• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Monstropolis (Part 3)

Carefully traversing through the halls, Mike and Sulley led the way while Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Ocellus followed. Boo sat on Ocellus's back again, enjoying another leisurely ride with her "Horsey" friend. On the surface, she seemed fine, but Sora could tell Ocellus was still upset and scared. There was also the immediate loss of her fighting prowess and magical skills back in that last ambush that needed to be addressed and resolved before something worse happens.

"Hey, Ocellus, you doing ok?" Sora asked.

The changeling hesitated, glancing away from him. "...A-A little, I guess," she said.

"Are you sure?" he asked. Ocellus's ears drooped as she lowered her head. She was a terrible liar, something that easily made her stand out in disguise in the past. Sora decided a little talk would probably help, stopping the changeling, then picked up Boo and gently placed the little girl on the ground. "Sorry, Boo. We need to have a little big monster talk. Why don't you play with the blue 'Mike Wazowski' for a little?" Despite being disappointed her fun ride ended too abruptly, Boo giggled and ran on ahead and began bothering Donald. As funny as it was, Sora knelt down in front of Ocellus, focusing on her problems more. "You can tell me what else is bothering you. I want to help."

Ocellus remained silent. Sora really wanted to help the new apprentices with some advice from him, but their reluctance and their stressful run-ins with danger made it impossible to get them to listen. Jiminy climbed out of Ocellus's saddlebags and hopped onto her head.

"We won't judge you if you're scared," Jiminy assured. "And Aqua will understand if we have to end your first venture to another world short. Key bearers don't have strict rules in failure like a normal school does."

"Donald and Goofy also told me you had some trouble back there," Sora added.

Ocellus winced slightly, clearly mentioning her lack of self defense that she couldn't explain, especially her magic, which was her best skill as a wielder. As scared as she was to want to tell Sora and Jiminy how she was truly feeling after tonight, she only hoped they both really wouldn't judge her, or disappointing all of her teachers.

"...Why was I chosen?" she asked. Confused, Sora tilted his head at her question. He thought she was talking being picked to go next to a new world, but from the solemn frown and gaze, and a similar question asked by Gallus and Smolder, he had a feeling he knew where she was going with her angst. "Why did it have to be me?"

"...Ocellus, what do you mean?" Sora asked.

Slowly lifting a hoof, Ocellus summoned her Keyblade. "Why did I have this kind of potential?" she questioned. "Why not some other changeling who actually knew how to fight?"

"Uhhh...Well..." Sora stammered as he tried to think of an answer. There were times in the past where he wondered why he was chosen to be a Keyblade wielder as well, but despite those lingering questions, he had a purpose for wielding his Kingdom Key through his journey while finding Riku and Kairi. "...I...don't really know why. Maybe it's fate that you were chosen. It shows with your shapeshifting and mimic fighting styles."

Ocellus stared at Shapeshifter, her "unique" Keyblade that came to her after making that one important decision with Aqua. "...Fate...Is it really fate if Master Aqua gave me a choice?" Taken aback, Sora forgot that Aqua had given the Young Six the choice to become apprentices at the ruins of the princesses' old castle a thousand years ago. They may have all sensed that potential in their hearts to become the next generation of Keyblade Masters, but with the dangerous threats from Xehanort and his new Organization, enlisting new wielders would have been risky. Regardless, they all agreed for Aqua's sake, including Ocellus. "I hesitated when the others didn't...She even told me that it was ok if I didn't want to go through with this, but I did it anyway."

Stunned, Sora and Jiminy looked at each other, then back to the morose changeling. "...You mean...Are you regretting your decision that day?" Jiminy asked.

"...Maybe a little," Ocellus mumbled, dismissing her Keyblade as she stared at the floor.

"But you've been so eager to learn, even with physical combat, and that was the biggest hurdle you had to leap out of all the training," Sora said. "If you didn't want to, then why did you agree and accept the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony?"

Ocellus shut her eyes, trying her hardest to hold back tears. "Because...I didn't want to be left out by my friends," she whimpered. Her body shook, dreading the look of shock on Sora's face that would quickly turn into disappointment and ridicule. "When the school got shut down because of me, and we had to go back home...I didn't want to be apart from them. I-I...I didn't..." Her tears seeped from her clenched eyelids and stain her cheeks. "...I didn't want to be alone anymore. I want to feel useful, but I'm still just as much of a burden as a Key bearer when we used to be evil! I can't control my body when I fight, and now I've lost all of my magical power! I-I-I...I'm just a worthless grub!"

She sobbed, rubbing her hooves across her face to wipe the endless flow of tears streaming down her cheeks. Sora was stunned silent. He never knew Ocellus had hidden such a deep, overwhelming amount of pain in her heart. She was as shy and sensitive as Fluttershy was when he first met her, and she had been looked down by the other changelings just like Thorax when Chrysalis had been in charge. As much as he wanted to know just how rough her life was before they met, Sora didn't want to upset her more than she already was, on top of being terrified and burdened by her failing prowess.

Inching himself closer to the crying changeling, Sora wrapped his arms around Ocellus, hugging her tightly. Her hooves immediately latched around his waist as she buried her face into his chest. He silently held her, unsure if any words to help soothe her sorrow would help her and reassure her that everything would get better for her with the company she has now. It took a moment for her to calm down slightly, but Sora didn't want them to fall too far behind and worry the others. She let go of him, sniffling slightly as he gave her head a light rub with Jiminy perching himself on her shoulder.

"Ocellus, you're not worthless," Sora said. He dug into his jacket pocket, pulling one of his old Elven Bandannas to help dry Ocellus's tears. "None of us would ever treat you differently, whether you could help us protect the realm of light, succeed at the School of Friendship, or whatever else you want to do. Your friends wouldn't be your friends if they didn't think of the same idea of running away to be together like you."

"But...But I crashed into the-" Ocellus's weak protest died in her throat as Sora wiped some more stray tears trickling down her face.

"It was an accident, and thankfully no one got hurt," Sora reassured. He gave her the bandanna, letting her keep to soak up her tears. "No one but Neighsay was the only one who blamed you for something we know you didn't mean to do. You're really smart, and a quick learner. I know you're not messing up on purpose, but I think you're holding yourself back unintentionally."

"She is?" Jiminy asked curiously, gently patting the side of Ocellus's head as she silently stared at Sora.

