• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 173

173.1 (Vinylshadow & Masterweaver)

Vinyl Scratch stared at her marefriend who had staggered into their home at some ungodly hour of the night.

The cellist blinked and yawned as she put her case down.

"G'ev'in," she mumbled as she crawled on top of Vinyl and nuzzled her. "C'n I h've cuds please?"

"Tavi, you feelin' alright?" Vinyl asked, only for the mare to sit bolt upright, driving her knee into Vinyl's stomach.


Collapsing back on her fluffy blue-and-cream pillow, Tavi nibbled on Vinyl's chest fur.

"Riiight, well. I think I'll be canceling your gigs for the next month and taking you somewhere nice," Vinyl wheezed.

Octavia blinked tiredly. "Can it be a cruise?"

Vinyl felt her stomach drop as she remembered every other cruise she had ever been on and she bit her lip.

"...Yeah. That sounds...nice," she said with a smile. "Anything for you."

A loud snore greeted her, and Vinyl stroked Octavia's mane lightly.


"Yes, Octavia?" Vinyl asked as the two approached the ship settled in Manehattan's harbor.

"I can't help but notice our cruise liner has various protrusions that look unnervingly like incredibly large cannons."

"Yeah, Apple Bloom has some quirks when it comes to ship design. Still, she got us a free ride on the maiden voyage. And hey look, there's a pool too!"

"You have that look, Vin."

"What look?"

"The 'I wanna fire the cannons' look."

"...There's a look?"

"With you, yes."

"...I wanna fire the cannons."


"Leastways," quipped a passing filly, "not without mah permission. And supervision. There's a waitin' list in the auditorium, if you want to apply." She stuck a yellow hoof out to the shocked Octavia. "Captain Apple Bloom, pleasure ta have ya aboard."

Octavia shook the hoof. "Ah... nice to meet you."

"Likewise. If ya'll excuse me, Ah've got some things to run through before we depart." She saluted and trotted off.

"Heh. That's adorable. A filly pretending to be a captain."

Vinyl cleared her throat. "...Tavi, hon, she's not pretending."

Several hours later

Vinyl, Octavia, Apple Bloom and several others floated upon the sea in lifeboats, watching the burning wreckage of Apple Bloom's pride and joy sink beneath the waves with a hiss.

"HOW?!" Apple Bloom wailed, "I designed that ship to be unsinkable!"

"And remember what happened to the last ship with such a claim?" Vinyl pointed out. "On the other hoof, I'm 12% sure this wasn't my fault."

"Twelve percent," Apple Bloom stated flatly.

"It was a very big, very hairy spider?"

The rescue ships that found them were later quoted as having "followed the screams."

173.2 (Evilhumour)

"Soon, soon you'll be mine."

Cadence raised an eyebrow at her husband, who was speaking to her belly as he rubbed it with his chin.

"Soon, one day soon, I just know it, you will be born and you will be our little foal." Shining smiled up at her, reminding her of the life that was inside her, the promise of what was to come. Her heart bloomed at the love she sensed in Shining's voice; tears formed in the corners of her eyes.


"You are such a dork," she scoffed playfully, leaning down to boop his nose.

"I know, but I am your dor—did you feel that?" Shining looked up at her with wonder and joy. Cadence had indeed felt that, and placed a hoof on her stomach.

Again, their little foal kicked, bringing fresh tears to the adults' eyes.

"One day soon, Cady," Shining said; as he felt with one hoof their foal making its presence known, he raised his head to meet hers. "One day soon," he said, and kissed her on the lips.

"I know." She smiled, nuzzling his head fondly. "I'm going to be a momma."

The two of them spent the rest of the day feeling their baby kick, marveling at this wondrous sight they had never thought they would get to have, waiting for the day when they would be able to hold their child at long last.

"One day soon."

173.3 (Masterweaver)

"Sunburst loop location log #4593. Found easily. Current career..."

Twilight sighed into her recorder.

"...entertainer at a gentlemare's club. Will have to engage in discussion to discover persona. Hold log."

It had seemed like a brilliant idea, trying to track down and quantify the various versions of this particular pony. No doubt if Starlight ever started Looping – which Twilight Sparkle had decided was somewhat likely, given the mare’s time spell – she'd want to do a similar investigation herself. So preparing the information in advance was, in theory, a great idea.

In practice, it led to... well, this. Which had happened a good two hundred and thirty times. A statistical minority, but more common than it could be.

"The colt has a talent for magic that convinces his family to move to Canterlot," she grumbled, "and he chooses to sell his hooter instead of his horn. What the actual fern."

173.4 (Evilhumour)

"Trixie, I am worried," Chrysalis said, nuzzling the blue mare affectionately.

"About what?" Her attention diverted from her latest performance plans, Trixie blinked upwards at the changeling.

"About Cadance and Shining's baby," she said slowly, causing the showmare to stare at her with great confusion. "I mean, I don't know why, but I’m somewhat scared that I’ll turn up in baseline trying something stupid, like spiriting their child away or something, and I—"

"Sssh. Trixie will hear no more foolishness." Trixie placed a hoof over her marefriend’s lips while doing her best to look sage. "Whatever the future holds, we all know that you won't do anything bad when you are Awake, and I really doubt our baseline will do that to you." Trixie stared into her eyes with more love than the changeling queen saw in a hundred Loops on her own. "And I will still be beside you, no matter what happens."

As she wiggled out of Trixie's silencing hoof, Chrysalis leaned down to nuzzle her again. "Thank you, my little lovebug."

"Anytime, my queen." Trixie smiled back as she went back to her plans, wondering if she should use more saws for her latest trick.

173.5: (Anon e Mouse Jr.; one segment by Masterweaver)

Ponyville's Lighthouse Library, Part 1


"Yes, Rarity?"

"Erm… my Unawake self this Loop has been wondering about something since she was a little filly."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Go on."

"Ponyville isn't anywhere near the ocean, or any other large body of water, so… why do we have a lighthouse here, and whose idea was it to make it the town library?"

