• Published 4th Apr 2013
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Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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16. Reunion

Metroid Equis

Chapter 16


Intense Boss Theme Insert

Samus’s senses were working on overdrive as she stared her archenemy in the face. Fancying a quick gaze towards Luna’s direction, she found a gaping dent twenty feet above where the alicorn fell unconscious. Ridley had clotheslined her flying at full speed and if she were an average human or pony sans advanced armor, Samus was sure Luna would be dead right now. All in all, however, Samus wasn’t worried about Luna’s well-being. She’d come to eventually. Ridley wasn’t likely to turn his attention to the alicorn, especially with his archenemy standing right in front of him.

It was interesting, though. Samus had fought Ridley twice before this point and had encountered him physically even more than that. She was not afraid to stand in his vision and fight, potentially to the death. Still, from what she had seen as a young girl, there was always a voice in the back of her head that she learned to suppress since her incident on Zebes:

Run… RUN!

He’s gonna slaughter you just like your family! You better run, you idiot!

Of course, it could say whatever it wanted but it was still promptly ignored and it didn’t change the stoic expression she wore under her violet visor… it was actually a bit more complicated than that. The right part of her lips curled down slightly as a result of some blood-lust coming through. Nevertheless, even though her adrenaline was fueled to the max, her breathing was controlled and her thoughts were perfectly clear.

Ridley growled once more before angling his head up and unleashing a mighty roar that not only shook the structure to the very core, but obliterated any glass and fragile equipment. Samus took this time to step back a bit and generate some distance between the two of them. Then, Ridley let out a shrill growl as he reared his head and upper body back… an action Samus knew very well where it lead. Immediately, Samus dashed to the side and rolled on the ground with the aid of her Space Jump boosters as Ridley charged forward, his jaws having been a second too late.

The harsh roll had Samus on her knee and she quickly recovered. She drew her cannon and fired a single missile, which struck Ridley’s cheek armor and forced him to recoil a tad on impact. Unlike previous experiences, Ridley didn’t expose his chest and instead shot his arm straight out and attempted to grab the Hunter. She somersaulted horizontally over his arm while unleashing a Night Beam torrent to little avail. Ridley reared back and countered with a Plasma Bombardment from his mouth.

“AHuuHH!” Samus cried out briefly as the bombs shot out like canister shot and engulfed her shielding in the tremendous heat before she was able to get out. The shielding held up thankfully and she got her mind back into the battle.

Ridley gave out another screech and took flight, circling within the large structure as Samus never released the lock-on. She charged a Power Beam round and held it for safe keeping, ready to send a Super Missile off at milliseconds notice.

“Come on you bastard…” she mouthed to herself as she watched her adversary take no particular pattern in his flight. She stole another glance and found the Lunar Alicorn still safely unconscious. This fight was, for some reason, energizing her confidence beyond normal means. Most likely another side effect of magic.

Ridley halted his flight right above the large projection of Planet Equis and spread his wings harshly. As he did that, six missiles erupted from launchers on his back one after the other and homed in straight for the Hunter. Samus released the charge round, destroying the first missile, obliterated the second and third with standard Power Beam rounds, magically generated a small shield which absorbed the impacts of the fourth and fifth before promptly shattering, and easily dodged the last with a hard dash to the right.

Samus found that Ridley’s launchers had to vent themselves so she took the opportunity that presented itself to deliver a quick strike with a Super Missile, which found its mark in Ridley’s abdomen as he attempted a last second dodge. The blast sent the dragon careening into some consoles on the ground and into the wall, though he recovered instantly with a glare that could kill entire worlds.

“You’ll pay for that you little brat…” He muttered to himself, though Samus’s translators couldn’t catch the words. He lunged forward with impressive speed with the aid of his wings and with a mighty dragon’s roar. Samus could do very little as he covered distance so quickly and caught her in his grasp. Right before Ridley impacted Samus into the wall, she fired a charged Night Beam round straight at his eye which forced him to recoil, slowing his acceleration, although Samus felt her back hit the metal wall harshly and saw stars for a few moments as a result.

Ridley lunged his neck forward and attempted to ensnare the Hunter, still in his grip, with his cybernetic jaws. She fired another charged round down his gullet just in time, forcing an agonized cry out of him. Ridley countered by pressing Samus into the wall and dragging her harshly as he flew. Samus’s shielding held but was slowly beginning to start whittling away at the constant abuse.

“GGAAHH!” Samus yelled in strain as she charged her Power Beam and aimed a Super Missile straight as Ridley’s hand. The blast forced his grip to open immediately yet the collateral damage sent Samus flying in the opposite direction. She hit the ground hard but after a few moments, regained her senses and flipped back up on her feet, arm cannon aimed right back at the dragon.