"It's just a wild guess, but I believe it makes sense," Sora said. "Back in the main lobby to before we got split up, you seemed to be doing pretty well by yourself much better than Gallus or Smolder had while we backed them up. You were clearly nervous going inside, but ever since we met Mike, Sulley, and Boo, especially Boo, you seemed really confident in fighting despite the enemies we were up against weren't the Heartless."

"...M-Maybe," Ocellus mumbled.

"But after we got separated and Vanitas found you, you're locking yourself in flight rather than fight from fear, and that self-confidence in yourself seemed to have affected your abilities to fight. Or even use magic." As Ocellus blew her nose, she wondered if she really was holding herself back all this time. Her first real battle was against Luxord when Aqua couldn't focus enough to defend her and her friends, and they acquired their Keyblades to help defend her instead. When the others failed from facing a veteran fighter with cards and magic, seeing them and her master in trouble drove her to fight back for them, turning the tables on Luxord and beating his own game. She didn't feel like she was struggling when she was worried about Boo's safety. She was just a little girl and she needed someone to protect her from the bad monsters that were scaring her. "I'm not exactly an expert on magic, or even unicorns and changelings, but if the two are kind of similar in certain ways, maybe your unique abilities as a wielder are tied to how you're feeling."

"If that was true, then how was it that she was able to copy Vanitas and land a strike on him if she was too terrified by his presence to escape?" Jiminy asked.

Sora tried to come up with a logical response, but his theory didn't make sense with the "fight or flight" reaction she made if she was afraid of Vanitas. "...I'm...not sure," he mumbled. Shaking his head, he focused on Ocellus and what she wanted to do. Sadly, even with his thoughts on her mysteriously wavering prowess, she was still visibly upset and disappointed in herself for being pressured by everyone to go down this route as a future warrior of light. "Ocellus, do you want to keep trying and stay as an apprentice? Or...do you not want to do this anymore and continue learning at the School of Friendship?"

More tears welled in her eyes. Ocellus didn't want to give up after getting this far, but she thought she was way in over her head at the rushed decision to become an apprentice just to stay close to her friends. She felt like she failed Sora, Donald, Goofy, Aqua, and her friends, and it only made her feel worse knowing she really was just a helpless burden to everyone around her.

"...I-I...I just...w-want to go home," Ocellus whimpered.

Letting out a sad sigh, Sora rubbed the changeling's head, understanding her decision. "Ok. We'll get you back home," he promised. "When we find a way back to the main entrance, we'll head straight back to Equestria. Just stay close to us until then. Ok?"

Ocellus nodded, dreading the meeting she would have with Aqua, or any of her other superiors. "Sora, come over here, quick!" Goofy called out, sprinting down the hall toward them in a panic.

"Goofy? What's up?" Sora asked.

"There's a fire spreading all around the factory!" he exclaimed, startling Sora and Ocellus.

Worried where the source of the fire was coming from, Sora quickly ran on ahead. Ocellus followed him and Goofy, not wanting to linger too far behind and risk having Vanitas catch up to her. Racing down the corridor, they made it outside to a walkway that oversaw the power plant of the factory. Scattered throughout the power plant, plumes of smoke floated into the sky as raging fires were burning around the different stations and could cause catastrophic damage to the energy grid. Down the walkway, they found Mike, Sulley, Donald, and Boo watching the inferno, and further down near one of the sources of the fire, they could see Unversed through the flames, along with what was causing the fires: Flame Cores.

"Oh, this is just getting worse and worse by the minute!" Mike exclaimed in anxiety.

Above them, a helicopter flew overhead, shining a spotlight down on the destruction, blinding the group slightly as it hit them for a brief moment. "W-What's that?" Ocellus asked. "Another Gummi ship?"

"Not exactly," Sora said.

"The CDA must have noticed the fire," Sulley said. "If those flames get near any of the reactors-"

"Nope! I don't want to hear the end result!" Mike interjected. "We need to put those flames out now!"

"What's the 'CDA'?" Donald asked.

"It stands for 'Child Detection Agency'," Sulley answered. "If monsters came in contact with human kids' toys or if they slip into our world, they're called to decontaminate the area. I highly doubt their fully equipped to deal with these Unversed and Heartless things compared to a harmless human child."

"If they can contain the fires, then we can contain the rest," Sora said.

The group raced down the fenced in walkway, leading down to one of the rooves of the many power stations. Flames had already scorched sections of the building and threatened to spread further throughout the factory. The helicopter that passed overhead hovered over the roof they were on, some ropes tossed down and hang nearly an inch away from the ground, along with monsters wearing yellow radioactive suits sliding down them onto the building. Each monster was hard to tell their appearance under their suits, but they were all clearly different physically from size to the amount of limbs or eyes. While a couple of them went to control the fire, one of them ran over to the group.

"Stand aside," he warned. "We'll get this fire out, pronto." A sudden explosion near one of the CDA agents knocked them away, a Spiked Turtletoad stomping out from the blast and began attacking the agents. The agent who went over to warn the group pulled out his radio and pressed the speaker button. "Code 72-16. Unidentified life-form sighted."

"We'll handle them!" Sora said, running forward with his Keyblade in hand.

Donald and Goofy rushed over to help Sora as more Unversed appeared to cause trouble. "Come on, Mike," Sulley said, the cyclops monster giving him a nod in response.

The CDA agent was a bit concerned with civilians dealing with the unknown life-forms, but as he watched Sora, Donald, and Goofy expertly take care of them, he turned to Ocellus and Boo. "Huh? Is that the same child that caused trouble here not that long ago?"

Boo huddled next to Ocellus, scared of being taken away from her monster friends. Flames suddenly shot out near them as a Flame Core popped out, incinerating a segment of the roof. It launched itself at the CDA agent, sending him flying back with a grunt with his suit thankfully being fireproof as well. As it turned to look at Boo and Ocellus, Boo whimpered and hid behind the changeling. As upset as she was for wanting to quit being a Keyblade wielder, she didn't want Boo to get hurt. Summoning her Keyblade, she stared down the Heartless, watching it float as the flame on its head began growing, both in size and heat. Its body suddenly erupted into orange flames and lunged itself toward Ocellus. Startled, she aimed her Keyblade, feeling Boo wrap her arms tightly around one of her legs in fear, and clenched her eyes.

