• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Xion's Second Chance

Xion let out a small groan, feeling consciousness slowly return to her. Squinting her eyes open, she expected to wake up alone in the cave with the Tree of Harmony. To her surprise, she was staring up at a ceiling made of crystal, but not jutting out from the ceiling or the walls of a cave. It was more like a room entirely made of crystal; a room out of many within the Castle of Friendship. Lifting her head up slightly, she felt a blanket that covered her shift with her movements while she had been laying on a bed since she was unconscious.

With a grunt, she sat herself up. Her body was still a bit sore and weak, but she recalled what happened that resulted in her blacking out. Lifting a hoof to her chest, the mark Chrysalis left on her is gone, only to realize that the black coat she wore was gone. Hearing the door to the room open, she looked at the doorway, where she saw a familiar filly Sora had taken in not that long ago: Cozy Glow. She was carrying a small wash basin with some warm water and a sponge, humming a little tune as she hovered inside. When the pegasus filly finally noticed Xion, she froze, surprised at first, then gave the Nobody a smile.

"You're awake!" she said. "Oh, thank goodness! Everypony was so worried about you!"

"Cozy Glow?" Xion uttered quizzically.

"You know my name?" Cozy asked.

Wincing, Xion bit her lower lip nervously. "Uh...Lucky guess?" she lied.

Cozy Glow just shrugged, placing the basin down on the nearby side table. "Well, you were in pretty bad shape when Sora brought you in," she said. "You were out cold for almost three days."

"Three days?" Xion repeated, barely fazing her when she's experienced a few days where she was almost in a coma for a week or two in the old Organization.

"Mhmm. I offered to give you a sponge bath so you don't get too grimy or dirty while you were asleep," Cozy said.

"Oh...How...thoughtful of you," Xion said, feeling awkward from the random act of generosity Sora's pupil gave. She glanced around the room, finding nothing different compared to the other similar guest rooms throughout the castle. "Umm...Where's my coat?"

"It's folded up on the chair over there." Cozy Glow flew over to the chair on the right side of the bed from Xion's perspective. The filly lifted the black coat and unfurled it. "I also washed it, too. But this looks like the same kind of coat that this bad Organization group wears that I've heard about...Are you one of them?"

"No," Xion quickly said. "I...I mean, I used to...but I hate them."

"Oh! So you're like Mr. Lea!" Cozy said. "Golly, that's a relief. He has the same coat, but he isn't bad either." Cozy flew up to Xion and placed her coat beside her. "I mean, you're not evil looking as well. You kind of look like Master Kairi." When the filly looked at Xion much closely, she squinted her eyes, giving the Nobody a confused tilt of her head. "...But...you have Sora's eyes?" Xion grimaced, subtly clutching the covers and slowly began pulling them up nervously. She didn't know whether or not anyone else could see her as something else, just like with Xigbar, or when she revealed to Roxas who she really was and who she was slowly turning into. "...You look...more like Sora..." Cozy Glow rubbed her eyes and blinked them, staring silently at Xion for a moment. "Huh. I think my eyes are playing tricks on me this morning.

"Anywho, I should tell the others you're awake. They're in for a surprise!" Cozy Glow fluttered off to find everyone else and tell them the good news.

When the filly slammed the door in her excitement, Xion let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and flopped back on the bed. She rubbed her face with her hooves, still amazed that she was still alive and in this vessel created by Chrysalis. Once her heart finally stopped racing, she sat back up and climbed out of bed, taking her coat with her as she made her way to the bathroom for a proper shower. Laying her coat against the sink, Xion took a better look at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her reflection definitely showed how she had expected she'd look as a pony: a mare similar to Kairi, but as an earth pony, short black hair, and bland gray fur similar to the color of the lesser Nobodies. Turning to the side, she half expected to have a mix between Sora's, Kairi's, or even Roxas's Keyblades as a cutie mark. Sadly, her flank was completely blank. Not even a Nobody symbol to mark her as the Organization's former puppet.

"Figured as much," she mumbled disappointedly to herself. "I really was created as a blank slate, after all..."

Ignoring the lack of a cutie mark, she turned away from her reflection and turned on the water to the shower. She jumped in once the water was warm enough and took a quick shower, she dried herself off, then put on her coat before leaving the room. Since she was a part of Sora, the layout of the castle was second nature to her, though she did wonder where everyone was right now. She thought of checking the throne room, since that was their go-to meeting place. And if they weren't anywhere in the castle, she could use the Cutie Map/Galactic Map to find everyone. She found the doors and opened them, freezing in surprise when she saw the entire group was gathered in the throne room: the Equestrians, the Key bearers, Donald, Goofy, and even Cozy Glow. They didn't notice her, and Cozy Glow wasn't able to tell the group the good news while they were in the middle of an important discussion.

"You really think Xehanort might go after her if he knows she's got a body of her own?" Sora asked Aqua.

