• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Magic Duel

It was late in the evening in a shifty looking town somewhere in Equestria, rain pouring heavily down on the dark and dreary buildings. Running through the downpour was a pony, wearing a dark cloak to conceal them, seeking out one of the buildings in the area while avoiding getting too badly soaked. They soon reached the building they sought, walking inside of what seemed to be a shop that sold rare and valuable artifacts from all across the world. Many tomes, skulls of creatures either made of bone or rich mineral, even objects that were thousands of years old from a long forgotten kingdom or civilization rested on the shelves and display cases.

The mysterious pony wandered around, looking for something specific to their needs, carrying a heavy sack of bits underneath their cloak. They soon spotted what they were searching for: resting inside of a glass case behind the counter where the salespony in charge of the shop was a dangerous looking amulet, black, gray, the head and wings of an alicorn, and a bright red gem in the center.

"Welcome," the stallion greeted as the pony approached the counter. "See anything you like?" The pony pointed at the dark amulet, their eyes glued on the magical artifact. "Ah. The Alicorn Amulet. A mysterious and powerful charm in all the land, giving the wielder of the artifact more strength than that of even Princess Celestia herself. Unfortunately, it is not for sale. It is very dangerous and should not be used by anypony." The cloaked pony dropped the sack of bits they carried on the counter, scattering the money on the counter. The salespony leered at the customer. "I just said it's not for sale. The wearer of this amulet is said to gain more and more power the longer they wear it, and with all that lust of power, it would be impossible for them to take it off, which is the only way to stop the cursed power it gives. So, I suggest you take your money and leave, or look for something else."

Frustrated, the pony left with their money, slamming the door as they exited. The cloaked pony made their way to an alleyway not too far from the artifact shop, hiding from the rain and unveiling their hood. It was Trixie, and she was furious, slamming her hoof into the wall behind her.

"Unbelievable," she said. "Dangerous or not, that Alicorn Amulet would have given me enough power to deal with Sora and Twilight. Those two will pay for humiliating me, Sora for my show and the both of them overpowering that ursa minor. That amulet was my only chance, and I don't care about the consequences!"

"An amulet, you say?" Trixie yelped as she heard a voice hiding in the alley she was in. The figure stepped out from the shadows, Maleficent grinning as she made her presence known to the blue unicorn. "How powerful is this amulet you speak of?"

"...Well, if you're looking to buy it from that salespony, tough luck," Trixie pouted. "He's not selling it, and not even a ton of bits will get him to change his mind."

"I heard you mention someone named Sora." The witch stepped forward as Trixie noticed the odd pair of horns sticking out of her hood and the staff she levitated beside her. "You have a history with him?"

"He humiliated me in a stupid duel he challenged me in...even though I claimed I could do anything better than anypony else can..." Trixie quickly shook her head, ignoring the fact that she herself bit off more than she could chew against someone as experienced as Sora was. "But regardless, he made me look like an idiot on my own stage, and he and Twilight Sparkle ran me out of town after two stupid colts brought an ursa minor into Ponyville to see me try and beat it when I clearly couldn't! It was a dumb story, they stopped it, Twilight showing off her dumb magic, and because of word of mouth, I can't perform any of my shows because of them!"

"I see." Maleficent looked at the artifacts shop, the same building she saw Trixie walk out of. "If I can get you that amulet, is it possible you could defeat Sora?"

"It's an all powerful amulet of magic. It can do just about anything, even overpower an alicorn." The blue unicorn scoffed, as if she expected everyone to know the Alicorn Amulet held incredible power. "...If you're able to barter with him for it, I'll be glad to get rid of him, and maybe Sparkle, too."

"Excellent. Wait right here." The witch stepped out into the rain, surprising Trixie as the rain didn't even touch Maleficent. She didn't cast a spell to keep the rain from soaking her, feeling more humiliated as another unicorn seemed to have more magical power than her. The showmare watched Maleficent walk inside, a strange green glow flashing through the windows, and a moment later, the witch came back out with the Alicorn Amulet held before her telekinetic grasp. "I assume this is the amulet you've been wanting?"

"W-What did you do?" Trixie asked.

"I persuaded him, and he just couldn't say no." Maleficent let out a sinister chuckle, giving the blue unicorn the amulet. "Have fun."

She disappeared in a plume of green flames as her laughter echoed around Trixie. The unicorn looked down at the amulet and grinned, giggling herself as she got what she wanted after all.

"Look out, Ponyville," she said, placing the amulet around her neck. She closed her eyes and opened them, her dark lavender eyes glowing red like the gem on the amulet, feeling its cursed power flowing through her veins and making her stronger. "Trixie's coming back with a new performance: the demise of Sora and Twilight."

As Trixie made her way out of the town and toward Ponyville, inside of the shop, the salespony's eyes were glowing green, trapped under a hypnotic spell. It soon wore off as he shook his head, confused and wondering what had happened to the mare who had walked in.

"What just happened?" He turned to look at his inventory, gasping as the Alicorn Amulet was not in its case. "The Alicorn Amulet! Where did it go!?"

In Ponyville, Sora and Twilight arrived at Fluttershy's cottage early in the morning. Twilight had received news from Celestia that ambassadors from Saddle Arabia would be coming to Ponyville and she would be entertaining their guests with the spells she's learned and mastered under her tutelage and on her own. She decided on having some of Fluttershy's animal friends volunteer to float around under her telekinesis and perform a little airshow. The yellow pegasus had quite a lot of critters that were excited about the idea and willingly agreed, despite Fluttershy worrying about their safety.

"Now, don't be scared, my little friends," Fluttershy assured her "frightened" animal friends, including Angel. "Twilight is wonderful with magic...and nothing should happen to them...Right?"

"Fluttershy, Twilight's more of an expert at magic than Donald," Sora said. "Nothing bad's gonna happen to them. They're just gonna fly around in random formations, and all of them are lighter than a normal pony."

The pegasus mare whimpered and fell to the ground, unable to watch as Twilight began to perform the routine. The animals began chittering with glee as they were all surrounded in a lavender aura and began flying up into the air. They were soon maneuvered around in the air in synchronization, forming figure eights, flowers, and much more that was sure to impress the Saddle Arabian guests. Soon, Twilight lowered the animals, stopping her performance more for Fluttershy's sake than her magical strain, even though she barely broke a sweat unlike when she carried a ten ton bear made of stars while also putting it to sleep.

