• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Two Hearts Becoming One

"It's almost time!" Rarity squealed excitedly. Her magic was flowing all throughout her temporary workshop she set up in The Land of Departure. As cloth and sewing supplies flew around the room, Sora stood perfectly still with his arms out, getting his new suit for his wedding tailored to fit him. He felt incredibly anxious as the deadline to his and Kairi's wedding grew closer, even with all the planning they did to make sure everything goes perfect. Rarity was clearly giddy working on another wedding, and she wanted to make their wedding the best as she could with her designs. "Oh, this is going to be the best wedding of all time!"

"Y-Yeah. Sure is," Sora giggled nervously, barely batting an eye when a sewing needle flew across his face. He trusted Rarity with her sewing skills, but he was getting butterflies in his stomach before the event started. "Uhh...Is Kairi's dress nice?"

"Darling, I can't tell you what her dress will look like, let alone show you!" Rarity chided. "It'll spoil the moment!"

Sora gulped, his limbs trembling in anticipation. "Oh boy. It's only a week away...I really hope everything looks good."

"Now, now, don't you fret, Sora," Rarity assured the nervous wielder. "Everyone else is helping set up everything at the peak." As she as visually touching up one of Sora's sleeves, Rarity paused, frowning slightly. "...Well, almost everyone. I forgot Xion isn't allowed to leave Equestria due to her...'existence'."

Sora winced, nearly forgetting about Xion. "Oh. Right. I don't want her to be left out..."

In the library back in the Castle of Friendship, Xion stared at the portal leading to The Land of Departure. While excited for Sora and Kairi's wedding coming up, the others were hard at work setting things up and bringing supplies from Equestria to the training grounds, but she could do more than help carry stuff to the castle. She glanced down at her hoof, the magical construct that Chrysalis granted her months ago in her attempt to use the Elements of Harmony with the corrupted doppelgangers of the Mane Six. She felt so stranded being confined in just one world, wanting desperately to help her friends in the future when the time came to confront Xehanort and stop him. But she didn't want to cease existing if the construct she was forced in cannot function without Equestrian magic.

"Hello, Ms. Xion!" Xion yelped, startled by Cozy Glow's entrance as the filly fluttered into the library, carrying a small box of sewing supplies for Rarity. "What'cha doin'?"

"Oh. Hi, Cozy Glow," Xion greeted, looking back at the portal. "Just...thinking."

"Hmm?" The filly looked at the portal, then back to the Nobody. "Aren't you gonna go through?"

"...Uhh...I...can't," Xion mumbled.

"Why not?" Cozy asked curiously. "It's not dangerous. You just pass through, and you're out on the other side. Like a doorway."

"I know how portals work. It's just..." She didn't know how to explain something so convoluted to a filly Cozy's age. She may be smart and passing all of her assignments at the School of Friendship, but magical constructs seemed to be way over her head when she was a pegasus. She wasn't around when she told the others how she came to physically exist in Equestria, but she was smart enough to understand Xion's reluctance. "...I'm not sure if I'll...'make it through'. If that makes any sense."

"Umm...no?" Cozy mumbled.

"...Well...You know I'm a Nobody, right?" Xion asked, getting a small nod from Cozy Glow. "Ok. So, before I...appeared, I was originally just bits and pieces of memories of Sora given form, but from his memories, I look closely similarly to Kairi."

"Ohhhhhh. So that's why I thought you looked like the both of them all at once," Cozy said.

"Right. I was originally an experiment from the Organization, but from Sora's memories, I defected several times, and I have my own identity now," Xion continued. "I was in Sora's heart for a while, but then Chrysalis tried to use copies of the Elements of Harmony, even a copy of Sora. Instead of another him, I got sucked out of his heart and took his place as his double. So, my body's magically created using a photo and a strand of his hair, which had changed last second when the memories and hair were mine. The 'vessel' I'm in was made with Equestrian magic. And...if I leave this world, we don't know if it'll fall apart."

"Oh. I see," Cozy said. Lowering the box, the filly brought a hoof to her chin in thought. "When Sora told me where they found you, you were by the Tree of Harmony, right?"

"Yes," Xion said.

"And...he mentioned some logs that were the fake bearers of the Elements," Cozy added. "Did the Tree think you were bad?"

"No. It...didn't drain me and turn my body into a log," Xion said. She didn't want to tell Cozy Glow that the Tree was able to sense part of Sora within her, and was able to talk. It freed her from being under Chrysalis's control and spared her from the doubles' fates. "Chrysalis cursed me, but the Tree purified me."

"Did the Tree also purify you as a magical stump?" Cozy asked. Xion didn't know. It was hard for her to tell at times if her skin could end up turning into bark. Back when her body was an experimental vessel, she barely noticed if her skin felt real or was made of thick material to give that simulated texture of skin. Cozy let out another hum, flapping up to the Nobody, then snagged a strand of her mane with her teeth. Xion yelped, rubbing her head where Cozy plucked her hair from, wondering what she was doing. "Let's try sending a part of you through the portal and see if it changes."

"A piece?" Xion muttered. Cozy conducted her experiment, flying off through the portal with her strand of hair. "Is this really going to work?"

After several minutes passed, Cozy Glow came flying back through the portal. She was grinning, carrying Sora's Gummi phone with her.

"It worked!" Cozy cheered. She tapped on the device's screen, then held it up for Xion to see. "Sora even showed me how to use the camera function on this! There's your hair!"

On the ground at the entrance to the building in the other world, Xion could clearly see her black hair in the photo. It didn't change, wither away, or turn into a sliver of a splinter. Astonished by the outcome, part of her felt hopeful that she didn't have to stay in Equestria forever, but there was still that lingering fear that she could be lost as her body couldn't handle being outside of a source of Equestrian magic.

"It's really there...But...would I really...?" Xion trailed off, staring at the portal nervously.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Cozy said. "It would be upsetting if not everypony was present for Sora and Kairi's big day."

The filly did have a point. There really only was one way to find out if it was possible in her state. She didn't doubt the Tree of Harmony's power, but to make the tree her body was forged in as a permanent, lasting vessel that made her feel alive felt impossible. The picture of her hair laying on the grounds of The Land of Departure and still existing was enough proof. Swallowing her fears, Xion was willing to take a chance.

Stepping up to the portal, she let out a heavy sigh, steeling herself if things didn't turn out right. Starting with a hoof, she inched her limb toward the entrance. Sending it through, she didn't feel any discomfort or pain. Taking the plunge, Xion clenched her eyes shut and walked through. Once she phased through, she stumbled a little it as she walked forward, feeling herself standing on two legs than on four. So far, so good, she squinted her eyes opened, seeing the courtyard entrance of the training grounds, along with her outstretched hand. Lifting her other hand, she stared at her fingers, wiggling them, then brought them to her face. Part of her expected to have equine features with a vessel crafted via Equestrian magic, but her nose, mouth, and ears were all human. Her body hadn't broken down yet, surprising her while also filling her with excitement.

"It...I really have...my own body?" Xion uttered.

Cozy Glow phased through the portal entrance, carrying the box with the Gummi phone sitting on top of the materials, beaming happily as her theory worked. "Hooray! You can leave Equestria!" the filly cheered.

"I...I can," Xion said with a small laugh in disbelief. "Oh my goodness...This is incredible!" The Tree's words about sparing her from the evil copies' fates meant far more than just being drained of magic to eradicate a threat. Was it because it saw Xion as another Sora, and with how important he was to the Tree like the Mane Six, it saw her as another warrior of light like the other wielders? And how did Cozy know to think of testing something like a strand of hair to survive outside Equestria from a magical construct? She didn't bother wondering what the answers were as she laughed, snatching Cozy Glow and spun her around in glee at her new, truly found freedom. "You're a genius, Cozy Glow!"

"Golly, I just thought it was a good idea, and it had worked," Cozy modestly said. "Now you can join the wedding!"

"I can!" Xion gasped, looking down at herself, her new outfit Rarity made for her the only set of clothing on her. "Oh gosh. I can. I need a nicer dress! I hope Rarity has time to make me one before the wedding!"

Letting go of Cozy, Xion raced off to the building, the filly following behind while carrying the materials and Gummi phone. Cozy Glow had flown on ahead, guiding Xion to where Rarity was busy fitting Sora in his tuxedo. She opened the door and invited herself in, alerting Sora and Rarity to her entrance, both of them gawking at the sight of Xion behind her, in the flesh, and in her human form.

"X-Xion!?" Sora exclaimed, letting out a yell when Rarity accidentally poked his back with a stray needle. "Rarity! Needles!"

"Oh, sorry, darling," Rarity apologized, but she was still surprised to see Xion outside of Equestria. "Xion, what are you doing!?"

"Well, there's some good news that Cozy discovered incredibly fast," Xion said. "I don't know how we didn't try just sending some part of me like some hair through the portal to see if it changes outside of Equestria, and it turns out my body is a living vessel after all!"

"Seriously? Cozy figured that out?" Sora asked, making the filly blush and giggle bashfully. "Heh. Well, then that's great news! You'll be able to see the...wedding..."

Sora began trembling, already getting cold feet. "And if you can join us, that means I'll have to make you a dress," Rarity said. "I've got to hurry and get you tailored for a nice dress, but not too nice to overshadow Kairi's wedding gown!"

"Oh, I can't wait to tell the others," Xion squealed. "They'll be so surprised! I know Axel will!"

"Uhh, don't you mean Mr. Lea?" Cozy asked.

Xion winced, giggling sheepishly. "That's...gonna be a bit confusing when there's that colt who's also named Axle," she said. "Oh. And Ienzo needs to know about this discovery, too."

"Well, just in case something happens, it'll help if he does make you a new vessel as a backup," Sora said. "I'll let him know. When Rarity's done tailoring me."

"Speaking of, hold still, Sora," Rarity advised. "I need to get started on Xion's dress, and yours just needs a few finishing touches before I boot you out for her turn."

Sora stood frozen solid, fearing to get another pricking as Rarity sent her magic in a frenzy, making sure to check his suit's quality while rushing to make sure everyone is ready for the wedding.

"Ahh! What should I wear!?" Selphie panicked as she scrambled around her room looking for the perfect dress to wear. Since Kairi had mentioned her and Sora getting married, she couldn't wait for the day to arrive, and she was unable to decide what to wear. Outside her room, Tidus and Wakka waited impatiently for her to decide. Though they wore their casual clothes, their suits were sitting in a small suitcase the two shared. They were happy for Sora for finally getting hitched with Kairi, though where the wedding would take place was vague as they'd get an update about the incoming date. "Something light? No, not too light! Bride's dresses are always bright white and flowy!"

"Why do girls have to make putting on something fancy such a big deal?" Tidus questioned.

"Hey! I wanna look my best for my friend!" Selphie exclaimed. "Especially when she picked me as one of her bridesmaids!"

Tidus sighed in annoyance, slumping against the wall. "Hopefully you won't take long, ya?" Wakka said.

The doorbell suddenly rang, startling Selphie. "Oh no! Is that them!?" she asked. "I'm not ready! I don't know which one to pick! Someone answer that!"

"I'll get it," Tidus volunteered. "Better than standing out here waiting forever." He made his way through the living room and to the front door. When he opened it, he was surprised to see Riku behind the door. "Hey! Riku! Haven't seen you in forever!"

"Hey, Tidus," Riku greeted. "Is Wakka here?"

"Yeah. We were waiting on Selphie," he said.

"WHO'S AT THE DOOR!?" Selphie screeched.

"Heh. Nice hearing you, too, Selph!" Riku called out.

As Riku let himself in, Selphie poked her head out into the hall. "Riku!" She zipped back into her room again, coming out a moment later with the dress she decided to bring with her in her arms. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Oh, now she finally picks something," Tidus grumbled.

As Selphie went to grab her own suitcase, Riku high-fived Wakka as he approached him. "Riku, man! I almost didn't recognize ya! When did you get the new clothes?"

"A little gift from my mentor. They're a lot more fashionable than my old clothes," Riku said. "You guys just about ready?"

"Just waiting on Selphie," Wakka said.

"Ok! Now I'm ready!" Selphie announced, holding up her luggage with a grin.

"Thank goodness," Tidus said. He picked up his and Wakka's suitcase, hefting it over his shoulder. "Let's get going before I die of boredom."

"I gotta pick up Sora's mom, as well. We're going to be...riding in style," Riku said, being vague with how they were going to arrive at the wedding spot.

The trio thought it was something fancy like a limousine, but they were eluded to the location where the wedding was held since the event was mentioned. They left the house and followed Riku through town to Sora's home. It felt like forever since Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie had visited Sora's house, even though they had seen Manami in and about town doing some errands. They wondered how she was doing by herself while Sora was off doing heroic world-saving the last several years.

They reached the house, Riku giving the door a quick knock. "Be right there!" Manami called out. A minute later, she opened the door. "Riku! We're just about packed."

"Right on time, too," Riku said.

Manami noticed Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie behind him. "Oh, hello everyone. Haven't seen you in so long. How've you three been?"

"We're fine, ma'am," Wakka said. "Tidus and I have been a little busy with Blitzball the last few years. And studies."

"I can't wait to see the wedding!" Selphie cheered. "Sora's so lucky to be marrying Kairi!"

"I doubt luck had anything to do with those two getting together," Manami giggled. "Honey, is the suitcase packed!?"

"All packed!" Kaito called out. Hearing a deeper male voice inside, Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie looked at each other. They didn't know Manami had found someone else after hearing what had happened to her husband. Manami stepped outside, followed by Kaito, who was out of his black coat and his shirt and shorts to avoid worrying any of the other wedding guests. The Destiny Island trio stared at the man, finding him oddly familiar, though they can't seem to recall where. "Ready to go."

"Alright. Let's get moving. We're losing daylight." Kaito shut the door behind him as the group followed Riku back into town.

They walked back down the roads, but as they left the center of town, Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie grew confused when Riku led them all off the road and into the nearby woods. "Uhh, where's our ride?" Tidus asked. "I thought we were going to a wedding, not a camping trip."

"An outdoor wedding does sound beautiful," Selphie swooned.

"Well, it is outdoors with a grand view, but what we're taking...you'll just have to see it to believe it," Riku said. They approached a clearing in the middle of the forest, completely empty and barren of anything but grass and foliage. Riku stepped forward, uncloaking the massive Gummi ship crafted by the wielders to transport more than a few travelers at a time. The Destiny Island trio's jaws dropped at the sight of the huge space vessel, both from the weird blocky design shaped like a giant tree, but also the fact that their so-called "ride" was supposed to be a spaceship. Riku lowered the tall ramp and began walking up. "All aboard."

