• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 155

155.1 (Masterweaver)


"Yes Twilight?"

"I can get why you'd make clothing out of doors, since I know you like a challenge. But why the birch is your line so popular?!"

"Well, it's a long story involving social engineering, professional manipulation, and a touch of lucky coincidence, but the long and short of it is I'm famous enough that everypony wants something Rarity."

155.2 (Masterweaver, Valentine Meikin)

"I'd like a lactose-free quesadilla please..." Twilight requested, for everyone's head to shoot round, as she ate the baked tortilla, burped lightly, wiped her mouth, then walked off.

"It was that simple?!?" Pinkie declared, "No wonder she waves off milk..."

"OK, Who here now feels really embarrassed?" Rainbow Dash asked, for several hands to go up, "Next time, Ask for the full story... Right."

"Waaaaaaait a second." Pinkie tapped her chin. "She's eaten hayburgers, and I know they have cheese. And the whipped cream I put on the pancakes also has dairy. And then there's all the cupcake icing--"

"Whoa, hold on, wait, what?" Rainbow tapped her hooves. "Time out. What?!"

"She's not lactose-intolerant!" Pinkie insisted. "I just know it!"

"Then.... then what was that?!"

Trixie bumped hooves with the purple unicorn. "That is going to screw with their heads for weeks!"

"You know this plan wouldn't have worked if Pinkie wasn't there." The purple unicorn shifted into a black changeling queen.

"Oh pish posh. Twilight deserves it after throwing me in tartarus."


155.3 (Masterweaver)

"Hold up, Pinkie, why didn't ya'll tell ever tell us Twi was afraid of Quesadillas?"

Pinkie sighed. "Well, it was just me and Twilight looping when I found out, and I maaaaay have told your non-looping selves to get them to help, and that maaaaay have actually made the situation so much worse that Twilight hunted me down, chained me to the side of the library, and made me Pinkie Pie swear not to ever tell anypony about it." She shivered. "This was way before I was a chaos god of parties, mind. It... the whole situation kind of stuck with me."

Applejack rose an eyebrow. "Chained ya to the library?"

"Like I said, early early loops. She was a little more Magic Kindergarten paranoid back then."

155.4 (Masterweaver, wildrook)

"Thanks, you guys!" Moondancer glanced about nervously. "Is... is Twilight coming?"

Minuette winced. "Well... er... you see--"

Suddenly and without warning, there was an explosion right in the middle of the party. Well, it looked like an explosion until the fireworks cleared way, leaving behind a strikingly posed unicorn dressed in an outlandish cape and hat.

"The GREAT and POWERRRRRFUL TRRRRRRRIXIE has come bearing a message from one Twiiiiiiilight Sparkeeeeeeel!"

Moondancer blinked as the strange blue mare suddenly jumped forward. "I--wha--who are you?"

"I am the GREAT and POWERRRRRFUL TRRRRRRIXIE! Consort to queens, purveyor of explosions, and showmare extraordinare. And YOU! Are one Moon-danz-er, if I am not mistaken?"

"Um... y-yes?"

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE! Sends her most apologetic and deepest of condolences. When she heard of your gathering, partay, soiree, she so desperately wanted to come, but alas!" Trixie swooned onto Moondancer's back. "The princess herself has called her away to Ponyville, there to stay in hopes of researching ancient artifacts of untold power."

"She..." The pale unicorn sniffed, adjusting her glasses. "She's not coming?"

"Tis true," Trixie replied sadly. "BUT FRET NOT! She sent you gifts fourfold!"

With a wave of her hoof, the showmare produced three individually wrapped giftboxes. "HERETO! Is the first gift, gathered and forged by her lifelong assistant. Though its contents are humble, they come from the claws of a dragon, and rare is that with which they part. HENCEWITH! Is the second gift, selected from her library by Twilight herself! If parting possessions from dragons is difficult, you and I know that only the greatest throb of her heart can convince Twilight to give away one of her precious tomes. HOWFORTH! Is the third gift, tickets and money so that you may move to Ponyville on your own initiative! Though she be forced to relocate, she wishes not to abandon, and so provides these as a token partial in hopes of ensuring you remain in the same district of citydom!"

"Flair for the dramatic, this one," Lemon Hearts murmured. Twinkleshine nodded in agreement.

"Oh. Oh wow, these are--wait." Moonshine narrowed her eyes. "You said four gifts. There are only three boxes here..."

"Indeed, for the fourth gift requires no box. In point of fact, Twilight Sparkle has hired your party an entertainer! Whom, you might ask? Why, none other..." The unicorn struck a pose. "...then I! THE GRRRREAT AND POWERRRRFUL TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIXIE!"

Moonshine frowned. "Does your 'entertainment' all consist of pointless ego stroking?"

Trixie grinned like a maniac. "Let me show you how to make thermite."

Halfway across the world, Gilda shivered. "Why do I have the urge to strangle a certain showmare right now?"

155.5 (Masterweaver)

"...so you see my problem, right Lyra?"

Lyra nodded. "Yeah, Moondancer would take the party very seriously. She's got the same perfectionist streak you do, Twi. Maybe you should go to her party from now on."

"But then I have no excuse to send the letter to Celestia, and she has no way to send me to Ponyville, and--"

"Whoa, whoa whoa. Twilight. This is Celestia we're talking about." Lyra held her hooves apart. "Even as a friendly teacher, she has a habit of placing ponies in situations with minimal information, and expecting them to figure out things on their own. Factor in that she would have basically spent a thousand years planning on how to heal Luna, and I can't think of any reason why she wouldn't seek you out at the party."

"Well, maybe. Maybe she'd just Spike-mail me. Or it could be one of those variants where she's planned everything to the letter--"

"Look. Here's what you do. Go to Moondancer's party with Spike. If he's not awake, and Celestia doesn't draco-fax you in time, just fake a draco-fax to yourself with the whole 'Summer Sun celebration, make friends, yadda yadda' schpiel. Then apologize to Moondancer--maybe ask her to look over your house, or come with you or something--head to Ponyville, and run it baseline from there. If anyone gets suspicious about how you know stuff, say 'I read about it once' or something." Lyra shrugged. "See? It's easy. Moondancer doesn't feel rejected, you still go through the Nightmare Moon thing, and if you do need to go back to Canterlot to reassure Moondancer you can just talk to Minuette to get 'interested' or whatever."

