• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 13: Underworld Infiltration

Thi's POV

Getting into Underworld was a bit tricky than I'd like. I managed to clear a path with Excalibat against the ice. What had me curious was why Shiva decided to block off the Underworld? I've noticed that the Gorgons that were scouting out the place were out of sight. As sad as it maybe, it appears they were caught in the process of Shiva blocking off the entrance. And not only that, but the way the ice was angled seemed to have come from further within. Zeke went back after a bit to update the kin about the incident, but the plan would still commence. I, however, proceeded further, a mare on a mission. I don't know how long it'll be before Fie ends up confronting Shiva and her vessel. I have to act quick. If not the primal threat, then it'll be the infighting with Roam's throne.

Whatever cause the Gorgons were fighting for doesn’t mean it’s the better option. I trotted down a pathway before coming up to another wall of ice. Using Excalibat, I melted the ice to only find some crumble from the rock wall. I blinked and peeked into the hole. It looked like a passageway. I hummed in thought and studied the wall a bit more. It looked natural enough. I stepped back and with a good swing, Excalibat’s projectile exploded the entrance open.

I smiled in satisfaction. I stepped into the hole and began descending into the passageway. Using Excalibat like a makeshift torch with the glowing eye fire, creating a sickly green hue in the darkness, I continued on for a good while. The pathway was quite narrow but wide enough to fit a creature taller than a young tree. Eventually, after crossing an open cavern, I came up to a set of steps leading upwards. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

'Typical old ancient back passages. This was probably made during the rebellion against Xerxes. If that's the case, then the buried Old Roam is somewhere in the area. Might take a bit of explosives, some digging and... hello.' I blinked and noticed a symbol on the wall I passed. I brushed my hoof over it, and it suddenly glowed. I was expecting something else to happen, but the light dimmed. Silence. I hummed in thought. As much as it intrigued my historic mind, I had to focus on the job at hand. Making a mental note of the symbol in my head, I proceeded to head back up the stairs. It took me a good bit before I finally reached the end of the steps. A dead end if I was an idiot. I tapped the wall with my bat, contemplating how I can figure out the way to open it up. It didn't take long before I hit something loose. A lever fell out on my left and there was a metallic clicking that sounded. I stepped back a bit as the wall in front of me began to slide apart, revealing a passageway lit by torches. I flicked my ears, hearing what sounded like cheering coming from further within. I began my pace in a canter, rushing down the hall. When I turned a corner, the cheering getting louder, I stopped and saw a small, half circle caged window. I used my platform spell to elevate myself and looked out. I could see sand and what looked to be corpses of monsters. I noticed that there was somepony skillfully rushing under an ophiotaurus, gutting the creature with a slash before getting up and rushing the next creature, a ghoul. I never thought I'd see a ghoul here of all places. Regardless, the pale, skinless creature was beheaded and the pony bucked the head into a spiked obstacle. As impressive as it was, I noticed that the pony was a zebra.

The zebra let out a battle cry as she stood on top of a creature. The crowd cheered.

"Another count for the amazon champion!! Nothing seems to slow this mare down! I have never seen anything quite like it, folks! Not many creatures make it this far! Damascus certainly has come a long way and quickly becoming a fan favorite! But is she ready to face the most terrifying thing ever to grace Roam? A wild demon, said to call upon the fire from another world! A beast who has destroyed an entire city and all the inhabitants with it! Damascus, our champion, shall now face... The Fire Demon!!" I gasped silently as I saw the middle of the arena open up and a clear cage rose up. Inside was my best friend, strapped and caged like a wild animal. She looked rugged and rather empty. I felt my anger boil.

'Hang on, Fie. I'll get us out of here.' I thought as I quickly pulled away from the window and began to canter down the hall once more. It almost felt like a bit of a maze cantering through here. Whoever designed this certainly didn't want to be caught. Or worse, I could be in the very Labyrinth by King Midas. Anymore thoughts were lost when I rounded a corner and saw a lever hanging on a wall. I quickly pulled it and withdrew my arc pistol, cocking it and readying myself. The wall split open and I stepped in, waving my gun in all directions. Seeing that the room was clear, I took a moment to get my bearings. It looked like a war room of some kind. Yet, everything looked rotted and decrepit. The wooden table was caved in along with a faded and decayed parchment that would have been a map of some kind. Shelves that were lined against the walls were cracked or broken. Banners of old-world Roam were tattered or ripped. What in the world happened here? I shook away my thoughts.