Twilight shrugged. "Good question." She looked up at the Golden Oaks Lighthouse and Library (which, despite its name, had actually had its main body done up in five horizontal black and white stripes, while the uppermost section, where the lantern room was located, was all in black), and at the darkened light (since it was the middle of the day, and the sun was shining) at the top. "I've been looking in the local history section since I moved in, but I haven't found anything yet. And I even asked Princess Celestia, but she didn't know off the top of her head either."

Rarity nodded, and joined her in looking up. "Well, if you find out why, do share it with us, darling. It's not the oddest thing we've ever had in Ponyville, but it's still unusual enough to make more than a few of us wonder."

"Will do, Rarity."

"Hey, girls!"

The two unicorns glanced over to see Pinkie Pie next to them, her eyes fixed on the sky. "So, what are we looking at, anyway?"

There was a pause, and then Twilight and Rarity started laughing.

Pinkie looked at them strangely. "Um, girls? What's so funny?"

That just made them laugh harder.

The pink mare blinked. "What?"

Much later, Twilight and Rarity were facing Applejack, who had a simple explanation for them.


"It was for pegasi colonizers. Way ta avoid the Everfree."

Twilight stared at Applejack. "That's... that's it?"

"Well, Granny Smith could tell you more—apparently there are a lot o' mysteries about that ol' lighthouse—but... that's why it was made, yeah."

Rarity frowned. "Well... that was... anticlimactic, really."

(Anon e Mouse Jr.)

Twilight quirked her ear. "What other mysteries?"

"Well, we're still not sure who actually built it… or even who the first keepers were. Some ponies say there's a lot more to all that than what I told ya. But none of it's ever been confirmed." Applejack shrugged. "Plus, we still don't know who decided it would make a good library, or even who they were neither. There's lots of theories about all those things, some of 'em crazier than others, but none of it's ever been proven."

Twilight exchanged glances with Rarity. "Really?"

Applejack nodded. "Eeyup. What we do know is that one day about a hundred years or so ago, they hadn't heard from the keepers in a while, so somepony went inside to check on 'em and found the whole place was all full of books an' shelving, an' not a pony in sight. Then, when they went down to Town Hall, they found all the paperwork to make it into a library had been filled out an' signed so it was all legal. But they never found the old keeper, and they never found any proof of who'd done any of it or why, so they just shrugged and appointed a new keeper and librarian to run the whole place, an' it's been that way ever since."

"I see."

"For most of us, as far as we're concerned, it's just one of the town's little quirks, and there's nothing there to really worry about, so we leave it be. But sometimes, there are ponies who start to wonder, and all kinds of rumors spring up from that."

"Huh." Twilight looked in the direction of her lighthouse library. "Well, at least we know something more. Thanks, Applejack."

"You're welcome."

As the two unicorns walked away, if they'd been looking up at that moment, they would have seen a small silhouette in the lantern room, before it flickered and vanished.

173.6 (Vinylshadow)

Sparrow Jack, the intrepid captain of the totally-not-parked-in-the-middle-of-the-street-it's-slightly-to-the-left-thank-you Black Pearl swaggered into Sugercube Corner and looked around.

"'Ello, fillies and gentlecolts and whatever species that lovely striped madam in the corner is, mind if I join you?"

The hustle and bustle of the confectionery store ground to a halt as everypony (and one zebra) stared at the dreadlock-maned pony in the pirate getup with varying degrees of dread.

Before anyone said anything, a voice bellowed from outside.

"OY, YOU!"

Sparrow turned on his hoof and gave as good as he got.


Shooting an apologetic smile at the patrons, he whispered a quick "Excuse me" and ducked out, where the tirade between him and what most guessed was some irate officer continued.

"You can't just leave your ship parked here! You're blocking traffic!"

"What's the problem? There's plenty of room right there, see?"

"You're also parked in Daisy's stall—how in the blazes did you get a ship this far inland?!"

"Well, there was this freak windstorm and I knocked over some large green statue in the harbor"


"And then I nearly smashed into a mountain, so, swerving around that, I then brought it to land here."

"...You're lying, right?"

"Of course I am. That's the stupidest thing I've heard. No, I was brought here by crabs."



"...Alright. Just...nope, I'm not dealing with this on a Monday. Enjoy your day, sir."

173.5 continued (Anon e Mouse Jr.)

Ponyville's Lighthouse Library, Part 2

Two weeks later, Twilight was convinced that something was definitely up with her home.

She'd managed to handle most of the early problems this Loop (fortunately, Rarity, Trixie, Zecora and Diamond Tiara were all Awake to help out with that), and was now doing her best to find out what more she could about her library's history. That included visiting with the grandson of one of the town's founders, which is what she was doing just then.

"So, not long after a number of pegasi who were coming to Ponyville for the first time began having… accidents around the Everfree, due to its wild weather getting out of hand, somepony proposed they build a large lighthouse to help with that." Filthy Rich frowned. "Funny, they never could identify who exactly made the proposal, since they never came forward after the initial suggestion. Then, after they'd picked out a site for it, when the workers went to break the ground to start construction for the first time, they discovered somepony had already put in a foundation overnight, and made it much larger than was initially planned. A couple of ponies, my grandfather among them, decided to watch over the site that night to try and find out who was responsible, but they never saw anypony besides themselves. Yet when the sun rose, somepony had added to it without their ever seeing a thing. It only took one week, from start to finish, before the entire thing was done, including the side building. And from them on, it was always lit at night, or during storms, before anypony could ever come near the building."

"Well…" Twilight looked surprised. "That's… very interesting. And they never found out who did it?"

"No trace of anypony was ever found," the older stallion told her. "Even the best mages from Canterlot couldn't find any traces of magic of any kind there. It remained a mystery for the ages."

"Wow." The unicorn mare looked at him. "What about a hundred years ago, when it got turned into a library?"

The Earth Pony stallion shrugged. "It was almost exactly the same. Town Hall had eventually hired an official lighthouse keeper to watch over the place, even if they didn't have to do much. Then, one day, they stopped coming out, so somepony was sent in. And like your friend Applejack told you, they found the building had been converted into a five-story library, with living quarters still on the sixth story and the top being the lantern room, as always. Again, they sent for mages from Canterlot to investigate, but they never found any proof of who'd been there or why."

"What about the keeper?"

