• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 4: War Room

“Admiral Fairy Flight. We have a report coming in with the patrol.” A young cadet in training saluted the admiral, who returned it.

“Thank you, cadet. As you are.” He said, taking the papers in his wing. The cadet cantered off, leaving us alone in the room. I rubbed my forehoof.

“A little too rough with escorting. You sure I’m not being arrested?” I asked with an unamused arch of my brow. The pegasi had brought me to, what they refer to as the “war room”. It wasn’t as fancy as they made it sound. But the massive table and the many figures positioned on the map of Equestria was all I needed to see to believe it. That and the many empty chairs surrounding us. Admiral Fairy Flight scanned through the documents as he replied.

“Apologies, Ms. Fire. It’s a prototype binding platform for… ponies of interest.” He said. I blinked and looked back at the platform. I frowned.

“Prisoners of war, you mean.” I said. Fairy didn’t shake his head but looked out the corner of his eyes to me.

“Only if we are forced to. We are still testing more of this… arcane tech as our enemies call it.” I sighed and stood up, walking over to the table and examining it. The green figures were bundled up with blue figures and a stadium like model. I’m assuming that’s Cloudsdale. Not too far, where Pony Land would be, were two castle like models in the north and south. Red figures were bundled up together. I also noticed three more castle models, one being Canterlot and the other the Castle of Friendship. To the north of them would by the Crystal Empire. I couldn’t help but frown.

More figures were bundled around New Appleloosa. No structure to mark their own HQ. I looked to the admiral.

“You sure seem to take into account resources.” I said. The admiral smiled as he put the documents down. I glanced quickly at them, seeing a glimpse of the words “Project”. I narrowed my eyes as the admiral looked over the map.

“We of the Cloudsdale military, are ready to provide aerial support when we have the proper preparations ready. I’ve invited several major reps from Canterlot, to New Appleloosa to the Crystal Empire. I also plan to unveil a special something thanks to two of our Wonderbolt’s greatest.” He said. I blinked at the pegasus.

“Th-that’s why I’m here, admiral. I’m trying to look for two Wonderbolts by the name of Cloudchaser and Flitter.” I said. The admiral beamed.

“Yes, the two who were graciously offered to journey with our grand champion of the realm! Oh, the sights they saw provided valuable intel. But we could always do for more. Which is why you are here.” I was about to protest when the admiral held up a hoof. “Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to notify your friends that you have arrived. Perhaps with three minds together, we can start getting better grasps on newer projects.” I sighed and shook my head.

“Develop all you want. But when I stop the war from going forward, all those bits would be wasted.” I said. Fairy chuckled.

“Pretty bold words for one pony against the entire world. And if you fail?” He replied. I pointed at him.

“I can’t fail.” I said. Fairy seemed pleased by this.

“If only we could have more soldiers with your attitude! Sargent. Could you please notify young Cloudchaser and Flitter to come to the war room? Our guests should be arriving soon.” He said. The pony next to him saluted and cantered off, leaving me and the admiral alone. I eyed him suspiciously.

“I’m not sticking around for war talk, admiral. I have to find the rest of my friends and I’ll be off to Pony Land.” I stated. The admiral nodded.

“How noble. Heading into ground zero of this whole ordeal. This day just keeps getting better and better.” He said with a grin. I shook my head.

“What are you on about?” I asked. The admiral waved a wing uninterestedly.

“All in due time. We are only in the beginning phases of talk and prep. But perhaps I can poke your brain here.” He whipped out a small rake and pointed to the map. “I was thinking having the unicorns set up several points to make a protective wall in key areas in Equestria. The obvious ones being shown. But we could always do with filling gaps. New Appleloosa would be vital to hold for food and ground troops. Now, in order to ensure complete protection, Cloudsdale will be the frontline. We will move the city into position somewhere here.” He circled the rake in the center of Equestria.

“I suspect that Pony Land would send in troops disguised as our own to gather intel. Canterlot already has a mole problem, so we must be several hoof steps ahead. We’ll mobilize several units across key points, making check points to ensure proper evacuation protocols should it ever come to that.” I sighed and put my hoof on my cheek against the table boredly. The admiral must have drone on about more tactics and what ifs, but my mind wandered mindlessly at the rake motions.