'Focus, Thi. You can geek out later.' I thought to myself. I wasn't entirely too worried about Fie. She can handle herself just fine. I need to find egghead and the sisters. If I find the slaves, I'll let Zeke know when we bust out of here. That is, if Din and Shiva don't trash the place or dooming an entire civilization in the process. I carefully exited the room and entered into a hall. I looked down both ways before trotting down to my left. I rounded the corner and stopped to see rocks to have crumbled from the ceiling and block off wherever the path went. I turned around and galloped down the hall in the opposite direction and arrived into a barrack room. Old hay beds moldy and destroyed lined up in neat rows with one of the corners of the walls to have crumbled in on itself. Cracked and toppled Centurion armor littered one part of the room and a couple of weapon racks, one being empty, had only two weapons, a sword and spear, both in poor condition. I kept repeating myself in my head that I need to get everypony out of here. I continued on, reaching another barrack in similar poor condition, a hallway with decrepit memorabilia, empty rooms that seemed to serve no purpose other than probably storage.

I eventually trotted into an open room. I stopped and looked around, aiming my weapon at the first sign of movement. I narrowed my eyes and lowered my weapon as I saw a pegasus zony cower away from me behind bars. He looked at me with terrified eyes. My look softened a little. Peering into the cage, I could make out other creatures. Most of them were of zebra origin, each one looking terrified or broken than the last. I looked around and saw a cage of griffons, looking miserable, but eyeing me with curiosity.

“Hey, you!” A voice called out from amongst one of the cages. I looked around and noticed a scraggly looking pony who seemed to not have had seen the light of day for years. “You a Gorgon, ain’t ya?” She asked. I holstered my weapon and shook my head.

“Sorry, old coot. I’m not affiliated with any group. I’m just here to get my friends out.” I replied. The mare pressed herself against the bars.

“You gotta’ help us at least! They’ve done awful things down here! Very awful!” She stated.

“Shut up, do you want to get in trouble? You heard the announcer. The Fire Demon is currently fighting out there.” One of the zebra said from the other cage.

“Unless you have a death wish, then you might as well, keep quiet. If this pony wants to kill herself off here, better her than me.” Another stated. I shook my head.

“Don’t misunderstand me here. Believe it or not, I rode in with the Gorgons. I’m not affiliated with them, but they are planning to get all of you out of here before the king or Roam’s guards notice. Just have a bit of patience. They’ll be here soon.” I then smirked. “And you shouldn’t fear that Fire Demon. She’s not scary at all. A little ahead of herself, but she’s trying her best.” No creature spoke a word. I then sighed. “On that note, there are three other ponies I’m looking for. An earth pony in a yellow coat and two lilac colored pegasai, one with spiky mane and the other a bow.” My ears flicked and I heard what sounded like steps thumping closer.

“That sounds like the Centurions!” The scraggly mare spoke. I balked and quickly looked around. I then looked up and smiled. I was quick to hide in the shadows of the banisters right as the door opened. I saw several Centurion guards walk in. A bigger one carrying an unconscious zebra who seemed to be haggard and beaten, swaying limply on the back, was put into one of the cells. The creatures backed away and the big one snorted.

“Get this mare treatment… that demon will pay for disrespecting the honor of the Centurions…” He said. Upon closer inspection, he was a griffon. I narrowed my eyes as the griffon turned to the others. “Which one of you criminals has any form of medical practices?” He barked. No creature spoke. However, the scraggly pony waved a hoof.

“I-I was a surgeon in Anchorage. I-I can help.” She stated. The griffon arched a disappointing brow.

“Tch. Hope you have something to treat monster cuts. Otherwise, she won’t live to see another day.” He said. “Never stated we would be giving the treatment.” The griffon motioned with a claw and one of the guards unlocked the cage, the pony hurrying out and looking around nervously. She was then shoved into the other cage and locked up. She hesitated before leaning down and checking on the zebra. I frowned, shifting to get a better look. However, I ducked back when the door opened again and another griffon walked in.

This one wore a purple robe and had a snobbish swagger to his walk. He looked disgustedly at the caged creatures.

“Why do we waste our time with these flea ridden criminals? They don’t do for good entertainment.” The griffon said. The Centurion griffon bowed.

“Visar Galm. Apologies for the sight. We had some… orders to attend to.” He said with a bit of disgust. The Visar nodded.