"He's after you or Roxas, and with Xion as another part of you, possibly," Aqua said. "Besides, we don't even know how she got a body and escaped from the realm within your heart. That's the most disturbing thing I can't figure out."

"Umm, I'm sorry. I don't want to interrupt," Cozy Glow spoke up, getting the group's attention. "I know you're all really busy with important Keyblade stuff you don't want me to be involved in, but the pony you're talking about is finally awake."

Shocked at the news, Sora scrambled out of his seat, nearly falling to the ground comically as he ran up to the filly. "Xion's awake!? Cozy Glow, why didn't you say anything sooner!?"

"Because I didn't know if it would distract you," the filly said. "I was going to go get her for you when I told you the news." Sora just hung his head, unable to be mad at Cozy Glow for being a bit too polite. She turned to the door, balking in surprise when she saw Xion standing at the entrance. "Oh! There she is!"

Everyone brought their attention to Xion's presence, making her feel a little anxious. "Ummm...H-Hi?"

"Xion!" Sora exclaimed, relieved to see her awake.

He ran up to her, only to be trounced by an excited Pinkie Pie, bouncing off his back and sending him crashing to the floor while the party pony lunged for Xion. "Time for a 'Welcome to Ponyville Party~'!" she squealed.

Xion yelped, unable to escape from Pinkie's friendly pounce attack. Both mares crashed to the ground with Pinkie sitting on top of the dazed Nobody, the pink pony's tail waggling with glee.

"Should have seen that coming," Sora groaned.

"Hi, Xion! Nice to finally meet you!" Pinkie excitedly said. "Sora told us about you while you were asleep, and how we found you in the cave with the Tree of Harmony, along with some weirdly-colored logs, you're friends with Roxas and Lea, but with his Nobody, Axel, you're a Nobody, but not born a Nobody, and you look a lot like Kairi, but you have Sora's eyes, which makes no sense, but you're obviously a well-liked character in the franchise with a troubled past!"

Ignoring Pinkie's oddly random ranting, Xion grinned awkwardly, gently pushing the mare off of her. "Nice to meet you in person, too, Pinkie," Xion said.

She and Sora both got up, though the stallion was a bit sore after being used like a living trampoline for Pinkie. "Thank you for the heads up, Cozy Glow," Aqua said to the pegasus filly. "Why don't you...make some snacks for us? Xion's probably starving after being asleep the past three days."

"Ok!" Cozy flew off and out of the throne room.

"Ooh! If you're bringing chips, don't forget the dip!" Pinkie called out.

Aqua swiftly closed the doors, then dragged Pinkie back over to the crystal table. "I made up that excuse so we can get to the more serious issue at hand," she said.

"Oh. Right," Sora uttered. He approached Xion and guided her closer to the table. "We have...quite a lot of questions that need answers, Xion."

"I had a feeling," she said, willing to comply and explain everything to her friends. She looked around as Sora and Pinkie got back in their thrones, watching the curious gazes from the Mane Six, Spike, and Starlight. Donald and Goofy waved to her, and when she saw Lea, she was a little excited to finally see him again after their last encounter in Sora's heart. "Axel."

"Uhh, heheh. It's...Lea," Lea muttered sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. He then let out a sigh and shook his head. "Eh, screw it. Call me whatever you like."

Xion grinned, wanting so desperately to hug him. "My goodness. She looks so much like Kairi," Rarity said aloud.

"The resemblance would be uncanny, but she's just an earth pony," Starlight pointed out. "Sora, you said Xion was...supposed to be memories of Kairi, but...wouldn't that have meant she would have looked more like you? Or even have wings or a horn?"

Sora opened his mouth, but Xion beat him to it. "I'm...actually a puppet," she admitted. She glanced down at the table sadly, letting out a small sigh. "I was created by the old Organization as a contingency plan."

"A puppet?" Starlight questioned.

"Or a vessel," Sora chimed in. "Xion was friends with Roxas and Axel, Lea's Nobody. She was their backup if Roxas ever decided to go rogue. And she also sapped away Roxas's abilities and strength with the Keyblade while she was around him."

Xion gave a small nod in agreement, one of her forelegs reaching to grip the other. It was a horrible realization when she found out she was technically killing Roxas during that time.

"So...that meant Sora had three people in his heart," Twilight said. "Roxas, his Nobody. Ventus, whose let he let into his heart. And now Xion, who was...all the memories he had back then."

"Mhmm," Xion mumbled.

Lea let out a sigh, leaning against the tall throne belonging to Riku. "We even mentioned to the others about the migraines I was getting when memories of you came up in my head," Lea said. "I told Sora and thought Roxas might know, but just like me, he had no clue, but then the memories came back to him, too. Xion didn't want to be remembered, because she said she was responsible for causing us so much grief." He glanced at Xion, noticing her staring back at him. He let out a small laugh and a reassuring grin her way. "The Organization was much more cutthroat than her own existence causing a tear in all our relationships. If anything, Xemnas was the one who made our lives worse with what he wanted you to accomplish." Xion smiled a little, but her lips curled back into a sad frown in regret. "Besides, without the Cutie Mark Crusaders accidentally waltzing in, we probably wouldn't have found you and saved you from your depressing thoughts."