Twilight stared.


"I never thought you would have good advice!" The alicorn coughed. "Well, I mean, good friendship advice. Which isn't to say you aren't a good friend. It's just you're kind of... uh... crazy."

Lyra chuckled. "Sometimes, it takes the crazy to see the situation in it's fullest."

155.6 (Masterweaver)

Twilight had thought the loop was running baseline. Oh, sure, she was doing her usual 'loop-plus' actions to sidestep most of the baseline issues, and yeah that did include a lot of trips to Canterlot to talk with Moondancer, and it did seem that the bookish unicorn was actually opening up and becoming more confident, but...

"Cryssssstall slaaaaaaaves--GAH!"

"No, dear. Crystal ponies." Moondancer levitated the squirt bottle meaningfully. "I'm sorry about this, Twi, my fiance can be a bit of a hooffull."


"Yes, well, I summoned him a few months back from some old black magic tome, we got to talking, he proposed last week..." The unicorn sighed. "But now the empire's back and he's misbehaving again--"

"But--but--crystal sssslaves!"

"NO, Sombra. You don't get to laze about."

Twilight could only stare in shock as the black miasma grumbled and turned away from the train station. What in the what...?

155.7 (Masterweaver)

Pinkie Pie entered the bar with a sag in her step, sidling up to her usual stool without her usual enthusiasm.

Macintosh rose an eyebrow. "...brain bleach?"

"...nah. I'm good. Just..." The mare sighed. "I'm not sure you're the pony I need to talk to about this. But get me something anyway."

The stallion nodded, reaching for one of his denser drinks--

--but his hoof was slapped away by a frowning Berry Punch. "Trust me on this, she needs a very specific drink." She turned back to Pinkie, pulling out ingredients from her pocket and mixing them together in a light wineglass. "Here you go, Pinks, one Momma's Bad Day."

Pinkie gave a weak smile as she accepted the drink, sipping at the straw. "Wow.... this is just how I'm feeling. How'd you know?"

"It's something you pick up on after a while."

"Yeah... that makes sense." Pinkie took another sip.

"So, who was it? Sombra? Discord? Tirek?"

"Nah, my last loop wasn't in Equestria." Pinkie took a deep breath. "My kid was the Joker."

Dead silence filled the bar.

"...yeah, that's what I figured you'd say." The mare shook her head, sipping at her drink again. "I mean... even if he was a maniacal mass murderer, he was still my kid, you know?"

155.8 (Masterweaver)

"...Okay. Twi?"

"Yeah, Dash?"

"When we get back to Equestria, I'm going to tell them Haycartesing Daring Do into one of her own books leads to Eiken."

"It was your idea!"

155.9 (Gamerex27 ,Masterweaver, wildrook)

"Oh princess!" Starlight called, waving Twilight over. "We just wanted to say thank you again for doing this for us."

Twilight, not for the first time in the last three hours, silently congratulated herself; having the foresight to cast a spell that would prevent her eyelids from twitching meant that most of the awkwardness wasn't outwardly projected. "Oh, I'm just happy I could help."

"And I'm really happy you did! When Rekky here proposed, he was worried that Equestria wouldn't recognize us." The unicorn leaned up and kissed the centaur full on the lips. "Admit it, big guy. You were wrong."

"Alright, alright, you got me." Tirek held up his hands and laughed amicably. "But really, Glim-glim, if it weren't for you I'd probably still be on my silly little quest for vengeance."

"And I'd probably still be plotting to force equality on Equestria," Starlight replied. "Funny how the world works, isn't it?"

"I'm happy for you two," Twilight said, her eyelid noticeably not twitching at all. She really needed to use that spell more often. "Really. I am."

"My most sincere thanks, your highness." Tirek bowed--and Twilight was again reminded that he was still only the size of a pony right now. "Were it not for your efforts, I've little doubt Celestia and Luna would have taken me from my one true love." He looked deep into Starlight Glimmer's eyes, slowly pulling her in for another loving makeout.

"Just--just helping out. I, I... I should go." The alicorn turned around and trotted quickly toward the buffet table.

Rainbow Dash sidled up to her. "Okay, Twilight, I'm only going to ask this once. What the hay."

"I don't know, Dash. I just don't know."

Dashie stopped to think for a moment, then smirked, turning to one of the wedding guests and opening her mouth to make a snide joke.

"No," Cadence said flatly.

"...Huh?" the other mare asked, confused. "But, you of all ponies-"

"Too busy being baffled by all this to admire this wedding," the Princess replied, tilting her head yet again as the happy couple threw the bouquet into the crowd. "Also, they're evil-most of the time-so I really can't be happy for them, especially after everything they did to you.

"I mean," she said, sighing, "I hope they're happy and all...for all the scant few months the Loop lasts for, but this is not the couple for me."

Chrysalis grinned. "So the love goddess finally found the unshippable ship."

"Oh shut up."

"SECOND unshippable ship," Twilight muttered, surprising Chrysalis. "Four words, My Little Equality Unicorn."

Both Twilight and Cadance shivered at the memory of THAT Loop., Within the castle, Trixie cringed while trying to work on her latest trick. Within Equestria High, Sunset cringed as she nearly missed a note during rehearsal.

Derpy frowned. "This might be cliche, but... I don't get it."

"Let's just say that we objected due to their plans being WAY too similar," Twilight replied, "and the only method we could use was explosive overclocking. And Sunset learned the art of Trinity Limit. Funnily enough, the name was last minute, but the anagram was FOOF due to how the entire castle couldn't contain it."

"You, Trixie, and Sunset," Dash said. "Blowing up an entire Loop because the two were not only going to wed, but they were going to commit equality and genocide. And you three decided, 'Buck that Loop' and gave out your objections."

"And I was forced to bind them in holy matrimony," Cadance muttered. "Next thing we knew, we were in Eiken."