Again, Filthy Rich shrugged. "Who knows? Personally, I think they just moved away and didn't bother to give proper notice, but that doesn't explain who converted the lower floors into a library or why. Or how they even got in. Not that I'm complaining about it, mind you. I used to spend hours in there when I was a colt, and I loved every minute of it."

Twilight smiled. "Well, that's always nice to hear. And thank you for telling me all of this."

"It was no trouble at all, Ms. Sparkle. I'm always glad to help a fellow bibliophile and historian. Especially when my daughter speaks so highly of them."

Twilight's ears lowered as she blushed. "Oh… well, thank you again, Mr. Rich. Diamond Tiara is a wonderful little filly to work with, and I'm sure she has a very bright future ahead of her."

A little while later, as she was walking the streets of Ponyville, Twilight glanced up, and her ears flicked back. The lighthouse's lantern was on… and she could see movement up there! Alicorn instincts kicking in, she flared her (currently non-existent) wings and sped for home.

Her heart racing as she approached the building, Twilight let herself in and raced up the stairs. And finally, she burst into the lantern room.

Which was as empty as it had been before she'd left to visit the Riches.

Narrowing her eyes, Twilight scanned the room, both visually and magically, but still found nothing.

I am going to find out what's going on here, she silently vowed. By book or by crook!

More time passed, and Twilight continued her investigations.

The strange silhouette she'd spotted before had appeared in the lantern room on several occasions since then, and she'd even spotted it moving around other rooms, but had never managed to catch it. Neither had Spike, who had Woken Up not long after her visit to the Rich home, and agreed to help search. But whatever it was had managed to evade her best scans and traps, and even Spike's Force abilities and Diamond Tiara's telepathic senses. Consequently, Twilight was starting to get annoyed. Yet at the same time, she was having more fun than she'd had in ages.

But now, it was time to end this. Spike was over at Rarity's, and Twilight had seen the strange figure in the lantern room again just moments ago. They weren't moving, and this time, she was going to catch them for sure.

"I know you're in here," she told the figure as she opened the door to the lantern room. "Come out and show yourself!"

For a moment, there was no movement. Then, a small figure emerged from the shadows.

"I've been expecting you, Mama," Nyx said with a grin.

"Nyx?" Twilight gaped. "It was..." She shook her head. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you."

Nyx laughed. "I am too, Mama."

And then the two raced forward, and for a moment, there was no time for words. Only hugs.

When the two finally separated, Twilight held her hooves on her daughter's shoulders. "So, I take it you set all this up?"

"Yup!" Nyx grinned. "I woke up a couple hundred years early, through the Pony of Shadows. And since I needed to do something to keep me busy while I was waiting for you, I decided to set up a mystery you couldn't help but try to solve, once you were Awake."

"You certainly succeeded," Twilight told her. "So, why a lighthouse?"

Nyx shrugged. "I hadn't ever done anything like it before, so why not? I built this place, set it up so it'd drop into my Pocket at the end of the Loop like your own library does, and had a lot of fun "haunting" it on and off, just to give myself something to do and Ponyville something interesting to talk about every now and then. I was so happy when I heard Rarity asking you about it that day, because I knew it meant you'd come looking for me soon."

Twilight eyed her daughter. "But why didn't you show yourself to me sooner?"

"Because it wouldn't be any fun for either of us if you didn't have at least something of a challenge," Nyx replied. "I know how you get when you're trying to figure something out."

"You have a point there." Twilight leaned forward and nuzzled the filly. "You really are my daughter, you know that?"

Nyx nodded and nuzzled her back. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Twilight's smile only widened at that.

173.7 (Vinylshadow)

Time Turner—better known as the Doctor—stepped out of his TARDIS and took a deep breath of Equestrian air.

"Mmm...the perfect place to relax after a hard Loop of being a Raxacoricofallapatorian under the control of the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe. Very hard to do anything with those beastly nails..."

Untying his tongue, he trotted into Ponyville's market. He browsed the stalls and eyed Applejack's warily. Usually when he was here and a certain pale olive filly wasn't Awake, he was brow-beaten into buying some apples—or in the case of a few loops, pears.

Lucky for his stomach, Apple Bloom appeared wide Awake since she had her Cutie Mark and was selling...

"Cutie Mark Counseling! Three bits an hour!" she hawked. Which, thinking about it, was rather pointless in Ponyville due to the fact more than 90% of its population had Cutie Marks, except the young ponies.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" Time Turner asked the engineer, stopping in front of the stall.

"Nah, Cheerilee's Awake too and is currently studying Horse mythology."

At the Doctor's blank stare, she elaborated. "Norse."

"Ahh, I see. How interesting," the Doctor replied in a voice of one who's had tea with said deities and hadn't been impressed. "Not as bad as the Roam Empire's, I suspect."

Apple Bloom snickered. "No, probably not. What brings you to Equestria?"

"Eh, some giant technolotree broke and sent everything ever made into repetitive time loops to fix itself. You know how it is," he replied with a bored wave of a hoof.

"True. Well, I hope you enjoy your stay here."

"And you as well, Miss Bloom."

173.8 (HarmonyChaos)

"Archmagister!" the Ghost of Starswirl yelled, running up to Twilight. "Something hath come out of the Astral Plane, and whatever it be, it seems powerful, at least as powerful as you are."

Twilight frowned. If one of the other Houses or that accursed Cult got in here, behind her shield, behind her proud unicorns, and attacked, things could get messy. "Bring me to it! If it's the Cult of Laughter..." She shuddered, though not from fear. Her unicorns could handle them. They had the power of Celestia and Luna on their side! She got up and ran out with Starswirl.

They arrived a few minutes later to a table of Equestria. Starswirl ran past it, apparently getting a fix on whoever, or whatever, it was. Trixie walked out and joined them, along with two Knights, one of Celestia, the other of Luna, and two Legionnaires carrying an Arcane Manipulator who, upon finding an Earth Pony, forced him to pull it along. It was all they were good for. Well, that and she couldn't have any of her precious unicorns dying before the slaves were dead... and she begrudgingly supposed that they were necessary for food production.

"Who could have done this?" Trixie asked as they came to a room full of unconscious ponies.

