• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 29,920 Views, 2,809 Comments

Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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34.2 Going Out

Metroid Equis

Chapter 34.2

Going Out

[Twilight’s Library | ~14 Hours Later]

Samus’s eyes unwillingly began to open and a soft groan escaped from her lips. Shrouded completely in the covers of her bed, face buried between the two pillows. The first thing she noticed was that all of her muscles ached like hell and had every qualm with moving from her current position. Still, she managed to roll over onto her back, not remembering having discarded her Zero Suit before she slept, apparently having slept in a set of plain cyan, loose-fitting pajamas that Rarity had gifted her before the ceremony.

She didn’t even remember putting those on.

Arms splayed in opposite directions, Samus stared at the ceiling, her hair also spread around her head and the hem of her sleeping shirt riding up her midriff. Wiping away some of the crust from her eyes, Samus came to terms with an early-morning realization:

I don’t have anything to do…

Indeed, there was nothing to combat. The Federation had not given her any new assignments and the fact that her ship had been totaled (and she ordered a replacement, currently being built) meant that she could not even leave the planet freely either… though a good part of her knew that she did not want to anyway. Cleanup processes have undoubtedly gotten underway with coordination between the Federation and the Equestrians, further corroborating that Samus was in friendly, lively territory with nothing having to weigh in on her mind. Finally deciding to accept that as such, she wondered if she should go back to sleep.

This bed is way too comfortable…


Samus, with some effort, sat up and swung her legs over the side of her bed, stretching and yawning like it was some cheesy movie. Running both of her hands back through her hair once, she turned to the clock to find it was about one in the afternoon. Realizing that, again, she was not pressed for time with anything, she had to figure out what she was going to do with herself for the day.

What’s Twilight up to?

Before she could act on her thoughts, Samus spied a large scroll attached to her side of the bedroom door. Standing up stiffly and continuing to stretch as she walked, she grasped the obvious note in her hands, one which apparently was quickly scribbled. The contents were fairly detailed, though:


Wasn’t going to wake you up this early (9:30) but just wanted to let you know that I needed to head back to Canterlot for the day with Spike to sort out some administration with the Diarchy and the Galactic Federation. You weren’t required to attend. A couple of things though:

-Your clothes, gifted and received from before, are cleaned and ready for you should you wish to use them.

-There’s plenty of food in the refrigerator and cabinets. Help yourself to anything you might find appealing. If nothing suits your fancy, Sugarcube Corner and other places around Ponyville are fantastic places to eat.

-You’re absolutely more than welcome to hang around the library. Please, make yourself at home in any way you desire. If you venture out, the rest of the girls may be available if you want company. Otherwise, feel free to explore Ponyville. It’s probably nothing like your adventures through space and the galaxy, but you may find something that piques your interest.

-You already have mail; a heavy package. The box is ornate, and I’m pretty sure it’s from the Princesses.

That’s all. See you later this evening.


Samus pursed her lips briefly before folding the note, placing it on the nightstand.

There goes that plan... It was thoughtful of her to let me know, though.

She quickly shed her sleep clothes and tossed them on the bed, opting for a satisfying shower before dressing in her Zero Suit. Samus then finished by running her hands through her hair in front of the mirror and tying her hair up into her ponytail, letting the two usual locks frame her face. Satisfied, she exited the bathroom and back into her room, checking her wrist console for any notifications, finding one message that was of high importance:

[From: Galactic Federation Treasury-98F43-2]

[To: Samus A.]

[RE: Funds Deposited]

[Greetings Samus A.,

Congratulations upon successful completion of your mission. As per the assignment contract and you having met all primary and secondary conditions, we would like to inform you that your fee has posted and has been credited to your account, effective and useable immediately:

Base Fee (Cr): 5,750,000

Bonus Fee (Cr): 7,396,400

Total Amount Credited (Cr): 13,146,400

M.E. Robinson
Director GFT-98F43-2]

Samus smiled softly, closing the message and checking her account, finding that the funds were indeed deposited. She nodded to herself in approval.

Nice. Too bad it can’t buy a damn thing here yet.

Implying it's not gonna all go to rearming my new ship.

Samus moved to her door but stopped suddenly as her hip felt a little light. Searching around, she found her pistol on her nightstand… which she knew was a terrible place for it in hindsight and mentally berated herself for ever, even in a dead-tired state, placing a weapon out in the open. Scolding herself for her irresponsibility, she holstered her handgun and exited out of her room, closing the door behind her.

Now for the next thing to occupy herself with. Samus recalled Twilight stating that she had mail in her name.