"Ok, I think that's enough practice right now, little ones," Twilight said. "We'll get back into it a little later...and when Fluttershy says it's ok." She and Sora looked at Fluttershy, the mare a quivering mess as she held onto her animal friends, even though they were ready to do it again. "Though, I think it needs a little more flair to it."

"Hmm...Well, maybe we can add some explosive magic fireworks as you float the animals around," Sora suggessted. "Kairi said she found some odd spells when she stopped at Master Yen Sid's tower. They surprisingly don't waste any mana, though they take a while to recharge on its own, and they don't have much value in combat except to show off. Riku, Kairi, and I could use them to add a little more pizzazz to your show."

"That does sound like a great idea." Before they could head off to Ponyville to find Riku and Kairi, Rainbow Dash flew into Sora and pinned him down to the ground while knocking the wind out of him.

"Twilight! Sora! We have an emergency!" Rainbow exclaimed. "You're not going to believe who's back, and what's happening!"

"Urgh...Can you ram into someone else besides me?" Sora asked, shoving the panicked pegasus off him as he coughed. "Who's here?"

All of Ponyville was in a panic as ponies screamed in fear as they ran from a dangerous threat that had arrived in their town. Trixie calmly walked through the streets, her horn glowing red from the Alicorn Amulet secured around her neck as she fired off a spell at any of the nearby buildings to better fit her desires, or to make ponies flee before her new power. As soon as she reached the square, she spotted Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack, growling at Sora and Twilight's companions. They soon noticed the unicorn approach them as Riku and Kairi ran in after hearing everyone fleeing from Trixie and the sound of magical spells being cast.

"What the heck is going on here!?" Riku asked.

Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie noticed Trixie, glaring at them with the intent to do some bodily harm to them just by the way her eyes were glowing red. "Oh no! What's Trixie doing here!?"

"Tell Trixie where Twilight Sparkle and Sora are this instant!" the magician demanded.

"Is it me or is somethin' off about her?" Applejack asked.

"Trixie said to tell her where they are now!" She fired a beam of magic at Rarity, though instead of hurting her, she was now wearing a horribly crafted dress that no fashion designer in their right mind would create.

"No! This shade of brown's only supposed to be for accents!" The white unicorn fainted, quickly caught by Applejack as she carried Rarity away.

"Quick! We gotta get her in a soothing pink!" Pinkie shouted. "Bring her near Kairi! She's pink enough!"

"You're pink too," Kairi reminded the party mare.

"Trixie will not repeat herself!" She fired another beam, this time at Riku, the white pegasus quickly summoning his Keyblade.

He deflected it, but the amount of power from the beam managed to shove him back a few yards before he sent it flying into the air. "Such power...Who is she?"

Sora, Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy arrived at the square, the stallion and unicorn gasping in surprise as they saw Trixie and the results of her magical casting. "Trixie!?"

"There you two are," Trixie said. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has come back, and is far more powerful than before."

"You're nothing but a hack, Trixie!" The unicorn shot a red beam at the rainbow-maned pegasus, causing one of her wings to grow far larger than any normal one and began wobbling around in the air to catch her balance.

"Ooh! Now she's Rainbow Wobble, now!" Snips and Snails guffawed, though Trixie glared at the colts that used to admire her and got her in a lot of trouble.

"You two..." She fired a spell at them, causing both their horns to merge together and cause them to struggle, unsure of what to do in their predicament. "You're also on Trixie's list of ponies she despises, you stupid, ignorant little runts!"

"Trixie, cut it out!" Sora said, summoning his Keyblade. "Why are you doing all this!?"

"I have some unfinished business with you and Twilight Sparkle. You especially, Sora." Her eyes glowed red for a second as she leered at the teen. "After that ursa minor incident, I've become a laughing stock in all of Equestria! Every show I performed, I've been heckled by ponies, and I barely made a living! You humiliated me with that stupid duel, showing me up and making me look like a fool!"

"First, Trixie, you were a poor sport about that duel and you claimed you could have done anything better than anyone in the audience," Sora corrected. "I did that to make sure you didn't abuse your audience as you let your ego get the best of you. Second, you're supposed to perform for your audience and entertain them, not shove dirt in their face and prove you're better than everyone else if you over exagerate your abilities."

"My magic has grown stronger since then, but nopony would even give me a chance! I had to work on a rock farm to make a living!" Trixie shouted. "A ROCK FARM!"

"Hey! You're lucky a rock farm would hire you!" Pinkie exclaimed, born in a family of rock farmers.

Trixie cast a spell, bringing up a white arrow out of nowhere, hovered it over Pinkie's face, stole her mouth, and dropped it in a pixelated trash can, both objects disappearing and leaving the pink earth pony no ability to talk. "I want my revenge on you, so how about a duel like before? Only without those stupid toy swords." Using her magic, she created a blue and silver long sword out of thin air, holding it in front of her with her red aura. "No holding back until one of us falls."

Everyone gasped at the rules for this duel, Sora shaking his head, not wanting to hurt Trixie, even if she's lost her mind. "I'm not going to fight you to the death, Trixie! This is completely ridiculous!"

"...Then I'm just going to keep casting spells until you agree to, and after I'm done with you, Sparkle will be next in a magical duel." As she prepared to charge another spell to either hurt someone or their homes, Riku charged forward, having enough of Trixie's pointless reasons.

"If Sora was able to beat you, then I should make this quick!" he shouted as he thrust his blade at her.

Before his Keyblade barely reached an inch to her muzzle, Trixie used her magic to send a pillar of earth underneath Riku, slamming him hard in the abdomen as he struggled to breath. "You are not Trixie's opponent. I suggest you stay out of my way!"

She fired a beam of red mana at point blank range, sending Riku flying off as he dropped his Keyblade, his body covered in a red aura. Everyone gasped as his form began to grow smaller, heading straight for Twilight. The unicorn quickly caught him, but now the teen had turned into a pegasus foal. Thankfully, his clothing had shifted to fit his smaller body now, though the age reversing spell surprised and horrified everyone. Riku looked up as he was held in Twilight's hooves, his lower lip quivered until he began to cry.

"An age spell!?" Twilight said in disbelief. "But only the highest level unicorns can perform a spell like this!"