The trio were even more astonished when Manami and Kaito didn't seem to bat an eye at the vessel as they began walking up the ramp. "Ooh. We're taking the giant tree one," Manami said.

"I guess Riku's in charge of gathering everyone else who's allowed to leave another world," Kaito said.

"W-Wait, what did he just say!?" Tidus exclaimed.

"A-Another...world?" Selphie asked. "On...Are we seriously...?"

Manami and Kaito passed Riku as he waited for his friends to start walking up the ramp. "You guys know how Sora, Kairi, and I dreamed about seeing other worlds? Well, we got to live out that dream. And then some." They still didn't move, too stunned as their brains were trying to process if this was real or a fever dream. "Come on, guys. We don't have much time to waste."

Cautiously, they stepped on the ramp, the solid surface proof enough that they weren't imagining things. They couldn't help staring up at the Gummi ship's tree design, including the odd sections with different colored shapes that stood out from the light blue tree. Walking through the base of the trunk, they followed Riku through the highly advanced technologically built interior, like they actually walked inside some alien spacecraft. The halls eventually led them up to the cockpit, stationed in the middle of the tree where the six-pointed fuchsia star was located. More than a dozen seats sat behind the pilot's seat, the dashboard filled with all sorts of buttons and knobs to control the ship. While distracted by the alien-like craft, Kaito took Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie's luggage from them.

"Where do you want these?" he asked Riku.

"There's a compartment for gear and stuff a little further down the hall," Riku said as he got himself settled in the pilot's seat. Kaito nodded and exited the cockpit, finding the separate space in the ship for any belongings brought onboard. He returned, taking a seat next to Manami as they buckled themselves in. "Time to get buckled in, guys."

"Uhh...This thing can really fly?" Wakka questioned.

Turning around in his chair, he gave his old friends a stern look. "Listen, I told you this is going to be a lot to take in," he said. "Whatever happens this week, whatever and whoever you see at the wedding, you must not mention any of it to anyone back in town. As much as we've been trying to keep the world order from getting torn apart, we don't want other people to panic and bring more trouble than there usually is. That also includes sitting in what's called a Gummi ship, and flying through space to see another world. Is all of this clear?"

"Why can't we tell anyone?" Selphie asked curiously. "And...where exactly have you three GONE to?"

"Because of the world order," Riku repeated.

Despite the vague answer, Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie sat down in the nearby seats, still feeling uncertain about this ship as they buckled themselves in. "Well, I doubt my old man would believe me if all I spout are nothing but 'tall tales' anyway," Tidus grumbled.

Satisfied with their compliance, Riku focused on starting the Gummi ship. The roaring engine made the Destiny Island trio jump slightly, starting to really believe this ship was really able to fly.

"Fair warning, guys. First time's gonna be a little bumpy," Riku advised his friends. "Buckle up tightly and hang on."

"Uhh...Hang on to what, exactly?" Wakka asked.

"Oh, you'll find out," Manami said.

The engine was warmed up and ready for takeoff. Riku began lifting the ship off the ground, startling Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie as their stomachs dropped slightly from the slow hover and rise high above the treetops. They wondered how no one else back in town was able to see something this massive from a distance, but the thrusters on the Gummi ship picked up speed and distracted them as they hung onto their seats. Like a roller coaster, they rose higher and higher, breaching the atmosphere and entering the vast emptiness of space. Astonished, the trio stared at the wonderous beauty of outer space, still in disbelief that this was really happening.

"H-Holy cow," Selphie uttered. "Are...Are we really in space right now?"

"Just what do they do for a living that takes place out here?" Tidus wondered aloud.

"That's far more confidential than everything else you'll experience," Riku said, pressing a few buttons after seeing they were far enough away from their home world. "But that's just the first hurdle. Activating warp drive."

"W-Warp drive?" Wakka gulped. "Er, if that's what I think it means, you really don't mean...warping millions of light years through space, ya?"

Hearing a loud humming, the nervous young adults gulped and clung onto their seats tightly. The ship suddenly shot forward, moving faster than Mach speeds. Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie grimaced as they were shoved back into their seats, letting out startled screams as the intense G-forces shook their whole bodies, even as they clung onto their seats as tightly as they were able. The dreadful minutes of insane speed finally ended in only a few seconds. Their bodies lurched forward from the swift change in speed, thankfully wearing their seatbelts, but their limbs felt like jelly while their organs felt like they were reoriented in multiple knots.

"...I think...I'm gonna hurl," Tidus uttered.

Up ahead, Manami grew curious as Riku warped the Gummi ship to Twilight Town. "Oh. Where's this?"

"Not the location," Riku said. "There's some more guests Sora and Kairi want to invite. And someone I've never heard of who'll cook the banquet named Remy."

"Oh. I think I recognize this world," Kaito commented. "I helped Sora rescue his friends down there when they got ambushed."

"Who...else are we...getting?" Selphie weakly asked.

Outside the abandoned mansion used as a secondary laboratory for Ansem the Wise, Hayner, Pence, and Olette stood outside the gates, waiting for their ride. Beside them were their own suitcases with different clothes they each packed, including their formalwear for the wedding day. Sitting on top of Pence's head was the head chef at Le Grand Bistrot, Remy.

"You said someone was coming to pick us up, right?" Hayner asked Olette.

"When Kairi visited a month ago, she said the date of her wedding was a few days from now," Olette said. "She assured me someone would be getting us today. And they wanted to ask the Little Chef to cater the food."

"You don't think it's weird that a rat is cooking food and the restaurant hasn't gotten shut down?" Pence asked curiously. Remy glanced down at his perch, grabbing some strands of his hair and began moving his arm against his will. Pence winced as he was forced to smack himself, barely avoiding his hand controlled by the smart rodent. "H-Hey, I'm not against you or anything! It's just that places get shut down if there's an infestation of...not so good animals in a kitchen!"

"Better watch what you say to him," Hayner snickered. "He's able to control people. His rat kingdom will soon take over the world."

"Have you ever felt your body being controlled against your will!?" Pence exclaimed. "It's so weird!"

Olette rolled her eyes at the boys' bickering. When she looked up at the sky, they didn't have to wait long when they saw the Tree of Harmony Gummi ship lowering down from their world's atmosphere and into the woods outside the town.

"There they are!" Olette called out, snapping Hayner and Pence from their random rat invasion topic. They looked up, including Remy, watching the ship touch down in a small clearing deeper into the forest. "This is so exciting! I can't wait to see what Kairi will look like in her dress!"

Olette grabbed her suitcase and began rushing for the landing spot. Hayner and Pence quickly snagged theirs and caught up with her, Remy holding onto Pence's hair that didn't control his body movements. With the ship being far outside of town, it didn't need to be cloaked, and Riku could see them coming out from the canopy from the cockpit. He lowered the ramp and let them onboard, waiting to see how they'll react to warping about from world to world like his old friends. The Twilight Town gang never got to see what the inside looked like, but it was far more advanced on the inside than it appeared on the outside.

"Ok, this is actually really cool," Hayner said. "Wish we had our own...whatever they call these things."

"Too bad this might be the only time we'll be able to see another world with all the strict rules Sora and the others have to follow," Pence said. "Might as well make it last as long as possible."

Riku met up with them as they reached the cockpit. "So, you must be Hayner, Pence, and Olette," he said. "Name's Riku. Sora's and Kairi's closest friend."

"Nice to meet ya!" Pence greeted.

"So, where's this 'Remy' the future husband and wife wanted to bring along?" Riku asked. He didn't notice the talented rat chef sitting on Pence's head. Pence held his hands up, letting Remy leap into his palms, then held him out to the Keyblade Master. Taken aback, he looked at the Twilight Town trio. "...Uhh...You're kidding, right? That's a rat."

"Yeah. Hard to believe, but that rat IS Remy," Hayner said. "May not look like much, but this little dude can whip up something fancy you would die to try again and again for every meal."

"If you don't believe us, Fluttershy can vouch for him," Olette added. "Since she can understand him, you'll know he's very talented for his size and species."

"...Well, not the weirdest thing I've heard of," Riku mumbled. "I almost got turned into a tree when that stupid plant sprayed spores at me and gave me Swamp Fever."

"Uhh, you almost...turned into a tree?" Pence questioned, he, Hayner, and Olette giving the wielder an odd look.

"It's a long, aggravating story. And one I'm embarrassed to repeat." Refusing to tell the curious trio, he took their belongings. "Go and find a seat. I'll stow these away and get this ship moving."

"This is gonna be awesome! Blasting off in a spaceship!" Pence cheered.

Riku smirked, waiting for them to experience how intense warping lightyears through space would feel once they lifted off. The Twilight Town trio walked inside the cockpit, spotting the Destiny Island trio slowly recovering from their first space warp, and recognized Kaito sitting next to Manami.

"Hey, isn't that guy the one who helped Sora when we got attacked by Heartless and Nobodies?" Hayner asked.

"I think so, but I've never seen her before," Pence said.

Kaito turned in his seat, giving the three teens a wave. "Hey. Welcome aboard," he greeted.

Manami turned around, gawking slightly when she saw Pence still holding Remy in his palms. "...Uhh, please tell me that's a vaccinated pet rat you're bringing on this ship," she pleaded.

"Oh, he's not a pet, ma'am," Pence said. "He's gonna be cooking the food for Sora and Kairi's wedding!"

"...I'm sorry, what?" Manami questioned.

"It's a bit hard to explain, but I think everything will be explained later when we get to where the wedding's going to be held," Olette sheepishly said. "I'm Olette. That's Pence and Hayner. We're friend's of Sora's. Are you Mr. Kaito's plus one?"

"I'm Sora's mother, actually." Hayner, Pence, and Olette gasped in shock. "My name's Manami."

"Whoa. I think I can...kinda see the resemblance," Hayner said.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, ma'am!" Pence greeted.

Riku returned to the cockpit and made his way to the captain's seat. Hayner, Pence, and Olette took their seats next to Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie, introducing themselves and getting to know each other. Riku was surprised his friends were getting along well with the other three, the prospect of meeting new people from new worlds hoping to help them cope with who else they'll meet at The Land of Departure.

Ienzo sat at the main computer in Radiant Garden's castle, clacking away at the keyboard to decrypt Ansem the Wise's algorithms on his documents pertaining the heart and his studies on Sora's heart. Taking a small break, he stretched his cramped fingers and stretched his arms with a grunt. He sat up and walked over to the window, viewing all the machines throughout the expansive room, then down to the ground floor. Since Terra's arrival years ago and breaking open a hidden passageway leading further down inside the castle's depths, Ienzo had begun wondering what had gone on down there. Though he was only a boy since he was adopted to being Ansem's assistant, he had never known about such a basement hidden away from everyone. The cells he saw down there made him wonder who would be cruel enough to contain something down there.

Hearing footsteps come from the entrance leading down the hall to Ansem's personal office, he looked toward the hall, finding Aeleus and Dilan approach him with their ax and lance in hand. "Ienzo, you have visitors," Dilan said. "They're from the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee."

"Oh. Alright. Bring them in," Ienzo said. The two guards nodded and left, allowing the guests to enter. Stepping into the lab were the group from the restoration committee: Leon, Cid, Yuffie, and Aerith. "Hello, everyone. What brings you by?"

"Just makin' sure that you're not twiddling your thumbs and making sure that the security system don't act up," Cid said.

"Lighten up, Cid," Yuffie scolded. "Since the whole incident with the MCP going haywire, the security system is still on our side smacking Heartless away from people."

"Yeah, yeah. But without me and my program, it wouldn't have been possible to fix the mess if innocents would have gotten hurt," Cid argued with a huff.

"Don't worry. Even though I've been hard at work cracking open Ansem the Wise's documents, I'm ensuring the security system is kept up to date," Ienzo promised.

"Any luck with all that data?" Leon asked.

"It's still taking some time. Ansem the Wise had made sure no one else would be able to get a single word out of his findings." He was about to continue his explanations when he heard the Gummi phone ring on the console. Wondering if Sora or either of the other wielders were calling, he gave the four organizers an apologetic grin. "Excuse me a moment." Walking over to the console, Ienzo picked up the Gummi phone and answered the call, finding Sora appearing on the screen. "Sora. Hello, there."

"Hey, Ienzo," Sora greeted, looking incredibly frazzled and nervous. "You uhh...busy right now?"

"Hey! Is that Sora!?" Yuffie called out as they could hear Sora's voice through the speaker.

Sora recognized the voices, Ienzo shifting the phone so the camera was aimed at his guests. "Leon! Yuffie! Aerith and Cid! Hey, guys!"

"Well, now. Looks like the little runt we met back in Traverse Town's all grown up now," Cid commented with a chuckle.

"And some new duds that are way better than the old ones!" Yuffie commented.

"How have you been?" Aerith asked.

"Oh, you know. The usual," Sora giggled. "And a whole lot more."

"Good to see you're doing well," Leon commented.

"Though you do seem to look a little flustered there, Sora," Yuffie mentioned. "What's up?"

"...Uhh, I'll...tell you after I tell Ienzo something important," Sora said.

"What is it, Sora?" Ienzo asked as he turned the phone to face him.

"Well, surprisingly, it's about Xion," Sora said. "Good news, though. Even though her body was made with Equestrian magic, she was able to walk through the portal to The Land of Departure and still remain whole."

"Really?" Ienzo questioned, intrigued. "Her body survived being outside of the source where her being was forged?"

"Yeah. Turned out we never even thought about really testing if it was possible by using a strand of her hair and sending it through. But it wasn't my idea." From the screen, Sora seemed to be looking around where the camera couldn't see, then rushed over somewhere he was currently at. He leaned down as the group in the lab heard what sounded like a startled squeak, then Sora stood back up while he carried Cozy Glow in his free arm with a grin. "You can thank Cozy Glow for the idea."

"This little filly tested this theory?" Ienzo asked curiously.

"'Filly'? As in tiny baby horse!?" Yuffie exclaimed, exciting both her and Aerith as they both rushed up to Ienzo, nearly knocking the researcher over to get a better look.

"Hello!" Cozy greeted sweetly.

Both women squealed at the adorable filly in Sora's arm. "Oh my gosh! She's adorable!" Aerith gushed.

"What world are you in and where can I find more!?" Yuffie asked as both her and Aerith shoved Ienzo aside to get a closer look at the pegasus.

