• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,497 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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Strategy Session

As Integra rubbed her brow and gathered her thoughts, Jade spoke up as she noticed something odd. "Hsi, why are you keeping yourself and the girls on the opposite side of me from the priest?" she asked in confusion.

"Because he has a reputation, and I'd rather not make a mess when he decides to 'monster hunt' the four of us," Hsi stated flatly. "You don't tend to think before you act, do you...'Judas Priest'?"

"Ah, calm down ya hellspawn," the priest snapped out irritably. "I ain't been like that since I left Iscariot and went freelance before I signed on with these Protestant heathens when freelance monster hunting got too restrictive. At least I managed to convince Maxwell not to try stealing Stonehenge again."

"How'd ya manage ta do that?" Apple Bloom asked curiously.

"Ach, that was easy," the priest explained readily. "Ah just pointed out a few pertinent facts ta him. Do ye know what percentage someone can have 'non-human' genetics in them and still look and act completely human?" When that got him only confused looks, he continued, "Anything under 25%. You know how much of a person's genetic code has ta be human to have no chance of resurgence where their kids come out non-human? All of it! Ya know how much of the human population these days is guaranteed ta have no non-human genetics?"

"Uh...I'm guessing not a lot," Jade observed thoughtfully.

"Considering what Captain Black told me about familiar relationships, I'd buy that," Jackie grumbled ruefully.

"Four!" the priest pointed out. "And no, I don't mean four percent, ah mean four people! Ah've checked, and the only people ah can guarantee have no non-human blood are three idiots that work fer the new Demon Sorcerer of Light and the big fella that used to work for him. Everybody else either has magic blood or has divine magic applied to 'em that passes on ta kids. So if Maxwell had stolen Stonehenge and it did turn out to be an anti-non-human superweapon, activatin' it mighta wiped out the entire world!"

"And...that convinced him?" Integra inquired curiously.

"Nah, what convinced him was showing him in his blood that he was one eighth Leprechaun. He was a fanatic, but no martyr." The priest chuckled darkly. "Anywho, after ah ditched Iscariot, ah broke into the secret vault and found some documents that made me reconsider me views on non-humans."

"And what were those?" Alucard asked curiously.

"The original unedited sacred words of God as recorded by the original prophets, before Paul got his hands on 'em," the priest explained easily. "Turns out God had somethin' ta say about His non-human children."

"...oh?" Integra asked curiously as everyone else exchanged confused glances.

"Aye," the priest confirmed. "If by choice or by compulsion they feast on living men, they are a blight upon the world and are to be purged without quarter. For all else that lives, loves, learns, and grows, know that ye look upon yer brothers and sisters, and welcome them with open arms." He spat irritably. "Quite a bit different from what we'd been told in Iscariot. Right pissed me off! Told the rest of me crew, and they ditched with me."

"And swelled our numbers," Integra mused, her voice a little shaken. "I'd wondered why they were so eager to fill our ranks after we lost our mercenaries."

"Uh...didn't Scamp there just eat a chunk of you, though?" Viper asked nervously.

"Engineered bio-weapon, don' really count entirely as human anymore," the priest answered readily. "Long as she don't eat anyone else while they're alive, she ain't me prey."

"And that's why you're her primary babysitter," Integra explained easily. "You keep her under control-"

Scamp once more took a bite out of the priest, this time taking his ear off...which also quickly regenerated.

"-and a safe, ready food source," Integra finished ruefully. "She does eat a lot at this stage of development." She then turned to her visitors. "I suppose introductions are in order for those of you not in the know. Father Alexander Anderson, formerly of Iscariot, I won't bore you with his titles. And Sylvia Erwin Victoria, Scamp for short. Named for a grandparent on each side." Scamp waved happily, smiling in delight as her eyes shone.

"And I am Hsien Ko," a soft voice said as someone else stepped into the office. She was a blue skinned young woman dressed in ancient Chinese garb in purple and pink with long sleeves that hung down past her hands, which she had folded under her rather impressive bustline which was partially revealed by a keyhole window in her garb. An oddly designed hat sat upon her head with a parchment scroll hanging from it. "Thank you for reuniting me with my sister," she said to Jackie and the others gratefully, bowing to them. "If there is any way I can aid you, we would be happy to do so."

