn't that supposed to do something?”

“Yes, yes it was!” Twilight shouted in frustration, “Princess, please tell me you feel different!”

Luna stood immobilized in shock. Her pain had not subsided in the least, she was still mortal.


“No, I'm...I'm sorry to say.”

“Well that's swell,” Applejack moaned, “What in tarnation are we gonna do now Twilight!?”

“Indeed,” said Rarity, “this has been a colossal waste of time...”

“Quiet, everypony quiet!” Twilight yelled frantically, “I'm thinking, I'm thinking! What to do, what to do, what to do!?”

As her mind cycled in repeat, a strange sound caught the attention of Twilight's ears. It was a whirring, but it wasn't the wind...it was more like the rattling of a tin can...

Twilight's eyes grew wide. It was the shuffling of armor!

“Girls--” Twilight tried saying, but before the unicorn could get it out, the front door was forced open and a terrible gust blew through the hut making everypony flinch. Erupting forth from the doorway was the infamous Captain Braveheart, soon followed by his best soldiers. Swiftly and without a word, the captain pounced upon Luna, punching her in the face and throwing her to the ground. The rest of the guard seized each of the six and put swords to throats.

“...I'm sorry Twilight...”whispered Lightning Strike as he held her down.

“Save it!” Twilight angrily replied, “He was gone, you told me Braveheart was gone! How could you lie to me!”

“Captain Braveheart?” Applejack ask, somewhat nervous to move with cold steel so close.

“Yes AJ, the pegasus who shot your brother is right there, ready to doom us all with his stupidity!”

Indeed, as they spoke, Braveheart drew his broadsword from its sheath. The golden hilt was covered with solar patterns and ordained with a single, large ruby. As the blade glinted in the light of the fireplace, Luna's heart filled with a terrifying dread. Not because she was mortal, but that it didn't matter. She knew the weapon Braveheart wielded well; it was her sister's, la fleur du soleil. Celestia had forged the sword in the utmost secrecy, but rumor had it that she had mixed shavings of her horn into the steel to create a divine alloy blessed with the power to strike down even the immortal. The sun goddess had used the blade to weaken Discord before they trapped the demon in stone, giving credence to the old hearsay. Not since that day had Celestia taken up her sword. Unknown to Luna, however, was that the Captain of the Royal Guard, by his rank, also wore the title of Ensign to Her Majesty Princess Celestia. This granted him the authority to use the sword when Celestia deemed it proper. It was a heavy blade that few pegasi could use effectively in their mouth, but it was always the test of a new captain if they could fight and possibly kill with Celestia's mighty broadsword.

But now, as Braveheart looked at Luna with sword poised and ready to strike, a second of hesitation allowed a thousand thoughts pass through his mind. He saw the bandages, the cuts, the burns, but it was the look of utter terror in the goddess' eyes that shook him the most. Gone was the spark of the victorious goddess standing cockily over him, nowhere to be seen was the cold stare of the terrifying demon in Pocket's reports. Just the terror of a trembling, pathetic princess. That fear, that fear he had seen so many times, it couldn't possibly be a trick...

“What in Celestia's holy name are you waiting for you idiot?!” his mind screamed, “End it as planned! You're endangering the mission with your weepy heart, you bastard runt!”

Before Braveheart could even think about raising his sword to strike, a golden fiery blaze bolted through the room and placed itself between the captain and the princess. Burning brightly and screeching angrily, Philomena defended her master's sister with a terrifying display of power that made even the hardened veteran recoil. As he shielded his eyes, his sword fell from his grasp to the ground with a clatter. Seeing Braveheart stand down, the bird cried out once more and turned to give Luna a quick nuzzle. Wasting little time, Philomena signaled towards the door and took off back into the cold night. Luna quickly arose and followed, pushing the captain out of her way in blind pursuit.

“Philomena, please, please guide me to my sister, to Celestia!” the princess yearned, her heart beating rapidly in joy and suspense as she ran through falling snow and howling wind.