Eventually, my mindless following of the rake ended when I realized it was pointing at me. I blinked and looked at the admiral, who seemed eager to hear what I thought of whatever. I rubbed the back of my head.

“Err… I’m not sure I follow. Could you explain it again?” I said with a nervous smile. The admiral tipped his hat.

“Of course! In fact, that would help reiterate some ideas. Now then-.” The door opened and the Sargeant returned, saluting.

“Admiral Fairy Flight. As you requested.” My eyes widened and looked towards the door, my heart beating rapidly. There she was. The most beautiful mare I’ve ever seen. Accompanied by her sister beside her. They saw me and Flitter was the first to engage, cantering over and hugging me.

“Fie! You’re okay!” She said. I smiled and hugged her back. She pulled away and eyed me up and down. “You seem a bit paler. Have you’ve been eating well?” She asked with concern. Now that she mentions it, I did have only hotcakes at the Crystal Empire and a snack on the train ride over to Canterlot. But nothing worthwhile. I was about to say something when she stepped back and rubbed her chin, studying me more. Cloudchaser nudged her sister.

“Err… Flitter. Perhaps you should ease off the ogling? Fie’s been through enough.” She said with a small smile. My eyes met her’s. I was at a loss for words. Still pretty and cool as ever. She seemed to notice this and blush a bit, clearing her throat. “Ahem. Errr… hey, Fie. Operation rescue was a success.” She said. I nodded, only to realize what she meant. I slumped.

“I wish it went off without a hitch. But you know me. A walking firebomb.” I said sadly. The two looked at me in concern before the admiral cleared his throat. The two sisters stood at attention and saluted. Admiral Fairy Flight rose a wing and the two eased.

“Yes, well I hope that we would avoid any unpleasant surprises. Which is another thing. We should begin working on a repressant. Just in case our fiery friend here splits Cloudsdale a part.” He said. I winced at the words and while the two frowned, there was nothing they could say or do. Just then, the door opened and we saw more ponies walk in. Some weren’t fancily dressed. Only two wore military attire. I did not recognize anypony in the audience. “Ahh, good! You’re all here! Please, sit where you are most comfortable.”

The ponies muttered to one another before rounding to their seats. I looked to the two sisters and made a motion that we should leave before the admiral notices. We got to the door when the admiral called out to us.

“Hold on a moment, you three. I think you’d want to hear this.” He said. I winced and rubbed the back of my head.

“Y-yeah, with all due respect admiral, we should really get going. On the clock and what not.” I said with a nervous smile. The admiral looked at us and frowned.

“Blatant disregard to a commanding officer is not something the Wonderbolts preach.” He said with a stern look. Cloudchaser and Flitter winced. They looked at me, their looks telling me the situation. I sighed and nodded softly.

“Alright… we’ll stay and hear out what you have planned. But.” I held up a hoof. “We are a third party. We will not have any say in the war efforts.” The admiral nodded.

“All I need is a bit of your time.” He said with a small smile. “I practiced for this!” I slumped and walked back over to the center of the room. I sat down, Cloudchaser and Flitter stood at attention next to me. I rested my hoof boredly on my cheek and leaned forward. Admiral Fairy Flight held up a wing to calm the muttering. “Gentlecolts and mares, please, can I have your attention directed to the table before you.” The ponies looked to the table.

The admiral began to say his piece, a speech he made out to be grand. And while it captured the attention of the room, I found myself boredly taking one of the figurines without the admiral noticing and began to move it across the table. I made it do a simple marching bounce as the talks proceeded, the conversation bringing up points and ideas that they could use to get an edge on war.

I soon began to feel my eyes grow heavy. It wasn’t long until I completely passed out.


I woke up and felt my entire body shivering. A strong gust of freezing air and snow swirled harshly around me. I threw my hood up, my teeth chattering as I looked around. I knew exactly where I was, despite the snow as far as the eye can see. From the freezing blizzard, the snow swirled in front of me and a hoof stepped forward. I was expecting to come face to face with a colossus like the others. But surprisingly, the spectral ice alicorn Shiva approached me at the same height as Princess Celestia.

I was shivering so much, I couldn’t move. Concentrating, I released Din’s heat through me and I sighed in relief at the warmth. Shiva looked displeased with me.