"W-Water!" she shouted. Her spell worked without a hitch, covering herself and Boo in a temporary barrier of water, shielding them from the incoming Flame Core while also dousing out its burning body. The water shield then shot forward, spraying the Heartless and sending it flying back, slamming it against the side of a ventilation shaft, drenched and dazed as it slumped to the ground. Shocked, Ocellus looked at her Keyblade. "...B-But...how did I...?"

Hearing the CDA agent groan, Ocellus discarded her strange and unexplainable reasons behind her abilities. With her magic working again, assuming it still was, she dug into her bags and pulled out a Potion. She tossed it up toward the monster, letting it spread over him to heal him. No longer in pain, the agent got back up, confused, glancing back at the changeling and little human girl. Seeing her with a similar weapon to Sora's, she didn't seem to need much protection.

"...I'll just...focus on helping put out the fires," he said before rushing off to help his fellow CDA agents contain the numerous blazes.

While the CDA hurried to get water hoses to kill out the fires, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Mike, and Sulley continued taking out the Flame Cores and the Unversed trying to protect them. Thankfully, Ocellus didn't need to fight more, but she still didn't know why she was able to fight perfectly well one minute, then suddenly lose all that skill in the next. She's still upset about what she admitted to Sora, but if her fighting is tied to her emotions, how was she able to protect herself and Boo then? Despite all of these conflicting questions, she's made the choice to quit, much to her own overwhelming disappointment.

Once the threat was taken care of, the CDA got the hoses and began spraying down the fires along the roof. After containing this blaze, they hurried off to get the rest of the fires, making sure to steer clear of the Unversed and Heartless and leave them to Sora's group and the two new owners of Monsters Inc. The group continued on their way, running as fast as they can to help quell the fires and save the plant from a catastrophic explosion.

Through more outer walkways connected around the buildings, they climbed higher and higher up, taking out more foes along the way that impeded the CDA's work. With how massive the section of the power plant is, it was going to take them quite a while to make it back to the door vault. Ocellus carried Boo on her back, leaving the fighting to the others while she focused on trying to protect her. She mulled over Sora's thoughts about her combat and magical prowess as a Key bearer, but she still couldn't believe that was the actual logical reason. Throughout her training, she was a bit nervous on showing off what she could do whether in front of Aqua alone or with her friends present. Whenever it came to magic training, she was very eager to learn and successfully casted each new spell without any issue. Her first real encounter was nerve-wracking, but the moment Boo was in trouble, she fought without any hesitation, nerves, or even fear. She glanced back at the little girl riding on her back, currently looking content where she was as she watched her friends fight back the scary monsters.

Even though she was no longer the love-sucking parasite the changelings used to be, they were still able to sense love from or around others without a need to feed. She was clearly attached to Mike and Sulley, including her after meeting not that long ago. She may be a child, but she's pretty smart for her age, and Ocellus would never forgive herself if a little girl like her was frightened or harmed by the Unversed or Heartless. Keyblade wielders are meant to protect the light, along with those unable to defend themselves from darkness. Though still struck with fear from Vanitas, she had somehow managed to protect Boo from that Flame Core despite having lost the confidence within herself to take on this responsible role.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when the group had climbed up a walkway leading near the top of a reactor, coming to a stop near the edge where a long drop back down to building with an open roof. It was a pretty steep drop, too. Luckily, there was a crane nearby that had its pulley dropped down several feet from the floor of the storage building, making it safe for the others to slide down safely. Mike, Sulley, Donald, and Goofy slid down the crane's rope while Sora just leapt forward and dove down, to the monsters' shock, but he landed safely without hurting himself.

"How talented is that guy?" Sulley asked curiously.

"A jack of all trades," Goofy said.

"But a big blabber mouth," Donald added with a snicker.

Ocellus followed Mike, Sulley, Donald, and Goofy down toward the building, feeling Boo wrap her little hands around her neck as she descended slowly enough to not startle her. Sora gave the group a thumbs up, ensuring the coast was clear as they reached the bottom. Outside of the building, however, there was another fire source burning the area. Flame Cores popped out from the burning ventilation units and grated vents, only this time, more Heartless appeared to help cause trouble, from Soldiers and Large Bodies to Vermillion Sambas to add more fire to the fire. There were some water pipes farther back that ruptured, leaking water, but barely dousing out the flames blocking the doorway to another section of the power plant.

"Oh man, this blaze is the worst!" Sora exclaimed.

"Let's snuff them out!" Sulley grunted.

Ocellus stayed back and let the others take care of the Heartless while she watched Boo. She held her Keyblade as a precaution, but luckily, the Heartless seemed more attracted to Sora since he's a much bigger threat to them compared to her. The fire was slowly spreading and needed to be put out. She took aim and cast Water again, splashing and extinguishing the flames nearby. Her magic really did return and didn't backfire on her. Boo babbled something and made sputtered splashing sounds, almost like she was helping put out the fire with Ocellus. A small smile crept on her muzzle as she continued helping quell the blaze, her little helper pointing out any new fires or Sambas and Cores to take out.

In no time, the ambush was dealt with and the fire was fought. "Ok, shouldn't be much farther," Mike said. "This way, guys."

Just as they were about to walk toward the entrance into the next building, a blue tank suddenly began to spark and crackle with electricity dangerously. "Look out!" Sora called out.

Everyone quickly fled from the tank, getting knocked back as it blew up, causing some of the pipes above the walkway to blow up as well. That explosion sent pieces of metal and debris crashing in their path, also causing the large blue pipe that leaked water earlier to creak as it began to fall apart, too. They got up and quickly ran before the catastrophic domino effect brought down the area, the pipe slamming down on the roof, but luckily, that was the last thing that broke apart. Looking back at the now barred off doorway, Mike groaned in frustration.

"Oh, great. Now we're really stuck," Mike grumbled.

"There has to be another way," Sora mumbled. "Unless there's another random door sitting around here."

"There must be. Lemme think," Sulley muttered.

While the monster wracked his brain to see if there was another way they could go to reach the vault, Boo looked at the broken water pipe. Bouncing up and down on Ocellus's back, she got the changeling's attention and pointed to the pipe and an opened passage where the pipe led into.

"Through...there?" Ocellus asked.

The others looked to see the gap between the buildings the water pipe ran through. "...If I'm right about where that pipe goes..." Sulley grinned, snapping his fingers. "Of course! It's perfect! Good thinking, Boo!"

Boo giggled, though the others were a little confused by the little girl's discovery. "Wait, we're going through the pipe?" Ocellus asked.

