• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 28: Coinky-Dink World

Fickle laid boredly in her bed. The day progressed rather against her. Not only that, Tenebres wasn’t in the best of moods.

She always ruins everything!! Why can’t she just disappear!? If we weren’t so needed I’d kill her right off the bat!! Tenebres shouted in anger, stamping her hoof. It’s not fair! It’s not fair! This is my realm! She will not have it! I refuse! Fickle sighed.

“Give it a rest, bestie. There are plenty of other things we can do to get her off our back.” She replied boredly.

Hmph! From what I can tell, you don’t have a single clue yourself! Why don’t you just shut up and let me think?! Tenebres barked. Fickle frowned angrily.

“Hey! We were making plenty of friends! And there are still a whole lot more out there just waiting to play with us! We also have some friends from Equestria!” She retorted.

Having friends will not do! We need more than friends! We need power! Using the serpent’s power is leaving a bad taste in my mouth! Tenebres went quiet and her eyes widened at an idea. Ohhhhh. Yes, that’ll do nicely… She giggled. Fickle blinked questioningly.

“What?” She demanded. Tenebres shifted on her dark throne and grinned.

The big kids want to trash all over our newly built sandcastle. Well then… two can play it that game. We need friends and we need power. Yes. Lots of power. This world is filled with untamed magic. How about we have a scavenger hunt? Find the sources of this untamed magic and have a little fun? And I know just where to start… Fickle blinked as three pillars of shadows formed and swirled in the room. From the shadows stepped out the Dazzlings. Adaggio smirked smugly.

“Allow us to help with that.” Adaggio spoke. Fickle rose from the bed and kicked her legs casually over the edge of the bed. “We have spent thousands of years in this realm. Far too long has this world taken from us. Now, we aim to take it back. And with this power you’ve granted us, we are obliged to return the favor.” Fickle smiled.

“What do you think, Tenebres?” Fickle asked. Another dark swirl of shadows appeared, taking the shape of an alicorn. The alicorn rose up and faced the Dazzlings, their surprise clear on their face. Tenebres’s shadowy purple eyes looked between them with a grin.

A mutual partnership, you seek? That sounds like fun. Only because I demand it so. Because I know how you adults play. You want to use this power for as long as you can. And you’ll probably want to try and swindle it from me. Tenebres giggled and her shadows grew around her. The Dazzling’s arms began to darken and crack, causing them to grunt in pain and fall to their knees, clutching their arms. You’ll do us the favor of finding this magic. You will give it to us. This power I lent you is not yours to see fit! A sharp smile spread on her muzzle. Once we obtain this magic, this realm is as good as ours. We are willing to help you get your own magic back, but that will be the extent of our aid. Now then, with that being said, I’m not going to shackle you to how you do things. Cause as much trouble as you want. It doesn’t matter to me. The magic must be mine!

The Dazzlings looked between each other, their pained expressions clear. Adaggio then bowed her head.

“W-we’ll do… what you ask… Tenebres…” Adaggio winced. Aria and Sonata followed suite. The Dazzlings hid their shamed disgust beneath their winces. Tenebres giggled and did a small little trot of joy.

Good! As for us, bestie. We will do our own scavenger hunt! Shall we begin? She said, melting into the ground and taking the place of Fickle’s shadow. Fickle stretched and hopped out of the bed before skipping happily out the door. Before she closed it, she leaned through the opening.

“Have fun, adults!” She beamed before closing the door. The pain of the primal’s shadow vanished, causing The Dazzlings immense relief that they nearly crumpled onto the floor. Sonata rubbed her arms.

“D-do we really have to do this, Adaggio?” She asked.

“Silence!” Adaggio snapped, the sweat dripping from her brow as she shakily studied her hand. She angrily grit her teeth and clenched her fist. “We’ve come this far to back out now! I tire of this human trash heap. Do you not tire of it as well?!” Sonata and Aria exchanged glances.

“What do you want us to do?” Sonata asked.

“I can think of a few things.” Aria rasped. Adaggio painfully pushed herself up from the ground and stood, swaying a bit.

“We just stick to the plan. Once we are free of this realm and this damned deal, Equestria will be ours to feed upon! And this time, not even those Elements of Harmony will stand in our way.” Aria frowned and stood up, shaking her wrist.

“Then why don’t we trash that school? They are the reason we lost the magic we had earlier. And I would so enjoy having my voice back.” She said. Sonata stood up and smiled.

“I kinda' had fun with our natural voices.” She said.

“This is more than just our voices, you buffoons!” Adaggio snapped again, turning to them. “This is revenge long coming! You are not seeing the bigger picture!” Her face flushed angrily before she shut her eyes and took a deep breath, adjusting her outfit and dusting off the skirt calmly. “But before we can do any of that. We need as much energy as we can store. So, let’s not waste time and cause as much despair as possible.” She then snapped her finger and a swirling pillar of shadows appeared. “That brat and her shadow can have this filth ridden place as much as she wants.” Adaggio turned and walked into the shadows with Aria and Sonata following suite.

Quiet Fire’s POV

The day progressed strangely uneventful. Din and I spent a couple of hours tailing my parallel folks. I waited in the shadows as they conducted their investigation. They hit several places that Mitzi had hit prior to being made. However, it led to coming up with one thing I’ve noticed. Tenebres loved to move around a lot. All the places felt random and not worth a second glance. Perfect for her to store the kidnapped citizens to turn into her shadow lackeys. I snacked on a pastry that someone gave to me for free as they had apparently recognized me from the plaza.

After that interaction, it was taking to the skies as to not give myself away, as grateful as I am for the free snack. The last location they visited was a painting gallery. The place had been closed up from what I overheard from my dad when Tenebres’s lackies ransacked the place. The paintings were defaced or destroyed and the curator missing. There was one question my folks asked Mitzi that made me narrow my look.