“Yes, yes. The Fire Demon of Equestria ordering us to treat a common criminal. Caged like an animal and brought in for our entertainment pleasure in hopes of winning our favor for Pony Land. EMI certainly is too predictable all these years later still.” He said. He then looked around the room. He was giving each cage a look of disgust before smirking. “Rest while you can, criminals. When the Fire Demon is done with our reserve of monsters, each and everyone of you will be qualified to go down in history as the Vanquisher. Freedom, money and power are yours for the taking as well as an excusal of all crimes committed as well as immunity to the law.” He said. I narrowed my eyes.

The griffon Centurion looked at the Visar.

“Forgive me for asking this, but is there a reason you are here amongst scum?” He asked. The Visar chuckled and waved a dismissive claw.

“Just ensuring that the general of Roam’s army isn’t too preoccupied with punishing the wicked. You are needed back to the king and queen’s side.” He said. The griffon’s eyes widened and bowed a bit.

“Of course.” He replied before motioning with his guards and they left the room, leaving the Visar alone. He took a deep breath and sighed with satisfaction.

“Heathen!” A voice cried from one of the cages. I looked over to see a zebra and unicorn zony glaring at the griffon. “You soil the great name of Roam! Our ancestors look down upon you in disgust!” The zebra growled. The Visar grinned.

“Say what you will, scum. This is the punishment for those that feel obligated to soil the throne with lies and conspiracies.” He replied. The zony banged the cage.

“Cut the crap! All our suffering is because of you! Whispering and manipulating the king and queen! How could they ever allow a traitor to our great nation be the one next to our liege?!” She barked. The Visar chuckled.

"Perhaps it's because with brains like yours, miss council captain, that the benefit for Roam isn't exploiting the nobles of their taxes and perhaps should have focused on more pressing matters. Such as the rampant crime rate." He replied.

"That you instigated!" The zony retorted. "I've done nothing but express a free Roam for all! Our ancestors weren't build upon noble blood! It was the labor of warriors! Those with the rite and fortitude to bear power!” She retorted. The Visar sighed and shook his head, facing away from the zony.

“And yet, our heroes ambitions became lackluster and strove for more ways to make themselves the heroes of the hour.” He wagged a singular talon in the air. “Nobility was built upon warrior blood as well. Many of you are aware of this, are you not?” He looked around the cages, the creatures glaring at him. “Blood thirst cannot be quenched. Battles are always fought with honor and bravery. And due to that fact Roam has become blinded in the red sands for centuries. Every creature that has taken upon the crown and throne are descendants to these very ambitions that you openly express would lead us into a free nation.” He chuckled to himself.

“It’s almost hilarious if it wasn’t so asinine. Centuries upon centuries of the sweat, blood and tears of the creatures of Roam having to suffer the same cycle over and over. So tell me, miss council mare, what can you do for the people of Roam that my candidacy does not provide?” The zony growled.

“Enslaving the honest working creatures of Roam as combatants to fight to the death for the mere amusement of corrupt nobles is not an ideal Roam! You are contradicting your very own statement! Roam will have your head for betraying the throne!” She glared. The Visar tapped his head in thought.

“And what way am I betraying the creatures of Roam? I may have the benefit of being the king and queen's advisor, but the decisions are solely the great King Leo’s orders. Even you know that King Leo is too ambitious to rule. He’s already acquired the ire of many unfavorable oppositions for declaring taxation without representation. If you ask me, the creatures of Roam are too reliant on the throne to dictate what they can and cannot do to make their lives comfortable. And what do they do? They turn coat and bear daggers, just like Caesar’s execution.”

“You talk too much for a chicken.” A voice rasped. They looked over to see the wounded zebra glaring at the griffon with one eye as the scraggly mare was tending to a wound on her hoof. “True that the king is ambitious for his own good. But his greatest mistake was exiling Gladius. That zebra is the true heir to the throne and will lead Roam into prosperity. You agreed with the king because he is right.” The Visar didn’t look pleased at the zebra, but he sighed and waved a claw dismissively.

“It has been years since that fool openly challenged the throne. Speaking in such a manner that goes against everything how a nation is supposed to run. He has no idea the burden a leader bears, especially in Roam. His mercenaries are no more barbaric than the cannibalistic tribes of the Zebra Lands.” That got a lot of protests.

“You sully our people’s lands, yet what of your own, griffon?” The injured zebra spoke. The Visar laughed.