"Sulley, that pipe leads to the cooling tank," Mike pointed out. "That's going to take us farther away from the door vault."

"Relax, Mike. Trust me on this." Sulley walked on ahead, climbing up on the top of the broken pipe.

The others followed the big monster as they carefully walked up the slope the pipe was angled. The pipe was busted open from the explosion, the water completely drained out from the blast, but Sulley jumped down and walked into the pipe. They continued following him through the pipe, leading them into the empty cooling tank. From above, a Spiked Turtletoad dropped down with its bloated self, sporting a few Flowersnakes on its shell along with a few more that popped in front of the giant amphibious tank. At least there was no water that they could poison and possibly contaminate the water supply throughout the factory. Avoiding the poisonous sludge and the Turtletoad's wild, flailing tentacles and bloated bouncing, Sora, Donald, and Goofy slayed them with no serious injuries to anyone present.

Sulley ran over to a set of barricades set up near the huge tank's wall, which blocked up a huge hole that wasn't caused by a sudden explosion from the spread out fire. Hefting the barrier out of the way, Sulley opened up the way, leading outside of the tank and just outside of the main factory, including the massive building containing the door vault.

"Huh. Well, I'll be darned," Mike uttered.

"See? What did I tell ya?" Sulley said to his skeptical friend.

The cyclops monster chuckled, approaching his friend and giving him a light pat on his beefy arm. "Nice thinking. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you actually ran this place."

"We're one step closer to getting Boo back home," Goofy said.

Dropping down from the nearby lift, they rounded the corner, only to be shocked by another fire that blazed a wide section of the floor. There was a small metal walkway that went over the fire, but the placement of this random "bonfire" was a bit pointless for the Flame Cores to create.

"I think the CDA can handle this one just fine," Sulley said.

"Just as long as there's not anymore fires on the buildings themselves, I'll be ok," Mike sighed, ignoring the fire as he climbed up the steps and passed over the blaze.

Making it safely across and out of the proverbial frying pan, they approached a large entrance leading back into the door vault. Before they took one step inside the corridor, the group paused when they saw a strange trail of black goop heading further inside.

"What's with this weird slime trail?" Donald asked, feeling grossed out from the moldy black color.

"If the janitor's a slime monster, they really need to change their profession," Sora joked.

"We have a few slug monsters that work here, but none of them were big enough to leave a trail like this," Mike said.

Avoiding stepping on the still wet slime trail, the group continued onward. Ocellus hovered in the air, getting a really bad feeling about the mystery ooze. It didn't leave a lingering, pungent, or noxious odor, but she sensed something about the ooze that made her skin crawl. Even Boo seemed a bit nervous as she clung onto her neck. Trying their best to ignore the ominous slime, they went up a small flight of stairs, now on the ground floor of the winding conveyor rails several stories above with thousands of doors swinging down to their assigned destinations. The trail had somehow stopped just shy of a wide, empty space that could be used to hold some equipment as a storage space. Near the entrance that leads to an elevator shaft, Ocellus gasped and froze in place. Leaning at an angle a few yards away from the passage was the same odd device Randall tried to use on them earlier.

"H-How did that get here?" she uttered.

"Huh?" Sora looked back at Ocellus, then to the device she was staring at. "What the heck? Wasn't that thing back in the manufacturing area?"

"Eh, who cares? Even if Randall found a way to carry that thing up here, it's still not gonna work," Mike said.

"Oh, you should care, Wazowski." Walking out from behind the device and revealing his camouflage, Randall approached them with a smug grin.

"Randall, will you just give it a rest?" Sulley asked, getting more annoyed by his old rival's sudden appearances more than ever.

"Haven't you learned anything from your pile-of-junk fiasco?" Mike teased.

Instead of getting angry like the smaller monster expected, Randall kept his smirk, gesturing to his device as he stepped aside. "Oh, I learned a lot."

Mike blew a raspberry, making his way over to the device. Ocellus noticed Randall crawling up to the top of one of the fenced walls. She then heard Boo let out a startled cry and hide behind her head. When she looked back at the device, her eyes widened as the Unversed symbol had appeared on the once blank hood.

"I-It's an Unversed?" Ocellus uttered. She looked around, fearing Vanitas might be nearby. If this "machine" really was active, there was no way any of them could protect themselves with Boo caught in the middle. She levitated Boo off her back and set her safely near some bins around the corner outside of the nearly empty area. "Boo, stay right-" The moment she let the little girl's feet touch the floor, a magic barrier sprang up, blocking the way they just came from and the entrance to the elevator. She quickly glanced up and saw the opening was also barred off by the same barrier, preventing anyone with the ability to fly, like her, from escaping. "Oh no..."

"Mike, something's different about this thing!" Sulley warned his friend.

"Oh, please. It's just more junk," Mike assured.

Randall laughed at the cyclops' ignorance, getting Mike's attention as he scowled at the lizard monster. While Mike had his back turned, the others gasped as black, oily ooze began to seep out of it. Most of it was getting swallowed by it as it took the form of a monstrous, blob-like form. Mike slowly turned around when he heard the slime sloppily form, jumping back in shock as he backed away from the creepy monstrosity. The hood of the Unversed symbol sat on its forehead, canisters jutting out from its sticky, dripping body, a pair of long limbs that flailed out of its body, and a gaping maw that opened and roared as it revealed its red eyes and inner mouth. Sora, Donald, and Goofy quickly rushed forward with their weapons drawn, being cautious as they had no idea what this Unversed was capable of.

"Finally. This is exactly what I need to take over this company," Randall uttered to himself, leering down at Mike and Sulley. "But first, I am getting rid of you two. Once and for all."

"This is bad," Sulley mumbled. He gasped, almost forgetting about Boo. He looked around frantically, but he relaxed a bit when he saw Boo poking her head around the corner, hiding and thankfully out of harm's way. Thankful for Ocellus's quick thinking, he could focus all his strength on the monstrosity before them. He joined up with Mike, helping the monster back up on his feet as he crawled back and away from the Unversed. "Come on, Mikey. Time to reach down and let the scary out."

Snapping out of his shock, Mike nodded, smacked his cheeks to get himself focused and prepare to fight the Unversed. "Oh, I'm ready, Sulley."

