• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 143

143.1 (Alex Prior)


"No, Rarity, I don't know why we're jellyfish. Stop asking."

"I was just going to point out that Rainbow was not one."

'Oh.' Twilight felt herself illuminate. "Sorry, Rarity. I'm just getting tired of Gag Loops."

As if on cue, Squidbow Dash swam by.

"Whoo! I'm an underwater turbojet!" She grinned an entirely-too-large grin. "U jelly?"

The jellicorns, naturally, responded by pelting pebbles at her.

143.2 (Ryuus2)

Derpzilla was rampaging across town. Like any giant evil monster, she had just cornered two stallions and was preparing to smash them into paste.

"Hey, Griff? Remember when you said she couldn't cause any more destruction than normal if she tried?" The reddish one with a keyboard cutie mark asked.

"Yes Simmons, yes I do," the fat orange one with the Oreo cutie mark replied.

"You were wrong."

"Yes, yes I was."

"And now we're gonna die."

"Yes. Yes we are."

Just then, Pinkie Pie popped up right between the doomed loopers and the rampaging mailmare from inside a bush. She reached into her mane and pulled out a Muffin.

"Derpy, eat a muffin. You're not yourself when you're hungry."

Derpzilla sniffed the air and bent down to get a better look at the muffin. She then sucked up the muffin, and almost the three ponies in front of her as well. With a satisfied roar and a poof of smoke, she was back to her normal size.

"Feeling better?"

"Yep. Thanks for the muffin Pinkie. I really needed that! Can I have another one for Dinky?"

"Sure!" With the second muffin stored away in her mailbag, she flew off on a much less dangerous -and unintentional- rampage of destruction.

Just then, Nightmarity showed up on the other side of the block in full blown evil queen fashionista mode. Pinkie pulled an entire basket of fine pastries out of her mane. With a shout of "I've got just the sweet for this!" she charged off.

"Do you think they're pranking us?" Simmons asked.

Twilight walked up. "Actually, the three of us and Nyx are the only ones awake this loop," she said. "Pinkie's pastries are just so good this loop that everyone in Ponyville is addicted to them. So addicted that when they go into withdrawal, this happens."

"Huh. This has got to be one of the strangest variants I've even seen," Griff stated

"Meh. Everything was made of sugar once, including the ponies, and that didn't break my top ten. Now if you boys will excuse me, I've got a craving for mint chocolate chip to fulfill." She went Eternal Twilight and trotted past.

143.3 (Anon e Mouse Jr.)

Two days after the Summer Sun Celebration, a finally Awake Twilight staggered into the bar with a groan.

"Anything I can get you, Twilight?" Berry Punch asked from where she was cleaning glasses.

"Something strong," the unicorn mare sighed.

"Bad Loop?"

"Let's just say I HATE having to fight against evil family members." Twilight sighed. "Or when King Sombra is anywhere in my family tree. And this last Loop? I had to deal with both."

Berry Punch shuddered. "Point taken. Dare I ask what happened?"

"Sombra was Mom's first husband and Shiny's father. I was from her… second relationship. After our fathers both died fighting one another, Mom entrusted Shiny and I to different people to keep us safe from Sombra's loyal followers. Unfortunately, Shiny still wound up taking after Sombra a little too much, so after we were both grown up and met again, I had to fight him to knock some sense into him." Sipping her drink, she continued. "Then Sombra came back to life as this… freaky zombie-thing, and Shiny and I made up and got rid of him AGAIN."


"And it didn't help that I was the only one Awake."

"Really ouch."

"Thanks for listening, Berry." Looking around, Twilight's ears twitched. "Speaking of listening, where's Mac?"

"The Crusaders are all Awake, so they founded their group yesterday, and invited Ruby and Dinky to join them. And since I was Awake, Mac agreed to let me run the bar for a day while he spent some time with them."

"Of his own free will?"

"They're just playing this time, not actually Crusading." Berry smiled. "And since seven little fillies all gave him the eyes and asked him nicely, how could he say no?"

"Good point." Twilight paused. "Wait - seven? Shouldn't it be eight? I know I felt enough pings that six Crusaders should be Awake...

"Nyx split off from Luna in the Castle of the Two Sisters and went back to Canterlot with her for a few days, since you weren't Awake yet. Something about planning for Nightmare Night."

"Ah. That explains it."

143.4 (Anon e Mouse Jr.)



"We appear to have an all-male version of the Cutie Mark Crusaders this Loop."

"So I noticed."

"I can understand Soarin' replacing Scootaloo, and Big Macintosh replacing his sister."

"So can I."

"But how did Prince Blueblood, of all ponies, wind up filling in for Sweetie Belle?"

Twilight watched as the three colts sped by, with Soarin' on a scooter, pulling a cart with the other two riding in it, Blueblood crying "Faster! Faster!" and Mac just holding on for dear life. Then she turned to her friend.

"The Loops work in mysterious ways, Rarity. The Loops work in mysterious ways."

143.5 (Anon e Mouse Jr.)

Twilight Awoke, in both senses of the word, with a yawn.

A quick check of her Loop memories told her this was a baseline Loop, and a quick Ping confirmed that most of her friends were also Awake. Getting out of bed, she headed for the bathroom to start her day. And as she went to the mirror to brush her mane, she froze.

The face that stared back at her was still recognizably hers, but wilder. Her coat and mane were long and shaggy, her teeth had elongated into fangs, and her hooves had shifted into paws, with long, sharp nails. A quick double-check of her physical self confirmed these changes were only in the mirror, and she sighed.