"Whoever it was, they know their stuff," a Nightmare named Shadow Stalker said as he appeared beside Twilight. "A room stun and sleep spell combo, barely got out of here myself. I am sorry to report that I didn't get a good look at the intruder; I only know that it's a she and she's purple. I'm sorry I couldn't get any more info."

Twilight gritted her teeth together. "It's fine, so long as you're alright."

"I am, and I believe she was heading to the balcony."

"Good, I want you to go and lock the intruder in." Twilight grinned; she wouldn't be stopped here!

Twilight was looking all across the shattered remains of what was once Equestria, now nothing more than a shadow of its former glory, no thanks to her counterpart in this timeline she assumed. Speaking of which... She turned towards the doors and opened them, revealing her counterpart, a small group of unicorns, and a strained, malnourished Earth Pony pulling a weird tower that had the symbol of Luna on it. Her counterpart stepped forward.

"Hello there. My name is Archmagister Twilight Sparkle, and I would like to welcome you to House Moon and Sta—" Her eyes widened once she saw Twilight's wings and horn. "You're an alicorn?!"

"Yes, I am. My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said. "And please don't bow, I already get that enough from my timeline. Also don't begin worshipping me. I don't need it, just trying to fix the timeline."

"How did you become an alicorn? Please tell me!" the Archmagister said.

"And why should I tell you?" the Looper asked. "I can end this universe with a thought."

"Because you were once a unicorn like me, and your assistance could help us find Celestia and Luna," the Archmagister said.

"I'll give you a hint. It requires something you don't have," the Looper said, smiling. "I'll give you three guesses; at the end of them, I'll give another."



173.9 (Vinylshadow - MLP/PotC)

Sparrow Jack, part-time captain for the totally-not-stolen-I-leased-my-soul-for-it-thank-you-very-much-and-let-me-tell-you-the-trouble-that-caused Black Pearl lay on the ground, groaning.

"Sir, are you okay?!" a worried voice called out. A blue-gray head topped by a straw-colored mane popped into view, misaligned eyes bright with worry.

Sparrow blinked and squinted at her. "Huh...must be dead, because you're much too beautiful for this world," he mumbled. "Have you seen my ship? Giant black thing."

The mare looked around, then winced. "Ah...it's currently lodged in the side of Sweet Apple Acres' barn. Just finished rebuilding it too. Again."

"Could you take me there? I need to talk to Applejack," Sparrow said, struggling to get to his hooves. "What's your name?"

"Currently, it's Derpy, and you're not going anywhere," the mare said firmly, pushing him back down. "You need to rest. I'll get Applejack for you."

Sparrow sighed and rested on his back. "Fair enough, lass. The sunset is lovely at this time of year."

A few minutes later, Derpy and Applejack came back up the hill. Applejack's face was one of amusement while Derpy's was wreathed in concern.

"Back again, Jack?" Applejack said with a sigh. "You do realize you nuked my cider supply by ramming your ship into it, right?"

Sparrow's face contorted in horror and his dreads drooped. "Ah..sorry 'bout that, lass. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Yes, you'll be helping rebuild it, for one. As payment, I'll give you some barrels of my finest cider from my Pocket."

Sparrow grinned. "Deal."

"Get up, we can work in the moonlight," Applejack said. Derpy frowned.

"But he's injured. You can't—"

Applejack shook her head. "He's about as injured as a rodeo clown. Most of the time he's actually a living skeleton. Give it a minute," she said, looking up at the moon.

A beam of moonlight fell across his torso, revealing the bones underneath. Derpy's eyes went wide and Sparrow got to his feet, cracking his neck with a grin.

"Quite handy to survive ship crashes though," he said lightly. "Makes it god-awful hard to enjoy drinks though. They go right through me and don't let me hold my liquor."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Come along, Sparrow. You've got a long night and day ahead of you."

173.10 (Evilhumour)

"But daaaaad, I have to go out!" Rainbow Dash whined, eyes darting up at her cross father.

"I'm sorry Dashie, but you've got homework," the stallion picked his daughter up with his teeth and plopped her in front of kitchen table. "If you had done this Saturday, like I asked you to, you could go out and play with your friends. But you didn't and now we are going to sit right here until you are done and—"

"Then I can go out?" Rainbow Dash said with hope in her voice, leaning out of her chair to look at her father.

"Nope," he gave a lopsided grin, booping her nose. "I want you to remember this a lesson Dashie; that there are consequences to your actions and even if you say you’re sorry and do everything to make amends, you may not be able to make things right," he frowned, tapping his chin. "I'm sure that sounded a lot wiser in my head Dashie," with a chuckle, he leaned over to ruffle her mane. "Besides Dashie, I am pretty sure that Equestria won't crash and burn because you didn't go out and play one day."

Dashie gulped weakly, scratching the back of her head and wondered how she would explain this one to Twilight.

173.11 (Vinylshadow - MLP/PotC)

Applejack Woke up standing next to Rainbow Dash in the town hall, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Princess Celestia to raise the sun.

She watched the smoke coalesce into...

Her jaw dropped and she fought hard to stifle a snort of laughter, coughing harshly.

"FILLIES AND GENTLECOLTS! AS YOUR NEW RULER, LET ME BE THE FIRST TO SAY...THE RUM...WILL LAST...FOREVER!" the pony skeleton wearing a pirate getup bellowed, staggering drunkenly about.

Rather than screams of terror and panic, the ponies looked at each other, murmuring quietly. Applejack pricked her ears as she overheard some eager stallions whisper excitedly.

"Just think! No more having to wait for the taverns to resupply!"

"Yes! Long live...uh..."

"What's your name?" a pony called out.

Sparrow Jack, the sometimes-semi-not-dead captain of the for-the-last-time-I-don't-know-where-the-blasted-monster-octopus-latched-to-it-came-from-I'm-sorry-but-it-really-isn't-my-problem-if-it-ate-something-you-liked Black Pearl blinked and peered down at the assembled ponies.

"Me? What, you've never heard the legends of the Flying Dutchmare? I met her captain a few times. Ugly as sin, but a surprisingly good kisser once you get enough rum in him...erm...sorry, name...name...noun verb, noun verb...ah! I am...Nightmare Rhum Vieux."

The sound of a hoof hitting face echoed through the room.