Leon scoffed and rolled his eyes. "A world that his little horses? What else could exist out there."

"Hey, you're one to talk about cute, adorable animals," Yuffie chided with a cheeky grin. "What about all those Dalmatian puppies Sora helped bring back home to their parents back in Traverse Town?"

The man flinched, turning his head away while trying to remain stoic. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Wait, does Leon like dogs?" Sora asked.

"Oh yes he does," Aerith giggled. "He always took the time to borrow Cid's Gummi ship to check on them."

"So that's why my ship's been missing on occasion every few months," Cid scowled. "You better not have worn out the engine on my baby, kid."

"I was careful," Leon commented.

"And he isn't denying it anymore!" Yuffie laughed, making Leon sigh as he rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"So what other news is there?" Aerith asked, wanting to know after they hadn't seen Sora in a while.

"Sora's gonna get married to Kairi in a few days!" Cozy Glow announced.

Sora winced as his cheeks grew flushed, his nerves coming back with a vengeance. "Married!? You're having a wedding soon!?" Yuffie exclaimed as the residents within the lab were surprised by the news. "Why didn't you invite us, you jerk!?"

"I've been...really busy these last couple years," Sora explained sheepishly. "A lot's happened between the planning and where we would have it and who we're able to invite and trust to not blab about other worlds existing beyond theirs. Saving worlds and preparing to stop a threat to the whole universe is more exhausting than you guys think it is."

"Well, even if I were invited, I'll be far too busy with all this research and decoding," Ienzo said.

"And we still have a lot of work to do rebuilding our world after the last decade it had been overrun with Heartless," Leon added. "Even with the security system protecting some of the workers, there's still Heartless roaming about. I doubt they'll be truly gone after Maleficent took over."

Yuffie groaned, but she knew Leon had a point. "Yeah. We would probably be too busy and miss it anyway."

"You can give our regards to the others and your soon-to-be wife," Aerith said.

"Thanks, guys," Sora said. "It's gonna be...quite the celebration."

"All ya gotta do is just say 'I do' and kiss her. Nothin' hard about getting hitched, kiddo," Cid said.

"Have you ever been married before, Cid?" Leon questioned.

"Have you?" Cid asked back.

Ienzo took his Gummi phone back, brushing aside his bangs. "On the topic of Xion, though, do you still want me to try to make a new vessel for her if anything awry occurs with her current body?"

"Just to be safe, we'd appreciate the backup," Sora said.

"It would have been easier if I had the previous notes of the Replica Program the former Organization had, but I'll give it my all with what I'm able to remember," Ienzo assured.

"Good. I'd better get going. There's...still quite a lot to do," Sora said with a nervous grin.

"Goodbye, new friends!" Cozy said with a small wave as Sora ended the call.

Yuffie and Aerith giggled at the little farewell. "She's so precious," Aerith commented.

"I can't believe they found a world that his little talking horses!" Yuffie squealed. "Did you see how big her eyes were!?"

"I think she had wings, too!" Aerith mentioned.

The two men had no idea what to think of such a world while Aerith and Yuffie gushed over what other creatures besides horses lived around the world Sora was in. "Well, at least he's doing well," Leon said. "Sora's grown up pretty quickly since we first met him."

"And marryin' someone while still so young," Cid chuckled. "He was desperate findin' his friends years ago. But that little girlfriend of his he had been searchin' for really has a hold of that heart of his."

At the train station down in Ponyville, the train began boarding new passengers while others stepped off of the cars. Among some of the travelers, Rara stepped off, happy to be back in Ponyville after her last tour as the pop star, Countess Coloratura. She was clearly better off without Svengallop as her manager, and ponies enjoyed her own music far more than the image that the stallion selfishly made her into and threatened hosts into leaving if they didn't give into his demands. She brushed that rough patch aside, carrying her belongings on her back as she tried to recall where her best friend's home resided.

Making her way to the center of town, she nearly bumped into a huge DJ booth being rolled across her path. "Excuse me! Comin' through!" The pony pushing her gear was none other than Vinyl Scratch, the town's resident DJ. "Got a huge gig coming up at the castle and I need to set up my rig!"

"The castle?" Rara uttered. Curious, she hurried after the unicorn. "Excuse me, but you're on your way to the Castle of Friendship?"

"Yup. Got a big wedding that's happening, and the lucky couple getting hitched is Sora and his fiancΓ©e, Kairi." Rara gasped, excited by the fantastic news and finding the time to come down to Ponyville was perfect timing. "They didn't invite a lot of ponies, though. Kinda weird when he proposed to his marefriend in front of the whole town during Hearts and Hooves Day about a year ago."

"Oh my gosh, that sounds so romantic," Rara sighed. "Is Applejack going to be there?"

"Yeah. So are the other Elements of Harmony, their friends, some of the foals that hang out with Sora," Vinyl listed. As she looked at the mare asking her all these questions, she paused, recognizing her. "...Wait a minute. Aren't you...Countess Coloratura?"

"I dropped the 'Countess' from my former title, but yes, I am Coloratura," the singer greeted. "I'm actually foalhood friends with Applejack."

"Oh. That's pretty cool. But as much as I'd like to talk music, I gotta get ready to make some for the wedding." Vinyl continued onward, Rara still following the unicorn as she hoped her best friend was near the castle.

"I wonder if they'll allow late invites," she wondered aloud. "I could help with entertainment."

"That'll be up to all the planners," Vinyl said. "Pretty strict decisions. I thought my roommate Octavia would help, but she's got some recitals up in Canterlot to do."

"Oh? How strict?" Rara asked worriedly.

"No idea. Something about keeping things hush-hush when we get there or whatever." Vinyl's vague response didn't help Rara's assurance.

After learning what Svengallop was doing behind her back at her tours with charity events she loved doing, she was afraid Kairi might have a bridezilla kind of tension if not everyone was cordially invited to her and Sora's wedding. They arrived at the castle, Vinyl pushing her booth and gear up the steps and down the hall. Up ahead, they could see Applejack looking over some of the food supplies for their best chef for the banquet to make sure they were fresh and up to his standards.

"Applejack!" Rara called out.

Surprised, the farm mare turned around to see her old friend walking up to her with Vinyl beside her. "Rara!?" Applejack exclaimed, both excited and terrified of seeing her old camp friend here. "W-What are ya doin' back in Ponyville?"

"I took a little break from my tour and I wanted to see you and your friends again," Rara said. "But I was told by...umm-"

"Vinyl Scratch, or DJ Pon-3 if you wanna call me by my stage name," Vinyl said.

"Yes. Er, Vinyl told me about Sora and Kairi's wedding," Rara continued sheepishly. "I was wondering if there's any way you can ask them if they'll allow me an invite? Or perhaps help with the entertainment?"

Gulping nervously, Applejack shifted her eyes. "Uhh...W-Well, Ah'm sure they would want ya to join, Rara," she said. "It's just...w-well...Oh, apple tarts. There's already a lot of guests who're gonna know."

"Know what?" Rara asked.

"Probably this secret thing that everypony wants to keep on the downlow when the wedding starts," Vinyl guessed.

Applejack stammered, her muzzle scrunching as her ability to lie was as visible as a black cat in a bright white room. Before she could utter a single word, Aqua came around the hall with some white tablecloths for the banquet.

"Coloratura?" Aqua asked, catching both musicians' attentions.

"Oh. Uhh, it's...Aqua, right?" Rara asked. "And Rara is perfectly fine."

"I didn't know you were in town," the wielder said. "How's your career going without that sleazy manager of yours?"

"A whole lot better. And I've still got so much support from all my fans with the new change singing the way I want," Rara said.

"That's great," Aqua said. "So, what brings you by?"

"I was here to see Applejack and catch up some more, but then I heard from Vinyl Scratch about a big wedding between Sora and Kairi," Rara explained. Aqua's grin quickly melted away, glancing at Applejack, who grimaced nervously as she had nearly spilled the beans. Aqua was willing to allow some of Sora and Kairi's friends they can fully trust not to release anything involving the knowledge of other worlds outside of their own, despite these rules being broken numerous times. Most of them broken not just by them, but by the Organization, Maleficent and her cohorts, and especially Xehanort. She knew Vinyl was one of those specific VIPs, and Rara seemed eager to see something this special between one of the ponies who helped her break off from Svengallop's immoral managerial decisions. "If you need any other entertainers, I'd be happy to help."

Aqua hummed, contemplating adding Equestria's many popular musical artists. Though she knew her for only a couple days while she was in Ponyville, Rara seemed to be trustworthy and capable of keeping such a huge secret.

"...Alright," she said, her answer exciting Rara while surprising Applejack. "But, from now until the wedding, whatever you and Miss Scratch see, you must not mention anything to anyone else."

"...Ok. But...why not?" Rara asked curiously.

"You'll see when we go through the portal." Using her magic, Aqua helped carried the crates of food and ingredients for Applejack, leading the three mares down the hall toward the library.

Rara looked at Applejack, grinning sheepishly, promising to tell her once she sees for herself why it was so important to keep it all a secret. Entering the library, Rara had wondered what Aqua meant by a portal, and seeing the active portal within the library made her grow curious about the strange passageway. Sending the supplies through first, Aqua then stepped through it, with Applejack following behind her. Since it was safe, Rara went next, timidly stepping her hoof through, then slowly walked through with her eyes closed. Once it felt like she passed through, she opened her eyes, only for her mouth to hang open in awe at the mountain range they stepped into. Vinyl came through with her DJ booth in tow, getting a look at the view as her own jaw dropped, her tinted sunglasses tilting askew and revealing her eyes.

"Whoa. Did we just step into Paradise or something?" Vinyl asked.

"Er, not exactly," Applejack said, letting out a nervous chuckle.

Rara began to look around, but when she spotted Aqua standing by the crate of food, she was startled seeing a tall human matching some of her features and clothing in her place. "...What in Equestria?"

Vinyl turned to see the Keyblade Master, yelping and jumping in shock as her glasses flipped off her snout. "What in Celestia is that thing!?"

"Relax. It's me," Aqua assured. "The real me."

"The...real...?" Confused, Rara glanced back at Applejack, who wasn't the least bit shocked to know of Aqua's true identity. "...You...You knew what she-?"

"Eyup," Applejack chuckled. "She ain't the only one who's different."

"You mean...Sora...a-and Kairi...?" Her ears twitched when she heard Sora up by the building she glanced over the beautiful mountain range. When she saw him coming down the steps to the courtyard with Cozy Glow hovering alongside him, he was different as well. She easily recognized his spikey hair, but his clothes were a bit different than what he wore the last time she saw him. "...Oh my..."

As he stepped into the courtyard, Sora froze when he saw Rara and Vinyl Scratch gawking at him. Cozy Glow continued flying to help bring or set up some more stuff, flittering gleefully past the mares and through the portal.

"...Uhh...Hey, Rara," Sora greeted sheepishly.

"...Welp, that explains things," Vinyl said after an awkward moment of silence. "Half the ponies who save the world are actually hairless alien monkeys."

"The correct term is 'human', and no. It's just the heroes of Equestria who always wear the same clothes among the ponies who don't wear any," Aqua explained.

The unicorn DJ shrugged, placing her glasses back on her snout. "Eh. 'Tavi probably wouldn't believe me taking this gig anyway," she said. "Where exactly is the party going to be?"

"It's right up in that building," Aqua pointed out.

Taking the crate, Aqua led Vinyl up to the steps while she pulled her gear behind her. Rara was still in shock, drinking in this revelation that Sora, a pony who was her long time friend from camp calls a brother, was a completely different species; a species she has never even seen or heard of in all her life. As intimidating as his height may seem, she was still able to see the same friendly face from the pegasus she met a couple years ago.

"...Uhh, I guess you're...gonna see the wedding, huh?" Sora asked. Rara had no words, so many questions running through her mind, but she had no idea where to start. Sora glanced up at the peak, where the Young Six were helping setting up the chairs and the decorated arch for him, Kairi, and who would officiate their marriage. "I'm gonna...make sure our students have that set up properly."

Sora excused himself, dashing off down the path leading up to the peak. "And Ah thought it was supposed to be the bride who was full of nerves before the weddin' starts," Applejack said.

Rara looked at her friend, baffled by how nonchalant she was. "How are you this...calm about this? How long have you known he...and the others...?"

"Since Nightmare Moon's return," Applejack said. "Ah first met him when he crash landed in mah family's orchard in his old Gummi ship he traveled in.

"A...A Gummi what?" Her question was answered when they heard the sound of loud engines coming closer. Looking up, Rara's eyes widened when she saw the giant Tree of Harmony Gummi ship hover down at the top of another mountain behind the training ground's building. "...Was that a flying tree? Made of...blocks?"

"That must be the other outside guests Riku picked up," Applejack said.

"Outside guests? As in...more humans?" Rara asked.

Seeing just how confused and intensely perplexed by so much she doesn't know about, Applejack placed a hoof around her withers and guided her toward the building. "It's quite a long story. If ya promise to keep this to yourself, Ah'll tell ya everythin'."

Once they were inside, Applejack began telling Rara everything she knew about Sora, the other wielders, other worlds beyond Equestria, and even their enemies from the Heartless to the Organization. She told her friend how close their world had gotten to having their world swallowed by darkness on numerous occasions: the Pillars from one thousand years ago stopping the Pony of Shadows, who was once a former ally they falsely accused over a misunderstanding of his intentions, Sombra being Luna's lover and having his heart tainted with darkness, transforming him into the tyrannical king who ruled the Crystal Empire after his Heartless took control and killed the former ruler, even how Luna's transformation was influenced by darkness from her lack of attention from hers and Celestia's subjects, even her own sister's after losing the love of her life being turned into a monster. Even before Sora's arrival, their world could have easily fallen to the darkness without any Heartless causing chaos.

Applejack then went on to talk about Sora's journey, shocking Rara when she mentioned that, like her pony friends as the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, he was just as connected by the same rainbow from Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom as a filly. Though the impact left him without his father, Sora was always protective of his friends, always wanting to understand why his foes do the horrible things they did to make them the villains they were, and strive to help them see the light and help them change. He was practically a hero in so many worlds that Applejack had never seen before, saving people despite the important rule of not meddling in the affairs of other worlds, even risking his own life to protect the ones he loves. As Applejack told her what he did for Kairi when she lost her heart, Rara was astonished that Sora was willing to give up his heart, as both their hearts were connected as one at the time, just to wake her up and free her from a comatose state. He was selfless, despite his childish behavior, but it's a trait Rara could see that made Sora such a likeable pony since she first met him.