While Twilight tried to calm Riku down, Sora growled and looked back at the smug unicorn with incredible power she didn't have nearly a year ago. "Change my best friend back!"

"Not until you beat me," Trixie said. "If I lose, I'll change everything back to normal and leave Ponyville forever...But if you lose, then you're the one who will be banished. FOREVER!"

"...Fine. I'll fight you." Sora stepped forward, everypony still around backing away a good distance for his and Trixie's duel. "I have no idea what's going on in your mind to get back at us for something you unintentionally caused, but I'm not going to kill you."

"Good enough for me, because I will not lose this time." Both unicorn and pegasus stared each other down, Trixie's magic casting an impenetrable barrier around them and a large section of the center square of Ponyville. Sora was at least thankful Trixie wasn't going to put anyone else in danger, but if he loses, then she'll end up causing more trouble. "Your move."

Sora reluctantly began to charge forward, needing to make sure he was careful with hurting Trixie too much and be cautious of what magic she might unleash on him. He faked her out by lunging forward, ready to swing, only to leap up into the air and shoot out a barrage of Blizzard spells down on the unicorn. Trixie teleported away from the barrage and shot out her own variation of his Blizzard spell, the ice far bigger than his own and shaped like giant daggers. He slashed through them as he avoided them in flight, unaware of a large shard of ice forming above him.

"Sora, above you!" Kairi warned.

He looked up, quickly blocking the massive stalactite as it fell down on him. Before he hit the ground, he flew out of the way as the ice shattered, sending pieces of the frozen magic spell scattered about the arena. Sora wasn't given a chance to breathe as Trixie teleported behind him, blasting him in the back with a powerful beam of magic that damaged him more than caused any change to him.

"What's wrong!? I thought you could avoid anything I threw at you!" Trixie taunted as the teen righted himself back up. "Where's that cocky bravado of yours when you humiliated me!?"

"I wasn't being cocky," he said to himself, not wanting to instigate the blue unicorn's anger into unleashing a more dangerous spell than she had cast earlier. Sora looked over to his left, spotting Riku's Keyblade still resting where he dropped it before he turned into a baby. He quickly avoided a massive fireball heading toward him, rolling over to Way of the Dawn, picking it up in his left hoof as he dual wielded without the use of his Drive Forms. "At least I know not to make fun of someone just to feel like I'm important!"

"I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! I AM important!" Trixie teleported in front of Sora, quickly blocking a swift slash as the dueling ponies fought for dominance. "And when I'm done with you, you will grovel at my hooves, along with all of Equestria! They will all see the might that is the all powerful unicorn, Trixie Lulamoon!"

Her eyes glowed red, along with the amulet's gem, the artifact giving Trixie more power as she began to push Sora back. The pegasus struggled to push back, but his hind legs kept sliding back, picking up speed as they got closer to the edge of the barrier. He broke free, utilizing his dual wielding style, swiping a Keyblade at Trixie, but she teleported out of the way before it connected. He was on his toes as Trixie continuously teleported around him, not even mentally exhausted from warping everywhere, striking him as he either managed to block it or was unlucky and got struck hard.

Outside the fight, everyone in town could only watch as Sora was completely outmatched by the new Trixie and he overwhelming magic and strength. Twilight managed to calm Riku down, the transformed Keyblade wielder sitting on the lavender mare's back. Having turned into a foal also made him behave like one, oblivious to the conflict going on inside the magic barrier and too focused on playing with Twilight's mane.

"This is not right," Twilight muttered. "Trixie wasn't this strong last time she was here, and she has no knowledge on physical combat like before."

"So that must mean she must have gotten into something that gave her this power." Sora soon began to get smacked around in a blur, unable to keep up with Trixie. He was blasted by a blast of flames, sent hurtling through the smoke and slamming into the barrier where his friends were all watching. Sora fell to the ground and struggled to stand up, Trixie menacingly walking forward, twirling her blade around in her magic. Kairi noticed the odd glow come from the amulet the blue unicorn wore, that same glow coming from her eyes for a moment. "What in the world...?"

"You look like you're on your last legs, Sora." Trixie chuckled, watching Sora panting heavily as she observed the damage she did to him. His body was covered in deep cuts from her sword, scorched from the explosive blast of fire she shot at him, the teen panting heavily as his legs shook, trying to stay up with his and Riku's Keyblade still held in his hooves. "I can show you some mercy if you say you give up and spare you."

"...N-No...I'm...not." Sora was about to heal himself, but Trixie fired a spell at him, slamming him into the barrier again and sealing his magic.

"I gave you a chance. Now, it's time I claim my victory, and my revenge." Levitating her sword over her head, the blade shining as gusts of wind formed around it.

As the twister grew stronger, Trixie slashed the blade down, sending a powerful shockwave heading right for Sora. He tried to block it, but the moment the slash of wind touched the Keyblades, his body was surrounded in a devastating tornado, thousands of sharp slashes made by the wind striking every part of him as he screamed out in agony. The girls and all of Ponyville gasped in horror as they watched, unable to do anything to stop Trixie, or even try to stop her with the power she wields now.

"Sora!" Kairi shouted, slamming her hooves into the unbreakable barrier. The tornado soon died down, the teen still standing where he was caught in the dangerous winds, his body covered in more cuts, his clothing shredded and torn. "...Sora..."

In the silence of the after math, Sora finally moved, but not to attack Trixie. His forelegs dropped to his sides as he lost his grip on the Keyblades, his hind legs giving out as he fell on his back, beaten and rendered unconscious. Trixie laughed maniacally, the barrier disappearing as everyone ran up to the unconscious teen, Kairi hugging him tightly, thankful to hear him breathing.

"Behold! Trixie is the far better fighter than even Sora!" Trixie cackled as the power in her amulet continued giving her more strength. "Now, it is time to prove how strong of a magic caster I am compared to Twilight Sparkle!"

"Trixie, you've gone insane!" Twilight shouted, placing Riku down on the ground next to her friends as she stepped forward. "Why are you acting like this!?"

"What's the matter, Twilight? Afraid to realize who's the better unicorn?" Trixie dismissed her weapon, smirking as she saw the fear in her rival's eyes. "You ready for our duel?"

"...I-I don't think I can...I've never even gotten up to anything like age spells at all." She looked back at her friends, mostly at Riku, the colt playing with Fluttershy's tail.

"So you forfeit?" Trixie asked.