“They can rot for all I care. Griffons do not hold relationships in a way you cradle a babe. The moment we hatch, it’s a fight for survival. It’s no different than the Savanna.” He replied. “However, I am willing to put aside my pride and humility in order to help guide a nation of wandering souls into prosperity. Ideals will always clash. But in the end, I am here standing amongst the mighty and you caged at my command.” He grinned. He held up a singular claw. “Keep this in mind, criminals of Roam. Be it politician, a beggar or a cutthroat, you will all bow before one creature. The king’s time is nearing his end and it would be for the better. If your hero wants to challenge the throne, let him. He’ll suffer a champion’s execution.” He then turned and walked towards the exit. “Try as you all believe me to be, I am out for the betterment of this nation. With war against Pony Land and Equestria, it’s only a matter of time before we are enemies to both nations.” And with that, he left the room.

I waited a bit before hopping down from my hiding spot and startling the injured zebra. I looked over to the zony, who eyed me suspiciously.

“Do you understand what this entails, Equestrian? Our lives are in constant ridicule by those in power. The wrong creatures are in play and the ones who can better this nation are rotting behind cages and exiled to the scorching sands. The blood will continue to spill unless Gladius takes over the throne. King Leo is not fit for the throne and Galm is a tyrant out for our destruction. You have to help us.” I studied the zony before shaking my head.

“You’re asking an Equestrian for help in something that could potentially put us against Roam? Sorry, but both you and the Visar are stupid.” I bluntly replied. The zony flushed angrily.

“How dare you!” She barked. I held up a hoof.

“Let me get one thing straight here. I’m a third party wanting to get my friends and head over to Pony Land to handle our threat of war. Sucks that Zebrica and Roam are planted in the middle of it, but with Roam being so one sided with their own infighting doesn’t show either side that you are worth the effort of allying. Pony Land would use you no better than Xerxes or Leo. They’ll put somepony in place worse than Galm. Roam would suffer under the rule of Pony Land.

“Equestria will at least give you all a fighting chance. True we may not be the best with technology, but our rulers are still around due to the efforts of fostering allies and even going out of our way to handle issues that others can’t reason on. Yet, we aren’t perfect or ideal. We have our own infighting that doesn’t involve monsters.” I replied. “Sorry, I’m just one mare on a mission. The pony that’s currently fighting out in the arena is going to be in a lot of trouble if I don’t do something.” I explained. The wounded zebra eyed me.

“The Fire Demon? You are familiar?” She asked stoically. I smirked and nodded.

“My best friend since college. Everything you’ve heard about her is mostly true. However, right now if I don’t get to her, Roam is going to be the epicenter to a tragic fight that no creature here is ready to handle.” I stated before trotting over to the exit.

“Are you talking about the Scourge?” The wounded zebra spoke. I stopped and looked over to her. She met my gaze. “There is a warrior here who can call upon ice that cannot melt in the scorching sands of Roam. We begun to believe her a god. No creature knows of her origin. Yet, we all know she’s been a slave to the Underworld for years.” She bowed her head. “I’ve never met the creature in battle yet. The Underworld watchers prefer to keep her locked away until they want something to blow them away.” I rubbed my chin in thought.

“By any chance have you heard where they might be keeping the Scourge?” I asked. The zebra darted her eyes in thought.

“I cannot properly guess, but I would assume deeper within. There is an antechamber further in the old ruins. They might be keeping her there.” She replied. I smiled.

“Thanks.” I was about to move when the zebra looked up.

“What is she like?” The zebra asked. I looked around the door in confusion. “Your friend. The one currently fighting out in the arena. She… she spared me. Rather than giving me a warrior’s death, I still breathe.” Her look darkened. “I do not want to spend another minute in this hell hole. Why did she not grant me peace in death?” I studied the zebra.

“Probably because that’s how she’s always been. Way before Hoofington’s destruction, she would come up with dumb ideas that’d put her in the crosshairs of opposing forces. But she has the skills and capability to back it up. But if you are asking way before she had a maniacal primal inside her mind, she’s smart, awkward and is usually depressed when things wouldn’t go her way. Even then, she kept going until circumstances told her otherwise. She sucks with magic, only good with illusion in one aspect and prefers to laze about when given the chance. She also has dumb luck.” I smiled. “Trust me. She’s planning something right now. Just buying time.” And with that, I left the caged creatures to the hooves of the Gorgons that would be raiding any moment.

I was wary in where I stepped, just in case Centurions were on patrol. To no surprise, I ducked around a corner as a group of Centurions walked past. I noticed it was the ones from before. Waiting till they were out of sight, I darted around my cover and down the direction they came from. Keeping low, I made my way through the hall before arriving at a set of steps. Keeping my senses aware, I descended the steps. When I reached the bottom, I was in awe as to what I was seeing. It was an atrium for sure. However, the spacious room only had one thing inside of it. In the middle of the room with the sun’s light shining down on them was a minotaur.