And his bond with Applejack and her family really made him seem like he was an Apple like them. He never freeloaded and helped the Apples tend to their crops or do any chores on the farm. He even fended off Heartless that almost hurt Apple Bloom during a terrible storm when Rainbow Dash accused him of summoning them to cause trouble when they had appeared during his presence in their world. And he was wonderful with the foals, hearing some of them colts and fillies during her charity tour in Ponyville talk about how amazing he was for being a brave and strong hero. Even if he was different, who he was on the outside didn't define his character; it was his heart and what he strived for that showed who he was.

Once Applejack was done, Rara absorbed as much of it as she was able. It really was such a long story, and what Sora had to go through in his worst of times was almost painful to hear. How he cherished Kairi so dearly to give up his own life by physically releasing his heart and turning into a Heartless was so heroically sad, but she was glad he was somehow able to come back to life through Kairi's heart. And to hear she was a princess with a heart of pure light made her all the more special for Sora to protect, looking past what royal status she may have had in her youth, and he was marrying her in only a few days. It was no wonder why all of this was meant to be a secret: if others know about what could threaten their lives, they could put their world in danger if they knew the fear the Heartless would bring.

"...This is...unbelievable," Rara muttered. "I can see why you or your friends have to...keep it a secret."

"Well, it's becoming less of a secret as the years passed," Applejack said. "When Nightmare Moon returned, Twilight cornered Sora and forced the information outta him. He didn't want to tell us to keep us safe, but Ah don't think he could have done it alone anyway. But even when alone, he don't have to because his friends will give him the power he needs to see the battle through to the end."

"...Who else knows?" Rara asked curiously.

"Well, the princesses know, for one. Some of the delegates and rulers across the world who have creatures enrolled at the School of Friendship know, and those same students are also Key bearers in trainin'." Applejack huffed, scuffing her hoof against the floor of the room she led Rara to to detail everything to her. "Even that strict, stubborn mule of a unicorn, Chancellor Neighsay. He really thinks the Keyblades and their power were meant just for ponies, and he don't know about it as much as Ah do."

"The chancellor for the EEA?" Rara questioned. Applejack nodded, despising the stallion for misinterpreting everything that got the School of Friendship shut down, even crediting a university of "friendship" made up by the FlimFlam Brothers to spite them. "...Well, I swear I will tell nopony about this. Their secret is safe with me."

"Ya sure it ain't...too much?" Applejack asked.

"I'll...try to wrap my head around it," Rara assured. Both mares giggled, sitting in silence as the singer noticed the sun was going down. Clearly signed in to help with entertaining the guests and the future married couple, Rara suddenly got an idea for a song. "Applejack? Is there a piano somewhere in this place?"

"Umm...Ah'm not sure," Applejack said. "Ah could ask Aqua if there is, or maybe try to bring one through the portal. Why?"

"I've just got an inspiration for a song that I think will be perfect for Sora and Kairi's first dance," Rara said with an excited grin.

The days passed in a blur as the wedding was now completely set up and the main event was mere hours away. During that time, The Destiny Island and Twilight Town gangs were acquainted with the Equestrains who were going to be around at the wedding. Selphie was already losing her mind when the ponies she met were so colorful and adorable that she was living a long-lived little girl's fantasy. Tidus and Wakka were a bit perturbed seeing talking animals, but when they met the Young Six, knowing there were cooler creatures like dragons and griffons changed their minds pretty quickly. Granted, they couldn't visit the world and risk having anyone outside Twilight's castle see them, but it didn't matter when seeing them was enough for them.

The ones performing the wedding rituals began to practice how they were going to perform up on the mountain. Though Cozy knew about the wielders and humans, Diamond Tiara and Dinky Doo were surprised to see The Land of Departure and what Sora and Kairi looked like outside their world. They did promise to keep it a secret, but to see humans being so much taller than them was a bit intimidating. Luckily, knowing it was still Sora and Kairi, those nerves diminished as their roles as flower fillies for the best stallion/young man was more exciting. Sora was still a trembling mess, despite it only being a practice run, almost anticipating something to go horribly wrong before the time truly came. The others could see as they had taken their own spots: Riku, Ventus, Big Mac, and Terra being Sora's best men on his side, Twilight, Selphie, Olette, and Sugar Belle as her bridesmaids, Yen Sid agreeing to officiate the marriage, and Spike playing the role of ringbearer again. Despite the wielder's nerves, the practice runs ran smoothly.

It was almost time as the invited guests were either getting themselves ready in The Land of Departure or making their way to the Castle of Friendship. Arriving together, Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, Cadence, Sunburst, and Flurry Heart approached the castle, the alicorn siblings in their usual royal regalia, Shining Armor dressed in his royal captain's uniform, and Cadence and Flurry Heart wearing shimmering dresses of light blue with their manes styled with crystals in beautiful styles. Sunburst was the least dressed, still donning his usual cloak, but with a red bowtie, and he at least groomed his messy hair and beard to be presentable for the occasion.

"I'm curious to see what the world looks like," Celestia said. "It's also nice to finally get out of the castle every now and then."

"It is highly unfortunate we don't have the luxury of going to other worlds like they do," Luna added.

"I'm just so happy I get to see these two finally get married!" Cadence squealed. "Ever since I first saw their chemistry, I just knew they were the perfect couple. Luckily my bouquet at our wedding landed in Kairi's hooves."

"I don't think it was a coincidence that you threw your bouquet far enough to even reach where they were standing that evening," Shining replied. "You planned to let that fly toward Kairi."

"I don't know what you're talking about, dear," Cadence said with a cheeky smirk.

Shining rolled her eyes. Flurry Heart giggled as she was held in her father's aura, excited to see her favorite aunt and uncle again. As they approached the doors, they were opened and greeted by a rolling carpet heading toward them. At the end of the roll, Cheese Sandwich popped out in a black tuxedo and top hat with Boneless 2 sitting on his back, also wearing a similar outfit.

"Greetings, Your Royal Highnesses!" the stallion greeted with a bow. "Glad of you to make it for the biggest wedding extravaganza only known to VIPs big and small!"

"Oh. Uhh, thank you...?" Luna uttered, confused. "Who are you?"

"The name's Cheese Sandwich, princess! Bestest super duper party pony in all of Equestria!" Cheese proclaimed. "Second only to the original bestest super duper party pony, and marefriend, Pinkie Pie! Glad I managed to make it yesterday to finish Pinkie setting up the banquet/dance hall!"

"And lucky he was!" Pinkie exclaimed, dropping down from the ceiling and hopped beside the stallion. She was wearing a light blueish-white dress with a balloon hair clip in her frizzy mane. "It's not like Cheesey was added into this chapter because somepony almost forgot to mention him being here to help plan the wedding along with me!"

Menacingly, both Pinkie and Cheese scowled to their left, their faces darkened in intense anger. The royal ponies were confused at who exactly they were upset with as they seemed to just stare at the wall in the foyer, but seeing how Cheese Sandwich is surprisingly similarly random as Pinkie was, they let it slide and didn't question their antics.

"...Err, right," Sunburst said, chuckling nervously as he adjusted his glasses. "So...where is everypony else?"

"They're already in The Land of Departure!" Pinkie said, both her and Cheese quickly back to smiling when they focused back on the royal family and royal foalsitter. "There's enough time to mingle before the ceremony starts in the afternoon!"

"And don't be surprised if you see some other humans there. But be wary around two of the female friends of Kairi." Cheese shifted his eyes, then slid over to stand between Cadence and Shining Armor. "If they see this little bundle of joy, they just might literally eat her up."

He playfully tickled Flurry Heart's belly, making her giggle as her hooves tried to reach out to Boneless 2 to play with him. "I'm sure they can't be that bad," Cadence said.

"Try telling that to Kairi when she first came here," Pinkie said in a hushed tone.

The royal couple didn't seem all that concerned, though they were worried Flurry might run them ragged if she flew around to blow off some steam. Pinkie and Cheese guided the royal guests inside the castle and to the library. Inside, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence saw the mirror portal they gifted to Twilight, the sun princess hoping Sunset was doing ok at Canterlot High with her new friends. They approached the open portal to The Land of Departure and stepped on through. They were in awe as they saw the world for the first time, a beautiful mountain range where the sunset was a perfect backdrop for a wedding.

They could see the peak where the proceedings would take place, though the side of the mountain facing the building had several yards of cloth hanging up. It was most likely to cover everyone's prying eyes when they spot the bride come out once she was fully ready. Around the courtyard, they could see Lea wearing a black dress jacket, a white dress shirt underneath, a bright red bowtie, and long black dress pants with black dress shoes, and he was talking to his girlfriend Sweet Delight and her son Axle Beam. The mare wore a simple white dress while the mute colt wore a fancy little bowtie around his neck. There were Hayner, Pence, TIdus, and Wakka having a little discussion on the other side of the portal. The other guests were either inside the building or were waiting at or heading toward the peak.

From the entrance, Riku stepped out, dressed up in a tux just like Lea was as he adjusted his tie, which was pure black. Recognizing the man's hair, Flurry Heart giggled, squirming out of Shining Armor's magic and flew off toward him.

"WIKOO!!!!!!!!" Her squeal caught Riku's attention, letting out a surprise yelp as he saw the little pink bullet of fluff shoot off toward him.

He managed to catch her without getting pushed back as the filly laughed and babbled happily. "H-Hey, Flurry," he greeted the excitable foal. "Wow, you look really pretty. You get the Crystal Empire mane treatment?"

"Wikoo!" the infant squealed.

The royals and Sunburst came over to the duo, along with Lea, Sweet, and Axle after hearing the baby alicorn squeal. "Huh. So this is what a human looks like up close," Sunburst pondered aloud. "About as tall as a minotaur, and less hairy than I imagined."

"Nice seeing you again, Sunburst," Riku muttered sarcastically. As he held the bubbly baby, he greeted the rest of the royal family and royal sisters. "Glad to see you guys made it."

"Oh, we wouldn't have wanted to miss this for anything," Celestia said.

"And me a whole lot more!" Cadence added.

"Calm down, honey," Shining chided. "Don't want you to go spreading more love around and ruin Sora and Kairi's day, do we?"

"Shiney, I've been waiting for years for these two to finally tie the knot," Cadence argued.

"We've only known them for a couple years," the stallion corrected. Her response was sticking her tongue out him, then turning her head haughtily with a snooty huff. Shining rolled his eyes and shook his head with a small laugh. "So, where's the groom at?"

"He was following me so we could take our spots at-" Riku looked back to the doorway, but he was confused when he didn't see Sora among them. "Huh? He was just behind me."

"Oh. Is he getting...frozen limbs?" Luna asked.

"Cold hooves," Celestia corrected.

Sighing, Riku set Flurry Heart down on Sunburst's back. "I'm gonna make sure he doesn't chicken out at the last second. I'll be right back."

He hurried off back up the stairs to the building, leaving Shining a little concerned. "Oh boy. Never thought he'd be this nervous for his own wedding."

"I would have assumed he had more courage with this than facing a grave battle against the forces of darkness," Luna added.

"He'll pull through," Cadence said. "As soon as he sees Kairi in her wedding dress walking down the aisle, that fear will be nonexistent while he stands at the altar."

"Might as well wait and see. Let's find us some seats," Sunburst said.

Flurry whined, wanting to have her uncle continue holding her, but Cadence pulled out her Riku plushie, immediately calming her down. The royal VIPs began making their way up the trail, passing by the four young men. Tidus, Wakka, Hayner, and Pence gawked at the size of the alicorn princesses, thinking the ponies in Equestria were supposed to be smaller than them by almost a third their height.

"Whoa. Those two look like full grown horses," Tidus commented.

"I can't imagine Twilight looking that tall," Pence said aloud. "They must be royalty with their shiny horseshoes and crowns."

Suddenly popping in behind them, Discord announced his presence to the human guests with fireworks. Startled, the four men backed up, jaws slacked at the sight of the draconequus. Discord wore a normal-looking tuxedo jacket, a giant rose hanging out from his left breast pocket, and a goofy-colored tie in a red, white, and black plaid pattern.

"The fuuuun~ has arriiiiiived-AH!" Discord sang, holding his arms out in a flashy pose with lights flashing around him to make his grand entrance more flashy. Confused, Tidus, Wakka, Hayner, and Pence stared at the draconequus. With a snap of his fingers, the little light show he made for himself disappeared in a flash, giving the baffled humans a double-pointed finger pose with a click of his tongue. "Thank you very much."

"...Uhhhhh...What is...that?" Pence asked.

"He's Discord." A young child's voice above them surprised them more, and it was more over Wakka's head. Glancing up, sitting on top of the athlete's head was Dizzy, giving them all a wave, then played with Wakka's coiffed hairdo. Like Discord, he had a similar tux on with the same flower and bowtie. "Keeping your hair up like this must be even harder than making it all spikey twenty-four/seven."

"...There's another one. On my head," Wakka uttered. "...What is going on?"

Discord blew a raspberry, ignoring their confused gazes. "Well, we would have gotten here much sooner if I didn't have a little pest control problem."

"Nuh uh! You were hesitating because you were all nervous wondering what Fluttershy would look like in her dress for the wedding!" Dizzy teased.

Grunting, Discord grabbed the draconequus colt by his tail, hanging him upside down as he pulled him off of Wakka's head. "Why do you never keep your big mouth shut?"

"Well, it's true," Dizzy argued with an impish giggle.

"...I'm...so confused. What is happening right now?" Hayner questioned.

"Discord!" Flying down from the mountain peak, Fluttershy spotted her coltfriend and came down to see them. When Discord looked up, his jaw dropped as he dropped Dizzy, dropping the colt on his head with a cartoonish thud. Her dress was a light evergreen with some small floral designs along the flank, her long mane tied in a ponytail with a bright pink hairband twisted to look like a butterfly. The sight of her in her beautiful dress made Discord's heart thud in his chest, physically so as it shot forward and made a stretched outline against his chest, nearly smacking the four young men as they backed away from how far it stretched out. His heart shot out in time with his racing heartbeat, his reaction making the pegasus laugh as she touched down to greet him. Dizzy smirked, floating up and smacking his lion paw over his older self's chest, stopping his heart from popping out, though at least not forward as it started to poke repeatedly out from his back. "And Dizzy! So glad you both could make it!"

"Of course we wouldn't want to miss a wedding this big!" Dizzy said. "Just like how the whole universe is dying to see this happen."