"No, I mean, who did she marry?" Derpy asked. "Equality unicorn doesn't tell me a lot. There are a lot of people in the multiverse that want some twisted form of equality."

"...Celesto," Twilight and Cadance said, the name itself like a poison in their heads.

Shining recognized the name and cringed. "You two should have came to us sooner," he said, as a fellow victim of that variant.

Derpy frowned. "Is... is that a guy from the katamari loop? I've never heard of him before."

"Derpy," Rainbow Dash replied, "as your friend and sometimes wingpony, there are some variants you should be relieved at for not knowing until now. The setting of My Little Unicorn and the stuff the Star Trek Anchors would break Prime Directive for stealing the name 'Starfleet' and using it for mass genocide as well as Celesto being a three-horned unicorn that looked traumatized by Twilight's voice and wanted racial cleansing with her at the forefront of his EMPIRE is one of them."

Twilight sighed. "That's just the abridged version," she said. "The full story is worse. MUCH worse."

155.10 (Masterweaver)


Spike sighed. "That's the 'I don't know what to think' huh, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Twilight held out a letter. "Shining actually remembered to tell me he got engaged this loop."


155.11 (Masterweaver, wildrook)

"Hey girls!" Nyx jumped into the clubhouse with a huge grin. "Guess what?! I got a new pet!"

She eagerly presented the billowing cloud of fear smoke. "And the best part is, it's baseline! Me and Tanty will almost never be apart!"

Rarity cringed as she looked at the fear smoke, but was relieved when Nyx called it Tanty. "I thought its name would be Larry," she muttered.

Nyx blinked. "Wait, Rarity? I thought--" She looked across the fillies and sighed. "So this is a reverse-sibling variant?"

"Looks like, sugarcube." Applejack adjusted her bow. "Never could figger why Bloom loves these things--"

"Anyway, yeah, its full name is Larry Tantabus Shadowfright, but--"

"You do realize that's literally a manifestation of Luna's guilt, right?" Rainbow pointed out.

Nyx frowned. "And I'm literally a manifestation of a split personality brought about by envy. I don't see what the big deal is."

"I thought Luna made that after she was purified," Rarity noted. "How exactly did you--?"

"No matter how she's purified, an unawake Luna will feel guilty and this little guy usually happens. A little bit of dream magic, a quick in-and-out dive, and boom."

"...and what if she's looping?"

"Haven't tested that yet."

155.12 (Dave ID, Masterweaver, wildrook)

"Larry!" a male voice yelled. "LARRY! Where are you, Larry!?!"

Normally, in Ponyville, pony names and pet names are more creative to their owners on their best judgment.

"LARRY!!!" a white unicorn male yelled, galloping through the area.

When Shining Armor found out about Nyx's pet, however, the full name does raise questions.

"THIS ISN'T FUNNY, LARRY!!!" Shining Armor yelled.

Cadance and Twilight Sparkle were quite surprised...then Twilight face-palmed.

"Shiny," Cadance, the only one who hasn't heard, asked, "who's Larry?"

"Oh, Twily," Shining Armor replied. "Cadance. You guys haven't seen a fear cloud, have you?"

"Fear...cloud?" Cadance asked them.

"He's referring to Nyx's new pet," Twilight said. "How do you lose a fear cloud?"

"I don't know!" Shining Armor yelled. "I've never even thought of a fear cloud as a pet! LARRY TANTABUS SHADOWFRIGHT!!!"

That's when screams of terror were heard from the Academy of Gifted Unicorns.

"Oh, found him," Shining Armor muttered. "Twily, I might need assistance."

Twilight groaned. "I'll find the others and see if Moondancer's not traumatized," she said.

"Am I the only one not getting the full story?" Cadance asked them.

"We'll explain later," Twilight replied. "We forgot it was Sleep Study night at the Academy."

"Bad Tanty!" Nyx sprayed the fear cloud with her squirt bottle. "Bad! We do NOT give nightmares to ponies who do not deserve it."

Moondancer was flabbergasted as she watched the chaos unfold.

"What in the name of Celestia..." she muttered, looking at the fear cloud.

"Moondancer, this is Larry Tantabus Shadowfright," Twilight said. "Larry, this is Moondancer."

"That thing has a NAME!?!"

"Long story. VERY long story!"

"It involves a nightmare!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Pinkie, why are you here?"

"Somepony here made a Pinkie Promise, and I'm going there right now. Oh, gotta go!" Pinkie disappeared.

"Is that normal?" Moondancer asked.

"It's actually pretty low-key for her."

Moondancer just sighed with resignation. "Is everyone from Ponyville this...crazy?" she asked Twilight.

Twilight shrugged. "They're pretty decent people, but they are eccentric."

"Hey mom, Tanty's been tamed. Do you have the carrier?"

Moondancer's eyes widened as Twilight produced a plastic box covered in runes. "Wait, did that little alicorn just call you mom?"

"I adopted her," Twilight explained simply. "Found her panicking in the forest, completely amnesiac. Get in here, Larry." She shoved the fear cloud in with her magic.

"Thanks mom! Oh, who's this?"

"Oh, this is Moondancer, one of my oldest friends. Moondancer, this is Nyx Sparkle, my adopted daughter."

Moondancer just waved. "Nice to meet you, Nyx," she said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to lie down." At that moment, she fainted.

'At least she didn't snap under pressure,' Twilight thought.

155.13 (Anon e Mouse Jr.)


"Yes, Rarity?"

"Why is there a rabbit on your head?"

"Because after several Loops replacing Puu, Ryo-Ohki and Diana, riding around like this got to be a habit," the rabbit replied. "So when I found Momma earlier, I asked her nicely, and she said yes."

Rarity stared. "Nyx?"

The rabbit smirked. "Yes?"

"WHY are you a rabbit?"

"I think it's a play on the old 'rabbit on the moon' myths from the Hub," Twilight interjected.

Nyx nodded in agreement.

Rarity smiled. "You realize, of course, this is going in my photo album."

"As long as we get copies," Twilight told her friend with a grin.