"Wait, what!?" Rarity shrieked as she, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash gawked at the red unicorn stallion in shock.

"Our sisters went in Sora's heart!?" Applejack exclaimed.

"Dude! Sora's Vanitas was in that place!" Rainbow flew out of her throne, nearly ramming Lea into the wall of Riku's throne as she got in his face. "Why did you bring them in there!?"

"H-Hey, hey, don't blame me!" Lea explained. "Blame those three girls! They overheard my private conversation with Sora, and he personally took care of their meddling!"

"Sora punishing others for meddling. How ironic," Ventus said with a smirk.

"They were safe," Xion reassured the worried older siblings. "Vanitas is still trapped in that cage of light. He couldn't hurt them. It didn't help that Scootaloo ran through and actually kicked him, but they were unharmed."

Rainbow Dash gave Lea a warning glare, then flew back to her seat. "Well, if I were in Scootaloo's place, I would do the same thing to that jerk. So, I can give her some props for that."

"Ah was wonderin' why Apple Bloom was grounded by Sora after she got home that day," Applejack muttered, giving Sora a deadly leer.

"At least it was for a couple months," Sora reasoned with a sheepish giggle.

"As fun as it is reminiscing on the past, can we figure out how Xion's here right now?" Riku asked. "I think we need some enlightening as to how she was within Sora's heart all this time, and somehow, found herself a body without Sora's knowledge."

Snapping out of their diverted conversations, everyone brought their attention back to Xion. Xion took in a deep breath, knowing there was going to be a lot of questions, and quite possibly a lot of shocking realizations.

"I don't even know where to begin," Xion said.

"That's easy! You start from the beginning!" Pinkie suggested, making most of the group facehoof at the obvious statement.

"Yes, Pinkie, that would help," Terra said. "I think she was trying to figure out how to begin her explanation."

"Oh. Right!" Pinkie giggled, then pulled out a box of popcorn from behind her seat. "Proceed!"

Xion couldn't help but laugh, needing Pinkie's silly antics to help settle her nerves. "Then the beginning it is," she said. "I guess I'll start with the obvious: why I'm here in the flesh. Well, you're not going to believe how it happened. Or who brought me back."

"'Who'?" Spike asked. "What's that mean?"

"Xehanort?" Riku asked with a scowl.

"No," Xion said. "Do you guys remember the photographer who came to the school to take your pictures?"

"The weird unicorn who had the hots for me?" Sora questioned, grimacing at the awkward encounter.

"Yeah. Turns out...that wasn't any ordinary unicorn," Xion said. "That was actually Queen Chrysalis in disguise."

Gasps rang out and wide-eyed expressions of shock were plastered on everyone's faces. Pinkie gagged, choking on her popcorn when she inhaled too deeply. She pounded her chest to cough out the infernal kernel stuck in her windpipe until it was out and panted heavily.

"That was Chrysalis!?" Ventus exclaimed. "She was right under our nose the whole time that day!?"

"How did none of us notice!?" Twilight exclaimed. "Why was she at my school!? And what did she do to the actual photographer!?"

Xion expected their reactions to be hysterical, especially from Twilight. She did wonder if Chrysalis tricked a real photojournalist and stole their identity, and if she did, were they just knocked unconscious or held captive in a green cocoon? If it's been a couple days, then they must have been found if there was no news of any missing ponies. Or Chrysalis had made up that disguise and stole a camera.

"Hold on, this doesn't make sense," Terra spoke up, silencing everyone's exclamations. "Why would Chrysalis try to sneak into her enemies' territory, outnumbered, and risk getting herself caught if her disguise failed?"

"Considering how cunning Chrysalis can be, she's mastered the element of deception for as long as she's probably lived," Aqua said. "I have no idea how old she actually is, but she's definitely good at it as long as she doesn't pretend to be someone any of us know much more than her. Besides, if she wanted, she could have attacked us while our guard is down, but with all of us together, she knew she didn't stand a chance. Without much love to steal with her exile, she wouldn't have the strength to take on one of us."

"But why did she take our pictures?" Fluttershy asked.

"There was a reason for that," Xion said. "She had a plan that she thought would have worked flawlessly. By taking your pictures, and a lock of each of your hair, she would use her magic to concoct her greatest scheme: creating copies of the Elements of Harmony's bearers, and a copy of Sora."

"Copies of us?" Applejack uttered.

"Wait. That day in the forest," Sora said. "When we were wandering around trying to find each other, we ran into doppelgangers of the girls that were the exact opposite of their Elements. I thought it was Discord who did that to mess with us, but..." What Xion said started to make sense between the campers that day. "...Those ponies were Chrysalis's creations? From our pictures?"