"You both look very handsome," Fluttershy complimented, increasing the frequency of Discord's racing heartbeat while he was still dumbstruck by her appearance. Ever since they shared their first date on Hearts and Hooves Day, Discord was slowly fighting back his anxiety whenever they began hanging out as more than just friends. Like her shyness, Fluttershy knew Discord just needed to take some more baby steps before he was his usual confident and cocky self. When she looked back at the stupefied young men, she supposed a proper introduction to Discord was well needed from their expressions. "Boys, I want you to meet Discord. He was the former Lord of Chaos in my world, but with a little help from me and Sora, he's a very reliable ally and a helpful friend. This little colt is Dizzy, his younger self manifested as his own personality through Discord's chaotic magic."

"Uhh...He...made it very clear he's able to do...weird stuff," Tidus said.

"He's practically harmless if you enjoy silly pranks," Fluttershy assured. "Discord, these are friends of Sora's: Tidus, Wakka, Hayner, and Pence. Tidus and Wakka are from Destiny Island, and Hayner and Pence are from Twilight Town."

"Hello!" Dizzy greeted while Discord grinned sheepishly as he gave them a small wave.

The odd change in demeanor from being smug and cocky to being as timid as a dormouse confused the men. "Er, nice...meeting you two," Pence said.

"I have to get back to my bird choir. It's almost time!" Fluttershy cheered. "Come on, Discord. I found us perfect seats on the peak."

Taking his claw, Fluttershy gently pulled Discord along as he followed her. His heart finally stopped thumping out of his body, but he was still completely speechless as he couldn't take his eyes off her. Dizzy began to follow them, stopping in front of Tidus, Wakka, Hayner, and Pence.

"I told him he'd like her dress," he said, then floated off while he spread random bits of confetti from his hands while humming the Wedding March, the little bits of paper disappearing before they hit the ground.

The four young men blinked, processing the weird chaos meeting who was known as the Lord of Chaos. "...Yup. My dad's definitely not gonna believe this weird week," Tidus said.

"How many other creatures exist in Equestria?" Hayner questioned. "And...what was he supposed to be? A dragon?"

"All those body parts made him look like a freaky science experiment gone wrong," Pence said. "Kinda cool, actually. Almost like he's a cartoon character come to life."

"That's actually a lot more terrifying to think about," Hayner said, giving Pence a playful nudge on the arm. "Might as well get our seats before something else weird makes my brain melt."

The boys headed toward the trail, Wakka letting out a long sigh. "Man, what else is gonna surprise us this week?"

Inside the Keyblade training ground's main hall, the setup for the wedding reception was fully decorated for the future newlyweds. Several tables lined up near the walls with seats for the guests, leaving a huge amount of open space for dancing or fun wedding games. Where the throne was set at the end of the hall would be where Sora and Kairi would sit since the evening will be all about them. In the corners, Vinyl's DJ booth sat on the back left and a piano sat in the back left, both musicians doublechecking their respective instruments so nothing goes awry during their performances. The tables all had white tablecloths and matching sets of cutlery and plates for the food currently being prepped in the kitchen. Vases were evenly placed along each table, each filled with white or red roses. And with a little extra magic with Aqua's Keyblade and Starlight's magic, they were able to create an illusion of a shimmering night sky, and as music would play, the stars would twinkle and shine briefly as if matching the different notes coming from both musicians.

Xion made sure each cloth was creased and hanging evenly across each table. Rarity made her a light gray dress with a few small white hearts stitched along the sides, somehow able to pull off making her dress in such a short amount of time, but Xion thought it was perfect. Aqua and Starlight stepped out from the halls and into their makeshift banquet hall, looking over everything for the procession. Aqua was in a much more regal dress of icy blue with white ice shard patterns along the hem of the skirt, glass slippers in a blue-tinted color to match her hair, and a small necklace with a blue diamond gem resting against her chest. Starlight was in a darker blue dress with small patterns of diamond-shaped stars similar to her cutie mark.

"Ok, so Remy's getting the food prepped with Ven's help," Starlight listed. "Kinda surprised he volunteered to be the chef's puppet to get around the kitchen.

"Better than having him scurry around scalding hot stoves or ovens and risk hurting himself," Aqua said. "We've got our flower fillies all dressed with their baskets of rose petals."

"G-Gah! Flowers!" Starlight exclaimed. "Kairi's bouquet! Didn't Terra tell us that Mistmane was growing crystal flowers for the bouquet!?"

"Ah! Shoot!" Aqua grunted. "How did we forget that!?"

"Do you by any chance mean this bouquet?" Just as Aqua and Starlight were about to panic, they looked over at the stairway when they heard Star Swirl's voice.

To their surprise, they saw the Pillars of Equestria had arrived unexpectedly in The Land of Departure. Though they weren't dressed for the event like a majority of the guests, their presence was more than enough to add them to the guest list. Mistmane held up the bouquet of crystal flowers to them, both Aqua and Starlight sighing in relief. The crystal stems were tied together and covered in a white lace cloth, the petals on the crystal flowers were a bright pink and white in the shape of hearts, the flowers glistening under the soft light as if mimicking the same hearts the Heartless release upon being slain by the Keyblade.

"I didn't think you all would be able to take the time to come all this way," Aqua said.

"And miss a wedding featuring our long-awaited seventh Pillar of Equestria? Not a chance," Flash Magnus said.

"Though these flowers may be made of crystal, they do lose their shine after some time much like real flowers," Mistmane explained. "I had gone on ahead of Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor to personally deliver these to the bride."

"You are a lifesaver!" Starlight laughed, taking the flowers from the unicorn Pillar and hurried off to Kairi's room to give her her special bouquet.

"This is an occasion we shall all remember for the rest of our lives," Somnambula said. "The light within their hearts is strong, but unified, their light will only grow much stronger."

"I don't think any of us will forget this day," Aqua said. "Especially our stars of the event."

Coming up the steps, Riku looked around the banquet, finding no sign of his friend. He paused when he saw the Pillars of Equestria were here, surprised to see them here and invited themselves, but he had to search for Sora in case he did end up getting cold feet. As he made his way down the halls, he passed by the room where Rarity was busy fixing the three flower fillies' floral wreaths. The fashionista wore a red dress with purple diamonds running along the edge of of the hem of the skirt, making sure her own outfit wasn't too showy and upstaged Kairi's beautiful wedding dress. Diamond Tiara, Dinky Hooves, and Cozy Glow wore matching white dresses with little pink hearts all around their outfits, the flowers on their wreaths patterned with red, white, and pink petals.

"There we go," Rarity said as she finished adjusting Dinky's wreath. "Perfect."

"I'm so excited to be a flower filly for Mr. Sora!" Dinky cheered.

Though Dinky and Cozy Glow were ecstatic, Diamond Tiara frowned. "I...I just can't believe Sora would pick me."

Curious, Cozy looked at the earth pony filly. "What do you mean?"

"Well...I don't know if anypony else has told you about me," Diamond said. "I wasn't as...nice as I was to everypony. I used to be the school bully."

"Really?" Cozy asked. "Golly. I can't imagine you ever being mean."

"Oh, she was once," Rarity confirmed. "She always picked on my sister Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, insulted other ponies who didn't have their cutie marks or they weren't as rich as them. Downright horrid for a filly her age." Diamond Tiara winced at the reminder of her horrible actions. "She even tried to act tough and insult Sora numerous times for keeping the fillies he sees as his own younger siblings from being bullied."

"But why did you not like Sora?" Cozy Glow asked the former bully.

"I don't really know," Diamond mumbled. "I thought he was a weirdo, and he wasn't bothered when I verbally attacked him."

"Or when you hit him at your cute-ceaΓ±era when the Crusaders stood up to you, and he used your punching like it was a massage," Dinky giggled.

Diamond groaned at how silly she behaved, especially trying to punch Sora for ruining her party with the Crusaders and expecting them to even hurt him. She'd seen him get smacked around by Marluxia during the winter holidays a couple years ago, and that terrifying stallion hit so much harder than she ever could with her small size.

"He always tried to find a way to humble her and see the consequences of her actions, but she was stubborn and refused to learn her lessons," Rarity added. "It wasn't until Sweetie Belle told me why she was so horrible after Diamond Tiara made a huge change. No surprise that her mother, Spoiled Rich, had pressured her into being as rude and haughty as a Canterlot noble to show her worth and money was more important than her peers. I don't know what Filthy Rich saw in her, but if she keeps up that attitude, any commissions she asks me to make for herself, I am going to politely decline if she believes she's Princess Celestia herself."

"I really thought Sora would actually pick Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to be the flower fillies. I haven't been around Sora for that long after he helped me think about who I wanted to be," Diamond said. "Why did he pick me?"

"You know, I thought that, too, but I'm sure Sora wanted to pick you because he believed there was a good filly somewhere in the old you," Rarity pondered. "He's not one to hold a grudge toward anypony unless he knows that who he meets can't be redeemed."

"You mean like the two unicorns who tried to sell a tonic in town that was a fake?" Dinky asked.

"Oh, yes. Those two are definitely on his irredeemable list," Rarity quickly said. "There was no chance for them when they also tried to kick out Applejack and her family by selling more apple cider during cider season with their cider squeezing machine, causing all sorts of property damage just so they could win, and they even created that Friendship University in Las Pegasus. Despite the free tuition, they extorted the funds by forcing students by paying for the lessons and were going to use those bits for the hotel they now run. Sora despises them and is willing to make them pay for swindling ponies with their scams.

"But for you, Diamond Tiara, you're just a filly and thought your mother was right with what she was teaching you. Whatever you did to him, or even my sister and her friends, it's all in the past." Rarity gently patted Diamond's head, being careful not to mess up her mane or her floral headdress. "And he's also a sucker for adorable little fillies like you. He can't stay mad at you forever. When he first met Sweetie Belle, he adored her and she warmed up to him within moments."

Diamond Tiara smiled, part of her glad that Sora was willing to trust her after their little spats. Though he may be busier than usual, she hoped to maybe ask him if he wanted to spend a little time with her and Silver Spoon, get to know him a lot more after learning who he was within the last few days. Cozy Glow hummed curiously, knowing firsthand that Sora dotes upon her a lot for being small, cute, and adorable, more so than the Crusaders, who he sees as his surrogate little sisters.

Sora stood in the middle of his personal dressing room, standing in front of the mirror with a nervous grimace. He stood in his specially designed wedding outfit tailored by Rarity: his tuxedo jacket and dress pants black with patterns of white, curled designs trailing down both sides of his apparel, a white dress shirt with a red tie that had a silver crown stitching halfway down the accessory where his necklace would usually sit around his neck, a stitching on the upper left chest, resting over his heart, that looked like a paopu fruit with a bright pink heart glittering with ruby gemstones, and black dress shoes. Though he was dressed for the part and liked the feel of his attire, he was already sweating bullets as the time drew near.

"Getting cold feet already?" Through his eyes, Sora could see Roxas standing behind him in his reflection. "You know Riku's going to drag you up there."

Gulping, Sora tried to fix his tie, even though it had been adjusted numerous times without any discomfort. "I just...Do you think I proposed too soon?" Sora asked. "What if something goes wrong? Heartless invasion? Xehanort rediscovers this world has returned? Maleficent and Pete crash the wedding!? Flim and Flam finding a way to snatch the guests with another of their stupid scams!?"

Roxas slumped his shoulders, letting out an exasperated sigh. "Ok, you're definitely overreacting. You've been freaking out these last few days, and you're worried the wedding will get crashed?"

"I don't know anymore!" Sora shouted. "It's a lot for me to take in! I'm marrying Kairi, the love of my life, the girl I will gladly risk my life for over and over again, and I've never been so terrified in all my life!"

"...Seriously?" Roxas questioned. "Numerous Heartless, creepy monsters throughout specific worlds big and small, and you're actually scared of getting married?"

"You have no idea how nervous I am! I'm gonna mess up and ruin it! I'm gonna stumble or fumble up my words! What if I kiss the bride before I'm allowed to kiss her!?" Roxas stared blankly at his other self, giving up trying to figure out why he's got the bad wedding jitters.

In his nervous ranting, Riku opened the door with a sigh. "Sora, come on. We're supposed to be at the altar right now." Sora didn't make a response, or even notice his friend walked in. Grumbling, Riku marched up to the groom and began physically pushing him out and into the hall, forcing his legs to walk forward. "You're not wussing out after all you've been through."

Up at the mountain peak, all the guests were filing in and finding themselves a seat among the many rows of plastic chairs. Between the rows of six was a red carpet rolled out from the altar to a wide archway with a white curtain veiling the ones who will walk down the aisle from the seats. White ribbons ran on poles along the aisle, each one bearing a heart-shape before trailing down to the next until it reached the altar at the end. The altar had a smaller white arch, where Yen Sid was standing and waiting for the procession to begin. Around it were several flowers running down both sides, along with vines that spiraled around the posts, giving the illusion that the flowers had grown where the arch stood. In the corner, Fluttershy was getting her bird choir ready as the musical birds sat on a little perch stand Fluttershy brought from her home.

Manami was already seated with Kaito sitting beside her, Manami in a red dress and the Nobody in a normal tuxedo once worn by his original self during their wedding years ago. "Ooh, I wish I had a camera," Manami said, shifting excitedly in her seat as she looked around. They both got a front row seat, Manami wanting nothing more than to be close enough to see her son get married to the love of his life and cherish these memories in her old age. She could see the Young Six eagerly awaiting to see the wedding, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and Applejack seated together with them as they were like family to Sora, along with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, and many more guests that were just arriving and reaching the peak. Granny wore a simple white dress, the Crusaders wore dresses that matched their fur, and Applejack had on a bright orange-red dress with her mane and tail braided up, both ends tied in a red ribbon and an apple hairpin resting at the end of her mane's braid. "Ugh. I know world order stuff is very important, but a few small pictures just for safekeeping wouldn't hurt, would it?"

"Maybe someone will end up taking pictures and give you a copy," Kaito chuckled.

Down the path, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Donald, and Goofy helped guide the guests to where they can walk up and avoid going through the veiled arch. Despite Rainbow's disdain for wearing dresses, she wore herself a sky blue dress with fluffy cloud-like trim along the dress, even braiding her hair with a red lightning bolt hairpin behind her right ear. Donald and Goofy had donned their royal attire from their world. With everyone just about filed in, it was nearly time for the wedding to start, but Sora was nowhere to be seen.