173.12 (Evilhumour)

"Ahem, sir?" Rainbow Blaze did a double take as Princess Celestia appeared in his living room. As he bowed to the floor, he swore he heard the princess give a somewhat embarrassed cough, like Dashie would when she was about to do something really naughty. "I am dreadfully sorry for this but this must be done for the safety of the future of Equestria." With that, the Princess of the Sun walked over to the corner of the room, picked up his daughter that was in time out for what happened at school and threw her out the window so hard that there was a sonic rainboom.

She teleported out of the room and then back into the room moments later with a totally hyper ball of fluff he recognized as his daughter.

The Princess then dropped the filly into his hooves and bowed her head. "Equestria thanks you for your duty and you missy, behave yourself, understand?"

"Yuppers!" Dashie squeaked from Blaze's hooves before looking up at her father. "Daddy, look! I've got my Cutie Mark!"

"That's wonderful Dashie," Blaze said affectionately, distracted by the good news before he noticed that Celestia was already gone. Making a mental note to seek an audience with the Princess later on, he went to plan his Dashie's party before remembering that she was still grounded for fighting.

173.13 (Evilhumour)

"So dear, how have your children been?" Upper Crust sneered at Twilight Velvet, with the rest of the noble ladies at this little luncheon. Most of the mares here were already bored to death about Upper Crust's little spiel about her spoiled little child and how much they have done in Prance, and were suddenly very interested in how Velvet of the Twilight House would react to this.

"Well," Velvet drawled out, taking a slow sip from her teacup—mostly to hide her grin. "My oldest son is now married to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, snogged her so hard at their wedding that he actually gained wings and became an honest alicorn. They are now expecting their first child and I am sure that the Crystal Empire will be ever so glad to see that their Empress has a child at lost last—did I mention that they are rulers of their own nation?" Velvet smiled at Upper Crust, whose face was starting to drop. "Which reminds me of my other son, Spykoranuvellitar, who helped save the Crystal Empire by rescuing the Crystal Heart from King Sombra and is married to a lovely mare named Rarity Belle. What a dear she is, and she definitely has a fine head on her shoulders. Why, I am sure you have heard of the Belle clothing franchise while living in Prance?" With a hoof pressed to her chest, Velvet dashed her eyelashes in such an exaggerated fashion of simplicity that made the mares around them snicker. "Made seventy different dresses with different material in roughly a fortnight and ascended into an alicorn when she was done!"

Pausing, Velvet glared at Upper Crust, enjoying this far too much. "Of course, there is my daughter Twilight, former student to Princess Celestia. Of course, she had to stop being her student after completing Starswirl's last spell. Wouldn't be right for a princess to be a student under another princess, after all. But then again, Twilight still listens to the Princess greatly, doing whatever she and the other Element Bearers of Harmony can do to save Equestria from the latest world ending threat."

"I see—" Upper Crust tried to butt in but Velvet wasn't finished just yet.

"My dear Twilight does have a big heart—I mean, not many would take in a reincarnation of Nightmare Moon and raise her on their own," Velvet gave a soft smile, staring at the pale unicorn mare across of her. "Nyxie has truly grown by leaps and bounds. Why, she is even engaged to a prince of the Imperium of Ponykind—you know, the ancient homeland?—and they are going to get married any day now!" Velvet swooned, leaning back into her chair.

Upper Crust took a breath inwards, licking her lips before saying, "Well, that's very nice and all if it is true, but—"

As if on cue, there was a series of thuds and pops, and everypony turned their head to see five ponies—all alicorns—and one gigantic purple dragon teleport in and land on the garden floor. Another alicorn, a white mare with a perfect purple mane, slid down from the dragon's head and they all turned to Velvet with a big smile on their face.

"Hi mom!" a choir of voices heavy with love said, all the newcomers coming closer to nuzzle Velvet.

She smiled happily at her family before turning her head back to Upper Crust. "Do you want to hear about my cousins, dear?"

173.14: (Evilhumour)

"Lemon, I..." Nyx blinked at what she was staring at, her fiancé smiling proudly. "HOW!?"

"Well, I was trying to cook from this cookbook again, I turned my eyes away for a moment and the next thing I knew, Meaty here was licking my face!" Lemon then reached over to pat the meat dragon's snout.

"Meaty—I—gah!" Nyx sputtered before magicking the cookbook over. "'The Nomnomicon?!' That's the cookbook you were using?!"

"Is it a problem Nyxie?" Lemon titled his head as the dragon licked the back of his head again, causing the stallion to giggle. Nyx decided to show it was a problem by hitting him over the head with the cookbook over and over again.

173.15: (Evilhumour)

"You don't have the Elements of Bearers and thus Eternal Day shall last forever!" Luna cackled at Magic.

"That's where you are wrong Luna, for the Bearers do exist, in my friends!" Magic shouted, looking at her pony friends.

"Honesty, telling us all about farming and apples when went down the cliff, represents the Bearer, Applejack!"

"Kindness, using her wide eyed looks to tame the beasts, represents the Bearer, Fluttershy!"

"Laughter, making inside jokes that I don't get as I just got to this town, represents the Bearer, Pinkie Pie!"

"Generosity, giving us all these styling but impractical outfits, represents the Bearer, Rarity!"

"Loyalty, flying to catch us after she threw us clear the other of the chasm, represents the the Bearer, Rainbow Dash!"

"Ha, you are one Element of Bearer away and without it, my night loving sister will be imprisoned forever!" Luna let out a victory laugh, flying into the sky. "The Day shall last forever!"

"That's here you are wrong, Luna, for the last Bearer does exist!" Magic shouted, the smashed crown starting to fly around her, just like the necklaces were doing to her friends. "I have learned to tolerate new people and call them friends due to social conventions, just making me the representation of Twilight Sparkle, the last of the Bearer!"

As Magic spoke, the crown and necklaces spun around them counterclockwise, turning into orbs of stone before firing a dark rainbow at the panicking alicorn.

As the alicorn was cleared of the taint, Princess Nightmare Moon stood tall with her loving sister Corona Blaze, who raised the moon back into its proper place.

It was at this moment, everyone in the room Woke up and took one look at their loop memories before facehooving as hard as they could from what they saw.

They all knew now that this was going to be a long loop to deal with.


