• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,497 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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I Fought the Law and I Won

Jackie sighed as he made his way into Valmont's building, doing his best to marshal his thoughts. On the one hand, he did enjoy his meetings and social interactions with Valmont and his family now that they were no longer enemies. On the other hand, he really wasn't looking forward to getting back into the 'secret agent' business by becoming the liaison connection between Section 13 and Valmont.

"Except that you are," Tiger pointed out from his shoulder. "As much as you claim you want a normal, peaceful life...you love the excitement...and that's okay."

"It is?" Kitten asked curiously.

"You know that," Tiger pointed out dryly.

"Yes, but no one here can see us, and Jackie's still not comfortable looking like he's talking to himself, so I have to voice his part," Kitten countered easily.

"GOOOOAATSSSS!" a voice screamed out from the back of Jackie's neck, only to fall silent as Kitten delivered a sharp kick to...something.

"Or him," Kitten added dryly.

"I thought we got rid of him?" Tiger demanded irritably.

"We did too good a job caging him," Kitten explained. "Some aspect of the curse bonded to our magical aura, which is why the form Bastet granted us comes so naturally. Unfortunately, that means he's still here, tapped into the adrenaline junkie aspect of our being. If we don't indulge that side of ourselves every so often, he might get stronger and get an actual foothold."

"Well that's a headache we don't need," Tiger growled morosely.

"One we can avoid by having more fun," Kitten allowed with a smile.

Tiger frowned. "I thought I was the one trying to say this was a good thing-"

"Responsibly," Kitten concluded.

"Of course you'd add that," Tiger groused as Jackie relaxed. He wasn't sure why, but somehow he felt better about everything that was happening, and was able to calmly accept direction to a mid level window office where Valmont would be waiting for him, or so he was told.

Once he arrived, however, he looked around in confusion at the empty conference room and the balcony outside it. "Where's Valmont?" he asked in confusion, moving to the window to see if he was floating outside...only to jump back with a scream of "WAAAUUGGHH!" as Valmont dropped from above to land on the balcony lightly on his feet.

"So that's why Aria likes it so much," Valmont mused as he straightened, fixing his tie superfluously. "Quite a thrill to pull stunts like that. If it feels that good, no wonder you were always so effective working against me, Jackie." He turned and opened the balcony door to step inside.

Jackie patted his chest a few times to calm his heart. "How high did you jump from?" he asked curiously.

"The penthouse," Valmont answered easily. "Aria does that jump all the time in her feline form, and I was curious about the appeal. So is today's headache shoulder business or Augustus asking you to liaison?"

"Little of both-how did you know?" Jackie countered, his voice shifting from calm to shocked as his mind caught up to the words.

"Augustus isn't the only one Lucifer made a discreet visit to," Valmont answered ruefully as he moved to the table. "Take a seat, Jackie. We might as well be comfortable for this talk."

Jackie calmly took a seat, though he found himself looking at Valmont curiously. "It sounds like you already have some business to pass along...uh..." He rubbed his chin, trying to recall if he'd ever heard anyone call Valmont by his first name.

"Don't bother," Valmont observed with a smile as he set out two sets of plates, cups, and silverware. Food and drink immediately appeared on its own. "In the old timeline, the only one who ever knew my first name was my Mother. In this timeline, I apparently took magical precautions against my true name being used against me by magically locking it away in my own mind, making it impossible for anyone to know it unless I spoke it."

"I'm somehow not surprised," Jackie mused ruefully.

"And there is some business that should be passed along to Augustus, though not right away," Valmont continued with a smile. "Actually, I'm hoping you might be willing to help me out with it."

"I'd have to know what it was first," Jackie pointed out as he enjoyed the offered refreshments. He raised an eyebrow at the taste. "This is really good!"

"I'll be sure to let sister Po know you like her cooking," Valmont replied warmly. "When she isn't acting as a visible bodyguard for me or my family, her long life's large appetite has given her something of a gourmand's expertise in the kitchen." He let Jackie absorb that for a bit, then addressed the other point. "Simply put, one of my business acquaintances is seeking to expand his enterprises, and I'd rather he didn't. However, a direct confrontation would draw undue attention, not to mention destabilize things a bit if I changed my business practices that much."

"So...what?" Jackie asked curiously, his tone somewhere between upset and eager. "You want someone to arrange a few...problems for your...associate in this matter?"

"Heavens no," Valmont countered with a chuckle. "If I wanted to do that, I have far more discreet methods, and I certainly wouldn't be talking with you about it. No, I'm hoping you and a few friends of yours might represent me in a martial arts competition."

Jackie blinked in confusion. "Uh...what?"

"Business staying business is about respect," Valmont explained calmly. "My...acquaintance is maneuvering for position in business, and I want him to reconsider his moves. He knows what I have at my disposal from direct connections, and logically has investigated ways to counter a direct intervention on my part."

Jackie's eyes widened as he caught the train of thought. "So you want him to see who might act on your behalf but not your instigation in such things," he concluded in wonder.

"Precisely," Valmont confirmed happily. "He's hosting a tournament to find the 'strongest fighters' in a number of categories, obviously an effort to recruit an 'elite' unit for a number of tasks. If you and your friends were to enter on my recommendation and win..."

Jackie rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Countering another criminals activities without doing anything too dangerous, a series of fights to get his blood pumping, a family outing without danger and traveling with friends. It seemed like an all around good idea and fun mission.

"Not to mention a good way of feeling out how the art is different in a magic normal world by facing a variety of practitioners," Tiger pointed out from his shoulder with a wide grin.

"About the only drawback is keeping Jade from learning too much more from Adagio," Kitten pointed out ruefully.

"If it piques your interest, my girls will not be able to join us for this expedition," Valmont pointed out idly. "Adagio's learning the ropes of other parts of the family business, and she wants her sisters along for...companionship." He smirked softly. "I'd never say this where she could hear," he whispered, "but I get the feeling she's grown so used to them always being there that she's actually uncomfortable doing something new without them."

Jackie smiled softly, both touched at the closeness of Valmont's girls, and relieved that he wouldn't have to keep an eye on Jade for Adagio-related craziness. "I'll see who has time to come with," Jackie replied warmly as he set his utensils aside. "It was...nice, meeting like this."

"Next time, why not just call and ask to meet somewhere?" Valmont suggested. "I imagine that would be more comfortable for both of us."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jackie agreed as he turned to go...only to pause as he glanced at the open balcony door. "...it is fun, isn't it?" he mused as he let his fur start to sprout.

"It is indeed," Valmont agreed, "and I recently reinforced the flagpoles, awnings, and fire escapes on this side."

With an increasingly feline grin, Jackie raced for the balcony.

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