"Gawrsh, I hope Sora didn't get a stomach virus," Goofy pondered worriedly.

"Ahh, I'm sure he's fine," Donald said. "He's probably just really nervous."

"Ooh! I think I see him!" Pinkie pointed out. "And Riku's pushing him along!"

Coming up the trail, Riku pushed Sora all the way up to the greeting quartet. During that time, the other groomsmen were seen coming up the hill, followed by the bridesmaids, Rarity, and Spike, the dragon carrying both Sora and Kairi's rings. Sitting next to Kairi's engagement ring was a specially crafted ring for Sora, the gem a white diamond similar to Kairi's, though not as unique as her diamond's, with a carefully carved etch of a dark silver crown in the center. Terra and Ventus wore matching tuxedos like Riku's while Big Mac and Spike just wore tuxedo jackets. Selphie and Olette had long yellow and orange respective dresses, Twilight was wearing her coronation dress that still fit her after the last few years, leaving her crown and instead wore a pink star hairpin similar to her cutie mark's behind her right ear, and Sugar Belle wore a magenta dress with her frizzy mane hanging loosely down her neck.

"I swear, if you get your shoes scuffed up on this annoying climb up here, I'm not getting chewed out by Rarity," Riku grumbled.

"Good thing I made it in time," Ventus panted. Remy had been riding on his head while Ventus had volunteered to "help" prep his ingredients. "It was really weird having someone else control your arms and legs running around the kitchen. Little nerve-wracking when it came to the chopping."

"Luckily, you got an experienced little chef who knows what he's doing," Olette said.

Remy gave a small nod, then scurried onto Ventus's shoulder, leaping over to Rainbow as the pegasus caught him. Starlight teleported between everyone, looking satisfied with all the preparations.

"Ok. I believe we're all ready to start," she said. "Aqua will be along escorting the flower fillies and Kairi in a moment."

"K-Kairi's already on the way!?" Sora shrieked, looking around frantically.

"No, they'll be out in a moment," Riku reiterated. He grabbed his incredibly nervous friend's shoulders, forcing him to stand staring straight at the arch, the little rise of mountain obscuring the view to the world's lone building. "Once we all go through and stand in our spots, they'll be on the way. Just relax. You basically have the easiest part."

"E-Easy? How is this easy!?" Sora exclaimed. "There's just...standing there, waiting for the 'I do's', the vows...Wait, vows!?" Frantically, Sora patted every pocket of his outfit. "W-Where are my-!?"

Riku rolled his eyes, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his jacket pocket and held it in front of Sora's face. "I've got them right here. As your best man, I'm responsible for holding onto your written vows if you wind up losing it in the state you're in."

Seeing everything was fine for the most part, Sora grinned sheepishly. "Oh dear. He's stressing out pretty badly," Sugar Belle uttered to Big Mac.

"Eeyup," the stallion agreed.

"He can handle it," Riku assured, stuffing Sora's written vows back in his pocket. "Now, time to start the show. Get a move on, lover boy."

Gulping, Sora tried his hardest to compose himself. Taking several deep breaths, he watched Rainbow, Pinkie, and Rarity walk around to find their seats, then after another grueling minute, he began to step forward. His heart was pounding in his ears, the chatter among the crowd unheard, his body shaking in trepidation as he pushed the curtain aside and walked down the aisle. Keeping his gaze firmly set on the altar and Yen Sid waiting for him, he felt everyone's eyes on him as they watched him, some impressed by his unique dress attire thanks to Rarity's tailoring skills. Sora spotted his mother up in the front row on the groom's side, who choked up with joy after seeing just how handsome he looked. He reached the end of the altar, facing the audience and stood nervously.

The groomsmen soon walked out a few seconds later, starting with Riku as his best man, followed by Big Mac, then Ventus, and finally Terra. They lined up along the groom's side, then the bridesmaids came walking down, with Twilight as Kairi's maid of honor, then Selphie, Olette, and Sugar Belle. Spike walked out next, carefully bringing the rings down the aisle and took his spot in front of the groomsmen, making sure he stood out of the way for when Kairi would come walking down to stand next to Sora. Seconds soon felt like hours for Sora, expecting the worst to happen or something to slip up and ruin the event. Swallowing the growing lump in his throat, Sora fidgeted his hands together, glancing around the crowd anxiously.

"Oh man," he mumbled. "I don't know if I can do this."

Riku groaned at Sora's apprehension, growing a smirk as he knew one way to deter his thoughts. "Come on, Sora. I thought you were stronger than that."

Luckily, it snapped him out as he shifted his gaze to him. "Oh no you don't. You're not pulling that card on me," Sora grumbled. "This is far different from our competitions, and you know it."

While he was distracted, Aqua arrived with Kairi, poking her head around the corner while making sure the bride was kept hidden from the public. Terra spotted her, giving her a subtle thumbs up, which she gladly returned. She whispered to the last few important members of the procession, then gave Fluttershy her signal to begin the Wedding March. The pegasus nodded and raised her baton, getting her little bird friends' attention and began conducting them to sing. Everyone looked at the arch as the birds started singing, even snapping Sora away from scowling at his friend and his nerves reigniting back to overly stressed.

The flower fillies passed through the curtain and skipped down the aisle, starting with Cozy Glow, then Diamond Tiara, and finally Dinky Doo. The three fillies gently swung their baskets, spreading red rose petals along the carpet down to the altar, and walking behind them, Kairi stepped through, everyone staring at her with awe at her wedding dress. The moment Sora laid eyes on his beloved, all his fears suddenly vanished, enamored by her dress, her presence the only thing he focused on.

Holding her crystal flower bouquet in both hands, Kairi walked forward, ignoring their guests as her eyes rested solely on Sora in his outfit. Her dress was a pure white, glittering sequins around the lower section of the long skirt in the shape of hearts, wearing a pair of white heels that could be seen with each step she took. She had a pair of arm sleeves of the same white as her dress, reaching from halfway up her upper arm and down to her wrists. On the upper left breast of her dress, there was a similar stitching of a paopu fruit with a pink heart inside just like Sora's, a symbol of the legend of the star-shaped fruit grown in Destiny Island and how the two of them have made it come true. She didn't wear a veil, but since she was considered a Princess of Heart, Rarity had also included making her a tiara as part of her wedding dress. The crown was made of white diamond, curved perfectly to rest upon her head without it falling off, and in the center of the headpiece was an empty space, but a special enchantment in it gave the illusion of a released heart sitting inside, spinning slowly and shimmering with the sparkles reflecting from the light on the crown.

Sora's lips slowly curled into a smile at how beautiful she looked. Rarity had really outdone herself with all the hard work she did for both their wedding outfits. Manami had to stifle her sobs, watching her soon-to-be daughter-in-law dressed like a beautiful princess, already eager to call Kairi her daughter the moment she and Sora sealed their marriage with a kiss. Kaito handed her a tissue, which she quickly swiped and dabbed her eyes, trying her hardest not to ruin her makeup.

"So, still got cold feet?" Riku asked Sora teasingly.

"...Huh?" Sora mumbled, barely paying attention to him when his vision was solely locked onto Kairi.

The Crusaders and mares of the Mane Six sitting up close giggled quietly, hearing his dumbstruck response like the lovesick goof he was. Kairi finally reached the altar, standing next to Sora, handing Twilight her bouquet before facing Sora, admiring his outfit up close. Both of them were speechless, silently looking in each other's eyes. Fluttershy's bird choir finished the Wedding March, the pegasus quietly praising them, then left them to sit on their perch as she fluttered over to her seat next to Discord and Dizzy.

"Dearly beloved," Yen Sid began as everyone was completely settled in their seats, including Aqua as she made her way around to find an empty seat. "Friends. Family. Acquaintances. Creatures of all kinds, young and old, big and small. We are gathered here today to celebrate a momentous occasion. A bond between two lovers, a pair who have faced perils that refused to get between them and tear them apart. Dear friends whose love grew and blossomed into something much more. And their love grows stronger as the hurdles they face never hindered their romance, no matter how high."

"'Perils'? What exactly do they do?" Tidus whispered. "Neither of them had told us. Or their...'mentors'?"

While Wakka shrugged, Hayner and Pence knew what they did after seeing it firsthand several times, though to avoid shocking anyone else who wasn't aware when there's already the prospect of other worlds and creatures that might not exist in their respective worlds, they kept the secret to themselves. Out of all of the guests present, Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie were the only ones out of the loop over their friends "jobs" being protectors of the realm of light.

"Both the bride and groom will now exchange their vows," Yen Sid announced.

Hearing the next part snapped Sora out of his daze, glancing at the wizard for a moment, then back to Kairi. He knew he was supposed to be the first one to start, stammering slightly as he patted around his pockets. With an amused smirk, Riku pulled out the slip of paper, clearing his throat loud enough for his friend to hear him. Sora turned to look at him, seeing the folded piece of paper with his vows, momentarily forgetting his friend was carrying it. Again.

"Heh. Uhh, I knew that," he uttered, getting a small laugh from the crowd. Taking the paper, Sora slowly unfolded it, his eyes shifting between the jumbled words he nervously wrote and Kairi. She waited patiently, seeing just how nervous he was as she felt the exact same way. "Ok...Uhh...Starting the vows..."

"Oh dear. He's freezing up," Manami uttered.

Sora tried to start, but all he could see on his little paper was nothing but scribbles. Tongue-tied and his voice getting caught in his throat, he had no idea where to begin. Discord could see him struggle, getting an idea to help him break out of the twisted bundle of nerves he keeps tumbling into. Snapping his fingers, he left a double of himself in his seat, reappearing as a small bee and flew over to his shoulder.

"Come on, Sora, you're not afraid of telling somepony how you feel, are you?" Discord asked, his voice buzzy and higher in pitch. Startled, Sora was about to look at his shoulder, but Discord kept his head looking straight ahead. "Don't look. Don't say anything yet. Otherwise everypony will think you're crazy." Sora resisted the urge to grumble, not wanting to look irritated in front of everyone with Discord's assistance. "You obviously love this girl. No words on a piece of paper can compare to what you can say to her when they come from the heart. So, instead of trusting what your brain can think of, trust your heart."

Despite Discord's lack of romantic experience, only recently dating Fluttershy, but when he has any advice or lessons to teach, they were surprisingly profound in his chaotic way. Discord buzzed off, then reappeared back in his seat, he and Dizzy giving a little fist bump as they saw Sora had completely relaxed, taking his advice. Putting the paper away in his pocket, he grabbed Kairi's hands in his.

"Kairi, words cannot describe how much you mean to me," Sora said. "From the moment I saw you, I had this crush on you that never left, even as we somehow became friends when I blindly slammed into a wall after blurting something stupid." Kairi let out a small laugh, recalling their first meeting with the goofy boy she became attached to. "As we got older, I was worried about ruining our friendship if I tried to ask you out. I didn't know if you liked me the same way, but as long as we were still together, I would be happy.

"But as we got split apart, as I searched around frantically for you, I was worried if something awful happened to you. We got thrown in a whirlwind of trouble and dangerous situations. Despite the odds against me, I never stopped fighting until I was sure you were safe and sound...I was worried I would never tell you how I truly felt about you, that I would never get that chance. And all it took was that one day you came to see me, and you got yourself into trouble again. When you were unconscious, I didn't know you had woken up when I told a certain baby dragon about my fears losing you as the journeys I've taken had given...a part of me that would hurt others around me.

"Even though I was afraid to say it, you confessed first, and had known how I felt all this time. Though that weight was still there, knowing that you would have stayed with me and loved me for who I am relieved my worries, and as long as I'm still breathing, I am willing to give my heart to you, over and over again, to keep you safe." The audience went aww at the touching sentiment. Some of the women had teared up at his summarized trek with romance, though the ones who knew of his real journey knew just how rough it was, and how he physically gave his heart to Kairi. Even Kairi was getting misty-eyed, trying not to let her makeup run as her smile widened. "My vows are simple: to be a loving husband, your protector, someone you know you can rely on to save you when you're in trouble. I am your knight in shining armor. And though you may be a princess, I know you're much stronger than a damsel in distress. But know that no matter what happens, wherever we may be, I will always be there for you."

Selphie's eyes widened, including Tidus and Wakka's when Sora had mentioned Kairi was a princess. "Wait, Kairi's a princess?" Selphie asked.

The other bridesmaids quietly giggled, knowing Kairi was far from being any royal heir to a forgotten throne. With Sora's vows finished, Yen Sid nodded to him, then gestured for Kairi's turn. Twilight pulled out Kairi's vows, but the bride looked at the alicorn and shook her head, knowing what she would say to Sora. Taking a breath, she gripped her hands tightly in Sora's.

"Sora, I think I can say the same for you; words can't describe how I feel about you," she said. "You are always a man of action, and sometimes, those actions border on being competitive out of jealousy, or silly antics that make you seem like a character straight out of a cartoon." Sora's grin quickly turned into an annoyed pout as everyone laughed, despite those who knew Sora well had definitely fit the description Kairi gave. "But that's what I love about you. You always find a way to make me smile or laugh, just being the goofy dork you are. You're kind, passionate, care when it matters most. Just another part of you that I admired as we grew up.

"But what I think is important is how hard you work fighting for others. Fighting for your friends and family. You put them over yourself, and you go above and beyond to do that. You're selfless, brave, a hero to many. Including me. And even if you seem ok, I know the stress of keeping everyone safe besides me has taken its toll on you." Sora frowned, his gaze drifting downward. There were some times he recalled being at his lowest, whether it was failing to save someone or when he accidentally harmed someone while in his Anti-Form. Feeling Kairi gently squeezing his hands, he turned his gaze back to her. "One thing you tell us is that your friends give you the strength you need. You don't always have to face the worst on your own.

"You have protected me, but this time, let me protect you." Stunned, Sora hadn't expected Kairi to offer to keep him safe. He was always the one that went out of his way to rescue her, or even provide backup in battle. She may not be as strong as him, but she's risen as a Keyblade wielder, even becoming a master before him. "I vow, as your wife, that I will do all in my power to make sure you are safe. To be someone you can talk to if something's bothering you. To comfort you when you are upset. You are very special to everyone here, not just me, because your heart is what makes you so much stronger than anything in the world. Destiny has a strange way of bringing people together, but for us, I believe it was more than fate that brought us together. Regardless whether or not that's true, I'm really lucky to have met someone like you, and I wouldn't change it for anything."