"...I-I have no choice." The others gasped, hearing Twilight immediately giving up, the unicorn knowing when she was outmatched.

"Perfect. Now, it's time for you two to leave Ponyville. Permanently!" Trixie's horn glowed, levitating Twilight up in the air, pushing the others away from Sora and lifting him up too. "Bon voyage, losers!"

She flung them out of Ponyville, sending them outside of the town's perimeter. Everyone quickly ran to where Trixie sent them flying, but as they reached the edge of town, Trixie created an impenetrable glass dome, trapping them inside and Twilight and Sora outside. As they reached the dome, Kairi summoned her Keyblade and tried to break through, but the glass made by the blue unicorn's magic was far too strong, impossible to smash or shatter.

"I can't break it! Her magic's stronger than the Keyblade's!" Kairi wilted after trying to break through a few more times, unable to help Sora in the state he was in. Twilight ran up to her imprisoned friends, using her own magic to try to dispel the dome, but it failed as well. The pink unicorn looked up, spotting Sora still unconscious on the ground not too far from where the glass barrier stood. "Twilight..."

"Don't worry, Kairi. I'll take care of Sora, and I'll find some way to stop this...At least, I hope so." Kairi nodded, trusting her gravely injured boyfriend in Twilight's care. With no way to escape, the rest of the group stuck inside Ponyville headed to the Golden Oak Library, Pinkie still without her mouth and Riku still an infant colt. "Oh, who am I kidding? There's no way we can stop Trixie. I can't contact Princess Celestia in any way, I don't think Trixie's magical dome can make Spike send a letter from inside if my own magic and Kairi's Keyblade can't get through, and Sora's wounded and unconscious."

Twilight approached Sora, using the Cure spell she was taught to heal Sora. The magical bellflowers sprinkled green healing powder over the pegasus, healing up his injuries, but the teen still remained unconscious. She tried to wake him up, but shaking him or even slapping his face did nothing, Trixie's last attack having done a lot of damage to knock Sora out cold.

"Urgh...I need help..." Twilight looked out to the Everfree Forest, thinking that a certain zebra that lives in the dangerous forest could give some insightful advice. "Maybe Zecora can help me figure out what's going on with Trixie, and wake Sora up."

Twilight levitated Sora onto her back and walked into the Everfree Forest.

Inside of the tree hut in the dangerous forest outside of Ponyville, Zecora was busy working on her variety of potions, tonics, salves, anything that a simple medication used for colds wouldn't do with any physical ailments. The zebra examined each of the ingredients on her shelf, shaking each bottle in her hoof and taking a small whiff of the scents she thinks would be suitable for the cauldron of glowing green liquid simmering inside.

"Ah. This is just what I need for my brew," she said, taking the desired ingredients and pouring out the spices inside to mix into her newest potion. "A potion that will heal the injured as good as new."

As Zecora mixed the ingredients around to finish creating her healing potion, her front door opened up. Not expecting visitors, she turned to the entryway, finding Twilight with a worried look, carrying the unconscious Sora on her back.

"Zecora, we need help," Twilight pleaded.

"Goodness. What happened, my dear?" Zecora asked as she noticed how badly torn Sora's clothing was, even though it seemed like he wasn't physically harmed. "Place him over here."

Zecora lead Twilight to her sofa, where the unicorn levitated Sora down onto it while the zebra examined him. "I don't even know where to begin..."

Twilight began to explain to Zecora what had happened in Ponyville and why Sora was unconscious. As she retold Trixie's unknown increase in magical power and the pegasus stallion's loss, Zecora checked the teen's vitals, hearing him breathing normally. She at least got an answer as to why his clothes were torn and his body unharmed when Twilight mentioned using a healing spell Sora and his friends had taught her. She always suspected the stallion had some form of magical power emanating from him that didn't seem to be from this world.

"So, this explains his unconsciousness with no harm. But there's no need to be so alarmed." Zecora approached her table, grabbed a small cup, then walked over to her cauldron with her new potion. Seeing it was finally finished, she grabbed a ladle and poured some of the warm liquid into the cup, blowing on it to cool it down a little. "It took a while for this potion to make, but with one sip, it should be enough for him to wake."

Twilight watched as Zecora approached Sora and gently lifted his head up. She brought the cup to his lips and slowly poured the healing mixture into his mouth, his body instinctively swallowing the warm liquid hitting his tongue. As the last of it was drank from the small serving, Sora groaned and smacked his lips, opening his eyes as he tasted something that was somewhat horrid, but slowly rejuvenating his body.

"What happened? Why do I taste lime left marinated in disgusting grape flavored cough syrup?" Twilight was relieved to see him waking up, but as Sora tried to sit up, he winced and fell back on the couch, hissing in pain, his body still feeling injured even after being healed by magic and an instant potion. "Ah! Dang it!"

"Sora, are you ok?" Twilight asked in concern.

"No," he replied, forcing himself to lie still before causing anymore pain from moving. "Trixie did a number on me...That whirlwind she hit me with felt like every muscle in my body was stabbed repeatedly."

"But I used that Cure spell you and Donald taught us to heal your physical injuries, and Zecora's healing potion woke you up. How are you still in pain?" Twilight asked, only growing more confused.

"Her magic wasn't natural," Sora said. "There was something really...wrong with her attacks...and her eyes..." He looked at Twilight, her body physically unharmed unlike how he was nearly torn to shreds in a deadly tornado. "...Did you lose your duel against her?"

"No. I gave up." Sora nodded, understanding Twilight's decision. He knew she wouldn't last a minute against Trixie with the power she had now. "But, because we both lost, Ponyville's trapped under a glass dome, trapping everypony inside, and her magic's still affected everything she cast spells at."

"Which means...Riku's still a baby, Pinkie's left forever mute, somewhat, and there's no possible way anyone else can stop her." As Sora tried to sit up, fighting through the pain, Zecora came back with another filled cup of the healing liquid to help heal him quicker. He took it and sipped, his body shuddering at the taste. "Gah. My potions at least heal without tasting it in dire situations."

"I don't know if there's any way to stop Trixie now. I can't even contact Princess Celestia without Spike." Twilight wilted, feeling helpless, unable to save their friends as they remain trapped under Trixie's might.

Sora extended a hoof out to call his Keyblade to him, ignoring his body's protests, but he wasn't able to call it. He tried to focus and summon it back to him, but he dropped his foreleg, wincing from the growing pain.