"And the hairs she took from each of you," Xion said.

"Wait, we didn't even run into a Sora double," Rainbow pointed out. "Where the hay was he?...Or was it another Vanitas we have to worry about?"

Xion sighed and raised her hoof, giving the rainbow-maned pegasus an annoyed look. "You're staring at Chrysalis's clone of Sora."

"S-Seriously!?" Rainbow exclaimed.

"But how was that possible?" Kairi asked. "Whatever kind of magic Chrysalis used to create those copies, she should have made some evil version of Sora."

"Or maybe Roxas, just like when Sora and I used the mirror pool," Pinkie added.

"She didn't know either," Xion said. "All I know is that I wound up there when she took Sora's picture, I was watching everything that was happening, and then I was suddenly sucked into it by some unknown force. Next thing I knew, I woke up in the Everfree Forest, standing in a peeled up stump of a tree, and was forced to accompany Chrysalis and her fake pony minions."

Aqua hummed curiously as she listened to Xion's explanation to her sudden appearance in the real world. "A spell that creates doppelgangers...By using an image of the copied person or creature and a physical sample from their body."

"I don't think I've ever heard of a spell like that," Twilight said. "What could have changed Chrysalis's spell when she tried to create Sora's clone?"

Sora recalled feeling a strange emptiness that afflicted him after the camera flashed that day. "She...used her magic to lift up the camera," he mumbled in thought. "You don't suppose...while Chrysalis was thinking about her plan, her magic must have subconsciously tried to pick a darker side of me, but it ended up taking Xion instead?"

"Sounds...impossible," Starlight said. "But if that's true, then we would have seen another you wandering around."

Suddenly, Sora's Gummi Phone rang, startling everyone with the unexpected jingle playing to alert him of a call. He pulled the device out from his jacket pocket and answered the call, where he saw Ienzo's face appear on the screen.

"Hello, Sora," the young scientist greeted. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Uhh, hey, Ienzo," Sora greeted back. "We're...kinda in the middle of something really important right now."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Maybe I should call back later?" Ienzo asked.

Sora glanced at the others as they watched him speak to Ienzo. "Uhh...Actually, maybe you might help give us some insight?"

"Sora, I doubt Ienzo might help us figure this mystery out," Lea said. "He's a young man of science, not the science in magic."

"I don't see why I can't give my personal opinion," Ienzo said. "To be fair, with the knowledge of the world you're in, I kind of wish to explore the magical sciences as well."

"Heh. You and Twilight would definitely be a match made in heaven," Sora chuckled. "Too bad she's already taken."

Twilight grumbled slightly at the teasing jab, but Ienzo laughed at the notion. "I would love to have an intellectual conversation with someone who shares the same desire for knowledge, but I'm still knee-deep in all the data from Ansem the Wise's files. There's a lot of encryption algorithms he's placed, and I'm cracking them slowly, but carefully. What exactly is happening right now in Equestria?"

"Uhh...I think it's best that you see this." Sora turned the Gummi Phone around, letting the camera view Xion for Ienzo to see. "I'm not sure if you recognize her, but...this is Xion."

Ienzo squinted his eyes as he got a look at the gray mare staring back at him, grinning nervously as she waved at him. "Hi, Zexion," she greeted, calling the young scientist by his former Nobody's name.

"...She knows my Nobody's name?" Ienzo uttered in confusion.

"She used to be part of the old Organization you and Lea were in," Sora explained. "But...she's actually a puppet. She has this form from memories from me of Kairi, but she's...also another me...If that makes any sense.

"Another you...besides Roxas?" While Ienzo pondered this, his eyes widened in surprise, as if he had just suddenly remembered something. "Wait! Something just...came to me. I DO recognize you, but...I never knew what your face looked like!"

"Great. Someone else remembers Xion and they're fine, but when I began remembering her, I get painful migraines," Lea grumbled.

"Migraines? Huh. Remembering her just felt like something that completely slipped my mind," Ienzo said. "But I do remember who she is. My Nobody, Zexion, and Even's had been working on creating replicas, experimenting with these 'puppets' as a different species of Nobody. That girl, Xion, was originally called No. i, one of the more successful replicas that became the unofficial fourteenth Organization member. And at Castle Oblivion, there was the Riku Replica that was far more superior, which we used to try to lure Sora further up the castle along with testing them for what I believe would be Xehanort's plans today."

"I recall running into that copy when I climbed up the floors of Castle Oblivion from the deepest depths," Riku stated. In Riku's eyes, the Riku Replica in question sat next to him on one of the armrests of his throne, giving a small grin with a sideways glance. "Sadly, one of the new Organization members is a replica of me, but he's more like I was when Ansem possessed me years ago."

"And all the older members that were destroyed in the past had been brought back, which means their hearts are inhabiting the experimental replicas the two of you created," Terra said.