She was on her knees and seemingly meditating. I braved myself as I crept towards her.

“You make yourself obvious, pony.” The minotaur spoke, her voice gruff but feminine. I arched a brow and shook my head.

“Just wanting to see the Scourge up close. Big fan.” I stated. The minotaur didn’t turn to acknowledge me. Only kept herself meditated facing away from me.

“This is no place for star struck creatures. Is what I would say if you were any pony.” She then opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder. There it was. The swirling mist of ice in her eyes. I smiled.

“Sup, Shiva? Gotta’ say, I’m still a little sour at you for attacking us on the train. But that was a month ago. So, I’ll let bygones be bygones.” I said. The minotaur narrowed her eyes but, in the light, I noticed a swirl of icy mist form in front of me and as quickly as it showed up, a spectral alicorn with glowing eyes looked down at me.

You reek of my sister. She stated. I shrugged.

"Can't help it that my best friend is hosting her." I replied. The alicorn shook her head, to my surprise.

Nay. Tis not affecting of your presence around my sister. You stink of her. Something... familiar. Shiva lowered her head and met my eyes. I gave her a confused but uninterested look. Shiva's eyes widened before she pulled back and closed her eyes in thought. I see. How fortunate for us, Steel Heart. We can trust this one. The minotaur studied me before standing up.

"And your sister?" She asked. Shiva sighed.

The fool will be too caught up in the moment of battle to realize the true threat present at hoof. She replied. I tilted my head a little.

"A bigger threat? You mean like the Visar?" I asked. Shiva shook her head.

The overgrown chicken I could care less for. It's the king that is the issue. He has acquired power that does not belong to him. It has taken me a bit to realize that the more my vessel and I fight, that borrowed power begins to draw itself out. I rubbed my chin in thought.

“Reacting to just a singular primal fight or is it due to the amount of fighting between you seven…” I thought out loud. Shiva nodded.

The latter. I realize after many discussions with our captors and the serpent, I've began to notice that with each use of any of the seven's powers, the amount being released starts to... grow. And when it grows so much, it cannot grow any further. Except for Din. She walked around me as she continued. Ever since the serpent gave us an increase in power, it's been fluxuating our abilities to a point of over stagnation. Our output has been exponential to the point we cannot handle it as well as we should. Since my sister is not affected by such a gift, having been made an enemy, I cannot fight without causing too much destruction. I sat on my haunches and crossed my forelegs over my chest.

"I can believe that." I replied, thinking back to the frozen Gorgons. "But if that's the case, then how would combatting the other elements bring out borrowed power from those that don't deserve it?" I asked. Shiva stood in front of me.

It's like electricity connecting to a conductor rod with no real way to disperse it. She stated. I opened my mouth to speak, only to stop and realize something.

"Uhh... huh... Didn't take you to be an... egghead..." I stated. Shiva smirked, much to my surprise.

I'll take it as a compliment. However, as much as I want to discuss more, I am afraid that we do not have much time. Our match has been set to fight against my sister and her vessel. She sat down on her haunches. I will take a guess as to why you are here. You are hoping to reason with us as a way to prevent Roam from falling under our elemental clash. Hoping to prevent destruction to another city. I looked at her stoically.

"Considering what you told me, it makes that plan difficult. I'm also trying to see how close the Triad are from acquiring ally affinity with Roam. Though from the lack of Triad interference, I can safely assume that they had finished tampering here." I replied. Shiva looked over her shoulder to the minotaur, who shook her head.

"Those ponies from Pony Land have done more than what you expect them to have.” She replied. “Their influence has indeed gotten the good graces of Roam. King Leo plans to meet with a representative general from EMI to discuss more opportunities of expanding soon.” I tilted my head slightly.

“You know that how?” I asked. Shiva pat her chest with a small smile.

Astral projection. Steel Heart is quite the lucid dreamer. And thus, I’m able to use that lucidity and walk the halls of this place for five minutes. I overheard General Gild mention it to several Centurions. She spoke. I blinked in confusion.

“Lucid… dreaming? You can work with that?” I asked puzzled. Shiva sighed.

Am I to play twenty questions or do I need to waste my time further? She replied. I flushed a bit.

“R-right… ahem. So, the Triad are in good graces. Any way we can sway them from seeing that the Triad are still as bad as before?” I asked finally. Shiva nodded.