"I can't call my Keyblade," Sora said, surprising Twilight. "Trixie's dome must be magically fortified, which means...not even the power of every single Keyblade in existence could stop her."

"...Then I have no choice but to train a lot and increase my magical potential," Twilight said. "If I can duel her for real this time, then I have to learn and hone every possible magic spell ever made."

"I can help you train, my friend," Zecora said. "To better help you kick Trixie's rear end."

"Zecora, you're a zebra, not a unicorn," Sora pointed out, earning a light tap on one of his hind legs from the zebra, making him wince at the light contact.

"When it comes to magic, I think it would be quite tragic if somepony licked me, especially a power hungry pony." Zecora swiped Sora's empty cup out of his hooves and poured some more of her potion into it, giving it back to the injured stallion. "In the meantime, you just drink some more of this and rest. The potion's healing properties should soon take affect."

The two mares exited the hut to begin Twilight's training, leaving Sora alone with his "medicine", the teen leering at the potion. "This is why I hate getting sick. Drinking disgusting medicine that's supposed to 'help', only to leave me with a bad taste in my mouth. When will doctors finally make medicine that helps you AND doesn't taste like something that makes me want to spit it up after a few seconds with the aftertaste?" He sulked in his seat, being mindful of his aching body. He subconsciously took a sip, licking his lips after a third helping. "...I guess it's not that bad after a while..."

Ponyville was now under the rule of the Great and Powerful Trixie, everyone forced to do whatever the "queen" desires, most of the time by force. A statue was made of her image in a couple hours since trapping the ponies in the town, banners with her face placed around every building, all while the town looked dreary with dark clouds trapped underneath the dome. At least the buildings she zapped when the unicorn walked into Ponyville again were back to normal, though she barely dispelled her other spells on a few specific ponies.

Inside the Golden Oak Library, the remaining five mares of the Elements of Harmony, Spike, and Kairi went through all of the books inside to see if there was any way to stop Trixie, or find out what caused her to gain so much power. Resting against the side of the wall were Riku's and Sora's Keyblades, both of them unable to return to their rightful owners due to Trixie's magic. While the mares and baby dragon were busy skimming through books, Riku crawled around and babbled, his attention diverting to the purple dragon. He crawled up to him and grabbed his tail, giggling innocently as he pulled Spike hard, slamming him onto the ground on his stomach.

"AGH! For goodness sake, Riku!" Spike stood up and grabbed the infant teenager, keeping him from causing more mischief. "Why didn't Trixie change him back to normal?" Pinkie popped out of a pile of books, only able to speak in grunts without her muzzle attached to her face. She was just as upset as Spike was, groaning in annoyance when she tried to talk. "...I guess I can understand why with Pinkie."

"MMM!" Pinkie grunted angrily, resenting Spike's comment.

"It's probably because she didn't want anyone to fight back against her, which explains why Kairi wasn't harmed since she doesn't know she can fight back, too." Taking a break from going through her section of books, Rarity levitated Riku out of Spike's claws, the colt giggling more as he floated in the air toward the unicorn. She looked over to Kairi, too focused on going through hundreds of books and growing worried knowing Sora was badly hurt outside. "I only hope Twilight found some way to heal Sora. We have to stop Trixie before she makes me create more of those banners of her."

"I find it a little weird that Riku isn't flying like crazy as a foal," Rainbow pointed out. "Usually, pegasus foals always fly around, and he's barely nudged his wings at all."

Riku heard Rainbow and looked down at his sides. "Well, if you give him any ideas, he's going to start flying around, Rainbow Dash."

As they kept looking, Kairi went through several more books, growing frantic as nothing she went through held the answers she needed. The next book she picked up was a book on rare artifacts, featuring the Elements of Harmony on the cover. The pink unicorn flipped through the pages, only to stop as she reached a page with a strange looking amulet she thought she had seen before. A black and red amulet with a red gem in the center, the upper part shaped like an alicorn with outstretched wings.

"...Wait...Was Trixie wearing this?" Kairi asked herself, looking through the details of this strange necklace, the picture and explanation matching what the blue unicorn wore and her incredible power. "Guys, I think I found something."

"What did ya find, Kairi?" Applejack asked, getting everyone's attention.

"Did you all notice Trixie was wearing an amulet around her neck when she came to Ponyville today?" The other mares thought about it, realizing she was wearing something aside from the black cloak. Kairi turned the book over to them, showing them the same amulet she now wore. "She's wearing something called the Alicorn Amulet, and it's a dangerous artifact that grants the wearer unimaginable power. But with that power, it corrupts the user, and the longer they wear it, the worse the corruption gets."

"So she cheated!" Rainbow exclaimed. "She's not powerful at all! She used some kind of dangerous necklace to get back at Sora and Twilight over something she caused! Let's snatch that thing off of her!"

Before Rainbow could zoom off to take the Alicorn Amulet from Trixie, Kairi dragged the pegasus back before she could leave. "It's not that simple. The only way it can be taken off is if Trixie herself takes it off. It has a magical lock that only allows the wearer to take it off willingly, though with its corruptive power, it would be impossible to do so."

Pinkie sighed and mumbled something while shaking her head, trying to say it wouldn't have been that easy with dark and enchanted accessories. "Well, that's just great."

"We need to find some way to tell Twilight and figure out a plan. But with her little glass barrier trapping us inside..." Kairi began to think of some way for them to tell Twilight, and Sora if he woke up from unconsciousness. She looked at her friends, Riku too busy flailing his hooves around while still held in Rarity's aura, her eyes stopping on Fluttershy and her butterfly cutie mark. "...If ponies can't get through...maybe some other creatures can..."

A while later, near the outskirts of the glass dome barricade, Trixie rode on her personalized chariot crafted with her magic, her number one fans Snips and Snails forced to pull it while she held a whip, snapping it to make them go faster. It was difficult for the two unicorn colts to pull the chariot not only because they weren't fit to pull something so heavy, but the fact that the chariot had no wheels, the two literally dragging it along the ground.

"Faster, you two imbeciles!" Trixie shouted, cracking the whip and making them yelp. "Somepony's set off the force field and Trixie intends to punish any fools who dare to try and escape!"

"G-Great and...Powerful Trixie, wouldn't it be faster if...we had some wheels?" Snips asked, panting heavily in exhaustion.