Back at the hut, events continued to unfold to the detriment of the guard. The phoenix’s fires had thrown the soldiers in a daze, allowing Twilight and Rarity the opportunity to magically disarm their captors and change the swords to harmless sticks. Immediately, Twilight kicked Lightning Strike off of her and ran out the door, hoping she could catch up with Luna. Like the moon goddess, Twilight saw Philomena as an unmistakeable sign of Celestia's presence and will. The phoenix’s intervention gave Twilight new faith in Celestia and drove her to follow the bird unquestioningly through the forest.

Still stunned, the captain was disturbed to see Celestia's pet bird protecting Luna. Though his relationship with Philomena was marred by her propensity for trouble, Braveheart nonetheless deeply respected the sacred bird; it was as if Celestia herself had come between him and Luna. As his vision came back into focus, Braveheart was infuriated to see that Luna had vanished. Turning to his pegasi, he saw Twilight rush out the doorway.

“It's all falling apart, you damned son-of-a-whore!” his mind rebuked, “Three times you had a chance, but you blew them! Get your shit together, and get that monster!!”

“Fall in and form up, pegasi!” he shouted, his anger abundantly clear, “I want a division to stay here. Lightning, Storm, take a scouting party to track the princess--”

Before he could finish, the captain was interrupted by a devastating kick to the face delivered courtesy of apple bucker supreme, Applejack. A look of anger and disgust were clear upon her face, but in her smile there was a smug relief. By need the farm pony stopped the captain in his tracks, but it was sweet vengeance that gave her strike an extra sting.

Shocked to see their commander put down, the guard looked at Applejack in awe. She had succeeded where a hundred others had met only defeat. Seeing that she had an audience, Applejack took full advantage of it.

“Settle down, everypony!” she shouted, “We've been playin' cat and mouse all day doin' little more than runnin', accusin', an throwin' fits! Ah don't know about y'all folk, but Ah'm gettin'' might tired of all this darn malarkey. Now how 'bout we try bein' civil-like and actually get a few things across without all this yellin'! My voice can't take no more of it anyhow!”

The soldiers said nothing but looked in the direction of their captain. Slowly, the shell shocked veteran rose to his hooves and gave Applejack a nasty stare.

“Who the bloody---”

Braveheart was interrupted once more as a bouncing pink pony tackled him back on the ground.

“Hi Captain Mean-face!” Pinkie said cheerfully, “That's Applejack, I thought I already told you that today, silly! Boy you have a short memory, but then again, so do I! The doc wanted me to take these pills this one time to help me focus and I was like: heck no! Drugs are for ponies with no friends! And then I got real sad thinking about all the ponies with no friends being all alone...”

Braveheart was bewildered once more by the earth pony's good spirits. How could something so pure and nauseatingly bubbly be taken by dark powers? If she was here of her own good will, then was Celestia's student no different? Philomena's intervention, too, filled him with doubt. The phoenix was a smart bird, but she was still just a bird. Her loyalty and obedience rested in only one soul, Princess Celestia. His intelligence reports were now starting to look like a pile of rotten apples...

Pinkie saw doubt in Braveheart's eyes and smiled. It was time to cut the banter and get to the important stuff.

“...so anyway, Applejack was saying that we should just, you know, relax, talk, make some snacks maybe, no wait scratch that! Definitely make some snacks, and you know, see if we can help solve some big problems. How about it, Cap'n?”

Braveheart hesitated again and broke eye contact with the earth pony.

“I'll make more s'mores!!” Pinkie sang.

“...very well, Pinkamena.” the captain said reluctantly, “You have a truce.”

“Awesome! Be back in a jiffy!”

In a matter of seconds, Pinkie returned with a plate full of graham crackers and chocolatey goo.

“Pinkie, how the hay did you do that?” Rainbow asked, impressed by her friend's speed.

“That's a business secret property of Mr. and Mrs. Cake and Sugar Cube Corner, a subsidiary of Cake Enterprises Incorporated! I promised to keep it safe, and safe is where I'm keepin' it! So eat up and enjoy everypony!”

“S'mores!? You have to be joking, this is a joke, right?!” came a voice from the doorway. Mangled, dirty, and shivering stood Nightshade.

“This is insane! Who put Lightning Strike back in charge to play tea party prince?”