“So, how long does it take for the transformation to solidify?” Wild asked. Mitzi, who had been chicken toed and seclusive, fidgeted.

“Our friends can be instantaneous or take a while. So long as darkness is in their heart, the process can go either way.” They explained. “I-I showed you all the places mistress has been to. C-can I go?” Cloud Mist knelt down to their level.

“We still need to find your friend. Do you have any other ideas as to where she might be?” She asked. Mitzi fearfully shook her head.

“P-please let me go.” They replied with a whimper.

“Look, we will when you can show us where your friend is. It is vital that we find her.” Wild spoke. Mitzi held their sleeves to their hooded head.

“No… no more! I don’t want to do this anymore! Wh-why hasn’t she come get me yet??” The beady eyes widened before they looked at the two. “You are the ones preventing her from showing up! You already have her! You’re just trying to be meanie adults and keep me away from her!” Cloud held up a hand calmly.

“Easy, easy. We do not have your friend in custody. We wouldn’t have been pulling you all over the place if we did.” She said. Mitzi shook their head.

“Liars! Adults always lie! Try to save their own hide! Mistress always said adults lie through their teeth! It’s why they all deserved to be silenced! Why they all deserve to be reformed!” Mitzi cried. Wild raised a brow.

“Reform? Like, turning into shadow creatures?” He asked. Mitzi glared at him.

“I won’t say anymore to a dumb adult! I want to go back to my friend!” Mitzi cried. Cloud slowly reached for her in an attempt to comfort her, but Mitzi hissed and melted into the ground, the jacket dropping to the ground. The shadow slithered past them and dove into an auto wagon. The auto wagon jerked and revved. Shadowy limbs began to emerge and form limbs to the wagon. Wild and Cloud drew their firearms and readied themselves. One of the shadowy limbs slithered over as onlookers and citizens had a mix of stay and record or run away.

The limb entangled a lamp post and ripped it out. Wild and Cloud ducked as it swung over their heads, forcing them to retreat into the gallery. Mitzi slammed the lamp post down angrily.

“I’m tired of being led around! Give me my friend back!” Mitzi screeched. I adjusted my hood and stood up from the fire exit balcony of the next door apartment. Din unfurled her wings and I took off into the sky. Mitzi approached the gallery and thrusted the lamp post into the glass doors. My parallel folks took cover around the center wall and aimed.

“Enough, Mitzi! Stand down!” Wild called out.

“Shut up! You wanted to use me to get to my friend! Adults are evil! They don’t deserve to be our friends! You are not our friends!” Mitzi cried.

‘Time to end this.’ I thought. I then let myself drop and stuck one foot out, slamming hard into the roof of the auto wagon, shattering the glass and breaking it apart at the force of the landing. Mitzi jumped out from the auto wagon and began to flee along the ground. I threw out my hand and a wall of fire stopped Mitzi in its' tracks. It tried to go out into the street, but I then spun on my heel and drew the wall of fire around us, trapping it from escaping. Mitzi emerged from the street and looked around in a panic. I stepped off the destroyed auto wagon and approached the creature, my expression stoic. "I warned you." I spoke.

Mitzi began to whimper and groveled at the ground.

"N-n-no! I-I must return to my Mistress! I-I-I have too! She needs me! I'm her best friend!" It cried. I held out my arm to my side and called my staff. Mitzi held up their shadowy claws.

"One last chance. And I'll make it quick." I held my free hand in a fist up before igniting it. Mitzi cowered and tried to crawl away, but any further and it'd be caught in the wall of fire. Not like I was in a merciful mood anymore. Mitzi seemed to be out of words now. "Cat got your tongue? Who am I kidding. You probably ate one before.”

“P-p-please… no…” Mitzi whimpered.

I hope my sister feels this one. Din cackled with a grin. I then stood over Mitzi and brought my fist back. Without another word, I threw my fist down directly onto Mitzi’s face and it splashed into it. I then unleashed a hell fire so hot that the shadowy being began to bubble, bloat and even ignite the body. Mitzi let out a pained scream before popping and splattering the area. I stood up and flicked my arm of the substance, the shadows hissing into steam and vanishing.

‘Well, that was a waste of time.’ I thought before turning around and seeing my folks emerge from the gallery. They looked at me, a little hesitant. I sighed and lowered my head enough for my hood to cover my stoic expression. “You both knew I was following. I wasn’t lying when I said power elements could care less.” I put a hand to my chest. “My power element, Din, doesn’t care for this realm. Only the balance and stability so she could claim it herself. At least, that was her original goal. Now we strive for something greater.” I looked over my shoulder slightly to the charred spot. “We aren’t supposed to be here.”

My father rubbed his chin. “Then… how did you get here?” He asked. I rubbed the back of my hooded head.

“There was a portal in a mirror that sucked me into here. I… had no choice. It was that or be solidified into molten gold.” I stated. Both of them raised a brow.

“Then, is it alright to ask if you can answer some questions down at the station?” Wild asked. I shook my head.

“I can answer three questions now but I do not want to deal with the police. Trust me, Manehatten already experienced it.” I spoke.

“Manehatten?” Cloud Mist asked. I smirked and held up one finger.

“First question. It’s a city in my world. One of many.” I replied. Wild put a hand on her shoulder and nodded. Cloud crossed her arms and patiently waited.

“What are these power elements?” He asked. I casually twirled my staff in my hand.

“They are elements that are intended to keep the balance of the realm. My realm specifically. There are seven in total. As you can guess based on my fire and Tenebres’s shadows, we are represented as such. In fact, Tenebres is just a happy little happenstance. We had no clue she was here until after I showed up.” I sighed. “Now that she’s here, we are intending to bring her back to our realm. Without Tenebres, my world will cease to exist.” I then held up two fingers.

Wild hummed and rubbed his chin. “How can we help you track down Tenebres?” He asked. I smiled.