"So now we're gonna go out looking for that secret society, right?" Alucard asked eagerly. "Sounds fun." His hands moved towards two guns at his hips. "Been a while since I went for a walk, and the three of us should be able to handle anything we encounter."

"There's just one problem there," Integra pointed out warningly. "All three of you have quite the reputation. If you're seen wandering around, said society is bound to know you're after them."

"So?" Alucard countered playfully. "Just means more of a challenge! Heck, maybe we could call in Seras and the Kitty-"

"You know they're on special assignment, on loan to our...allies," Integra pointed out mysteriously, tapping her ear where she had when she'd mentioned the 'ComCom's. "And if they're prepared for you-"

"Prepared for me?" Alucard demanded in disbelief. "What, do you think they've recruited that guy who can beat me? What was his-"

"No, I'm on your side this time," Hsi Wu interrupted playfully.

"Oh please, you can't stand up to me!" Alucard snapped back.

"Didn't look that way last time we fought," Hsi countered eagerly. "I'd have had you in the dirt if you hadn't been 'summoned'. Fastest I've ever seen you respond to a summons."

"Oh you are full of shit!" Alucard snapped back. "Besides, I was limited to level 2!"

Hsi suddenly shifted to his demon form. "And I've only gotten stronger, wiser, and more skilled since then," he growled out. "Are you sure you want to test me now?"

"Anywhere, anytime big boy," Alucard growled eagerly as his hands gripped his guns.

"Don't think yer leavin' me out of this rumble!" Anderson snapped out as he pulled two bayonets out of his sleeves.

"Boys!" Jade snapped out angrily, her voice carrying odd overtones. "Enough! Sit down and be quiet!"

To everyone's surprise, all three immediately took their seats.

Integra blinked in surprise, then turned to Jade. "You must teach me how to do that."

"I'm not even sure how I did it," Jade admitted ruefully, rubbing her throat in shock.

"It was a Chosen One thing," Hsien Ko explained softly.

Integra sighed ruefully. "Well, the point is we need to find the Society without them knowing we're looking for them," she explained tiredly. "So unless you all can do discreet and subtle-"

A whirlwind briefly surrounded Hsien Ko, and when it passed she looked completely human and dressed in modern garb...though she seemed to unnaturally draw eyes. "I...took a correspondence course in succubus magic from Morrigan Aenseland," she explained awkwardly. "Mei Ling didn't approve...and it's what we fought about."

"I just don't like the idea of us behaving like she does!" Mei Ling insisted from Hsien Ko's brow. "You saw those 'advanced lessons'..."

"I only looked at those out of morbid curiosity!" Hsien Ko insisted defensively. "I was cross-classing, not changing class!"

"Ah did not know ye could do that as a Darkstalker," Anderson mused in surprise.

"Well, as long as you can be discreet," Integra allowed. "Figure out what you're all going to do and tell me when you have a plan. Walter, guide them to the meeting room for their discussion."

"Yes, mum," Walter agreed readily, turning to guide the group.

"Sweetie Belle, was it?" Integra called out as the group left. "Could you wait a bit please?"

"Uh, yes?" Sweetie asked as the door closed behind the group, leaving only her behind.

Integra stepped out from behind her desk to walk over to Sweetie's side. Before Sweetie could react, Integra knelt down and pulled her into a gentle embrace, caressing her mane with one hand. Sweetie blinked in surprise, but quickly relaxed. After a few minutes, Integra released her. "Thanks," she offered warmly. "I...needed that."

"No problem!" Sweetie offered happily. In the embrace, she'd felt the pain Integra held inside her at all times, and was glad she could in some small way make that easier.

"Don't tell anyone I did that," Integra pointed out dryly as she sat back behind her desk. Giggling, Sweetie raced off after everyone else as Integra reached for her cigarette.

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