"But of course."

155.14 (Gym Quirk)

Moondancer's party was winding down. Twilight had said her farewells and was about to offer Pinkie a teleport back to Ponyville.

"Hey, Twilight?" Pinkie's demeanor was oddly serious.

"Yes, Pinkie?"

"Could you teach me that 'Enter the Book' spell?"

"I'm not sure if I can adapt it to earth pony magic, or even your version thereof. You'd probably have to ascend to use it."

"No biggie. It's just that I've got these..." The party pony pulled a pair of printed primers from her pocket. "I can manifest inside most books, but I don't pick up much of anything in there. You said your spell lets you absorb some of the content..."

Twilight examined the volumes. "Discours de la Méthode? Meditationes de Prima Philosophia? Bit of a departure from your usual reading list, aren't they?"

"Yeah. I kinda got onto a philosophy jag when Cheerilee asked me 'What is happiness?' for that 'History of Thought' course she's working on."

"Sure, Pinkie. Let me know when you have a couple of free hours."

Never thought that Pinkie'd be one to get trapped by putting Descartes before the Horse, mused Twilight.

155.15 (wildrook)

Mac couldn't believe his eyes...neither did the Looping Crusaders, for that matter.

"No way," Diamond Tiara muttered.

"Ah'm just as surprised as you are," Apple Bloom replied, noticing the moves on the thug that tried to threaten Sweetie Belle.

"PILE DRIVER!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo yelled. "PILE-DRIVER!"

Indeed, Cheerilee had attempted a piledriver on the rogue pony that tried to threaten Filthy Rich, Granny Smith, and Rarity at the same time. Normally, you had to be very dim in order to threaten not only Filthy Rich's daughter and her best friend, the youngest of the Apple Family, Rarity's sister, Rainbow Dash's adopted sister, and Twilight Sparkle's daughter by themselves (especially since Big Mac was there chaperoning their trip to Manehattan) and ask for unconditional surrender or else they off one of the students. Before any of the Elements and Big Mac could step in, it was Cheerilee that made the first move.

And the first move was a right jab into the stomach to the closest one.

"Big Mac," Apple Bloom said, "did you know about Miss Cheerilee being a wrestler?"

"Ee-nope," Big Mac replied.

And he wasn't kidding. Half the moves could be mistaken for a bear's massage therapy, but to see Cheerilee pull this off was quite a development.

"RETREAT!" the lead pony yelled, carrying their wounded and getting AWAY from the teacher.

Cheerilee had looked at the seven that were standing there, gaping.

"Oh," she said. "Sorry...guess I lost myself."

"Miss Cheerilee," Silver Spoon asked her, "what was that?"

"Turns out in some Loops, I've got a twin sister that's in the wrestling business," she replied. "Figured that I'd contact her and learn a few things from her. I just didn't think I'd have to use it before the others got here..."

"No," Nyx said, "they're on clean-up duty. Although I didn't take Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo as wrestling fans."

"And Ah really appreciate you defending Apple Bloom," Big Mac said, blushing. "Kind of wish Ah could have assisted."

"Maybe next time, Big Mac," Cheerilee replied. "Until then, let's continue the rest of the field trip before something else happens."

155.16 (wildrook)


Twilight face-hooved as she looked at the situation. Well-To-Do, for some odd reason, was channeling Recoome from the Abridged Dragon Ball series and challenging Aspen to wrestling.


King Aspen glared as he and Blackthorn were assessing the situation.

"Shouldn't Cheerilee be here with us?" Rarity asked them. "Her sister's the wrestler..."

"She has a sister?" Rainbow Dash asked her.

"...Wrestling's fake," Blackthorn said, plainly.

That caused an uproar among the minotaurs.

"This is a worse idea than making a Card Game vital for the fate of the world," Twilight muttered, "I swear to the Roots of the Horse Chestnut."

"Agreed," a voice said, among the Minotaurs. "You never were the smartest bulb, Well-To-Do."

The Construction Pony freaked out. "Wait, I know that voice..."

"So do I," Fluttershy replied. "It's..."

"IRON WILL! How did you find me?"

"How can I not find you?" Iron Will asked Well-To-Do. "One of the carrier pigeons was sent to me by mistake!"

"But I had my men catch all of the carrier pigeons that were to be sent to Princess Celestia and...I said that out-loud, didn't I?"

King Aspen then growled. "So that's why she never got my messages," he muttered. "So, Mr. Will...how'd you get my message?"

"Let's just say that Well-To-Do's policies were illegal even by my race's standards, Lord Aspen," Iron Will replied. "And raiding the Everfree Forest? Last I checked, there was a Hydra living here! I'm just here to make sure he doesn't get killed before I turn him in myself."

Aspen was blinking. "Not exactly my usual title," he said, "but at this point, when it comes to assistance for damaging my kingdom and finding out why the Royal Sisters never replied, I'd be glad for the assistance if you're after the ringleader."

"As soon as you recall the vines from Ponyville and Canterlot," Twilight replied. "Then, we'll move them out of the way...other than that, Fluttershy, how DID you send the Pigeon to Iron Will?"

"Misdirection," Fluttershy replied. "I CAN tame the animals of the forest, remember?"

"Oh...right...well...anyone up for popcorn?"

"As soon as we take care of the mafia," Pinkie Pie replied, "THEN we can watch Iron Will and King Aspen throw down the hurting on Well-To-Do. Seriously, why didn't we think of this before? It's like we were losing IQ points in this kind of situation..."

155.17 (Evilhumour)

Twilight blinked at what came out of the egg during this test and then at her parents. Widening her eyes and quivering her lip, she unleashed the best puppy eyes she had to beg Twilight Velvet and Nightlight to keep the newly hatched being.

The fact that Celestia shrunk the Awake Tyrannosaurus Rex looper and said young reptile was sucking on her tail certainly did help matters.

155.18 (OathToOblivion)

As Phoenix Wright Awoke, he noticed that he was standing in a familiar tree house. (Looks like another Equestria Fused Loop. Wonder what's up this time?)