The Unversed shuddered as it thrust its arms into the ground. Shooting up around them, six ooze-like arms appeared and began swinging away. Five of them each went after one of the fighters while the last one aimed for Ocellus. Ducking and avoiding getting smacked, Ocellus flew away from the ooze hand, calling her Keyblade in reaction to protect herself. While Sora, Donald, Goofy, Mike, and Sulley were distracted by an arm, the Unversed set its sights on the changeling. The moment she turned around, the Unversed lunged forward and rammed into her, slamming her into the fenced off wall.

Hearing Ocellus cry out in pain, Sora slashed off the black oozed hand blocking his path. "Hey, fight us, you giant lump of tar!" he goaded. The Unversed slowly turned and began moving toward him, only to rush forward just as fast as it did to Ocellus. "Ok, maybe not that quickly!"

Sora managed to dive out of the way, though Donald and Goofy weren't so lucky. Too distracted by their own hands, the Unversed rammed through them, absorbing its own slime hands and sent the knight and mage stumbling back into the magical barricade trapping them with the Unversed. It rounded back toward Sora and rushed forward a third time, barely missing the wielder as he leapt over the black blob. Focusing back on Ocellus, who was shaking off her daze, but when she looked up, she barely reacted when the Unversed lunged for her again, maw open wide.

Ocellus let out a terrified scream as she was suddenly swallowed up by the Unversed, shocking Sora when he turned around and heard her scream get muffled as she was devoured by the Unversed. Sulley and Mike had beaten their arms just in time to witness the dreadful scene. Enraged, Sora sprinted toward the blob to smack the slime monster into spitting the changeling out, but the Unversed released the latches on the canisters sticking out of its body, letting out a loud hissing noise and releasing dark storm clouds pouring out a downpour of liquid black ooze. Sora growled and leapt back to avoid the rain, not wanting to chance getting injured by volatile magic acid rain while Ocellus was literally eaten by this monster.

Ocellus struggled as she tried to get out, the Unversed's body shaking and lurching from her movements, but it felt no pain nor gave any reaction. She felt the ooze seep onto her skin and began crawling up her body, making her panic as she continuously cried out for help. Her Keyblade could barely cleave through the thick mass, and she was too scared to try casting any spells if they might backfire from her fear. Her screams were cut off when the ooze climbed up to her muzzle, sputtering and coughing as she tasted it in her mouth and her panic only increasing as she felt like she was going to be digested.

Slowly, the blob turned around, facing the shocked fighters with its menacing expression. It began to pulsate and bulge every second, almost like it was going to hurl. The guys backed away as it began to violently heave, getting away from the proverbial splash zone as it splashed black ooze from its mouth in a disgusting puddle. There was a visible lump in the puddle, which started hacking and coughing. They were relieved to hear it was Ocellus, and she was alive, but when she stood up, their jaws dropped.

"What...happened to her?" Mike uttered in shock.

Some of the excess slime vomit dripped off the changeling, but what came out after she was eaten had physically changed Ocellus: her blue carapace was dark black, her colorful pink wings were dark green, sharp fangs protruded from her muzzle, and her legs had holes in them now. As she stood up, her Keyblade had also changed along with her body. It was now a dark black with the blade straighter with the crown-shaped teeth much sharper than it was, the guard around the hilt looked like green flames erupting outward from the base of the blade, and the token hanging off the end was shaped similar to the black crown Chrysalis always wore on her head.

Spitting out the last of the ooze that got in her mouth, Ocellus opened her eyes, gasping in shock at the look of her Keyblade laying in the puddle before her. Her eyes had trailed down to her hooves, suddenly regretting it when she held them and saw the familiar black color and gaping holes. The Unversed changed her back to her old, evil form, and her belly felt empty and starving for that familiar emotion she shouldn't be taking anymore. She began hyperventilating, her hooves shaking when she looked up and saw the looks of shock on everyone's faces. Even Boo's as she peeked around the corner, now terrified by her monstrous appearance. Upon seeing her, her tongue began flicking out by that old instinct as a love-starved changeling, hissing and shaking violently from the love she sensed around the little girl.

"Well, this is interesting," Randall uttered curiously. "Guess she really is a monster deep down."

"What's wrong with her?" Sulley asked. "What did that thing do to her?"

Ocellus tried to fight back her old instincts, tears beginning to stream down her face as she could no longer control herself. Her hoof shot to her slime-slickened, transformed Shapeshifter, then let out a violent hiss as she flew past Sora, Mike, Sulley, Donald, and Goofy, smacking into the barrier as she tried to go after Boo. The magical barricade stopped her, but the act startled and scared Boo as she backed away from the scary, hissing bug monster that wanted to eat her.

"B-Boo, I-I don't-ssssaaaaasshhh-I can't-!" Ocellus helplessly watched as her body scrambled to break through while hissing violently like a rattlesnake to get to her "meal". Boo began crying and ran away, hiding elsewhere to avoid seeing her, her sobbing screams causing the electricity around them to pulsate from the scream energy Boo was emitting in this world. "N-No! I-I'm sorry! I-I-I don't want to-!"

"Ocellus, you're scaring Boo!" Mike exclaimed. "What's the matter with you!?"

Sora quickly stood in his and Sulley's way, both monsters ready to pummel Ocellus for her uncontrollable actions. "Guys, don't! It's not her fault!" he said. "That Unversed did something to her!"

"What kind of monster is she, and why did she try to go after Boo!?" Sulley questioned, clearly worried about Boo's safety now that another monster wanted to harm her.

Behind them, the Unversed seemed to wiggle, almost like it was laughing. The puddle of ooze it ejected from its mouth suddenly had a couple forms rise up from the black sludge. Equine in shape, Sora recognized them as constructed variants of the evil changelings, but with the same red eyes and mouth the Unversed had. Dripping with black slime, the forms hissed and began flapping their wings, flying out of the dissolving puddle and hovered around their master.

"I'll tell you after we kill this thing," Sora growled. Replacing his Kingdom Key with the Keyblade of Magic, he immediately changed its form into a wand, his fur turning lavender while a strip of pink highlight streaked down the center of his red hair. "Hopefully, it'll change her back to normal."

Hearing Ocellus hiss, Sora quickly ducked, the changeling now suddenly going after him. Turning around, she stood in Vanitas's stance, forced to fight as the Unversed blob's pawn out of her control. Her fitful attempts to break free were useless as she sobbed in misery while being controlled like a puppet.

"H-Help me," Ocellus whimpered before she twitched and let out a menacing hiss, lunging straight for Sora.