A long time ago in the magical land of Equestria, there was an oppressive Empire that ruled over the once-peaceful ponies, led by the Dark Lord Sombra. He wished to subjugate the entire planet, using his mighty magic and control over shadows.

A rebellion, led by the brave unicorn Rarity, fought back, striking at key points of the Empire's rule, hoping to break its iron grip. Victories and defeats teetered back and forth between the factions with settlements and towns caught in the middle.

During one struggle, Rarity was captured and sentenced to be executed.

A band of rebels, consisting of three fillies, a drake and his old mentor

"Whoa, whoa, whoa; what do you mean, old?!"

Spike blinked, looking up from his roll of parchment, quill poised to write as he met the gaze of one Twilight Sparkle.

"It's just a story, Twilight," he said patiently. The mare grumbled. Spike rolled his eyes. "Besides, 'old' in this case merely means she was his mentor before he went off and joined the rebels. Taught him everything she knew," he added with a wink, causing Twilight to smile.

"Hm, if you say so. I'm rather proud of you for not gushing over Rarity either," she said with a grin. Spike waved a claw.

"Eh, they wouldn't even get together until the third or fourth book. She'd ignore him for the most part, then claim later she had been testing his resolve or something."

Twilight snickered. "Sounds interesting. Can't wait to read it."

"Can you keep it a secret for now? I'd like to surprise everyone with it."

"Pinkie Promise," Twilight said.

"Thanks, Twi. You're the best sister I could hope for."

The two shared a hug and Twilight left him to his writing.

173.17 (BIOS-Pherecydes)

Twilight looked bemusedly at the sight of her daughter huddled under the blanket of her bed. She had reverted to her filly form rather than the adult body she had been using before while Lemon was here. It had been a spectacularly normal Loop thus far, and as far as she could tell there was nothing unusually frightening about Ponyville right now (so long as you ignored the mildly crazed laughter coming from Sweet Apple Acres as a certain red maned filly worked on her latest inventions) so for the life of her she couldn't understand why Nyx was shaking like a leaf and hiding in the Golden Oaks. It was far too late in the Loop for it to be a result of whatever her last Loop had been so nothing she could think of explained the sight that had greeted her upon returning to her home.

Kneeling down before the trembling filly, she pulled Nyx into a hug which she gratefully leaned into. "You want to tell me what's got you so frightened?"

Nyx shook her head.


The mother daughter duo remained like that for several minutes before Nyx spoke. "Lemon tried cooking again."

Twilight heroically refrained from groaning. "Were there any victims? What about your house, how much of it is left?"

Nyx gave a strangled laugh. "The house is fine and nopony got hurt."

Twilight frowned. "Lemon didn't kill it did he? It may not have been supposed to come to life, but it still deserves to live."

"It didn't come to life."

Twilight blinked at that. "Toxic hazard?"

Nyx shook her head. "It was a perfectly normal dinner. Spaghetti and wheatballs. Nothing came to life, or poisoned anypony or even violated the laws of nature. It was a perfectly normal dinner," She said, staring into the distance unseeing.

Twilight was silent for several moments as she tried to process that before shuddering. "Move over Nyxie."

Back at their home in Canterlot, Lemon Rush did his best to explode the dishes sitting in the sink with his eyes. "The one time I manage to make a normal dinner, and it was a total accident."

Discord chuckled from his place in the dishwater sea as he propelled his bowl along with a serving spoon.. "Well don't look at me. I'm not the one who stayed up all night playing poker causing him to sleepwalk through his date night."

Lemon's glare doubled. "Bullrush! You were the dealer."

Discord pointed behind the stallion. "Oh no, not I. Twas he who you played against my dear Lemon Sparkle."

Turning to look where the Spirit of Chaos was pointing, he found himself confronted by an identical draconequus wearing a sleepmask. "What did I miss?" he asked his diminutive counterpart.

"While you were sleeping, Lemon here all but sleepwalked through his date and somehow managed to create a perfectly edible meal for once," Discord told himself.

Confronted with two smirking Draconequii, Lemon groaned. "Somehow I think it would have been better if I accidentally created an Eldritch Cuisine."

"Twilight? Why are you, and Nyx cowering under your blankets?" Rarity asked, having come to return Twilight's copy of the latest Iris Drake novel.

"Whatever it is can't be that bad right Twi?" Spike asked from beside his wife.

Poking her head out from beneath the cover, Twilight looked around frantically before pulling the couple into the bed with them. To their surprise they found themselves standing in a much, much larger space than could possibly fit inside the Library where Pinkie Pie was hastily organizing the citizens of Ponyville towards their designated stations. "Something has gone horribly wrong with this Loop. It's a miracle it hasn't crashed yet, but I can't take any chances. We're evacuating."

"Evacuating? Surely it can't be so serious that you think we need to abandon Ponyville," Rarity said with wide eyes as she watch the organized chaos taking place under Twilight's sheets.

"Ponyville? No you don't understand. We're evacuating Equestria. Once we finish preparations I'm going to teleport everypony to the moon. After that Nyx and I will see about finding a new planet for us to colonize," Twilight replied seriously.

"Whoa! Hold on Twi. Don't you think you're overreacting a little? What even happened anyway?" Spike asked curiously, scratching the scales on the back of his head.

Twilight visibly steeled herself before responding. "Lemon Rush managed to cook something normal," she practically hissed.

Spike and Rarity stood still for a moment as they considered that.

"Right. No time for the fainting couch. Spike you stay here and help Twilight. I'm going to pack up the Carousel Boutique. Time is of the essence. Let's move!"

173.18 (BIOS-Pherecydes)

Princess Cornea Blaze glared at the camera, as beside her an aged unicorn stallion stood. "Hello. I'm Stein Bin. Do you have dry, itchy, burning eyes. Get Clear Eyes. It removes redness, and has the ingredients to moisturize."

His magic lifted a small item and with her permission, poured a few drops into her eyes. In a flash of prismatic light, the newly Awakened Celestia blinked confusedly.

He turned back to the camera. "Wow. The difference is clear. Clear Eyes."

"An' Cut! Okay everypony that's a wrap." Applebloom shouted from behind the director's chair.