“I gave the order,” growled Braveheart as he sheathed his sword, “and you will eat a s'more, you will like it, and will shut your hole after you're done chewing, kapish?”

“But---but sir!” Nightshade stuttered, “This is outrageous, Nightmare Moon has escaped again and now we're dealing with renegade fugitives like equals? Think about Silver Skies and Old Hickory, these, these monsters put good pegasi on their death beds! How about me?”

“Don't exaggerate!” Lightning Strike cut in, “Those pegasi will be back in action in a month, and so will you. It's not exactly what we'd like, yeah, but they were defending themselves from an illegal raid.”

“Oh really, Lightning?” Nightshade snidely replied, “I thought you were incompetent but never a traitor!”

“Shut up! That's enough from you!” Braveheart barked, “I busted into this hut based on your report, and half of it didn't match up to what I saw! You had your chance, now I'd like to hear what these five have to say. Pinkamena?”

“What'd you like to know, cap'n?”

“Why was the princess burned and cut? Was it an illusion or real?”

“Oh those were the real deal,” Rainbow jumped in, “Princess Luna got pretty bruised up by a dragon on our way here. It was kinda epic.”

“My left-flank, a dragon!” grumbled Nightshade, but the captain ignored him. He too had a hard time believing that, but if a goddess was to be injured, a dragon would probably be the culprit.

“Yes, Luna was really hurt captain...sir...pegasus,” Fluttershy joined, “when we found her, she had passed out from her injuries, so we had to take her here so that Zecora and I could tend to her.”

Braveheart looked to Pinkie for confirmation, which she obliged.

“Yep, yep! That's the truth! Why else would be cooped up in zebra's hut? Doesn't sound like the start to a very diabolical plot, does it? I know you pegasi just want to make sure everypony is safe, especially the princess, but I think you might have gotten a little carried away, huh?”

Braveheart turned away from Pinkie, a look of frustration clear upon his face. Concerned, Pinkie wrapped a hoof around the captain and spoke in a more solemn tone.

“Captain, this is just a big bad misunderstanding. We just want to find Celestia, just like you and your pegasi. We can work together if you'd just put away all these silly swords.”

“The Elements,” Braveheart growled, “Why did Luna need the power of the elements? What were you doing with them?”

“Oh, well, you see,” Pinke said blushing, “that's because when we defeated Nightmare Moon, Luna's immortality split into each one of us and so we were, umm, giving it back.”

Braveheart gave her skeptical look.

“That sounds downright absurd, Pinkamena, are you being honest with me?”

“Darn right she is.” Applejack said. She had wanted to avoid talking with Braveheart lest she ruin the talks with another violent assault, but she could see Pinkie was in a tight spot.

“Captain, Ah'm not a pony to tell a lie, and if Ah did you'd see right through it lickity split. Ah hate to admit this, but Ah was a whole lot like you when Luna popped up in my orchard. Ah didn't trust her, didn't believe her, and didn't want nothing to do with her. But with some help, Ah let go of mah arrogance and let her prove herself true and honest by her own deeds and words. Sure enough, it made gettin' things done a whole lot easier. So buck up and get over yourself!”

Braveheart didn't like Applejack's tone and viewed her with caution. Nonetheless he thought over the farmer's words and looked to his officers. A decision this important could not be executed unilaterally, it needed support.

“What say you Lightning? You've been sympathetic to these ponies all day, give me some good reasons why you risked the mission's success.”

“Sir, the 'mission' was the main problem. We were so dedicated to getting done what was on pen and paper that it made us overlook what we personally knew or felt about the task. We did things according to the books when we should have been more observant and adaptable to changed circumstance. When you ordered the detainment of Twilight's friends, you operated on the idea that Nightmare Moon could possess and corrupt, even Celestia's student. But that didn't match up to what I saw in Twilight's eyes as she rushed to defend Luna. I saw the same determined and loving unicorn that I had known for years, not a demon possessed slave.”

“Oh you and your little unicorn darling!” Nightshade butt in, “You're usually a good mate, Lightning, but you've lost it today. Twilight Sparkle is beyond hope, she can't even tell good from evil. She's brash, domineering, and overly ambitious...”