"Right. We called it the Replica Program, though neither of us knew the outcome of it when we both 'died' back in Castle Oblivion," Ienzo said.

"With Vexen back and working for Xehanort now, he's probably having the time of his life," Lea said. "We all started forgetting about Xion when she was killed by Roxas. She was meant to replace him should he turn on the old Organization."

"...I...see," Ienzo uttered. "But, how did you create a replica for her? With all the research Even and I had done, it's a harder concept to grasp if the vessel isn't perfect to be sustained."

"Xion's new body was made out of a tree by an evil changeling queen's creepy magic!" Pinkie explained as she bounced up high, getting her face directly into the Gummi Phone's camera to block the view of everything for Ienzo aside from her every second.

"A tree!? Just an ordinary tree with some incredible magical power to give life!?" Ienzo exclaimed. "...That...is absolutely incredible! How did this creature do it!?"

"Don't get excited and try to kiss this creature for an incredible job creating a magical replica," Sora chided, turning the Gummi Phone back to so Ienzo would face him. "Chrysalis used pictures of myself, Twilight, and the girls and clumps of our hair, while she was in disguise, and created evil copies of us, but Xion took my double's place instead. Clearly, she was up to no good, and she's tried to take over Equestria. Twice."

"Pictures and hair?" Ienzo brought a hand to his chin in thought. "Pictures imprint memories after being taken. And the heart records memories, which the vessels the Organization needs to bring them back to life." Placing the Gummi Phone down, everyone continued hearing Ienzo's theories and educated guesses, along with typing on a keyboard. "Ansem the Wise had been studying the heart and their properties for years. Many of his reports were about how light and darkness affect the heart and the Heartless's attraction to the heart, but they're also a source of holding memories of all kinds." After a few more clacks, Ienzo picked up his device and pointed it to the supercomputer in Ansem's lab. On the screen, Sora saw an image of himself, along with all sorts of data on him and his heart. "This data on Sora and his memories were from his time in hibernation for a year, with notes on his lost memories being regathered by Namine. Before, he discovered there were two hearts that resided in Sora's: Roxas's and Ventus's.

"Along with their hearts, their memories resided within Sora's heart as well. He holds so many memories from his prior adventure before being led to Castle Oblivion, and no doubt he's made more and more between the time of this data up till now. This may just be a guess from my lack of Equestrian magical knowledge, but whatever spell this Chrysalis had used, or whatever her magic did, it must have dragged the other memory from his person and into a picture, A.K.A., Xion, and upon using this spell to create another Sora, there is a chance that the spell reacted differently, changing the image she captured and the lock of hair to give the vessel its DNA." While everyone grasped Ienzo's theory about the strange mishap Chrysalis had with her spell, he turned his phone back to himself. "I'd love to experiment with this idea of creating vessels, but I would need to visit Equestria one day and study the magic of that world. Assuming I'm allowed to travel between worlds, and I need a break from decoding Ansem the Wise's more heavily protected files and data."

"Ooh! I wanna know what he'll look like as a pony!" Pinkie said.

Aqua hummed, pondering over the young scientist's request. "If Chrysalis attempts to use that spell again, who knows how many more pony copies she'll try to make if she tries to build herself a new army. Ienzo, whenever you are free, just let us know and someone will bring you to Equestria."

"Great! I'm really looking forward to it!" Ienzo said with an excited grin. "I'll call soon!"

Ienzo ended the call, leaving everyone wondering how soon he'll call back to get picked up. "I hope I don't regret this decision," Aqua mumbled.

"So, now that we sort of got an idea as to how Xion replaced the fake Sora, what was Chrysalis up to?" Ventus asked.

"Well, I was found by the Tree of Harmony," Xion said. "Take a wild guess."

Twilight let out a gasp after a few short seconds of silence. "The Elements of Harmony! She was trying to take them!"

"That explains the copies of us, but how did Chrysalis know where the tree was?" Applejack asked.

"Did Xion get forced to take her there?" Fluttershy asked.

"I played dumb," Xion said. "But Twilight's clone...she knew I was faking. I'm kind of glad that she's gone."

"Well, none of us said anything to the other doubles we ran into," Pinkie said. "I ran into Twilight when I ran on ahead, and she quizzed me on the Tree of Harmony, the Elements of Harmony, all our powers-" Pinkie stopped her rambling, her smile quickly turning into a shocked frown and shrank in her seat. "Ohhhhhhh...Right. That wasn't the real Twilight...My bad."

"At least the Elements of Harmony weren't taken away," Rarity said. "Who knows what horrid acts those rude, boorish imposters of us would have done with their power?"

