• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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Loops 72

72.1 (Stainless Steel Fox)

Turning the Tables – Final part... Start!

“Behold! The palace of the twin pony sisters!” Blueblood declaimed, pointing at the ruined structure with a hoof.

“That indeed is our address/why did you give it so much stress?” asked Zecora.

Blueblood looked at her as if she were simple. “Because in the near future I'm going to be telling most of Canterlot society of my part in this adventure, and I want to make sure I have some good lines.”

That got an actual laugh out of most of the other ponies, to which he added, “What? I wasn't joking!”

However, he didn't seem particularly offended either, a far cry from how they'd have expected him to act a few hours ago. Then Rainbow Dash said, “Y'know, I can see where he's coming from. I need to be thinking up some good one liners...”

Twilight said, “I think they'll be enough daring do to go around. Right now we've got a canyon to cross, and that rope bridge is out.”

“Not for long!” Dash lived up to her name, zipping across the canyon and hauling up the broken bridge.

“Uh Twi, couldn't you just do your teleport thing, or lift us all across?” Applejack asked.

“Not if we can do this without magic. Teleporting risks the Everfree magic messing with my targeting, and high level telekinesis would leave me vulnerable to a counter-spell. Maybe in an emergency...”

In truth she could probably do either, even without going full alicorn, but her in-loop self would have suffered those limits. If she wanted to power through it she could have done so without dragging every-pony along and risking their lives. She was monitoring Dash despite the closing in mists, expecting the usual approach by the Shadowbolts.

Apple Bloom was looking around alertly, her green glowing eyes narrowed in thought. “Maybe I can fix up another way across. I'm good at fixing things.”

Scootaloo was right at the end of the bridge, watching her idol eagerly as Dash secured one of the rope handrails. “Huh, who are those guys coming towards her?”

Dash was feeling good, no she was feeling awesome. Finally, a chance to shine! For all that she was a part of the expedition, she hadn't really had much to do apart from fending off those nightmare crows at the start. A warm, happy glow stole over her as she imagined the Wonderbolts offering her a slot for her part in rescuing Princess Celestia. The whole thing was almost dream-like...

“Rainbow...” the voice whispered behind her and she jumped round to face it.

“Who's there?” She couldn't see anyone at first, but the voice spoke again.


“Show yourself! I ain't scared of you!” It was true, right now she felt like she could fight Manticores and win.

“We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria.” Three figures emerged from the shadows, quietly enough to be shadows themselves.

Rainbow Dash tried to focus on them, three pegasi in sleek flight suits. For some reason she was finding it hard to concentrate on the details. “Who?”

“Why, you, of course.” the middle one said.

“Really?! I mean... Oh yeah, me.” In hindsight she should have thought of that immediately. It was nice for some-pony to recognise her talents right away, especially ponies who were obviously professional fliers. “Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like, ever.”

“No, Rainbow Dash. We want you to join us, The Shadowbolts. We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria, but first, we need a captain. The most magnificent, swiftest, bravest flyer in all the land.”

Ha, she'd been right, professionals. At the back of her mind there was a sense that something was odd about the whole thing, but mostly she preened at the complements. She chuckled, “Yes, it's all true.”

“We need... you.” The Shadowbolt's finalwords were like a dream come true. She'd finally been picked up by a professional team, and not just as a member but as captain. “WOOHOO! Sign me up!”

Twilight and the others would love to hear about this... That thought pierced through the clouds of glory that surrounded her, oh yes, she'd come here for a reason. “Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal.”

“No! It's them or us!” The clouds seemed to get thicker and the Shadowbolts' speaker grew harsher.

Rainbow thought she heard voices calling out to her, but maybe it was the wind. Wow, this was a toughie. She felt the desperate need to take this once-in-a-lifetime offer push away at the desire to help her friends. Fixing that bridge and getting them get across was important for some reason she couldn't quite remember, but so was this. Surely they'd understand that and forgive her.

“Well?”The Shadowbolt prompted her, and she made her decision.

“You... Thank you! For the offer, I mean, but I'm afraid I have to say no.”

Her friends might forgive her but she wouldn't forgive herself for leaving them stranded. She turned to fix the bridge, and heard the Shadowbolt say, “Then you are of no further use to us...”

The voice had grown even harsher and more familiar, and she looked back to see the three of them leap at her. The comforting fog around her brain cleared in an instant, Nightmare Moon! The quest! She didn't have any more time to think as she was suddenly swarmed by the three pegasi.

The clouds that had covered the chasm had cleared away with the breaking of the charm, and the group could see Rainbow fighting against the three figures. Scootaloo instantly charged forward and jumped onto the single rope handrail that had been secured, running across it and using her wings and her unreasonable kinesthetic sense to keep her stable.

Apple Bloom was moving too, but away from the gap. She ploughed into an overhang where a large dead tree, half it's roots washed bare, stood like some ancient sentinel. Her claws went to work, tearing out roots and digging out dirt, and in seconds it started to topple towards the gorge. It crashed down on an outgrowth of brush at the very lip of the canyon and came to rest, still partly rooted in the bank at one end, and jutting out over half way out over the drop like a pier at the other.

“Big Mac, could you keep your weight on that end?” Apple Bloom was already running back and springing onto the barrel of the trunk. Applejack tried to run over and stop her, but she was already past. Big Macintosh saw that and ran over to the roots to do just what she'd asked.

The Apple family filly did find one roadblock on her path, Sweetie Belle, who'd clambered up on the trunk right at the lip. “You and Scootaloo aren't leaving me behind... whaa!”

The last exclamation was due to Apple Bloom scooping her up by ducking her head under the little unicorn's girth without breaking stride and letting her come to rest across her shoulders. Sweetie Belle grabbed onto the wooden neck with both hooves and the leafy mane with her teeth for dear life as they galloped out across the makeshift bridge. They reached the end and Apple Bloom leapt with everything she had, soaring off the end of the tree and just managing to touch down on the far side, scrabbling with her hind claws to pull herself up.