How disappointing. Seeing you hug yourself in my embrace was touching. If only she wasn’t with you. Shiva said in my head. Her voice cold and stern. I looked up from under my hood stoically.

“And yet, you aren’t attacking me.” I replied. Shive waved a blizzardy wing in dismissal.

Tis no fun if she isn’t present. How odd. Her fire is quite small. I nodded.

“Tuckered out. Best not to wake her unless you truly want to deal with us.” I said coldly. Shive smiled, yet her voice remained cold and stern.

A child through and through. Sleeping like nothing in the world can touch her. Not even the gods or us can withstand her might. I narrowed my eyes. Condescending as it was, I still had one thing on my mind.

"Why am I here?" I asked. Shiva sat on her haunches and eyed me.

A good question. Why is it that you choose to visit me? She replied. I slumped and shook my head.

"Does it always have to be me wandering into a domain? Aren't you sure I didn't get called here? Am I just being gaslighted by every single power element?" I snorted. "Damn primals..." Shive tilted her head.

Interesting. An unexpected choice of words at my presence. I frowned.

"See one, seen 'em all. I'm more concerned on how the rest of this is going to play out. Every other one was out to get me, only for Din to show up. Here's your chance, Shiva. But I'm not going to make it easy." I challenged. Shiva stoically eyed me.

You need not worry, bearer of fire. I've learned to... temper myself. Something my fiery sister has yet to learn. She replied. It was my turn to curiously look at her. But Shiva looked over her shoulder. Hmm. Unfortunate, but I cannot stay any longer. Speak your part. She said. It was hard to gauge what she was looking at before turning her head back to me. I shrugged and shook my head. There was one thing that bothered me.

"When I first started this entire thing, my first ever encounter with a power element was you. On our way to Canterlot, why did you decide to attack me out right?" I asked. Shiva hummed.

Unfariness of the most unforgivable way. She replied. I arched a brow.

"How?" I asked. Shiva stood up and unfurled her wings.

Favoritism. The wind started to howl. I looked around, my look furrowing into concern. I may be in trouble here. I looked back to Shiva who had turned around and began to walk away from me. I must return. Begone with you. The wind picked up and Shiva vanished into the blizzard. I had to shield myself as I found myself being pulled off the ground and tumbling into the sky. I then found myself sailing through a black void. I continued to tumble, unable to control myself with my flailing. Suddenly, I found myself stopping. As if something had caught me. I was in a strange pose, unable to move. I felt a cold chill down my spine and I gasped when a dark fire erupted in front of me.

It grew bigger and bigger until the fire formed an alicorn. The alicorn reared up with unfurled her wings and towered over me.

Hahahahah! Not so bold now, are you? The alicorn grinned. I don't know why I continued to try and free myself. But unlike Shiva, Tenebres was somepony I really didn't want to engage with. After countless days waiting! I finally found you! The alicorn giggled eerily. I furrowed my look.

"Shiva beat you to it." I replied simply. Tenebres scoffed and waved a hoof in a shooing manner.

Don't care. Shiva is not of my concern. What I want is to teach you and Din that there is more than one primal striving for ascension! I arched a brow.

“You? But…” I darted my eyes in thought. Tenebres began to pace back and forth, eyeing me like a predator.

Surprised? Good! It is all thought up by my vessel. After seeing your little declaration against the serpent, my vessel got excited. She thought “Why not go for it ourselves? No creature would tell us what to do anymore”. This surge of power given to us. It’s wonderful! I can only imagine what ascending can give us!

I was stunned. Could Tenebres no longer be tied to the bylaws as well? My mind was racing. I am genuinely in trouble here. And Din isn’t responding. I took a deep breath and braced myself, meeting the eyes of the alicorn with mine, hoping I wasn’t showing any fear.

“So… you aren’t tied to the bylaws anymore?” I asked. Tenebres stopped and blinked at me.

Tied? The string has always been cut! The others are just too blind to see it! She growled and started to make mocking tones. This realm will be mine! All will bow before my gifts! Mortals are undeserving of such and must worship me! She stuck what I assumed was a tongue out in disgust. All focused on one thing rather than the bigger picture. And they say I’m the child! She then grinned. The satisfaction we’ll have when we’ll show them all that simple minded creatures are beneath our magnificence! But there is one who shares this same ideal and I cannot have her in the way any longer. I gasped as I saw her horn beginning to glow with a sinister aura.