A chuckle came from the doorway. "You rang?" the grinning dragon said.

She pointed to the mirror. "How did that happen?"

Another grin. "I ran into Leah a few Loops back. She told me about a special cleaning product for hard surfaces that she got from another Loop, and gave me a jug. I've just been waiting for the chance to use it."

"And what was this cleaning product called?"


Twilight looked at him incredulously. "Werewolf?"

Spike gestured at the mirror. "There wolf."

Twilight looked at her reflection again, and groaned. "Okay, ow."

Then she grinned. "Can you make it so Rainbow Dash sees her reflection with this?"

"Way ahead of you."

In a nearby cloud house, a rainbow-maned pegasus, who was fairly certain she was still asleep and dreaming, stared at her reflection in shock.

"That's it," she muttered. "No more Manexican food before bed."

143.6 (Evilhumour)

Twilight was wondering to herself, who had replaced Rainbow Dash this loop.

It seemed to be the perfect act, with her responding the same way whenever she had a chance to talk to the busy architect, who's cutie mark was not of rainbow lightning bolt but that of a rainbow hammer to which she bragged made her the best cloud builder in all Equestria as all of her buildings were 120% more awesome.

"Something wrong egghead?" The blue mare asked, looking over her shoulder at Twilight the pegasus, who was laying on a cloud, reading the latest book her looping friend wrote. The mare in question was working a Romane influenced structure with a splash of several other civilizations add in to make a very interesting summer home for her friends.

"No Dash, just thinking to myself," she said, watching the mare carefully. "And enjoying this book." She flashed a smile, going back to reading it. She was really enjoying, close to figuring out who had swiped the cursed jewel set of Arnubim.

"Glad to hear you're enjoying my book Twiliy!" The pegasus laughter was cut off the gasp from Twilight, both from the fact she was Rainbow Dash and she dropped her book down into the waters below. "What's wrong?"

"I just..." Twilight shook her head, trying to get her thoughts straight. "I thought someone was replacing you Dash for this loop."

"What? Why?" Rainbow Dash blinked, scratching her head before turning her head back to the home she was building. "Oh. That." Rainbow Dash flew over to Twilight and sat down on the cloud. "Twilight, you do know that I usually build my home in the loops, right?"

Twilight nodded her head, blushing, "Ye-yeah, I just didn't-"

"'spect me to spend a looping doing that?" Dash finished with the same smile she had before. "And before you say 'No Dash, I'm sorry for not thinking, blah blah blah'," Dash's grin grew as Twilight puffed her cheeks out, her blushing growing as Dash predicted exactly her friend was going to say. "It's fine. Not something I usually do and I wanted to see if I enjoyed it. Turns out it ain't so bad making new homes and designs." Dash puffed her chest out, rubbing a hoof against her barrel. "Not when you're the number one home builder in all of Equestria!"

Twilight laughed at the silly boast, with Rainbow joining her in with the carefree laughter between friends before Twilight managed to stop herself, and look apologetic to the mare with a short mane, done out of safety regulations despite working with completely safe cloud material. "I am sorry I didn't ask if you were yo-"

Rainbow Dash placed a hoof on Twilight's mouth to shut her up. "It's ok Twily, I'm a big mare and you made a simple mistake. No hard feelings as I know ya didn't do it on purpose." She pulled the purple pegasus into a hug, patting her on the back as the mare opposite of her hugged back. "Now if you don't mind, I've got a home to finish!" With that, Twilight watched the mare with a rainbow tail fly off and finish the home she was building for her friends.

143.7 (Alex Prior)

"You're not Fawkes."

The phoenix with red-and-yellow feather let out a confused warble. Albus Dumbledore blinked.

"Miss Shimmer?"

The phoenix nodded. Albus stroked his beard.

"I suppose that's a first, to us both I presume?" He was answered by a confirmative trill. The Headmaster shrugged.

"Might as well see where this Loop takes us, I suppose..."

143.8 (Alex Prior)



Mac raised an eyebrow as Twilight and Discord traipsed into the bar. Him becoming used to the stranger things was showing; after all, once he had panicked upon Discord demanding water. By now on he other hand, he barely blinked an eye. He delivered the drinks.

"Rough loop?"

Discord shook Twilight's head, earning himself a glare. "Nah. Merely confusing by my standards."
He stalled the oncoming question with a wave of his paw. "And yes, I have some standards; that joke's been done to death."

Sensing an opportunity, Twilight snapped up the train of thought before Discord could make it a replacement for the Friendship Express. "You know these 'Human in Equestria' loops that sometimes pop up?"

Mac nodded. Granted, it was mostly external Loopers forgetting to change shape, Sunset Shimmer getting caught in shenanigans, or a Loop-We-Don't-Usually-Think-About scenario, but actual humans did tend to show up every once in a while. "Eeyup?"

Taking on the initiative (and having a very serious 3D chess match with it), Discord continued. "This time, it was Discord in Equestria." Noting Mac's blank stare, he hurried on. "I know, I know, I'm always in Equestria, but that time was different!"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Now please dig yourself out of that hole while I explain."

As the Lord of Chaos set himself to digging, Twilight elaborated. "Basically, the hapless visitor arriving through unknown means was Dissy here, and oak did that complicate matters with the local counterpart." She deflated. "This explanation isn't doing it justice, isn't it?"

Mac nodded. Discord popped his head out of the ceiling. "So... no free drinks?"

Mac shook his head. Slowly. The Anchor and the Draconequus exchanged glances.