“I wouldn’t want you both to get injured or worse doing so. But if you can keep an eye out for a possible little filly with a pink coat and blue curly mane, then that’ll be great. If you are still unsure if they are Tenebres.” I pointed at my eyes. “Study the eyes. It’s what gives us away. Even through contacts if you look close enough.” I replied.

“Filly? As in… horse?” Cloud asked. I wagged my finger.

“Sorry, that’s all the questions I can offer right now. I have a schedule to keep. So, allow me to ask you something.” I replied. Wild raised a brow. I then had my staff lean against my shoulder while I bashfully tapped my indexes together. “D-do you… know where Coinky-Dink is?”

I soared through the sky over the city boredly. My eyes scanned the ground, searching for a diner that has a retro fancy “car” as my folks called them looking like it had drove itself into the roof. It sounded strange to me to label auto wagons as cars. The more I start to observe and learn about this world, it is so fascinating, at the same time, unnerving.

You know you’re only going to have those officers question you more. It doesn’t jeopardize our mission telling humans where we come from. Din commented suddenly. I shrugged.

“Yeah but… it’ll be weird and awkward to explain to them that I’m a pony from a parallel world. It’s strange enough to comprehend being in this body, let alone having these.” I replied, wiggling my fingers in front of me. “If I’m freaked out by this, then it should be the same for them. Better we just be vague about it for now. And if anyone asks a little more, we can just say magic.” Din rolled her eyes.

It won’t be me this time if it backfires. She spoke. My eyes then fell onto an auto wagon that looked like it had crashed into a building with neon lights circling the edge of the roof. I descended from the skies and into the side of an alleyway. I adjusted my hood and peeked out from the alley. Surprisingly, the coast was clear. I stepped out and looked up to the strange, retro style diner. I could faintly hear what sounded like some old school rock playing inside. I pulled the door open and stepped inside.

It was strangely chilly, and the atmosphere felt weirdly bubbly. Along the walls were black and white photos of what I’m assuming were famous singers and performers back in the day in this world, some memorabilia and upon looking in the opposite direction, booths with red puffy looking designs in leather and a familiar looking juke box that I would normally see at the waffle house back in Hoofington. I was once again reminded at how parallel this world is to ours.

“Hi, welcome to Coinky-Dink! Please have a seat and someone will be with you!” A voice spoke. I looked to see behind a bar a woman in an old school server outfit complete with apron and small white and red hat. Her black hair tied in a bun as she seemed to glide over to a smoothie station and wipe around it with a cloth. I awkwardly walked towards the very far end booth and took a seat. I nearly sunk into the seat. Din hummed in my thoughts.

Vessel. See if they have crepes. Din spoke. I raised a brow.

‘Huh… do power elements even get hungry?’ I replied. Din boredly dismissed this reply with a wave of a singular wing.

Do not amuse yourself. We do not feel the need to sustain ourselves with mortal food. We feed off of the ethereal stream. Just like every creature does. She replied.

I smirked.

‘Nothing wrong with trying to feel more down to earth.’ I stated amusedly.

I said not to amuse thy self! Din retorted. I then hummed.

‘If I get you one, how will I be able to feed it to you? Do I just eat it? Is that how it works? Wait… does that mean that whenever I eat something you taste it as well?’ I asked with a dawning realization.

Nay. You will transfer it into the ethereal stream. It maybe weak in this world, but it is still around us. Just hold it and act like it’s your weapon. I arched a brow and scratched my head.

‘A-alright. I’ll try.’ I replied as I picked up a laminated menu. Browsing through the options, I couldn’t help but notice most of it was yogurt and desserts. Realizing I was on the dessert menu, I browsed the menu again to see that there were all these weird sounding words. ‘Not even the waffle house in Hoofington has this many names. What’s a Wonder Hunger Quarter?’ I thought to myself. I pursed my lips and browsed the names again.

Eventually, my eyes fell on the breakfast menu (which to my pleasant surprise is a twenty-four seven menu) and noticed they did have crepes.

‘Which would sound appealing to you? Strawberry? Banana? Hazelnut Chunks?’ I asked. I felt Din take over my sight and browse the list. My eyes fell onto Sundae Surprise. I heard Din hum.

What is this surprise it offers? She asked. I giggled a bit.

‘It’s just a word they have to make it sound appetizing. Thematic in a sense.’ I replied. Din decided to go with that while I decided on hotcakes once more. The waitress skated over to me and asked what I would like. When I finished ordering, I leaned back into the seat and looked out the window. I could see people walking by and auto wagons puttering on. It took a surprising five minutes to bring me my order and I licked my lips hungrily at the bigger, fluffy looking hotcakes. Next to me was the crepe. When the waitress skated away after pouring me water, I looked at the crepe.

I put my hand on it and hummed. I closed my eyes and let myself relax. I felt the warmth flow down my arm and ignited the crepe lightly. I concentrated on reaching it out to Din. I blinked once and found myself standing in front of Din. She eyed me narrowly. I looked down at myself, remembering that in her domain, I’m still a pony. I then closed my eyes and with my magic, I reached for the crepe from the open source of magic.

The crepe appeared in a burst of fire and levitated in front of us. Din took it in her own magic and sniffed it. I watched curiously as she licked the whip cream, getting some on her snout. She then studied the crepe before taking a simple bite out of it. I’ve never seen her eyes brighten. I watched her chew and saw her posture shift pleasantly and her wings shift as well. I then blinked and found myself back in the diner. I looked to my hand and saw my hand clean of the crepe. And upon further observation, the waitress didn’t see.

I began to enjoy my hotcakes as another waitress skated in while putting on an apron. I looked out the window, seeing that the day had progressed to sunset. The diner began to slowly fill in with people. Still no sign of Thi. I sighed and tapped my empty plate, being bored out of my mind. I must have been zoned out that I didn't notice someone tapping on the window. I snapped out of my daze and looked to see, to my shocked surprise, Flitter Glider. She gave a small smile and a wave. I gave a bit of an awkward wave before she walked around and into the diner. I wasn't quite prepared for this encounter, but she took a seat across from me and studied me.