"...They almost corrupted the Elements." Everyone quickly looked back at Xion. She looked back at them, everyone staring at her in disbelief. The Elements of Harmony were supposed to be filled with light that was used to keep the world at peace from evil and disharmony, but to hear they could get corrupted sounded impossible. "I tried to stop Chrysalis when I was given this body, but Twilight's clone had a Keyblade just like the real Twilight's. She beat me, and Chrysalis placed a curse on me. If I disobeyed her orders, I would receive a painful shock that would paralyze me, or kill me. When she finally gathered the split up clones and we reached the tree, I was willing to give up my life if it meant keeping the Tree of Harmony safe. I unleashed all my power and fought back against the fake alicorn, knowing full well how she intended to betray Chrysalis with the Elements of Harmony instead of obeying her. I had the upper hand, but Chrysalis poured all her magic into shocking me with the curse she bore on me.

"I got double-teamed and lost. Chrysalis trusted her own creation more than the Nobody who was trying to spare her from getting stabbed in the back. As the clones got closer to the tree, the Elements began to glow a dark aura, influenced by the darkness within their nonexistent hearts." Xion looked up at the tree chandelier as her memory played back her unfortunate defeat.

The others followed her and watched as the ornaments were all playing back what had happened days ago in that cave from Xion's perspective. Everyone gasped in shock when the fakes either tried to take the Elements or did something unnecessary to Chrysalis's cause, thought Twilight was appalled seeing her clone acting so aggressively and demanding. She saw her Keyblade in the fake's aura, dim and lacking any light, and with no chain bearing any symbols, which signified how little this version of her cared for anyone except for herself. Despite being born not even a couple hours, Clone Twilight was already incredibly strong and slapped a magic beam back at Chrysalis and sent the changeling queen tumbling back from her deflected spell. To the group's relief, the Tree of Harmony reacted to the darkness and attacked the doppelgangers, snatching them in tendrils of light, and sucked the magical energy that created them out of their bodies. The melted, withering bodies made a majority of the group sick to their stomachs before they changed back into different colored logs.

"Gawrsh, that's awful," Goofy grimaced.

"So that's what those weird logs were when we found Xion," Twilight uttered.

The next moment explained how Xion survived while she was in close proximity to the Tree of Harmony and why it didn't take her life away like the clones. Luckily, they didn't hear what the tree had said to her when it observed her. Xion's new existence was already baffling enough. She didn't want anyone to think that a tree was able to speak. The tendrils then lunged into Xion's chest, tearing out and destroying Chrysalis's mark and freeing her from her torment. Lea winced when he saw how much pain Xion was in from the tendril purifying her from the changeling's curse. She'd already suffered enough in her life.

The memory faded to black when Xion passed out. "The tree spared Xion?" Lea asked.

"It must have sensed a part of Sora within her, along with sensing no darkness within her," Aqua said. She was in awe after witnessing the Tree of Harmony defending itself, and in a way neither of them had ever seen before from the sentient tree. "M really did wonders planting that tree with the Pillars of Equestria."

"But Chrysalis is still wandering around out there," Sora uttered.

"I don't think we should worry about her too much," Riku said. "I think she's finally losing her touch making great plans to take over Equestria."

"Yeah. She thrives on flaunting her power and ordering her minions to do whatever she wants," Ventus said. "With no true followers, she might not be that threatening anymore."

"We'll still keep an eye out in case she strikes again," Aqua stated. "Now, about Xion. We have ourselves another fighter among our ranks, but she's also another target for the Organization. They want Sora, or someone who is just like him in any way, shape, or form."

"So, I take it that you guys were talking about me being involved with helping the worlds and Equestria, or laying low until I've regained my strength or permanently until the war is over?" Xion guessed. The wielders silently glanced at each other, some exchanging grimaces. The Equestrians muttered random responses, unsure whether to outright tell Xion the truth or fudging it a little bit. They expected her to get upset, but Xion was still surprisingly calm about the group's collective decisions. "...I actually need a long, long vacation. I had enough of people forcing me to do what they want. So no one tell me where to go or what to hunt down."

Xion's demand was offset by the small grin on her face. "Well, that's a first: a part of Sora that isn't stubborn," Riku said, jabbing his best friend with a teasing remark.

Sora rolled his eyes, ignoring the temptation to bicker and turn their playful banter into a competition. "Then I guess that settles that discussion," Terra said. "Xion will keep a low profile from Xehanort and the Organization until further notice."

"Hey, maybe she can fill in as a substitute for the school for any of us," Rainbow suggested. "Any of us could be called by the map for a friendship problem, and it would be nuts when we're in the middle of class and we need to go help solve a serious friendship issue."

"Or help assist us in teaching the Young Six after they get to know her," Kairi added.

"How about an assistant guidance counselor?" Lea asked. "I've been slacking a bit in my training sitting around in a boring office most of the days at that school. Xion's a good listener."

"I don't mind that," Xion said. "Except for the guidance counselor subbing. I'm not taking all of your shifts."

"Oh, gee, thanks for the backup for my dull office gig," Lea sighed. "I'll make sure you get my pain and anguish memorized when I officially die from boredom."