143.9 (Tangent)

"It's a trap!” Twilight exclaimed as she took to the air, for all intents appearing to get ready to blast Starlight Glimmer.

This was the moment. While Twilight still had several different plans she wanted to test on this scenario, she had recently had a loop where Cutie Marks had not been so easily removed (and an interesting result in that loop was that Starlight Glimmer had thus ended up as a reporter with a Cutie Mark of a star being weighed by a certain set of broken scales). Naturally, she had studied this effect and had crafted a spell to emulate the protection it provided while she waited for a set of vanilla solo loops to test it in. This was the second such, as the first had been used to troll Tirek after his escape from Tartarus, before he could get very far on his personal quest for power.

So Twilight permitted Starlight Glimmer to use her spell via the faux artifact, and her Cutie Mark did pull away from her flank...

Only to disappear from Starlight's aura so suddenly that the unicorn mage cried out in pain from the backlash as Twilight's Mark returned to its proper place!

"Ow!" Starlight winced as her singed horn sizzled and sparked from the feedback. "What? How!?"

"Interesting," Twilight observed. "After Tirek's rampage across Equestria, I thought it might be prudent to research or develop a spell to prevent Cutie Mark theft." Which was true, after a fashion. "Odd that the feedback effected you, instead of the Staff of Sameness though. The antitheft spell should only have caused feedback against the actual source of the spell it was blocking..."

Twilight let that sink into the thoughts of the villagers who had come to support their leader. Then, as if in after thought, she gathered some snow from outside the Vault cave with her aura and pelted Starlight's flank with it, revealing her Cutie Mark. "I suspected as much. Meadowbrook had only crafted eight major artifacts after all."

"Starlight!? How could you!? We trusted you!" Double Diamond cried out.

"Come on everypony! I wanna see you SMILE!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she sidled up to the vault and smashed it open, releasing all the trapped Cutie Marks. Which, incidentally, gave Starlight Glimmer enough of a distraction to get away in the resulting confusion.

Twilight briefly brought her hoof to the bridge of her muzzle. Even with a baseline vanilla solo loop, it was hard to predict Pinkie Pie...


"Excuse me? I have a few questions to ask," Trixie said, flourishing her cloak.

"Oh, dear..." Glimmer muttered. "You're an extreme case, aren't you? I think you need some special-"

"Trixie was not finished!" Trixie interrupted loudly. "She merely wishes for a philosophical discussion on your fillosophy."

"Don't you mean philosophy?" her disguised marefriend asked, currently cloaked in the form of a pegasus with blue coat and mane.

And a cutie mark of a large red STOP sign. Just for the moment of confusion when ponies saw it.

"That," Trixie confirmed. She reached behind herself, and pulled out a pile of twenty-four short planks. "Now! Each of these planks is exactly the same as the other eleven! It is made from an identically-grown tree as the rest, planed to complete congruity, and delicately sanded!"

She reached behind herself the other way, and two dozen assorted bits of deformed wood crashed to the ground. "And these! These are most certainly not equal! They are all different - this one is so thin it could barely support its own weight! That one's thick and heavy and far too short! And this one... this one appears to be a blancmange. Whoops!"

Trixie threw it away, not-so-coincidentally hitting Chrysalis square in the face with it. "Now-"

"Trixie!" Chrysalis snapped, rubbing cream and cornstarch off her muzzle. "What was that for?"

"Sorry, I didn't see you there," Trixie lied glibly. A few chuckles reached her ears.

Glimmer glowered at the ponies who'd slipped, and then back to Trixie. "Where are you going with this?"

"Simple!" Trixie said. "Here are some nails and a hammer. Build the tallest thing you can with those planks. When you are done, Trixie will do the same with the unequal bits! They mass the same overall, so which should work best?"

"The-" Glimmer stopped, realizing what she'd been about to admit. "The equal ones, of course!" she said instead.

"Good." Trixie stepped back, and let her get on with it.

All things considered, Glimmer hadn't done too bad a job.

She'd used the planks to form a structural framework - hampered by how the diagonal struts weren't long enough, and the orthogonal bits too long - and made a bit of progress, but then she'd realized she could build something with tetrahedra instead and made a kind of pyramid nearly twice as tall as the length of a single plank.

"There!" she said, stepping back with an eye twitch - she wasn't very good at using a hammer, and it had showed. "Now you do it!"

Trixie whistled as she got to work. First she used the heavy, thick plank as a base, putting the tallest and thinnest one in the centre and having Chrysalis support it (with an annoyed expression).

Then she nailed the rest of the pieces of wood together, keeping a careful eye on how they flexed. The ones which were thin and willowy and better in tension were used as cross-struts, the ones with a thick cross-section were the compressive up-down support members.

As the town watched, a tower - wavy, wobbly, but unquestionably much higher than the tetrahedron - took shape.

"And there we have it!" Trixie announced. "Note the greater height! The way the different pieces of wood are used so their strengths compliment one another! And the lovely pretty flag at the top!"

"You'll pay for that!" Chrysalis called down, still at the top of the central spire. She was at least able to sit down on the conveniently provided chair, though.

"That's... well, that's stupid!" Glimmer snapped. "Of course if you can use their strengths together then they're going to do better!"

"Hey," a voice said from behind her, with a slight rasp. "Can we join?"

Glimmer turned, smile back on her face. "Of course! We welcome all - you're a griffin."

Gilda waved. "Yep. And he's a dragon."

