• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Prologue: Repentance


An Hour Before Arrival of Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon


Silence. That was all that could be heard in these lonely and rubble filled hallways. I sat upon the tall, platinum throne of Princess Platinum. The hood of my makeshift cloak over my head as the snowy elements blew through the cracked and shattered stained glasses. The torn and disheveled, frozen over red carpet expanded down from the throne to the massive double doors at the other end. I’ve lost track of time. I don’t know how long I’ve been here.

I spent so long exploring this place. Browsing what little the library offered in unfrozen parchments or withered books. Food and drink was plenty. I only had to scale the side of a caved in ceiling before encountering the kitchen, which has seen so much better days. Princess Platinum must have been too full of herself with all the paintings of exquisite poses of her and whatever expensive piece of artwork from ancient times. The castle is overwhelming. Long, expansive hallways, many rooms and certain sections of the castle that don’t make sense.

The literature was all in old ponish that I didn’t understand. So, I made use of them as fire for the fire place in the Princess’s chambers I used as my camp out. The time spent here began to topple on me. I was beginning to hallucinate. At some point, I began to hear the chatter of many ponies coming from the ball room. Only to find that rubble, fallen chandeliers and an iced over balcony leading to no where was all that greeted me.

Another point in time was coming across the ancient security system that Princess Platinum had placed in her castle. The fact that it still worked was amazing in of itself. Though, living suites of armor wasn’t as nearly boredom breaking as the occasional primordial lackey that have spawned in at night. When the northern lights weaved overhead, the shadows emerged from the ground. Tenebres is on the hunt. And Din was more than happy to go at it. Felling the creatures had become a daily routine.

Last night's was different. One had managed to slink away. I’ve been hunting it, as Din didn’t like the idea of being spied upon. However, my search has come up with nothing. The no direction wandering and the constant battles have left me battered and broken. Aware as I am of my state, I couldn’t help but stare off into the distance towards the massive platinum doors. There was no way out of here. Din wasn’t cooperating, and the bridge to get out was gone. There was no other way out of the castle.

My eye twitched from the lack of sleep the past week. Constantly defending myself. Hearing the voices. And that echoing “It’s not your fault” traveling throughout the castle. I blinked once and saw Din sitting next to me from the throne. I didn’t turn to her, only cast a sideway glance. Din sat upright like a statue and staring directly ahead with me. She hummed.

Tis a shame that I can’t make this my own. It’s quite genius really. Who would expect a fire queen to rule the lands of ice and snow? She gave an evil, maniacal smirk. What’s the matter, vessel? You should be grateful for what I have done. Your dear, foal hood friend can rest in peace, knowing that the ones responsible are now rotting as charred corpses.

I didn’t say anything. My mind was all over the place. The voices, the exhaustion, the guilt. All coming down like Din’s megaspell. I blinked again and saw somepony step up next to me from my left. I looked and my eyes widened. He looked exactly as I had saw him. The skinny, blue stallion with the unkempt black mane and eyes, that looked full of life, smiled at me.

“C’mon, Fie. You gotta’ learn that stuff happens.” Table Top said. I looked at him, horrified. His image was beginning to rot. He looked at me with a half skeletal grin. I also noticed his entrails hanging down and even touching the ground. I was feeling sick to my stomach. I heard Din cackle softly.

Quite the handsome stallion you shot down. Poor dear must have been stuck in the same rut as you were. Alone. Rotting away. Only now, one of you actually did rot. Din laughed. I began to feel my ears ring and my breathing heavy. The world around me turning grey as Table Top stared me down. He put a hoof against my cheek softly and got close. His eyes meeting mine. Until one fell out of his socket. I couldn’t move. I was frozen in fear.

“One final kiss goodbye?” Table Top asked. No… no this isn’t real… I began to sob as I tried to will myself to move. He got closer and closer, his hot breath against my lips. Finally, full panic set in. I threw myself out of the throne and scrambled to my hooves, looking over and seeing both Din and Table Top gone. I breathed heavily, clutching my chest. His voice began to echo around me in varying pitches.

It’s always been your fault.