I struggled against whatever was holding me, panicking just a little. I then had an idea.

“Hold on. You’re planning on killing me? You do realize that if one of us dies, the very thing you want isn’t going to happen.” I stated. Tenebres snorted.

Do not take me for a fool, vessel. I’m merely going to keep you here until the time comes. Din can try all she like. But my power is now tenfold more than her’s! She stands no chance! she retorted.

“Y-you’re right!” I quickly said. “She doesn’t stand any chance. I mean, would you believe this? She tried to take over the Crystal Empire and it took those without god like powers to best her!” I chuckled. “She completely got ahead of herself and lost to mortals!” Tenebres’s posture adjusted, her head tilting. I nodded. “She always talks big, but when it comes down to it, she’s just a dog barking up the wrong tree. And what do you know as well, you managed to capture me with no Din in sight. If she can’t keep a leash on her vessel, does she even deserve to have ascension?”

I noticed Tenebres dart her purple shadow slit eyes in thought. She then had a grin spread across her face.

Now that you mention it… I did do all of that, didn’t I? I nodded and looked around, hoping to find anything that could get me out of here. Tenebres’s glow on her horn faded and she put a hoof proudly against her chest. But of course I did! They think to look down upon me? A genius? The one that rightfully rules this realm? Even Lux’s light bestows my shadow even further! She rubbed her chin, pleasantly thinking. I was unnerved by this. Tenebres clapped her hooves together. Oh! I just had a most brilliant idea! Don’t go anywhere! The dark fire erupted around her and I was left in the darkness.

I blinked blankly, tugging against whatever held me. I have to get out of here. I closed my eyes and imagined splitting myself. A perfect copy forming from the other half. When I opened my eyes, I saw myself smiling up at me. I nodded and my copy reached behind her and withdrew a flaming halberd. She stood up on two hind legs, skillfully twirling the halberd and with two slashes, I found myself landing on my hooves. I dusted myself off, only to stop as the sticky dark sap on my cloak hoodie dripped off of me.

I looked around. How to get out of here? Usually, I’m either thrown out or Din pulls me away. But being in a black void, I’m not sure which is up and down. I hummed in thought. What if I just get Tenebres to push me out? But… should I risk Tenebres coming back and seeing me loose? I looked to my other self, who only returned my look with a blank smile.

“Yes. That’s exactly what I want.” I said to myself before reaching back and withdrawing my quarter staff as it popped into existence. I channeled the heat into it and the staff formed a spectral flaming halberd. I then stood up on two and pointed the tip blade of the halberd up, a small sphere of fire forming and growing bigger. Now just the size of a stress ball, I released the energy and to my surprise, the beam struck something. A blood curdling cry resounded around me and from the void shot out dark, shadowy fire.

I quickly dispersed and readied myself with my copy. Tenebres formed, scowling and rubbing her cheek. When she saw me, her eyes flared angrily.

You dare strike a queen while her attention is elsewhere?! You’ll pay for that!

I only smirked and using more of my magic, I split into two more copies. I ordered my copies to hop around me and I followed suite. Tenebres growled, her eyes watching and switching focus to the other. Seeming to lose patience, she roared and slammed her hooves, firing a whip of shadow from her own and striking two of my copies.

They vanished and I rushed forward with my remaining copy. Tenebres swished her horn and I gasped, sliding under as a shadowy scythe swished overhead and decapitated my copy, which stumbled and fell, vanishing into smoke. Ignoring my potential gruesome death, I got up and spun the halberd, sending the point at Tenebres and striking her chest. She cried in pain and stumbled back. I pulled back and got into my stance. Tenebres held her chest, panting.

Argh! Why do you have to be such an annoying pest?! Can I not have a moment of triumph?! Tenebres’s eyes widened and she looked behind her. I arched a brow as she turned her head back to me while turning her body. This isn’t over, vessel! My vessel and I will hunt you down to the ends of this forsaken realm! Mark my words! She made one motion with a singular wing and I felt myself being sent off my hooves, yelping at the sudden throw. The domain melted around me.