Phoenix turned to see Twilight looking at him. She looked slightly worried, so Phoenix felt the need to put her at ease somehow. "Hey, Twilight. What's the matter?" he asked. However, upon his saying that, Twilight looked slightly confused.

"Oh, uh, nothing much. It's just a typical Fused Loop, like we normally have. You know, the Equestria 500 and everything. But...are you all right?" she wondered.

(? What's that supposed to mean?)

"Um, of course I am. Why, did you think something happened?" Phoenix questioned, a confused look on his face.

"Well, it's just...Last Loop we saw each other, you said that you had told Apollo about his mother, and were worried about how you were going to tell Trucy about her..." Twilight started.


"What? I never said anything like that! I told Trucy about that a long time ago!" Phoenix exclaimed. Now he was really confused about what she was talking about.

"Huh...that's bizarre. I distinctly remember you telling me about that. And then I heard that somebody from one of those Kamen Rider Loops had seen you crying away on a bench. Something about Trucy abandoning you, sending you a letter, and going with Apollo to Borginia?" Twilight mused.

"! ...That never happened!" Phoenix denied. "Or rather...Trucy did go to Borginia with an Unawake Apollo one Loop, and sent me a letter. But I'm the one who let her go in the first place, and I had Maya trailing behind them as backup!"

Twilight scrunched up her face in thought. She knew Phoenix wouldn't lie to her about something like this, and she herself wasn't lying. But that meant...

"'When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains must be the truth'," she quoted. "Neither of us are lying about what we're saying, which means the Phoenix Wright I met that Loop was an imposter!" she declared.


"But whoever that was knew about that one early Loop where Trucy went to Borginia, and they knew that Apollo started Looping. Which means it has to be someone we personally know. And that also doesn't explain the appearance of that person in the Kamen Rider Loops. I know some of those guys, and they wouldn't pull anything like this," Phoenix pointed out.

"You're right. This is a mystery that isn't going to be solved that easily," Twilight agreed. "But right now, we have one trial to overcome. Let's focus on Rainbow's Trial first, then let's think about this mystery."

"All right..."

(I can't believe it. Someone's been impersonating me? I already had my fill with that in baseline, what with Furio Tigre and the phantom. I don't want a Looping one too!)

155.19 (Kris Overstreet)

Moondancer's jaw dropped. "You... apologize?"

Twilight Sparkle bowed her head solemnly. "I was completely thoughtless and self-absorbed. I never thought about your feelings, and that was wrong. I'm very sorry, and if there's any way I can make it up to you, I will. I still want to be your friend."

"Oh," Moondancer said, and, "Er," and, "Ah," and after a prolonged pause, "Could you pardon me a moment?" The door to Moondancer's long-neglected house shut, and from within Twilight heard the cessation of a sound she hadn't realized was there; the high-pitched electro-mechanical whining on the edge of hearing descended rapidly through the range of tones and faded into silence.

Then Moondancer reopened the door, smiling awkwardly and chuckling nervously. "There we go, had to go turn off the stove. Totally not at all shutting down my Doomsday Revenge on All Ponies Device two minutes before zero hour. Because I don't have one of those. What pony would? Hahahahaha!"

Pinkie Pie leaned over and whispered in Twilight's ear, "Wow, she really IS just like you!"

"Er... would you like to come to a party?" Twilight said, choosing to ignore the blatant lies. "It's going to be in the courtyard park where you were going to have yours. I thought-"

"Um, yeah, sure!" Moondancer nodded. "It'll be good to catch up on old times. But I may be a little late. I still have a bit of tidying up to do. And by tidy up I definitely do not mean overseeing the complete shutdown of a hot arcanite reactor and the restoration of eight redundant fail-safe triggers to no-go status."

"That's OK!" Pinkie responded. "We're still waiting on the cake anyway! See you at four o'clock?"

"Sure- oh, one more thing?" Moondancer reached behind her door and held out a large white cat, even fluffier than Opalescence. It growled at Twilight menacingly. "Could you find a home for Blofeld here? He kind of came with the swivel chair I absolutely do not have."

I must remember, Twilight noted to herself, not to leave reconciliation with my Canterlot friends so late in the Loop, no matter what other distractions there are. Variants happen.

The thing which Twilight had taken as a minaret, but which looked more and more like a magical blast emitter array, slowly retracted itself into Moondancer's roof, which closed shut over it with a click.

155.20 (Tangent)

"I'm so glad you could all make it to my party," Moondancer stated with a shy smile at her gathered friends. She was especially glad that Twilight Sparkle had come as, among the four, Twilight was the one she felt the closest connection to.

"I Just wish I could stay longer," Twilight replied.

"What do you mean?" Moondancer asked.

"I just got an assignment from Princess Celestia to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville this year. I have to be there before noon tomorrow if I'm supposed to make sure everything is in order."

"Ooh, I'll be moving back to Ponyville after graduation!" Lyra Heartstrings mentioned. "You'll love it there! The library is actually built into an enchanted oak!"

"What? Like a classic mage house?" Minuet asked.

"I thought that those only popped up in fantasy stories?" Lemon Hearts interjected.

"Fantasy or not, that's apparently where I'll be staying while I'm away on the assignment. Moondancer?"

"Yes, Twilight?"

"I'm probably only going to be gone for a few days, but just in case it takes longer, would you mind watching over my apartment for me?" Twilight asked, levitating a spare key over to the surprised unicorn.

"You want me to watch your apartment?"

"You can even study there if you want. It's kind of set up like a mini-library."

"HA!" Minuet exclaimed cheerfully. "I knew you lived in a library!"

"I would be honored," Moondancer accepted Twilight's spare key with a smile.

Twilight Sparkle smiled herself as she made a mental note to make sure to keep in touch with her friends in Canterlot from now on, unless she was riding a loop tight to the base-line for whatever reason. Hmmm... After Nightmare Moon was dealt with this time, perhaps she'd extend her requested apartment sitting to an offer to actually stay there instead? After all, apparently Celestia had never gotten around to assigning the tower apartment to anypony else while she was gone...