"Trixie does not trust wheels," the mare said.

"But, your wagon had wheels," Snails said. "That doesn't make sense."

"Are you questioning the Great and Powerful Trixie!?" Trixie shouted, cracking the whip and hitting Snails in the rump hard with it. Both colts shook their heads quickly, not wanting to suffer through any other punishment as they continued pulling the wheel-less chariot. As they reached the area where the disturbance in the glass dome was, they found a group of beavers trying to smack the barrier with a large log behind them. "What is going on here!?"

One of the beavers chittered as they pointed out to a nearby ravine where their dam was set up, unable to build it up more while trapped inside. Trixie sighed in annoyance, using her magic to lift up the dome a little bit, tall enough for the beavers to leave with their log in tow. As soon as they passed, she dropped the barrier and ordered them to head back into Ponyville, after changing her chariot to something far bigger and heavier for Snips and Snails to pull, with no wheels still.

Once the beavers got far enough away and Trixie was out of sight, the leader of the group of critters chittered and gave a thumbs up. Inside of a hole in the hollow log, Kairi squeezed her way out of the log, wearing a quickly fashioned bunny suit made by Rarity. Even though the log was big enough for her to lie in, she wasn't as limber as Riku or Sora was, stretching out her limbs and back from the uncomfortable position she was in.

"Should have found a bigger log. Thanks for the help, guys." The beavers chittered and waved good bye to Kairi, dragging their log off to their dam. "Alright. Now to find Twilight and Sora, make sure he's ok, and tell them what we found out."

Kairi entered the Everfree Forest, remembering being told that the zebra who was at Nightmare Night lived in these woods. Zecora was probably the closest pony they could have found who would be able to help Sora with his injuries. She followed the path that lead to Zecora's hut, finding it after a little bit of navigating on the safer passage through the gloomy and dangerous forest. Seeing the lights were on, she figured they were inside and approached the door. Kairi walked inside, and though she didn't see Twilight or Zecora inside, she did find Sora, awake and resting on the sofa.

"Back from training?" Sora asked, unaware of who was walking in as he stared at his empty cup. When he looked at the doorway, he was surprised to see Kairi standing there, outside of Ponyville, and wearing a hastily made rabbit suit. "Kairi?"

"Sora! You're ok!" Kairi ran up to Sora, ignoring the odd look he had and his panicked squirming turning into painful wriggling as she hugged him tightly.

"AHHH! KAIRI! LET GO! IN PAIN! VERY MUCH PAIN!" The unicorn gasped and immediately let go, the pegasus groaning as his body was filled with pain. "Ow...The spirit wants the hug, but the flesh is spongy, and in so much pain."

"Sorry," she said. "You look ok, but...that tornado you were hit by..."

"Hurt a lot more than it looked. I think rest is going to be the only thing that can help me heal for a while." Kairi sat down next to Sora, being careful not to touch him. "How did you get out of Ponyville?...And why are you wearing a bunny suit?"

"Well, for one, one of us needed to get out and tell you why Trixie was so strong. Which is why Rarity quickly made this to disguise me while Fluttershy told her beaver friends to help me escape to fix this problem." The unicorn messed with the fake rabbit ears flopping around on her head. "Ponies can't leave, but other non-talking animals can, so I thought of the plan."

"Oh...I thought this was some kind of new Halloween costume you had in mind, but it was a prototype and you made it by hand." Sora looked over Kairi's disguise, signs of it definitely being rushed and slightly ruined from her hiding in a log. "...Gonna be an interesting Nightmare Night this year with the actual finished project."

Kairi grumbled and bonked Sora on the head, sparking up his pain again. "Even while in pain, you still try to instigate me hitting you while trying to be funny."

"What about that weird dream I had before everything went crazy a couple years ago?" Sora asked, rubbing his head while not moving his foreleg too fast to induce more pain. "I wasn't joking about that, and yet you clonked me in the head."

"We didn't know everything would go 'crazy', so I think you deserved it more for being lazy," Kairi argued.

"I passed out suddenly before I had that dream, so I wasn't lazy," Sora countered.

"...We'll settle this later. Where's Twilight?" Kairi received her answer as Twilight and Zecora walked inside the hut, the lavender unicorn soaking wet.

"Kairi! You got out!" she exclaimed, though her excitement turned to confusion as she saw what the pink unicorn was wearing. "...Why are you in a badly made rabbit outfit?"

"Long story short, I got out wearing this while being lead out by beavers in a log. But, now that you're here, I can finally tell you two why Trixie is so powerful." Kairi told Sora, Twilight, and Zecora about the Alicorn Amulet and what it has done to Trixie.

"The Alicorn Amulet...I thought that necklace she was wearing looked familiar," Twilight said. "No wonder she had so much power. I know Trixie's good with magic, but only when it came to entertaining, not combat. But how am I supposed to beat her when she gains more power the longer she wears the Alicorn Amulet!?"

"Twilight Sparkle, much work have you done," Zecora said. "You learned all of my lessons; all but one. If Trixie's tricks have you in a fix, you must nix your magic and use the six."

"Wow, all she really speaks in is in rhyme," Kairi whispered to Sora.

As the non-zebras tried to figure out what Zecora's cryptic riddle meant, Sora's mind began to finally catch on with what she meant. Physically and magically taking Trixie on while she has the Alicorn Amulet on would be impossible, but even with all that power and corruptive influence, she was still the same egotistical unicorn who just gained a hunger for wanting to be more great and powerful. And with the help of their friends, it was possible they could pull it off and get Trixie to take off the amulet.

"I got an idea," he said. "In order to be a magician and her tricks, we best her with our own. Kairi, head back inside the barrier the same way you came in and tell the others this..."

The next day, Sora, Twilight, and Zecora approached Ponyville, the Keyblade wielder somewhat better as he was able to stand and move around a little without feeling much pain. Zecora's healing potion did help after a while, numbing his aching limbs and slowly heal his muscles from the devastating tornado spell Trixie shot at him. Kairi had managed to sneak back into Ponyville to tell the others of Sora's plan, everyone ready to execute their little trick to the corrupted unicorn. Twilight wore a gold necklace with a crude looking green stone made to look like an old, yet powerful gemstone.