Sora leapt back, flicking his wand to freeze Ocellus in place as she made another lunge for him again. "I know it's not your fault, Ocellus," Sora said. "Whatever this thing did to you, I'll make sure Vanitas pays for this. I'll get you back to normal." Ocellus could hear him, but her body thrashed in his telekinetic hold, trying to break free and suck the love out of him. "Sorry about this," he apologized before flinging Ocellus behind him, sending her toward Donald and Goofy as she landed on the wall. "Donald, Goofy, keep her held back while I deal with the blob!"

"You got it, Sora!" Donald said while Goofy had his shield up and ready for the controlled changeling's retaliation.

Sora turned back to the Unversed and the flying slime changeling guards it created. Mike and Sulley weren't sure what was going on between their unknown exterminators. Despite Ocellus scaring Boo when she could barely qualify being a scary monster upon first meeting, their questions were going to have to wait until they dealt with the monster Randall unleashed on them and their company. They joined Sora, keeping an eye on the flying bug monsters while the Unversed blob monster opened its maw and unleashed a barrage of fireballs. With a wave of his wand, Sora launched back several Blizzaga spells to counter the incoming fire.

Through the explosions of fire and ice, the slime changeling Unversed hissed and dove toward Sora. Barely flinching, Sora thrust his wand forward, creating a Reflectga barrier that stunned them and shoved them back with a pulsating shockwave of light. Letting out a grunt, Sora rained a barrage of Thundaja spells upon the Unversed, each powerful bolt striking each one dead on. Despite the powerful thunderbolts causing the Unversed to jitter from the electric shock, the smaller equine slimes were still kicking.

Ocellus pushed off the wall, slamming her Keyblade into Goofy's shield, shoving the knight back a few feet. "I-I'm sorry!" she apologized, giving off the occasional hunger hissing.

"We know this ain't you, Ocellus, but you gotta try to fight it!" Goofy encouraged.

"I...can't!" Ocellus sobbed. As much as they needed to keep her held back while Sora dealt with the Unversed, Donald and Goofy didn't want to hurt her. They might try to stun or paralyze her and keep her held down, but with how hard Goofy's struggling to push Ocellus back, she was clearly mimicking Vanitas's strength. She shoved Goofy, then slashed him while his shield was pushed aside. Donald tried stunning her with a Thunder spell, but as it struck, an afterimage took her place, and she reappeared behind Donald and slammed him hard in the back of the head with her weapon. The impact sent the mage hurling toward Goofy, crashing into him and crumble into a tangled mess. "N-No! Stop it! Please!"

"Why deny what you really are?" Ocellus's ears flicked back, hearing what sounded like her own voice in her own head. It was far different from the soft-spoken changeling she is; sadistic, conniving, malicious, and hungry. "Changelings were once the most feared creature in Equestria. We are monsters, through and through, and you can't hide from who you used to be."

Ocellus's vision went white before it returned, finding herself in unfamiliar darkness. She was too scared to move, to turn her head and get a bearing on her surroundings and where she ended up. Rising in front of her in a mysterious puddle of black ooze, she watched it form into a more sinister version of herself.

"N-No, please...I-I don't want to h-hurt anypony," Ocellus whimpered.

"You never could with how WEAK you are," Ocellus's double stated, making her wince in fear. "No matter what any changeling did to get you to growl or hiss, or even throw a punch, you resigned to be a pacifist. A coward." The double suddenly warped inches in front of Ocellus, but her form now took the shape of Chrysalis. "A WORTHLESS LITTLE GRUB!" Ocellus barely had a chance to flinch before her double slammed her to the ground and began choking her. While struggling for breath, the double cackled as it relished the despair coming from the weaker changeling. "Feel this power. THIS was what it takes to be a changeling, and you wanted to denounce it and be a wriggling little worm under the hooves of those friendship-loving ponies? How pathetic!"

"P-P-Please...s-stop," Ocellus begged.

"It'll never stop, Ocellus." The slime double's body began to change again, only this time, what it turned into made Ocellus's blood run cold. While still choking her, it took Vanitas's form, from his piercing yellow eyes, spikey hair, even the scar running across his eye. "Because your fears will stay with you forever."

Ocellus screamed, unable to squirm away as her will was being broken, unaware of the glowing red eyes and mouth looming behind her within her subconscious. When she opened her eyes again, she was back in the vault, where Donald and Goofy were both trying to push her back, both of them pretty badly bruised and scratched from whatever she did to them while she had mentally disappeared.

Sora teleported around the Unversed, dodging the highly durable minions while blasting the blob with magic spells. Mike and Sulley tried their hardest to distract the two smaller slime changelings, but they were able to fly out of their reach and focus on Sora more. Even as the massive black slime monster summoned more slime hands and tackled into them, its body was incredibly durable with its liquified mass. Getting fed up with the bombardment, Sora cast Gravija on the Unversed changeling slimes, slamming their bodies into the ground in two small puddle of ooze, then unleashed a chilling Blizzaja spell. The ooze began freezing up as they tried to regain their semi-physical forms, turning into slime statues, which infuriated the bigger Unversed.

"Shut up," Sora scowled, blasting the two frozen minions with Firaga, finally destroying them. The Unversed trembled angrily, but instead of fighting back, Sora watched it dive down into the ground, the ooze around it splashing and disappearing into the floor. Confused, he glanced around, only to jump back when a geyser of black slime erupted in the center of the area, spreading all over the ground and even rising up along the walls. From that geyser, the Unversed reappeared as that, losing its metal parts and yellow canisters as a pair of wings made of slime formed from its sides. From the surrounding slime, dozens of smaller Unversed changeling slimes formed, clinging to the walls or the ground like an infestation of pests, all of them hissing in rage as they eyed all but the changeling teen being controlled by their "queen". "Oh, now you want to get serious? Fine. I won't hold back either."

Grasping the wand in both hands, he pushed the rod into the star-shaped end, then expanded the star into its bow form. He began to pull back the string, an ethereal arrow made of ice appearing in the drawn string, only to hear Donald and Goofy yell out in pain. Glancing over his shoulder, Ocellus had slashed Donald and Goofy back, sending them into a small group of the new changeling slimes that began to swarm them. The others quickly acted and dove toward Sora, but he flipped back, taking aim with his bow and shot the ice arrow into the group crowding his friends. The arrow made contact and blew up in a blast of ice, freezing the slimes while sparing his friends.