155.21 (BIOS-Pherecydes)

Trixie stared at the small booklet in her hooves with glazed eyes, before turning back to Chrysalis. "Has Trixie told you how much she loves you recently?"

"You could stand to mention it more often." the changeling queen replied with a smirk. "I simply thought you could use some new material, I know how much your act means to you."

Trixie nodded eagerly as she skimmed the packet again. "Indeed it does. And Trixie knows exactly who should be the first to witness Trixie's newest and greatest performance! After the last few Expansions Twilight asked Trixie to give her regards to her friend Moondancer. It is quite enjoyable to have an appreciative audience and so Trixie has been doing exactly that!"

"In other words you like having your ego inflated."

Trixie humphed and refused to dignify that with a response.

Moonshine frowned. "Does your 'entertainment' all consist of pointless ego stroking?"

Trixie grumbled under her breath at the amused look Chrysalis directed at her before re-donning her stage persona. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has prepared a small performance for this event which she is certain you will find most enjoyable."

So saying she climbed to the stage of her cart and activated a self-playing piano. Once the song had reached the proper intro Trixie began to sing.

"Iiit's Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitaaane
Even though the synthesis is really quite insaaane
If it touches almost anything it will go up in flaames

Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!"

Moondancer was surprised by the unexpectedly scientific nature of the song and found herself smiling, a fact which her friends were pleased by as they joined her for the show. To their surprise a violet Alicorn figure which Moondancer recognized as bearing a resemblance to the mythical sister of Celestia walked onto the stage.

"When I was learning chemistry
I made a few mistakes
My potions weren't that good
But my explosions were first rate

One day I met a mare who said
She'd show me what to do
I tried to make Dioxygen Difluoride
And I woke up on the moon"

Moondancer giggled at that, finding the irreverence to the supposed origins of the Mare in the Moon to be highly amusing. Even though they didn't get the reference the others also found it rather funny, if Minuette's reaction was anything to go by. Abruptly they gasped as the Alicorn figure suddenly revealed herself as a changeling before shifting into the form of a griffin they didn't recognize just in time for the chorus.

Even though the synthesis is really quite insaaane
If it touches almost anything it will go up in flaames

Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!

I've been around the world
From Fillydelphia to Roam
I've seen a lot of things
That I could never see at home

But all the places that I've been
I didn't want to be
I never tried to get there
I was sent by TNT"

Accompanied by a small explosion of smoke, the fear of the changeling was replaced by laughter as the smoke cleared to reveal a seemingly charred griffin.

Even though the synthesis is really quite insaaane
If it touches almost anything it will go up in flaames

Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle boom!'

'You know Trixie could take it further and synthesize Heptanitrocubane"

The changeling quickly leveled a glare at the unicorn performer who immediately backed down.

"But that's going a bit too far, don't you think?"

At this point Moondancer was trying not to join in on Minuette's uproarious laughter, wanting to at least see the end of the act. Now completely revealed as a Changeling both mares on the stage continued singing.

"So if Tirek approaches
There is no need for despair
Just synthesis this chemical
And hurry out of there

But better do it carefully
Or it could change your life"

The Changeling moved forward to center stage. '"For example"

"Yes" Trixie led.

"One night I gave it to my marefriend
And she blew up my Hive"

This was said with a glare which nearly cost Moondancer her composure.

"Hey! Trixie said she was sorry"

Aaannnd, there it went. Collapsing into laughter along with her friends Moondancer barely noticed as the duo on stage finished their act.

"It's Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitaaane
Even though the synthesis is really quite insaaane
If it touches almost anything it will go up in flaames

As the music wound down Trixie stared with satisfaction at the result of her performance. Combining two of her favorite things in Equestria into one glorious act, truly her love knew her well. Pushing affectionately against Chrysalis' side she moved to the front of the stage to take her bow.


"It's obvious they stole that tune," Lemon Hearts whispered to Minuette, "but I can't figure out from where!"

"Shush," Minuette replied. "Not everything has to be completely original, and look how happy Moondancer is!"

155.22 (Masterweaver)

Bonbon blinked, looking around. Ponyville seemed kind of strange at the moment... what with Derpy being a giant that meowed, amongst other things. What in the world was--


The earth pony looked down at her hoof.

Her green hoof.

Her four green hooves.

Each with a face.

And the sweet roll that had replaced her tail.

"...uh... Lyra? What's going on?"

155.23 (Masterweaver)

"EEEP!" Applejack jumped up as Luna burst out of the closet. "What are ya--oh. Right. This is a dream, ain't it?"

Luna nodded. "I apologize, but the Tantabus--" She leaned her head to the side. "Ah... who exactly is that?"

"Oh! Uh..." Applejack blushed. "Well, ya see... Luna, this is mah dream husband. Dream husband, this is Luna. Ah, uh, Ah can't actually always control mah dreams, and a filly can go wondering sometimes--"

"Say no more. This is hardly the most awkward situation we have stumbled upon." Luna flushed, glancing away. "There are quite a few dreams in which I star--"

"Heh, Ah can only imagine how awkward that must be. Take it as a compliment!" Applejack suggested with a broad grin. "Ah mean, if them colts and, Ah suspect, fillies feel yer the best... partner that they can dream up, there's gotta be a reason for that! Ain't that right, dream husband?"

"Why absolutely, miss Applejack my fine filly! Don't you agree brother of mine?"

"Indubitably, brother of mine! There's no such thing as bad publicity!"

The orange mare's face fell. "Tantabus hit him while Ah wasn't lookin', didn't it."

Luna raised a hoof. "I'd... suspect as much, yes, I was rather distracted by my own thoughts."

"Right." Applejack rose a hoof and materialized something she'd seen an Ork carrying once. "Why don't ya'll go on huntin' the durn thing, Luna? This dream's about ta get mighty bloody."

155.24 (Masterweaver)

"Oh hey Luna." Nyx waved at the approaching alicorn. "How's life?"

"Life is fair, Nigh--ahem, Nyx." Luna cleared her throat. "Might I ask why you are forming this shared dream?"

"Oh. See my friends, a bunch of looping fillies, they get into competitions every so often. 'Who can build the best battleship,' 'who can build the best starship,' that sort of thing. So recently, they decided to have a little dream competition. Last one sleeping wins."