Rainbow was a trained martial artist in the Wing Chun style of karahane - unarmed wing fighting – but taking on three opponents at once was straining even her awesomeness. She'd just taken a solid hit from the Shadowbolts' leader which had left her open for a devastating double hoof attack from one of the others. Then a small orange missile, wings blurring like a hummingbird propelled itself into the face of the one about to hit her.

“YOU LEAVE RAINBOW DASH ALONE!” Scootaloo was less than half the size of her opponent, and less than half the strength, but right then it didn't matter as even the weight of a filly when travelling at sufficient velocity was enough to bowl the luckless Shadowbolt over. It didn't stop there as the little pegasus proceeded to grab onto her head and neck and proceed to belabour her with hooves, wings and teeth.

“Scootaloo?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in surprise.

The Shadowbolt leader fared worse as a timberwolf with a white unicorn pounced on it and smashed it to the ground, claws instinctively ripping into it. It gave an unearthly screech and evapouraed into black smoke. Meanwhile Sweetie Belle vaulted from Apple Bloom's shoulders onto the back of the third one. She straddled it's neck, breathed in, leaned close to it's ear, and sang out a highly focussed note with the full power of her lungs that started somewhere around high C and finished six feet deep in the Shadowbolt's skull. It dropped like a sack of potatoes and evaporated.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo's opponent had regained it's hooves, and bucked her off, sending the pegasus flying to land at the top of a flying buttress. The section of decorative finial she'd grabbed onto as she landed pulled loose from it's setting, and she just managed to scramble on top of it to avoid being crushed. It started sliding down the buttress with her on it. She kept it balanced by pure instinct, and saw that two of the Shadowbolts had reformed, and more were forming on the ground below.

Apple Bloom had gone to work securing the other bridge ropes (paws being better than hooves at that) while Rainbow Dash and Sweetie Belle covered her, the first with a two-wing beat-down on any Shadowbolt that came close, the other by flinging gravel at them. It was an unfair fight, but fortunately not one Scootaloo had to put up with. Grinding down the length of the buttress, she made minute adjustments as she went, and judged the final trajectory exactly. She flew off the end and dropped the chunk of solid stone across three of the attackers, smoking them.

“Whoa! Smooth move there kiddo!” Rainbow Dash cheered her, and Sweetie Belle cried out, “Wow! You really rocked them!”

Scootaloo preened for a second, then ducked one of the others as it lashed out with it's fore-hooves. She backed up into the line with the others, joined by Apple Bloom who'd just finished attaching the last rope. They were a forlorn hope to cover the end of the rope bridge against the dozen Shadowbolts that had formed, but fortunately they weren't alone for long. There was a cry of 'Bully up!” and one of the Shadowbolt's vanished as a polo ball hit it at barely sub-sonic speed.

The rest of the party came pelting across the rope bridge, spreading out as they arrived to combat the Shadowbolts. Prince Blueblood was swinging his polo mallet and shooting balls like a very posh barbarian, while Zecora had a sling in her mouth which she used to launch small balls of powder that poofed into a cloud each time it hit, and made the Shadowbolts melt away. Pinkie Pie had somehow popped up behind them, and somehow else brought out her party cannon, assaulting them with rock cake from the rear.

Twilight Sparkle had been monitoring things despite the clouds, and was once again surprised at just how capable the three fillies could be when they just did something without worrying about their cutie marks. However, as soon as the bridge was up, she'd joined the others in galloping across, and added blasts of magic that punched through the reinforcements and popped them like mirror clones.

Shining Armour was beside her, manifesting a guard longspear that cut and thrust, while Rarity, initially carrying a length of plaited vines to bind them, instead used it like a whip to grab one that was menacing Sweetie Belle and fling it into the gorge, wings bound. “Get away from her you ruffian!”

The only ponies missing were the two older Apples and Fluttershy until there was a crash in the distance, and Big Mac appeared from the direction of Apple Bloom's improvised tree springboard which from the sound had clearly sprung it's last. Applejack was riding his timber-wolf shoulders like a surfer, and sprang into the fray as Mac dived in forepaws slashing.

Fluttershy floated over more slowly, clearly staying up and out of the way. Two Shadowbolt clones flew up to intercept her just as another one got up on Big Macintosh's back, biting away and pulling away a chunk of wood from his body. The flying Shadowbolts were flung aside and sent spiralling out of the sky by a yellow and pink streak as Fluttershy dived down to check on him, incidentally flattening the attacking Shadowbolt in the process.

While they were more than holding their own against the wave of Shadowbolts, the manifestations of Nightmare Moon's will kept respawning, while her ponies were only mortal. She ducked her head and blasted a path clear through the attackers. “Forge ahead! Get to the main hall!”

They fought their way through, despite everything the Shadowbolts did to stop them, and as the last of them entered the hall, Shining Armour put up a shield. It wouldn't take them long to get around it, but for the moment they were clear, and Twilight wasn't going to waste time. Doing the whole jump after Nightmare Moon and charge her might be epic, but she had no intention of leaving her party. Besides, they'd all worked their cutie-marks off getting here, and they deserved to see the pay-off.

Even as they entered the hall, her telekinesis reached out and grabbed the five stone balls that were the husks of the original elements. Each one flew off it's pedestal to land before the fore-hooves of it's respective element. “Claim them, grab hold. Once you bond even Nightmare Moon won't be able to take them away!”

She'd confirmed this, even Discord, for all his power, wasn't able to remove Applejack's necklace while she was wearing it, though he'd tried. She sent a pulse of magic through the husks, shattering them and forcing them to float up around their owners as glowing crystals.

“NOOO! How could you find what I could not see?” Nightmare Moon manifested in front of the pedestal of the elements, looking furious, and more Shadowbolts formed around them. “A bunch of mere ponies! I will not be denied! I...”

Then she started laughing. “You foals! The set is incomplete! You only have five of them! Your Elements are useless against me! Now I will destroy you where you stand!”