Suddenly, the throne room erupted into chatter and a unison of agonizing cries. I looked around panicking. Faceless, ghostly ponies emerged from the ground and began reaching out to me. I kicked one away and took several steps back as the many specters of foals, colts, fillies, mares, stallions and elderly continued to reach at me and emerge from the ground. A lot of the specters began floating. Their agonized faces screaming out at me.

It’s all your fault. It’s always been your fault.

“No… I-I wasn’t me…!” I protested, taking several more steps back. My eyes widened as Din floated down, as if from nowhere, and unfurled her wings when she landed. Her evil, smug grin looking down at me as the spectral hooves and specters began swirling around us.

Hmhmhm. Why must you feel so guilty about Hoofington? You know I caused it. You know full well what I am capable of. So why must you torment yourself? As amusing as it is, all this clutter needs to be sorted out. She grinned. I felt myself bump into something behind me. I looked and screamed, falling onto my back. The spectral hooves of the agonized souls began to grab and hold me down. Table Top, his zombified corpse, shambled towards me. I struggled to break free from the holds, but it was to no avail.

Table Top stood over me, his entrails resting against me. I felt sick. He lowered himself down and his skeletal muzzle met mine.

“It’s always been your fault.” He rasped. I shut my eyes and screamed, finding myself breaking free and swinging a hoof at him. I then broke free of the spectral hooves and began kicking and batting away at them. Willing myself now, I yanked from the holds and opened my eyes, realizing Table Top was no longer around me. I panted and looked around. Silence. I crawled back on my haunches before turning and scrambling to my hooves. I galloped towards the massive platinum doors and began hitting and bucking the door.

“I’m sorry!! I’m so sorry!! It’s all my fault! It’s always been my fault!!” I cried out, painfully whimpering as I beat at the doors. I began to sob, giving the door one last punch before slumping down. Hoofington. Table Top. There was nothing I could have done more? So many souls lost. So many ponies unaffiliated with evil and just on the wrong side of the city… gone. And Table Top. Poor Table Top… He didn’t deserve the fate given to him. He should have lived. He should have a way better life than me. He was always a smart pony. He was a four point oh genius. Not only that, he always made up fun games to play when we were foals.

In a way, I always looked forward to what games he had in mind. And it was all the more fun when we both got into O&O. He was able to use his wild imagination to make to best games ever. And when I would slack off in school, he would always take time to help me study. It’s because of him that I was able to be enrolled into CSGU upon graduation. But… by that time, it was already too late. I shot him down. I ruined his life. He had so much going for him and I… I burned it all away…

My ears flicked as I heard what sounded like suits clattering in the distance. My mind steadied. My senses now on high alert. I heard Din hum.

Appears we got a couple of treasure hunters. It also sounds like they’ve encountered the security system too. How amusing. They were able to get into the castle. She said with a grin. I rasped as I stood up and put my hoof against the door.

“Or maybe the lackey showed itself. And those ponies are in danger.” I furrowed my look and took a couple of steps back. I reached with my magic and pulled the door. Only to find it has frozen over. I frowned and withdrew my quarterstaff, the staff flashing and burning into the shape of a halberd. I then aimed at it and a small sphere of fire concentrated at the tip of the blade spear. Being trapped in this forsaken castle has not only left me with my thoughts, but I’ve managed to hone some of my primal abilities. Not to the extent I wanted. But the ever so close to breaking gem told me I shouldn’t push it.

The beam connected with the door and began heating it up. Steam hissed from it and when the door stopped flaring red, I spun and bucked the doors open. The frozen wasteland of a courtyard greeted me. A fountain in the middle was in relatively good condition. But the area around it was full of dead brush and snow buried rubble. Adjusting my hood, I began to walk down the steps into the courtyard and made my way across. Reaching the fountain, I took a right and trekked through the snow and frost before reaching a hallway.

The sound of fighting could be heard closer now. What was going on? I opened the door and walked into a small atrium. I shivered as the cold was beginning to get to me. I put my hoof on the door across the room and froze. The voices were back. I grunted and shook my head. Ignoring the voices, I opened the door and stepped back in horror as Table Top emerged. His rotten corpse now an amalgamation of agonizing souls and burnt flesh reaching for me. A raspy groan emitted from it, calling out my name.

I felt myself trip back as a burnt fleshy tendril wrapped around my hind leg. I struggled and batted at it as it pulled me in towards Table Top.