As they stood next to the dome, Sora pounded his hoof against it to alert Trixie to their presence. A while later, they spotted the unicorn, being carried by her two colt slaves in her extravagant, wheel-less chariot. She gasped when she saw them, ordering Snips and Snails to stop as she leapt out and approached her glass wall.

"Why are you two here?" Trixie asked. "Not enjoying your exile?"

"I think our exile was more of a farce because of the Alicorn Amulet you're wearing, Trixie," Twilight said. "You cheated when fighting Sora."

"Cheating? Moi? Why I never." Sora and Twilight resisted the urge to roll their eyes as the blue unicorn feigned ignorance.

"You're an incredibly bad liar, Trixie. Though those stories of an ursa major being bested by your might seems to be more your cup of tea than anything." Trixie leered at him, her eyes glowing red in anger. "But, since I heard you and Twilight didn't really have a magical duel, I think it would be fair to have one."

"She gave up before we even started," Trixie countered. "There is no need to have a duel, knowing who's the better unicorn."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, Trixie." Twilight showed off her own amulet, touching the green gem with a hoof. "You see, Zecora gave me this special amulet that's far powerful than your measly Alicorn Amulet, and this was found deep in the heart of the Everfree Forest." Hearing that caught the blue unicorn's attention, her eyes staring at the gem gleaming in the sunlight. "Care to see which of our amulets is the strongest? Or do you deny anything that comes from somewhere as dangerous as the Everfree Forest is weaker than that worthless necklace around your neck."

"...Oh, you are in for it, Sparkle." Trixie's horn glowed, getting rid of the glass dome, freeing the trapped dark clouds and letting some sunlight in on the town. "Let's head to the square and show everypony here who's the better unicorn, and no backing out."

"Good enough for me." They soon followed Trixie, the unicorn walking back on foot this time instead of in her chariot, giving Snips and Snails a break.

As they reached the center of Ponyville, everyone noticed the dome had disappeared and saw Sora and Twilight being lead by Trixie. Already waiting for them near town hall were Kairi, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack, though Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen. Riku was held in Kairi's hooves, sucking on one of his hooves as he watched anything that interested him more than the impending magical duel that was about to take place. With the crowd ready to watch the second promised duel, the unicorns stared each other down, though Trixie seemed confident with her power.

"Alright. Let's begin with a simple age spell. Where's that stallion Trixie turned into a baby at?" Kairi stepped forward and gently placed Riku down on the ground, the colt looking up at the unicorn in confusion as he was put down. As soon as she backed away, Trixie shot the age spell at him, turning him back to his original age, his hoof in his mouth still as he regained consciousness from the confusing blankness in his memory. "An oldie, but a goodie."

Riku spat his hoof out of his mouth, looking around in confusion. "Uhh...what happened to me? And why was my hoof in my mouth?" He looked over at Trixie, remembering he was shot at by her with whatever spell she cast on him. "You! What did you do to me!?"

"Riku, calm down," Sora said, patting his friend on the shoulder and weakly pulling him back. "Twilight's got this handled. We'll tell you what happened to you later."

The white pegasus grumbled and headed back to the rest of their friends, only now noticing how tattered Sora's clothes were. "What did she do to you?"

"Like I said. Explanations later." Only getting vague answers, Riku decided to drop it until Trixie was dealt with.

"Your move, Twilight," Trixie said.

"Ok. Applejack, Rarity, would you two like to help me, please?" Applejack and Rarity nodded and stood near Trixie's statue.

Twilight charged her horn and fired a purple beam at her friends, creating a large puff of smoke that shrouded the area around the two mares. When the smoke settled, Applejack and Rarity were now fillies, the stetson on Applejack's head too big and drooping over her face. Everyone else was pretty surprised, even Trixie after she finally saw the results while she was filing her hooves. She regained her smug composure, shrugging off the spell she could easily cast.

"So you managed to perfect the age spell. Big deal," she said.

"Oh, I'm only getting started," Twilight said with confidence, shooting the fillies and turning them back into adults.

With each shot, the unicorn stood in various poses, showing off as she changed Applejack and Rarity's age. Even they posed in random positions as Rarity was switched back to a filly, standing on Applejack's back, then changing them both, Rarity back to normal and Applejack an old mare, and several more changes that got the other ponies cheering for the town librarian. Trixie was astonished, unable to fathom how she was doing all this with such ease.

"T-That's impossible!" Trixie complained.

"That's nothing!" Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash, firing a spell at the pegasus, catching her off guard.

As soon as the smoke cleared, nothing seemed to have happened, until a second pair of wings flared out from behind Rainbow. Another Rainbow Dash poked her head up, both cyan pegasi flying in the air and staring at each other, mirroring each other's movements, the duplication spell making Trixie's jaw drop.

"H-How...W-What in the...?" Trixie stammered.

"Duplication spell. Pretty simple with MY kind of amulet, and I'm barely tired." Twilight looked over at Pinkie, the pink, mouthless mare oblivious to her friend's grin. "Ever see one pony play ten instruments?"

She shot another beam at Pinkie, the smoke clearing as the party pony began to play several instruments that appeared out of nowhere, a festive polka theme being played as she bounced around the area. She was even able to play wind and brass instruments on her without the ability to use them, only baffling Trixie, and several others, more.

"No way...This isn't possible!" Trixie exclaimed, already at a loss and feeling like she's going to lose this duel.

"I got one more in mind. I can turn a mare into a stallion!" Twilight turned to Applejack, the farm pony scared out of her mind and began to flee.

She was hit by another beam, and as the smoke cleared away, standing in her place as a male version of the mare: orange coat, shorter blonde hair, more muscular than she was as a mare, shocking the audience and Trixie.

"Oh! My eyes!" Riku shouted, quickly slamming his hooves over his face. "I can't unsee that anymore! I'd rather see Sora as a girl than anything but this!"

"Hey!" Sora exclaimed, leering at his friend at the mention of the Poison Joke incident. "That was one of my ideas because of that gender swapping moment."

"I guess I can take your silence as an admission of defeat, Trixie," Twilight said, turning Applejack back to normal. "Looks like my amulet is far more powerful than-" Her amulet was suddenly snatched off her neck in a red aura, Trixie stealing the necklace despite her losing. "Hey! Give that back!"