A massive bolt of lightning lashed from her horn, sister to the one Twilight had blocked back at the town hall, and the ponies cringed, but Shining Armour's shiled slammed down to protect them, and Twilight returned a blast of purple energy of her own that not only dispersed it, but slammed into Nightmare Moon and sent her horn over cutie-mark backwards, shattering the pedestal of the Elements.

“Ohhh!” winced Pinkie, “I hope Princess Celestia doesn't bill us for that!”

Nightmare Moon staggered to her hooves, shaking her head in disbelief. “How! How could you, a mere unicorn have so much power?”

“Partly because you've split yours so many ways with all those Shadowbolt clones, and the bindings on Princess Celestia, and partly because I haven't just found the Elements, I had them with me the whole time! Those rocks? Just husks with no power you could sense. The Elements are that 'bunch of mere ponies' that you so despise!”

The Shadowbolt clones evaporated, the dark clouds they turned into rushing to merge with Nightmare Moon's aura. Even the sky outside turned to pre-dawn twilight as she drew in more power. “Then I will gather all my power and defeat you before you can find the sixth one!”

Perfect. Twilight had hoped the mad mare would gather all her power to her, it would make the job of removing it simpler. She started trotting forwards, through Shining Armour's shield without disturbing it. “Also too late. I'm very sorry, but this is where it ends.”

Nightmare Moon lashed out with her dark aura to encompass the approaching unicorn, and the others could see glimpses of shadows, illusions of stacks of rare books, ancient magic treasures, a maze of corridors leading nowhere. The glowing fragments around Applejack collapsed in on her with a flash, leaving her wearing an amulet with an orange apple shaped gem shot a beam of energy at the shadows, dispersing them and coating Twilight in a faint orange aura.

“Applejack is honest and true. She saw through your illusions in the forest, and would not let her own self-interest or her pre-conceptions divert her from the truth. That is why she's the Element of Honesty, and her friendship lets me see through your illusions now!”

Two monstrous black panthers, each larger than a bear, sprang forward from the shadows to either side of Nightmare Moon, claws extended to rend and tear at the little purple unicorn. Big Mac and Shining Armour surged forward, but were stopped by a held up hoof from Fluttershy as her could of fragments coalesced into a rose coloured butterfly amulet. A pink beam surged from it and coated Twilight, and the unicorn's horn glowed in resonance. Two massive balls of yarn appeared between her and the panthers, and each felt to the ground, wrapped around one and playing with it like kittens.

“Fluttershy's gentle nature allowed her to see a Manticore as more than an enemy, and heal it's injury, allowing us to pass without fighting. Just as she gave me a way to stop your panthers without hurting them. Her compassion makes her the Element of Kindness.”

More shadows rose up about the advancing unicorn, but this time the watching ponies could feel a shiver of uneasiness run down their spines as the glimpses suggested terrible things moving within. All except Pinkie who bounced up and down, “Ooh, ooh! This is my jam!”

Her amulet coalesced around her neck, a blue balloon gem at it's heart, and a cerulean beam of energy flashed out to blast away the shadows with a burst of polka music. Twilight emerged chuckling, with another colour added to her aura. “Thanks Pinkie!”

She turned her attention back to Nightmare Moon. “Really? Pinkie Pie broke your spell of fear once before with her unquenchable good spirits. You really thought the Element of Laughter couldn't do it again? You really are a one trick pony...”

Nightmare Moon snarled, “Then see how you like this trick, foal! Or rather, lets see what your friends think!”

A sickly yellow aura, shot through with black, oozed forward and around Twilight, somehow creeping under Shining Armour's barrier. It brushed the fore-hooves of the ponies scrambling back from it and they collapsed to their knees, screaming or groaning in pain.

“NO!” The nimbus around Twilight swept out and corralled the yellow, drawing it away from the others and bringing it to focus on her. She went down on her belly, gasping with agony. She managed to hiss, “I... will... not... let... you... harm... them!”

She could have blocked the pain with half a dozen different spells, but she didn't intend to. This was part of her penance for the way she'd acted, manipulating ponies just like Celestia had, dragging them with her and putting them at risk when she could simply have powered her way through on her own. Besides, this was something she could handle within her self imposed in-loop limitations.

She drew on the powers of the two remaining elements, or rather took what was freely offered, and both Rarity's and Rainbow Dash's amulets formed and added their own bursts of energy. It helped buffer and control the pain, and she started to rise to her hooves.

“Rarity makes sacrifices to help ponies every day, whether it's helping a newcomer to town, or offering her tail to calm a sorrowful river serpent. She even convinced Prince Blueblood to follow her example! And Rainbow Dash wouldn't abandon her friends either for your offer of her hearts desire or when she faced a fight to the death to keep the way open.”

She finally fully rose to her feet and flung her head back, gathering up the now polychromatic aura around her and bringing her horn back down to fling it at the yellow energies around her.

“How could I do any less? I will protect my friends, not just the Elements but everyone who's helped us get this far. Blueblood, who's been far more of a true prince these last few hours than ever before. Zecora, who guided us through the Everfree. Big Macintosh and my big brother, who were our spear and shield through all your attacks. And the three fillies, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who showed their own quality back at the bridge, and proved it was of the highest.”

Her aura surged forward against Nightmare Moon's attack and blasted it to pieces. “You didn't just face the Elements, you faced all of Equestria! The only question was how long it would take you to lose!”

She started pacing slowly forward again, and Nightmare Moon actually started scrambling back at her implacable advance. Her horn came down and an indigo blast of eldritch energy that wouldn't have embarrassed the main gun on a space battleship blasted forth. Every-pony watching (including zebras and temporary timber wolves) winced, gasped or in Pinkie case, pulled pom-pom's from somewhere and started cheering Twilight on.

The blast hit Twilight... and splashed, spraying shards of black edged energy around her. When it died away, the unicorn was still standing, but now the polychromatic aura had formed a tight sheath around her body, flaring to produce great wings of multicoloured light and an ethereal mane and tail. On her head was a tiara, with a star shaped gem at it's heart.