That question has a simple answer. The king must die. She stated. I didn’t know what to expect or how to respond to this. Steel thankfully answered for her.

To keep it short, she explained that longevity is desired for the throne and King Leo is hoping to do so against his oppressors with the borrowed power. She stated that there are two candidates that are out for the king’s head. Gladius, the exiled commander of Roam’s army and the next true heir of the throne, was put out to the Scorched Lands. King Leo had hoped that the wilds would claim him, but having seized “investments” from EMI, it’s been a decade long war. The second contender for the king's head is none other than Visar Galm. He was the one who orchestrated Gladius's exile and brought King Leo into power to the throne. The reasons are uncertain to them, but they believe that Visar Galm has a bigger ultimatum waiting to be unleashed. Shiva hoped to find out what it is and thus provided Steel Heart with her desire for combat to aid in her seeking for knowledge. When Steel finished her explanation, I closed my eyes in thought.

"So... where does that put Fie and my friends...?" I asked more to myself. Shiva nodded.

I know one thing is that I require my sister's help in this matter. However, I know she will not listen to reason well enough. Therefore, I have no choice but to fight her. I will try to keep it controlled as best I can. Can I trust her vessel to not be so foolhardy? Her declaration against us left quite the impression. She said. I opened my eyes to look at her.

"Fie can understand where you are coming from. She hates authority as much as I do. Well... to a lesser terroristic extent. But if you can show that you have some form of brain in you, then she'll listen." I said with a smile. Shiva looked over her shoulder to Steel, who nodded.

"Then we must fight to tire out the fire one. Get her to see reason and then plan how we can handle the borrowed power situation. One question I do have for everycreature here. What about the Visar?" She asked. I tapped my head a bit in thought.

"The Gorgons are on standby for another two minutes. They'll be rushing in to free the prisoners. They'll probably work their way to wherever the Visar or the king is and take one of them or both captive. From then, I guess it's their problem." I stated. "I'm just here to get my friends out of here and off to Pony Land. Thankfully with new found information." Shiva hummed as she stood up.

And yet, no matter which way the dial turns, the seven's power is still required. Would it not be easier to work on an ally treaty to aid in your nation's war? She asked. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"As much of a reasonable decision that is, we do not have the time as the Triad is already hoof deep in Equestria. War is at the door. We don't have time to waste to solve political issues with Roam. It's just not our cup of tea." I replied. Shiva kept her stoic gaze on me.

Be it as it may, I think it would be beneficial. Especially when we expose King Leo and the Gorgons come to blows with the Visar. Do you know what the citizens treasure more than ancestry here? She paused as if to expect me to reply. But I didn't have a clue. Their gods and goddesses. To our time fighting in the arena, we have been marked demi-gods. Which to them is a sign that their gods are listening. Specifically, their god Deus. The forefather of their teachings and controller of war and lightning. He branched his ruling to three other gods and goddess to dictate their own rule over the mortal realm. That in turn branched more and more and so on and so forth. If my sister and I can draw out the borrowed power, exposing King Leo to be a false god, they would look disapprovingly at him. From there, we are free to do whatever we wish. I arched a brow at her.

"And what kind of wish do you plan to have when doing so?" I asked cautiously.

My sister and I get a satisfying blow against our sister for stepping out of line and the creatures of Roam will see that their mortal king is not welcomed in the midst of gods. That will also open up avenues for your nation to seize comradery in your war. A win-win for everycreature. Shiva explained. I was stunned. Never in my life that I thought I would encounter one of the seven, who have been sworn up and down to be so morally obnoxious and obsessive of their own desire, think of something so self-less and reasonable. I grew suspicious.

"What's in it for you then? What other ultimatum you have that doesn't involve delivering a blow to your sisters? Why go through so much for something that is not for you own desires to claim a realm?" I asked. Shiva chuckled a bit before putting a hoof to her chest and looking down at herself.

The events that transpired the start of your travels that day severed something greatly binding me to the bylaws. Din may not have known it, but I remember feeling lighter upon floating around in the emptiness. She then looked to Steel. I latched onto Steel who has aided me in recovery and in turn, we have begun a partnership. Something that Din lacks if she wants to achieve her own desire. She then looked at me. Do not take my words as me turning a new leaf around in this deciding struggle. I grow tired of winning and gaining nothing for it. Let's just say I share my sister's sentiments. I pointed at Shiva.