“Now where would that… aha!” She spoke to herself quietly, finding a stack of letters by the door along with the aforementioned, quite massive box that indeed had a very ‘royal’ scheme to it. None of the actual letters were for her but there was one envelope attached to the top of the metal and wooden chest which was adorned with the Royal Seal. Flicking her finger under the lip, she opened the envelope to reveal yet another message. This time, it was beautifully written in the most gorgeous handwriting Samus had ever seen:


No amount of physical compensation could ever repay you for your service to our country and planet, which is why we offered you what we did during the Ceremony. I and certainly Luna were beyond pleased that you accepted our gifts, but I do recall you doing a job for me in the beginnings of our investigation into the Phazon incident. I gave you a small sample to show that I meant business, and promised a bonus as well.

Enclosed is a sizeable portion of the rest. Ten thousand bits are enclosed within this chest in the form of one, five, ten, twenty, fifty, and one hundred-bit coins. I took the liberty of opening a special savings account in your name with the central banking institution of Equestria. If you wished to see for yourself, Ponyville’s bank will have you on record for ninety thousand bits for a grand total of one hundred thousand bits. With that total is an extra bonus for your work, troubles, and patience.

I certainly hope this will cover any of your needs here for a long time. As well, please do not hesitate to contact me nor Luna should you require anything at all.

Thank you so much, Samus.


Samus was stunned; she had completely forgotten about the promised payment for her little 'side job' for Celestia, though it ended up being directly relevant to the whole incident. That's when she was reminded that she did not even spend any of that stipend she was given those couple of weeks ago. Bounding back to her room and searching under her bed, she found the bag which, upon counting, contained five hundred bits in ten and twenty bit coins. Samus brought the small sack out and decided to open the chest… she had never seen so much gold in her life.

Holy fuck…

All the bits were organized in stacks by their respective values, lowest in the front, highest in the back. Samus reached in and, not caring much for organization, took a handful of the Equestrian currency and let it drop back into the chest. It was most certainly authentic. This certainly solved her problems for the immediate future, and perhaps she would stimulate the local economy in deciding to explore Ponyville.

Samus emptied the older sack of bits into the chest and, with some great struggling due to the sheer weight of it all, slid it into her room. There, she opted to take one hundred bits with her in the form of three twenties, two tens, three fives, and five ones. She tied the sack to her belt on her left hip. Satisfied once more, she decided to head off into Ponyville, opening the front door and closing it behind her.

The warm Equestrian air grazed Samus's face comfortably as she took a breath of fresh air. Upon exhaling, her usual stoic face remained, looking around aimlessly as she decided what to do with her now seemingly limitless time. A few ponies passing by gave her startled looks at first, but quickly waved to her with a smile upon realizing who she was. She returned the friendly gestures with gentle nods and smiles. Her stomach growled and it felt like it slightly twisted on itself.

Oh yeah, I should probably eat something.

Indeed, she had not eaten for about eighteen hours in total, so she was naturally quite famished. Thus, Samus made her first objective to get something to eat. Her wrist console chimed.

[Primary Objective: Obtain Nourishment.]

Samus cocked her head to the left, right eyebrow raised in confusion.

What the…?

Her suit proceeded to display her location, as well as the location of several different places where she could ‘obtain nourishment.’ Her systems behaving almost comically was not okay with her, though. Samus keyed a specific sequence of buttons on the console.

[System Reboot Initiated.]

Once everything appeared as normal as it could be, she took off in the direction of Town Center. The ponies heading in the same direction paid her little mind beyond simple greetings, which was fine by her. Samus also took note of the diversity of the ponies, that there was no concentration of unicorns, for example, in a particular area, while griffons and other minority species intermingled nicely. None seemed to have any problem with each other, which would afford her more ability to move about freely, within reason.

Samus wasn’t in a hurry, and as such she could stroll at her own pace and admire the scenery around her. She had been given the grand tour of Ponyville before when she first arrived, but seeing it in a different light other than impending combat was something else. The architecture was homely looking, and the lushness of the park was quite inviting. She admitted that this place did have some appeal to it, and when she satiated her stomach she vowed to explore a bit more.

Wading through crowds of ponies gingerly was another task on its own due to her traversing through the market section of town. Fortunately, she ended up seeing a rather familiar, Gingerbread-esque establishment.

Remembering that that was where Pinkie Pie worked and lived, Samus figured that there was no harm in dropping by and seeing what was on the menu. Hell, she could even say hi if the over-excitable mare was working today, and there was little reason she should not have been.

“Thank you,” Samus said as an outgoing pony held the door open for her, the Hunter immediately being smacked in the face by the sheer amount of sugar in the air. She could almost taste the sweetness in the air, and it felt like it had some sort of viscosity and thickness to it. She’d definitely have to assimilate to that.

Sure enough, Pinkie was working the counter serving a small line of ponies who were eating in and taking out. Pinkie looked up momentarily, locked eyes with Samus, and immediately beamed, somehow able to stretch her smile past the width of her face. She waved at the Hunter but quickly went back to serving the pegasus mare in front of her. Samus decided to get in line, though it was a bit odd, considering she was the tallest one by an average of two feet.

Samus let her mind wander slightly as she checked out the interior design of the place, finding it much too bright and ‘in your face’ for her tastes. Eventually she came face-to-face with Pinkie, who looked like she was gonna explode from excitement.