“Im... impossible!” Nightmare Moon stuttered, her former confident air completely gone. “You didn't have the sixth element! That blast should have erased you!”

“It was said that when the five elements were brought together, a spark would make the sixth appear. The spark was the spark of friendship in their hearts, and it awoke the spark in mine which lit a fire of friendship, as powerful as anything the Founders forged. That friendship, that magic is more powerful than anything you could ever hope to oppose. That is the sixth element, the element of magic...”

Delivering the attack had clearly taken a lot out of the shadow mare, and she was barely standing. However, that didn't stop her trying to back away further. “No... NO... STAY BACK!”

Twilight shook her head. “I'm sorry, but your name says it all, and so does mine. You're nothing but a nightmare, a bad dream of Princess Luna's, and she needs to wake up. Your night has ended, and this Twilight heralds the dawn...”

A blade of polychromatic aura extended from her horn, and she struck, cutting through and through the other alicorn's body in a way that would have seriously inconvenienced Princess Luna if the blade had been a physical thing. Thankfully it wasn't. The first time she'd used the Elements against Nightmare Moon she used them like a hammer, smashing the Nightmare Mooniness out of Princess Luna at the cost of taking most of her power with it. However, a hundred loops of practice and study had given her a degree of finesse.

Now she sliced away at the corruption in Luna's spirit like a scalpel, cutting away only what was necessary. The Nightmare armour fell to the ground around the body of the Lunar princess, and shreds of black aura flowed away, fleeing the trenchant blade of light. At the end, the figure lying on the floor was midnight blue, her ethereal mane a clear night sky rather than a dark nebula. The blackness coalesced, even the armour melting into it, and tried to flee only to be corralled by a sphere of light.

Twilight's eyes were glowing pure white as she looked up at the remnants of Nightmare Moon.

“No. This ends now.” She considered saying something like 'Taste the Rainbow.' but decided it would be tacky and in poor taste. Besides, she just wanted it to be over. The glow of her horn intensified and the sphere blazed for a second, then popped, leaving no trace of Nightmare Moon.

She turned to face the rst of the group, and let her eyes return to normal. “It's over... finally. Zecora, Fluttershy I need you to check Princess Luna to see if she's okay. I did my best, but there's no telling what damage the Nightmare did, or her imprisonment. Speaking of healing ponies...”

Her horn glowed again, the light washing over them, and when it faded every-pony was healed of all the minor injuries and scrapes that they'd suffered. Blueblood had his immaculately groomed tail back, and both Big Mac and Apple Bloom were back to their pony forms. Macintosh gave a sigh of relief, but Apple Bloom actually looked down at her hooves and went, “Aww!”

“My tail, my beautiful tail!” Blueblood was prancing around like a filly. “It's back! It's wonderful! It's....”

He suddenly realised that all the other ponies were looking at him, and came to a stop, trying to look nonchalant. “... nothing I couldn't have done without, but jolly good, carry on.”

Rainbow Dash flew over and gave his mane a noogie. “It's okay, we get it! Y'know, for a stuck up Canterlot type, you're alright.”

Rarity appeared to teleport over to him with a comb out, and started restoring his hair. “Well I thought you were wonderful! I'm just sorry you lost your air-ship.”

Twilight grinned. “About that...”

She pointed to the open doorway, and ponies who turned to look saw that Blueblood's air-ship, fully repaired and immaculate, was anchored in the courtyard. She shrugged. “Harmony powers, go figure! Which reminds me...”

The polychromatic aura split into it's component parts and each one shot back into it's respective amulet, which glowed and faded away, seeming to sink into it's wearer's body. Her own tiara turned into a spot of light and vanished into the tip of her horn.

“Congratulations guys, each of you now has your Element fully active. No-pony can take it from you, and you can summon it with an effort of will...”

She was cut off as her brother galloped over and hugged her. “Twiley, that was amazing! I knew you were powerful but that... I mean wow!”

“Hey, that wasn't just me!” This was true, she'd kept pretty much to her in-loop power levels and used the Elements exactly as she would in-loop, given the necessary skill. She felt the need to explain further. “It was all of us together, just as I told Nightmare Moon. I could see the connections between us, together as friends, the marks of our destinies combined. It created a limitless pool of magic, magic without end...”

Suddenly she realised what she'd just said, and winced as feathered purple wings burst from her back. Oh well, since she had them... she proceeded to hug her brother.

Princess Luna was struggling to get to her hooves, and Fluttershy was struggling to help her by getting under her wing as a support until Big Mac trotted across. “Miss Fluttershy, maybe I can help?”

Fluttershy seemed ready to shy away from the big stallion until she saw an apple twig that was still stuck in his mane. “Yes... thank you, but you can call me Fluttershy, if you don't mind that is.”

He smiled openly, and she smiled back. As he took her place and easily helped Princess Luna to her hooves, he said, “I'd like that very much... Fluttershy.”

Princess Luna seemed to be coming out of a dazed state, fully restored to the mare she noramlly didn't appear as until her first Nightmare Night. “I... what was I thinking!”

She shook her head as if to clear it, then looked around at the assembled ponies, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. “I am so sorry for what happened, what I did...”

Zecora spoke first. “A nightmare held you in it's thrall/Your power at it's beck and call. We all saw how you mind was clouded/I'm sure you would not have allowed it/to do such things as those we faced/when we did travel to this place. Now come and drink this herbal brew/It will be good for what ails you.”

In the short time she'd had, she'd somehow set up a cauldron, a low tripod of sticks with a cloth pouch hanging between them and a candle with a green flame heating it from underneath. In it was boiling some water that steamed and bubbled with strange scents. Zecora expertly decanted it into an earthenware cup with tribal symbols on it, and offered it to the Princess.

Pinkie bounced over and examined it as the Princess somewhat gingerly took it in her telekinetic grasp. “Ooh! Ooh! Is that some mystic vessel carved with powerful symbols that increase the potency of it's contents? Huh? Huh?”