I found myself jolting up with a gasp.

“Fie?? Is everything okay??” I heard a voice. I blinked and looked to Cloudchaser and Flitter, who were at both my sides and looking at me with worry. I blinked and looked to see that I was still in the war room. Every eye on me. Admiral Fairy Flight seemed intrigued. I shrunk back a bit.

“Err… why is everypony looking at me like that?” I asked nervously. Flitter gestured at me.

“You were muttering a lot to the point you were interrupting the talks. We tried waking you up and suddenly your mane and tail began to glow.” She said. “It’s strange. It was like you were trying to go… well… into primal mode.” One of the ponies stood up.

“She shouldn’t even be here! She should be looked in Tartarus!” They cried out. Admiral Fairy Flight held up a wing.

“I specifically asked her to be in attendance. And now, Ms. Fire, that we have your attention, I have a question for you.” He said. I blinked and rubbed my muzzle. From one thing to another. “Would you say these… Triads, are stationed in any particular location you might recall?” I don’t know why, but I didn’t hesitate to speak. I should have kept my mouth shut.

“Manehatten. But they may have moved due to the attention we caused there.” I said tiredly. I saw Cloudchaser and Flitter exchanged concerned glances before Flitter spoke up.

“A-Admiral Fairy Flight, sir. With all due respect, I think we should just focus on stationing in the key areas mentioned. If the Triad have been stationed secretly for a while in Equestria, then going straight for one would close other opportunities to advance on the others. They’ll know we’ll be coming.” She said. Fairy beamed.

“An excellent proposition, Ms. Glider. I think it’s time to release the Shadowbolts.” He said with a rub of his chin. One of the other ponies in the room looked shocked as they spoke.

“You can’t be serious.” They said. Fairy nodded.

“Morbidly so. Not only can we figure out where more inside stations are, but we can cut all means of supply. We need to mess with a nest, follow one rat and take out the rest.” He said. He then moved some purple figurines he had in the crowd of multi-colored figures and moved them over Manehatten. "I can think of no better than the Shadowbolts to begin their investigation into key Triad stations." Another pony stood up.

"There is only one problem. The tech and magic they display. We've been told that mechanical behemoths are to be used and anything that is branded theirs is considered tracked. We would need a counter spell if we were to even begin to... study their tech." They spoke. The other balked.

"Mass weapons of destructions isn't what we are about!" They stated. The first pony I saw stand up scoffed.

"And you expect us to throw flowers and welcome them with open hooves and a song and dance? No, we need much more drastic measures. Shadowbolts are too risky. Too independent." The other pointed at him.

"And how do you expect we do that with the underdevelopment we have currently? At this rate, we are going to enter with shoddy equipment." They stated. Another stood up.

"Perhaps we should start a campaign. The ponies of Equestria are in a dire panic. Those that do not want to get involved will either escape to the Crystal Empire or the Dragon Lands. Those that do would want to see their aggressors on their home turf suffer at the might of justice. Or perhaps we could make a draft. It'll certainly keep the war of attrition going." The third pony looked shocked.

"We shouldn't use such awful means! We need a better solution! Diplomatic solutions should come first before actions!" The second pony chuckled.

"Our majesties have tried many times, only to be met with disapproval. Diplomatic solutions are to be met with extreme firepower." The first pony slammed their hoof down.

"But why increase the bloodshed? We should ensure that those that have wronged Equestria get what they deserve. The path of redemption is a cold, but welcome one." More ponies stood up.

"I agree! Send the Shadowbolts! That'll teach miscreants from disgracing our royal sisters!"

"We must study their tech in order to evolve our own! We should attack where they are and use it to our advantage!"

"Must we be so hasty in rushing in? We should pick our enemy's brains. Intel is what we need to get a better advantage!"

I frowned as the ponies began arguing from every corner of the room. One even suggested borderline war crimes. Admiral Fairy Flight clopped his hoof against the table loudly.

"Gentlecolts! Mares! We do not need infighting! This is the war room! I will have order!" He commanded. The ponies quieted, but the three that pitched ideas eyed him.

"And what do you suggest, Admiral?" They asked. Admiral Fairy cleared his throat and pointed at me with the rake.