"H-Hey, Flitter. Err... this is quite a... surprise." I began, trying to clear the air. Flitter giggled.

"Don't be so bashful, Quiet Fire. It's no secret you are the one going around and saving the city currently." She said with a small wink. I shrunk further into my seat.

"O-Oh..." I replied. Flitter chuckled and waved a hand at me.

"I only jest in that everyone knows. But I did recognize you when you saved me and my sister from that awful creature in the plaza." She said. "Let me properly say thanks at least." I gave my best smile I could manage, still a little shell shocked from the surprise visit. "So, why are you lounging about so boredly at Coinky-Dink?" She asked. I blinked and rubbed the back of my head.

"I'm... actually waiting for someone." I said before looking at her. "Someone else." Flitter perked up and clasped her palms together.

"What a coinky-dink. I'm waiting for someone as well." She said with a playful wink. I was about to respond when I realized what she did. I then giggled.

"Then I'm glad I saved such a funny person as you." I replied. Flitter then stood up and waved with a smile out the window. My heart skipped a beat when I spied Cloudchaser wave at her with a smile through the window before jogging into the diner. She walked down towards our booth and I suddenly lost all confidence. 'What the hell am I doing?? This isn't my Cloudchaser! Chill the hell out, Fie!!' I panicked silently. Flitter scooched over to let Cloudchaser sit and for the first time in my life, well... this realm's life, Cloudchaser spoke to me.

"Who's the new gal, Flitter?" Cloudchaser smiled. Flitter nudged her and motioned at me.

"The gal who saved our life in the plaza." She replied. Cloudchaser's eyes lit up and she looked at me. I blushed and brushed my bangs away.

"No way... you're the one who saved all those people? Even at the warehouses?" She asked, her eyes sparkling in admiration. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"Err... y-yes...?" I replied awkwardly. Cloudchaser slammed her hands on the table and stood up, leaning over the table.

"How did you do all of that acrobatic stuff?? You made that entire encounter look like you do it almost consistently!" She beamed. I began to sweat a little.

"I-I do, technically. Err... I mean... just... lucky?" I replied. Flitter nudged her sister hard in the side with an elbow sternly, causing her to hiss and rub her side, sitting back down.

"Ow." She hissed a little.

"Don't mind Cloudchaser. She can be a little... geeked out about anything fighting related." Flitter sighed. I rubbed the back of my head with a smile.

"I-I don't mind that. I-In fact, I enjoy talking about martial arts too." I stated. Cloudchaser leaned forward.

"So, what do you practice that makes you do all that? Muy Thai? Jujitsu? Craw Magraw?" Cloudchaser asked with an excitable smile. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Zebra arts." I replied. That caused both of them to raise a brow. Realizing what I said, I flushed brightly and waved my hands out in front of me. "No! Not zebra! I-I-I meant... err... monkey?" I corrected. Cloudchaser sat back down and rubbed her chin.

"Monkey style... huh... a bit unorthodox, buuut, it really did save our hides back there. Thanks for the save, by the way. I... honestly wasn't sure what I'd be able to do." Cloudchaser replied, rubbing her arm awkwardly. I shook my head.

"No one would have been able to handle all of that. Tenebres's lackies aren't that much of a push over, but they are pretty fragile." I responded casually. I then face palmed as I realized I spoke a little too much. I then sighed. What's the point of hiding it? It's not like I'm going to tell them I'm a pony.

"Tenebres's lackies?" Both said in unison. I gave a nervous laugh. My eyes then saw someone running by and I perked up a bit to see Thi finally enter the diner, nearly tripping over someone as they exited. With a quick apology, she panted and wiped her brow.

"Sorry for being so late, Fie. Traffic was bad. Apparently, the painting gallery was hit by one of those shadowy creatures, but of course, you arrived on the scene. Though..." she was about to continue when she saw the sisters sitting at the booth. They both waved at her. She smirked and put a hand on her hip. "Who are your friends?" I blinked.

"O-oh. Thi, this is Cloudchaser and Flitter Glider. Girls, this is Thi Billet." I introduced. Thi rubbed her chin and look at Flitter.

"You're a Crystal Prep gal?" She asked. Flitter nodded.

"I know. Sad, isn't it?" She snickered. Thi smiled before taking a seat next to me.

"Those snobs wouldn't know sad to begin with." She replied. She then sniffed as if smelling something in the air before pointing at Cloudchaser. "You got the smell of Canterlot High on you." We all raised a brow.

"You... you can tell by smelling?" Cloudchaser asked awkwardly. Thi waved a hand in front of her with a snicker.

"Sorry. Believe it or not, I used to be a Canterlot High student myself. Barely graduated, but I know the smell of good values." All three of us exchanged shrugs. Thi then nudged me. "Well then. Do they know..." She began. I nodded.

"It's okay. We can trust them." I said. Thi smiled.

“Good. I didn’t want it to be weird when I start asking. Who are you, Quiet Fire? And where did you come from?” She asked. Thi and the sisters leaned forward, eager and interested to hear my story. I looked between them before taking a deep breath.

“Alright. I guess I’ll begin when I… happened to gain these powers.” I began.

Equestria Girls POV

The sound of music was playing throughout the school gymnasium. Students were dancing to the beat while the lights shone and flowed through the crowd. On stage, the Rainbooms played their instruments in a harmonious chorus. In the back of the crowd away from everyone and idly tapping her hand against the wall is Wallflower Blush. She held the horn in her other hand, studying the design of it.