“It sounds like he's describing Braveheart.” Rarity whispered to Fluttershy.

“...she probably wants the throne herself! I heard her disrespect Celestia's name a dozen times, comparing her with Nightmare Moon! What a real loyal student, huh Lightning? Keep your feelings in check and obey, like a good guard should.”

Turning to Braveheart, the black pegasus respectfully addressed his superior.

“Captain, sir! Pardon my boldness, but you shouldn't listen to Lightning. He's not just biased, he's delirious. The reports and intelligence that we have on Nightmare Moon are first class, the Royal Line has even attested to her savagery in the past. We can't just ignore what we know just because a couple things look off! We are the elite, the mission is everything to us. How could we turn our backs to the sacrifices we made today and admit that we were wrong? We can't, because we are right, I'll never believe a pony who tells me differently. We must pursue Nightmare Moon!”

“Storm Cloud!” Braveheart called, “Your thoughts!”

"Sir, you don't need to get her involved, she's just a rookie..."

Braveheart butted heads with his lieutenant and looked him dead in the eye.

"Look, Storm's been more valuable to me today then you have over your whole career. So shut-up and let her talk!"

Storm smirked a little. Seeing Nightshade getting chewed out for once was a treat, even if she knew that the captain was exaggerating.


The grey pegasus removed her helmet, freeing her silver mane from its confines and looked straight into the captain's eyes. Braveheart eagerly waited to hear the young warrior's opinion; out of all his officers, she was the most level-headed and analytic.

“Sir, I would have to respectfully disagree with both the lieutenants. The thing about intel is that it's usually always incomplete, meaning that Lightning Strike is right to say we shouldn't be afraid to deviate from the mission and rely on our own assessments. I also think we were in the wrong a couple times today and should at least acknowledge it. But Nightshade is right too, Luna's history is very disturbing and filled with black magic. That's very hard to ignore. As to these five ponies, they may not have been possessed, but they still could have been craftily manipulated. It can be agreed that Luna is a master of light and shadow, deception is most likely a skill she's honed over the centuries. To be honest sir, I'm on the same boat as you; I'm not quite sure what to make of all this...

“Huh, so it seems we have a split decision,” muttered Braveheart, “How about we inject some fresh blood into this debate, huh? Blizzard Freeze, front and center!”

Surprised to hear his name, the young recruit quickly galloped over to the captain and saluted, nervous as all hell.

“What do you think after hearing all that, kid?” the captain questioned.

“Oh, umm, sir, I, don't know much about Princess Luna, but, well, the she looked like she was in terrible shape just now. And, just umm, I think if she was going to do something really evil, she would've done it by now...but it looks like she's just been wandering around the forest all day.”

Braveheart smiled at the future guard. Sometimes know-nothings give the best opinions. Looking over to the rest of his soldiers, he addressed them with his usual booming voice.

“Well pegasi, it seems that our mission is nearing an end. If we can track Celestia's bird, we will most likely find our princess. Be warned and wary though! This forest is filled with death, so I'm ordering only a small contingent to come with me and help guard Nightma---"

The captain bit his tongue and grimaced.

"--her majesty Princess Luna and the Elements of Harmony as they search the forest.”

“What?!” Nightshade shouted, mouth agape.

“You heard me Nightshade. I want you back in Ponyville to receive medical attention, you can hardly see let alone fight, soldier!”

“But, sir...”

“I don't want to hear it. I hate being wrong too, Nightshade. I hate it, just as much as I still hate Luna. She embarrassed me, tarnished my honor, and nearly had my pegasi killed. The stinkin' smell of innocent blood will always be on her, nothing can ever change that. She may have served her time in the moon, but I wish Celestia would have just kept her there...but that is not my decision. No, mine is what to do to protect the sun princess, and I see little threat to her in Luna. Understood?”

“...yes, sir.”

“Princess Celestia and her safety is always my first priority, and it should be yours too. Remember that! You are dismissed, take the bulk of the guard and see to it that the outlying villages are in good order.”

“...yes sir.”

“Storm, Lightning, and Blizzard! I want you three with me.”

“Yes sir!”

