• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,499 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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Let The Games Begin

Before long the plane was on its final approach to its destination, a private island and the palatial residence that resided thereupon. From above, it had every appearance of an ancient Xiaolin temple, with the only space clear of vegetation other than the landing pad being a large arena at the bottom of a winding staircase. As the plane landed, a figure was visible waiting for its arrival, surrounded by guards. His features showed Asian descent and many years of age. His hair was dark grey streaked with white, with dark eyes whose color could not be clearly distinguished. He was dressed in purple and gold robes, and his right hand was a jade prosthetic.

"Who's the Shang Tsung lookalike?" Jade asked curiously as she looked out the window.

"That would be my acquaintance, Bartholomew Chang," Valmont stated calmly as he pointlessly straightened his tie. "The man we're here to...discourage by having those who he will know won't side with him win his tournament. I would say I'd appreciate not making light of him, but that would just encourage you and to be honest I'd find the result entertaining either way."

"I'll keep her from getting someone else killed, brother," Hsi Wu promised with a smirk, laughing as Jade promptly elbowed him in the gut.

"So what sorta presentation we goin' fer?" Apple Bloom asked curiously. "Bowl him over, catch him off guard, or somethin' between?"

"None of the above, actually," Valmont pointed out calmly. "He and I know each other, and any of you who have a reputation he'll be well aware of-" He paused as Jackie groaned and Jade giggled. "What?"

"We should have brought Ruby!" Jade said teasingly to Hsi, making him chuckle as well.

Valmont blinked for a time, and his eyes briefly took on the coloration of his single eye in demon form. "Ah, yes, you all are the 'Chan Clan', aren't you? I'd overlooked that." He smiled softly. "Well, he'll know you all by reputation, to some extent, so no need to make much of anything in particular. If he knows, he'll be prepared. If he doesn't, no reason to give him forewarning."

Jade nodded as she straightened her own jacket. "Got it. No white robes for me, then, and no wings for Hsi." She paused. "Should he go by Seymour, then?"

"Magic sensing wards," Po pointed out as she indicated odd arrangements of fauna surrounding the temple like main residence. "Built into the very landscape and shaping of the plants. He'll know the magical capabilities - to some extent - of everyone who sets foot on his island, and with rare exception any magic not his own or that serves him will be greatly reduced once it is cast as a spell."

"I guess I'll have to change, then," Bai Tza pouted. "Shaping my water into my dress is a spell, and it wouldn't do for that to fail on me."

"No need to worry about that," Po pointed out. "When Santa wed you two, your powers were blended alongside your souls. You have an aspect of our new Brother's Light magic, and that's one kind that these workings can't affect." She grinned widely. "The other kind is the magic of the land itself...such as that of the Mountain beneath the waves this island sits upon."

"He probably knows that, and won't try anything obvious without a real edge," Augustus pointed out calmly. "Should I stay in the plane, or come out? He probably knows my role, and that might spook him."

"Don't be ridiculous, Augustus," Valmont commented dryly. "You're here as my guest, and that will spook him far more than your government role. Join us."

Shaking his head in confusion, Augustus filed into line behind everyone else, hoping everyone else would deaden Chang's awareness of his own presence simply from who and what they all were. Valmont led the group off the plane, and Chang smiled at his approach.

"Valmont, thank you so much for accepting my invitation to attend my humble tournament," Chang greeted warmly, bowing slightly to his criminal guest.

"It was a pleasure, I assure you," Valmont replied warmly as he returned the slight bow. "It's been quite some time since I've been able to enjoy a good show like this."

"And with so many changes in your life, I am certain an entertainment such as this is just what you need," Chang confirmed. "Married and with children, I hear?"

"You haven't met my lady wife, have you?" Valmont countered with a smile as he took Bai's hand and gently pulled her forward.

"I haven't had the pleasure," Chang confirmed, bowing over Bai's hand. "It is truly a wonder to meet the woman who so enraptured The Prince of Shadows."

"A new title of yours, love?" Bai teased as she accepted the gesture. "I must say it fits."

"Quite appropriately," Valmont murmured, thinking back to a particular meeting recently. "I hope you don't mind, Chang, but I invited some friends of mine to participate in your tournament on my behalf rather than enter my own fighters."

"Quite alright," Chang agreed warmly. "Always interesting to see what sort of fighters come from what sort of places." As he saw the others coming down from the plane, his eyes widened. "Jackie Chan, the world's most formidable...archaeologist. I am impressed, Valmont. I had heard the two of you were bitter enemies."

"A business matter, nothing more," Valmont replied easily as Jackie stepped up beside him. "Once our interests were no longer opposed, we found we had quite a bit in common...and an intriguing foe is often all the more entertaining."

Chang chuckled softly. "Business does make such odd bedfellows." He raised an eyebrow as he saw the others. "El Toro Fuerte, the greatest wrestler of Luche Libre? Such celebrity makes my poor home quake." As El Toro chuckled nervously, Chang turned to the next person...and his other eyebrow raised. "Viper! How good to see you again, and under such circumstances!"

Viper's lips twitched as she suppressed a frown. "Yeah...good to see you too," she said noncommittally.

Augustus raised an eyebrow at that interchange, but Chang had already looked to the others. "Oh, and your new Brother is here too, Valmont? I doubt any opponent here could stand against the Demon Sorcerer of Sky!"

"Oh, I'm not here to compete," Hsi Wu offered easily. "I'm here to keep the collateral damage down."

"With the whole Chan Clan here, I will probably need it," Chang joked easily. "Especially if all the adult supervision is busy competing." He brought his hands together in a clap. "But where are my manners? Come, refresh yourselves. I'm sure your journey wasn't tiring with the luxury you have at your disposal, Valmont, but do let me welcome you all into my home."

As Chang walked off, Jackie turned to Viper. "Something wrong?" he asked in a whisper.

"I did a few jobs for him when I was first starting out," Viper whispered back. "Some parts of my past...I'd hoped stayed buried."

Jackie took Viper's hand. "Don't worry. We're here together." Viper smiled back at him warmly.

As everyone followed Chang, Augustus held himself back uncertainly. There was something about all this that put his dander up, and he wasn't quite sure what...but he was going to be careful.

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