"Hey, you have Gallus visiting you for romance advice!" Starlight exclaimed, pointing a hoof at the "brooding" stallion. "I only had one student in need of help, and that was Cozy Glow! Just once! If anypony's dying from boredom, it's me!"

"So you'll take my shifts, Glimmers? Sweet!" Lea leaned back against the throne with a cheeky grin on his face, ignoring the shocked, then frustrated look on Starlight's face.

"Oh, no you don't, you jerk! I work, you work!" Starlight exclaimed. She fired a weak magic beam at the red unicorn, making him yelp and duck the harmless beam. "And if you want to train so bad, then start running."

"Uhh, hey, Aqua!? You wanna tell Starlight not to roughhouse around the very delicate crystal map and thrones!?" Lea begged, ducking low and slowly creeping away to hide behind one of the six Keyblade wielder's thrones.

"Lea is right, Starlight. Not in the throne room," Aqua said. Lea sighed in relief, but as he relaxed, his body was suddenly flung by Aqua's aura, sending him stumbling by the throne room doors, which were opened up by the Keyblade Master's magic. On the other side of the door, Cozy Glow had a couple platters with some sandwiches on a little cart, blinking curiously at the confused stallion. "Take it outside."

"Thank you!" Starlight said to Aqua, then hopped onto the table and leapt toward Lea.

Lea screamed, his hooves fumbling as he ran in place on the slick crystal floor before finally sprinting away. "Xion, help! Best friend in trouble! Tag team! Something! ANYTHING!"

Xion watched Lea fleeing from Starlight in the halls, both of them running back and forth across the doorway with the stallion ducking or jumping over stray blasts with the mare hot on his heels. "Well, he definitely asked for it," Applejack said.

"Eh, he'll be fine," Aqua assured the group. She winced when she heard Lea let out a high-pitched squeal after a beam struck him, but bore a smirk on her muzzle. "Definitely fine."

Cozy Glow glanced at the unicorns as the chase continued outside, then back in the throne room, pushing the cart with her hoof made snacks inside, acting as if Lea and Starlight's game of cat and mouse was no big deal. "Who's hungry?"

Xion's stomach growled loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. She blushed heavily in embarrassment, but after being unconscious for a few days, it was obvious she'd be starving.

"Well, if Xion's hungry, then so am I," Sora said. He leapt down from his throne and approached the cart, ruffling Cozy Glow's mane before he snatched up one of the many small sandwiches she made. "Hope these are as scrumptious as you."

"For goodness sake, Sora, why don't you just adopt the kid if you like her that much?" Riku groaned.

Xion laughed when Sora just stuck his tongue out at his friend, then chomped down on his sandwich. She couldn't resist trying one, her stomach demanding food. Even though Lea was in a bit of trouble, she knew he could handle the likes of Starlight on his own while she filled her empty belly.

After Xion had her fill of snacks, she decided to get some fresh air and some real sunlight. She headed up to the top of the castle, relishing the bright light of the real world and the sun warming her face. It was still so surreal to her, thinking she'll one day wake up and be back in Sora's heart or finally cease to exist, but the sun's rays and the small wind blowing through her fur and mane proved her wrong. She sat on the edge of the roof, just admiring the view of Ponyville and the land as far as she could see for the entirety of the day. It was cathartic for her ever since Roxas brought her up to the train station's clock tower in Twilight Town. Watching the denizens going about their days while the sun set was always such a calming sight for Xion after a stressful day. At least now she didn't have to imagine random people with blurred faces to give the illusion of a real city in Sora's heart.

"Thought I'd find you up here." Xion turned around as she heard Lea's voice. As he slowly approached her, Xion noticed several scorch marks over Lea's clothes, face and neck, even his hair was singed in places. She stifled her laughter, seeing Starlight had gotten quite a lot of good hits on him. Lea stood by the edge beside Xion and sat down with a sigh, sitting in his usual lackadaisical way as a human. "Thanks for helping, by the way. Great teamwork," he stated while seething with sarcasm.

"Sorry," Xion giggled. "I thought you could handle it."

Lea let out a huff, but he couldn't hold back his grin. "Well, I am stronger than her. I had to go easy and let her hit me several times." Xion shook her head slightly, taking Lea's claims in stride. She knew Starlight was powerful, even when she doesn't have a Keyblade like they do. "So, did you just sit up here all day? Not a fun start for your vacation."

"I still think this is too good to be true," Xion said. "I have a body, I'm no longer in Sora's heart. I feel like I'm still dreaming and I'm afraid to wake up." Lea glanced at Xion when she suddenly went quiet, only to be caught off guard when she practically dove at him and hugged him tightly. Her body began trembling with silent sobs after a moment of silence. She was afraid to let go, burying her face in Lea's side as her tears smeared into his black coat. "...This is real..."