“It’s all your fault. It has always been your fault… Quiet Fire.” The amalgamation moaned, followed by a chorus of agonizing cries of my name in vengeance.

“No… no please!” I cried out. More tendrils wrapped around me and pulled me in. I struggled to break free. But it was hopeless. They were right. I’m the sole reason they are like this. Why they cannot move on. And it is only fair they get their vengeance. I didn’t fight it. I tearfully accepted my fate as the amalgamation absorbed me into it.

“I think she’s moving!” A distant voice echoed. My vision blurred as I found myself lying still, my body aching.

“Table… Top…” I rasped.

“Are you sure we should be around when she wakes up? I want to keep my life and my wagon!” Another voice broke through in an echo. The other voice sighed.

“It’ll be fine, Trixie. I hope…” I began to stir and my vision began to clear. I saw a familiar mare looking down at me. Her pink coat and purple streaked mane and light blue eyes smiled down at me. She was wearing a thermal, puffy coat with a muffler around her neck and goggles above her head. “Fie! Are you alive?” Starlight asked worriedly. I groaned and winced as I tried to sit up, but Starlight gently put me back down. “Easy there, Fie. You’ve been asleep for two days.” I looked to Starlight weakly.

“Two…?” I rasped. Starlight winced a she gave me a nervous smile.

“Maaaybe because I had to use a giant golem to get you to calm down.” She said with a nervous laugh. I groaned and rubbed my head. This was completely different to a burnout hangover. I then felt something hot and chocolaty trickle down my throat. I coughed a bit before sitting up finally, clutching my side.

“Owwww… hot…” I rasped, sticking my tongue out as the burning tingle tickled it. Starlight gave me a surprised look before reaching with her magic to a water canteen, which she then had me drink from. Cool water. It didn’t stop the tingle, but it did help refresh me.

“S-sorry about that. Figured a nice cup of coco would bring you right up.” She gave a nervous chuckle. “G-guess it worked.” I then looked at her, my eyes studying the mare. She looked on edge. Her posture completely ready to take action. I bowed my head and rubbed it.

“What… happened?” I rasped again. Starlight looked over to Trixie, who was outside the wagon and stirring a steaming cooking pot of what appeared to be soup. Trixie returned her look with concern.

“W-well… you may have been missing for four weeks.” She said. I balked.

“Four weeks?!” I exclaimed, suddenly wincing and hissing in pain. Starlight made sure to steady me as she nodded.

“Ever since the destruction of Hoofington, Din took off along with you. At least, that’s what your friends told us.” She said. My eyes widened. My friends…

“I… I have to get back to them…” I rasped again, turning out of the hammock, which Starlight stopped me from going further, her look stern.

“Not until we get you fixed up in the Crystal Empire.” She said. I blinked and looked at her.

"The Crystal... Empire?" I asked. She nodded.

"We pulled you out of the Frozen Mountains. Inside of Princess Platinum's castle. You're in the Frozen North." She explained. I put a hoof to my head, looking lost.

"I'm... in the Frozen North? Why...?" I asked before furrowing my brow. 'Din... why here? And why an old castle?' Silence. I growled. Din being uncooperative now is the worst time to happen! I then looked at Starlight, seeing her taking a cautious step back from me. Her look fearful, yet ready to engage. My anger softened as I looked at her in realization. She looked beaten. As if she was pulled through the ringer. I wavered and bowed my head. "You're hurt." I said. Starlight gave a soft, relieved sigh and smile.

"Ehh, don't worry about it. I've taken plenty of beatings like this. It's nothing." She said coolly. Trixie walked in, her tattered and beaten look as well as her expression was saying something else.

"Soup's ready." She then eyed me warily. I studied her before sighing and waving a small hoof.

"I'm sorry..." I began. Trixie scoffed.

"I'll accept it once you stop freeloading in my wagon." She said with an annoyed look. Starlight frowned at Trixie.

"Trixie. she's been through more hell than you. The least you can do is give her some soup to warm her up." Starlight said sternly. Trixie eyed Starlight and sighed. She reached with her magic and poured a bowl of soup for each of us. She passed me mine and I took it in my own magic.

"Thank you." I rasped with a weak smile at her. Trixie bowed her head defeatedly before bringing a thermal blanket to wrap around her. Starlight brought her's out and then she passed me a third one.

