• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,497 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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Final Round

Augustus calmly tied a rather unique bracelet to his wrist as he walked through the portal. The binding was one of Audrey III's vines, anchoring a small metal basin that Tohru had shaped with his bare hands. Inside the basin was one of Scootaloo's shed feathers tied with one of Sweetie's tail hairs taken from her brush, with a dollop of purification potion Uncle had brewed. The basin was capped incompletely with a green jade gemstone that Jade had carved - albeit badly - held away from the basin ever so slightly. Augustus had put the entire thing together after reading Uncle's translations of the book of magic from wherever the fillies had come from. With a little bit of each of them touched by their magic, it was his hope that putting them all together would give him a brief burst of the rainbow magic that had killed Shendu and altered the world...though he hoped it wouldn't do that much. He'd kept it in reserve, originally intending it as an ace against Valmont before the change in policy regarding him was handed down. Now, he was facing someone who was at least a god, so he could only hope whatever burst it gave him when the gemstone was pressed into the mix would be enough.

As he stepped out of the portal, he found himself on the sandy floor of an arena. In the stands, numerous beings of various forms - some resembling some of his opponents making his way here, some completely different, some barely recognizable as alive - cheered and clapped as a figure in the center of the arena stepping off a bone throne raised his arms to signal the applause. The figure was easily two feet taller than Augustus if not more so, garbed only in spiked shoulder guards, shin guards, a loin cloth, and a somewhat draconic war helm with a skull mask. A large war hammer was held lightly in one hand, drawing attention to the bone spikes growing from both arms through scaly hide. As Augustus walked towards him, the cheering faded as the figure turned towards him. "Ah..." he purred eagerly, his voice deep, echoing, powerful, and having just a hint of the energy that Augustus had come to associate with when gods spoke. "Earthrealm's champion. Pathetic..."

"Are you Shao Kahn?" Augustus asked calmly, pretending to straighten his sleeve as he held his hand over the jade.

"That I am!" the figure declared, not noticing Augustus pushing the jade into the basin, or the brief flare of rainbow light it gave off. "Your executioner-"

Before anyone could react, Augustus had closed the distance as his fist impacted with the side of Shao Kahn's jaw, sending him flying through his bone throne and across the arena. "Your attempted conquest of my world violates several laws regarding the Balance and the maintenance of the Veil. As Veil Captain, I hereby insist that you cease your hostilities and leave us alone. This will happen, with your only option now being how many pieces you are in before it happens." He tried to discretely rub his knuckles, pretending to crack them. The impact had hurt even through the enchantment Fujin had done to protect him from damage from his own blows.

Shao Kahn slowly, deliberately got back to his feet, reaching up to rub his jaw as his tongue worked its way around in his mouth. He spat to the side, and the stands went silent as blood was visible in with his saliva. He blinked at that for a time, then turned to Augustus with a grin. "So the Champion is worthy after all!" he declared aggressively. "I am going to enjoy this!" With a leap, he was upon Augustus, his war hammer swinging.

Augustus barely evaded the swing, and then found himself firmly on the defensive. Shao Kahn struck incredibly quickly with fists, feet, swings of both the war hammer's head and its shaft, and even the occasional headbutt. A single glancing blow to his side left Augustus gasping as his ribs flared in agony, and he quickly realized his options were dodge, counter, or die. The blows hit with too much force to block, and even countering by attacking a striking limb to knock it off course strained the protections on his garb and his body's ability to handle the forces of impact.

Only one thing seemed to be in his favor. For some reason, strikes from the fist wearing the bracelet left bruises on Shao Kahn, seeming to circumvent whatever supernatural ability he had to soak up damage and recover from it. Unfortunately, Shao Kahn seemed to notice this at the same time Augustus did, and started only deflecting strikes from that hand while ignoring most other blows.

In desperation, Augustus ducked into a swing of the war hammer, seizing the shaft with that hand in an attempt to pull the swing further than Shao Kahn intended it to go. Shao Kahn immediately locked his muscles in an attempt to stop the hammer's swing, only for Augustus to immediately release the weapon and deliver a knife-hand thrust with that hand to his foe's groin. As Shao Kahn inhaled sharply from the unexpectedly intense pain, Augustus slipped a combat knife from his sleeve and began cutting anywhere he could, trying to weaken his foe through blood loss if nothing else.

Before he got more than a few blows in - wounds that still bled sluggishly - his foe had leapt back and began firing blasts of green energy from his eyes and hands, which Augustus was forced to desperately dodge as their impacts on the ground caused brief explosions, with even the shrapnel being dangerously debilitating. He desperately sought a way to attack from range, only to see some sort of metal-spined banner hanging in the air above the battle ground. Taking his knife, he hurled it at the ropes holding the banner up, causing it to fall rather quickly towards his foe.

Shao Kahn immediately dodged the incoming hazard...only to scream more in shock than pain as Augustus leapt up behind him, seized one of the metal spines of the banner, and through sheer desperate energy managed to drive it through Shao Kahn's left arm and leg before burying the end in the ground, pinning him there for as long as the spar's strength held. As this resulted in Shao Kahn releasing his hammer for more freedom of movement, Augustus caught it as it fell and swung with all his might, smashing the head into Shao Kahn's face to daze him before bringing it down on the free leg, shattering the bone therein. As Shao Kahn reached for him with his free hand, Augustus reversed the hammer and hurled it forward, the handle impaling Shao Kahn's arm and burying in his torso.

Before Augustus could get a breath, Shao Kahn vanished from where he was in a torrent of flame, only to reappear a distance away, free but still wounded. "An impressive showing," he declared, his voice still having his full power despite panting for breath as he slowly bled from his wounds. "But a futile attempt. There is no killing intent in your strikes...and only my death will stop me from claiming what is mine: conquest of your realm!"

"Is that so?" Augustus asked sadly, slipping his hand back into his coat.

"Indeed!" Shao Kahn declared fiercely. "So if you cannot bring yourself to kill, then surrender-" His words stopped as his body locked up, rainbow light seeming to arc from his cheek to each of his wounds. "W...what?"

Augustus winced as he gripped what he held under the cloak tighter. "I was upset Jackie didn't bring this with him...but now I'm glad it was there for me to grab. If your death is what it takes to get the job done..." Spinning, he swung.

Balance Breaker sheared through the air even as its hilt burned in Augustus' grip. The edgeless edge carved its way through Shao Kahn's neck, and the magics inherent within him.

The spells that bound the souls he had consumed within him, binding them to his will...

The spells that anchored him to Outworld as its Guardian, guaranteeing his continued existence...

The spells that tied him to agreements with the Netherrealm, guaranteeing his resurrection...

The spells that bound his soul to his body, preventing true death...

All parted and were torn asunder as the blade that carved through magic itself severed his head from his body, breaking his hold on Outworld - and on life - forever more as the souls within him erupted from the wound, pouring free to return to the Cycles they were ripped from. Shao Kahn's body toppled to the ground in utter, stunned silence.

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