"Roar?" Spike said, the sound echoing off the hills. This was especially impressive given he was still his usual baseline size.

"I've got all kinds of cool talents!" Gilda added. "Hey, watch, I can draw an equals sign in the air and make time slow down!"

Putting action to words, she swiped her tail across twice.

A strange, misty feeling spread out across the town for a moment, and when it was done Gilda was lounging in a deck chair. "Neat, huh?"

"Why can't we all do that?" one of the ponies asked.

"Shush!" Glimmer admonished. "I'm afraid we can't take non-ponies. This is a pony only-"

"We're just like anyone else!" Spike protested. "Isn't that kind of the point?"

"Er - well, that is..." Glimmer blinked, wrong-hoofed. She shook her head and refocused. "That doesn't matter! It's-"

"Hey, watch this, I can make it rain," Gilda added. With a flourish, she drew a blue tablet from thin air. "Fire in the hole!"

Glimmer was feeling so overwhelmed that it took her about three seconds to process that.

That was about how long it took for the Water-typed Judgement screaming in from the heavens to detonate overhead, releasing a huge wave of water that crashed to the ground all around her.

"Get out!" she snapped, stomping forwards. "You are disrupting our community! We're all-"

"Hey," Chrysalis said, lazily. "Nice cutie mark. I especially like how it's different from everyone else's here."

Glimmer paused. "What did you just-"

There was a long, low gasp from all around her.

"...oh, ponyfeathers."


"I have had one of the strangest loops in a long time," Twilight informed her friends, as they assembled in the library to handle Nightmare Moon, who had just declared the Night would - oh, you know all this.

"Strange?" Pinkie asked. "Fun? Good fun? Bad fun?"

"No, just... bizarre. Dissonant to what I normally expect." Twilight took a deep breath. "Right. So, it seemed mostly baseline, though that's a relative term when Smaug's moved into the Everfree and demanding kitten-themed cushions for his dread lair. And then we went to Starlight Glimmer's village."

Dash stamped a hoof on the floor. "That sounds like the kind of thing that's not bizarre at all, just simple!"

Twilight smiled. "Yeah, except that she didn't make a move. Well, more like it wasn't her village."

"Say whaaaaat?" Dash asked, gaping. "Okay, spill!"

"She was just like any other pony there - she admitted she founded it, but she didn't have much to do with the running of the place. Nopony did, it was all very model-anarchist-commune." Twilight shrugged. "Still all equal cutie marks, though - except for one, who had a pair of bricks and was building himself a house."

"Newcomer?" Rarity asked.

"Nope - next morning, I saw him with a plow cutie mark out in the fields, alongside someone with a corn cutie mark." Twilight rolled her eyes. "That's when I realized something was really strange."

"Well, don't keep us in suspense, or anythin'..." Applejack drawled.

Twilight hesitated a moment longer, then dropped her bombshell. "The cave was a Cutie Mark Rental Station. Anyone could pick one up for the day, and Glimmer's normal mark was actually attached to that silly stick. I tested it - the stick was the thing that could move them around, not her any more."

There was silence for several seconds.

"...so... if anyone wanted ta build a house-"

"-they'd borrow the house building cutie mark," Twilight confirmed. "I was surprised too, it's a lot more sensible than the original setup while still being just as equal... anyway, that's probably not going to happen again any time soon, randomness of the loops and everything, but it seems like it is a thing that happens - make sure to look out for it."

143.12 (Evilhumour)

"-the night shall last forev-"

"No so fast, dear sister." Celestia flew into the room, with an unAwake Luna as Nightmare Moon making her usual speech blinking up in surprise. "I shall defeat you using something even more powerful then the Elements!" She landed in front of her sister with Twilight still Asleep, considering how big her gasp was.

"What, pray tell, sister will you use to st-"

"Boop." Celestia placed her hoof on Nightmare Moon's nose, causing the mare to blink and shake her head.

"Wh-what was tha-" Before she could continue or rebuild steam, Celestia's hoof struck again.

"Boop." Celestia was barely holding back her grin now.

"Stop that you vi-"

"Boop." Celestia was chuckling softly at how flustered Nightmare Moon was, her cheeks puffed out.

"I said-"

"Boop. Boop. Boop." Celestia's hoof struck the nose each time, despite her sister's attempt to dodge her. Tackling her over, and sitting her on barrel, she leaned down and placed her hoof onto the nose once more. "Boooooooooooooooooooo-"

"Oh that does Celestia, you wish to instigate another booping war, then you shall have it!" Nightmare Moon shouted, rolling Celestia off of her and reaching to bop Celestia's nose. Soon, the news broke out that Princess Luna had been saved by the Nightmare forces, and the two Princesses had accidentally destroyed a library in their playful romp of their boop war.

143.13 (Detective Ethan Redfield)

From the Inquisitorial Archives on Holy Terra, Written by Inquisitor Amberley Vail, on the Chaos Goddess of Friendship and Books

Chaos Goddess Twilight Sparkle came to being around the same time as our Holy Emperor. When mankind was still young, they were led by the Shamans. However, spirits of chaos consumed their souls upon their deaths, preventing their reincarnation to continue to lead mankind. They came together and began researching a method to stave off the onslaught of chaos. This research project lasted for years. During that time, many Shamans formed bonds of friendship. Ultimately, they decided to merge their souls together and be reborn as one man, a new man, who would lead mankind at its head. This man would be the God Emperor of Mankind. Their efforts succeeded, but they unintentionally gave birth to a new Chaos Goddess.