"Figured you might need it since we were going to be pulling you out of below freezing weather." She said with a smile. I took the blanket in my hooves and studied it. Putting down my bowl of soup, I looked at my tattered and worn out Equestrian Flag cloak. It was itchy at best. I smiled, taking off the flag and putting it down before wrapping the blanket around me. A nice, warm temperature began to even me out. I then looked to the two.

"How did you guys find me? And how were you able to get over the chasm?" I asked. Starlight rubbed the back of her head while Trixie boredly slurped her soup.

"Well, after Equestria began hearing the news of Din destroying Hoofington... ponies were quick to notice that you were missing afterwords. Some thought you perished in the attack. Some believed they saw you roaming the lands like a lost ghost. And some even believed they were... incarnates of you." She said. I looked at her blankly. Ponies trying to impersonate me? I tilted my head while Trixie snickered.

"Amusing as it was by the fakes, it was kinda sad. Anyway, to make a long story short, you weren't showing up on the map, your friends returned to Canterlot and explained the situation and we ended up using your helpers to find you." Trixie explained uninterestedly. I cocked my head the other way this time.

"Helpers?" I asked. Starlight pointed at me.

"The four ponies who have been living in your house the past month and a half." She said. I balked. I had almost forgot about them. I furrowed my look, debating whether I should call them now or wait a bit. I glanced out the door to the wagon and thought better. I'll wait until I'm back at the Crystal Empire. I don't want the poor ponies to freeze. I took a sip of my soup.

"How'd they managed to track me down?" I asked. Trixie and Starlight were struggling to find the right words. The two looked at each other and shrugged.

"We... aren't really sure. It might have to do with that imprinting they have on you?" Starlight suggested. I nodded. Right, because they are gifts of the World Serpent. The damned bylaws that Ouroboros likes to loop around every so often. Which is ironic at best. I sighed.

"What about my friends? Twilight and the others?" I bit my lip. "My family?" Trixie snorted a bit.

"Princess goodie-two hooves has been cooped up in her castle trying to find a way to get your element under proper control." Trixie said. "With the help of your ancestor and his apprentice." I winced and Starlight gave a cringed look. Trixie blinked and shrugged at Starlight. "What? Fie said it herself when she was explaining back at Canterlot." I bowed my head.

"I... still find it hard to believe, despite everything." I stated. "It could have just been something Ouroboros set up to have Starswirl fall or something." Starlight shook her head.

"Still doesn't explain why he was so... antagonistic towards him. Your explanation makes a little more sense." She said. "As for your friends, they have been scattered about, looking for you. Thi Billette has been wandering around places she believes you would have headed in a state of... uhh... depression?" She rubbed her mane quizzically and I sighed. "Silver Scribble has been working with his M.E.S.S. group along with H.A.A.C. to search for you. Though... The Guild has been reporting that some hunters haven't been returning from their hunts or searches recently. It's as if they mysteriously vanished into thin air." She then rolled her hoof in gesticulation. "As for you family... I'm not sure. They weren't with the others when they arrived in the castle. I'm guessing they are hanging around Canterlot for a time. Maybe lending aid in searching for you." I didn't say anything and went to clutch the pendent, only to realize that I had left it behind with my gear back with the surveillance wagon. I then switched my motion to adjust my blanket a bit. I hope everypony is okay. I then had a realization.

"Why didn't they contact me via link bud?" I asked. Trixie pointed at me.

"Trick question. You were off the grid and your link bud wasn't picking up." She said. I blinked and put a hoof to my ear. There was no hum. only a muffled ringing. I furrowed my look. I must have lost it somewhere. But how? I shook my head and rubbed my temple. Starlight nudged my soup bowl with hers before taking a pull of the broth.

"Soup's getting cold." She said with a wink. I smiled softly before helping myself to the rest of the soup. After that, Trixie brought out the hot coco refills. She passed me one and began asking me about illusion magic. I explained to her how familiar I am with the basics and the only advance form is my cloning. The conversation went between the three of us and we soon found ourselves enjoying each other's company. I had to hoof it to Starlight. Her own magical prowess and knowledge really made me think a bit more about how I should approach my cloning. And Trixie even began to show me stage magic with simple juggling and sleight of hoof tricks. I kind of resonated with Trixie a little. She's weird, but in a good way. She's not the best at magic, but illusion is her go to. And when I began explaining to her the process of cloning, she decided to give it a go, only to suffer immediate burn out and a massive headache. I only chuckled and nodded.