Lea felt bad for Xion. Her life had been nothing but misery ever since she was created. The Organization used her just like they used Roxas, all the while pitting them against each other to see who was Sora's superior Nobody. A part of her existence survived in Sora's heart, but left as a repressed memory that didn't want to exist anymore. And now that she's found a purpose for living again, she was afraid of losing that hope of having that life after being forcefully brought back by a magical spell cast by Queen Chrysalis. Lea, as Axel, even had his moments where he questioned Xion's friendship and who she was to him and Roxas, attacking her and knocking her unconscious to take back Xemnas's experimental puppet despite her numerous attempts at fleeing from the Organization. Even as the memories had returned to him, that pain from his loss and forgetting she ever existed hurt all three of them, Xion especially.

He held Xion tightly to him, his face scrunched up as tears welled in his eyes. "...Yeah...This is real," he agreed, pulling Xion closer. Lea was glad to see Xion again, both within Sora's heart and in the real world, even if her body was crafted from a tree. But he was also guilty for his actions against her compared to the fun times he, Xion, and Roxas had during their rest from a hard day's work in the Organization. After holding each other for several moments, Lea gently pat Xion on the back, clearing his throat as he tried his hardest not to emotionally break down. He had to be Xion's rock for Roxas now. "Uhh, jeeze. Darn allergies." He let go of Xion, quickly rubbing his eyes with the back of his sleeve, erasing any evidence of his misty eyes. Xion pulled away as she looked up at Lea, her cheeks matted with tears, smiling slightly as she watched him try to put on a brave face. Lea sniffled a bit, then quickly cleared his throat as he rubbed his face. "Bad timing."

"Right. Allergies," Xion said with a small laugh.

She wiped her own eyes with her coat's sleeves while Lea managed to compose himself. "Goodness gracious, great balls of fire," he groaned aloud comically. "All this emotion's bothering my sweet tooth." Digging into his coat, Lea pulled out two familiar sticks of ice cream. Using his magic aura, he levitated one of them in front of Xion while the other remained in his hoof. "Bet you're dying to sink your teeth into one of these again."

Xion nodded and accepted the sea-salt ice cream. She took a bite, tasting the real salty, but sweet flavor the pale blue frozen treat left on her taste buds.

"Just as I remember," she mumbled, savoring the cold snack as her bitten piece melted in her mouth.

Lea nibbled on his with a smile, memories of the trio hanging out and goofing around on Twilight Town's clocktower coming to his mind. "Yup. Almost perfect," he said. "All we need is Roxas and it'll be like the good ol' days."

Xion paused as she was about to take another bite. She forgot about Roxas. He must have been worried sick when he couldn't find her within Sora's heart.

"Was...Roxas worried?" Xion asked.

"...Uhh...I'm sure he was," Lea said. "I don't really have any way of talking to him. Just Sora. If he knows you're fine, then Roxas knows, too."

Xion let out a sigh, slightly relieved, but still feeling a bit guilty for being whisked away out of the blue. Looking down, she ran a hoof along her body. Though this was a vessel she occupied, this body was made from magic. After watching the clones wither away as the Tree of Harmony drained their dark hearts from their fake bodies, she dreaded to know if she had a time limit and if she used any of her magic, it would slowly kill her. She didn't know if the Tree of Harmony freed her from that prospect after destroying Chrysalis's curse, but she didn't want to die in that gruesome way. It didn't help that she ended up shifting in her armored Nobody form to stop Clone Twilight. If she pushed herself too far, she might never get the second chance at life she never knew she could get.

"...Axel?" Lea was snapped out of his thoughts and turned his head to Xion, already finished his ice cream as he held the stick in his teeth. "...If it's possible...Will Ienzo figure out how to make a new vessel?"

Lea hummed curiously, then pulled the stick out of his mouth. "I know he's a smart kid. Might not take him long if we asked. Although, Vexen was the one running that project on his own. You want Roxas to come back so soon?"

"I do. But...I meant for me." Lea raised a brow at Xion's words. "This body was made from magic. I'm afraid it won't last forever. And if it does, I don't know if my heart will find its way to Sora if this body withers away."

"Oh. Right. There was that when those copies were...drained..." Lea shuddered as he was reminded of the fake Mane Six turning into drained and withered husks before turning into logs. "We'll have to see if Ienzo can pull it off. We've already lost you once. I'm gonna make sure I keep you memorized for good and you stay with us forever." He pointed a hoof to his head as he grinned at Xion, giving her his usual quirk when he wants someone to remember his wise words of wisdom. "Got it?"

Xion smiled and nodded her head. She went back to eating her ice cream before it melted and continued staring at the landscape as the sun disappeared on the horizon. If there was no way of finding her a new body in time, she was going to try to spend as much time as she could with Lea and make up for lost time with him, just like she did with Roxas. Xion was no longer going to be a tool for anyone's evil gains, or a Nobody without a heart or a heartless puppet with only one purpose; Xion was her own person, with a heart of her own that she had found for herself thanks to Axel and Roxas as her best friends.

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