“SAMUS HOW ARE YOU!!?” Pinkie screeched excitedly, Samus recoiling slightly from the assault on her ears.

“I’m… fine, Pinkie. Thanks,” Samus coolly replied, recovering from the sudden bout of pure energy. She decided to tousle Pinkie's mane in greeting her, the latter giggling.

“Hungry?!” the mare asked hopefully, jumping at the chance to inundate the human with her hoof-made confectionary or any other food she might want.

“Starving, really. What’s good here?” Samus asked, leaning on her forearms against the counter.

“Only absolutely EVERYTHING!” Pinkie exclaimed, her expression and smile never wavering one bit, and truth be told Samus really did not know how she pulled that off. She rolled her eyes playfully at the less than helpful, though friendly response.

“Everything does look good…” she commented, humoring the mare. Thankfully no one was in line behind her so she could take her time. Pinkie knew it was her calling to feed this woman, so she took on a pensive complexion, taping her hoof to her chin.

“Oh OH I KNOW! Do you like bread??”

“Depends on the type,” Samus replied.

“Well your favorite is sourdough bread and we make it great here!” Pinkie remarked with another excited smile. Samus blinked a few times at what she just said.

“I… I never told any of you about my preference in bread. How could you have possibly known that?” she asked, completely dumbfounded.

“Well duh! The Chozo raised you on bread that was similar to sourdough since you were a filly, so…”

Samus’s eye twitched and she struggled to find any words that would come out of her mouth in a coherent manner.

“Wha-How… know what? I don’t even wanna know. Yes, I’ll take a couple of slices,” Samus relented, not wishing to get a headache from the mere act of ordering food from a friend. She was quickly learning that Pinkie was... something else.

‘Friend...’ Yeah, friend.

“Okie Dokie! Butter?”

“Of course,” Samus affirmed. She then looked into one of the display trays behind some glass and found what looked like a stack of standard, frosted donuts with some sort of sprinkles on them... though the sprinkles completely covered the pastry. They held her interest for long enough where she thought she would ask about them:

“Those donuts?” Samus asked to confirm.

“Yup! But they’re special kinds! I made them earlier today!”

“What makes ‘em so special?” Samus again questioned.

“Instead of being raised donuts, they’re extra-large cake donuts, but inside there’s also chocolate cake, frosted on the top with chocolate. Even more special, they have chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry cream fillings at the center… all of that covered with tiny little pieces of strawberry rock candy!” Pinkie explained excitedly, her own mouth was even watering as she emphasized every complement in flavor. Samus held her usual, stoic expression.

“That sounds utterly diabetic-coma inducing…

“I’ll take two.”

"That... was wrong," Samus spoke out loud to herself, vegging out comfortably under a tree in Ponyville Park. The remains of her lunch were packed neatly beside her, but there were some residual crumbs and grease marks on the fingers of her Zero Suit. She tiredly wiped away the remains of her desert from her lips, her entire meal consisting of bread, a large milkshake, and those two massive donuts. She wiped her hands with the remaining napkins and set them aside.

"...but so right..." she admitted, having enjoyed the junk food binge entirely. Her stomach was satisfied, that was for certain, but Samus knew that she would have to eat real food later. Regardless, she knew she earned it. After all, it was not often that she got to pig out on sweets. One such side-effect of all those carbs, though, was her becoming somewhat tired again.

Maybe a nap in the park is in order...

Samus slid down the tree and folded her arms behind her head, laying down comfortably. Before she could rest her eyes, though, a small gust of wind fluttered her hair a bit and a mass set itself down next to her. Peeking one eye open, she found Rainbow Dash making herself comfortable.

"Taking one of my napping spots I see..." Rainbow jokingly accused. Samus yawned and stretched, still debating whether she was comfortably or uncomfortably full. She did not feel like responding in any way so she merely shrugged indifferently. Rainbow focused her sights on the remains of the meal.

"You ate Pinkie's special donuts, didn't you?" Rainbow asked knowingly. Samus opened both of her eyes and turned her head to face the cyan pegasus.

"What's it to you?"

"They're so good huh?! They also make me wanna nap the day away like you're about to," Rainbow pointed out, giggling and ruffling her wings just a bit. Samus could not help but smile and huff humorously.

"Mind if I join you?" Rainbow asked while laying down next to the Hunter with a comfortable space between them, not even bothering to let Samus accept or reject her offer.

"I guess not," Samus replied semi-sarcastically, taking a deep breath and exhaling with a comfortable sigh, settling into the grass just a bit more. Rainbow wasted no time in laying her head down on her forelegs. There the two dozed off into a nice nap, the warm breeze wafting over their shaded forms. One last thought ran through Samus's mind before she drifted off entirely:

I could get used to this...

Author's Note:


Also, for those who didn't read my blog post last night, this scene was revised with a narrower parameter.

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