The larger alicorn nodded, watching the chaos around her. "I... see. So long as you're not abusing your powers, I suppose..."

"Nah, I'm the referee here. Care to stay and watch?" Nyx summoned up some dream popcorn. "I mean, it's a look into the minds of loopers that most Unawake ponies will never get."

155.25 (Evilhumour)

"-ood day miss." the person in front of her said, handing her a package of groceries which she did her best not to let hit her in the face with her magic. Nodding numbly as Vinyl Woke up, she backed up and let herself be carried away in the crowd of strange looking people in this odd looking city. Kinda of a mixture of Rare's fashionness and Discord's weirdness, she thought to herself as people more or less ignored her except to tell her off for bumping into them.

Grunting back the multiversal curses to the idiot, the unicorn tried kick start her loop memories of where she looped in and what the sap was going on. Jumping back in surprise as there was a sudden splash of water from the wheel of a cart being pulled close to the gutters that nearly hit her face, she was sorely tempted to do the simple thing and ask someone where they were when she heard the loudest cry ever-even louder than the time that Twilight's library was stuck in an infinite destruction loop bug for that one loop. Using her magic to pull several people her side of the street as several of the buildings across of her were simply gone. Already, people around her were panicking and shouting.

"What was that?!" One person shouted, looking around like a chicken with their head cut off.

"Dammit Vinyl, you got me covered in mud!" Another person glared at her from the gutters, looking if he would grab some himself and toss it at the white unicorn.

"To hell with you, the mare just saved your life!" The woman next to him slapped his hand and shoved him into the mud completely.

"Excuse me, but where the spruce did that come from?!" Vinyl shouted, her magic already reaching out to move several of remaining rubble to a single spot, people already looking for survivors.

"I don't know but it seemed to come from the royal pala..." the person trailed off, Vinyl already in the air with her wub hooves propelling her the distance as her loop memories finally kicked in.

"So you see I-OW dammit kid, my ears do not come off-" Vinyl grunted to the baby on her neck, laughing his head off as discovered more things of his new toy. "I heard the little tyke crying, and since I kinda am the master of all sound-EEEK!" Vinyl squeaked as the infant discovered her glowing horn, and had very cold hands. Blushing, she let the mother lift the infant up, moving to sit beside the mare. Smirking, the mother sat down beside the looper so the child could be near the mare who was eying the tail. "A-and when I heard him cry out, I knew I could easily tame it and put it under control."

"Which you have shown effortlessly, Lady Scratch," the woman opposite of her said with a smile. "And I am glad that young Blackagar Boltagon will have a fine mentor training him to use his powers safely." the smile then turned a bit vicious, leaning down to stare into Vinyl's red eyes. "To which you will agree to, correct?"

"Yeah..." Vinyl blushed, looking the still furious royal guards, their weapons still all pointed at her. Perhaps bursting into the room where the queen was giving birth, using her magic on the infant without saying anything was kinda a poor idea. "Again, I'm kinda sorry about that..."

"We all make mistakes, Lady Scratch," the woman said, nodding her head as she began to feed the young prince. "But what counts is that you do not repeat them, understand?" the glare was back, making Vinyl more scared of her then the guards that were ready to poke her with a lot of pointy objects. Nodding her head, the woman smile relaxed. Reaching out with a free hand, she pressed down on the unicorn's nose. "Go-"

"MEEP!" Vinyl squeaked, as she shot off some dubstep magic into the air, blushing as she did so. "Um...please no booping my nose?"

155.26 (Evilhumour)

"Nyyyyyyyyyyyx, call off your pet!"

Twilight blinked as she was stirred awake by somepony shouting.

Sticking her head out of the window, she watched Lemon running in circles as the fear cloud chased after him, spitting out lightning bolts at the stallion for no adequately explained reason.

Turning her head to the side, she saw a makeshift rope coming out of her daughter's bedroom window and began to smirk to herself.

As Nyx pulled the Tantabulus off her boyfriend and began to soothe the fear-cloud, she chuckled and began to record.

It looked like the traditional boyfriend-sneaks-into-girlfriend’s-room concern wasn’t much of one.

155.27 (Evilhumour)

"I've got an army," Loki bragged.

"We've got this muffin. Here, catch!" Tony smiled as he tossed the baked good at the surprised Asgardian.

"You really think a muffin will stop m-" That was as far as Loki got before he was bowled over by Derpy.

155.28 (Evilhumour)

"I can't believe you stole them!" Twilight shouted, shaking her head.

"I didn't steal them, I found them!" Sticky Hooves flared his wings out. "It's not my fault that I care for precious artifacts of the past unlike the rest of you and they were just laying there for anyone to find and use!"

"Gah!" Twilight groaned, rubbing her head with her hoof. "Well, would you please give me the Elements of Harmony? We kinda need them." Twilight looked over her shoulder to watch Rainbow Dash lead Nightmare Moon around the Everfree Castle.

"I'd like to give you a complete set before I do so..." Sticky Hooves muttered.

"We do need to use them to recreate the sixth element you know..." Twilight raised an eyebrow at the looper who grumbled as he pulled out the stone orbs of the Elements of Harmony.

Twilight quickly gave them to her friends to save Luna and rid her of the Nightmare Forces.

Slowly, as Twilight woke up from using the Elements, she noticed something was missing.

"Uh girls, where are the Elements?" Twilight asked the confused mares before realizing there was a note attached to her nose.

'I found the Elements of Harmony first Twilight, so they are my relics, not yours.

Chapter Master Sticky Hooves of the Blood Ravens.'

Frowning as she crumpled the paper up, Twilight said, "Bloody magpies."

155.29 (Heliomance)

Twilight's library shuddered, shook, and finally one wall smashed entirely. From the wreckage rolled a pair of enormous treads, carrying a vast tank. Nearly fourteen metres long, it looked slightly absurd emerging from the tree, that was clearly too small to hold it. The absurdity was compounded by the fact that it was painted a bright, cheery shade of pink, and each of its seven cannons was adorned with balloons.