"Yup, happened to me a lot." I said. "I started by just imagining ripping a paper in two slowly. Focused on the line and worked to get a perfect rip. After that, I began to do the same thing with my own image. I had to stand in front of a mirror for a couple of years in order to get myself down to the bone. Once I managed to get an image going, it was just working on keeping it solid enough and then working on tempering it. After that, you have to kind of... treat it like a pet. Tell it to walk and dance and stuff with your mind." Trixie rubbed her head, looking exhausted.

"I think... I'll start with some sleep first... Ouch..." She rasped. Starlight smiled softly at her and then put a horn to her head. She closed her eyes and Trixie's expression looked relieved. She smiled at Starlight. "Thanks, Star." Starlight nodded before stretching.

"Well, on that note, I think we should get some sleep. Err... I'll just..." She rubbed the back of her head. I looked between the two before taking a look around the wagon. It was a bit cluttered. And only two hammocks were available. I rubbed my chin.

"Why not sleep together?" I asked. Starlight and Trixie shot me a quizzical look. I held up my hoof immediately. "We are out in the cold so... body warmth?" I suggested. Trixie snorted.

"I'll sleep outside then. I'd rather enjoy the howling wind than Starlight's snoring." Trixie said boredly. Starlight frowned.

"And I would like to just put some of this stuff out and throw another hammock up. I doubt anypony will be up here trying to loot the wagon while we are asleep." Starlight said. The two shot challenging looks at each other.

"Didn't you learn a lesson about personal space?" Trixie frowned. Starlight shot back.

"I've told you plenty of times you don't need to keep this stuff around. Especially if we were heading out to the Frozen North. We could have just left some of this behind at the Crystal Empire. I am sure Princess Cadence and Shining Armor wouldn't have minded in the slightest." She said with a hoof wiggle. Trixie pushed against Starlight's forehead with her's.

"I'd rather give my stuff over to a parasprite than leave it anywhere anypony can mess with it! This is delicate stuff I have!" Trixie jabbed. Starlight pushed back.

"Volatile you mean! I can't walk two steps in here without a smoke bomb going off!" She said.

"Yeah, well-" Trixie began.

"Enough!" I exclaimed. I then stood up with a frown and took both of their thermal blankets, tied them together and put both Starlight and Trixie together. I then reorganized the clutter just enough to combine the hammocks and put both ponies in it. The hammock held their weight. I then took one of Trixie's chest, organized it into little pouches before putting my own blanket in like a bed and curling into it. "Better?" Starlight and Trixie grunted as they wriggled themselves free of the blanket before frowning at me. I sighed. "How far away are we from the Crystal Empire?" I asked. Starlight turned her back to Trixie, the latter following the same.

"We're at the entrance of the mountain. We're just 'taking a break' as Trixie calls it." Starlight grumbled. Trixie scoffed.

"Early bird gets the worm. Besides, I haven't slept well enough in the past two days scouting this mountain to look for a castle." She said in annoyance, levitating cotton balls to her ear. She then levitated another pair of cotton balls to me and I looked at them in confusion. "You'll thank me later." Starlight sighed and adjusted herself in her hammock.

"Fine. We're all settled?" Starlight asked. Trixie grumbled in response. I blinked and noticed that Trixie was fast asleep. Her hind leg kicking as she snoozed softly. I looked to Starlight and she furrowed her brow at Trixie before giving a soft smile. She adjusted herself again before turning off the oil lamp. "Goodnight, Fie." She said. I didn't say anything. I sighed myself before adjusting and getting somewhat comfortable in my trunk bed. Once I found my position, I began to doze off, only to wake up when I heard a loud whinny. I blinked and looked around, seeing Starlight in a sloppy position, snoring loudly. I winced as I then stuffed the cotton swabs in my ear, muffling the sound. I began to fall asleep soon after.

While through the night, the howling wind of the Frozen Mountains rattled the windows a bit, I couldn't help but wake up at the sound of whispering in my head.

"It's all your fault. It's all your fault."

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