Ridley’s armor on his hand had cracked significantly yet he was undeterred. He rushed back at Samus in a similar manner, but as he looked like he was going to grab her, Samus was blindsided when Ridley altered his course and slammed the end of his tail straight into her. The strike swept her off her feet as she face-planted into the ground. She rolled to the side just in time, avoiding a death-dealing fist smashing into the ground on her previous position. Samus peppered Ridley’s face with Night Beam rounds, several of them hitting their marks in his eyes and forcing him to take flight once more… although not without dropping several Plasma Bombs, to which Samus shielded herself from magically.

Ridley fired a missile back at her, to which she tracked but its trajectory landed behind her, attempting to draw her attention. It failed, yet Ridley pressed on with his attack, flying low straight at her while his tail-head pounded into the ground with his ever-famous jackhammer attack. The small-grade seismic activity it created caused some disorientation with Samus’s footing, though she stood strong and waited for her opportunity. She aimed and right before she would have been impaled from the top, she fired another Super Missile, its trajectory taking it perfectly into Ridley’s chest even though he did his best to protect with his hands. He roared agonizingly as he hit the ground right in front of Samus, though not without the gift of his tail smashing into her with a hard swipe.

The thicker portion of Ridley’s tail collided with Samus’s full figure and slammed her into the wall, leaving a noticeable indentation. Ridley regained his bearings as he moved his appendage, releasing Samus as she fell to her knees from pain and disorientation. He pressed his attack and grasped her hard with his left hand before chucking her into the ground where Samus also noticeably bounced. Ridley had to clutch his chest with his right hand as pain was starting to form once more from Samus’s strike, yet he advanced forward.

Samus held herself up with her left hand and coughed. Her suit’s shielding was holding up though there was easily noticeable damage to the superstructure, one of the more notable signs being a crack on her chest plate.

“I’ll make sure there’s no body to bury…” Ridley muttered out in a pained manner before he charged a powerful beam in his mouth, ready to finish off his stunned/wounded prey. Samus immediately collapsed her arm and rolled on her back, sending a Super Missile straight into his gullet, and prematurely exploding his own plasma attack. The blast in his mouth sent him flying backwards and hitting the ground hard, and it was only by advanced cybernetics that the strike didn’t kill him instantly.

“F… Feels good huh?!” Samus screamed out as she got up, her anger and vigor shining anew. As Ridley was still reeling, Samus did a quick suit diagnostic:

[Suit Integrity: Seventy-one percent.]

[Shield Generator: Intact]

[Defensive Shielding: Moderately Depleted. Energy Tank recharge highly recommended.]

[Missile Ammunition: Sixty-four percent capacity.]

[All Systems Fully Operational.]

Samus dismissed the notifications and entered her battle stance once more, coinciding with Ridley’s recovery. It was clear that Ridley had grown stronger since she last saw him… which really wasn’t all that long ago. At this rate, there was a decent probability that he could wear her down and she’d succumb to him in this little game of attack-and-defend. Thus, she felt that she needed to go on the offensive.

Samus began sprinting towards her archenemy until her Speed Booster activated. She altered her trajectory several times in order to easily avoid the hailstorm of projectiles Ridley was sending her way.

“Come on… come on…”

Like she expected, Ridley took flight to avoid being hit by the speeding Hunter (which honestly would have done some serious damage to both of them). Samus initiated her Shinespark technique and shot herself straight at Ridley’s flying form. Ridley rolled over mid-flight and attempted to swat the ‘Shinepark-ing’ Samus out of the sky but she deactivated it, his hand overshooting her form. She let herself freefall for half a second before she shot her grapple beam while simultaneously charging her Night Beam; her now Sticky Grapple attaching to Ridley’s chest. Ridley was taken off guard, midair, while Samus retracted her beam and brought the two of them closer. She released the magically charged round straight into his weaker chest armor, magically weakening it temporarily, and ending with Samus extending her leg and slamming her heel into his chest, cracking the armor and forcing both of them to slam into the wall, as Ridley was still in the process of flight when this all went down in a matter of seconds.

The impact against the wall was too much and they went straight through it, Samus continuing to hitch a ride on Ridley’s chest and firing away with her Night Beam while the latter attempted to remove her. They flew several hundred feet out of the Command Center and into the uninhabited forest where they crash-landed, Samus being violently thrown off of her adversary as they tumbled and rolled. Cries, screams, screeches and roars could be heard simultaneously as inertia and obstacles brought their violent landing to a halt.

Samus had tumbled and struck the side of an enormous tree nice and hard, while Ridley had fallen on his head when he lost control. Both belligerents were stunned and lightly writhing on the ground. The rain pelted both parties as they slowly came to their bearings and righted themselves, both enduring bruising pain.

Samus was still catching her breath as she stood up strong (though it took some internal coaxing). Ridley was finally able to hoist himself up on all fours. The two then caught glances of each other in their weakened states. Both had conceded: this encounter between them had been short, yet incredibly destructive. Samus would readily admit that few of her adversaries had the ability to wear her thin like Ridley. The latter craned his neck to her and growled before speaking, Samus’s translators doing the work:

“You’ll… join your parents soon enough, Aran.”