Ocellus hissed and flew toward Sora with her Keyblade raised to slash him. He blocked the blade with his bow, struggling to push back with Ocellus's surprising amount of strength. She was an absolute mess as she sobbed, tears continuously running down her face, and mumbling many apologies while her body was being forcefully controlled by the Unversed. He did feel bad for her for having to go through this, but seeing Ocellus in her old form in this much distress, his thoughts drifted back to when he first met Thorax in the Crystal Empire. Guilt welled in his heart for misjudging Thorax so harshly, though despite wanting to justify it was mostly toward an alternate changeling kingdom and another Chrysalis who had harmed the Kairi in that timeline, it didn't excuse his lack of mercy toward anyone like him who never had any part in his leader's evil schemes. It also reminded him that he had never given Thorax an apology for his mistrust and throwing his ideals of giving others a second chance to prove there was a better side of them.

Steeling his gaze, Sora managed to push Ocellus back, causing her to stumble backward. Summoning another ice arrow, he gripped it tightly in his hand and dove toward her. Thrusting the arrow on the ground next to Ocellus's hooves, the arrow exploded and encased all four of her limbs in thick ice. Even though it might hold her for a while, the slime hive reacted and flew toward Sora. He jumped away, firing a barrage of elemental arrows to scatter them and keep them away. Mike and Sulley tried to go after the Unversed while Sora handled the slime changelings. Unfortunately, they couldn't get close when the transformed Unversed flapped its wings hard, the amount of force pushing them away from it. Some of the slimes dove down and attacked the two monsters to protect the leader.

"There's too many of them!" Mike exclaimed, yelping slightly when he felt one of them bite one of his legs.

Sulley was able to swat them away with his strong arms, but they just got back up and continued swarming him. Above, Randall laughed as he enjoyed the show.

"You losers don't stand a chance against this beast!" Randall gloated.

"Wanna bet!?" Smacking the slime changelings crowding him, he drew the string and fired an arrow at the Unversed's face. Its wings tried to blow it away, but it stopped inches in front of its face, broke apart, and began sucking in gravity in a Magneja spell. As the force of the pull increased, the changelings helplessly flailed and hissed as they got sucked into the spell, Sora all the while firing every element of arrow to increase the pressure and damage. The Unversed seemed to panic as its ooze was also getting sucked up with its hive, unable to slither away from its perch as the magical black hole began to grow unstable. Drawing the string one more time, an arrow of light appeared in his hand as he took aim. "Time to eradicate this infestation."

He released, sending the arrow straight into the black hole. The spell caved in until it erupted into a powerful Flare spell in the shape of a six-pointed star. The explosion burned and evaporated the slime changelings and even caught the Unversed that created them, the blast sending it flying back into the wall. It slumped into a puddle of ooze, disappearing and reappearing in its blob form, lost in a daze and completely vulnerable.

"What the heck is this kid capable of!?" Randall exclaimed, shocked to see the monstrous creation was getting beaten. The monster watched Sora slowly approach the Unversed, another light arrow appearing in his free hand. The Unversed twitched and tried to sit up, but Sora sprinted at it, gripping the arrow and thrust it hard into the emblem on its forehead. It let out a shriek that sounded like several children screaming in terror, its ooze sprinkling out from its body as it melted into the ground. Sora quickly jumped back before it splashed him, shifting back to normal. "No! No no no no!" The Unversed soon collapsed, splashing black slime around it, leaving behind a massive puddle. The only thing left of it was the device that it had in its head and the empty canisters scattered around it. "Ahhh! This can't be happening!"

As Randall crawled down the fence and scuttled toward his defeated creation, Sora went over to Ocellus to check on her. The ice around her legs melted and she was back in control of herself, but she didn't transform back. She immediately dropped her Keyblade, hyperventilating and trembling from the terrible things she did. The hunger she had was gone, but she was still terrified how she still hadn't reverted back to her nicer, innocent, reformed self.

"Ocellus?" Sora uttered.

"W-Why...Why am I still...?" Ocellus began to panic, wanting this to be nothing more than a horrible nightmare and wake up back in her dorm room back at the School of Friendship with her friends.

"Ocellus, it's ok," Sora said, kneeling down and gently grabbing her shoulders to help calm her down. "The Unversed is gone. You can change yourself back."

Despite the suggestions, Ocellus didn't know if it would work. Her forced transformation from the slime felt like it physically seeped into her body. Trusting in his idea, she lit up her horn, a flash of green aura swiftly rising from her hooves to the tip of her horn. Sora's grin faded just as quickly when he saw no physical change once that changeling magic transforms them. Ocellus dared to look at her hooves, struck with disbelief as her gut told her it wouldn't work. She tried again and again, getting more desperate as she wanted to get rid of her old "skin" and be back to who she wanted to be.

Sulley and Mike hurried off to where Boo was hiding, finding the little girl crying as she huddled behind one of the barrels, terrified. "Boo?" Sulley gently called out. She looked up and immediately ran up to the big monster, hugging him tightly. He lifted her up with on arm, patting her back to help calm her down. "It's ok, Boo. You're ok."

"Not with Ocellus wanting to eat her," Mike grumbled.

Sulley glowered at Mike for the harsh comment. The two soon began to hear Ocellus breathe harder, making their way back to see her repeatedly trying to transform back to her normal self, and with no success. Each flash of green did nothing, flickering every so often until it sputtered out. Sora was completely speechless, feeling Ocellus's whole body shake violently. Donald and Goofy approached them while Jiminy hopped out of Ocellus's saddlebags, surprisingly unchanged by the Unversed despite being swallowed up with her. Ocellus was trapped in her old form, and to her fear, it seemed to be permanent.

Her whimpers grew louder, her tears dripping to the floor at her hooves. She dared to look up at Sora, and the shocking disbelief in his expression broke her. With a dejected whine, her weak sobs quickly devolved into wails of anguish. Her cries echoed throughout the vast space of the vault. Collapsing to her belly, Ocellus cried her broken heart out, covering her face with her hooves, the holes she felt between her legs only making her cry harder from her transformation being forcefully reversed, and for good. Now she could never go back home in Equestria, from her hive, to Ponyville, or even in The Land of Departure.

Donald and Goofy tried to help and comfort Ocellus while Sora just stared, dumbfounded. His ear twitched as he heard Randall's angered muttering not too far away, along with the rattling sound of the canisters being kicked in frustration.