It continued to glow a dim, prismatic rainbow glow that captivated the girl in curious wonder. A curious thought crossed her mind. She held the horn up in front of her and waved it around. When she flicked it, her eyes widened when colorful sparks crackled out of the tip. She looked around the gym and saw a basket of dodgeballs piled together. She stuck her tongue out and waved the horn, flicking it towards the dodgeball. She gasped when a ball soared out of the basket and towards her, clocking her in the face.

Hissing in pain and rubbing her nose, the dodgeball bounced away from her. She studied the horn again before deciding to try it again. This time readying herself, she waved the horn and flicked it at the dodgeball. Instead of it coming towards her, the dodgeball shot away and clocked Derpy in the head. Her head flinched, but she didn’t seem to react expression wise. Wallflower winced and hurried over to her.

“S-sorry, Muffins. I-I didn’t mean to do that… well… I’m not sure what I did.” Wallflower spoke apologetically. Derpy looked down at the ball and in a strange motion, slouched and limped downward, struggling to grasp the ball. Wallflower rose a brow in question. When Derpy finally picked it up, she then placed it weirdly into the basket, patting the ball before awkwardly dragging her feet in a strange manner past Wallflower. Wallflower scratched her head. “Err… Muffins? Are you feeling okay?” She asked.

Derpy didn’t respond and kept walking. Wallflower narrowed her look worriedly. ‘She’s probably a little tired.’ She thought. Wallflower looked down at the horn and smiled softly. Deep down she felt a wondrous excitement, increasing her curiosity more and more. She swished the horn in front of her, admiring the colorful light trail that showed up with her motion at the tip of the horn. She then felt someone bump into her and she looked to see Bulk Biceps slouched forward. He made an eerie and strange turn to her. “Oh hey, Bulk. If you’re looking for Muffins, she went that way.” Wallflower said cautiously and pointing in the direction Derpy went.

Bulk didn’t respond. Wallflower studied his expression. He was smiling, yet he wasn’t blinking. “Are you okay?” Wallflower asked. Bulk nodded his head before doing a strange walk away from her into the crowd. Wallflower blinked questioningly. She then began to study the crowd. It took her a bit to notice, but when the Rainbooms started playing their next song, some of the students had a strange movement to them. Almost limp with a slouching posture. Wallflower scratched her head, suddenly having red flags go off.

She then looked down at the horn. ‘Something is strange. I wish I knew what was going on.’ She thought. The horn then sparkled and glowed, causing her to yelp a bit and aim it away from her. A colorful bolt shot out and popped into the crowd. Shimmering sparkles sprinkled around the crowd. The Rainbooms continued playing, figuring that being pony-upped caused a magical reaction. Wallflower gasped as she then noticed some glowing strings amongst the crowd. They appeared for only a moment before disappearing. The crowd continued to dance like nothing happened.

Wallflower shook away her daze and looked around. The Rainbooms finished their song and the crowd clapped and cheered. Rainbow Dash cleared her throat and spoke into the mic.

“Thank you, Wonder Colts! Before we go, we have some great news! We raised enough money for the charity that we went over the goal! Rainbooms are going to be playing down at the plaza in Canterlot City for the kids to enjoy!” She exclaimed with a smile. The crowd cheered. “It’ll be a big event so keep a look out on social media when we are going to be setting up the date! Thank you, and goodnight!” The Rainbooms walked away while waving to the cheering crowd. Wallflower jogged around the crowd and over to the stage, slipping into the back to see the group chatting away.

Sunset spotted her and waved.

“What’s up, Wallflower?” She asked. Wallflower rubbed her forearm nervously.

“You… did you see what that shimmering glow was?” She asked. Sunset smiled and was about to respond when Rainbow Dash happily wrapped an arm around Sunset’s neck and playfully slugged her arm.

“That was sick! Our magic is really awesome that we are creating sparks of it for the crowd!” She said. The girls agreed. Wallflower shook her head.

“No. Well, yes, but-“ Wallflower began.

“I must say, it was quite the spectacle. Ooooh, I hope I get to wave my hand around and levitate objects like Twilight and Sunset.” Rarity chuckled and studying her hands.

“‘Ah’ll say. ‘Ah can’t help but wonder what mine is going to evolve into. Maybe ‘Ah can super jump?” Applejack questioned with a grin and examining her boots.

“Eewwww! Maybe I’ll be able to grow canon arms that one blasts confetti and the other frosting of whatever I choose!” Pinkie Pie excitedly said, waving her arms in front of her with an accompanying mechanical sound from nowhere.

“Oh! Maybe I’ll be able to conjure up diamonds! I have a fabulous idea of what I can use them on!” Rarity clasped her hands in joy. Wallflower held up a finger.

“Uhh, girls?” She began.

“I wonder if mine will allow me to turn into a tree.” Fluttershy giggled. Rainbow arched a brow.

“Why a tree?” She asked with a scratch of her head.

“It just sounds fun.” Fluttershy beamed in reply. Wallflower looked out to the crowd and furrowed her expression worriedly. Sunset noticed this and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Something wrong?” She asked. Wallflower sighed and rubbed her forearm again.

“Just… something feels off.” She began.

“Off? We rocked this night! I don’t know about you, but I’m in a pretty awesome mood!” Rainbow Dash proudly stated. Wallflower looked down into her collapsed fist, the horn glowing dimly. Sunset studied it.

“Whoa. What’s going on with that?” She asked. This caught the girls’s attentions. Wallflower scratched her head.

“Not sure. But… I think it can let me do some magic.” She explained. She waved the horn and flicked it, the colorful light trail following the tip. From out of nowhere, a dodgeball clocked her in the back of the head, bouncing off down the stage. Wallflower gave an annoyed groan and rubbed the back of her head. Sunset grinned.

“Really? That’s amazing!” Sunset happily said. “I can’t believe this. Discord can be actually pretty helpful.” She said. Twilight pursed her lips in thought.