Though mostly proving to be a benevolent goddess, followers are known for their extreme pursuits of knowledge and desire to befriend all. More radical worshipers would kill to obtain knowledge or befriend by forcible means. For more on these forces, see the Lesson Zero Cultists and the Tyrant Sun Militia.

The form Twilight takes is that of a pony, which bears a horn that can manipulate the warp at will as well as wings to carry her friendship to the furthest reaches of the galaxy.

Her home in the Warp is on Equus 9, where grows the Harmonious Kingdom Tree. She first manifested herself to her prized pupils, Celes Tia and her sister Luna, upon this world. Twilight brought about the falls of five chapters of Adepta Sororitas, her 'Bearers of Harmony.' Chaos has twisted and perverted the human forms of the chapters, taking the appearance of their pony goddess. Leman Russ is the most notable fallen Primarch and has taken the name, Lemon Rush in service to the advancement of Friendship and Knowledge.

Though not often found on the battlefield itself, the previously mentioned Lesson Zero Cultists often take up the shout when raiding the Inquisitorial Archives, "BOOKS FOR THE BOOK THRONE." Cultists often wear the image of a tree somewhere on their body, shaped after the Harmony Kingdom Tree.

143.14 (Tangent)

Celestia looked over the letter that had just arrived. The first she had received from an unawake Twilight after the Lesson Zero incident. There was a stealth anchor wandering around somewhere, she was sure, but she had yet to figure out just who it might be. A task made even harder by the fact that this was a slightly variant loop, with several ponies either being out of place, having different roles, or just plain not there.

Sure, Twilight had still (somehow) managed to gather five friends in Ponyville. All Unawake. And Tree only knew what the reason might be that events were inexplicably following their regular course, albeit not in an exact manner.

Rainbow Dash in Rarity's role was something she had seen before, so Celestia had no problems with it. Not even when she turned out to be the Element of Honesty (mostly from an apparent aversion to telling any lies besides polite social fictions, and even those only when appropriate).

Maud Pie being in Ponyville instead of Pinkie had been a surprise, but her staunch, dependable nature made her an excellent candidate for the Element of Loyalty.

Filthy Rich turning out to be a fine candidate for the Element of Generosity was something Celestia was sure Diamond Tiara would enjoy hearing about the next time they looped together.

Fluttershy being the Element of Kindness was no surprise to Celestia, but the fact that she was actually a pegasus from the village of Clydesdale, and thus actually a horse. A tall horse. As in an actual Clydesdale breed pegasus tall enough to force Celestia to look up to meet Fluttershy eye to eye. And yet still painfully shy. A veritable gentle giant in a world much too small for her.

Applejack was still a farmer, but this time her special talent more accurately reflected her name, as she was very good at making jacked apple cider. She was also the Element of Laughter in this loop. And a horrible influence on Twilight...

Case in point being made clear by the letter she had just received:

Dear Princess Celery,

Today I... Well... I don't remember what I did today.

Or yesterday...

Or much of the past week, now that I think about it...

Oh yeah! Today (or possibly last week) I discovered that Applejack is also the name of a wonderful drink that Applejack can actually make! It's quite good, and I told her so, so she gave me a couple of jugs. You have to try some! It's... it's... EMPTY!? Both of them!? Already!? How could that possibly happen!?

Well, I'm off to find out what happened!


Your faithful... something, Twilight Sparkle

P.S. Spike here. Twilight needs an intervention. Again! Please send help!

143.15 (Evilhumour)

"-is this better?" Rainbow Dash Woke up on a chair with something heavy on her face, her vision blurred horribly against the wall with letters and numbers.

Buying time for her memories to quick in, Dash gulped and tried to shake her head no, but a set of hooves held her steady. "Remember Dashie, you need to hold still." A kind, caring voiced said to her, rubbing the small of her back.

"Sorry mom," the response was immediate, which told her she was a young filly again and she had a darn good feeling what was going on. "And not really..."

"How about this one?" With a click, her vision cleared up perfectly. "Is this better?"

"Totally!" She smiled, with her mom patting her on the back. "A hundred and twenty percent better doc!"

"That's great to hear Dash," the eye-doctor said walking over to her and taking the heavy machine off with the hint of magic. "If you will give us half an hour miss Prism, we'll have your daughter's glasses made." Dash blinked at the sudden change in vision, her eyes watering up as she tried to focus in front of her.

"And knowing my little Dashie, back in the air now that she can see where she's flying too." Her mom said, hugging her close. "No more crashing into stuff for you little missy."

"Mom!" Dash blushed at that, with the doctor chuckling as the two pegasi left his office.

143.16 (Evilhumour)

"Begone Discord, and never return!" Lemon shouted, blasting the draconequus with his half of the Elements, the bubble from the other alicron holding him place. Together, the two sealed Discord into stone and looked at each other.

"Are you Awake?" They both asked each other; chuckling at their obvious answer.

"It seems that our Admins finally set this one up kid," Shining smirked, tapping the fellow alicorn's shoulder. "So how do you want to set things up? You take care of the offensive stuff and I'll take care of the defensive stu-"

"Actually, I do have some plans Shining," Lemon tapped his chin. "While I have ruled Fenris more times than I can count, I don't think my styles there can work here." Landing down with the Elements around them and Discord's statue, the yellow alicorn nodded his head. "I do have a few ideas in ruling this time." As Lemon began to share, Shining smiled and nodded his head.

"You do know if this works, Twily will be pissed that we thought of it first, right?"