As the pegasi departed, Pinkie smiled. She knew that talking would make the difference. The best cure to the evils of rigid seriousness were the simpler things in life after all. Nopony understood that better than Pinkie.

“Hey captain!” Pinkie chirped, “Don't ya ever get tired of being called 'sir'?”

“Haha!” the captain laughed, “No.”

“I see that you're as haughty as ever, Captain Braveheart.” Rarity said, “You make Rainbow Dash look like a Mother Thracia!”


“Oh, Captain, sir, umm, don't pay attention to Rarity,” Fluttershy said meekly, “she just...well she's good at holding grudges.”

“No dear, I just wanted to get a cheap shot on Rainbow Dash. Don't think I haven't forgotten about those dresses you ruined, Rainbow!”

“Are you crazy?! That was six months ago!”

“Ladies,” Storm Cloud broke in, “Can you please save the bickering for later? I have a map of Everfree and the snow should allow us to pick up tracks easily. I recommend that we proceed with caution through the forest...

Removed from the rest of the group as they planned, Applejack stood facing the wall. Lecturing her brother's assailant was one thing, having to follow him and his orders was unbearable. This Braveheart...this pegasus who pulled the trigger, wrecked her home, and imprisoned her...

“No, Ah won't give in to hate again!” she thought, but that was not for her to decide. Already dark fantasies formed in her heart, begging her to indulge in them.

“No, no, Ah won't be like her, I won't be like Nightmare Moon!”

In that moment, Applejack unknowingly felt only a meager fraction of the torment Luna suffered in the moon. Applejack was terrified by how powerful and intense her thirst for vengeance was only after seeing the object of her hate but for a few minutes.

“Applejack!” called Rarity, “Yoo hoo! Help us get ready dear, we need to pack some food and find some coats.”

“Umm, Rarity,” Fluttershy said, “these look nice and warm.”

Rarity looked at the Zebric wool coats Fluttershy held in disgust.

“Darling, I thought you had better taste than that! They look dreadful!”

“Looks good to me,” said Rainbow, “Guess Rarity would rather go naked and freeze than wear a wool coat, geez.”

“...fine. Just let me see if I can't make mine look a little more presentable...”

“Ladies, we need you ready in five minutes.” Storm Cloud announced, “We don't have time for any dawdling, princess! The snow and wind will cover the tracks if we wait too long.”


Waiting the rest of his company, Braveheart stood outside, looking up at the moon. He was growing sick of that bloody white orb and its deity. Looking to the east, he sighed as no sign of dawn's light could be seen.

“Sir, are you all right?” Lightning Strike asked.

“...I've failed Celestia three times today, Lightning, and now I'm taking the riskiest gamble imaginable on her life.” Braveheart growled, “How do you think I am?”

“Sorry, sir.”

“Damn it Lightning, don't ask questions you know the answers to, it pisses me off. Now go and assemble everypony willing to make the journey, I'm tired of just standing here doing nothing.”

Poking his head through the doorway. Lightning Strike gave a loud whistle.

“Moving out!”


Zecora hummed happily as she walked back home, her task complete. She had managed to salvage a great deal of roots and herbs, some of which she thought good for a stew. Her guests would surely appreciate that. As she reached her hut, however, her eyes widened at the sight of her unhinged door. Peering into the house, she noticed that every table, chair, pot and jar was overturned. Some were just cracked while others were completely broken beyond repair. She also noticed that five of her finest coats were gone, along with a good deal of her fresh fruit. On the door was pinned a note.

“Dear Zecora,

We're really, really sorry about messing up your house. Won't do it again. Thanks for everything.

---Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack

Looking back at the mess, Zecora groaned in dismay.

“To this truth I must attest! Pony-folk make for terrible guests!”


Chapter 11, in all its wordy glory. I hope you enjoy the work I put into this chapter. I think there are some transitioning issues, but overall I'm satisfied with this chapter. Please, tell me what you liked or if you find an inconsistency. I've been writing this for months now, so it's quite possible. The feedback for last chapter was somewhat lacking, but I took into consideration most everything that was submitted.

Chapter 12 will be about half this length. 13 will be longer than even this one, I think. Then the story will be done.

Thanks for reading!