“I don’t know. He said what’s happening is calling for his direct aid.” She adjusted her glasses as she continued. “He even stated he’s ‘not supposed to be here’. Maybe there is some sort of… err… balance thing that he has to follow? I’m still unsure of why he needs us to use our magic better.” She then gasped and panickly grasped her bangs. “I forgot about the sample!” Twilight quickly spun on her heels and took off out of the gym and down the hall.

The girls looked at each other and took off after her. Wallflower held up a hand to stop them, but she sighed defeatedly and took off after them. As she left, an ominous dark haze began to creep in from the outside exit and creep along the conversing and still partying students. When the girls arrived at the science room, Twilight waved out the machine only to be greeted with a flash of multi-color lights that shimmered around them. The girls let out a breath of awe and wonder.

Twilight lowered the machine on the table and looked into the glass. The rainbow was solidified.

“Wow… what are we even looking at?” Rainbow asked. Twilight looked up from the machine.

“Earlier I did some last-minute gathering around the pedestal. I noticed a strange patch of grass on the ground. Something that didn't look right.” She explianed.

"Didn't look right?" Sunset asked. Twilight hummed before looking to Wallflower.

“Wallflower, the horn.” She said. Wallflower arched a brow. Hesitating, she withdrew the horn and everyone’s eyes widened at the shimmering rainbow glow. Suddenly, the horn shuddered in her hand and she dropped it in surprise. When the horn hit the ground, it bounced and floated up over their heads. The machine began to hiccup and whir, floating in the air along with the horn. Together, the two objects shot out a rainbow light that swirled around the room, blurring in a spiral of colors.

The girls gathered together, uncertain of what is happening. They then began to hear a voice.

Open your hearts. Let the magic unite you to the end of the rainbow. It echoed. The girls began to pony-up. Pony ears on their heads and their hair elongating into ponytails. Wallflower felt a sharp pain in her head and she groaned, falling to her knees and clutching her head. Sunset knelt down to help her when she froze, feeling herself fall into a trance. The others followed. The girls began to float in the air, their eyes glowing brightly.

An alien sensation began to flow through their minds. As if countless generations of magic washed over them. Constellations, historic moments, strange creatures and of course, ponies.

In a time of need, friendship has always prevailed. Never lose heart. Seek greater knowledge. For it is the Creation Mother’s will.

Wallflower found the sharp pain to be unbearable. Sweating profusely, she pushed herself to stand up. She stumbled over to a table and climbed up it, looking through one eye at the glowing horn. She reached out to it and managed to grasp it. The rainbow light flared and shot a pillar through the roof and into the sky, causing a shock wave that rumbled the city. Everything went black for all of them.

Somewhere in the city, The Dazzlings walked out of a store, having sated their hunger for negativity and leaving the weakened people inside to argue. Adaggio chuckled evilly, feeling pleased with the familiar feeling of power and magic. She had a confident swagger to her walk, sighing pleasantly while the other two looked around just as satisfied. They then paused when they felt a cool wind of magic wash over them, followed by the ground shaking.

Adaggio’s eyes widened and she looked up to the sky. Aria crossed her arms with a smug look.

“Well, Adaggio? Seems our opportunity has presented itself.” She spoke.

“I wonder if Canterlot High is doing tacos for the Rainboom charity event.” Sonata spoke with a lick of her lips. Aria slumped and frowned at her.

“Really?” She asked sarcastically. Sonata shrugged non-chalantly to her when Adaggio began to laugh.

“Ahahaha! This is it! Revenge will be sweet! Nothing will stand in our way once we acquire this newly discovered magic!” Adaggio grinned. “Ladies. Let’s feast.” Adaggio rose a hand and snapped her fingers. Shadows began to melt up from the ground, creatures with beady yellow eyes jumping around. As the Sirens walked down the road, their eyes glowing bright yellow menacingly in the rising moonlight, Canterlot City began to be washed over by a looming shadow.

The Sirens began to sing, their song being carried by the shadow and cold winds that blew through the city as the screams of terror began to erupt all around.

Quiet Fire’s POV

Time seemed to fly as I chatted with Thi and the sisters. I did my best to answer their questions during my exposition. Seeing their reactions to knowing that there is a ponified version of themselves that I’ve personally journeyed with made them have a partial existential crisis. Yet Flitter, being the positive nature she is, suggested that even through dimensions, we were destined to be friends no matter what. And I couldn’t help but find that sweet of her to say yet a little embarrassed how corny it sounded. But we laughed about it.

When I mentioned Silver Scribble, Flitter couldn’t help but question me why him.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“No offense to Professor Scribble. But he has a bit of a tendency to… get lost in his own books. Today, he was going over a formula for our project and he just went quiet, finding the book more fascinating than teaching it. He’s a clever guy, but a bit of a… well… distracted case.” Flitter explained. Cloudchaser blinked.

“Hold on. Silver Scribble? Didn’t Principal Cinch graduate him early because of how insanely smart he was?” She spoke. Thi blinked.

“How smart?” She asked. Flitter lazily pointed with her spoon from eating her yogurt at her.

“Twilight Sparkle is like the only student who could rival him. But of course, we never got to see that happen. Cinch wasn’t the best person to be in a place of power.” Flitter replied. Thi hummed.

“It’s been a couple of years since I’ve really heard anything about the rival school. So, Cinch isn’t the principal anymore?” She asked.

“Not after the Friendship Games.” Cloudchaser replied. “Which was a really wild time. And it seems the world changed after that encounter.” Flitter hummed.

“Then… if you came here through a portal from Equestria, wouldn’t you be able to take one back?” She asked. I sighed and nodded.

“I don’t even know where to begin. I thought Canterlot High because of that video you showed me. But now, I can’t really go back or have any way to. I need to find Tenebres’s vessel and get back home with her. I wished I had a better chance to ask those girls about it, but I uhh… panicked when Sunset Shimmer ended up stumbling into Din.” I replied. “Didn’t help that Din came off as an evil entity at the time.” I felt Din shift but I ignored it. Cloudchaser raised a brow.