"Bah, there are other mares that I am more scared of then Twilight," Lemon smiled as the ponies started to come to them. "Want to hit the lights?"

With a nod, Shining Armor raised the sun.

"-a thousand years ago, the royal defenders Lemon Rush and Shining Armor defeated the horrible threat of Discord." Twilight looked up from the book, Waking up in the processes, staring at the two grinning alicorns stallion in front of her, the yellow one encouraging her onwards. "While the ponies of the past wished to make them the new rulers of Equestria, they refused. They claimed that while they would always be there for their little ponies, they would let them lead their own life, only to step in times of great need, turmoil. They would offer advice and suggestions to the Unified Parliament of Three Tribes over the years, leading to the eternal golden age of Equestria with all the advancement and science they brought forth. It is unknown where Equestria would be today if it were not for our guardians, but the massive, space sprawling empire of Equestria would certainly not be a..."

Twilight looked up at the two and glared. "Seriously?"

"The book lied a bit, Twily," Shining smirked, "We didn't give them all the advance stuff, just pushed them in the right direction. We didn't interfere at all, doing our best to be there for our little ponies, but not there for our little ponies."

Lemon smirked, patting her brother on the back. "Neither of us needed to go on a time out, we purposely had continuous conversations with our ponies to show we're still regular ponies and that we could be wrong so they didn't elevate us above each other and we were often knocked down a peg from time to time."

"So Twilight," Lemon walked over to her with Shining beside him. "Boys 1, girls 0 in a perfect prince/princess run."

Twilight simply used the book in her magic to chase the two, with the book striking their nose more than once.

143.17 (Evilhumour)

Twilight blinked, her mouth twitching slightly. The mare opposite her blushed, looking off to the side, pushing her glasses up her nose.

"Hey Twily," her friend said weakly, "A bit awkward to see you here. Thought you'd be in Ponyville, trying to save your home and enjoying our usual level of crazy stuff."

"Yeah..." Twilight nodded her head. "I was there, -Spike subbed for you by the way- and things were more or less normal. Scoots wanted to learn more about pegasus magic this loop so I came to Cloudsdale library..."

"Really?" The mare opposite of her perked up, her normal smile on her face. "What are ya looking for? We've got several books on the different theories of pegasi magic, several history books, there's a couple I've put on hold so I can go through them and there's so much more I ca-"

Twilight placed a hoof on the mare's mouth. "Easy there," she chuckled, flapping her wings. "Why don't you show me around your library and I'll promise I'll do my best not to crash into it."

Rainbow Dash laughed, patting the mare on the back. "Nice one Twilight." Her smile began to fall as Twilight wasn't laughing. "You're joking, right?" Twilight simply stayed quiet as she walked into the library, with Dash pushing her glasses back up as she followed her in. "Right?"

143.18 (Evilhumour)

Twilight Woke up, in both senses, to someone banging on her door. Teleporting down as the library wasn't open today, she opened the door to see one of Celestia's advisers if her loop memories were being honest.

"Sparkle, do you know where they are?!" The mare shouted, grabbing Twilight and shaking her, the panic on her face was the same on the ponies in the street with Ivory trying to install some order.

"What? Who?!" Twilight already had an idea but-

"The Princesses!!!" The mare shouted, reaching out for Twilight but she teleported backwards, out of reach. "They're gone!"

"Oh no," Twilight tapped her chin, trying to think of what could have happened. "Did Discord statue break or -"

"We don't know!" She wailed, with the guards ponies around her trying to install order and trying hard not to panic either. "All I found was this!"

She floated over a simple folded paper over. Twilight read it and felt her mane spring out of place already.

"Are you bucking kidding me?!" She shouted as she reread the letter. "’Dear Daily Planner, Lulu and I are going out for the day. Don't worry, everything will be fine as long you don't panic. Hugs and kisses, Tia.’"

At that point, every pony glared at the mare and facehooved.

Twilight sighed, as she slammed the door closed and teleported back to her bed.

143.19 (Evilhumour)

"Oh come on!" Twilight shouted as they came back to Ponyville, with Dash patting her back in shared pain, pushing her glasses back up her nose. Tirek had attacked Cloudsdale instead this loop, and they had done their best to rally there quickly to save the pegasus community, with Dash saving all the ponies who lost their magic due to the centaur, ascending naturally in the processes. As the girls were attacking the centaur, he had smacked Dash's library' causing it to pop with lightening fanning everywhere. As Twilight soon learned, one bolt had arced all the way towards Ponyville before crashing into the Golden Oaks library.

"Wow, Twilight, I can actually feel your pain." Dash pulled Twilight into a hug. "Losing your library sucks."

Twilight simply banged her head against the wall at the injustice of it all.

143.20 (Evilhumour)

Princess Luna and Celestia, or Selena the unicorn and Sunny Day the pegasus looked at each other and then at the building in front of them. The pegasus pushed the unicorn forwards, with made her squeak in surprise.

"Come Selena, we've done so much in the loops, we can do this too!" Sunny Days smiled, bumping her sister's flanks. "I mean, I've seen what you've done in the loops and baseline, and this would be great for you."

"Sis, I-"

"We didn't agree to play hooky and told Daily Planner to cover for us today just so you can back out now Lulu," Sunny said, hugging her sister. "Now you are going to go in there, show off your paintings, get them appraised and then we're going to either celebrate with booze or drown out the memories with booze!"

"Tia," Selena whined, blushing as she looked around, the painting still rolled up behind her. "Promise to stay with me, no matter what?"