“Yeah. You are going to have to show Fie that she can trust you. However you want to fight lies solely on you two. But keep damage to a minimum so that way the Gorgons can do their thing and I can get to our friends.” I said. Suddenly, the atrium began to whir to life. Shiva stood and vanished, flowing back into Steel. The minotaur reached down and picked up a ragged looking cloth that I didn’t even notice in the lighting. She threw it around her and brought her hood up.

“You’ve piqued my interest in this friend of yours. I am curious to see why Equestria picked her out of your own heroes.” She said as the platform began raising. I stepped back and watched her.

“Fie tends to blank out in some instances. Wake her up by keeping her on her hooves.” I stated to her. The minotaur nodded before the platform sealed her out of sight. I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. This was completely unexpected, but a welcome one. Fie could use the break. Now to get back on track. The Gorgons should be arriving any second. I stood up and made my way back, hearing the distant cheers and jeers.

I halted and ducked behind a suit of armor as I saw shadows moving on the wall of approaching figures. To my luck, it was my friends being escorted by two guards, King Leo and the Visar. The immense relief I felt seeing the egghead and the sisters, albeit no worse for wear, are still kicking. My eyes fell on the Visar. I looked to his left claw specifically. Hidden under that robe sleeve isn’t a normal claw. What does he plan to do with Hercules’s Gauntlet?

Watching them pass by, I was about to follow them before the whole arena shook. The group stopped and looked around.

“What was that?” Cloudchaser asked. The Visar had a small, mischievous grin on his beak. It was gone as quickly as he replied.

“Just the crowd getting riled up over the match. It’s not everyday you see two demi-gods battle it out.” He said. King Leo nodded.

“Two demi-gods in our presence. The gods bless Roam with champions. However, only one will show their worth. And even if one or the other wins, the other can still be held in reserve.” King Leo replied to the Visar. The griffon beamed and continued to walk with the group as he replied.

“A fine idea, your majesty! We could even use them to hunt down the other demi-gods. Roam will be above all nations and these pointless wars will cease. No longer will we be labeled as the ‘Crimson Nation’. We will rise out of the sands and surpass our neighbors in status!” He said with a casual roll of his good claw. Scribble shook his head.

“The seven are being exploited already by the very creature who is supposed to keep our balance in check. I can imagine that they are not on terms to care what mortals want or desire above their own. If you think of controlling the seven and their vessels, you might as well douse yourself in gunpowder.” He stated. King Leo eyed the stallion with interest.

“For a mind such as yours, I’m curious as to what strives you to be ridiculed to a state of arrogance to our plight.” King Leo spoke. Scribble looked at him with annoyance.

“Perhaps it’s from the time I’ve been harassed by the Triad and now acting like a dog to a king. I can see where Thi wants to shoot up the whole place.” He replied. I couldn’t help but smile a little, but also worried that Scribble maybe a bit in a bind than I had anticipated. Yet, Scribble sighed. “Besides that point, I would highly recommend not to let yourselves be too swept away into the fight. Fie has a history of her element taking control without her consent and destroying things. With all due respect, King Leo. You are literally playing with fire.” King Leo studied the stallion. The Visar put a claw on the stallion’s back.

“Our majesty is not one to falter in the face of danger. He slayed the cyclop tyrant Calvin. Bested two sandwyrms with skill and tactics. Led our people against the Sandswept Raiders and granted economical boons to our struggling nation.” He said with a marveled smile. Scribble gave an annoyed and uninterested look.

I know that look. He wanted to tell them how wrong they were on the info. Yet, he sighed and shrugged.

“If you say so.” He replied. The Visar pat his back before motioning everypony.

“Let us be on time for the match. Today, the gods are with us.” He said. The group began to walk away from my spot. I peeked out and saw Scribble glance in my direction. He pat his coat as if he had forgotten something before shrugging and walking after the group. When they rounded the corner, I slipped out of my cover and hummed in thought. My brain was already coming up with scenarios on how to go about this. I was about to walk in the opposite direction when I noticed something glowing slightly on the ground.

I looked down and noticed the purple crystal that Scribble would use to read the magic stability. But… why would he drop it for me? I picked it up in my magic and studied it. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. That is until the rune inside began to crackle slightly. I aimed the crystal slowly, seeing it crackle more and more in the direction I came from. I decided to follow the rune. It led me down a couple of halls and conjoining rooms before beginning to glitch when I arrived at a door.

I tilted my head curiously, reaching my hoof out.

“I know you are there.” A voice said on the other end. I stopped and felt my brain on high alert.