“You didn’t need to panic or worry about it. Trust me when I say this, Canterlot High has been through quite a lot. Everyone is pretty friendly and basically know one another. We even host pep rallies twice a month. And our rivalry with Crystal Prep isn’t serious anymore and just a show of sportsmanship.” She spoke. “I’m sure Sunset wouldn’t have freaked out as much. She may have had a mean streak before, but she’s proven herself to be a stand-up gal.” Flitter sighed.

“And yet, you are still struggling in some advance classes that you didn’t pay attention to while in Crystal Prep.” Flitter said boredly. Thi tilted her head.

“I’ve been meaning to ask. Why do you two go to different schools?” She asked. I was curious myself. Flitter didn’t hesitate.

“Someone wanted to experience all that magic and had grown tired of Crystal Prep’s attitude at the time, so she switched to Canterlot High in order to ‘find new air’.” She said. Cloudchaser narrowed her look at her.

“You’re putting words into my mouth, sis. Yeah, I was curious and excited because of all that happened there, but the classes weren’t really sticking to me. That and the teachers didn’t like my ‘strange’ methods of creatively answering questions. Why do I have to show work? I can present it.” Cloudchaser smirked. “Canterlot High would allow me to pursue that creativity more openly, rather than have it contained to just my mind.”

“Be it as it may, you certainly left on awkward terms. Thunder hadn’t been in the best state. Of course, he’s better now, but you should have said something.” She frowned. Cloudchaser lowered her head and sighed.

“I just… I don’t know. It’s not like I don’t like him anymore. I just needed some space.” She said. I don’t know why, but I was feeling indifferent about this. Realizing it a bit more, I couldn’t help but smile a bit.

“Well, it’s not like it’s bad terms either. Perhaps you should properly sit down and talk about it.” I spoke. “Always better to get things off your chest. Trust me, it’s a bit of a relief to have it off of you. I confessed to Clo…. Cloudy Blaze and she gave me an answer that was not a yes but not a no. The patience was worth it.” I then sighed. “Now if only I can get us a proper date going.”

Thi grinned and nudged me.

“You’re a hero. I’m certain you can find the time in between your daring doos.” She said. I nodded blankly, my attention drawn to several people running past the window. The others seemed to notice.

“What’s going on?” Flitter asked. We continued to watch as people began to run for their lives. Din stood up.

Sister… She growled. I adjusted my hood and stood up. Thi scooched out of the booth to let me out. I jogged out of the diner and my friends followed. Before I could step further, an auto wagon crashed onto its’ side right in front of us. I looked over to see a demonic looking shadowy sea creature. Sharp fins running down from the head to its’ back and also onto its’ elbows and knees. It carried a what looked to be a half-eaten stop sign sharpened into a spear.

It loomed over a mother and her child, its’ beady eyes studying them. Not too far from it, equine shadows galloped and knocked aside auto wagons, chasing after a group of terrified citizens. Accompanying these creatures were little shadow creatures that seemed to bound about and causing some small bits of vandalism. I put my arm out towards my friends.

“Get back in the diner! Keep everyone from going outside until I clear this up!” I ordered. Thi stepped forward.

“Let me help!” She said determinedly. I shook my head and smiled.

“I appreciate it, Thi. But I’ll appreciate it more if you do what I say. I don’t want to worry about you while I’m doing this. Better I keep a clear head.” I winked. Thi looked a bit defeated but nodded. The three ran back inside as I ran out into the middle of the street. “Hey, uglies! Is it me you’re looking for?!” I shouted before withdrawing my staff, twirling it above my head before slamming the butt of it down on the street, causing a pillar of fire to rupture around me. This indeed caught the attention of all the shadow creatures. I readied myself, staff poised to strike in retaliation when I heard a menacing laugh. I looked up and my expression narrowed. High above, three figures floated over the rampage. The shadow creatures began to gather below them, facing me. The lead Dazzling grinned smugly.

“What a coincidence. To find you here of all places.” The bushy haired Dazzling spoke. “You won’t ruin our fun this time! Go, underlings! Crush her!” The three pointed at me and the shadow creatures began to charge. I smirked.

‘Ready, Din?’ I asked her.

Do you really have to ask? She replied with a hint of annoyance.

‘What? Nothing like a little bit of one against one hundred.’ I said. Din cackled and smacked her hooves.

I hope they send a thousand. That’ll even the odds pathetically. Din grinned widely. I swished my staff into a ready stance and rushed the creatures. I felt the warmth flow around me, my hood falling off as I rocketed through the air and crashed into a fiery inferno in the middle of the creatures. One by one, I twirled and lashed my staff out while dodging, kicking, punching and even flourishing to show off a little. To who, I wasn’t sure. I just felt cool doing it.

I eventually faced down the fish like creature and clashed my staff with its’ sharpened sign spear. The creature managed to nick me a bit, my cloak starting to look extremely ragged from it, but I pressed on. Deflecting the blows, I managed to see an opening that allowed me to knock the sign downward and step on foot on it. The creature hissed and pulled back the sign, but I had already hooked my shoe on it. It had brought me close and with its’ momentum, I gave a heavy round house right across the face.

Din’s wings allowed me to kick off the sign while the creature swung wildly. Din cackled and brought me in with perfect timing. I caught the shaft of the sign just below the sharpened metal and jabbed my staff into its’ neck, causing it to let go of the stop sign. With Din’s strength helping me, I spun my staff and the sign around me in flourishes, throwing off the creature’s retaliation. I then swung the sharpened sign, slashing the creature before stabbing it through its’ chest and impaling it into the side of a building where I proceeded to then land on the shaft of the sign and gave a deft swing of my staff, beheading the creature in a violent spray of the black substance. The creature went limp before melting into a puddle and vanishing.