"Of course Lulu," the pegasus hugged her sister, tightly, whispering into her ear. "Now let's go inside, shall we?"

With that, the two mares went inside.

143.21 (Evilhumour)

Rainbow Dash pushed her glasses up as she landed in Ponyville, making sure her ponytail was perfect as she made her way to Fluttershy. She hadn't meant to avoid her friends this loop, but running a library had been hard work along with dealing with some craziness that plagued her.

She also promised herself to avoid flying into Twi's home after bucking so many ponies out of her library; the pure insanity of it nearly drove to her snapping.

"-it's funny?!" That was Gilda shouting, who was unAwake this loop. "That's the most ponyfeathers excuse I've ever head for doing something lik-"

"Okay Glida, quit i-tree dangit, not again!" Rainbow Dash shouted, forgetting once again not to fly too fast as her glasses flew off her nose when she went to stop her friend from doing something bad. She landed on the ground, trying to find her glasses without stepping on them for the fiftieth time. She could not afford another pair of glasses; the doc had really jacked up their prices after the twentieth time.

"Dashie?" Glida blinked, her blurry bulk flying over to her. "What's wrong?"

"My glasses, my glasses, I can't see anything without my glasses!" Rainbow Dash quickly facehooved at making that reference, blushing and glad no one was Awake to hear that.

"Don't worry Dashie, we'll help," Gilda patted her back gently. "Right you little brats?" She sneered over her shoulder at what she thought were DT, SS and the CMC, all moving around and trying to find her glasses. "In case you're wondering, this is the mare I was talking about. Miss Sonic Rainboom and never giving into bullies!"

"Gilda!" She blushed at the praise. "Stop that."

"Well? We've defend Flutters and every other pony from all those jerks that thought it was cool to pick on somepony that didn't have their cutie mark or wore glasses!" She sneered again, with Rainbow Dash grunting out her annoyance at her own friend's jerkish attitude. "Dash, I care too much to be subtle, you know that right?"

A orange blur ran over to her, holding something very familiar in her hooves. "Yeah, I know, but they're foals!" Taking her glasses and brushing them off with her wings, she thanked Scootaloo.

"Well, what do you expect from the Element of Brutal Honesty, Velma?" Gilda's smirk startled Dash horribly, causing her to jump back and meep loudly. Looking at all the five ponies, they had the same smirk on their face. "By the way, Twily told us about them cute glasses you have on RD." Her friend reached over and pinched her blushing cheek, the looping CMC snickering now. Blinking, she was temporarily blinded from the pictures being taken.

Twitching, Rainbow Dash shot into the air. Leveling above the treeline, she looked at Ponyville and the library. Pulling in tremendous speed and pegasus magic, she aimed herself for the Golden Oaks to have a nice 'chat' with Twilight. She should be ready for her, after all, by how loud she was shouting her name.

143.22 (fractalman)

Twilight rolled her eyes. This was hardly the first time a swimming pool had randomly showed up in the middle of Ponyville, though this was the first time it had been filled with water (naturally, she cast a battery of tests to make sure it was, in fact, just water with the appropriate amount of chlorine, and not some other substance that merely looked like water). She waded in, then calmly backstroked her way to the deep end, where Rarity was relaxing on a float.

"Er, Twilight?" asked Rarity.

"Yes, Rarity?" asked Twilight, as she rolled over and stood up, throwing a look look towards her friend.

"Erm...you might want to look over there..."

Twilight looked in the direction where Rarity was pointing.

"Pffftt...pffftt...." said the pink ball of fluff.

"So....Fluffle Puff sucked up all the water just by walking into the pool?"


143.23 (Tangent)

Look at how HAPPY we are in out conformity! Nopony faster than the slowest pony among us, so nopony ever gets left behind (even if we can no longer complete our work in as timely a manner as before).

Sugar Belle is still our Baker. She makes muffins every day. She used to be the best baker around, but now everypony can cook just as well as she does. We don't miss the flavor. Really. The muffins have been kind of horrible since the last batch of inductees though. But everpony has the same level of cooking skill, and that's the important bit.

Party Favor likes to make everypony happy. It is easy for him now 'our little village is HAPPY to be the same. He used to make all sorts of things out of balloons that no other pony could make, and he would use them to make ponies happy. He doesn't make them anymore, because nopony else could make things out of balloons. At all. Now nopony makes balloon items. Fair is fair after all. I miss the balloon items...

A new pony came to our little village the other day. She was lame. Starlight Glimmer decided to give her a private Unmarking, and sent the rest of us back to the village.

Starlight Glimmer came back to the village alone. Apparently the new pony was so happy to be able to walk freely again that she decided to spread word of our lifestyle back in her home village. She sounds like she would have been such a nice pony to have as a neighbor...

~From the Journal of Midnight Glider, one of the few surviving documents found in the abandoned community known only as "Our Little Village."

Rainbow Dash put down Daring Do and the Staff of Sameness, horrified. It wasn't often that she had the opportunity to read divergent Daring Do publications unless she wrote them herself due to replacing her favorite author, and they were usually fun reads, but from the sound of things, Starlight Glimmer had started her grand experiment a few years early this loop.

Checking the title of the next book in the series, Daring Do and the Cannibal Castle, Daring Do and the Trottingham Terror, and the oh so disturbing latest volume (that co-starred Applebloom on the cover) Daring Do and the Village of the Blanks, she sent out an emergency ping to gather Twilight and the rest of the Awake loopers at the Golden Oak library.