Zecora smiled. “It's from my homeland, that is true. As to what the symbols do/they spell out in a scheme most clever/A simple message, 'Best auntie ever!'”

Luna sipped and smacked her lips. “It is... tea. Very good tea!”

Pinkie offered her a paper wrapped cup-cake that somehow had her moon crescent cutie-mark on in black and white icing. “This is my special recipe, 'Glad you're no longer an evil Nightmare and welcome back after a thousand years' cup-cake. I wanted to throw a party but I've used all the ammunition for my party cannon so we'll have to wait until we get back to Ponyville...”

Luna looked at her a bit oddly, as most ponies did when first confronted with Pinkie Pie, but quickly lost any inhibitions about finishing off the cake once she'd tasted it. “Most delicious, Miss...”

“Pie. Pinkie Pie. But there's no need to call me Miss Pie, though you probably do after a thousand years without any. I'll make sure there's plenty at the party!”

Luna gulped down the rest of the tea eagerly as she listened, and handed back the empty mug with a brief sentence of liquid syllables. Zecora bowed her head in acknowledgement. “You are welcome. It is grand/to hear the speech of my homeland. Zecora is my name you see/I study the plants of the Everfree.”

Sweetie Belle edged up, accompanied by the other two proto-Crusaders. Apple Bloom asked, “Are you a really for-real princess?”

Scootaloo snorted. “She must be! She's got wings and a horn, just like Princess Celestia, duh!”

“I really like your mane!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with a squeak.

Luna looked down at them, her expression falling. “I was once, children. Whether I am after what I did is another matter.”

“Um...” Fluttershy came up beside them. “I'm sure you will be, Princess Luna. You were just sad and angry and unwell, but now you're all better...”

Having said her piece, she ducked back behind Big Macintosh. Pinkie took over. “Oh yes, Twilight told us all about how those meanie-pants ponies didn't appreciate all the work you put into your nights. I mean, who does that? Night is when all the best parties happen! If ponies didn't like my parties any more, I get pretty unhappy too!”

“Pinkie!” Rarity came trotting across, Blueblood in tow. “I'm most dreadfully sorry your highness if my sister or Pinkie offended you...”

“In truth, I am just glad you are not all scared of me."

Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "Uh huh, Nightmare Moon was scary - not that she scared me of course, but guess she might have been for less amazing ponies - but you're cool! And those wings, how fast can you go?"

Her own wings flexed as if to take off and Luna grinned. "I am Luna, mine light doth cross the world in the course of a single night. I Can Outpace The Darkness, TRAVEL WITH THE SPEED OF THOUGHT!"

She'd closed her eyes and reared as she said the last part in the Royal Canterlot Voice. Then she dropped down and finished, "In short, pretty fast... ahhh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get carried away!"

Rainbow Dash's mane and wings were blown back and her eyes were wide. Her face split in a wide grin. "That... was... awesome!"

"It is the Royal Canterlot voice, the speech it is normal to use to address our subjects... but right now I could rather do with friends." Luna looked back to Rarity. "Maybe you could introduce me to them, Miss...”

“Rarity your highness. My sister Sweetie Belle you've already met...” She continued around the group, naming ponies who hadn't introduced themselves until she got to Blueblood, at which Luna nodded.

“Of course, no Blueblood could resist such a great quest. Thy distant ancestors were ponies of valour and nobility; always leading others whether into battle or in more peaceful pursuits. I am pleased to see you continue the tradition, nephew.”

Blueblood preened, “Of course, my liege. I am glad to see you unharmed by such an ordeal.”

Luna smiled, “E'en if that is still so, there is no need for such formality in this place and time. But where is my sister?”

One of the side effects of using the Elements carefully was that in separating Luna from Nightmare Moon, Twilight hadn't automatically disrupted the bindings that held Celestia in the sun. She'd waited a few moments to make sure Princess Luna was okay, and it had worked better than she'd expected. The groundwork she'd laid in making sure her friends saw Luna as separate from Nightmare Moon and in many ways her first victim meant that they were far more willing to approach her, and that acceptance in turn would help Luna's soul to heal faster.

Still, it was about time... She tweaked a magical thread she'd left untweaked and a whole network of bindings started to unravel. The twilight turned to dawn and Twilight turned to face the rising sun. Aglowing orb emerged and flew down, landing in the chamber and resolving itself into Princess Celestia.

“Sister!” Luna started to charge forward, even as the other ponies turned and bowed low to the Solar princess, then came to a halt, her eyes downcast. “Sister, oh sister, I am so sorry for everything...”

She was interrupted by a hug as Princess Celestia came forward and embraced her younger sister, tears forming. “Oh Luna, it's been a thousand years since I've seen you like this! It's alright, I forgive you. I'm just happy to see you're safe.”

“Thank your courageous subjects, they braved the Everfree and all my darker side could throw at them, and freed me from my nightmare self.”

As Princess Celestia looked beyond her sister for the first time, her eyes widened in surprise. “My goodness, this is unexpected...”

Out of all the ponies, it was Applejack who spoke up. “Begging your pardon, your highnesses, but I reckon the one you want to thank most is Twilight. She pulled everything together and had it all figured out from the get go.”

Rainbow Dash took to the air, fore-hooves waving to emphasize her points. “Yeah, and when she was facing Nightmare Moon, Nightmare Moon was all 'Grrr, arrgh! I'm going to destroy you and your little friends too!' and Twilight was just 'Nuh-huh, not happening. And she went zap-pow, illusion, mind control, evil hurting spells, and Twilight just kept going like it some-pony throwing confetti and did her Elementy thing and it was just soooo awesome!”

She finished off her speech with a back somersault in mid-air.

Twilight had taken the chance to cast a low power perception filter over her wings for the moment, and when Celestia looked at her blushed and said, “It was a team effort. Every-pony here helped in some way. Having all the information beforehoof helped a lot.”