“Just… die already…” Samus responded through her residual pain, raising her cannon and preparing for the inevitable attack. In all honesty, Samus wasn’t entirely sure how much either of them could take in terms of beatings. Nevertheless, she readied a Super Missile and was prepared for anything.

If she fell here, she would fall fighting.

Before either belligerent could strike, eight teleportation spells went off around Samus, revealing black-clad unicorn troops plus the Lunar Princess who quickly took positions in front of Samus, horns charged to great luminosity aimed straight at Ridley. The latter, equally surprised as Samus by the events that just unfolded, stared down the threatening unicorn troops, who had the term Magickakorps emblazoned on their black armor and uniforms.

Ironically, Samus knew Ridley relatively well. In her own weakened and exhausted state, it wasn’t like she could resist in any way to… whatever was transpiring, and the same thing went for Ridley. She suspected in his state, he wouldn’t fight any further, especially since he most likely knew from reports the dangers of weaponized magic.

This fight was over.

Ridley shifted his glare to the Hunter, who had removed her cannon from an aimed state and left it passive. The unicorn troops kept their horns charged, Luna standing next to Samus, ready to attack at moments notice, and Samus half expected them to attack the wounded Pirate-commander… though the fact that they didn’t when they immediately teleported in led her to believe that they weren’t under orders to engage the Pirates.

“We adjourn… for now,” Ridley begrudgingly conceded. In his state, he knew well that he wouldn’t be able to fight back effectively against several magical entities. He let out a mighty roar towards the Hunter and the interfering unicorns before taking flight, heading straight for his capital ship.

Another battle where both archenemies survived. Samus needed a moment to just… rest, so she took a seat on the forest ground.

“Soldiers, ensure our immediate area is secured,” Luna softly ordered, to which they all nodded and went about their task.

“Samus, do you require medical attention?” Luna asked, unequipping her helm. Samus looked to her through her own visor and shook her head. However, one thing was already bothering her:

“Why didn’t you attack him?”

Luna turned around to face her with a stoic expression on her face, ethereal mane further framing her power.

“While I could give a whole reasoning about 'honor amongst mortal enemies' and 'not being my place to destroy him,' simply put, we... I need you alive. While my soldiers and I could have most probably dealt with this 'Ridley,' there was a high risk he would attempt to attack you in your currently weakened state, and if he managed, however improbable you may consider the possibility, to kill you before we could finish our offensive, everything would be null. I sense your adversary is very powerful, and I was not willing to take that chance by going on the offensive. ”

Samus just stared at her, processing what she said. Luna continued, deciding to answer any questions before they were asked:

“Before I was banished I had a large control over things military. Of course when I turned, it wasn’t so nice for Celestia having half an army willing to follow me to their deaths. When I returned, I was explicitly forbidden to raise a well trained force without her knowledge, yet she would never understand. She felt the Guards Force, on top of a small peacekeeping army and air wing would be sufficient, and that we could rely on the Elements of Harmony for protection against whatever threatened our nation and planet.”

Samus continued to listen as the rain ran down her armor.

“Without her knowledge, I had been training for several years a force of magic adepts. Recruitment was secretive, and those in the Guard who showed promise were offered opportunity but had their memories magically ‘forget’ any mention should they have refused. So, I oversaw the build-up of my Magickakorps, a two thousand five hundred pony-strong force that could be called upon in times of extraordinary crisis should the Elements have proved ineffective.”

“How did they find us?” Samus asked.

“When I got word of the invasion, I immediately ordered the execution of a top secret protocol, which gave the Magickakorps complete knowledge of my whereabouts and my state of mind at critical points. Should I have fallen unconscious or had critical lifesigns, they would know where to find me, and so they did. After they helped me regain consciousness, which was apparently right after you took your fight outside, we set out to look for you, and a little bit of magical prodding yielded your whereabouts.”

Luna then placed her hoof on Samus’s pauldron as the latter kept her seat.

“Call your ship, repair your armorsuit, and return to Ponyville to brief with Celestia. She awaits your return as she coordinates evacuation efforts. Canterlot needs me right now. Gather what rest you can, for the day is not over and we shall need you in the fight.”

Samus nodded quietly and Luna took that as her time to leave. She called her troops back and they all teleported out of sight.

Samus was alone once more. As the rain quietly pattered on her armor , she stood up, released a pent up scream of frustration, and struck the nearest tree with her fist, cracking the bark and the wood under it.

She panted a bit while she unequipped her suit, letting the rain cool her off as it matted her hair to her skin. She called her ship via her arm-console and took her seat back on the ground as she awaited her carriage, a bunch of thoughts running through her head as she placed her forehead on her curled-up knees.

And as she waited, she did what she did best when she wasn’t in battle…


Edited by Tatsurou

Author's Note:

Edited 09/04/2014

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