Horror fusion loops were... well, not quite the worst, but they were still something best to be prepared for...

143.24 (Evilhumour)

Twilight Woke up in Eiken with the rest of her friends glaring at her.


"Twilight. Dear." Rarity said sharply. "While we know how much you wish to save your home at least once a loop, you should know that Tirek seems to have a bullseye for it."

"Yes, which-"

"And if you'd asked us sugarcube, we'd help ya out." Applejack huffed.

"I know that, but-"

"I mean, it sucks to loose your home. I know, mine gets blown away from time to time." Dash grunted, a bit put off that she had the smallest chest among her friends along with the boyish haircut, wondering what Yggdrasil was trying to saying about her.

"I'm sorry to hear tha-"

"And as your friends, we'd love to help you find a way to retain it." Fluttershy smile was one of thinly veiled annoyance.

"Okay, but-"

"But that was a really silly plan, Twilight." Pinkie Pie said while eating a cupcake, her smile slightly smaller than normal.

"How was I supposed to know that it would crash the loop?!" Twilight shouted at her friends.

"When you turn everything in Equestria into the Golden Oaks, what did ya expect to happen partner!?" Applejack shouted, pounding her fist on the desk she was trapped in.

Twilight just groaned, burying her face in her hands as they began to deal with their punishment.

143.25 (Crisis)

"Hey Twilight," Rainbow Dash spoke up as she entered the library, seeing her currently-still-a-unicorn friend examining the shelves intently, "what's up?"

"I'm having trouble finding a book," Twilight answered as she kept scanning the shelves as if the book she was looking for would have magically appeared in the last few seconds.

"Really?" Dash blinked. "Huh... thought you knew exactly where everything was. What's the book?"

"In Plain Sight."

"I asked what it was," Dash rolled her eyes, "not where it was. Seriously, what's the book?"

"In Plain Sight, like I said."

"Obviously not, or you would have found it already."

"No, the book is In Plain Sight, I just can't seem to find it."

"Look, if you can't find it then it's obviously not in plain sight at all."

"I think I know my books better than you do, Dash, and this one is definitely In Plain Sight, I just need to find it."

"Okay, okay, where'd you get it?"

"From the Hub, by an author named Michaels Fern."

"Okay, what's the book the guy wrote and where should it be?"

"In Plain Sight, like I told you. It should be right here on this shelf."

"Look, Twilight, it's kind of hard to help if you won't......." Dash trailed off as her exasperated raise of her eyes landed on a volume several shelves up from where Twilight was looking. Wordlessly, Dash flapped up and removed a hardback volume from the top shelf that read 'In Plain Sight' across the spine. She wordlessly flapped back down and stared at the book for a moment before looking Twilight straight in the eye. "Did you seriously just 'Who's on First' me?"

"Well, you did kind of walk right into it," Twilight chuckled as Dash hoofed her the book. "And I really was having trouble finding this. Thanks."

"Don't mention it. Like, ever."

143.26 (Evilhumour)

Big Mac blinked as Vinyl slammed the door open, fuming mad with her ears upright.

"Where is your little sister BM?" She placed both of her hooves onto the counter. "I've got a little score to settle with her after what she did to me!"

Big Mac simply raised an eyebrow as he slid her a drink, silently asking her what his little sister did.

"Your little sister wanted to do some testing but lost the remote so she asked me for some help." Vinyl frowned as she slammed the drink back, sighing loudly. "She then grabbed my ears and started squeezing them! And it worked!"

Big Mac had to stop himself from laughing, a smirk almost appearing on his face. "Ah'll talk to her." He nodded his head.

"Thanks but that's not the real- GAH!" Vinyl shouted as she batted her ear, sending off miniature blasts of sonic into his booze collection, shattering many of the bottles. "The worst part is that she left me in a weird state that I keep doing that!"

"Ah'll go talk to her now." He frowned, moving to close the bar. As the two of them walked towards the exit, he paused to give Vinyl a look.

"Oh no, you will not do th-GEIK!" She meeped loudly as Big Mac leaned over and squeezed her ears, causing a low frequency blast of sonic waves to hit the door. With a loud CLICK, the bar was now locked. She huffed and blushed at the smirking pony. "You're going to tell everyone about this, aren't ya?"

"Eeyup." With that, the two ponies left the cellar to talk to a certain little filly about personal space.

Author's Note:

143.1: They, indeed, jelly.
143.2: Listen, sugar. (Red vs Blue crossover.)
143.3: Family. Can't live near them, can't evil without them.
143.4: The loud one, the stoic one, and the bossy one.
143.5: Mirror, mirror on the wall, what the heck is going on?
143.6: The best copy of Dash... is Dash.
143.7: Adopt, adapt, improve. (Potterverse crossover.)
143.8: That don't cotton with Mac.
143.9: A glimmer of understanding.
143.10: The Trix and Chrissy Show.
143.11: That's the way to do it.
143.12: Boops for victory!
143.13: She writes about everything. Both shes. (40K crossover.)
143.14: Yet another set of alternate mane characters.
143.15: Contact lenses required.
143.16: Flawless victory! (40K crossover.)
143.17: Ah, sweet revengeance.
143.18: That's the problem with perfect rulers.
143.19: A certain amount of historical inevitability.
143.20: Everyone feels inadequate about something.
143.21: Zing!
143.22: Where does that thing even come from?
143.23: Ah.
143.24: A target rich environment.
143.25: It was right there! No, wait, that's the sequel.
143.26: Sonic powers can kinda suck.

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