“What is she saying?” Another voice spoke.

“You heard the king. The queen needs to rest.” Another voice said. I did not like the tone in that one’s voice.

“What are you doing?” The other asked. There was the sound of something being dragged.

“Ensuring that the queen and us aren’t disturbed.” The voice said.

“Fiend!” The queen shouted. “How much did he give you?! You are not one of us!” My eyes narrowed as I peeked through the keyhole of the door. Seems they had tried to block off the keyhole as well with whatever object, but it didn’t cover it fully. I could see the queen trembling in horror as one of the zebra guards walked around her, eyeing her in a lecherous manner. The other guard stood at the side, watching.

“You really want to test your luck that much?” They asked with a bit of disgust. The other guard brushed a hoof under the queen’s chin, forcing her to look at the guard.

“Visar Galm was kind enough to allow us a treat. I plan to make use of it. It won’t be long before the king’s head is served to the Forsworne.” The guard licked his lips. The other guard shook their head and leaned against the wall.

“Whatever. If you get gelded for this, it’s on you.” They replied. The queen backed away from the guard, glaring at him.

“Y-you…” her expression changed to one of terror. “H-help me… I-I don’t want to…” she stammered, hugging herself. The guard looked over her.

“You were Galm’s favorite back in the day. I want to see what caught his attention so much.” He snickered. I felt my blood boil. Without a second thought, I stepped back and withdrew Excalibat from thin air. I took a stance and waved my bat over my head in my magic. With a heavy swing, a green fire ball burst out and blew the door open. Both guards jumped back and withdrew their weapons. I pulled out my arc pistol and with skillful aim and precision, two shots felled both, the hole between their heads hissing.

Queen Zeuli slumped to the ground on her haunches, hugging herself dumbfounded. I shifted my frown before shouldering my bat and my arc pistol at my side in my magic. I looked to the queen and smiled a bit.

“Long time no see, your majesty.” I said. Queen Zeuli didn’t seem to register my greeting. My expression softened and I rubbed the back of my head. “Errr… I should probably get you out of here.” I began as I walked over to her. My ears flicked, hearing the sound of hoofsteps approaching. I should have expected there would be guards checking. I quickly steadied my arc pistol and bat right as the guards rounded the corner. Or should I say, Gorgons. A squad of armored zebra rounded the corner, bearing arc carbines. When we saw each other, we eased.

"What happened? We heard gunshots." One of the zebra asked. I looked at the two motionless "Centurions" on the ground. The Gorgon zebra looked over to see the queen, their eyes widening. “Your majesty! You are still alive!” Queen Zeuli slowly looked at the zebra. The terror still clear on her face. I put a soft hoof on her shoulder, seeing her twitch in reaction.

“It’s okay, your highness. These guys are here to get you out along with the other prisoners.” I smiled. Queen Zeuli took a moment to register what has happened. When she came too, she shivered, tears welling up. This took all of us aback. She wiped her hoof against her eyes and stood up, turning to the Gorgons.

“I-is… Gladius with you?” She asked, looking a bit hopeful. The two zebra exchanged glances before one bowed to her.

“Forgive me, my queen. Gladius was unable to attend this as another grave matter came up. But know that he would have given anything to join in on this mission.” They said. Queen Zeuli’s hopeful look became saddened. She then looked to me.

“I dreamt of this day. You do not save me, as grateful as I am of this time. Your path lies out to the arena stands. Becareful of the Visar. He has driven my king to a darker desire that your friend and our champion will inevitably face. And please…” she put a hoof on my shoulder. “Put Roam at peace. Do this and we will atone for all the sins before Equestria.” Our eyes met and I was worried for the queen for a moment. Eyes in a creature are always something you can read easily. As if their entire story is right there for you to understand if you just take the moment to look.

I sighed and gave her a reassuring smile.

“This is going to be two favors you owe me.” I stated. I then nodded to the two zebra before cantering out of the room. As I cantered down the hall, I felt the ground shake. I had to shield myself when a strong gust of cold wind blew through the hall. I waved the kicked-up dust aside, coughing. It had already begun. Without a second thought, I galloped down the hall. When I turned the corner, I stopped at the moment two swords clashed with one another. A Gorgon and a Centurion locked together and trying to push against each other.

Further down the hall was more fighting. I clicked my tongue at the inconvenience. The ground shook once more. Using the newly kicked up dust and sand disorienting the crowd, I slipped by them and began heading towards an open door.

‘Hang on, guys. I’m on my way.’

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