"Hehehehehe! With this amulet, I'll be even greater and powerful-er than ever!" Twilight faked a shocked gasp, watching Trixie take off the Alicorn Amulet, getting rid of the red glow of her eyes and aura as she placed the "stronger" amulet around her neck. Their plan worked as Trixie continued to gloat. "Behold, my subjects! You are now in the presence of the most powerful unicorn in the world!"

"Not anymore!" Kairi rushed in with her Keyblade held in her aura, casting a small Aero spell that nearly struck Trixie, but managed to knock the amulet out of her hoof. Rainbow Dash flew in and grabbed it as it was flung into the air by the magical wind spell, and while the blue unicorn was distracted, Kairi punched Trixie hard in the face, sending her stumbling backwards. "That was for almost killing my boyfriend, you egocentric maniac!"

Trixie rubbed her face, glowering at Kairi. "So, you have another one of those odd looking swords like those two. Well, you'll be the first to suffer under my new power!" She fired a beam of magic, her aura turning back to its original pink color, striking Kairi in the chest. The spell did nothing to her, the pink unicorn staring blankly at the powerless magician. "W-What? Why didn't it do anything!? That was supposed to trap you in the same deadly tornado I hit Sora with!" She looked down at the "powerful" amulet, tapping on the gem as she growled in frustration. "What is wrong with this thing!? Why isn't it working!?"

"Because it's not an enchanted amulet like the Alicorn Amulet," Twilight said, approaching Trixie as Rainbow Dash placed the Alicorn Amulet in a chest Zecora held, locking the dangerous artifact. "That amulet you're wearing is just a gold necklace, the gem is actually one of Zecora's doorstops."

Twilight poked the "gem", falling off its resting place and broke to pieces as it hit the ground, only confusing Trixie more. "But, how did you do all those spells? Nopony can do all of those spells so easily!"

"Yeah, it is impossible to pull off spells like that," Sora said as he stood next to Twilight. "It's a little trick I think magicians like you call a 'sleight of hoof'." From behind the statue, the aged doubles of Applejack and Rarity and the farm mare's male clone came out from hiding, wiping off the makeup on their faces to reveal themselves as the Apple family and Sweetie Belle. "The spells Twilight shot were just smokescreens, giving those guys enough time to switch places before the smoke cleared away. And Rainbow Dash's clone is Fluttershy, with a rainbow wig and blue body paint."

The other Rainbow Dash took off the rainbow wig, revealing Fluttershy's long and flowing pink mane, waving sheepishly at them, even though she did an impressive job mimicking her fillyhood friend. "B-But that pony with the ten instruments! How do you explain that!?"

Pinkie Pie in the background was still playing her song on the instruments she had on her, having the time of her life, though her mouth still wasn't returned to her. "Yeah, that's all Pinkie Pie. She does stuff that even breaks the logical of minds."

"...How-" Sora quickly shoved his hoof in Trixie's mouth before she could ask the same question everyone who doesn't know Pinkie Pie asks.

"Don't bother asking. Even we can't figure out how she does what she does," he said. "Though, next time you have an issue between us, how about you just tell us what happened in your life instead of kicking us out, trapping Ponyville and making it in your own little kingdom, and for almost killing the two ponies who saved your life from an ursa minor? And several other threats as well?"

"...R-Right...I'm sorry?" Though most of the town didn't seem to like the idea of Trixie being let off after enslaving them yesterday, Sora and Twilight looked at each other before coming to a decision.

"I don't think an apology will be enough for giving me the worst amount of muscle pain I've ever felt in my life, Trixie." The unicorn wilted, looking away from the other ponies' glares, even Sora's. "Just keep your ego in check, stop belittling everyone when you speak to them when you have no idea how much they are capable of, and put on magical performances to entertain with the skills you have, not what you claim you have."

Trixie nodded, feeling ashamed as she now realized her actions were pretty dumb. It would probably take time to win everyone's trust in her, and she will take Sora's words to heart, even if she can't help basking in the limelight when an audience praises her.

"Can someone please tell me everything that happened now!?" Riku asked. "I don't like being out of the loop here!"

Later that evening, the ambassadors from Saddle Arabia had arrived to Ponyville, along with Celestia, to see the magical performance Twilight would put on for them. Before the time arrived, Riku was caught up on what he missed while he was an infant, even being told he was turned into a baby by Trixie's spell when he was blasted by it. He immediately regretted wondering what happened to him, embarrassed by how the other mares thought of him as a foal.

Using Fluttershy's willingly volunteered animal friends, to the pegasus's fright and dismay, Twilight's performance went by perfectly, along with some added help from the Keyblade wielders' magical fireworks shot out from their Keyblades, lighting up the night sky with a variety of brightly colored sparks above the levitated creatures. Trixie had left a while later, promising she would be a better pony and become the Great and Apologetic Trixie, the most humble magician Equestria will ever see, though the others doubted she would be humble if she keeps talking in third person all the time.

With the show ended, everyone headed to their homes to get some rest, Sora especially with his injuries acting up every so often. He trudged into the guest room at the farmhouse, leaving his clothing with Rarity for her to fix up for him while he got some rest. As soon as he reached the bed, he plopped down on the mattress, groaning with relief as his body met soft bedding.

"I am gonna be out of commission for a while. That tornado was a lot worse than getting hit by Xaldin's lance dragon's hurricane winds when he was desperate to kill me." He rolled over onto his side, burying his face in his pillow. "I think I need a vacation..."

Author's Note:

Phew. This chapter's finally done. Took a while because of my internet shutting off on me for a week, but now I'm back and ready to-

*sudden knock on door*

Hmm? Who's that supposed to be?

*author walks over to door, door bursts open, Pinkie Pie standing behind it, glaring at author*

Whoa! Pinkie!? What are you doing here!?


Uhh, what? I can't understand you because you-Oh! I forgot about your mouth!

*author runs to laptop, clicks on recycling bin*

I was wondering where that disappeared to earlier.

*author drags Pinkie's mouth out of bin, strange magic drags the mouse off the screen and flies toward Pinkie Pie, putting her mouth back in place*

Thank you! You know how horrible it is to not have a mouth!? I have no idea what Trixie was thinking! I need to eat too, you know! And maybe breathe out my mouth if my nose gets stuffy from a cold!

...Right. Just head back to Equestria, Pinkie Pie. Don't want to keep breaking the 4th wall every time.

Okie dokie loki! Bye, Codex92!

*Pinkie disappears beyond hallway*

...How did she even get here, anyway?

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