Diamond Tiara came in wearing a headset and looking at a clipboard. "Okay Princess, that's it for today. Don't forget, tomorrow you're scheduled early for a Coppercolt suntan lotion commercial so be sure to get plenty of rest."

With that she turned away, already barking orders into her headset.

Celestia stared at the departing filly silently for several moments.


173.19 (Vinylshadow)

Twilight winced as Tirek slapped her friends down one by one. She hated Loops that restricted her to baseline power; she'd not had one in a long time and she hadn't adjusted to the power difference, which was how Tirek was thrashing their collective flanks.

"I thought you were stronger than this, Princess," Tirek growled, towering over the fallen Alicorn.

"Stay away from her!" a voice cut across the ruins of Ponyville. Twilight and Tirek turned to see a blue-gray pegasus mare standing amid the flames.

Her misaligned eyes had—in one of their rare moments—zeroed in on the centaur.

Tirek laughed. "What's this, then? Reinforcements? You must be desperate to die."

"Derpy! Run!" Twilight gasped out. Derpy met her eye and winked.

"Don't worry, I've met his type before," she said, returning her burning gaze to the centaur.

She flapped her wings, taking flight towards Tirek. A red-orange blob of magic formed between his horns and fired at the mare, who swung around it in a lazy loop as it then scorched the remains of Twilight's library.

"Oh for Amentotaxus yunnanensis' sake," Twilight griped, helping her friends to their hooves before looking at Derpy, who impacted Tirek.

The two sailed through the air, Derpy hammering home hits on the centaur's broad chest before she whirled and slammed him into the ground with her hind legs. Derpy landed hard on his torso, driving the air from him.

As he wheezed for air, Derpy glared into his eyes.

"Do you know what you did during your altercation with Princess Twilight?"

Tirek stared at her without comprehension. Derpy brought her face close to his.

"You almost hit my muffin."

She then lightly booped his confounded face on the nose and he popped like a bubble. Shaking the suds off her hoof, Derpy took wing and landed beside Twilight.

"Are you alright?" the mailmare asked. Twilight stared at the sizzling pile of suds, then at Derpy.

"What...how did you do that?"

"During his draining spree, he took my magic," Derpy said. "Turns out he also got one of my Cutie Marks' downsides, he'll come back but not for a while... No doubt you could've handled him, but when his attack nearly hit Dinky..."

Twilight winced. "Sorry. My magic was lessened this time around. Usually it's not much of a problem, but I wasn't prepared and I Woke up on the wrong hoof..."

"Not your fault, Twilight," Derpy said.


Derpy pricked her ears at the shout and turned, sweeping up her daughter, twirling her around and blowing into her belly, tickling her with her wings, causing Dinky to shriek with glee.

Twilight dipped her head. "Thank you."

Derpy nodded and nuzzled her daughter with a tender smile on her muzzle.

173.20 (Vinylshadow)

Twilight kicked down the door to her library and walked in, super soaker primed and ready.

"If I find my daughter cuddling on the couch with her boyfriend again, I'm gonna...what are you two doing?"

"Well, you said 'on the couch' so we moved to the floor," Lemon said, curled around Nyx and nuzzling her mane. "ACKTHPH!"

Twilight pumped her soaker and narrowed her eyes. "You do realize this is a public building?"

"It was Nyx's idea," Lemon grumbled, wringing water out of his mane.

"No, mine was you licking whipped cream off my—ack!" she squeaked as Twilight soaked her. "I was going to say nose!"

"I wanted you two to match," Twilight said innocently.


"Yes, Lemon?"

"Plan W."

"What's pla - not in the library!" Twilight yelped as the couple pulled out water balloons, diving for the door.

Two gleeful ponies followed her, only to stumble to a halt as they met a wall of water being suspended by magic.

"That's not fair," Lemon complained, bracing himself for a long wet war.


"Yes Luna?"

"We've gotten reports that the town of Ponyville has flooded."


"Yes, Celie?"

"Get my Water Wings. We've got a water war to win."

173.21 (Vinylshadow)

Leman and Nyx stared as Nightmare Moon's castle shuddered from another internal explosion.

Faintly, they could hear the snarling voice of Twilight Sparkle as she wreaked revenge against the Cultists.

"Brainwash my daughter will you?!"

"Is that blood?! Were you making my daughter drink blood?!"

Leman glanced at his fiancé with an arched eyebrow. "You never told her you were Awake, did you?"

Nyx shrugged. "Sometimes she needs an outlet for stress. Too much and she gets really nasty. This is cathartic for her."

"Ah," Leman said, once again mentally reminding himself to never get on Twilight's bad side. He glanced at Nyx and smiled softly.

After a few more hours of screams and shrieks for mercy, Twilight emerged from the castle and gave her daughter a hug.

"Oh, and you're grounded for not telling me you were Awake," she whispered into Nyx's ear.

"Oh come on!"

173.22 (Scorntex)


"Excuse me, Your Highness?"

The terrified crowd watched as Nightmare Moon stared blankly at the elderly pony who'd approached her, apparently unconcerned that he had just interrupted her declaration.
Twilight, cautiously sitting at a distance, noted the old pony, and the odd manner in which he spoke. It sounded familiar to her somehow, but she could remember where.

"... Yes, subject?" Nightmare Moon said, tentatively. The old pony just kept smiling warmly.

"I was wondering if perhaps you might like something to drink."

"I... what?" The dark alicorn shook her head. "No. Begone."

Twilight Sparkle, watching cautiously from a distance, saw the old pony bring out a saucer and teapot from nowhere.

"Surely I cannot tempt your highness to even one lone cup of tea? After a thousand years, locked away in the moon, you must be thirsty."

Nightmare Moon sniffed at the scent coming from the teapot. Her expression changed to a mix of suspicion and intrigue. "Well," she began, "perhaps one cup of this "tea" would do no harm..."

The old pony poured out a small cup, and gave it to Nightmare Moon, who slowly took a sip from it.

Her first reaction was surprisingly dramatic; the dark alicorn vanished without even the intermediate stage of a puff of comical smoke, replaced by Princess Luna.

Her second, however, not so much.

The crowd waited as Luna stared, eyes wide in shock, at the tea cup. And they waited. And waited.