Moved by her words, Sora grinned, feeling just as lucky meeting her. He barely noticed the crowd's reaction similar to his own speech and his vows to Kairi, wanting desperately to kiss her right there and now. Yen Sid nodded, gesturing for Spike to step forward. The dragon waddled up to them, holding up the pillow with their rings, Sora taking Kairi's while she took his.

"Sora, do you take Kairi to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health? For better or worse? Richer or poorer? To be her shining light in the deepest darkness?" Yen Sid asked.

Sora took Kairi's right hand in his left, holding out her fingers, and gently slipped her ring over her ring finger as the diamond shimmered brilliantly. "I do."

"And do you, Kairi, take Sora to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health? For better or worse? Richer or poorer? To be his shining light in the deepest of darkness?" the wizard repeated to Kairi.

Doing the same for Sora, she slipped his ring down on his right hand's ring finger. "I do."

Yen Sid nodded as the couple held each other's hands again. "If there is anyone here who believes these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold-"

"JUST KISS ALREADY!" Cadence shouted, startling some of the guests around her while others laughed at her reaction.

"Cadence, compose yourself," Shining chided.

"I believe I'm taking that as a no," Yen Sid chuckled, then cleared his throat once everyone settled down from the Princess of Love's outburst. "Then by the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Without needing any encouragement, Sora pulled Kairi toward him, moving his hands wrap around her waist while hers wrapped around his neck, bringing their lips together in a deep kiss to seal their marriage. The guests all cheered and applauded for the newlyweds. Pinkie zipped off and grabbed her party cannon, setting it off to shower the whole peak with red and white confetti. The newly married couple broke the kiss, both happy and relieved the ceremony went off without too much of a hitch.

Kairi took back her bouquet, then she and Sora walked back down the aisle together, leading everyone down the mountain trail and to the building to truly celebrate their union. As everyone filed inside, Remy leapt onto Ventus as the teen was about to pass Rainbow Dash, climbing up his clothes, reminding him that he needs to cook the food now. Ventus nearly forgot and was reminded when Remy began forcing his legs to step away from the crowd and toward the kitchen, letting the others know the head chef was going to start getting the food ready. Sora and Kairi walked around the tables to their seats on the thrones while the rest of the guests conversed with each other, wondering what kind of meals would be served. As the guests mingled, Vinyl put on some music to pass the time, keeping her jamming beats for later.

Hanging out together, the Young Six were so happy for their two masters. "Best wedding ever!" Silverstream cheered.

"Eh. I think it's a bit weird," Smolder said. "Is it always a big deal when two creatures want to be mates together for the rest of their lives?"

"What dragons do when getting married?" Yona asked.

"We don't throw a big party or do strange vow stuff. We just like a dragon, then fight for dominance, and if we're both pretty equal in terms of brute strength, then they're instantly mates." The others stared at Smolder, having no clue what to expect from two dragons becoming a couple. "...What?"

"Err, I guess we were expecting some kind of ritual for dragon culture," Sandbar said. "Human weddings are pretty similar to pony weddings from what I've heard. I've never really been to one myself."

"I've never seen a single griffon back home go through any dumb marriage stuff," Gallus said. "Hard to tell if they like each other while being stubbornly bitter and only caring about themselves."

"Yaks just smash ceremonial unity log when yaks marry," Yona said.

"Who would have guessed?" Smolder snickered, nudging Ocellus slightly. Not hearing a response from the changeling, the other teens looked at her. Ocellus seemed to be in a dopey trance, staring at Sora and Kairi as Manami had found her way over, congratulating them and hugging her step-daughter as she welcomed her to the family. They had noticed she had been running on autopilot since Sora and Kairi stood together at the altar. "Uhh, Ocellus? You alive in there?"

The dragoness waved her hand in front of her face, finally snapping her out of it as she shook her head. "S-Sorry," she apologized. "W-What were we talking about?"

"We were talking about weddings and how they're different from what we may or may not know," Silverstream said. "Hippogriff and seapony weddings are kinda similar, but also different between each other since they're on land and sea."

"You were a bit quiet during the whole thing," Smolder noted. "Well, more quiet than usual."

"Oh. Uhh, well, before, weddings were a big source of love for changelings," Ocellus said sheepishly. "I think...the invasion a few years ago explained that much."

"Oh, I get it," Sandbar said. "Were you...accidentally feeding off of Master Sora and Master Kairi's love?"

"No, but we're still able to feel it," Ocellus said. "It's...a really nice and pleasant feeling, and I kinda...zoned out. I didn't even realize Hearts and Hooves Day had come and gone with all the love going on around town either."

"Huh. So, when you were evil, love was a source of food, but now that you're good and don't need it to eat, it's like some kind of weird stimulant that makes you feel good," Silverstream guessed.

"K-Kind of," Ocellus mumbled. "If I do lose focus again, distract me so I don't just stand around looking at them like a mindless puppet."

"How about seeing how the punch tastes?" Gallus asked. "And I hope dinner comes soon, because I am starving."

They all agreed as they made their way over to the drink area to see what beverages are available. At the other end of the room, Diamond Tiara held a small cup of punch, watching the other guests talk. She didn't stay alone for too long when the Crusaders ran over to her.

"Diamond Tiara!" Apple Bloom greeted.

"H-Hey, Crusaders," the rich filly greeted back.

"You, Cozy Glow, and Dinky look beautiful!" Sweetie Belle complimented. "I kinda wished Sora picked us as their flower fillies, but I think you three were actually perfect."

"We were already flower fillies for Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor's wedding," Scootaloo pointed out. "...Err, well, twice, but the first time was when Chrysalis was pretending to be Cadence."

"I think that still counts as one," Diamond Tiara pointed out.

"What're ya doin' standin' over here by yourself?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I didn't want to get in the way," Diamond mumbled.

In the middle of the open space, the four fillies heard Flurry squealing and giggling as she flew around with Riku chasing after her. She somehow managed to snag Riku's tie and was playing keep away from him.

"Flurry, come back here!" Riku called out, jumping up as she flew higher, barely catching her. "My bow's not a toy!"

The baby alicorn flew down, hovering over Sora and Kairi's seats, then flopped the tie on top of Sora's head. Confused, he took off the stolen bow as Flurry babbled in baby talk and pointed at him. Neither of them knew what she was saying, though it seemed like she was trying to put the blame on Sora and he told her to do it. He grabbed the toddler, making her squeal as she got caught. Riku approached the table and picked up his bowtie, watching Flurry squirming in Sora's hands as he handed her over to Manami to gush over.

"Seems like Flurry's thinking she's the center of the party," Sweetie Belle said.

"She's a baby. I don't think that counts," Diamond said.

"So? It's a party!" Scootaloo said. "Come on. We have some Crusading ideas to help other colts or fillies discover their true talents. And there's a few I think you'd be great at helping out with."

"M-Me? Really?" Diamond asked.

Without any explanation, the Crusaders nudged Diamond Tiara over to where Cozy Glow, Dinky, Spike, and even Axle Beam were hanging out. At a nearby table, Lea leaned back in his seat while keeping an eye out on Axle. Even though the fillies and Spike didn't know what he was signing, he was having fun hanging out with the older ponies and baby dragon. Sweet took a seat next to him, placing down a couple cups she got from the drink area.

"How's he doing?" she asked.

"Having fun," Lea said. "Maybe one of them will be his girlfriend when he gets older."

"Uh huh, I'm sure," Sweet chuckled as she took a sip from her cup. She glanced at Lea, still reeling at his human form despite him showing her and Axle what he looked like a couple weeks ago. He was much taller than she expected, about as tall as Princess Celestia give or take a few inches. She always wondered why he always wore clothes as a pony, but seeing what a human looks like, she had a good guess as to why. She glanced down at his hands, remembering the promise he gave her showing her what kind of magic fingers had. "Lea? Do you mind if I see your hooves?"

"Huh?" Lea stared at her quizzically, slowly getting what she was trying to ask him. "Oh. My 'hands'."

"Right. That's what they're called," Sweet said. Lea shrugged, offering his right hand to the curious mare. Grasping his hand, her hooves ran along and toyed with the five digits. "Hmm...Spindly. Like spider legs, but longer and thicker. I don't feel any magic in these, though. What makes these things so special?"

"Well, they're useful for grabbing rather than using your mouth to pick things up," Lea explained. Slipping his hand from Sweet's hooves, he twirled his wrist and gave the mare's snout a light boop with a finger. "They can also point or poke certain things." Sweet Delight scrunched her muzzle, giving the man a slightly annoyed pout. He smirked and wiggled his fingers teasingly at her. "But, the real magic, is when I do this."

Raising his hand up, he brought it behind the mare's left ear. She was about to ask what he was doing until her spine tingled when she felt his nails begin scratching behind a really sweet spot she didn't know she had behind her ear. Her muscles felt loose, a pleasant hum escaping her lips as she closed her eyes and leaned her head closer to feel that sensational scratching some more.

"Oooooh. Oh wow, that feels nice," Sweet sighed. Lea grinned, removing his hand from her head. She leaned closer to him, whining slightly when the scritches stopped, nearly falling out of her seat. Luckily, she wound up flopping her side against Lea's, her eyes shooting open and glancing up at him. Embarrassed, she sat back up in her seat, blushing madly as she tried to pretend like nothing happened if anyone else saw her. "...Ok. So...they are magical after all."

"Glad you approve," Lea snickered. "Maybe another little sample just to be sure you're being honest with me."

Flinching, Sweet quickly grabbed his hand as he reached her head for another round of scratches. "No thank you! I'm highly convinced!"

Lea continued to tease Sweet Delight, easily swiping his hand out of her hooves and playfully poking her on the nose when she failed to block. Aqua made her way toward the kitchen after excusing herself from her conversation between Celestia and Yen Sid to check on the food. When she walked in, she stepped back as Ventus ran past the doorway, Remy controlling his movements by pulling on his hair with expert skill.

"How's the cooking coming along?" Aqua asked, observing each busy stove and oven baking or simmering the multitude of delicious scents wafting from each pot and pan.

"Uhh, he's running me ragged!" Ventus said. Remy stopped Ventus over to a stove with a couple pans of simmering vegetables, making him grab the handles and gave them a few flicks to keep them from sticking. Aqua was surprised seeing the rat being able to multitask and cook every single dish in the kitchen, most of them vegetarian considering a majority of the guests were herbivores. If he was this productive with a human to control, she couldn't imagine how he was able to cook if he was alone with his small size. "It all smells pretty good, though. Too bad he won't let me taste test it."

"I see. So, how much longer until everything's done?" Aqua asked Remy. The little rat chef finished adding a couple more ingredients to a soup, then answered by having Ventus holding up both hands, holding up all his fingers, then clenched them and opened up one hand. "Uhh, fifteen?" Remy gave her a nod, then with his own paws, mimicked a watch and circling it. "Fifteen minutes?" She got another nod. "Wow. Ok. Fifteen more minutes until it's all ready."

"Good thing all the prep helped-Whoa!" Remy forced Ventus to one of the ovens, opening the door to check on what appeared to be a delicious pot roast in a deep pan. Remy gave the roast a little sniff, nodding to himself, then closed up the oven to let it continue cooking. "I am probably gonna be really sore in the morning."

"Hang in there, Ven," Aqua laughed, leaving the duo to cook until everything was ready to be served.

Since there was enough time for a couple dances, Aqua returned to the party and made her way over to Vinyl and Rara. She let both mares know they have a bit of time for a song or two before everyone could eat. Rara wanted to start by giving Sora and Kairi the perfect song for their first dance. Not minding, Vinyl gave the earth pony the go ahead. Excited, Rara trotted off to her piano. There was a wireless microphone set up on the piano, turning it on and giving it a few taps. The muffled thumps echoed throughout the room, quieting the chatter as everyone looked over to her.

"Ok, everypony! Or, everybody, I should say," Rara giggled. "It's time for our happily married couple's first dance of the evening." Sora was a bit surprised by the announcement as the guests all applauded, encouraging the newlyweds to dance. Kairi stood up and dragged Sora out of his seat, guiding him around the table and making their way to the center of the room. "This is a little something I worked on these last few days. And after getting to know more about Sora and Kairi and how their love is by far the most romantic I've ever heard of, I believe this song best describes their relationship can span beyond the stars no matter where they lead them. I call this song 'Dearly Beloved'."

Curious, Sora gave Rara an odd look. He didn't tell the musician much about himself when she was last in Ponyville. He glanced over to where Applejack was with the rest of the Mane Six, the farmer giving him a sheepish grin and a small shrug. She must have told her camp buddy a few things, or quite a lot, but to hear a song Rara wrote for him and Kairi was a thoughtful gift. The room began to dim, the faux starry sky above them glittering as a moonbeam spotlight shone where Sora and Kairi stood. Rara turned off the microphone, ready to begin as her hooves hovered over the piano keys.

With each key Rara pressed as she began playing, the stars twinkled above them as they matched the different notes. While everyone was in awe at the spectacle, Sora and Kairi were more focused on each other under the magical spotlight above them. Sora lifted his right arm slightly and brought it around his waist as he gave Kairi a gentlemanly bow. Kairi giggled, returning the gesture with a curtsy befitting a princess like her. They stood back upright and approached each other, Sora's right hand gently grasping Kairi's left, both arms held to their respective sides. Sora wrapped his left arm around Kairi's waist while her opposing arm rest on his.

Together, they started out slow, stepping to the gentle rhythm of the song. Similar to a waltz, Sora and Kairi's steps were synchronized, using the light above them as their stage. Their eyes never wavered from each other, only seeing each other in the bright light of the false moonlight. It didn't matter if the worlds were watching them or if they were alone; all the mattered was each other, and this was the happiest moment of their lives.

Memories of their lives together flashed as they continued dancing, from their childhood up until now. It really did seem like fate had brought them together; a young girl who mysteriously appeared on Destiny Island with no memory of her family or where she came from, but befriending a goofball of a kid and enjoying his company felt like home to Kairi. Though stubborn and always competing to beat his best friend, Riku, Kairi felt something about Sora that inclined her to be closer to him. Though she's seen him at his lowest when his father had passed away out at sea, being there to comfort him and lift him back up, it led Sora to be the selfless hero he is today. She was his reason for fighting, to strive to be a much better person than those with greater or similar feats of his own. He may not be a Keyblade Master, at least not yet, but time and time again, he's faced the impossible and had grown stronger, even if he may still act like a kid at heart. He kept that promise she asked him to make the evening before Destiny Island was engulfed in darkness; to not change who he is as the boy who never gave up, who was always optimistic, and had a heart that could be on par with a pure one of the seven Princesses of Heart.