I crouched to balance myself on the sign and looked up towards the Dazzlings. I saw the lead looking quite angry.

“Grgh! I’ve had enough of this! If you want things done, you do it yourself!” She growled. The three’s eyes glowed red and rose their arms into the night sky. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw three tall and scalene fish like horse creatures appear above them. They looked mean. The three took a deep breath before singing a single note in harmony, a distorted ring aiming towards me.

‘Uh oh.’ I quickly hopped to the end of the sign’s shaft and used it as a springboard just in time as the area cracked underneath me. I soared high up into the sky and met with their level. The Sirens charged me, circling around me when they got close. Din scoffed.

Know your place, worms! She growled. I felt a burning warmth surround me and I spun my staff around my hand before giving a quick swish that sent out the flames around me. The Sirens hissed and backed away when the flames struck them. However, the three then began to circle in a strange way. I felt myself being hit in the back by a tail and I went rocketing into the side of a building.

I shook away my daze and looked just in time for them to group together and began to sing. I couldn’t react in time and I felt the force of the sound wave pancake me through the building. I came out the other side and crashed into a fire escape railing. Falling down wasn’t pleasant either. I landed hard onto a dumpster lid and rolled off onto my back, feeling the wind get knocked out of me.

I took a moment to gather myself and shake away my daze. Rubbing my head, I looked up and gasped. One of the Sirens hovered above the buildings and began to sing. I rolled away on my side and scrambled to my feet as the ground cracked where I was moments ago. I sprinted towards the exit of the alley, only to stop when another Siren appeared and hissed, whipping her tail under her and grazing my cheek. I backed away as the last Siren appeared just above the other blocking my way. The one above floated down, squirming her way in and snapped its’ sharp teeth at me.

I smirked.

“Ever seen a pony eat meat?” I asked suddenly. The Sirens blinked and looked at me in confusion. “I wonder what grilled Siren tastes like?” I felt the warmth envelop me and I slammed my palm into the ground. The fire erupted. Thanks to the alley, the fire funneled upward and out, catching the three Sirens directly. They hissed and backed away, taking to the sky. Din unfurled her wings and I rocketed out from the alley to meet the Sirens in the sky.

The Sirens grouped again and began to sing. This time, I brought my staff in front of me and using both of my hands, I spun the staff quickly, turning it into a propeller. Din’s fire flared at the tips, colliding with the song waves. I grit my teeth and using her’s and my own strength, I pushed against the fierce song. Din cackled maniacally with a wide-eyed grin as we got closer and closer to the Sirens. Their eyes widened when I dispersed the fire and their song, spinning around and bringing my staff hard into the stomach of the yellow one, sending her upwards.

I then quickly followed it up with a round house to the blue one, lining her up with the magenta one. I then struck both of them in the stomach with my staff and spun them around before launching them upwards as well. They collided with each other, and I quickly rocketed towards them. The lead Siren was surprisingly quick. She smacked the other two with her tail hard and sent them directly into me. She hissed and began to sing, pressing the weight of the other two against me.

With my free hand I made a fist and ignited it. I struck my punch right through the blue one before piercing through the magenta one. I continued to rocket towards the yellow one who widened her eyes in surprise. I pierced right through the yellow one and she let out a pained scream. I flipped and spun in the air, looking down to see the images of the Sirens retreat and vanish into the Dazzlings. They were knocked down into the ground, one landing on top of an auto wagon, crushing it, the other bending a light pole and landing hard on the cement and the lead hitting the ground directly.

I soared downward and landed in a jog before stopping and narrowing my look. All was quiet, save for the alarms going off in the auto wagons. My eyes looked between the three Dazzlings as they came too. The bushy haired one pushed herself off the ground, painfully clutching her side while the other two limped over to her, one clutching her arm and the other slouching with her arms limply in front of her. The lead glared at me as she stood up, swaying a bit.

“You… think you have the upper hand, don’t you?” She growled. I looked down at myself. I was just as ragged and injured as they were. But unlike them, they don’t have a primal healing factor. My poor hoodie cloak though. The wear and tear made it look like I was wearing a shredded-up cape. The lead waved her hand in dismissal. “Don’t get full of yourself! This is just a minor set back! We still have plenty of power left to return to Equestria. We just… need a bit more!” She winced in pain. I adjusted my staff in my hold.

“I’m ready when you are.” I replied coolly. The Dazzlings glared at me before the ponytailed and twin tailed ones began to run away, taking to the sky. The lead pointed at me as she turned.

“Try as you might, there is no way you’ll save the city and stop us!” She then grinned evilly. “Good luck, ‘hero’.” She then turned and ran away before taking to the skies after the other two. I sighed.

‘Din, how are you fairing?’ I asked.

Please. Unlike you, I have hardly broken a sweat. However, if those three plan to return to Equestria, we should capture them. They definitely know of a way to get back. She grinned. I rolled my shoulder.

‘Either way, I want to conserve your energy for when we really need it. That actually hurt.’ I groaned. I then heard a rev right next to me and looked to see a helmeted individual on a bi-wheeled auto wagon. She stuck a handout to me. Through the visor, I saw Thi.

“Seems like you need a bit of help going after them. Allow me.” She said. I smiled and looked to see Cloudchaser and Flitter amongst the crowd of onlookers. Cloudchaser punched the air in a cheer.

“Go get ‘em, Fie!” She called out.

“Don’t get hurt too much!” Flitter cheered. Their cheers were followed by the applause and cheers of the onlookers. I flushed a little at the attention I was getting and instinctively hid my blush by throwing up my hood over my head. I then smiled and got on the back of the auto wagon with Thi and held on to her as she revved the wagon and planted her boot down to turn the wagon around before speeding off towards the direction of the retreating Sirens.

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