"We already have a solution. Our very own champion of Equestria." He said. I crossed my hooves, looking at him in disapproval. The pony shook his head.

"I'm all for going beyond the call of duty but sending in a walking megaspell nuke is not humane! She should be locked up! For her crimes in Hoofington and instigating the war in the first place!" I arched a brow at this.

"Instigated? I think you forget what is really going on here." I said, standing up. "I'm not the solution. I'm a third party. Anything can go and my actions won't change the tide of war. All I'm asked to do is see what I can try. Need I remind you all why I exist?" I stood on top of my table and withdrew my staff, slamming the bottom tip down on the table. Everypony had eyes on me. "Our realm is currently under threat by primal gods, and we are all sitting here trying to think of a solution to how we can proceed in a war against our neighbors. If you ask me, I have no damn clue what any of this has to do with my time. I'm just going to stick with what I do best." I shouldered my staff. "If you have a problem with that, then bite me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready to go to Pony Land at the behest of Princess Twilight Sparkle. I've wasted enough time here." I hopped off the table and motioned for Cloudchaser and Flitter to follow. The two sisters looked unsure of everything, but they saluted the admiral before following after me.

We made our way out of the mansion like cloud building, I, being mindful of where I step so I don't fall through. When we got to the exit, I cast my cloud walking spell and stepped onto the fluffy texture. I heard Flitter sigh.

"Well, that was exhausting. Wish I had taken your example, Fie." She said. Cloudchaser smirked and nudged me.

"Thi has rubbed off on you." She said. I smiled softly before sighing and shaking my head.

"Everypony is in a panic. I can't do anything about that. If it's not the war, it's the primals at fault. In fact, it is a primal that started it anyway." I tossed my staff over my back and it popped out of existence. I rubbed the back of my head. "I also had a convo with Shiva and Tenebres." The two looked at me, their expression serious. "Tenebres is hunting me down and for some reason... she is eerily excitable than the first time I met her. And Shiva was surprisingly brief. Almost as if something had distracted her." I rubbed my chin. "I wished we had the scrolls. Need a refresher on where the others could be." Flitter smiled.

"Then we should head to Manehatten. Scribble told us he's going to be there for a while. Apparently, some hunters from H.A.A.C. have gone missing. Not only that, but the local ecological wildlife has also been getting restless. Just the other day, Cloudchaser and I saw a butterfly in Cloudsdale. A butterfly!" I tilted my head at her. "Butterflies don't fly this high!" Cloudchaser nodded grimly. I slumped and was beginning to find this all a little hectic. And I thought the war room was getting awkward. I then looked at them.

"Any idea where Thi could be?" I asked. Cloudchaser and Flitter looked at me apologetically.

"Sorry, Fie. Haven't heard or seen from her since you went missing. When we got back to Canterlot, she quickly left without a word." Cloudchaser said. Flitter nodded.

"I'm a little worried. We know she's probably still out trying to find you. But... word should have gotten out about you returning. If she hasn't shown herself by now, then she's probably still looking or in some sort of trouble." She said. I couldn't help but snicker a bit.

"Or maybe looking for trouble." I then sighed. "But yeah. I know she can handle herself. But..." I rubbed my foreleg. The last time she did this I haven't heard from her in six years. She still hasn't given me a proper apology, but we made up at least. I thought about it a bit more and then nodded. "Well, if she's looking for me or looking for trouble, we'll just have to follow her example. Let's help out Scribble. Maybe he has an inkling of where she might be." The two sisters smiled.

"Onto the next adventure. Glad to see you back, Fie. Though..." Flitter frowned and began to hold my sides. I blushed and shifted uncomfortably. Cloudchaser seemed to advert her eyes and rub the back of her head. "You need to eat something. You've lost some weight while you were gone." I smiled nervously.

"I-I thought my hoodie cloak felt a little loose..." I replied. Flitter beamed and hovered up in the air.

"Oh! Cloudchaser! Let's take her to our favorite eatery! We've never invited a unicorn friend before!" She said excitedly. Cloudchaser chuckled and shrugged.

"Sure. Why not? Could do with something after that whole war room thing." She said. Flitter squeed and I yelped as I was forced to be pulled along by Flitter. I looked to Cloudchaser for help. But she only gave a small smile before looking bothered.

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