Sora had fought hard to rescue Kairi, along with the new friends he's helped along his journey. He may not have understood the important rules to prevent the darkness from causing even more havoc upon the worlds, but when it came to those in need, he didn't care. He's fought hundreds of thousands of different Heartless, prevented mad villains from obtaining the power of Kingdom Hearts, whether it was a fake one created from thousands of released hearts or a misconstrued doorway leading between the realms of light or darkness, or any other form of power within the worlds he's come across that could decimate everyone and everything. In the end, while fighting for his friends, he could rest easy knowing Kairi was safe, in his arms or back home where he was sure she wouldn't be harmed or taken away from him again. Even with all the worlds in the alternate timelines where he met his end, he swore to himself that he would never let ruin fall to the realm of light so long as he still draws breath. Without Kairi, he would have never gotten to where he is now: a powerful Keyblade wielder with many friends, incredible friends who have his back just as much as he has theirs, and a girl who he was happy to have finally asked to be his wife.

Everybody else watching the couple had their own reflections as Rara continued playing. Applejack was lucky to have met him when he had crashed into their orchard. Though he had lied to conceal his true identity, his actions and hard, honest work were true. Practically part of the family, helping them and even butting heads at times as they also shared a similar stubbornness. Rainbow Dash still felt silly for misjudging Sora upon first meeting him. He was loyal to a fault, even to her after framing him for bringing the Heartless to Equestria. Rarity had a inkling that Sora was a gentleman underneath his wild and aloof physique. After learning what he did for Kairi years ago during Twilight's first sleepover, she saw he was more than that; he was a valiant knight who was willing to give his life for his loved ones. Pinkie could tell Sora was goofy as she spied on him, but she could also tell on the inside that he had a sensitive side to him as well. Like her, he was capable of bringing a smile on other's faces, cracking a joke or two or making a promise to help lift others back up. Fluttershy was afraid of him, though she was not too keen on befriending anyone new, but he wasn't as rough as he appeared to be. His heart was made of gold, willing to befriend just about anyone, even if they were once bad and deserved a second chance. Twilight was skeptical of Sora and didn't know what to think of him, or his intentions during the Summer Sun Celebration years ago. Before ever making friends, he was unbearably annoying and goofy that she wanted to be as far away from him as possible. But now, after all these years getting to know him, learning who he is and what he was capable of, and occasionally butting heads with him over certain matters, she had realized that, her first real friend she had ever truly made, despite his pestering and insistent optimism, was him all along. Moondancer might have been her official first friend, but their distracted studies prevented her from really appreciating just how magical making friends was. Though, her jealousy toward Kairi was ridiculous, and having no knowledge of relationships of any kind, she had a feeling she wouldn't have won Sora's heart before knowing his true love interest. Some of the lessons in friendship were taught by him as she was learning it for herself, and without him, she would have never ascended to become an alicorn princess. He really was the best friend anyone could ask for, and clearly the perfect man for Kairi.

The song soon came to its final notes as Sora and Kairi slowed to a near stop, ending their dance with kiss as the last few keys rang out. Applause soon erupted once the last note faded, both enjoying the wonderful piece Rara made and watching the married couple elegantly dance to it. The room brightened back for everyone to see as Sora and Kairi broke their kiss.

"I think that was a lovely wedding gift from Rara," Kairi said.

"More like perfect," Sora exaggerated with a cheeky grin.

The couple looked over at Rara, the musician knowing they would have loved it. It didn't take long for dinner to finally be done and served. Terra, Xion, and Riku helped Ventus bring out the plethora of food made by the talented rat chef, making sure to separate any meat dishes for the carnivorous guests from the vegetarian dishes for the herbivores.

"So, what did I miss?" Ventus asked.

"Not much. Just the newlywed's first dance with a special piano piece Rara made," Xion said.

"I think I heard it from the kitchen." Remy, still perched on Ventus's head, began to pull him away and back to the kitchen. "Ah! What else did we forget!?"

"Well, if there's a wedding, we can't forget about the cake," Riku mentioned.

"Did somepony say cake!?" Pinkie asked, popping up from behind Riku and Terra. "Not to worry! Pinkie Pie's got that covered!"

As the pink earth pony bounced off after Ventus and Remy to grab the cake, everyone got themselves a helping of everything they could fill on their plates. Despite who made all this, the food tasted like it belonged in a gourmet restaurant, neatly presented as well as delicious and fulfilling. Smolder and Gallus salivated at the aroma of the delectable roast, reigning in their carnivorous desires to snatch it right then and there and scarf it down. By the time everyone's first plate or bowl was finished, they went back for seconds. Pinkie and Ventus came back before all the food was gone, pushing Sora and Kairi's wedding cake to join the table of food. Standing at seven tiers, the icing was pure white for the event, white and pink frosting along the edges with flower swirls or hearts to add to the decoration. On the top tier sat two small figures of Sora and Kairi standing together, arm in arm, though their wedding attire was more simple than Rarity's creative designs.

When it came to dessert, Sora and Kairi cut the first slice together, their knife ironically in the shape of the Kingdom Keyblade. They cut even slices for themselves, taking a piece and feeding it to each other. To their surprise, their cake was made with the Cakes' specially crafted recipe they made years ago for a pastry competition: the Marzipan Marcarpone Meringue Madness, or the MMMM as Pinkie abbreviated it. Whether Pinkie asked permission to bake something like this for the couple, their taste buds exploded with too much flavor from the delicious concoction. Even slices were made as everyone got themselves a slice, including Remy, who looked like he had died and gone to heaven from the overly delighted expression he wore.

With food and dessert devoured in record time, Vinyl began playing some upbeat music from his own mixes to really liven the party. Some were eager to dance after letting their food settle while others were content digesting and congratulating Sora and Kairi or having their own or continued conversations. Where the alicorn princesses and Shining Armor sat, Flurry Heart back in Cadence's hooves after meeting and playing with Manami for a little while, Luna felt a little jealous of Sora and Kairi's union. She was happy for them, but she wished she had the chance to have properly married Sombra. Glancing up to her engagement ring, she gently rubbed her hoof against the crescent-shaped jewel, hoping one day they could be reunited in body as well as spirit.

"Are you alright, Luna?" Snapping from her thoughts, Luna turned her head toward Celestia.

"Oh...I was just...imagining how my wedding would have gone. With Sombra," Luna said. "To be fair, I am quite envious of Sora and Kairi..."

"I see," Celestia mumbled.

Luna glanced across the hall, focusing on the new girl among the wielders, Xion. As Twilight updates the princesses from time to time with the current state of affairs in Ponyville and her school, they were informed of Xion and who she was, though the concept had still baffled them when they learned she was technically another Sora, but not. Despite being a puppet, Luna was amazed how Xion was supposed to be a Nobody, yet she has her own feelings and personality, though given so through Sora's memories. Once supposed to be within Sora's heart, having her own body after she was pulled out from his heart thanks to Chrysalis's fruitless attempts to make a copy of Sora, her thoughts began to wonder if it really was possible to bring Sombra back.

"Alright, ladies! It's time for the bouquet toss!" Aqua announced.

Within seconds, most of the females in attendance hurried to the middle of the room. Out of the mares in the Mane Six, Twilight didn't realize as she and Riku were talking to some of the Pillars of Harmony behind the gathering girls. Selphie and Olette joined them, along with Rara, and Silverstream, having no idea what the bouquet toss besides it looking like fun.

"I don't get it," Smolder uttered, her, Ocellus, and Yona remaining with Gallus and Sandbar. "Master Kairi's gonna throw her flowers for someone to catch it?"

"It's weird, but it's like a good omen for the girl who catches it," Sandbar explained. "The catcher will be the next one to be married, or so I've heard."

"So, there's another wedding after with flower catcher as bride?" Yona asked.

"Not right away," the stallion teen corrected.

"...Yona confused," the yak mumbled.

"All I know is that our professors and those two human girls are going all crazy over-" As Gallus pointed to the girls, he gagged when he saw Silverstream was joining them. She was clueless to the game, but after learning what may or may not happen if the girl catches the bouquet, he blushed heavily. "...Oh..."

While Aqua was telling the Equestrians not to cheat by using magic or flying to grab the bouquet, Cadence's lips curled into a sly smirk. Kairi turned away from the girls, who began to scramble to find where she was going to lob the crystal flowers and was ready to toss. Distracted by the little wedding game, Kairi began to toss the bouquet, giving Cadence enough leeway to add a little more "oomph" to the bride's toss. Her horn flashed blue for a brief second, the same aura billowing around Kairi's hands in that same time as she flung them.

"It's mine! This time it's mine for sure!" Rarity exclaimed manically, eager to finally catch the bouquet.

However, the flowers were tossed farther than where the girls were gathered, sent flying all the way across the room, and right into Twilight's hoof while she was busy chatting with Star Swirl. Surprised, Twilight stared at her outstretched hoof, then to the girls as Rarity let out a dejected whine. Realizing she just caught Kairi's bouquet, her eyes drifted over to Riku, who seemed just as dumbfounded. They knew Kairi had some strength, but they didn't know if she put too much of it into her throw on purpose or not.

"...Uhh, you caught the bouquet," Riku pointed out. "But you weren't...there with them."

Star Swirl let out a chuckle at the couple's baffled expressions. "Sounds like more wedding bells will be ringing very soon."

Blushing madly, Twilight squeaked, her eyes rapidly shifting to the flowers, Riku, the ceiling or floor, her brain running miles at the prospect of Riku one day popping the question to her. Even Riku was flustered, barely thinking about bringing their relationship to that level like Sora and Kairi. There was a lot going on between their lives, both as wielders and mentors to their apprentices, but Twilight has so many responsibilities as a princess and running the School of Friendship. It was hard enough to have some downtime to be together than think about where their future together will lead them.

Cadence silently giggled, her little scheme successful just like she did with her bouquet toss. "Cadence, what did you do?" Shining Armor questioned, quirking his brow as he saw that mischievous glint in her eye.

"I don't know what you're talking about, dear," Cadence innocently claimed.

"I saw your horn glowing," Shining accused. "You sent those flowers soaring across the room, over the other girls, and straight toward Twilight."

"I did nothing of the sort," Cadence continued denying, acting nonchalant as she bounced Flurry Heart a little. "I think daddy's being a little silly tonight."

"You rigged the bouquet toss," the unicorn continued. "I think you did the exact same thing before we left after our wedding. Sora and Kairi were nowhere near where you supposedly threw yours."

Continuing ignoring the accusations, Cadence handed Flurry over to Shining, settling her in his lap as she stood up. "I'm gonna go congratulate Twilight. And our future brother-in-law."

Shining couldn't get a word in as the alicorn of love cantered off to the flustered couple. He sighed and hung his head, Flurry looking up at him curiously, having no clue what was happening.

"She totally rigged it," he uttered.

The party lasted all through the night with more music, dancing, and more wedding games. The foals weren't able to stay up and were taken to some of the rooms throughout the training ground's living quarters. By morning, it was time for everyone to return home. Tidus, Wakka, Selphie, Hayner, Pence, and Olette said their goodbyes to the other Equestrian guests they got to know over the last few days before getting onboard the Tree of Harmony Gummi ship. Before Manami got on board, she met with Sora and Kairi, hugging her son and her official daughter-in-law tightly.

"Don't you two be strangers and come around to see me every once in a while," Manami said. "Just so I know you two haven't gotten your hearts ripped out by Heartless or whatever else that crosses your paths."

"We'll try, Manami," Kairi said.

"Kairi, you call me mom from now on," the older woman playfully chided. "And you make sure Sora doesn't get himself into more trouble than he already has."

"Can't make any promises," Sora sheepishly said.

"Well, you better, mister." She headed off to the ship, but stopped and turned back to face them with a cheeky grin. "Oh, and before you two get into any danger, I want to be a grandma one day! You two better have some thoughts about having kids before something happens to you two!"

Balking, Sora and Kairi looked at each other, blushing in embarrassment while Manami laughed at their flustered expressions. "M-Mom!" Sora whined.

"And if Kairi's showing signs, I'd better find out so I can spoil that little boy or girl rotten!" Manami continued on her way after teasing the two enough, though hoping one day hear incredible news of having a baby.

Sora and Kairi sighed, Kairi giving a baffled glanced to her husband. "How do you deal with your mother when she's not so strict?"

"I question how she dealt with me when I was a kid," Sora grumbled.

They watched her enter the Gummi ship, Riku taking their otherworldly guests back home as the newlyweds watched the ship fly away. "So, what do you want to do, dear?" Kairi asked, grasping her lover's hand. "I think married couples go on their first honeymoon after the wedding, right?"

"Hmm...You think the others wouldn't mind if we took a few weeks off?" Sora asked. "And where to? The Organization might find us."

"We could just hang out on the islands back home like we used to," Kairi suggested. "Make that treehouse there a little beach house, survive like we're stranded on a deserted island."

"How romantic," Sora sarcastically responded. Kairi rolled her eyes, but she could see he was thinking about the little island honeymoon getaway. "Maybe we could. I don't think anyone else visits there that often nowadays. But we may need some necessities in that barren treehouse. And to check if it's leakproof if it rains."

"Then I guess we should get started preparing our new beach house." Kairi pulled out her Keyblade armor's pauldron, setting it on her shoulder and activating it. Sora was startled by the flash of light, finding Kairi now in her armor, summoning her Keyblade and tossing it up to transform it in her glider. She hopped on the space-faring windboard, giving Sora a cheeky wave. "Race ya!"

She then sped off, leaving Sora in the dust. "H-Hey!" Scrambling for his pauldron, Jiminy hopped out from one of Sora's pockets. "Hey, Jiminy, this might be last second, but can you-?"

"I'll let the others know you'll be away for a while to spend alone time together," the cricket said. "Just don't have too much fun."

"Thanks, Jiminy!" Finally finding his enchanted armor piece, he slapped it on his shoulder and activated it. Running toward the mountain's edge, Sora summoned his Keyblade and flung it forward. He leapt off the edge and dove down, his glider swiftly diving down after and underneath him. Landing on the board, he shifted his angle and sped off into the sky, catching up with Kairi as they escaped the world's atmosphere. "No fair cheating like that!"

"I knew you were going to catch up!" Kairi said, making her glider speed on ahead.

Sora laughed and shook his head, speeding up and racing his wife back home to Destiny Island to enjoy a couple weeks alone together.

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