Lemon Rush gaped at the Balloonblade Super Heavy Party Tank as it rotated its turret to aim at Tirek. "But - how?! To hide that tank there, you'd have to be some kind of-" - realisation flashed across his face - "tactical genius!"

Twilight's eye started to twitch, as the dust from her demolished library began to settle around her. "PIIIIIINKIIIIIIIIE!"

155.30 (BIOS-Pherecydes)

The members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders sat quietly, for once, in their clubhouse. The reason for their silence had less to do with a lack of activity and more to do with the giant blueprints spread out across the floor.

"Okay girls, today's tha big day. This Loop has a second holiday to honor the Founders besides Hearthswarming Eve and thanks ta gettin some help from a few other scientists in some a' mah recent Fused Loops, Ah think we're finally ready to put the last touches on the special suits we were makin' for Cookie, Clover and Pansy."

Taking over from Applebloom Silver Spoon floated over to a specific section of the schematics. "The original design had some problems with my Alchemy skills, so I had to do a lot of research to try and figure out the various differences between Alchemy and Equestrian Magic. Twilight and Trixie helped a lot, and I think I can replicate most of the necessary parts using my Chaos Magic. That should allow them to access normal Earth, Pegasus and Unicorn Magic as long as the Transmutation Circles don't wear out."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle moved forward. "With Sweetie's help I was able to put together something to get the suits air ready. We just needed to figure out how to get all the parts working together. Sweetie had the idea to fuse Song Magic into the parts so that they when they were put together it basically uses the magic for Heartsongs to act like a normal body, no extra effort needed. That way they don't have to try and relearn how to use their bodies. Plus we can use it for all three instead of just for the pegasus model. I did all the manual stuff while Sweetie worked her magic and the results look promising."

Nyx smiled happily as she stepped up. "I know how much this means to you guys, so I volunteered to be the one to provide the power." Reaching into her Pocket she retrieved a red gem nearly three times the size of her hoof. "I used about a thousand years worth of my Magic from the Loops to make this Philosopher's Stone. According to Silver the mix of energies should help her cover the gaps where they don't match up right."

Applebloom nodded and took the lead again. "And Ah put it all together usin' th' nanites Ah reverse engineered way back. Ah think we're ready."

Pansy shifted nervously in her seat, her wings fluttering anxiously behind her. The euphoria she felt at finally having a body again, one just as good as her original and perhaps better even, was momentarily set aside as she looked at the view in front of her. Seated next to her were a mechanical Earth and Unicorn pony, Cookie and Clover respectively. They seemed to share her feelings if the looks on their, surprisingly expressive, faces were any indication.

"We're gathered here today ta officially welcome the newest members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders: Smart Cookie, Clover th' Clever and Private Pansy." Standing next to the three Intelligent Devices, turned robots, was the CMC; each of whom was wearing their member only capes. The same capes which decorated the chassis' of the Founder trio.

"Uh, Applebloom? Do we really need to be doing this?" Cookie asked, nervously glancing down the very steep hill they were perched upon. The filly nodded with a wide smile.

"A'course. It's tradition." And with that she gave the wheelbarrow in which the three founders of Equestria sat a gentle push, sending it rolling rapidly downhill. As they watched their friends rocket through the center of Ponyville and towards the Everfree, the CMC gave the departing group a parting cheer.

"Happy Founder's Day!"

155.31 (Masterweaver) (continuation of 150.1)

Berry shook her head. "Scho. Scho Leelee. I'sch wasch thinking about zebralicorni."

Her sister hiccuped. "You, you mean Zecora, yesh?" She tilted her glass and peered at it. "Alsho, why are we drunk again?"

"For old time'sh schake, filly. Canna be a brewer if''n ye don't sample sometimes!" Berry giggled at her horrendous scottish accent. "Aaaaaaanywaaaaaysh. Sho Zeccy's a zebabra, yesh?"


"But, but she goesh alicornity. Zebrabicorn."

"Yeah, she *hic* she does. Why don't you ever do, do the drunk *hic* thing?"

"Ish genetic."

"We're shishters!"

"My point. My point is. Alicornys are mixies of all three ponies. But Zeccy's a zebzeb. Sho she, she's not got earth pony, yesh?"


"Sho, sho if she hashen't got'sh hershelf earth pony, maybe, maybe she'sh not got hershelf peggypony or cornypony either?"

Cheerilee held up a hoof, paused for a moment, then gasped for ten seconds with two interrupting hiccups. "Whoa. Sho what, what happensh if she triesh to ushe her unicorn magic or *hic* her, her pegasush magic--?"

At about that time, Cadance ran into the bar. "Okay, there's a reasonable explanation for this, but my dating simulator is currently flooding Canterlot mansions with exotic tea and me and Zecora need help putting it down!"

Author's Note:

155.1: Clothing quality is secondary. Everyone wants a Twilight Suit.
155.2: Now that is subtle.
155.3: It's just a savoury meal!
155.4: Finally, no-one around to stop her.
155.5: It's not simple, but it works.
155.6: It's a long story. And would probably make a good rom-com.
155.7: Some things are not funny. (Joker's from DC.)
155.8: I'm not sure why, but it does.
155.9: Erg. That's a marginally worse rated rom-com.
155.10: Some variations are minor.
155.11: Hence a pet.
155.12: Hence trouble with a pet.
155.13: Nice perch if you can get it. There's even a handhold.
155.14: Ow.
155.15: School of hard knocks.
155.16: Some solutions are simple.
155.17: Spike replaced.
155.18: You really need the shouts to be flashing and in an odd format.
155.19: Not-quite-mad science.
155.20: Or you could do that.
155.21: Ah, a song.
155.22: This could get inconvenient.
155.23: Oog.
155.24: Competitive bunch, aren't they...
155.25: It's complicated. (Marvel)
155.26: They just saw Romeo and Juliet.
155.27: It works. (Marvel)
155.28: Dang Blood Ravens. (40K)
155.29: Dang Creed. (Also 40K)
155.30: A long, long term project.
155.31: In vino veritas.

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