Celestia actually looked guilty. “I'm just glad Shining Armour managed to find you. I worried greatly when you left and we couldn't find you, and not just because of your studies.”

“I was in a bad place for a while, but I made some good friends who helped me out of it.” Twilight looked back at her friends., and they smiled encouragingly.

To be honest, things had worked out spectacularly. Luna was reconciled with her sister and would hopefully have an easier time of adapting to the modern world, not least because she'd had some-pony other than her sister accept her. The Crusaders were together ahead of schedule (well you had to take the rough with the smooth), and Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo might just end up being almost sisters sooner than usual.

There looked to be something going on between Fluttershy and Big Mac, and she'd reconnected with her own big brother, which would hopefully mean she could head off Queen Chrysalis before she got too far. Blueblood had been a stunning surprise and deserved every bit of good press he was due, and for once the idea that he and Rarity might be friends wasn't a cause for hysterical laughter. Zecora would also get a far better reception in Ponyville with the Apples vouching for her, and Twilight herself was far closer to her friends than she had been in the base time-line.

But she still felt guilty. She would have to have a discussion with Celestia about what was really going on and apologise. But first there would have to be...

“... A Party!” Pinkie cried out with a cheer.

72.2 (Masterweaver)

"Okay, here we are in Ponyville. Thank you, gentlecolts." Twilight nodded to the guards as Spike hopped out of his chariot. "Right. So, the plan is.... check on the preparations, and then get Vespertine to tell me how to beat Nightmare Moon."

First step to beating Nightmare Moon: Turn around and say nothing.

The unicorn raised an eyebrow at that, but followed the vague command... coming face to face with a wall of pink.

Spike coughed. "Um. Twilight?"

Say nothing!

I'm not saying anything! Twilight thought back, awkwardly smiling at the blue eyes. Who is this pony?! Why is she looking at me like that?!

"Twilight, are you okay?" Spike looked between the two ponies. "I... Is Vespertine--?"

Suddenly the pink pony let out a long gasp. Just as suddenly she dashed away.

You have done well, my young padawan. Now, continue with your preparation checking.


Did I say you could speak?!

No! Sorry, I assumed--

Because you totally can now. Actually you could always have spoken. Why are you listening to a voice in your head?

"Because you're from the future, that's why!"

Spike sighed. "I can tell this is going to be a long day..."

72.3 (Kris Overstreet)

To: Occupants, Heaven of the Light Gods
From: Princess Twilight Sparkle
Subject: Dungeon Hearts, etc.

To whom it may concern;

I write today to register some complaints about my experiences while visiting your universe.

I awoke in your world trapped in a subterranean room with no exits, with only an insane homicidal demon for company. This is not the sort of welcome any self-respecting god should give visitors from other dimensions.

The demon informed me that my only option for escape from my prison, besides eventual death, was to sacrifice my soul to some unknown dark god in order to gain control over the powers of the dungeon heart in the center of the cave. I naturally refused. He made it clear that refusal was not an option, and that death would not be so much eventual as immediate. Said demon is now a small frog residing in a terrarium above my desk. I considered turning him into a bunny, but considering my past experience with bunnies, I decided he would still be too dangerous.

Having pacified the demon, I blasted a hole to the surface of your world, whereupon I was immediately attacked by various humans claiming to be in your service. Although I took great care to cause no serious or permanent injury, it still took a great deal of time and effort to convince them to cease their attacks. A few commandments to your followers about the importance of good manners when greeting strangers would be helpful in future encounters.

Once I indicated that the dungeon heart was inert and that I had nothing to do with it, your servants immediately destroyed it. I analyzed both the artifact and the methods used to destroy it, and I decided that both were woefully inefficient. Proper experimentation and training will improve performance.

After all this, despite my efforts to be as friendly and helpful as possible, I was treated as common livestock. Attempts were made to cage, corral, and bind me so that I could be broken to the saddle and/or dissected for various magical reagents. My objections were ignored, and again it became necessary to convince your servants to desist.

Since we had established that your servants were not going to act in a friendly and rational manner without coercion, I interrogated the chief cleric of the expedition, using methods I have learned from a couple of friends of mine, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Over the course of the afternoon, with the aid of a dozen cupcakes and the power of guilt, I learned enough about your world to levy the following complaints:

(1) I can understand why you allow the dark gods, who are (despite your cleric's claims to the contrary) more or less equal in power to yourselves, to leave around traps such as Dungeon Hearts for the unwary and selfish. What I cannot understand is how you voluntarily cede tactical superiority to those same dark gods. Enclosed find plans for Castle Hearts (trademark pending) which require no sacrifice of souls and which operate through the magical principles of friendship and harmony. Of course, this will require you to increase harmony among your followers, which brings me to (2).

(2) Even given that your followers are in battle for the very survival of their world with the Dungeon Keepers, the conduct you permit in them is inexcusable. Far too many of your followers are raiding dungeons for motivations even more base and vile than your average Keeper's. Greed for loot and pleasure in slaying one's enemies are qualities which proper light gods should NOT encourage. A spirit of sharing, tolerance, and acceptance of harmless differences should be encouraged by any light gods, and yet you have failed to do this. Instead you leave in place a feudal system in which a tiny, wealthy minority extracts wealth from serfs which they use for their own luxury and vanity, for pointless wars between one another, and only occasionally for the destruction of dungeons.

(3) It is an adage in most universes that evil brings on its own destruction, since evil beings cannot cooperate for long without seeking ways to betray one another for advantage. Thus it is no surprise that Dungeon Keepers, like the dark gods they serve, squabble among themselves. It is inexcusable that your followers seem to do likewise. You focus too much on exterminating Keepers and too little on teaching people how to be better. If I didn't know better I'd say your only purpose for existence is to be an opponent for the dark gods, and that absent them you wouldn't care what your followers did with, or to, one another.