"I can't believe this...stupid tub of junk lost!" Randall growled as he kicked his now dead machine. "That kid made it worse. And that other runt somehow managed to beat it!"

Growling, Sora stood up, turning his sights on the reptilian monster. Randall knew Vanitas created that slime, and he must know if there was a way to reverse what it did to Ocellus. With Randall's back turned, Sora grunted as he sprinted toward the camouflaging lizard. Hearing the mad wielder's rapid footsteps, Randall turned around, only to be met by a hard sucker punch to the face. Stumbling back, stunned, Sora didn't give the monster any chance to recover or escape, grasping his neck tightly before slamming his back and head into his device. Despite trying to struggle and writhe out from under Sora, he froze when Sora summoned his Keyblade and pointed it straight at his face.

"You try to get away from me, I will keep hunting your down until I hack off every single limb on your purple stick body!" Sora warned. Randall squinted, barely threatened, but the moment he tried to move, Sora shot a Firaga spell past his head, feeling the heat and the explosion going off on the ground mere inches from them. "Or maybe I'll turn you into a roasted newt if you keep giving me that squinty-eyed leer!" Gulping loudly, Randall dropped his leer, even though it was hard for him to see normally, and remained completely still. "Now, you are going to tell me where Vanitas is. And no funny business!"

"I-I don't know!" Randall said. "That kid just comes and goes wherever he pleases! He helped me get back to my world and get revenge! I'm not his keeper!"

"Any general area he prefers to hang out while lingering in this factory?" Sora questioned.

"I said I don't know where he is!" Randall said again.

"Then how about you tell me how to get Ocellus back to normal!?" Sora flung Randall forward toward the ground, given plenty of time to scurry away before he really got blasted, but he was too scared to move. He grunted when Sora slammed his foot down on the center of his back, then yelped when he felt the rubber-like fringes on his head getting yanked, forcing his head to rise up. "What that Unversed did to her has upset her, assuming you have any ears in that thick skull of yours! What she and her kind used to be was a love-sucking parasite led by a monster of a queen who would only lead her subjects to constant starvation! They were aggressive and drained their victims, but she isn't, and NEVER will be, like that, and she can't change back to normal thanks to that stupid slime monster you and Vanitas created!"

Sora was loud enough for everyone to hear, including Sulley and Mike. The two looked at each other, then back to Ocellus, shocked to learn that the form she's in now was her original form. With how upset she was while being held by Donald and Goofy, they would have never expected Ocellus to be that horrible of a creature when they first met her. They both realized that it really wasn't her fault, and her actions were made by the Unversed slime monster after it chewed and spat her out into her former self. Sulley glanced down at Boo, keeping her face buried in his chest to avoid looking at Ocellus, understanding how she felt for unintentionally scaring Boo.

"You think I have any idea how any of his little monster minions work!? I could barely get my device to work without-!" Randall's explanation was cut off when Sora slammed his head hard to the ground.

"TELL ME RIGHT NOW!" Sora demanded.

"I swear, I don't know!" Randall exclaimed. "I was just as surprised as all of you when she got spat out by that thing! All I wanted was to get back at Sullivan and Wazowski for ruining our plan to make this factory better!"

"You and the former CEO of Monster's Inc.?" Sora questioned. Randall quickly nodded his head in response. Sora grunted, having a feeling Randall wouldn't have given him any answers. Keeping his foot firmly pressed on the monster's back, Sora looked around, spotting something leaning against the wall next to the elevator in the nearby corridor. It seemed to be another door in those metal power frames, but it seemed to be segmented into pieces that were held together by some kind of purple energy, possibly negative energy thanks to Vanitas's help. Grasping Randall's head fronds again, he stepped off the monster and hoisted him back up on his four feet. Dragging him over to the door, Sora pointed at it with his Keyblade. "Was this the door Vanitas fixed to help you get back?"

"Y-Yeah. That's the one," Randall admitted.

"Mike and Sulley said they banished you for your distasteful crimes stealing scream energy by kidnapping human children." The stoic expression on Sora's face unnerved Randall, preferring the angry and aggressive wielder's side of him more. Sora leered at Randall silently for a moment before he spoke up again. "When you're banished, you're supposed to stay banished. Not come back and get revenge." Having no clue where Sora was going with describing the word "banished" to him, Randall watched Sora lower his Keyblade, lean it against the door frame, then reach out to the door handle. His eyes widened as Sora opened the door, and inside was a familiar abode he got banished to in the human world: a small trailer home in the middle of a swampy area, where a young boy called his mother to deal with another "alligator" that broke into their home. "Now, you waltz right through there and stay banished, or I'll throw you in there myself."

"W-Wait, hold on a second, kid! I nearly got turned into a leather handbag there!" Randall pleaded.

"You have camouflage. I'm sure you'll do just fine." Sora gave Randall an eerily calm, toothy grin, which quickly turned sinister as he yanked the monster back. "Now, stay gone!"

Sora flung Randall through the door, sending him crashing through the bedroom door and outside of the child's room. Randall stood up in a slight daze, but the home wasn't empty, to his misfortune.

"Mama, that gator got back in the house!" Sora heard a young southern boy call out.

"What!? Again!?" the mother exclaimed, sounding more annoyed that another dangerous reptile snuck into their house like they were common bugs that slipped into an open door or window. "Oh, you're in for it this time, ya varmint! C'mere, you!"

Randall snapped out of his daze and yelped when he saw the woman with her trusty shovel again. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait, wait a sec-!"

Sora winced when he heard the metal spade of the shovel smack Randall as he was getting chased around the trailer. Having enough enjoying the monster suffer with a woman who could be just as aggressive as Granny Smith, Sora shut the door, then grabbed his Keyblade and aimed it at the door. Light built up a the end of the blade, calling forth a keyhole that appeared in the center of the bits of connected wood. A beam of light shot forward, entering the keyhole, and with a loud locking sound, the door began to glow a bright white, then disappear into a flurry of small lights. Locking it for good was a much better choice than destroying it, otherwise it could be rebuilt and put back together if anyone dared to try to bring Randall back.

"Good riddance," Sora mumbled. Dismissing his weapon, Sora glanced over at Ocellus. He frowned, watching his friends try to comfort the depressed changeling. Sighing, he leaned against the wall where Randall's banished door stood, bringing a hand to his face. "If I can't find Vanitas...how am I going to tell the others about this?"

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