And waited.

And they waited.

Twilight walked over toward the old pony, who had taken the saucer from Luna and was now frowning at it.

"Uh, that... was meant to happen, right?" Twilight asked.

"I think I overdid it on the "calming" part," he murmured.

"You definitely overdid something," Twilight stated, as she tried not to look at the slightly eerie sight of Princess Luna stand completely still.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, by the way," she said, cordially. The old pony bowed his head.

"Iroh, of the Fire Nation."

"Oh, yes," Twilight smiled, "I've heard of you. Princess Celestia mentioned you, a while back. She said you made some very good tea."

She glanced toward the teapot. "I probably should've guessed it was you, what with the tea. And the tea-leaf Cutie Mark. And the fact that you didn't seem concerned by Nightmare Moon, at all."

She looked back toward Luna, who was still not moving (beyond breathing, and blinking).
To say Twilight Sparkle had a sinking feeling would have been understating. At this point, she might as well have been on the ocean floor itself.

"This is going to wear off eventually, isn't it?" she asked.

"I'm afraid I do not know," Iroh replied, "but I should hope so."

It was not until a full hour had passed that Luna finally did something.

"Perfect," she gasped, in a hushed awe, as she shed a small tear. "Absolutely perfect."

Instantly, Twilight recognised where she had seen this reaction before, in the coffee house of Mechanicsburg, and the sinking feeling was replaced by an immediate stab of utter dread.

"The taste," she whispered, "the smell, nay even the texture, they are all perfect. And the way they adhere to the saucer, perfect. And the saucer itself, 'tis a thing of perfection, the perfect synthesis of style and function! PERFECT, I SAY!!"

Twilight looked skeptically at Iroh, who was rubbing a hoof against his chin contemplatively.

"I can fix that," Iroh paused for a moment, before looking back to Luna.
"I think."

173.23: (Masterweaver)

"Ah, Equestria! Learned about the loops here, you know."

Sea Swan, elsewhen known as Elizabeth, tilted her head. "I thought Poseidon gave you the looping speech."

"Aye. Then I got so blind drunk I forgot it, so he arranged for me to be dumped in here. Don't let the colorful ponies fool ya." Sparrow Jack, elsewhen known as OY YOU!, gave her a broad grin. "There's debauchery aplenty if you know where to look. Case in point!"

The brown stallion's hoof swung to indicate a red barn. "Looks ordinary, don't it. Sure, maybe they'd make some drinks here, but you'd think that servin' them would happen elsewhere." He smirked as his hoof pointed at a particular cellar door. "Down there, though, lies one of the most skilled bar-mixers in the multiverse, and if rumor is to be believed, she's shackin' up with a chaos spirit."

Sea Swan rose an eyebrow. "You're going to go in."

"No, lass. We're goin' to go in."

173.24 (Masterweaver)

Moondancer drew her bandanna tighter over her muzzle, scraping some dirt off her goggles as she walked through the shattered buildings at the base of the mountain. She sighed as she examined the ground; broken earrings, shattered necklaces, twisted bracelets. This was probably a jewelry shop before it fell—it would have been mostly useless then and it was mostly useless now. Still, good gems could be used in spell arrays; she levitated a few small pieces and placed them in one of the pouches dangling from her saddlebags.

She was about to turn away when suddenly she felt a POWERFUL magical surge, as though a hundred unicorns had shoved their magic into one spell. It wasn't hard to figure out where it came from; the rubble in the distance suddenly started floating and spinning, large chunks of masonry rearranging themselves in midair. Moondancer backed up a step or two without thinking; she hadn't seen so much raw magic in over a decade, and even then it had been Celestia herself—

The thought was grabbed, held. She examined it from all angles. Celestia had definitely died, there was no doubting that, but... if she had regenerated somehow, or if there was a new alicorn...

Whatever the case, there was a pony with quite a bit of magic. If she could convince them to ally with her, she could... well, life would be a lot easier.

The masonry dropped back to the ground with a loud crash, kicking up dust and grit. Moondancer rolled her eyes and braced herself, holding her breath as the massive dust cloud passed over her. She still had to cough when it was gone, rubbing the dust out of her goggles.

Then, with some trepidation, she began to walk toward the magic's source.

It was easy for Moondancer to guess when she arrived at her destination. For one thing, the rubble was held back by a hoof-high force field. For another, there was a series of colored tiles just beyond that, circling a hut scavenged and salvaged from an old Canterlot spire. And the pair of alicorns busily levitating various items around desks was a pretty big clue.

The smaller black one noticed her first, standing outside the edge of the magic, and let out a large gasp. "Mom! We've got a visitor!" She put down what looked for all the world like a series of test tubes and galloped up to the edge, grinning even as the purple one turned. "Oh my gosh, there are ponies still alive!"

Her eagerness was joined by the larger purple one, though that smile was more restrained as she trotted up. "I told you I hadn't done a detection sweep yet. Hello, miss... wait." She peered. "Reddish mane, purple stripe... Cream hooves?! Moondancer, is that you?!"

Moondancer froze, suddenly very wary.

"...Oh. Right, you haven't met me this loop. Sorry, you must be very confused." The purple pony backed up a step. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. This is my adopted daughter, Nyx, and Luna is currently resting inside. And... none of those names mean anything to you, do they."

Very slowly, Moondancer shook her head.

"Right. I'm going to make an airlock for you." Twilight's horn lit up, and a glowing arch appeared before of the unicorn. "There's now a small magical field right in front of you, intersecting the greater shield. If you step in, I'll run a quick decontamination, get that dust off of you, then release you into the plaza."

"Why are we calling it a plaza?"

"Because, Nyx, I haven't had time to think of a better word. Well, Moondancer? You coming?"

Author's Note:

173.1: Vinyl has bad cruise luck.
173.2: Anticipation all the sweeter after so long thinkig it was impossible.
173.7: Well, it's mostly horse mythology around here.
173.8: Not one of your better selves.
173.9: Yes, he does something like this almost every time.
173.10: Rainbow-Dad is probably going to be rather surprised.
173.11: See what I mean?
173.12: A variation on a theme.
173.13: Game, set, match.
173.17: Inversion.
173.24: Post apocalypse, but not post manners.

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