(4) While I understand that the undead are merely constructs of corrupted magic, I am appalled that there are entire races of intelligent beings which you have not only neglected but actively worked to exterminate. Proper light gods do not discriminate based on conditions of birth. Granted that cultural differences would make outreach hazardous for any missionaries you might send to the Underworld, the door should at least remain open for conscientious objectors from the forces of darkness to seek sanctuary with your priests. Your failure to do casts your lightness in a very poor light indeed.

All of the above complaints stem from the same source: your laissez-faire conduct as regards your world and the followers within it. You don't provide sufficient backing to seriously challenge the continued creation of Dungeon Hearts, and you don't teach the kind of lessons that would make Dungeon Hearts less attractive to people. In my opinion you have completely, totally, and utterly failed the people of your world.

I have spoken with your current Avatar about this over tea and scones, and he agrees with me on most points. It is by his request that I am communicating with you at all. My initial plans were to manufacture my own Castle Hearts (trademark pending) with the aid of the neutral gods, find some peasants, barbarians, and shamen who are sick and tired of all this nonsense, and clean house. If you have not taken action by the full moon after next (thirty days from the writing of this message), I shall proceed with my plans for revolution regardless. I view this not as a pleasure, nor as a path to power and wealth, but as an unpleasant and annoying chore which cannot be put off.

Kindly respond at your first convenience. I am already reviewing resumes for potential Castle Heart (trademark pending) Keepers.

Yours most sincerely,
Twilight Sparkle
Princess With Portfolio

72.4 (Scygnus)

"Well, this is awkward."

"Which part? Being human children or being part of the 'He-Man Woman Haters Club' and dating me anyway?"

"All of it. And having this damn squeaky voice again. I thought I was past this."

"Awww, c'mon Shiny, you're cute like this! And why haven't you let me hear this voice before? It's adorable!"

"It's embarrassing!"

"C'mon, sing some more? Pwease? Pwetty pwease? With sugar on top?"

"Evil witch!" Shining Armor grumbled, sighed, and took a deep breath...

And Cadance carefully didn't mention seeing Twilight behind him on the bridge with recording equipment.

72.5 (misterq)

"I got this, Twilight," Pinkie said as she walked towards the nightmare version of Luna that appeared for the Summer Sun Celebration instead of Celestia.

"Wait, Pinkie. What are you..." Twilight stopped as she noticed what Pinkie was wearing: some fur dye, a cardboard horn and wings, paper imitation boots like Luna's, and a folded map for a hat. This was strange, but then again, loops when it was only herself and Pinkie that were awake were usually odd.

"I know who you are," Pinkie said, "let me tell every pony. In song form!"

She pulled out a boombox from her mane, gave herself a beat, and then started rapping,

"I'm Nightmare Woon!
Back from the Moon!
Never grew up with a silver spoon.
The ponies back then all be dissin' my night.
My sister and I got in one little fight.

Rainbow Dash's hoof suddenly found itself lodged in Pinkie's mouth. "Let the scary pony give her own introduction, Pinkie."

72.6 (OracleMask)

Whatever Celestia had been about to say, it died on her lips as she took in the scene.

"Princess Celestia! I'd like you meet my new friends," Twilight Sparkle said, beaming up at her mentor, "And the fellow bearers of the Elements of Harmony, of course."

She took a moment to clear her throat.

"This is Chrysalis, Queen of a race of shape-shifting monsters that replace real ponies in order to feed off the love that pony would normally get from their friends and family. She's the Element of Honesty."

"Charmed," Chrysalis said with a fangy smile.

"And these are the Flim Flam brothers, traveling con artists and snake-oil saleponies. Together, they make the Element of Generosity."

Both unicorns tipped their hats.

"And I'm sure you remember King Sombra," Twilight continued, nodding at the sinister unicorn, "He's the tyrant who enslaved and tormented the Crystal Ponies, and our Element of Kindness."


"And this is our Element of Laughter -"

"Discord!" Celestia exclaimed, regaining her voice as she took in the sight.

"What, me? I'm not Discord," said Discord, "My name is Guy Incognito."

Aside from the stylish orange mustache, Discord looked completely the same as ever. Clearly HE was responsible for whatever was going on!

"You're not fooling anypony here, Discord," Celestia growled, stepping forward only to be blocked by Twilight herself.

"Princess! Don't be mean to Guy! Besides, I thought you wanted me to make some friends?"

"This is...not quite what I had in mind for your friends, Twilight," Celestia admitted.

"Oh...then you may not like meeting my last friend either," Twilight said, ducking her head and scuffing a hoof on the castle floor, "She's the Element of Magic."

Celestia's jaw dropped.

"Twilight? I would have thought that you would be the Element of Magic," Celestia said.

"Oh, no no no! I'm the Element of Loyalty, obviously!" Twilight laughed. "THAT'S our Element of Magic!"


Celestia turned, and saw a filly version of Nightmare Moon waving at her.

"...Is this a good sign or not?" Nyx asked, looking down at the crowd of Canterlot ponies.

Chrysalis, 'Flim' and 'Flam' (actually two disguised changelings) and 'Sombra' (actually a disguised Luna) shrugged in unison as they kept waving to the cheering ponies below.

"This might be the fastest I've ever been crowned a Princess without ascending first," Twilight admitted, "Though I suppose 'reforming' every single villain around in just one night is pretty impressive when you look at it objectively."

'Guy Incognito' simply amused himself with turning random decorations into fish.

72.7 (Zetrein)

It was yet another lonely loop, done to near baseline for old time's sake. Some might think spending three years waiting to try something is a bit much, but it's hardly out of the norm for Loopers.

That said, it had taken her a few weeks to set this up. But when the book containing Starswirl's spell arrived, she was ready. And so, with a good deal of finesse, Twilight cast the incomplete spell.

When she got up the next morning, she was the only pony in town with her original cutie mark. Just as planned.

Despite Ponyville being even more topsy-turvy then when Discord first came to town, Twilight had managed to get through to her friends, gotten them their marks and memories back, and convinced them she knew how to fix this. As such, they found themselves back in the library, about to cast her modified version of Starswirl's spell.

Of course, it wasn't the baseline corrected version, but something else to go along with her overpowered version of the unfinished one.

"From all of us together..."

It began in the library. A brilliant multicolored light, seen flashing through the windows. Then it exploded.

The light swept through Ponyville, expanding until the entire town was engulfed in the tower of rainbow light. As the light cleared, a dazed young dragon sat up in the crater left behind by the library.

Looking around at the wreckage of the library, the surprisingly untouched town, and the bits of book fluttering down from the sky, Spike could only imagine what Twilight was thinking about all this.

"Well, that didn't work. Or it did, too much. Everypony okay?" Spike stood, brushing bits of debris off himself. Nopony answered his question.

"Guys? Hello? Where did everypony go?" Looking around, Spike found himself alone in the crater, his only company being the miraculously intact bust that had been on the library's table.

Twilight came to in the starry field she found herself in when she first ascended. Alone, to her disappointment, her plan apparently unsuccessful. With a sigh, she turned to Celestia as she approached, at least she would get a song out of this.

Then, as Celestia drew breath to speak, Applejack popped in next to her, followed shortly by the rest of her friends. Then other ponies started appearing. The Flower sisters, the spa ponies, the rest of the Apple family, Trixie for some reason, even that weird pony with the jelly obsession.

Celestia stood there, staring at the entire population of Ponyville, her jaw working, but making not a sound. And then...

"...The loop crashed." Twilight finished telling her story, in Mac's bar. "Near as I can tell, having so many ponies ascend at the same time caused that patch of the local astral plane to collapse, and because I didn't have a physical body when it did..."

"The loop ended." Pinkie ended for her. "Nuts, it would have been awesome to see how that would have gone."

72.8 (masterofgames)

Celestia timed her entrance perfectly, blinking into position in the old castle just as the sun finished cresting over the horizon, and consiquently, was shining in the eyes of those inside watching, masking the shimmer of her spell. Celestia couldn't help but giggle softly. She had been practicing the timing for that for days!

Fighting her amusement back, she took a calming breath, and looked up to address her student. "My dearest Twilight! I knew you could-okay what?"

Celestia merely stood there blinking rapidly for a moment, then fell to her knees, groaned, and face-hoofed. "Okay, how did THIS happen?!" she asked nopony in particular with a sigh.

"Who." responded the owl wearing the element of magic before her.

None of the other necklace wearing animals behind it had an answer either.

Meanwhile, around the corner, Twilight and her friends were fighting to keep from cracking up.

72.9 (masterofgames)

Twilight Awoke unusually stiff. Attempting to stretch out resulted in the discovery of yet another Weird loop.

"Okay... so I'm a plant this time. Lavender it looks like."

"Twilight? That you?" Rainbow Dash's voice asked. "I'm over here. I think I'm one of the wildflowers, but I'm not sure which... I might be all of them, come to think of it."

"Ah take it y'all just Woke Up too? Ah'm above ya." Applejack sounded in. "Somethin' of a strange feelin' ta BE an apple tree instead a workin' with em."

"I'm here as well darlings! Over here, the bluebells in the grass!" Rarity called.

"I'm here too!" Pinkie giggled. "I think I'm sugarcane! Flutters is next to me. Looks like she's a shrinking violet."


Twilight sighed, drooping slightly. "Okay, been through worse. Just need to get our bearings. If where we are counts as Ponyville, then... Applejack, do you see a hill anywhere?"

"One sec, ah'll check... yeah, one over yonder. Looks like... a sunflower and a patch a' nightshade on it."

All were silent for a moment, until Rarity spoke up.

"So..... do we swear by horses this loop, or...?"

72.10 (masterweaver)

Celestia adjusted her armor, her face set in a grim expression. Twilight had not written about the prophecy... which meant she would not find the Elements. Which meant that when Luna... when Nightmare Moon returned, she would be the only one ready for her. Half a dozen enchantments had been woven into each iron plate, and a full three dozen sang along her halberd.

Equestria would not fall.

Not while she still stood.

"...I am sorry, sister." The alicorn of the sun saluted the rising moon. "But this must be done."

And as the stars converged on the roving pearl, the mare in the moon vanished, and Celestia swung--!

Luna sidestepped the blow easily, sighing. "Oh, not another one of these loops." She pulled the seaweed out her mane. "And I had a really good prank ready too!"

"I will not let you harm our subjects!"

"Done. No eternal night, I'm not usurping you, yada yada yada." The younger alicorn shielded herself from another blow, pulling something out of nowhere and lighting it up. "Honestly, I had this whole seas of the moon thing set up and you had to go and ruin it."

Celestia grabbed at the object with her magic, intent on crushing it, or containing the explosion. "Don't try to confuse me! I don't want this any more then you do!"

A sigh came from behind her, and she whirled to see Twilight gliding down--twilight with wings?! to a soft landing. "Celestia, she's sane. She's not a threat. Put down the big metal stick and we'll talk."

"I--you are an illusion! Conjured up by my crazed sister to--"

With a roll of her eyes, Twilight lit up her horn. Instantly every rune on Celestia's armor went dead. "Can't you accept a little miracle? Fagales, I was so hoping to avoid this and just relax..." She started pulling projection equipment out of nowhere. “I really need to work out how to do this gracefully at some point.”

Luna sidled up to Celestia, a tub of popcorn in her hoof. "I hear she's been working on a musical number for this. It should be entertaining."

Author's Note:

72.1: I'm as surprised as you.
72.2: Whatever you do, don't listen to me. (Logic bomb.)
72.3: Princess With Portfolio = carries around a lot of documents.
72.4: Complete rascals.
72.5: Warm-up act.
72.6: Really, if you think about it, the Elements are just necklaces if you don't need to use them.
72.7: Worth a try.
72.8: Owls are friendly.
72.9: Spike is probably a dragonfly. He carries messages?
72.10: Twilight didn't quite work out how to handle with militant-type Celestia straight off.

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